astronomically-doomed 16 days
So it turns out I have 3 weeks to finish my uni applications (I havent even started yet) so all updates and uploads of fanfiction are going to have to wait a little bit longer (probably at least 3 week )
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astronomically-doomed 25 days
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Im.. Soft聽馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ
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astronomically-doomed 25 days
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Im.. Soft聽馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ
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astronomically-doomed 1 month
" Bring back the OG marauders."
Sure, go ahead. If you want to make them all cis-het white British characters again, feel free to do so. Nobody is forcing you to read fics with more diversity. The fun thing about fanon and headcannons is that you can think whatever you want and nobody can stop you. However if the diversity bothers you enough that you have to send us death threats, that says more about you than it does about us.
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astronomically-doomed 1 month
"The babygirlification of death eater characters is problematic."
We're writing fanfiction about dead wizards from a world that doesn't exist, it's really not that serious. Besides, in most of the fics where this happens, they're not racist??? the whole point of fanfiction is that we change Canon to fit our own made up stories. Nobody is glorifying fascism or racism, please stop fighting invisible enemies, its getting embarrassing. If you want more stories about the 4 marauders doing marauders shenanigans like ATYD or whatever, write them, meanwhile I'll be enjoying my Regulus centric Jegulus fanfictions over here, because that is what I enjoy and there's nothing wrong with that.
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astronomically-doomed 1 month
"Regulus was a fascist/racist/bloodsupremacist."
I'm not going to say that he wasn't, because I don't know. He's a fictional dead character so we will never truly know. However, I have to point out that Regulus offered himself up to drink the poison and die in that cave rather than letting Kreacher do it. Blood supremacists believe themselves to be more valuable than any living thing, but Regulus preserved Kreachers life and not his own. People like Lucius Malfoy, a confirmed blood supremacist would have left the houseful to die, but Regulus didn't. Furthermore, Regulus was 18 and all he had ever known was his family's ideology. He was raised by his parents in this ideology and then spent his time in Slytherin which at the time was filled with blood supremacists and future death eaters. If we say for a moment that he was racist, as bad as it is, its not really his fault because he was a child and didn't know any better. Does that make any racist actions okay? of course not. But some of you are forgetting that he was a child. In real life, most people dont break away from bigoted beliefs taught by their parents until they are taught better, and Regulus probably never was. Stop holding child characters to the same standard as adult characters If you can do it for Peter and Snape and even James then you can do it for Regulus.
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astronomically-doomed 1 month
"Regulus didn't really have a redemption arc, he did it for selfish reasons/his own pride."
Whatever the behind his decision, Regulua sacrificed himself to destroy Voldemort. That is the opposite of selfish. Realistically, what did he gain? Nothing, because he died, so how could it be selfish. We don't know why he did it, but in the end it doesn't really matter because the end result was the same: he sacrificed himself to take down Voldemort.
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astronomically-doomed 1 month
"Regulus only changed because Voldemort hurt Kreacher whom he saw as his property."
Based on the information that we do have from Canon, this cannot be true. we know from Kreachers stories that Regulus was always nicer to him than most people, which means that he probably saw Kreacher as more than an object, maybe even a friend if he was willing to die instead of him. Either way, Regulus didn't just decide to go against everything he'd ever known just because his houself had gotten injured. This was probably the breaking point that led to his decision.
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astronomically-doomed 1 month
"Regulus wasn't abused. He was a golden child and Sirius was the scapegoat. His parents loved him "
Obviously, there isn't any evidence of physical abuse against either Sirius or Regulus in the books. However, something caused Sirius to run away and it surely wasn't that his parents didn't give him pocket money. The psychological or emotional abuse must have been bad enough that Sirus decided to run. Anyone who has abt experience with toxic or abusive parents will know that every child reacts to it differently but at the end of the day, regardless of whether you follow the rules or you act out, their toxic or abusive behaviour is going to affect you. Parents dont become abusive because you break rules. Suggesting that Regulus with his "golden child status " was exempt from the abuse is just ridiculous and quite frankly harmful to people who find themselves in such homes.
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astronomically-doomed 1 month
"Regulus' parents didn't force him to become a death eaters. They didn't join Voldemort."
Walburga and Orion were always blood supremacists and agreed with Voldemort. They raised their children with these beliefs. We dont know if Regulus joined willingly or they pressured him into it, but he was 16 when he joined. He was a child and it was their responsibility and their fault either way.
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astronomically-doomed 1 month
"You can't like Regulus but hate Snape, because they were both death eaters."
Incorrect, because I don't dislike Snape for joining the Death Eaters or even for the way he treated Lily when he was a child. I dislike him because of the way he treated children as an adult and a teacher. His blatant bullying of Neville and Hermione is why I donr like him. If I read a fic where he becomes less of a shitty person, I do find myself liking his character, but in terms of Canon, disliking Snape isn't outrageous.
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astronomically-doomed 1 month
"Peter is being replaced by Regulus as a marauder."
No he's not, be so for real right now. In the majority of fics Regulus is left out/ignored by the marauders unless he and Sirius have a good relationship. And when they have a good relationship it makes sense for Regulus to be around his brother and the rest of the marauders, especially when Jegulus is happening. Peter being forgotten isn't a new thing, that has been an issue for years, so stop blaming it on the rise in Regulus popularity.
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astronomically-doomed 1 month
"Jegulus is being forced down our throats"
No it's not, block the tags of you dont like them it's not that hard. Yes, tagging incorrectly is a problem that needs to be solved, but if you're gonna be in the main 'Marauders' tag, you should expect to see any and all ships. Stop complaining, please. I'd you think something has the wrong tag on it, ask the person NICELY to remove it.
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astronomically-doomed 1 month
"Lily is treated as a surrogate and Regulus is being made the parent of her child."
I've read maybe 3 fics where Lily was a surrogate and only a few where she wasn't involved in Harry's life (usually because she was dead). Most of us aren't taking away her role in his life. Co-parenting is a more popular story where James and Lily have harry but date other people. That doesn't take away from Lily's role as a mother at all. Once again, she's not focused on in these stories because they are not about her, they are about James and Regulus. If you want more stories with Lily raising Harry without James, write them.
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astronomically-doomed 1 month
"Jegulus is misogynistic because Lily is sidelined in the story as a result of the ship."
I dont think that's misogyny because if it's a JEGULUS story, and she isn't the main character, why would her story be prioritised. Once again, if you want to see more Lily content or any female character, why dont you start by making some yourself. Personally, if I want a specific fanfic but I can't find one like it, I WRITE IT MYSELF. Complaining without doing anything to make a change is just annoying and unhelpful.
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astronomically-doomed 1 month
"Saying Regulus is a more interesting character than Lily is misogyny"
First of all, I agree that there is a disproportion of content for male and female characters and that's a problem. However, preferring Regulus' character over Lily's and finding it more interesting isn't misogyny, but Personal opinion. Sure, some people might have this opinion because of misogyny but the majority don't.
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astronomically-doomed 1 month
The anti jeguls and anti regulus people calling everyone fascists are starting to get on my nerves. Especially because they're flooding the jegulus tag while complaining about us flooding the other tags. Hypocrisy at its finest.
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