I feel like Dumbledore is the manifestation of the term, "doing a bad thing for a good reason."
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Why couldn't Lily or James have been the Secret Keeper. Is there a clause that says they can't? They never would have given up the information, because it's their safety on the line. I don't know, but this has bothered me for years.
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My mom is allergic to peace lilies, so every time someone sends flowers for a funeral she has to throw them away. She has told everyone who sends her these flowers that she is allergic, but the still give them to her. At this point I believe they are trying to murder her.
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I don't read many poems, mainly because most don't catch my attention. But, to this day, the only poem that has stuck with me was Birches by Robert Frost.
I'm not sure why, but my best guess would be it radiates childhood. The feeling of climbing up really high only to be forced to come down again. It has a simplistic feel while also having a deeper meaning.
In all honesty I am not sure why I am sharing this, but I will say that you should read the poem. It just radiates such warmth that is hard to replicate.
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Hi! When I was referring to the deer meat I was comparing it to meat alternatives, which are usually made of plants. I realize that I did not add that to my post and I am glad you brought it up so I can fix my mistake.
I am aware not everyone has access to guns and can hunt. In my post I was referring to what is viable for my family and I am very lucky that hunting is an option for us.
Out home garden does not produce enough vegetables to feed us all, we mainly grow fruits and vegetables that are expensive where we live, so as to not have to spend uneeded money. It also helps us to spend more time outside with our hectic lives. The rest we get from stores or local farms depending on what we need. I did not add it to the price, because that is something both I and someone who doesn't eat meat would have to buy. I do realize I compared hunting and growing veggies. I said this, because I was trying to compare food not coming from stores. I am aware in most instances it would be more effective to buy from grocery stores, but since I live in the country they are a hassle to get to just to get some veggies.
I am not sure why you brought up the poorest countries in the world if I am honest. If they are poor, they are probably don't have the ability to buy and eat meat. Most people in poor countries are also malnourished and have low iron levels. Just because you can survive on seeds, nuts, fruit, veggies, ect. doesn't mean it is the healthiest lifestyle.
The last point I want to talk about is loving an animal. When I was younger my family raised ducks. We had them for many years until they stoped laying eggs. At that point it wasn't financially smart to keep them when they had no use. We killed the ducks, but that doesn't mean we didn't love them. Right before they died my mother bowed her head to each one and thanked it for all the eggs they gave us and the meat they would give us. I believe that as omnivores humans have the right to kill animals as a means to eat/survival if necessary. I don't believe it is okay to kill them for sport or just because I can, but I know if a mountain lion decided it wanted me as it's next meal it would. I believe that you should use every part of the animal that is killed and that you should respect it for its sacrifice. I loved those ducks like nothing else but I realized that we couldn't keep them forever. We did not mistreat them and they lived long happy lives until they had to go. I know that they lived longer in captivity than if the could've roam free. We gave them a safe place to live and they gave us food.
Think back to science class, I know if humans stopped hunting deer there would be an overabundance and sickness would spread. It would kill deer, the animals that eat deer, and could even spread to other herbivores. It is like taking the grizzly bear off the food chain. There would be a complete tilt of scales and nothing would be right again. We, as humans, are a key component to the food chain whether we like it or not, we are a necessary cog that keeps the machine running. The government regulates how many deer can be killed in each state each year to make sure the population stays at healthy levels. I know I could never make you eat meat, I am just trying to help you understand why it is important for humans to hunt. I believe that it is okay to kill an animal so that I wouldn't starve, because I know, and expect, them to do the same to me.
If I seemed at any point to have spoken harshly that was not my intention. I only wish to share my viewpoints in a friendly manner. If you are uncomfortable or dislike my thoughts I am sorry, but I will not alter my speech to please anyone. I will respect your viewpoints even if I do no agree with them and I can only hope you do the same. If you would like to continue this discussion I am all for it, bye! :]
Hi yallsies, I always get so annoyed when people say it is cheap to be vegan/vegetarian. Spoiler alert, it's not for a good portion of the US.
I am not saying this to annoy people, I am saying this because I get yelled at for not caring about animals, when I would starve if I didn't eat those animals.
I live in the midwest where you can buy a deer tag for about $10-15. After shooting the deer and gutting it, you can take it to a butcher and the will charge you around $70-80, depending on the size. So if you bring it to the butcher that costs you $80-95 including the tag, and if you butcher it yourself it cost $20-30, the extra price added on is for properly sealing the meat.
One deer in my family lasts us about 5 months. So for $30 and a day for hunting and butchering, my family can have meat for 5 months.
And yes we have a garden, but we don't have a big enough one as to properly feed all of our family and we would have to put hours more effort per week than we already do if we were to try to make it big enough. Since everyone in our family works, it is virtually impossible thing to do.
To summarize this nicely, it is more economically responsible for ME to spend a day hunting/butchering and spend $30 to gain 5 months worth if meat, than for me to spend more than that on a garden and even more time tending to said garden that would not bear food as filling.
I am not saying this to get people to stop being vegan/vegetarian, I am saying this so you don't shame everyone you see who is not following your lifestyle. Sometimes they are just doing what the do because the have to survive, and even if the do enjoy eating meat don't shame them for doing it. I have never seen a person who eats meat shame a vegan/vegetarian for not eating meat, but I get shamed all the time, even in my town, for eating meat.
If you have any questions or want to have a conversation about this, try to be civil and leave room for true discussion, not just yelling.
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Hi yallsies, I always get so annoyed when people say it is cheap to be vegan/vegetarian. Spoiler alert, it's not for a good portion of the US.
I am not saying this to annoy people, I am saying this because I get yelled at for not caring about animals, when I would starve if I didn't eat those animals.
I live in the midwest where you can buy a deer tag for about $10-15. After shooting the deer and gutting it, you can take it to a butcher and the will charge you around $70-80, depending on the size. So if you bring it to the butcher that costs you $80-95 including the tag, and if you butcher it yourself it cost $20-30, the extra price added on is for properly sealing the meat.
One deer in my family lasts us about 5 months. So for $30 and a day for hunting and butchering, my family can have meat for 5 months.
And yes we have a garden, but we don't have a big enough one as to properly feed all of our family and we would have to put hours more effort per week than we already do if we were to try to make it big enough. Since everyone in our family works, it is virtually impossible thing to do.
To summarize this nicely, it is more economically responsible for ME to spend a day hunting/butchering and spend $30 to gain 5 months worth if meat, than for me to spend more than that on a garden and even more time tending to said garden that would not bear food as filling.
I am not saying this to get people to stop being vegan/vegetarian, I am saying this so you don't shame everyone you see who is not following your lifestyle. Sometimes they are just doing what the do because the have to survive, and even if the do enjoy eating meat don't shame them for doing it. I have never seen a person who eats meat shame a vegan/vegetarian for not eating meat, but I get shamed all the time, even in my town, for eating meat.
If you have any questions or want to have a conversation about this, try to be civil and leave room for true discussion, not just yelling.
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2023 was a top tier year for me. So, bring on the pain 2024.
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You no it's country livin' when you pass the school and notice it's drive your tractor to school day.
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