#sorry for being big sad but i’d happily write a fluffy part two if anyone wants :)
Fall on Deaf Ears
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Deaf!Reader
Warnings: cursing, bullying, angst, mentions of suicide
Summary: Katsuki Bakugou always wanted to be strong so to cover any weakness he’d bully other people such as Izuku, but what happens when a new girl who just happens to not be able to hear shows up?
A/N: Not too long I watched the movie A Silent Voice (which I really recommend if you haven’t seen it) and it really made me want to to write a similar situation with Katsuki and Reader so here it is! Also the ending is kinda angsty and ends with a cliffhanger so if you want a part two lemme know and I’ll begin to write it immediately!💖💗 Also feel free to tell me if I got anything wrong about being deaf because I really don’t want to offend anyone!💗
Prideful. Overconfident. Self-absorbed.
Those are three words that you could use to describe five year old Katsuki Bakugou.
He currently was showing off his newly gained quirk to his three followers friends, plus a shy Izuku who stood in the back gazing in awe, all the while bragging at how great it was and how no one in the kindergarten could even dream of surpassing him and his quirk.
The teacher came out indicating for the students to come inside, for class was now starting and it was this specific class that would change young Katsuki Bakugou’s life forever.
“Okay kids, before we start I would like to introduce a new student here; her name is (Y/L) (Y/N) and she just transferred here from a different kindergarten.”
You didn’t do anything but stand there with a kind smile and a nervous look in your eyes indicating your uncomfortableness at being a new kid in a different school. However, Katsuki would soon find out it was not as simple and you being new that caused your anxiety to be so extreme.
“Not only is (Y/N) here new but she is also deaf, can anyone tell me what that means?”
One of Bakugou’s so called ‘friends’ raised his hand confidently.
“Yes, Tsubasa?”
“It means she’s dumb because she can’t hear.”
The whole class laughed, save sweet Izuku of course, but Bakugou only scoffed and examined the new girl closely.
She didn’t seemed bothered by the class laughing, in fact, she began to laugh her self, the sound coming out a bit strangled and weird since she could not hear her own voice.
The whole class went silent until everyone began laughing again, the kind smile never leaving the girl’s face because of her ignorance to the reasoning of the rude laughter.
“That’s enough class and no Tsubasa that is not what being deaf means, please save your ignorance for outside of class,” the teacher scolded the winged boy who simply scoffed and began to complain to Katsuki about how the teacher just had no sense of humor.
“To be deaf means to have lost the ability to hear; sometimes it’s mild and you can still hear things with the help of a hearing aid, and sometimes it’s more severe resulting in the complete loss of audible noise,” the teacher explained.
“(Y/N) has unfortunately the more severe case where she can not hear a single thing so please do your best with her and don’t use the fact that she can not hear as an excuse to exclude and bully her.”
The young girl finally took a seat as the class officially began. She of course didn’t notice all the whispering around her as everyone began to talk about their new deaf student.
In all honestly, Bakugou could care less about you and whether you had a disability or not, all he cared about was being the best and nothing was going to stop him from achieving his dreams.
Although Bakugou didn’t care about you, that didn’t mean that he wasn’t going to go out of his way to personally bully you just like he did with poor Deku.
Speaking of Midoriya, he soon became you’re only friend, spending time with you and even go as far as to learn sign language so he could communicate better with you.
You simply adored Izuku and his sweetness and always encouraged him that he would get his quirk sooner or later.
That simply was not the case for you.
Not only could you not hear, but you also were quirkless.
What an unlucky life you had.
You didn’t let that stop you from being optimistic and gracious that you at least had good parents, food, and a roof over your head. You were the epitome of kindness that made up for everything else that went wrong in your life.
You distinctly remember the first day you first met Bakugou Katsuki.
You were playing on the jungle gym with Izuku, you pretending to be a princess in need of saving and him being your knight in shining armor.
You giggled, the strange sound not bothering Izuku in the slightest, he actually loved hearing you laugh because he thought you more than anyone deserved to be happy after all you had been through.
He quickly signed a ‘I am here to save you!’ As he finally reached the top of the jungle gym where you pretended you were being kidnapped.
‘My savior!’ You signed back as you both laughed and had a good time.
“Well look what we have here, a quirkless loser and a deaf quirkless loser, what a pair,” Katsuki joked as his group laughed behind him.
“Leave us alone Kacchan we haven’t done anything!” Izuku yelled feeling more defensive then usual because now you were being targeted and not just him.
A look of confusion formed on your features as you saw the distress on Izuku’s face and the smug look on Katsuki’s face.
You tapped your green haired friend on the shoulder and mouthed, ‘what’s going on?’
He sighed and shook his head as he grabbed your tiny hand and lead you off the play structure and away from the group of bullies.
“Hey where do you think you losers are going?!” Katsuki yelled as explosions began popping in his hands.
He grabbed the back of Izuku’s shirt and threw him to the ground, keeping his grip on Izuku as he began to use his explosions on him.
You watched on in horror as your friend was being attacked, tears streaming down his freckled cheeks from the pain and helpless he felt.
“Leave him alone!” You yelled the words sounding distorted as they left your mouth.
“Oh I almost forgot about deaf girl over here,” Katsuki said as he let go forcefully of Deku and began to focus his attacks on you.
“Why don’t you do us all a favor and never talk again, your voice is so annoying and no one can understand you!”
He finished his hurtful words by pushing you into the ground, his gang behind him cheering him on.
You stared at the ground for a second before you look up to Katsuki with a kind smile effectively making the young blonde’s eyes widen.
You intertwined your hands and made a forward motion with them, confusing Bakugou.
“What the crap is that suppose to mean?”
“I-It means she wants to be your friend,” Izuku muttered, his voice strained from the attack.
“Hah! As if I’d ever let such a helpless person be my friend! You’re useless not only can’t you hear but you don’t even have a quirk you’re just a waste of space and don’t you forget that!”
He pushed you one last time and left with his other two friends leaving you alone with Izuku.
He turned to you with guilty green eyes and immediately apologized for not being able to protect you.
You didn’t blame him at all neither did you blame Katsuki because you knew it was because of his own problems that he bullied you and you made it your personal goal to be friend him and help him with his issues.
6 years later
With each passing year you tried becoming friends with Katsuki only to fail and be bullied.
He usually only verbally hurt you calling you useless and making fun of your lack of hearing, however sometimes he would take to physically hurting you either by pushing you or using his explosions.
He just couldn’t stand the kind smile on your face afterwards and the open gesture of friendship you would always extend to him.
Katsuki Bakugou couldn’t stand you and hated having to even go to the same school as you.
It was the first day of middle school and you did your usual walk with Izuku, six years never changing your friendship except that it was now even stronger then it was before.
You signed and joked as you made your way into the new middle school building.
As soon as you entered, a loud explosion went off in both yours and Izuku’s face, sending you both to the floor.
Loud laughter followed soon after that you could only tell by the way Bakugou’s eyes closed and his mouth widened.
“Wow it’s too fucking easy to send you guys flying now a days, are you both getting weaker or am I just getting stronger?” Bakugou boasted with a prideful smirk, causing Izuku to sigh and offer you a hand up.
‘Are you okay?’ He signed and you offered him a soft smile as you signed back, ‘I’m okay Izuchan thanks for asking.’
The green haired boy smiled back at you.
You offered Bakugou a small wave as you and Izuku began to walk away.
Bold of you both to assume he was going to let that happen.
For some reason when he saw you give Deku that soft smile and watched you both communicate in way that he couldn’t understand, it made his stomach churn and his heart feel weird.
He had never experienced this before and he didn’t like it which only made him angrier.
“Hey come back here you fucking weaklings!” Bakugou yelled while his ‘friends’ tried to tell him it wasn’t worth it.
It was fucking worth it if Katsuki Bakugou said it was worth it.
You and Izuku turned around only for you to be knocked down again, this time only you and surprisingly not Deku.
“Aren’t you gonna fucking say something or make that damn shitty offer to be friends, huh?!”
After all these years you had gotten pretty decent at reading Bakugou’s lips even through all the yelling.
It also gave you the excuse to look at Bakugou’s lips.
You understood every word he said which made your eyes widen in surprise.
Did he want you to ask him to be your friend?
Thinking that’s what he meant, you signed the gesture for friendship with a sweet smile on your face.
Immediately after he set explosions off on you causing parts of your shirt to be burnt and making you look like a mess.
Bakugou stood there and laughed his ass off as he walked away from the sad scene.
His heart now felt full and empty and the same time, a feeling he definitely decided to ignore.
4 years later
Middle school was coming to an end and it was almost time for high school to start.
‘So Izuchan, have you applied for U.A. yet?’ You signed excitedly for you hoped your best friend would get into the school he dreamed of going to for a while now.
‘Not yet but I’m definitely going to soon,’ He signed back as you both entered the classroom.
“Well, well, well if it isn’t the most useless dorks in class,” a familiar brash voice spoke, not that you could tell how low and loud it was, but you did have a feeling that how it would sound if you could hear it.
“Kacchan could you please leave us alone for just one day,” Izuku muttered under his breath.
“Huh?! Wanna say that a bit louder shitty Deku?!”
You placed a gentle hand on Izuku’s shoulder and shook you’re head as if to tell him, ‘it’s not worth it.’
The freckled boy nodded and smiled at you as you grabbed his hand and began to lead him forward.
As soon as you tried to move, Bakugou stuck his leg out and you ended up tripping over it causing the class to erupt in laughter.
For some reason you weren’t feeling too kind in that moment and abruptly stood up and pushed Bakugou back.
Oh how stupid that decision was.
Explosions began to pop out of his hands in anger as he got ready to give you the worst burns of your life, but his plans soon came to a stop as the teacher walked in and made everyone go to their seats.
Bakugou glared at you as you sat down and mouthed, ‘after class I’m going to fucking burn you so bad you’ll think before even touching me next time.’
You felt no fear at his words only sadness.
You truly wanted to be friends with Katsuki, maybe even more, you didn’t want to make him angry or upset.
Class was long that day, the only disturbance really being when Izuku stated he wanted to go to U.A. and Bakugou made fun of him, but that was just the calm before the storm.
After class, Izuku said he had to go to the restroom before you guys left together so you agreed to wait for him out in the hallway.
You looked to your right to see Bakugou and his gang laughing while a girl leaned on him and seemed to laugh at everything he said.
Who was that girl, was it Katsuki’s girlfriend?
You wouldn’t be surprised if he had one after all he was very attractive and had a great quirk, but it still hurt to even think of that possibility.
Soon Bakugou realized you were looking at him and oh dear we’re you in for it now; he hadn’t at all forgotten that morning’s exchange.
“YOU!” He yelled loudly as he began to make his way towards you.
He was too far away for you to read his lips as you began to back away from his threatening form.
He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you against the wall forcing a strangled scream from your throat.
Silence followed after that as you just looked down at the ground.
Katsuki Bakugou had just told you to commit suicide.
All the other insults you could take even if they did slowly eat away at your mental health, but this, this really did hurt.
Tears began to spill down your cheeks as you dropped to the floor.
Poor Izuku who was clueless walking to the scene immediately ran to your side and kneeled down next you.
“Kacchan what did you do!” He yelled out as he brought you close to him.
Bakugou remained silent as he watched you weep violently on the floor.
After all those years of insults and pushing you around, you had never once cried.
You would always smile that dumb smile that he liked hated, and then you would just go about your way.
His heart pulsed painfully in his chest as he continued to watch you cry.
His hands wanted to move to move to wipe away your incoming tears but he did no such thing.
He wanted to take back what he said knowing he went way too far but he did no such thing.
He turned around hearing Deku yelling but that wasn’t was caused him to turn around, no, what did was the sound of your voice.
“All I wanted was to be your friend.”
And that would be that last time Katsuki saw you.
It would be another six years before he laid his crimson eyes on you again.
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kpopqueensblog · 4 years
Your friend/s disrespect you
BTS Reaction - Your friend is being disrepectful to you and he is not liking it.
Warnings: Body weight discussions, eating disorder mentioned, bullying
Theme: Fluffy with some angsty themes
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: My first written piece! Please give feedback and feel free to request stories you want me to write for you. Enjoy!
Kim Seokjin: 
Today was a big day. You were finally introducing your boyfriend to your friends since high school. You had been making these plans for weeks but due to scheduling issues you could never get around to it. Finally the previous night, one of your friends texted you that she and another friend were free to meet at a restaurant near BigHit and get to know your boyfriend. You asked Jin if he was free, and him being so excited spoke to his manager about having a longer lunch break so he could properly meet some of your closest friends. 
He and you entered the restaurant hand in hand, laughing about something one of the boys had done during practice today. You grabbed a seat near the window in the back corner and placed your drinks order with the waitress. 
“Babe, I am so excited for you to meet Ashley and Marie. We grew apart a bit in college but recently we got back in touch and they were over the moon for me when they heard I had captured the heart of a certain gentleman,” you said beaming at Jin.
“Ah Jagi, don’t make me blush. I am the lucky one to have you!” He replied, rolling his eyes. You giggled and thanked the waitress who had just brought your drinks. You took a long sip and glanced at your phone. No text from either Ashley or Marie. You sighed but focused on what Jin was saying. Distracted you didn’t notice the two women sauntering into the restaurant. 
“Y/n! Look at you babe! You really got lucky b. Don’t know how you got such a looker,” Ashley exclaimed.
“Sorry we’re late, a bit of traffic on the way,” Marie explained before turning to Jin, “Oh, hey, you must be Jin. I’m Marie,” she said with a wink. You swallowed, feeling slightly uncomfortable with her flirting but Marie was always like this with guys so you shook your head and ushered them to sit down.
Jin began speaking with the two friends, kindly asking them a bit about themselves. You chimed in occasionally but for the most part were ignored. Jin tried to bring you in several times but Marie and Ashley seemed to have forgotten your existence. You nibbled on your food a little then noticed a firm grip on your thigh. 
“Y/n and I have to run and be somewhere but thank you for meeting with us, maybe next time focus on getting to know me as y/n’s boyfriend and not as a single man,” Jin said before grabbing your hand, placing some money on the table and striding out with you. You looked at him with big eyes wondering what had just happened.
“I came to meet your friends not to date them, I’d much rather go on a date with you,” he said, kissing your hand.
Min Yoongi:
Yoongi has very little patience for disrespect especially when it is directed at you, but for a moment he was stunned. He watched as you teared up on the phone with your friend.
“Cara, are you being serious?” you asked gently.
“I am y/n, I can’t believe you think I wouldn’t notice you trying to slip your way into my boyfriend’s life,” she said bitterly.
“I would never do that! He came onto me and I told him off, that’s why I called you,” you exclaimed.
“He told me you would try and feed me that lie and honestly? I am not surprised. You’ve always been such a slut!” she yelled. Your eyes stung as you fought back tears of frustration. Yoongi, tired of hearing the lies, snatched your phone from your hand and spoke slowly.
“Cara, I am sure you’re aware y/n is in a very happy relationship with me and so would want nothing with your scum boyfriend and after the stuff you just said, you can rest assured she wants nothing to do with you either. You can take your ugly attitude, look in the mirror and see why your beloved boyfriend would want someone that isn't you,” then he hung up the phone. He jumped at the feeling of the tight grip of your arms around him but slowly embraced you tightly. No one disrespected you.
Jung Hoseok:
You and Hoseok were dancing at the club with a few of yours and his friends. It had been a while since Hobi had taken a break and so you rushed at the chance to have him relax and have a good night with good people and good vibes… mostly. 
You turned to Hoseok and whispered in his ear that you were going to grab a glass of water and be right back. He nodded and released his arms from your waist and watched you walk to the bar. He continued swaying to the beat of the music but kept a close eye on you, in case anyone tried anything. He didn’t, however keep an eye out for himself. He startled when he felt two hands slide up his chest. He tensed and noticed you still at the bar talking to one of your friends.
He looked at the hands and gripped them tightly, pulling them off. He spun on his heel and met the eyes of one of your other close friends. He had never liked her. She always seemed to try to one up you. He pushed her back gently and told her to stop whatever nonsense she was trying.
“I could be so much better to you, Hoseok,” she whispered with hooded eyes. He rolled his eyes and was about speak up when he heard shriek. He looked and saw you standing over her with a now half empty glass.
“I suggest you walk away my boyfriend before I show you how well I can treat you tonight,” you said slowly, sending her a harsh glare. She spluttered and stormed off. You turned to Hobi and placed a firm kiss on his lips.
“Just letting everyone know you are very happily taken,” you told him. He laughed at you and kissed you again. 
Kim Namjoon:
Namjoon walked into the house as quickly as he could, balancing some takeout food, cake and a present for you. He had arrived earlier from tour in time for your birthday and wanted to set up something cute for you along with his surprise return. He knew you were supposed to be out with some of your friends for your special day and would only be back in an hour or so which gave him ample time to set up. 
He placed all the goodies on your dining room table and then headed towards your room to grab some fairy lights from your closet. He halted when he noticed a figure under the bed sheets shaking slightly. His heart broke as he heard a sharp shuddering breath followed by some sniffles. He immediately lurched forward and grabbed the blankets off of you.
He squeezed you in his arms and held you tightly. You sobbed harder in his arms from sadness but also the shock of having him back. 
“Joonie what are you doing back?” you asked shakily. 
He sighed, “I couldn’t miss my beautiful baby’s birthday could I?” and then squeezed you tighter. You let him hold you for a while before pulling away.
“I’m sorry you found me like this, my supposed friends stood me up and with you gone it was a lot,” you told him. He sighed again and rocked you gently.
“Well then it’s a good thing I came back early so I could treat you,” he said and then lifted you onto your feet, “I got you a bit of stuff so let’s go celebrate.”
Park Jimin:
Any other day, you were willing to allow your friends to slip up because all humans make mistakes but today of all days? You were beyond hurt. Your girlfriends had intentionally left you out of plans to hang out under the illusion that they were all busy and thus couldn’t spend girls’ night with you. You had to find out from social media that they weren’t all that busy but merely didn’t want to spend time with you.
You knew that they weren’t the best of friends but you never expected such a cruel thing from them. You decided to head to the studio where your boyfriend was practicing some dance moves for their comeback. You knew he wouldn’t mind you stopping by and keeping him company. You were sure he hadn’t eaten either so you packed a bag with food and drinks and then went on your way. 
Jimin was sweating up a storm as he continued running through choreos and ensuring each move was done immaculately. He was trying to focus but his mind kept wandering to whether you were okay. He knew your friends wouldn’t ensure you were safe if you went out, too selfish for that but he trusted you when you said you’d be okay. Shaking his head he tried to refocus, pausing when he noticed your figure leaned against the door with a bag. 
You threw him a towel and walked through the room to place your bag down and peck his cheek. He looked at you and raised his brow. You knew he knew what had happened so you nodded your head with an eye roll and sat down on the floor unpacking your bag and setting the food and drinks up. You felt Jimin wrap his arms around your waist as he sat down with you between his legs. He peppered kisses on your neck and whispered sweet nothings on your neck. You smiled and sunk into his arms. Much better than girls’ night.
Kim Taehyung:
Taehyung is not an idiot. He’s very intelligent and quite intuitive. He knows a fake person when he sees one and can almost always guess what they want. He got that gut feeling the minute he met your supposed to be best friend. He could sense the insincerity from miles away but tried to resist his want to frown out of respect to you. If Taehyung could have dragged you away from her and deleted her from your life he would have but he resisted. 
He sat down next to you in the business car and was about to ask if you wanted a drink from the mini fridge before your friend who was next to said fridge told you to get her a drink as she couldn’t because her head hurt. Taehyung gritted his teeth, placing a hand on your chest and choosing to grab it himself before shoving it into her hands. He then grabbed two more drinks for himself and you to sip. He opened yours and handed it to you. You looked at him with a soft smile and thanked him. Your friend scoffed before batting her eyes at Taehyung and asking him to open hers. He had had it with her since before the event had started and now as they headed to the after party he was debating how long he would last before kicking her out of the car. 
You turned towards your friend after noticing Tae’s jaw clenching. “Sasha, you can’t keep treating Tae like he’s your butler or myself for that matter. I have tolerated it for years and seeing you treat Taehyung like this has really shown me how selfish you are. He invited us out to a fancy event and treated us to vip treatment and you can’t even thank him? When we get to this party you need to figure out how you’re getting home because it isn’t with us,” you said firmly. You turned back to Taehyung who was smirking at you and placed your hand on his leg and continued speaking to him as if your ex-friend wasn’t right there.
Jeon Jungkook:
The gym might be one of the most intimidating places to be with someone as fit as your boyfriend Jungkook but after having worked out with him for the past few months you could easily the difference and could almost keep up with him in some exercises (planks and burpees were not one of them) and rival him in others. 
You had then encouraged one of your highschool friends to join a workout with you and Jungkook as it would also allow them to get back into shape like you had both been in high school. You rolled out your mat and began a few stretches to wake up your muscles and loosen them before going to do a quick jog on the treadmill. Your friend joined you on the treadmills andbegun running. 
You noticed she kept speeding up her machine when you would increase yours but you ignored that. What you couldn’t ignore was the snide comments she was making about your weight and overall fitness. You had been working so hard and though you weren’t back to your high school body you were healthy, happy and in good shape. You tried to tune her out and focus on your almost completed jog but as she continued you seemed to have flashbacks to high school where you were depriving your body of food and overworking just to maintain the ideal body for your sport. 
Tears stung your eyes as you pushed your body harder. Jungkook had noticed your expression drop but couldn't quite hear what was being said. He didn’t need to though. He knew this friend of yours had a habit of making you feel bad about yourself as if you were still a weak highschooler not the strong and beautiful woman you are now. He waited for you to step of the treadmill before lifting you off the ground into his arms and spinning you around. You giggled and placed a kiss on his neck before placing your feet on the ground. You didn’t notice the glare he sent to your friend over your shoulder as he wrapped an arm around your waist and walked you towards the weights. 
“How did I get such a beautiful and strong girlfriend, jagi?” he asked gently. You smiled, feeling your cheeks tingle and shook your head, kissing him briefly and then pulling him to the machines.
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queenofspades20 · 4 years
Leave Him for Me
So this is my first fic. This is part of @evnscvll 3k challenge. I really enjoyed writing this. I hope you enjoy! Feedback is always welcome. This is just over 6.9k words.
Pairings: Tattoo!Artist Bucky x Lawyer!Reader; Brock Rumlow x Reader
Summary: Bucky is Reader’s new neighbor. She’s a prosecutor dating Brock. She and Bucky become friends and Bucky wants more. 
Warnings: some angst, some fluff, some curse words, cheating (not reader), Brock being the jerk that he is. Words in italics are inner thoughts of characters.
Y/N was awoken by the sound of something dropping on the floor of the apartment above her. “What…” she wondered. Her dog, a 65 pound mixed-breed named Harley, jumped up and ran out of the room. “You’re ok, Bubba. No need to freak,” she said, as she looked at her phone. *7:10 a.m.* “Seriously?” Y/N whined. “They couldn’t wait 5 damn minutes more???”
Y/N figured she might as well get up for work and turned off her alarm. After brushing her teeth and hair, putting on a little bit of makeup, and getting dressed, Y/N grabbed the dog leash hanging on a hook by the front door. “Come on, Little Bear. Time for your walk.” Harley made a big show of stretching before walking over to her and allowing her to put his harness and leash on. Grabbing her keys and bag dispenser, Y/N and Harley walked outside. As they passed by the patio, there was a crash from the unit above.
A masculine voice came from the open sliding glass door, “Come on, Sam. Don’t drop the couch! I kind of need it! Besides, it’s probably terrorizing my new neighbor downstairs.”
“Oh my God, you’re so dramatic. I’m sure your neighbor is fine,” responded another voice.
Y/N laughed to herself. She hesitated for half a second before yelling out, “Actually, as she’s awake and outside with her dog, feel free to get any crashes done now.” Y/N heard scrambling from inside the apartment and a man with chestnut brown hair and the most striking blue eyes Y/N had ever seen popped his head over the railing. “Sorry if we woke you,” the man said bashfully. “I’m Bucky. I guess I’m your new neighbor. And this knucklehead is Sam, my sometimes friend and my new boss.” He gestured to the man standing next to him. The man smiled and waved. “Hello there.”
Y/N smiled, gave a little nod, and waved back. “I’m Y/N. And this little fluffernutter is Harley. Nice to meet you both.”
Bucky smiled back. “Nice to meet you two as well. Harley is a beautiful dog, though he’s got nothing on his owner’s beauty.”
Y/N felt her face heat up at the compliment. Damn, that was smooth, she thought to herself. “Um, thanks.” Y/N caught a glance at her watch and the time. “With that, I do need to get him walked and get to work. It was nice to meet you. If you need anything, feel free to stop by.”
Bucky smiled and winked. “I’ll keep that in mind. See you around, Y/N.”
Y/N bit her bottom lip to keep herself from smiling too wide. I have a boyfriend. I have a boyfriend. I have a boyfriend. She thought to herself. “Bye, Bucky. Sam.” She nodded at the men and continued her walk with Harley, who had sat down during the exchange in boredom. “Okay, Bubba, I’m done talking. We can walk again.” Harley jumped up and happily walked to go sniff at all the trees in the area.
When Y/N got to work, she ran into her best friend. “So, I got a new neighbor finally.” Wanda perked up and started firing questions. “Is it a man? Is he hot? Is he single? We need to set you up.”
“Uh, ma’am, I have a boyfriend. What do you mean ‘set me up’?”
Wanda rolled her eyes. “You’ve been dating Brock for 3 months, you haven’t said ‘I love you’ to each other, and he’s garbage.”
“He’s a lawyer. He’s not garbage.”
“He not garbage because he’s a lawyer. Bitch, you’re a lawyer and you’re not garbage. Brock is garbage because he puts down like everything you like. He makes fun of your love of Disney, he barely acknowledges you in public, and he’s awkward with Harley. That alone should be a deal-breaker.”
“Yes, he’s awkward with Harley, but he isn’t mean with him. And to be fair, Harley is awkward with pretty much everyone, except me. And the acknowledging in public: we work together. He doesn’t want people to gossip. Hell, I don’t want people to gossip. And I mean, my love of Disney can be a bit childish.”
“Girl, it is not. You enjoy something that brings back good memories. He shouldn’t make you feel guilty for enjoying something that doesn’t harm anyone.”
Y/N hesitated. “I guess.”
“You’re doing it again.”
“What?” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“You’re ignoring red flags. You deserve someone who makes you feel confident in the relationship. Not someone who tears you down. You’re a successful prosecutor. You’ve argued in the state supreme court, multiple times. You own your home. You have an awesome dog. You don’t need a loser like Brock.”
Y/N sighed. “Whatever. I need to get to court. I’ll check ya later.”
Y/N walked to her assigned courtroom. As she doubled-checked her docket to verify which cases were up, a shadow fell on the table. “Hi, Y/N.”
Y/N looked up. “Hey, Brock. You have cases in here today?”
Brock smiled and leaned closer to her ear. “No,” he whispered. “I just wanted to see my girlfriend. But while I’m here, haven’t I told you that you shouldn’t wear such a bold lipstick? It makes you look a bit… cheap.”
Y/N felt the smile fall off her face and tensed up. “Well, Brock, I like red lipstick. I think it looks good.”
“I’m just trying to help. You don’t need to be so defensive.” Brock rolled his eyes.
“I’ll see you later, Brock. We still on for dinner?”
Brock looked at his phone. “Actually, I have some work I need to get done. Let’s do it another night.”
Y/N tried to hide her disappointment. This was the third time in the past two weeks that Brock had rescheduled dinner because of work. She knew what his workload was like because they were in similar divisions, but it seemed like work had come up a lot for him. “You promised that you’d make up for cancelling three nights ago. That’s what tonight was about.”
“You’re always hounding me, Y/N. We have an important job. I need to get work done. We’ll just do it another night. It’s not that serious. You’re so moody today. Is it your time of the month or something?”
Y/N closed her eyes for a moment. I am a prosecutor. I cannot punch someone in the face in the middle of court. Though if I got a jury of all females, I could convince them it was justified. No. No, I must not punch him, no matter how strong the urge. Fight the urge. Do not rise to his barb. Y/N thought to herself. “No, Brock. I’m not happy because we’re supposed to be in a relationship and you keep blowing me off. You expect me to just clear my schedule for you, but then you ditch me whenever you see fit. Not a fan of the double-standard,” she stated with tension clear in her voice. Y/N clenched her jaw but otherwise, no one would know how upset she was. Thank God this job has taught me to have a good poker face. I cannot be seen as emotional at work. Why does he always do this when there’s an audience? Why does he do this in court?
“Well, my job is important, Y/N. You know how this job is. You’ve had to stay late before.”
“Yes, but if I have pre-existing plans, I work around those plans. There’s a thing called ‘work-life balance,’ Brock. You should learn it. You’ll burn yourself out at this rate.”
Brock huffed and looked down his nose at Y/N. “I won’t burn myself out. You know I’m trying to get into homicide. Don’t worry your pretty little head about my work habits. I gotta get to my courtroom.” With that parting shot, Brock left the courtroom.
The conversation with Brock put a damper on the rest of her day. As she walked up to her front door, she heard her name being called out from the balcony above her apartment. “Hey Y/N! Good day at work?” Bucky smiled down.
Y/N plastered a fake smile on her face. “It was fine. Thanks, Bucky. I’m happy to be home and I’m sure Harley is more than ready for his walk.”
Bucky bit his lip. “Can I join you guys? I got this place pretty quick but didn’t really look around.”
What’s the harm? Y/N thought to herself. “Sure. Just let me get changed and let me grab Harley. I’ll give you the DL on the area.”
Y/N quickly went inside and put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. She looked around for her fluffy roommate. “Come on, Bubba. Let’s get our walk on.” Harley started wagging his tail. As she walked out the door with Harley, she almost crashed into Bucky, who had his hand raised to knock on the door. “I’m sorry, Bucky! Didn’t expect you to be standing right there.”
“My fault for standing so close to the door. Shall we, my lady?” Bucky gallantly bowed and  stuck his hand out. “Lead the way.”
Y/N chuckled. “Well, actually Harley leads. He’s the one who has business to attend to.” Harley looked back at his name being spoken and then huffed. “Oh yes, sir. I’m so sorry. We’re not moving fast enough for ya,” Y/N said sarcastically, while rolling her yes. She looked at Bucky. “He can be a bit of a drama queen. God forbid we don’t move at his pace.”
Bucky laughed. Y/N found herself staring at the way his eyes lit up. She quickly looked at Harley to make sure he wasn’t getting into anything or doing something that needed to be picked up. “So, what brought you here, Bucky? I hear a bit of a New York accent.”
Bucky looked a little surprised. “Good ear. I’m from Brooklyn. I’m a tattoo artist and I got a job down here with Sam. I was looking for a change after my best friend, Steve, decided to move to England to be with his girl.”
“Tattoos? That’s so cool! I’ve always wanted one, but can’t decide on what I want. Besides, I don’t think my boyfriend would approve.” Y/N said, speaking animatedly at the thought of getting a tattoo, but immediately deflating, knowing her boyfriend would make her feel horrible if she got one.
Bucky noticed how quickly Y/N went from excited to sad. Boyfriend sounds like a douche. If she were my girl, I’d encourage her to do what makes her happy. “Well, it’s your body. If you want one, you should totally get one. I bet you would look like a badass,” Bucky said gently, trying to lift Y/N’s spirits up.
Y/N half-smiled. “I know it’s my body. But sometimes it’s easier to not do something to avoid the headache of complaints. Like tonight, for example. He and I were supposed to have a date night. He had cancelled a few days ago because of work, but then gave me the same excuse for tonight. If I pushed it, I might have gotten him to come over, but then he would be complaining about work the whole time and how he needed to get stuff done. I don’t know.” Y/N sighed. “There’s not exactly a long line of guys wanting to date a 30-something year old lawyer. But let’s talk more about you. I’m pretty boring.”
“You’re a lawyer? What kind? I was wrong. A tattoo would make you more badass than you already are.” Bucky stared at her. How could she not see how great she actually is?
Y/N rolled her eyes with a smile. “I’m a prosecutor. Been at it for a few years. It has its days, but it’s not as interesting as you’d probably expect. The cases themselves can be interesting, but it’s a lot of arguing the same type of law over and over. Right now I handle defendants who appear in career criminal court, so guys with a lot of priors, usually violent.”
“That still sounds really cool. I could listen to you talk all day.”
“Well, you’d be the only one. Harley doesn’t even want to listen to me most of the time.” Y/N said with a laugh. Harley looked back at the two people who held his leash. He moved back and booped his nose against Bucky’s leg, looking for attention.
Bucky smiled, happy he made her laugh, and absentmindedly reached down to pet Harley’s head. “I mean it. You’re really nice. I mean, you could have yelled at me this morning for being so loud so early. You’re clearly smart, since you’re a lawyer. If you get tired of the boyfriend, I’ll gladly step up.” Bucky said quickly and looked away. He missed Y/N’s eyes widen is surprise, but heard her sharp intake of breath.
“That’s sweet of you to say to cheer me up, Bucky. As for this morning, well, missing out on 5 minutes’ worth of sleep isn’t a big deal. And it’s not like you meant to wake me up. I’m not going to be a jerk for something that’s an accident anyways.” Y/N looked at the time. “We should probably head back. I gotta feed Harley and I guess cook dinner.”
“I meant what I said, Y/N. I know we just met this morning, but you seem like someone I want in my life.”
Y/N smiled sadly. He’s just being nice. “Well, we are neighbors, so we’re in each other’s lives no matter what. I’m sorry for unloading on you. You don’t need that.”
“I’m here whenever you need me. That’s what neighbors are for, right?”
“If they’re good neighbors, sure. Thanks for walking with us, Bucky. You’re welcome to join us any time. He seems to like you. Also, just FYI, when I’m at work, Harley occasionally will howl, because he’s unhappy with me not being home at his beck and call. So, I’m sorry in advance if he disturbs you.”
“Like he could ever disturb me. He’s a good boy and dogs bark. I figured living in a dog-friendly complex that I would occasionally hear dogs.”
“That’s good. Some people don’t grasp that concept. And Harley really just howls when I’m not there. If I’m home, he’s quiet. I don’t think I’ve ever actually heard him bark at anything either. He’s not exactly a normal dog; definitely not a real guard dog.” Y/N started laughing. “He is scared of everything, except thunder and fireworks. The A/C turning on freaks him out, but thunder? He’s fine and will want to go for walks while there’s lightning and thunder. No sense of self-preservation.”
Bucky bent over, laughing heartily. “That’s…that’s crazy,” he wheezed out. Y/N joined in on laughing, recognizing her dog is definitely weird. After a few minutes, the laughter died down. Y/N wiped the tears from her eyes. “I needed a good laugh. Thank you for pointing out the ridiculousness that is my dog.”
“Any time, Doll.” Bucky said, still smiling.
At “doll,” Y/N felt a flutter in her stomach. I never feel that when Brock calls me babe. Maybe Wanda is right and I’m ignoring the red flags. But, then again, Bucky probably calls every girl “doll.” It probably doesn’t mean anything. “Hey, Doll. Since your plans got cancelled for the evening, would you be interested in hanging out with me? I’m not completely unpacked but I can order us a pizza or something.”
Y/N thought for a few moments before answer. “I appreciate the offer, Bucky, but I think I’m gonna spend the night in alone. How about we hang out another night? Maybe later this week?”
“Sounds like a plan. Enjoy the rest of your evening then.”
“Good night, Bucky.”
As Y/N walked into her apartment, she got lost in thought. She turned to look at her dog. “Harley, I think I’m in trouble. There’s no way someone as sweet and handsome as Bucky would really be interested in me. He probably just pitied me when I opened my stupid mouth.”  Y/N sighed sadly. “At least we seem to have made a new friend. Always got plenty of room in my life for good friends.”
Before she knew it, a few months had passed and Y/N and Bucky began to spend a good amount of time together. Brock cancelled more dates, claiming work. It got to the point where he cancelled more than he actually made the dates. Y/N started visiting Bucky at the tattoo shop when that happened. Bucky got more and more frustrated every time it happened. After what seemed to be the tenth time it happened, Bucky had had enough.
“Doll, why do you put up with him? You deserve someone who will treat you as the goddess you are. I would never cancel on you. If you left him, I’d make sure you know just how much you are treasured, always.” Bucky ran his hands through his hair.
“Bucky…” Y/N started. “Brock takes his job seriously. We have large caseloads. There are times when we have to work nights and weekends.”
“That has never stopped you from making plans and keeping them. What about our weekly movie nights? You have never cancelled on me. And I know there were days you were in trial. You still showed up and didn’t make me feel as if you wanted to be anywhere else. You are someone who loves with their whole heart. Brock just takes and takes from you and what does he ever give back? He treats you like you’re at his beck and call and your life doesn’t matter. Hell, you keep talking about how you want to get a tattoo, yet he says things to hold you back. Stop letting him. Leave him. Leave him for me. I could make you so happy.” Bucky looked at Y/N with almost desperation in his eyes.
Y/N’s brow furrowed and her breathing started to get a little faster. She could feel the tears rising. She wanted Bucky, but her fear held her back. Bucky had wormed his way into her heart. Y/N wanted nothing more than to go into Bucky’s arms. But she could only hear Brock’s voice in her head. You’re too clingy. You suffocate people. You’re just not the relationship-type. You’re lucky I even want you. I’m the only one who would ever put up with you like that. Y/N looked at Bucky, who looked at her like she was the moon and the stars in the sky, and knew what she had to do. She nodded to herself, trying to steel her resolve.
“I’m sorry, Bucky. I think I need some time to think. I think it’s best if we take some time away from each other,” Y/N quietly said. It took everything in her to hold it together. She couldn’t even look at Bucky, for fear that she would completely break down. She felt a crushing pressure on her chest. “I’m so sorry.”
“Doll . . . “
Y/N stood up quickly and rushed out of the shop.
Sam, who had seen Y/N rush out, looked at Bucky. “What happened?”
“I pushed her too hard. I just . . . I just want to be with her. She’s amazing. She’s smart, kind, beautiful. Two weeks ago, I was having a bad day. She showed up on my doorstep with Harley and a plum tart she made from scratch. She knew from our texts that I was having a bad day, so she made me my favorite dessert and we watched movies. When you talk to her about her work, she’s the most confident person you could meet. She works so hard to get respect. But when it comes to her personal life? It’s like she’s a completely different person. It’s almost like she doesn’t think she’s worth being loved. I don’t get it.” Bucky felt completely empty. Thinking that she needed time away from him hurt. “What do I do? She’s my neighbor. How can I see her and not be with her?”
Sam looked thoughtful for a few moments. “Bucky, I think that girl is head over heels for you. But I think she’s confused because she has an asshole of a boyfriend and she doesn’t know how to stand up for herself in a relationship. I think you need to give her space and let her come back to you.”
“But do you think she will?” Bucky felt hopeless. He knew he was pushing her, but he just wanted to see her happy.
“I guess you’ll find out.” Sam clapped Bucky on his shoulder. “In the meantime, I say this as your boss, get back to work. You have a client here.”
Bucky rolled his eyes at Sam. “Fine.”
The next morning, Y/N rolled into work and found Wanda. “Hey ma’am,” Y/N said, sounding despondent.
“What happened? Did you finally dump Brock?”
“You ask that every morning and what is the answer every time?”
“No. But I know the day the answer is different is coming soon. I can feel it,” Wanda said with a smile.
Y/N sighed. “I told Bucky I needed time away from him.”
“Why would you do something so stupid?” Wanda yelled.
“He asked me to dump Brock and be with him. Wanda, I don’t know what to do. Brock isn’t who I want. I’m not even sure why I haven’t walked away. I can see it isn’t working. Hell, I barely see him these days.”
“Well, how about I make it easy for you? Brock is over there, talking to Tony from homicide. GO DUMP HIS SELFISH ASS!” Wanda pushed Y/N towards him. Y/N knew Wanda was right. She knew Bucky was right. She didn’t want to be with Brock. They hadn’t even had sex in weeks, Brock always claiming he was too tired or Y/N not feeling right. Y/N thought of Brock touching her and it made her feel as if spiders were crawling under her skin. She knew it was time to end things.
“Brock, can we talk?” Y/N asked, as she walked up to Brock.
“Y/N, I have to get to court. Can this wait?” Brock sounded irritated.
“No. This needs to be done now, while we don’t have an audience.” Y/N felt her strong in her decision. “Brock, this isn’t working. We need to end this.”
Brock sneered down at her. “What are you talking about? What us? Did you think we were anything? You were there to just warm my bed and you couldn’t even do that right. I’ve been sleeping with my ex pretty much since you and I started dating, if you want to call it that.”
Y/N felt confusion. “You. . . We . . . we’ve been in a relationship for six months. Sure it hasn’t been great as of late, but there’s no reason to act like we weren’t anything.”
Brock, looking around, grabbed Y/N’s upper arm tightly and dragged her into the nearest office. “Listen, you delusional bitch, we’re nothing. I was just using you. It looked good to the guys in homicide that I had a solid relationship. Tony just offered me the spot. I no longer have use for you. You were a means to an end, nothing more. Why you would think you actually meant anything to me or to anyone is beyond me. You were so desperate for attention that you actually believed that I would like you. You’re pathetic.”
Y/N felt the blood drain from her face and rush into her ears. Still can’t punch him. Still not allowed to punch him. DO NOT PUNCH HIM. Y/N looked at Brock for a few moments, nodded, and turned and walked away. She headed straight to her office, knowing she needed to get there before she broke down completely. Wanda rushed after her and closed the door to give them privacy. “What the hell did he say to you?” Wanda demanded. She had never seen Y/N look so lost.
“He used me to get into homicide. He never cared. I never mattered to him.” Y/N felt weak. “I should have seen this coming. I should have known better.”
Wanda’s mouth hung open. “I’m gonna kill him.” Wanda started to move towards the door. Y/N lunged at her friend and grabbed her hand.
“No, Wanda! He’s not worth it. I appreciate your fury on my behalf, but he’s not worth it. I told him I was ending things. What matters is it’s done.” Y/N looked imploringly at her friend. “I just can’t believe I stayed for so long.”
Wanda sighed. “Fine, but I’m gonna destroy his career.”
Y/N’s head cocked to the side. “What are you going to do?”
“Brock’s dumb ass forgets that I am very well connected in this office. He messed with my friend, I’ll make sure he won’t get the promotion he wants. Besides, we all know he isn’t the best attorney for the job. There are way better people for that spot, including you.” Wanda smiled devilishly.
“Wanda, he’ll mess up eventually. Men like him always do. This office is in a state of change anways. We’re getting a new big boss after the new year. Brock will get his. And because this office gossips worse than a bunch of middle school kids, I’m sure it’ll get out how he treated me and we all know people won’t take kindly to that. And I’m not going to deny that I would be good in homicide. Because I know you’ll try to kick my butt if I do.”
“Damn straight,” Wanda muttered.
Wanda looked at her friend thoughtfully. “So. . .  can I give people enough of a gist that Brock will be ostracized? People like you a lot more than you think.”
Y/N stared at her friend. “I mean, he cheated on me pretty much the whole time we were together with his ex and used me to get himself into homicide. I don’t exactly want people know how pathetic I am. I can’t believe I dated him in the first place.”
When Y/N put it that way, Wanda could see why her friend didn’t want her to say anything. “Fine. I won’t spread the information around, but if I’m asked, can I tell the truth?”
“Well, yeah. There’s no reason to lie. I just don’t want that information volunteered. I wasn’t in love with Brock, never claimed to be, but damn it still hurts what he did. It’s like I meant less than nothing.”
Wanda nodded her agreement. “Well, now that you’ve dumped the loser, how about we get you set up with your hot neighbor that you spend all your time with?”
Y/N felt herself tear up and started wringing her hands. “Wanda, I screwed it up with him. He told me last night that he wanted me to leave Brock and choose him. I told him I needed time away from him and ran out of there. I just . . . Bucky has become a huge part of my life. He’s smart and handsome and caring and funny and, even though he’s a total asshole, what if Brock was right? What if I’m not the relationship-type? I mean, there must be a reason I’m almost in my mid-30s and have had only one relationship and look at how much of a disaster that was. I don’t think I could handle Bucky seeing me as too clingy. I couldn’t handle it if our relationship weren’t to work out.” Y/N felt lighter stating her fears, but still felt a gaping hole in her chest. The thought of life without Bucky seemed as if the world would never have color in it again.
Wanda looked at the lost look on her friend’s face and felt a few tears fall down her face. “Sweetie, you are worth everything. Bucky knows that and he would never see you any other way. I’ve seen you and him together. Every time you’re not looking at him, he’s looking at you. You should give a relationship with him a chance.”
“I think I need a few days at least to process everything. I feel like I’m going to explode out of my skin from everything that’s happened in the past 24 hours. I know I can’t wait too long to make a decision, but I also don’t want Bucky to think he’s a rebound. I don’t want to think he’s a rebound.”
“Y/N, he’s not a rebound. He’s not someone you moved on to because he showed you attention. He makes you laugh, he listens to you, he supports you. I think you need to move before it’s too late.” With that, Wanda stepped out of the office to give her friend the space to think about her words. Y/N luckily did not have to be anywhere that morning (a rarity to not have court), so she decided to keep her office door closed and focus on getting work done.
When she got home that evening, she saw the lights on in Bucky’s apartment. Every atom in her body was calling out to go to Bucky but she knew she needed to sort out her feelings.
Bucky saw Y/N walking to her door. Her face was void of makeup, her hair was in a loose bun, and Bucky thought she never looked more beautiful. He wanted nothing more than to go downstairs to talk to her, but he kept Sam’s words in his head. He decided to wait for her to come to him, so Bucky put on a movie and settled in for the night.
After a few weeks, Y/N started to feel more like herself. It didn’t take long for Tony to find out how Brock used her. Brock knew that Tony was her mentor in the office, but he underestimated their friendship. Tony stormed into her office and demanded to know the truth. Though she kept most of the information to herself, Tony was able to understand enough of what Brock did. While Tony couldn’t fire Brock like he wanted, he was able to deny Brock the promotion. Brock, in retaliation, tried to trash Y/N to anyone who would listen, but Y/N’s reputation preceded her and no one believed him. After a month, Brock quit and moved to another city.
Over the course of the month after things ended with Brock, Y/N would see Bucky around the complex but they kept distance from each other. Y/N appreciated Bucky giving her the space she needed, but she knew she had to make a big gesture to show Bucky she wanted him.
Y/N contacted the shop where Bucky worked and spoke with Sam. “Sam, I don’t know if Bucky told you about what happened,” Y/N started.
“He told me that he told you about his feelings and you asked for some time. I don’t blame you. He mentioned you have a boyfriend,” Sam stated. Y/N could tell he wasn’t judging her for her actions, but he sounded cautious.
“Had a boyfriend. I ended things the next day. Then found out some things about him and I needed time to get past it. I didn’t think it would be fair for Bucky for me to deal with that while trying to figure out exactly what I feel for Bucky.”
“Have you figured it out? He’s been a mopey mess without you.”
“Well, if it makes any difference, I’ve been miserable without Bucky. I didn’t realize how much time I actually spent with him.”
“You two were disgusting. Please tell me you’re going to put him out of his misery.”
Y/N chuckled. “Well, that’s actually what I want to talk to you about. I want to make an appointment with Bucky for my first tattoo, but I want it to be a surprise. Do you think we can make it happen?” Y/N asked hopefully. She waited with bated breath for Sam’s response.
“I think we can make it happen. What do you want to get? You realize that usually there’s a consult and then the actual appointment?”
Y/N felt excited. “I know that’s how it usually happens. I would love to get [your ideal first tattoo] on my left shoulder. Honestly, I know Bucky is a great artist and I trust him. He can design it however he wants. I mean, what’s the point of going to an artist if I’m going not let him be creative?”
Sam pulled the phone away from his ear and smirked at it. “I don’t know that I’ve ever heard someone say it that way before. I think it’ll make things easier to set up a surprise for him. I’ll use a different name for the appointment, so Bucky isn’t tipped off. I’ll email you the pricing. What day do you want to come in?”
“As soon as you can arrange it. I really want to put myself out of misery as well,” Y/N said with a laugh. “If during the week, any time after 7. Any time during the weekend.”
“Well, the soonest I can get you in is 3 days from now, on Thursday. Will you be able to wait that long?”
“Yeah. That’ll work.” Y/N felt an excitement she hadn’t felt in months.
Thursday came around and Y/N hadn’t seen Bucky in those days. She felt almost sick to her stomach with nerves. She felt her heart pounding in her chest. Will he reject me? Am I doing something stupid? What if I took too long? What if he no longer wants me? As Y/N walked up to the shop, she felt a tremble in her hands. Here goes nothing.
As she stepped into the shop, she saw Sam at the counter. “Hey, girl. You ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
“Hey, Buck. Your 7pm is here.” Sam was careful to not use your name. He pulled out his phone, pretending to be checking something. He wanted to record Bucky’s reaction to seeing her there for a tattoo. He was hoping for a reaction he could use for ammo against Bucky later.
As Bucky came around the corner, he saw Y/N standing there. He could feel how nervous she was. Y/N was biting her lip and had a small smile. “Surprise,” Y/N said with a small shrug. “I thought you should be the one to give me my first tattoo.”
Bucky strode right up to Y/N and hugged her tight. “I’m so sorry I pushed you, Doll,” he said into her hair. “I’ve missed you so much.” He could feel the tension leave her body as her arms wrapped around his waist and felt his shirt get a little wet.
“I wasn’t sure if you would want to see me after how I left last time.”
“You’re my best girl. I always want to see you.” Bucky smiled down at her. He felt happy for the first time in weeks. “Now, since you’re here for your appointment. Let’s get started.”
“I can’t wait to see what you came up with.”
“I can’t believe you’re giving me so much freedom.”
“Well, Bucky, I trust you. You would never let me down.” Y/N hoped Bucky understood she was talking about more than just the tattoo.
Bucky led Y/N back to the room and got the stencil out. “What do you think?”
“Oh my God, Bucky. It’s perfect! It’s better than anything I could imagine.” Y/N was gushing. It was truly the perfect first tattoo.
“Let’s get this placed and make sure it’s where you want it.” Bucky adjusted the tank top Y/N was wearing to make sure there was plenty of room and that none of the ink would get on her shirt. After  placing the stencil and getting approval from Y/N, Bucky had her sit down on the chair. He got the ink set up and inserted the needle into the machine.
“You ready, Doll?” Bucky asked, as he moved behind Y/N.
“Bring it on, Baby.” Y/N smiled over her shoulder at Bucky.
Bucky turned on the machine and the buzzing sound filled the room. Y/N felt Bucky’s hand just to the right of where the tattoo was going to be. The first touch of the needle to her skin stung. It felt like a long scratch, nowhere near as painful as she expected. “You okay, Doll?”
“Yeah. Thanks, Bucky.”
After a few minutes of silence, Bucky decided to speak up while focusing on the line work. “So, if you’re getting a tattoo, that means one of two things happened. Either you decided to get the tattoo no matter what Brock says or Brock is no longer in the picture.”
“I broke up with him the day after I last saw you. It hadn’t been working for a long time, if it ever worked at all. According to him, I was just a means to an end.”
Bucky paused for a moment before continuing on with the tattoo. “What do you mean a means to an end?” Y/N could hear the tension in Bucky’s voice.
“He was using me to get into the homicide unit. Apparently, they wanted someone who had a more stable home life and since I’m good with most of the people in there, he set his sights on me. This, of course, all came out after I told him I was done. He quit the office not long after. Because lawyers gossip more than a bunch of middle school kids, it got out and people didn’t take kindly to him doing that to me. He didn’t get the promotion.”
Bucky felt relieved to hear that he was no longer in the picture, but felt sad that Y/N didn’t come to him sooner. “I’m sorry you went through that, Doll. Why didn’t you talk to me when it happened?”
“I needed to sort myself out. I really like you, Bucky. I knew Brock wasn’t the guy for me. But I also didn’t think a guy like you would really want to be with someone like me.”
As Bucky switched out the needle for shading, he felt at a loss for words. “What are you talking about, Doll?”
“Bucky, I’ve never been good with relationships. Hell, Brock was technically my first boyfriend. He’s not the first to tell me that I’m not relationship material. I figured there was something wrong with me. I mean, when multiple people tell you you’re not worth it, it’s kind of hard to ignore.”
Bucky couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Y/N, Doll, in no way are you not relationship material. You’re kind and smart and so beautiful I forgot to breathe the first time I saw you. Those guys were complete idiots.”
Y/N started to tear up. “So, you would still be interested in giving us a try?”
Bucky turned off the machine and moved in front of her. He looked deep into her eyes. “Nothing would make me happier. You’re my best girl.”
Y/N gave him a watery smile. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. She could feel the stubble against her lips. The smell of his cologne enveloped her like a warm hug. Bucky looked like he had won the lottery. “So, how’s the tattoo looking, Bucky Bear?”
Bucky chuckled as he moved back behind her. “Got a bit more to do. You doing okay? Do you need a break?”
“Nah. You gotta finish up so we can plan our first date.”
Bucky felt his face heat up. “Way to motivate me, Doll.”
Y/N chuckled. “Well, I gotta come up with something. Unless you’d like for me to come up with something else?”
“I don’t think my heart could handle it, Doll. You are trouble.”
Y/N had to bite her lip to prevent herself from laughing. “Only for you, Bucky Bear.”
Bucky smiled and resumed tattooing. After a little while, he set the machine down. “Ok, Doll. Let’s clean this up and you can check out your new tattoo.” He wiped down the skin gently. He helped Y/N stand up and move in front of the mirror. “What do you think?”
Y/N stared at it for a few minutes, her face not giving anything away. Bucky began to feel nervous when she didn’t say anything. “Doll?”
Y/N looked back at Bucky. She slid her arms around his neck and pulled him close. She whispered into his ear, “it’s a good thing I love it or our date would be pretty awkward.” She placed a kiss just below his earlobe.
Bucky felt a tremor go down his spine and chuckled. “Little shit. You scared me for a moment.”
Y/N had a cheeky smile. “Well, gotta keep you on your toes. Would hate for you to get bored of me.”
“There is no chance of that ever happening, Doll.” Bucky lifted her chin towards him. He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. As he started to pull away, Y/N followed and crashed her lips against his. She slid her hand to the nape of his neck to hold him to her. Bucky moved his hands to her hips and squeezed. The move caused Y/N to gasp, which allowed Bucky to slide his tongue into her mouth. Y/N felt as if the world went away and all that was left was her and Bucky. They continued to kiss until the need to breathe caused them to part.
As they looked into each other’s eyes, Y/N felt the butterflies in her stomach she had felt the first time she met Bucky. “So, how about that date?”
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hawkland · 3 years
Dear Fandom5k Author
My AO3 account (sidewinder)
Hello and thank you for writing for me! I’m excited to give this exchange a try for the first time and cannot wait to read what you can come up with for one of my requests. Please note I’d love any of them equally, no matter if I have more prompt ideas for one or the other. Some I seriously would love just about anything about since they are so rare, others I have more specific requests to scratch itches I haven’t seen written before (or that much.)
General Likes:
Soumates with a twist. I love soulmate/soulbond AUs, as long as it’s just not a shortcut to happily-ever, no-conflict fluff. I want there to be some difficulties or angst involved. For instance, I’d love seeing any fusion/inspired-by fics based off the concept of the AMC Soumates series - where there’s a newly-developed scientific test a person can choose to take to find their soulmate (if the other person out there has also taken the test). That way it’s a choice to find out or not. Would an already established couple want to take the test to find out if they’re really “meant” to be together or not? What if they find out other people are their “soulmates”? What about the possibility of platonic soulmates vs romantic? Discussions for the future if/when one partner dies before the other? I’d love to see these questions played out with one of my fave ships in either a  happy or somewhat angsty/dark way.
Vacation/travel stories. Being unable to travel this past year+ thanks to covid-19 has me desperate to explore and live vicariously through my favorite characters! So I’d love a story involving travel to somewhere new (to them). It could be a romantic getaway/honeymoon trip to somewhere special - and I love it when an author “takes me” to a favorite city/place of their own. Or two friends just going on an escapade together, maybe one sensing the other needs some time away from a stressful situation or workplace.
Smutty likes: I love extended kissing scenes, frottage, light restraint play, sharing-one-bed-for-~reasons~-ooops-how-did-we-wake-up-cuddling, bathing/caretaking an injured partner-turns-erotic, desperate/reunion sex.
Canon-divergent AUs - I’m always good with fix-its, shifts in canon that only change one thing and see what happens next or instead.
Do Not Wants:
A/B/O dynamics, mating heats. (I do like Supernatural fics that explore Castiel and the angels having bird-like behaviors and instincts, however.)
animal abuse/death
anything related to pregnancy/childbirth/kidfic (except for Jack in SPN)
formalized BDSM relationships
unrequested alternative-universe scenarios such as high school/mundane/genderswap/coffee shop/fantasy/etc. There are a few ships/groups where I would enjoy specific AUs, and those are outlined below.
Completely sad endings/permanent character death or injury that isn’t part of canon
Rape/non-con between requested characters. Dubious consent is fine in situations like magic spells/possession/fuck-or-die, however.
AU - Canon Divergence, Character Development, Established Relationship, Getting Together, Fix-it fic, Interpersonal Drama, Smut, Angst, Canon-Style Plot - Freeform, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery/Procedural, Slice of Life, Worldbuilding, Horror
In general for SPN, I love canon-divergence AUs at pretty much any point in time (especially as they kept having so many dumb reasons in canon to keep Dean & Cas apart just when one or the other seriously needed support or TLC!) I’m okay with post-series Heaven fics as well as canon fix-its/completely ignoring the finale, and I like exploring both human!Cas as endgame or Cas keeping/getting his full angelic grace back (which is a slight preference to me, as he repeatedly seemed to genuinely value/want to be an angel? But exploring all possibilities in fic is cool for me.)
I’m a sucker for Castiel Whump/hurt!Cas in general, so long as the author remembers Cas is a bad ass and not just a baby in a trenchcoat. If he’s going to suffer, I want him to suffer stoically until he just cannot keep up the facade any longer.  
SPN-specific DNWs: mentions/implications of Wincest, past or present; extreme bashing/characterization of John and Mary Winchester, or Jimmy Nowak, as homophobic. 
Group: Castiel/Dean Winchester Group: Castiel/Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
Give me all the finale fix-it fics - no I’m still not over it, I’m still happy to read any new twist on how Cas got out of the Empty and got back together with Dean (and Sam). If Dean still dies early/ends up in Heaven, I’d like a story that explores what happens when one gets bored of peace-and-happiness-ever-after. (Yes, I’m a big fan of The Good Place and as such it makes me wonder if eternity with no conflict and everything you could ever want would just melt your brain and identity after a few millennia.) So what then?
I’m also stealing a Tumblr rant as a prompt I’d love to read, if you want to get into some good dirty smut:
ive had it up to here with fictional gays being like “i love you and if all i can ever have is that knowledge it’s enough for me” we need more “i have been struck down by horny insanity and i beg you to fuck me once. i’ve had three smirnoff ices and i’m gonna be crazy now. we can pretend it didn’t happen i don’t give a shit just gimme daddy’s blunt instrument” it’s more realistic [x]
Um so yeah. I’d love an au where, anywhere along the line when it’s been their/someone’s/the universe’s life on the life, Cas takes the initiative decides they’re gonna have crazy sex even if it’s just once before the end of the world/we die. But then, oops, we’ve survived, now we have to deal with it. ...Please?
For something different, maybe more romantic/fluffy, I’d really love a vacation/getaway story here, since they never really got anything like that of substance on the show. I want to see Cas take Dean somewhere beautiful and amazing in the world he’s never gotten to see before. Show him there’s more than just greasy diners and the landscape of America to enjoy and experience. If you want, they could stumble on a case/haunting/monster from another part of the world while they’re at it...but I just really want to see Dean having some mind-opening and expanding experiences beyond what’s he’s known and seen so far in life.
In specific with Cas/Dean + Sam, I love another tumblr idea I saw recently where Sam totally keeps bringing up the idea of “Sastiel” as a fun joke between him and Cas, and Cas plays along, and it drives Dean up the wall. Cas has to just keep re-assuring Dean that no, he doesn’t see Sam that way...but why does it bother Dean so much? A.k.a. Dean has to finally own up to the fact that it bothers him because he wants Cas to feel that way about him.
Castiel (Supernatural)
I just love Cas, period, end of story, he’s my One True Character of SPN. I love any stories that try to explore him more fully—be it his relationships in the past with other angels and being a BAMF commander/warrior of Heaven, or what specifically it is that keeps him so tied to the Winchesters. I love stories that feature his true-form in some fashion or try to dig into the alien/different nature of angels vs. humans.
Also, another Tumblr-musing-turned-prompt (I lost who posted it, sorry!) I'd love to see explored in a canon divergence fic focused on Cas. Specifically: 
"I would have loved an arc for Cas (after he got his grace back) where he wanted to help people, like he was helped. Spending time in soup kitchens or healing people, and through that developing a sense of self purpose, leading to his grace replenishing unexpectedly. Sort of fulfilling the traditional angel role (as we know it nowadays) by replacing his faith in heaven/dean with faith in himself, to redefine himself as a protector of humanity instead of heaven's soldier."
Group: Castiel/Dean Winchester & Jimmy Novak Group: Castiel & Jimmy Novak
We know Cas carried a lot of guilt for what happened to Jimmy and his whole family. So I'm interested in a post-finale, canon-compliant (I guess?) fic where Cas tries to reconcile things with Jimmy in Heaven. Maybe Jimmy & Amelia were one of his first "projects" or test cases in trying to build a new and better Heaven with Jack? (And it's what he was so busy with while Dean was still alive.) Or, is it weird in Heaven with Cas and Jimmy looking so similar? Does Cas still fight doubts as to whether Dean really loves him, or just desires this body/form that isn’t his own?
Otherwise, I've been thinking about Endverse!Cas, who had lost his grace/powers as the angels have all left and abandoned humankind. What happened to/where is Jimmy in all of that? (If we go by the canon that Jimmy was not killed, nor went to Heaven, until the end of Season 5, when Lucifer blew up that vessel and Cas was resurrected by Chuck.) Are they now two "mortal men"/souls trapped sharing one body? Is that why Cas is so messed up/always seeking an escape through drugs and sex? (Besides of course Dean having changed so much.) This is one prompt where I don’t mind a very dark/not-so-happily-ever-after ending.
The Police
Angst, Character Development, Established Relationship, Getting Together, Humor, Interpersonal Drama, Smut
Group: Sting/Stewart Copeland
Yeah I’ll always request these two together even though I know it’s a long shot to find anyone else as obsessed about them as I am. Really anything at all whatsoever would make me happy for this ship: Reunion Tour-era fic, early punk days before they grew successful, soulmate AUs...
I’d also love a spooky story where they’re on tour/on the road somewhere and end up in a haunted hotel. Or their tour bus/van breaks down in the middle of nowhere and they have to seek shelter in an abandoned house or farm or something...and supernatural weirdness ends up affecting them or bringing them together.
If you want to go the crack route: it wasn’t enough for Miles to take them all around the world to tour in “exotic” locations back in the day. He’s arranged for them now to go on the ultimate tour...of outer space and alien worlds.
Crossover Fandom
Action/Adventure, Character Development, Interpersonal Drama, Angst, Canon-Style Plot - Freeform, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery/Procedural
Group: Abe Morgan (Forever TV) & John Munch (L&O: SVU)
I’ve had a long running headcanon that these two could have been friends back in their respective 60s/early 70s hippie days. I’d love either a story set back then, “pre-canon”, or them running into each other in NYC later in life. Munch ending up in Abe’s antique shop, for instance, while on an investigation?  
Group: Dean Winchester (Supernatural) & Ezekiel Stone (Brimstone) Group: Castiel (Supernatural) & Ezekiel Stone (Brimstone)
I’m fascinated by the idea of crossing over these two canons. Even if there’s some conflict in their approach to Hell/Lucifer/demons, there’s still a lot in common. Dean & Ezekiel having both put in their time in Hell and being demon hunters, for instance, and their complicated relationships with (fallen) angels. I’d love to see them bonding over their experiences (Maybe they even meet in Hell? Time DOES work differently there…) Maybe somehow after Ezekiel completed his mission for the Devil, he did get his second chance at “life on Earth”…but the devil’s trick is that it’s not HIS Earth, it’s in a different dimension (Supernatural’s). I’m also curious how Ezekiel might respond to Castiel as an angel–perhaps he mistakes Cas for a demon at first, with his powers, but then they realize they are in fact hunting the same demon? Cas is stuck in an alternative dimension and recognizes Ezekiel as a similar soul to Dean’s, and seeks out his help?
Basically I’d love some kind of casefic/demon hunt here, with the characters bonding over their shared/similar past traumas, taking care of each other when/if injured on a hunt, and/or perhaps helping them sort out their complicated feelings for another (ie, background Cas/Dean and/or Zeke/the Devil are TOTALLY welcome here, as I ship both of those ships.)
Law & Order: SVU
Group: John Munch/Odafin "Fin" Tutuola
Character Development, Established Relationship, Humor, Getting Together, Interpersonal Drama, Canon-Style Plot - Freeform, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery/Procedural, Slice of Life, AU-Genre shift
Munch/Fin is one of my eternal OTPs so I’m always happy to see something new featuring them! I’m always good for procedural/case-fics. And this is one request where I’d love to read some AU-Genre or setting shift, reimagining the two in some other situations besides police work. I’ve always loved the idea of John hosting a conspiracy/weird news radio show or podcast, and Fin as someone completely skeptical but who gets wrapped up in one of John’s mysteries. Or John as the owner of a bar somewhere that Fin is one of his regulars, and over time their friendship develops/deepens into something more.
Supernatural RPF
Misha Collins/Jensen Ackles Established Relationship, Getting Together, Smut, Fluff, Slice of Life, Humor
It’s odd for me to be into an actor RPF fandom (I usually only fall for music/band-related ones), but what can I say...these two just make it almost impossible not to see the possibilities!
I was thinking I’d love something set post-Supernatural...their first time seeing each other again after a long time apart? (What with the show ending, covid, Misha’s surgery, etc etc.) Could be at a convention or maybe they get to go off on a getaway together somewhere private/romantic and it’s...kind of tense and maybe nervous/angsty at first? Like with doubts about whether they can/should go back to the way things were before.
Or: putting tin-hatty speculation about the “secret/real identity” of Alma Perpetua aside, I love their poetry and I’d love any “Cockles” fic using one of their poems as inspiration.
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lesbianmonsterlover · 5 years
Female Werewolf x Female Reader (part 1)(SFW)
Hey, so, basically this was in my head and I had it get it out.  When I made it to page six with no end in sight, but at a good stopping point for now, I wanted to get out a post.  So I guess this is going to be a two-parter!
Your walk home from work always consisted of a trek through a dark alley between the back of two restaurants.  Most people were scared of the thought of walking down such a street at that hour of the night, but you knew that the presence of security cameras behind the two establishments meant that no one was dumb enough to stake out there in hopes of catching someone unawares.  You so rarely encountered anyone or anything else in that stretch of your walk - save for the occasional worker coming out the backdoor of their place of work with the trash - that when you began seeing the same battered looking dog regarding you warily night after night you started bringing it treats.  
The first time you stopped it was because you were carrying home some leftovers from a work lunch, your team had gone to a steakhouse and you couldn’t finish your strip steak, so you took it home to maybe have for dinner or over a salad for lunch tomorrow.  The thought went through your mind, though, as you approached the alley to maybe offer the meat to the sweet, sad looking pup.  Well, pup was probably the wrong term, but aren’t all dogs puppies really?  The creature was huge, you’d have guessed nearly waist height while standing on all fours, and a pure midnight black with one startlingly clear crystal blue eye.  They’d always eye you warily as you walked through the alley, although they never once raised a hackle or a growl your way even when you’d coo hello on your way past.
Before you can stop yourself you pull the little cardboard takeout box of steak out of your bag and pop open the lid, revealing half of a steak sliced into strips laid out along with some of those roasted potatoes.  You double checked to make sure nothing had any garlic (bad for a pupper’s stomach) and after being sure this was all safe for the big dog you walked into the alley intent on offering it to them.  
The huge canine was curled up in a ball where they usually were, deep in the shadows of a little alcove set into the building where their fire hookup was.  “Hey gorgeous.”  You croon down at the dog, but instead of continuing your walk, for the first time ever you squat lightly in front of the big creature and give it a tentative, closed mouth smile.  “My eyes were bigger than my stomach at lunch I guess, and I think you’d enjoy this more than I would tonight.”  You set the cardboard takeout box down, open, on the ground and shuffle it towards the dog, who meanwhile had perked up and began regarding you with a sort of aloof wariness.  You just sit there, looking happily and quietly at the dog as it sniffed first at the cardboard box and then at its contents before picking up a piece of steak and snapping it into their mouth with a satisfied rumble.  Content that the dog is happy and eating you stand and coo out a goodbye to the beautiful creature who doesn’t even look twice at you as you walk back home.  You’re maybe a little sad that you won’t have your leftovers tonight, but you happily pop in some of your frozen lasagna and can’t find it in you anywhere to regret feeding that dog.  
You had more than enough padding in your income, considering you’re single and don’t really do a whole lot other than work and hang out at home watching Netflix and partaking in your hobbies, that you didn’t think twice about starting to bring a little something for the dog every day.  Maybe you’d earn its trust, and you could bring them home!  And be friends!  You’d wanted a dog for a while, a furry cuddler who would want to hang out half on your lap while you pet its fluffy ears, but also a dog who would help make sure you get out of the house a few times a day and actually walk, do something.  The next day you stop in to the diner around the corner from your office to get a side of bacon, presenting it to the confused but happy dog with another smile.  You sit a little longer, talking lightly about your day and how excited you were to see them that evening.  “You know, seeing you is starting to be the best part of my day.  So I thought maybe I’d bring you some treats to let you know I appreciate it.”  You give another sweet, closed lip smile to the dog before standing and continuing on home.  You really, really want to pet the dog.  Their ears looked so soft!  But you didn’t want to invade their personal space, especially as a stray.  You didn’t want to get your hand bitten off, of course, but you also wanted to make sure that the dog continued to trust you.  
You brought something every day after work, five days a week.  The dog still didn’t let you touch them, but you started to notice them perking up before you came into the alley, and their tail had even started to thump a little against the ground when they sighted you.  You were three months into this arrangement when you were fired.  You knew why, you had denied the advances of a superior and they began making your life a living hell at work, writing you up over every infraction.  You were consulting with a lawyer but that didn’t stop it from scaring you.  You had to get your resume in order now and start a job search, could you use this place as a reference?  Probably not, well shit.  You’re empty handed today, and this time instead of squatting you kneel down heavily on the pavement in front of the dog.  You give them a sad smile.  “Sorry sweetheart, I’m empty handed today.  I know, I’m disappointing you, I’m sorry.  I got fired today, so money’s gonna be a little tight, and I don’t think I’m going to have an excuse to walk through this neighborhood anymore.”  
You’re crying now, fat tears running down your cheeks, and before you can lift a hand to wipe them away the dog licks one off of your cheek and whines at you.  “I’m gonna miss you sweetheart, I wish you’d come with me.”  With a shaking hand you hesitantly stroke up the dog’s neck and over the top of their head.  They let out a chuff that sounds like a resigned sigh before licking over your cheek again and pressing their cold nose into your neck.  It makes you giggle and scratch behind their ears.  When you eventually stand after calming down the dog also stands up.  It’s missing one foreleg, something you never noticed, although it doesn’t seem to impede their movement in the least.  You were right to think they were huge too, their back reaching up to the bottom of your rib cage.  You aren’t sure what to expect, you’re hoping they’ll follow you home you guess, but instead of doing that they just stand there watching you as you walk away.  You pause at the end of the alley and glance back, waiting a beat to see if they’ll join you.  When they don’t you deflate a little but continue your walk back to your little one story house.  
It’s in a neighborhood that isn’t great, but you’re quiet and keep to yourself and keep your head down.  People leave you alone, you don’t get in anyone’s business, and everyone’s happy.  You have a little yard surrounded by a short brick fence with an old wrought iron gate.  The gate had been in terrible condition when you bought the house, but a little elbow grease and some fresh paint had it looking good as new.  The whole house was a little dingy looking, but homey and put together.  The tiny front yard was full to bursting with flowers and plants, other than a little concrete path from the road to the front door.  The inside is cozy, thrifted furniture and handmade decorations.  You may not be rich, but you live quite happily within your means with enough leftover for some of your wants.  
You take the weekend to wallow.  You drink wine and eat ice cream and cry, binge watching shows and lying on the couch.  When you wake up on Monday though you feel a little better if slightly hungover, and you spend the day going over your resume and figuring out how to go about your job search.  When evening comes you’re interrupted by a sound out your back door that’s unfamiliar to you.  It’s almost like a knock, but not quite, and it’s followed by a thud and whine.  
The being standing at your backdoor, under the flickering warm light above the entryway, is huge.  Towering over you is a pitch black void of light standing on two powerful hind legs, holding a man in a ski mask up by his throat while he hangs limply from its clawed grip.  The creature is missing an arm and one of its eyes, and after a beat you recognize that whatever this thing is...it’s also the dog from behind the restaurant.  You faint. 
When you wake up you’re back on your couch, and as you blink up at the ceiling you recall your weird dream from earlier where the dog from the restaurant alley was standing outside your house.  But it wasn’t the dog, it was a werewolf.  Or it looked like a werewolf.  You chuckle to yourself before turning onto your side and promptly startling off the couch at the sight in front of you.  
The creature from what you were sure is a dream is sitting back on its haunches like a large dog, staring at you from its one intelligent blue eye.  It’s impossibly big, even sitting you think their head would reach the middle of your chest.  “Holy shit!”  You pop up from behind your coffee table to see the big creature cowering slightly and looking at you with their ears pinned back. 
“Didn’t mean to scare you.”  The rough voice of the creature hits your ears and you’re startled back into silent contemplation.  Okay, so, it can talk.  “Figured since you took care’a me, I’d keep watch over ya.  Found some guy sniffin’ ‘round your place so I took care of ‘im.”  
“Thank you.”  Your reply is a little quiet, and you’re staring slack-jawed at a creature that really, truly isn’t supposed to exist.  They huff out something that sounds like a laugh, although there’s a sort of self deprecating edge to it that you don’t like.  
“Yeah, this’s why I didn’t take ‘ya up on yer offer.”  They grimace, frowning as best as they can with their muzzle and sinking into themselves to make themselves smaller.  Immediately you try to perk up and break out of whatever your trance is.  
“No, no!  Please, don’t leave, I’m just surprised.  I didn’t think...I mean, I thought you were just a big...dog?  Obviously you’re not!  But I mean, you can’t blame me for being surprised can you?  Up until a few minutes ago werewolves were a fictional concept for me.”  They look a little sheepish at that, but settle down onto the rug in your living room and look at you curiously. 
“Keep fergettin’ humans ain’t connected with the super-nat’ral world no more really.”  They pin you with that icy blue gaze.  “You can feel our connection though, can’tcha?”  Your heart is racing, thrumming in your throat as you listen to the implication in that voice.  It’s true you’d felt drawn to that dog, but your heart always broke for poor strays out in the world.  You didn’t think it was any different to the feeling you’d get for any dog you saw regularly enough to get to know.  But sitting in front of you in this form there’s something about the pull that’s a little bit deeper, more intense.  “Can hear yer heart racing, pretty ‘lil rabbit.  Y’know, yer the reason I’m in this town in’the first place.”  You give a confused look and they chuckle raspily.  “S’the connection, ‘lil rabbit, we know to look for it when we start to feel it.  Was jes’ passin’ through to get back ta my pack, but I couldn’t leave without my mate.”  
“M-Mate?”  You can only ask that question in a small, soft voice as they chuckle at you again, languidly flowing up and stalking around the coffee table to tower over you from where you’re still sitting on the floor.  Their cold nose on your pulse point makes you shriek, but you bare your neck up rather submissively instead of pull away. 
“I was serprised too ‘lil rabbit, human mates’re rare shit.  ‘Specially for animals like me.”  They inhale deeply at your neck before licking up the column of your throat to your jaw.  “‘M a lucky woman, my ‘lil mate is cute as shit, ‘n you smell so fucking good.”  Your answering whimper prompts another low growl from her chest, and her jaw locks around your throat just enough to leave the imprint of her teeth on your neck.  When she sits back on her haunches and towers over you again her eye is sparking heat as she gazes at you.  “Was tryin’ ta figger out how ‘ta meetcha all natural like, but then ya stopped comin’ round ‘n tonight happened an’ I had’ta protect ya, rabbit, and when ya saw me and ya fainted I panicked.”  
Your laugh is loud and powerful, and you startle the werewolf into silence as she word vomits out at you.  Before she can look too upset though you lean forward and hug her, resting your head on her chest.  Her hand are is more like a human hand than a paw, although each finger is still tipped with harsh claws that make you shiver as they rake through your hair to scratch your scalp pleasantly.  You nuzzle your face into the fluffy fur of her chest, pleased to feel the give of small breasts beneath the dark fuzz.  Your content sigh has her let out a low rumble, laving her tongue across your ear in an affectionate swipe. 
“Well, I think you did just fine.  Protected me from a burglar and everything.  Thank you for that, by the way.”  You smile up at her, cupping her jaw with one hand as you tug her down to your level in order to place a chase human kiss on her snout.  She lets out a content little whine that makes you giggle, and settles her big head in your lap so you can card your fingers through her fur around her ears and down the back of her skull.  “What’s my mate’s name?” 
Her tail thumps wildly against the floor for a moment as she stares up from your lap with her eye wide and sparkling.  “Kara, ‘lil rabbit.  An’ don’t go ‘round callin’ me yer mate if you aren’t gonna accept the claim, sweets.”  Her growl has a low, seductive timbre to it in the end, and you swallow thickly before nodding.  “Already in dangerous territory rabbit, betcha didn’t know all’a those times ya fed me was you courtin’ me.”  Her smile is appropriately wolfish.  “Now how ‘bout your name?”  You stumble over introducing yourself, and the way Kara purrs your name back to you makes your insides flip pleasantly.  
“If I...I mean, if I were to accept the claim, what would that mean?  Remember, I’m a human, I’m kinda ignorant about all of this.”  You continue petting over her skull as she settles back into your lap, humming thoughtfully, her one arm moving to encircle you slightly, toying with the hem of your shirt where it lays against the floor at your hip.  
“Means yer mine, forever.  Kinda like marriage, but no divorce, not like yer gonna wanna leave me anyway rabbit.”  She gives you a one-eyed wink that still manages to make you blush.  “Means I take care’a ya, keep ya fed, housed, protected, warm, satisfied.”  The way she gazes up at you with promise at the last word makes you swallow thickly, trying not to shift your hips at the implication.  “Bring ya into my pack, you’d be parta the family.  I gotta ‘lil cabin out in the woods, most’ve us do since they mostly spend time in a human form, but it’s a place’a my own.  Feels awful lonely without my mate.”  
The two of you talk through the night, and fall asleep together in a pile on your living room floor.  Her story breaks your heart.  She wasn’t born into the pack she’s currently a part of.  Her original family couldn’t believe that their daughter had inherited their dominant gene while their son preferred to be much more passive.  But her parents took advantage of her need to be accepted and love, and forced her to spend so much time shifted that she gradually forgot how to shift back.  Her human form had been lost to her since she was a child, and while her new packmates were working on it - that’s actually the reason she’d been passing through your city in the first place, to visit a physician who was sympathetic to werewolves, and who thought they  might be able to help her reclaim her human form and therefore some semblance of normalcy and a place in broader society.
You’re surprisingly comfortable when you wake for someone who slept on the ground, but when you come to full consciousness you to find yourself draped fully over the big fuzzy woman you realize why.  You didn’t really sleep on the ground, you slept on a big fluffy cushion in effect.  You want to accept the claim.  It’s not like you had anything tying you here any longer.  Your family wasn’t here, your job was gone, you can lighten up your load, break the lease, and just...go with this.  This is the adventure you used to spend nights wishing for, really.  Less “knight-in-shining-armor” and more “fuzzy-mercenary-who-would-kill-for-you” but still, someone who said they were destined for you, swept you off your feet and made you feel special, beautiful, perfect just as you are.  
“Thinkin’ hard there, rabbit.”  You squeak a little and jump as you’re broken out of your thoughts by the rough sleepy voice of Kara.  She chuckles at your reaction and then laughs when you pout up at her in return.  “Oh no, not that look rabbit, ‘s too cute.”  She nuzzles into the crown of your head, still chuckling.  Rubbing her scent all over you and yours on her in return.  
“Well, if you have to ask, I was thinking about the fact that I want to accept your claim.”  That stills the woman beneath you, and you let you a little shriek when she abruptly sits up, taking you with her until you’re sitting astride her lap as she gazes down at you, your face caged in her big hand. 
“What did’ja say?”  Her voice is hushed and almost reverent, her thumb stroking over your cheek with an impressive amount of gentleness.  You smile up at her and place your hand over hers on your cheek, your eyes sparkling happily. 
“I said I want to accept your claim, Kara.  I feel it too, and the thought of staying in this shitty city without you here with me causes me physical pain.  Wherever you go, I want to go with you.”  She growls pressing her muzzle to your lips and pushing her tongue into your mouth in one swift motion.  She hums at your taste, angling your head to her liking so she can take her time mapping out all of the spots that make you writhe against her.  When she pulls away, panting heavily, you can see her one pupil is blown with arousal.  
“Not here, rabbit, when I claim ya it’s gonna be in my house on my bed so we can make it all ours.”
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pinksausageduo · 7 years
an assignment & an outfit
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member: park jihoon genre: fluffy summary: college au! fashionista au! you and jihoon end up getting paired up for an assignment and you end up getting super close, how will he react when you ask him to choose and outfit for a blind date? requested: yes, i’ve combined two requests together!
you were a fashion major at a college, it was your dream to be able to design your own clothing line
it was your final assignment of the semester and you were supposed to run your own pop up shop for two days
it took a lot of preparation to get to that stage but unfortunately for you in the few days before the opening of the pop up shop
the location which the teacher booked for you ended up damaged because of a small fire
and you weren’t able to get another location for your pop up store in such short notice 
but your teacher told you to not to worry and that you wouldn’t fail the assignment but you needed to join with another classmate at their pop up store and work together
she said the only person with the similar style of clothes as yours was park jihoon 
so she put you two together
you couldn’t help but feel a bit pressured to be paired up with park jihoon
he was the star pupil of the class, he never really talked to anyone, nobody knew whether it was because he was shy or standoffish
but he had a few friends outside of the course
he was also known for his incredible good looks all around campus 
anytime he walked into a room girls would start whispering and giving him love struck eyes
you couldn’t blame them he really was handsome
she said she’ll inform him and you can make arrangements about it in tomorrow’s class
you walk into class slightly bummed out as your friend kept talking about how excited she was for her pop up store, you gave her half hearted smiles and short responses
you remember you need to talk to jihoon-ssi so you head your way to his table you progressively got more and more nervous as you approach him
you say shyly with a small smile “hi, i’m y/n, i’m really sorry for the inconvenience of this whole situation, i hope we can work well together though!”
he gives you a small polite smile in return and says “it’s no problem, our location is a really nice boutique which is similar to the type of clothing we designed”
you sigh in relief, happy that jihoon doesn’t hate you for having to share a location and that he’s actually very polite, a bit cold though
you ask him “would you like to meet at the campus cafe later at around 8? to review our designs, the layout of the boutique, the presentation of the clothes and all the minor details?” 
you blushed slightly asking him to get coffee with you even if it was only for the course
he replied smiling “yes of course, oh and here’s my phone number so if anything pops up i’ll text you”
you exchange phone numbers and bid each other goodbye
you go back to your dorm and look over all your designs which are all formal attire, most of them being extremely detailed and expensive looking dresses
before you know it, you were at the coffee shop and you hate to admit it but you made sure to put a little more effort into looking good but you couldn’t explain why
you see jihoon already waiting at a table for you
he gives you a warm smile and a wave, you exchange quick greetings
you ask what he wants and he says a cappuccino 
you were about to go to the counter but grabs your hand and gently sits you back down
you blush at the sudden skin contact, he says to you with a sweet smile
“no, y/n, I should pay, what would you like?” 
“oh no! i should pay, you’ve been so kind about the whole pop up situation” you reply a bit frantically
he smiles at you once more and asks you what you want, you huff and you realise he won’t let you pay and you say a vanilla latte
he comes back with your drinks, you take a sip and you can't help but give a relaxed smile, jihoon couldn’t help but admire how pretty you looked when you smiled
anyways surprisingly to both of you spent hours talking at the coffee shop not just about the assignment but also about all your personal lives
you couldn’t help but feel all warm and fuzzy whenever jihoon smiled at you or you accidentally made skin contact
and jihoon couldn’t stop helping himself wanting to make you smile or laugh no matter how corny his jokes were 
he admired your sweetness and enthusiasm for clothes 
you both dismissed these thoughts as just initial friendship idiots
anyways both of you decided to meet up the next few days at the pop up store location to organise all the different clothes and make sure everything was in place
jihoon already did heaps of advertising for the pop up store and already had a quite a big following on instagram 
you both realised it was closing time 
“thank you so much again, jihoon for doing all of this” you say gratefully
“of course it’s no problem, oh wow it’s already 12, let me walk you to your dorm since it’s so late” he says sweetly
“no it’s okay i can walk to my dorm myself” you protest
he just raises his eyebrow and you give in and allow him to walk you home
he beams at you as you agree and you smile back
you talk as you walk and whenever you accidentally brush hands you couldn’t help but blush 
jihoon on the other hand, a part of him was screaming to hold your hand he dismissed the thought even though he has a really strong urge to do it
you ended up being super cold and shivering and like the gentleman he is jihoon gave you his hoodie
you accept it gratefully as you put it on you can’t help but feel so nice and comfy in his hoodie
you end up at your dorm quicker than both of you wanted 
“goodnight, y/n, sleep well” he says softly looking at you straight in the eyes
“goodnight, jihoon, sweet dreams” you reply back 
that night you ended up sleeping in jihoon’s hoodie feeling warm and loved 
and he ended up of thinking about you, the girl who saved herself in his heart BAHAHA I HATE MYSELF BUT I HAD DO THAT FORGIVE ME
the next few days you and jihoon had a blast 
setting up the store was so much fun with him
you’d always joke around and both of you became super close
you’d scream at each other and it’d end up you chasing jihoon around the store then he would end up chasing you and it’d just be a huge mess 
which ended in both of you just laughing on the floor clutching your stomachs
jinyoung, daehwi, woojin and guanlin would always visit the pop up store
Daehwi and Jinyoung because of free clothes and woojin and guanlin to tease the both of you 
guanlin would always say to you “y/n! look at jihoon hyung isn’t he handsome?” while smirking like the little sneaky brat he is
you couldn’t help but blush but you just told him to fuck off
he’d then do aegyo being like “you loveeee mee”
woojin would always be like “you and jihoon look so cute together” but you couldn’t get mad at him because he actually meant it and like not really teasing
daehwi and jinyoung always just complimented on your clothes and how you were so much better than jihoon
you’d always smile at them sweetly while smirking at jihoon who just pouted and muttered little shits under his breath
anyways pop up weekend
the store was a huge success
you and jihoon selling every single item of clothing by the middle of the second day
which means you were basically guaranteed to get an A+
you even got a few offers to work at some fashion brands
when the both of you got them
jihoon didn’t even process what he was doing but before he knew it
he whisked you up and spun you around happily I'm sorry for always adding this into my writing it’s just rly cute 
but he set you right back down and blushed so red like a tomato 
you were also blushing profusely and you couldn’t deny you heart was beating 10x faster than it usually did
anyways your friend texted you saying that she’s making you go on a blind date with this super cute guy so you could get over jihoon
since you basically complained all last night how much you liked jihoon and he could never like you back
you agreed since you really did want to get over jihoon 
also a part of you wanted to see his reaction and if he’d be jealous if you told him you were going on a date
as you two were packing the store up you told him
“jihoon-ah, i’m going on a blind date tonight, could you choose me an outfit?” you say as casually as possible
you see jihoon frowning slightly, and a small bit of you feels like there might be a bit of hope
then he grins back at you brightly and that hope instantly dies as he says
“yes of course i’d love to!”
your heart sinks as he says that but you give him a weak smile
unbeknownst to you jihoon is trying to hide his anger, disappointment, and sadness
he finally realised he liked you when anything good happens he wants to tell you first and when anything bad happens he also wants to tell you first
in a matter of days you stole his heart and now it feels like you’re breaking it since you don’t like him back
he’s gonna try and be a supportive friend for you and wait for the feelings to go away
but he completely fails
since he got super jelly
he chooses the most hideous outfit for you and puts it in a bag and tells you it’ll great on you and not to open it until like 30 minutes before the date
you agree and thank him sweetly 
even though you’re super bitter and pissed off that he’s completely chill and even supportive on going on a date
anyways 30 minutes before the date you open the bag
and you basically lose your shit
your roommate chungha comes sailing into your room
being like tf why you so mad
and then she sees the outfit and she bursts out laughing 
“y/n, either he likes you alot and just can’t tell you or he’s being a prick, it’s up to you decide which one.” she says still giggling leaving you in a conflicted state of mind
you look at the hideous outfit
the top was a maroon blouse with about 15 ruffles on each sleeve and a huge bow on the neck
and then the skirt to accompany it was deep purple skirt and platform bright shiny silver wedges to match
you replay chungha’s words in your head and your curiosity can’t help but get the best of you, wanting to truly know if he likes you or not
you cancel the date, basically sprint to jihoon’s huge dorm where he shares it with 10 other guys who you’re all pretty close with 
spending hours and hours on your designs and on the pop up store with jihoon you end up being close with them
you bang furiously on the door
and seongwoo opens it
you ask him in a low but threatening voice “where the hell is jihoon?”
he looks at you super confused but also amused since he’s never seen you angry but also can’t wait to witness what jihoon did wrong
and he says that jihoon is in his room
you storm into their dorm and everyone says hi and you just wave back and sungwoon comes into the living room shirtless just as you enter 
“SUNGWOON OPPA WEAR A BLOODY SHIRT!” you shout teasingly
“WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE AND DON’T STARE AT MY TORSO, YOU PERV!!!” he screams back at you and lightly whacks you on the shoulder 
you just giggle and head towards jihoon’s room glad that sungwoon made you less angry
you open the jihoon’s room door and slam the door shut while throwing the bag which had the outfit on the floor
you uttered one single word “explain”
he looked shocked you were here especially since he thought you’d just think the outfit was a joke and would wear something pretty to go on the date 
but seeing your dead serious expression he couldn’t help but help getting super nervous and really didn’t want to lie to you
he was fiddling with his fingers nervously avoiding to look at you completely and stammered
“uh-uh-uh ummmmmm well i-i like you y/n”
your heart was doing backflips but you were so in shock you couldn’t say anything not thinking it was possible he actually liked you back
this completely gorgeous, sweet and amazing guy could possibly like you
then he started rambling his confession
“you’re so sweet and you always make sure to take care of me, you’re also so passionate about fashion and you’re so pretty when you smile. you always make me laugh and smile and i’m always so comfortable around you. i-”
he stops in mid sentence because after hearing all that you couldn’t help but kiss him straight on the lips
it was first rough and passionate but it became much more sweet and gentler, it was a super long kiss and his hands were on your waist, and you arms snaked around his neck
because all the guys were listening into your conversation when they heard a silence they opened the door to find you too kissing and then they started whooping and cheering loudly
you just flip them off while still kissing jihoon damn this is a long kiss
you break apart and all the guys boo 
both of you ignore them
and you look at him straight in the eye, noses still touching with his hands on your hips and your arms around his neck
“i like you too, park jihoon”
GIVING A MASSIVE THANKS TO @wannabl​ because she helped me combine these two requests together (lol sorry for tweaking it a bit) EVERYONE GO FOLLOW HER cause she's a sweetheart and an absolute hoe anyways sorry for doing another jihoon scenario i’m just doing requests in time order so forgive me! plus who doesn’t love jihoon anyways. the next three fics i’m working on is a baejin school fic (which i’ve mentioned in my best friend to boyfriend guanlin fic), coffee shop pt3, and a donghyun fic. I’m so excited to write all three and after i do, requests will be open again!
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