azariahstarcaster · 5 months
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So the total drama reboot has finally been given a release date in the U.S and I am going to need to beg you guys to WATCH IT WHILE ITS COMING OUT.
If it gets good streaming and watching rates, we could have a season three so I am telling you guys. Even if you have seen it before.
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azariahstarcaster · 7 months
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Palestine In Peace - a Prayer for the Palestinian People, a Reminder for the Palestinian Legacy, a Determination for the Palestinian Future.
Peace be upon you, O Palestine O Palestine, upon you be Peace.
The sigil is made from these two phrases. It is the most meager of work, but if you have any use of it, feel free to do so. Its free to use, distribute, edit, whatever, as long as it is used for Good and to support Palestine and others.
I dedicate all the merits to the Freedom and Liberation of Palestine, and also to the people of Tibet, Congo, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and all the peoples and places that are suffering from their ruthless oppressors all over the world.
ps: I made the sigils, the Bird is from freesvg.com and the Keffiyeh I got from the internet, but I just found out the Keffiyeh is a Paid Thing so I have removed it. i am so so sorry 🙏🙏🙏
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azariahstarcaster · 7 months
Please rb this if you’re a witch?
Especially if you:
🌻 are not Wiccan
🌻 are a green witch
🌻 are a kitchen witch
🌻 are a lunar/solar witch
🌻 are a pop culture witch
🌻 are LGBTQ+
🌻 do divination
🌻 do tarot
🌻 are looking for more witchy pals
🌻 like musicals
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azariahstarcaster · 8 months
Girl are you the Hays Code the way you consider media irredeemable if it depicts anything that strays away from the norm you're comfortable with or depicts anything morally questionable without definitively condemning it and anyone associated with it, therefore creating worse stories and content and making it difficult for people to engage with complicated issues from a nuanced and controlled perspective?
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azariahstarcaster · 9 months
thinking back on it, why the fuck did they make balan wonderworld white.
like how did he go from this
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- locs
- darker looking face
to this
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- white
- white
white balan has no class, he has no swag, downgrade of the century.
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azariahstarcaster · 9 months
I have no idea if this is a hot take or not, but why, for so many people, does "nice character + competitive nature + athletic/good at challenges = no personality"? Like, am I the only one who is confused/annoyed by this? Maybe I'm just biased, but characters who are strong competitors without constantly being horrible to literally everyone around them are honestly really great to me?
I'm talking mainly about characters along the lines of Priya and Zoey (and I guess Sky, too), but I'd also kinda throw Nichelle in there as of her showing in the 2nd season of the revival. She didn't get to show as much of her sass and fire until she was set to go home, sadly, but I genuinely don't get how people could see how suddenly intensely competitive she'd gotten and how that was very clearly fueled by hurt, anger and spite towards Hollywood for abandoning her, and then claim she didn't have a personality in this season specifically. She definitely could have showed more, and I think she deserves it after putting in so much work between seasons too improve herself, but what we have from her already shows quite a lot, even if it's kinda subtle.
Focusing specifically on Nichelle will honestly send me on an unrelated rant, though, so I'll cut myself off here. But I hope I made some kind of sense here.
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azariahstarcaster · 9 months
... I'm gonna have to sleep on it as I decide if I have the mental capacity for this.
When is someone going to write a fanfic of Julia teaching MK how to bake??? 😋😋
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azariahstarcaster · 9 months
MKulia nation, can somebody draw this except MK is the genderless goop and Julia is overthrowing the government and has the lesbian flag instead?
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I have two moods:
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azariahstarcaster · 9 months
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Credit: @pet_foolery
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azariahstarcaster · 9 months
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she want to let them have their moment!!!!
+ caleb and priya :)))
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azariahstarcaster · 9 months
Okay, this is a random one, but am I the only one who could see Duncan being kind of a protective older brother figure to Dawn? I don't know why I'm so fixated on this thought, but it just makes sense in my head idk
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azariahstarcaster · 9 months
Julia: “Aww, if Mks brain drove a cool car I’d date it.”
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azariahstarcaster · 10 months
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Please tell me I'm not the only one who sees the vision
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azariahstarcaster · 11 months
I can't help feeling like I've found my people here.
I relate to these people.
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azariahstarcaster · 1 year
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“Though these words will never find you, I hope that you knew I was thinking of you today… and that I was wishing you every happiness.
Love Always,
The girl you loved once.”
- Ranata Suzuki
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azariahstarcaster · 1 year
"Stop saying 15 year olds with weird interests are cringe, they're 15" this is true however you should also stop saying adults with weird interests are cringe because who gives a shit
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azariahstarcaster · 1 year
Why couldn't he just be what I was taught to look for? Why couldn't he just be the type of crimson-eyed, shambling, animalistic, nefarious excuse for a humanoid leech that I knew I was supposed to expect?
Why couldn't he just be a vampire?
hello writeblr !! i wanna take a sec to let people celebrate their own writing, so reblog this with a line you’ve written (from a wip, or just something random that came to you) that you’re proud of !!
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