badmazor-blog · 6 years
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I didn’t even get a chance to study for this test
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badmazor-blog · 6 years
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Time to gangster up!
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badmazor-blog · 7 years
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Mental health for first responders is real. You are not weak or less than for seeking help #ptsd #ptsdwarrior #unfuckyourself #mentalhealth #stigma #paramedic #depression #suicide #seekhelp #strength #strong #support
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badmazor-blog · 7 years
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I'll tell my story to anyone who will listen. And one day soon, I'll tell my story to you
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badmazor-blog · 7 years
I have been so depressed for the past couple weeks that, I couldn't stand it. Doc switched up some of my meds. I'm on day 4 and finally have the energy to do small (even big) tasks, smile, laugh, talk, leave the house. I'm preying to the universe that this is the end all, be all to my woes.
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badmazor-blog · 7 years
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Surprise, it's me again
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badmazor-blog · 7 years
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I have forgiven you. Not for you, but for me. One of the worst feelings ever is holding hate in your heart. I am not forgiving you bc I should, I am forgiving you bc God placed forgiveness in my heart. I have forgiven but not forgotten. The memories still haunt me but I am bigger and better bc I can forgive. My recovery Depends on my heart being open enough to love myself. Hate has no place when Healing comes in. One of the hardest things to do is to forgive someone that will never give you a "sorry" in return. The closure I need will be to look you in the eyes and tell you what you've. done to me. But I do t want an I'm sorry, I want an I'll do better in life. I won't hurt someone else the way Ive hurt you. That to me will be the biggest apology one can give. Words mean nothing, actions though. Actions speak louder than a lions roar.
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badmazor-blog · 7 years
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Mine mine mine mine
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badmazor-blog · 7 years
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If this ain't the truth, idk what is. Damn. Robbin Williams nailed it. Mic 🎤 drop 💧 I'm at a up point right now. My meds are working for me and working great. I haven't felt this happy in a long time. Calm too. When I'm up, I can't seem to remember how it feels to be down. When I'm down, I can't remember up. I pray every night I go to bed that God keeps me "up". Depression is the worst curse you can put on a human. No one should ever have to feel the ways people with depression feel. It's terrible. I'm a people pleaser, I'm always trying to make others happy even though sometimes, I'm broken in side. I've gotten good at faking it and putting on that fake smile so no one knows! Depression sucks
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badmazor-blog · 7 years
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This face makes me very happy
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badmazor-blog · 7 years
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badmazor-blog · 7 years
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Jovi, sitting in my favorite chair! I never thought the day would come when she'd be home! The connection 100% still here. She follows me around everywhere! I haven't felt this much calm in a long, long time! My little girl is here! Idk what it is about her but, she's just so good for me! Training today; jewels, kohls, visit my parents and then, Chicago deep dish pizza tonight AND Aladdin!!!!!!!
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badmazor-blog · 7 years
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I have never been a "patient" person per-se. PTSD and PTSD anxiety don't help the matter. BUT, seeing my girl. My service dog Jovi, on a southwest flight, headed home to us in Chicago, might take the cake!!!! I CAN. NOT. WAIT to see that face. I have missed her from the second she left The Refuge in FL to train with the amazing Procyon Training!!!! Omgeeeeee Jovi Day is HERE!!!!!!!
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badmazor-blog · 7 years
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badmazor-blog · 7 years
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Let me tell you about my besssssttt fraaaaaand. My husband, Scott. This man sticks by my side like words can't describe. He puts up with my set backs time after time. He comforts me when I need it, and loves me unconditionally. I put him through a lot of shit and I know it gets to him but, he keeps loving me day after day. He's understands my disease and we learn about it together day by day. He's my best friend. The love I can't live with out! ❤️💛💚💙❤️💛💚
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badmazor-blog · 7 years
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Look into my eyes. I will not let PTSD win. I am too strong. I may have bad days, but I have more days that are good.
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badmazor-blog · 7 years
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Being my first day out of the hospital and really feeling good. I told Scott, let’s go on an adventure! So off we went. We drove downtown, went to my old FH. Walked along Michigan ave and even went and took pics at the bean. I handled all the hustle and bustle of the city pretty damn well with my PTSD! Edit: we went and got food too
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