backtoashes-blog · 5 years
If OSTENE was a villain
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The second one I wanted to give a shot was Ostene. 
Another very kind character in the original story. Very colorful and creative in his look despite his albinism, I wanted to completely break this vibe for a total black look. I got inspired by Klaus Nomi (opera singer)’s style and mixed it with some traditional Japanese a little for a little nod (bc his people is clearly inspired by Japanese ancient culture). 
Damn these days I’m only drawing albinos, Yukiko (@sabaku-no-livna)  and Ostene my little babies. >.< <3 
I kind of see him as a crazy artist kind of villain. Withdrew himself from all colors, he fell into black and grey. I think he’s goal would be absurd, like he is, idk “removing all colors from the world” but literally, not speaking of genocide or anything, literally making the landscapes black and white ! I think he’ll be lunatic and unpredictable, disgusted by this world that wasn’t as cute as he thought it was !
Ostene in both original and au doesn't give a shit about his gender, he has no sexuality and feelings of the sort, so he would totally wear hills and skinny pants without feeling “like a drag queen”. I think it really suits him well. ^.^ I changed his hair style a bit to make it more emo and asymmetric and I removed his eyebrows as well, looks better ! His makeup was already quite Mime like so didn’t change that ! 
Hope you like my evil Ostene. If you ever do your ocs as villains or bad guys please show me or add the tag #myocasvillain so I can see the post. <3^.^ I would love to see all your cuties as badass villains ;)
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backtoashes-blog · 5 years
If LIVNA was a villain ...
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If Livna was a vilain ... She would be this kind of mysterious gipsy witch, having a strong binding with the Dead and giving you really dark predictions of your futur in a foggy prophecy way. I really imagine her being that kind of attractive and mysterious villain that's not really a threat for the hero, as it, but maybe could be a bad influence. 
That's the way I plan to use her on Yukiko's story (my Naruto oc) where she is gonna play a role (yeah I am gonna use my original ocs as actors in her story lol) of this very manipulative witch leading Yukiko to join her sect. I can totally see Livna being both a very big sister like figure, even maternal sometimes, but in another hand very manipulative and even sometimes cruel in this AU. Moreover, I think she could totally relate to Yukiko's issues and kind of convince her that men are all evil and perverts etc xD
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Anyway lets focus on Dark Livna or if you have a cool swaggy nickname to give her please do I wanna see it ! In fact its totally a AU that could have been true for Liv tbh. I mean, after all what she's been through with Lorenzo, her people being genocided and this opportunity she has to become evil when she inherits Baba Yaga's power and necklace ... She could totally have turned into Dark Livna ! Seeking for a revenge maybe ? Over Lorenzo ? What would she do ? 
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Bring him to life to kill him again ?  Maybe bc she could never mourn their child ? Maybe its the baby she'll bring back to life ? So many ways to abuse this incredible power ! But in this AU, I am not sure she could ever end up with The Raven. I  don't think he'll be interested in a girl as gloomy as he is. I guess he needs some light, and Dark Livna isn't a fucking Ikea lamp anymore. :/ And anyways, Livna would probably be too focused in breaking law of nature to fall into his arms. So they may both turn out pretty bad becoming incredibly dangerous without limiting one and another. 
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backtoashes-blog · 5 years
Bullshit : Vyrgina (Vyrgil + Livna crack child)
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I realized  in the train in June with Drouelle that my Vyrgil x Livna ship name would be Vyrgina (VyrLiv sounds too weird) it sounds so funny ! Like the name of the bitch of the highschool ! Sorry i didnt have any finished art of Livna at the time.  So i had the idea of Vyrgina as a character, a crack child of Vyrgil and Livna ! I attend to give them real children but I had to do it 😂😂 So meet Vyrgina, 16 yo, she loves chicha, she dresses at h&m, is fan of Rihanna et 69, she says "duh" "starfullah" and "han han" very often. She is in an open relationship with Claudio, a white rasta with dread locks so anti system ! I’ll definitely do a crack child again for my second pairing Gerlaine xD And you what is your pairing name ? Could it give birth to a crack child ? If you ever do it please show me ! Xoxo my Drouelles 💕
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backtoashes-blog · 5 years
Vyrgil and Livna : They’ll forever have each other’s back.
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Vyrgil met Livna on land, one day his captain had to buy some slaves to Lorenzo. He was like 9, she was 7. She embodied everything he despised : the little girl was pretty, joyful, sunny, all smiling, and dancing, looking so happy despite her eyes looked so sad. She seemed to be adored by everyone, she reminded him of Jo’. Soon he learnt they were like brothers. He was the hero, she was the princesse. What a disgusting duo ! He kept bullying Jo’, like he used to in Children of Shame Institut, and made sure to be rude as possible to Livna. But she never responded to his wickedness and always was very caring to him, which made him even more angry. He grew up in violence, with a power he didn’t ask for nor understand and living for a promise he made to avenge his mother for her sister. She made sure he grew up being a killer, having no sens of self esteem, staying the bastard child, born of incest, having nothing else than his wrath to be attached to.  
Vyrgil had joined (at the age of 8) the crew of the Captain Bazyl,  knowing he was his father, in order to fulfill the due revenge. His father had grudge towards Lorenzo, and « an eye for an eye » he had planned to abduct his little Livna and give her to his men. His son, now 12, considered he went too far and finally avenged his aunt. 
But then he found himself without goal, disapointed to see that even though he did what she asked, she would never love him for she still sees their father in him.  He was very tempted to keep living a life of violence and wrath like the crew, but somehow Livna and Jo’s influence convinced him to seek for a more stable life on land, with a legal job.
 He also started to form a new Resistance, with new ideals, more friendly towards the lower casts, with some ex members of his crew. He found in overthrowing the Marshal a new goal, and progressively he started to fight for peace, equality and freedom for those he secretly cherish, even if he couldn’t express it in another way than bullying them. He just didn’t know how to love properly ! 
He tried his best to shut his anger, stay discrete, to learn to control his power and not to fight again. His Resistance soon became the one and only, and people gave him a nickname « The Raven » bc of his habit to climb roofs and trees. He had to make sure in his civil life no one sees his black hand (due to his use of his power) or his second eye he kept bandaged. Despite his best effort he sometimes came back to town injured, and had to accept to be healed by his « enemy ». (Pic 1) Being kind with her was much to ask, but he managed  to make steps towards her. 
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He could always try to deny his feelings, to lie to himself, to claim love doesn’t exist its just lies for people who fear solitude.  He knew she felt the same for him but he preferred keep his distances, by respect for her brother, because of her young age and because he thought she deserved better. 
For years he vanished of her life bc of his Resistance business (she wasn’t aware of). When he came back at 17 years old during the Zingara genocide to rescue her  she didn’t recognize Vyrgil.  She knew a boy, and there she met a man. He was calm and seemed to have no wrath in him. Cold and in control, he tamed his fire within.  She recognized The Raven known for his black coat and his heterochromatic eyes. She thought, bc of his reputation, he was gonna kill her. But still, didn’t know why he seemed so familiar and why she felt so safe in his arms, staring at his black hand and his face … his scar … This scar she already cleaned. 
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Damn these ones took me forever ! The angle of his face was so hard to draw keeping him “in model” compared to the last drawing I did of him. I hope I managed to do it :/ I really enjoyed finally drawing this little couple, the main antagonist, and one of the main female character, and one of the only one being kind in the story. xD 
My idea was to use her same shawl to heal his wounds when they are younger (12 and 14) than to dress her when he rescues her after the big Zingara massacre. Its a way to say he’ll pay off, he never forgot she’s been kind to him and they’ll always have each other’s back. I wanted to show the tenderness between these two even tho he is cold asf, mainly by her positions, the way she touches his arm, the way she takes care of his face ... For him I wanted to show in his attitude his evolution. From angry, bellicose teenager, only living for vengeance  he became a calm and wise young man, fighting for what’s fair, even if he has to become the villain in the eye of everyone else to do so. At least he has always been the hero in her eyes. 
I think I enjoyed above all drawing them for how different they are from each other. He is like super tall : 195cm tall and she is quiet small (158cm tall) and tiny. Also somehow I love how their skin tones contrasts. ^.^ 
I’m really happy to present you ... Vyrgina ! (VyrgilxLivna xD)
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backtoashes-blog · 5 years
Mama Babayaga
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Mama Baba Yaga is the dean of the Zingara clan, its most powerful sorceress. Rumors says she is so old even the centenary trees bow to her with respect. She embodies wisdom and power in the same time. She is the Mama, which means she is the official healer of her clan, but also the one who possess the power to bring the dead back to life. The unholy power of necromancy. 
However this must remain secret and she shall never use it, unless the circonstances are such the survival of the clan depends on it. So she must keep her power secret, and find a successor wise enough to understand it, and not to use it. This power is very tempting and could destroy the one who bears it, if their soul isn't pure and unselfish enough. 
For a life to be given back a life must be taken, so necromancy always imply the death of an innocent, chosen randomly and arbitrarily by the God of the Underworld, the god Zingaras worship, Ishvar. Necromancy disturbs the order of things and gives human a power that shouldn't belong to them. 
Many are the men who seek for the power and would kill to take it from her. Legends says with her bone necklace she can even control the dead she didn't bring to life. But that would be a magic no man is strong enough to bear. The Zingara try their best to hide the identity of the one  hosting this power, even using  some lure for those who would want to use the power of necromancy. But there is something they all ignore, even most of the Zingaras aren't aware of this parameter : only women can have the power of Necromancy. Because only mothers are wise enough to understand the worth of life and death.  
The character is inspired by the slavic witch Babayaga. I finally replaced the Hornes from my tradi sketch with antlers idk seemed more bony and organic.
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backtoashes-blog · 5 years
Bullshit : Jean Neige
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I can’t believe I just did this … I never thought one day in my life I would draw a character from GOT but I HAD to Jean Neige just killed, I don’t see Jon. Snow the same way anymore ! I want to know if they call him like this in Quebec ! If they do I’m moving rn ! I want Jean Neige in my spoilers memes ! Jean Neige is le sang !
I’m not really a fan of GoT I very recently started the series bc everyone is talking about it, I see fan arts and memes literally everywhere so I wanted to see for myself.
Speed paint will be on my youtube channel here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgfjc8cHy3Y&feature=youtu.be
you can find them on my instagram with the French version as well xD
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/0stene/
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backtoashes-blog · 5 years
Chibi : Ostene
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This is the first chibi in my style of chibi I did since high school ! I used to do these everywhere in my notebooks and exams sheets ! xD Feels like even if time passed, even if I grew up, if life made everything fall appart, some things stay still ! Forever a dreamer …
Ostene. My babe. You grew up with me, stayed my friend since I’m young and lonely. Never left me, eventhough I left him for years. I’m glad he doesn’t hold grudge against me xD (yeah he doesn’t exist ik let me in my schizophrenia please) !
Ostene is the most innocent thing ! He’s not conscious of gender, sexuality, origins, social classes he’s in his little world ! A dreamer. Full of hope and creativity, the albinos son of Marshal.M is captive far from the harsh world, away from the eyes of society. He is aware of his difference and knows he makes his family suffers but doesn’t understand what is wrong with him.
Locked in the dark he dreams the world outside. He is secretly doing a collection of news paper the servants bring him. He cuts the photos and stick them in a little notebook. In his little world, The Raven is a super hero, and he is his number 1 fan !  He’s got a passion for animals, even though he has never seen any, especially squirrels, he has some in his pictures books ! Ostene is very lonely in his dark room, not to get bored he designs himself his own clothes, draws over and over again the pictures of his books and colors them with different bright colors ! He loves colors and soft shapes.
He would like to be a butterfly to fly away from this world and after this ephemeral trip just fade away like if he was never born. Night butterflies  are the only thing that manage to get in his room. This drawing kind of symbolises his dreamed “outside world” far from the reality !
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backtoashes-blog · 5 years
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Hello, welcome in @sabaku-no-livna‘s original universe blog !
As you may know before adapting my OCs for Naruto fandom they were characters of my own original universe. Livna was there too, but was a very secondary and passive character, she only took her final form thanks to Naruto fandom!  I had given up my own universe and stoped drawing some of the characters I did not adapt … like this one !
Let me introduce the main antagonist of this story : The Raven ! Even-though he is portrayed as a cruel terrorist, a pragmatic, pitiless cold blood killer, he is  the one fighting for peace and equality of people and gender.  
The Raven, Vyrgil from his real name, is one of the persons who was born with some kind of power, and that has to hide it because the head of Government chases « wizards ».  His is quiet complicated to hide, and is more of a curse than a gift. It comes from the nature of his conception : he’s the fruit of an incest.
As a child and young teen he’s just a hateful and violent boy, sure very intelligent and mature but lacking severely of empathy, feeling betrayed by the one he trusted. He spent his early childhood doing forced work for the state in the Children of Shame. When he escaped with his only friend Jo’ he was first a little thug before finally finding a good routine working for the Resistance and having a civilian life to cover his activities.  
He escaped the institute with Jo’ when he was height after having finally fulfilled his primary mission : killing his father to get his aunt’s revenge.She is the one that scarifie his eyelid when she saw the baby was having minnows eyes ! She thought it was a sign of his evilness ! She has always been very distant, cold and rude to him. Everytime she visited him in the institute it was to remind him his mission and tell him how much he was disappointing.   But even if he had killed her father as expected, the young woman still couldn’t love him and considered Vyrgil just as monstrous as his father. Feeling betrayed and abandoned he killed her too using his power. This time he did not regret having used it !
His power on his left hand (he’s left handed) has a huge payback and every-time he uses it something inside him dies, light slowly fade to let the emptiness install.
In his civilian life he hides his hand, wrist and green eye under bandages, he is a good reliable and serious worker, he’s trying not to fight to stay out of any attention. He is so discrete people tend to think he’s mute !
In the street, after they escaped the institute together, Vyrgil and Jo’ were set apart. Jo’ had some trouble with some gangs and lost his leg. But thankfully was rescued by Lorenzo. He then met Livna and Azlan and the became just like a family, being the big brother of the two. They have so much mutual respect and love they protect each other even more than if there was a real blood bounding between them. Jo’ and Livna’s relationship has always been clear and there was never any attraction between the two ! After all Jo’ is 5 years older than Liv ! They grew up together since then ! As for Vyrgil he got some problems too, got shot on the tight, cauterized the wound himself so kept his leg unlike his friend ! He still has a big burnt on his light though !
After some months spent in the street he got arrested for some fights and sent to the Grey Buildings, the local extermination camps. He managed to escape and that’s what caught the attention of the head of government : Marshal. M. He promised himself not to kill the child so he would grow up and become a real challenger for him. He needed to play but for that he also needed a real rival ! After escaping Vyrgil found himself lost and exhausted, in the same ghetto as Jo’ and Livna found him and took him with her to heal him. Like this Jo’ and him were to find each other again !
They kept their frienemy relationship though ! They kept clashing and pretending to hate each other while protecting one another ! They always had this kind of relationship based on rivalry, fake hatred and in fact a lot of respect, admiration and affection. Thanks to Jo’, Vyrgil found a job in the fields just like him !
He also got closer to Livna who had now the habit to heal his wound and with who he liked to share his insomnias. He promised her he would deliver her from her fears. “I’ll turn this vile world into a peaceful place just to see a smile shining on your face.” She did not understand how much this promise meant.  He felt more free to talk to her than to anyone else because he knew she would never judge and still look at him with immense tenderness. She had something of a mother in her. He knew from the start he had special feelings for her, and so did she !
When she got around 12 her love for him was more and more difficult. Her early maturity and puberty made things even more confusing. She was very attracted by him and constantly seeking for his attention. As Lorenzo made her believe she was nothing but a sexual object she thought she knew how to get him. She wanted him, and she is the kind of girl who gets everything she wants by the power of her work and determination (and probably her smile too) ! She was really tempting for the fourteen years old boy, but he resisted. She was too young and she was Jo’s little sister. He doesn’t touch his frienemy little sis ! He never liked how men looked at her, the way Lorenzo made of the little girl some kind of mini-woman ! He believed she needed to stay a child, regardless of her maturity. He didn’t know it was too late for her, her childhood she had lost already by the sake of the Big Bad Wolf  !
To hide his feelings towards her he was sometimes very rude, pretending not to care about her name, calling her “the girl” “the little one” “the kid” “or Jo’s little sis”. This way of reminding her she was not a woman in his eyes was very painful for her. But he had to take the risk to hurt her to keep her away. He knew his feelings were growing too and he hated the fact of falling in love. “Love is for the weak, its nothing but a lie to try to give a sens to your ephemaral existence.”
Anyways I will detail his relationship with Livna later ! ;)
The Raven left the country for 3 years trying to find somewhere the people could migrate to escape a potential war or genocide. He found “The Outside World”  as they call it, and they made some diplomatic agreements with the Resistance. They founded an alliance but all this took time. He could observe how other countries works and more importantly learn to master his power and anger. He also understood what was so important in life and what was his goal : making this world a peaceful place to make her happy and safe.
Livna and Jo’ did not know Vyrgil was the raven until they actually met The Raven and recognize him even though he had grown up a lot since the last time they have seen each other. However when they discovered it they protected his secret.
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backtoashes-blog · 5 years
Reference sheet : Lolita
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Birth name : Bombi
Known as : Lolita
Gender : Biologically man at birth, became a woman
Age : part I : 30 / part II : 33
Hight : part I and II : 184 cm
Weight : 83 kg
Physic : Lolita has a quiet dark skin, with some dark freckles on the face and a beauty mark above the right eye. Her second one is often hidden by some rebellious hair. Her eyes are light green with a touch of blue. Lolita has a very particular smile, with a gap between her front teeth, and some golden teeth. She wears purple lipstick and a lot  of eye liner. Her eyebrows are a bit large and still manly. She ha slarge shoulder, narrow hips, a quiet muscular body, her morphology keeps reminding she was born a male even if she got breast implants. Large ones ! Lolita has very long curly black hair and a curly black beard.
Personality : Lolita is very talkative and likes to debate about anything. She is quiet bad at keeping secrets, she only kept Lorenzo’s. She’s very easy to manipulate once you earned her trust. She is easy going once you tamed her. Lolita is the kind of person to love with all her heart and would do anything for those she loves. She is very creative, she loves imagining wonderful outfits and sewing them with the materials she finds. She can be very selfish and act cowardly when her survival is involved. She won’t defy authority. However, she still has a conscious and regrets a lot her bad actions she did under Lorenzo’s influence.
+ likes : colors, music, fashion, sewing, Lorenzo, gossiping, dramas
- dislikes : racism, society, The Hanged Bro, lack of tolerance in general
Family : 7 brothers and sisters (including 1 adoptive brother : Lorenzo), 2 parents mentioned. Not mentioned dead so we can suppose still alive during the action.
Side in the conflict : Lorenzo’s side
Lolita was born as a male under the name of Bombi. She is the 4th of 7 children, her mother is a wet nurse, and her father used to work as a miller, but quickly gave up to spend his days drinking. He was a violent and sexist man who abused his daughter and one of his son, the adopted one : Lorenzo. However, the girls managed to keep the secret from their mother, with the help of Lolita.  Ever since she was a child she knew inside her she was a girl. But society, and her family would never accept it, and they kept rejecting that part of her, bullying, mocking her for her lack of virility. In Eutanasyan society men must be manly and straight, there is no space for those questions.  However, even if her family kept denying her inner gender, she did her best to be accepted, to help her sisters, her mother. She was the closest to Lorenzo. He was the only one who loved her the way she was and saw her as the woman she wanted to be.
Lolita’s childhood had been painful, she had to do things she thought immoral to protect her family but it ended when she fled with Lorenzo. He had promised her a new start in a life she would be free to be a woman. Life going he made himself a web, and he found a surgeon that accepted “making her a woman”. However, this world doesn’t have the medical knowledge we have nowadays and could just add her a breast, removing her penis would be too risky. Lorenzo encouraged her to dress like a woman, wear makeup, have long hair, change her voice, but he wanted her to keep her beard. Lolita accepted the condition. She didn’t understand why this request …
She had progressively drown into Lorenzo’s influence, following him as a shadow, being his partner in crime, supporting each ones of his actions even if she didn’t agree with him. He had created a circus troop she was part off. She enjoyed creating beautiful costumes. But time passed, she cumulated crimes and the less she could recognize her loving little brother Lorenzo. She could see nothing but a monster in him. She understood why he wanted her to keep the beard. He pretended to offer her the possibility to be a woman, but he just made her another of his “circus monster” he makes profits on.
Even-though she realized all this she kept supporting Lorenzo, no matter what. She kept her fears and sorrows for her gossips with her friends but did not tell him.
During the rescue of the Zingaras by The Resistance, Lolita was very discrete and did not really show any sign of political support, she just helped taking care of the injured ones. She did not pretend to support THE RESISTANCE, to share their ideas or anything, not even to be grateful for the rescue, just to help human beings in need.
At the time of the “second chance” while The Resistance helped the Zingaras migrating to the neighbor country Kharib,to have their best chance to start a new life, Lolita is still a bit shy about embracing this new chance. What made her feel more concerned and start to really get into this new life is her operation to finally become a woman biologically. In Kharib, she met a man, (a comandant), who accepted her before and after the operation and loves her for who she is. In this new life she became officially Lolita. She couldn’t have children by herself, but her marriage is happy and even when her native country got free she chose to stay in Kharib with her husband.
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backtoashes-blog · 5 years
Mermay 2019 : Trystesse
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In the end it seems like I did the Mermay challenge ! ^.^ Let me introduce you my poor Trystesse. Her design was inspired to me by a sketch I did for my Monster sketchbook this winter. I wanted to give her a  new chance ! Here is the speed paint of this piece : https://youtu.be/RxXPZiJb8go
Trystesse often appears in the water, only her bust appearing from water. She cries and screams for help, pretending to be drowning around the ships, waiting for a brave sailor to jump in the water and save her. But when they jump, she drags them into the deep seas and let them drawn before she eats them and keep their bones to cry their death. Unable to keep a man alive in the water, but unable to walk on the lands, forever young, but forever lonely, she had forgotten the idea to ever find love. Until one night.
One night she cried and a brave foam jumped to save her. But as soon as he noticed her hears and her webbed hands he understood and wear through her eyes. He was the first man ever to escape her. But as she chased him, years after years filled with wrath, a new feeling slowly took her heart. And as years passed and the foam grew up, her impossible love appeared to be shared. They found some ways to meet, when the crew was asleep, he was taking a small boat to visit her. But time also brought them apart.
The boy became a man, a man with responsibilities, a man who had to marry a woman and earn his bread. A man who was a foam no more. He had children, they had children themselves, he grew old and rich, far away from the sea, but never forgot his fair Trystesse.  And therefor, when he was at the dusk of his existence, he came back to the sea, in a small boat and he waited for his beloved Trystesse to join her forever.
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backtoashes-blog · 5 years
The albino queen
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I finally cleaned this old sketch to introduce you officially to Ostene's mother, the "albino queen" Kayade Mai. 
I don't feel so much like telling her story today. To be short its a story about sequestration. She's been her husband's, the Marshal,  prisoner for years. He kept her locked away from the sunlight for the secret of the Outside World to slowly die with her. However he did not want her to die immediately, he wanted to see her, oh so long, agony and be the witness of her hope living her eyes while he was taking everything away from her. The "Queen" got set free when the government was overthrown by the Resistance, these terrorists she has hated all her life long. And finally she could find peace, come back to her home land and see what has become of her ancient kingdom. Funny thing : when she was under the power of her husband brambles imprisoned her room as she was feeling insecure. When she got free brambles became her own weapon and so she could finally spills the tears of blood on the snow of those who betrayed her. For this chara design i got inspired by the japanese legend of Yuki Onna ! 
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