ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 58 :: there’s spots still to be marked! I used my crutches today at work to “save” my hip for standing for 2+ hours at a concert tonight…soooo worth it!
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ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 57 :: it was (still) a wintery wonderland out there!
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ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 56 :: inside, it says ” I love every part of you.” ♥♥♥
I’ve had this card for a while… and I’m pretty sure I was wanting to be in love with someone special when I bought it. Today, I gave it (unused) to my thiefster (sister Thief!) who had the same joyous *swoon* reaction to reading it for the first time as I did.
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ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 55 :: probably should've used my crutches today, but I've been having soooo much fun without them!!
I've been art-ing so many many things lately, most of which I'm personally totally in love with! The notecards above, along with so many other unique crafty handmade things, will be for sale in a week and a half (12/14) at Denver's own Good Thieves Press, where just $10 will buy you awesome presents for yourself or someone you love! And just think... "patron of the arts" sounds oh so lovely to say out loud!
Full details in larger scale at www.goodthievespress.com
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ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 54 :: a view of downtown Denver from Good Thieves Press. Tomorrow, the buildings will disappear into a cloudy, snowy blanket...
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ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 53 :: so so so happy to officially join the creative conspiracy that is Good Thieves Press in Denver, CO!!
Much loooove to the thieves for having me! I've been a big fan of the thieves and the gallery for quite some time - it really is a dream come true to be a part of such an aaaamazing creative family! I finally have a home to show my art, and lots of encouragement to be all sorts of creative outside of my 9-5:30...
Stay tuned for a Good Thieves Press tumblr!!
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ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 52 :: she's crafty! I spent my afternoon making glittery moustache note cards! (I ♥♥♥ moustaches! These (and more glittery designs!) will soon be for sale at Good Thieves Press in Denver, CO
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ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 51 :: still in baking mode! Home made pretzels from scratch are kinda my thing!
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ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 50 :: Happy Thanksgiving! Cookie decorating was thoroughly enjoyed by all as an interactive dessert activity! The outcome was fun, messy, beautiful, and deeeelicious!
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ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 49 :: I stayed up late baking cookies for my niece & nephews to decorate on Thanksgiving... i'm suuuch a good auntie! ♥
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ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 48 :: these two!! ♥♥♥
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ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 47 :: courtesy of my love's roommates, I find THE straaaangest things at (t)his house in the wee hours of the morning!
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ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 46 :: this tooootally happened today! A DD opened in Denver not too long ago, and I finally made it there! I'm so glad to have you back in my life, dunkin'!!
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ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 45 :: foil me pretty! I got my hair done today! Hello again, suuuuper blondy!
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ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 44 :: Had a day without crutches, and a faaaantastic evening with new and favorite friends! Shabbat Shalom!
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ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 40 :: now, more than ever, I’m trying really really hard to see things from all angles…
In fact, i feel like I was really tested today… I tried to stay pure in my heart and true to my beliefs in the universe. And, i tried really really hard to make sure the words i was saying didn’t seem selfish. Because I do still love you. And as a friend, it’s hard to watch you hurt yourself for a principle. Deep in my heart, I believe you are a good man. I see you struggling. I see you lost, lonely, and hurt. I wish more than anything that I could be the one to fix it… but it’s not my time. And it’s not my place. But you know where to find me when you need an ear, or a hug. No judgement. Just ♥.
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ataleoftwocrutches · 11 years
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Day 43 :: so, i'm not officially crutch-free. N ot yet. 30 more days of using my crutches as needed was prescribed today. Trust and listen to your body, the doc says. Alas, it's still a tale...
Oh, and the buffalo lives at my orthopaedic surgeon's office... seeya in 30 days, bubba!
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