balthazar1011 · 5 months
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balthazar1011 · 5 months
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balthazar1011 · 5 months
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balthazar1011 · 5 months
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balthazar1011 · 5 months
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balthazar1011 · 5 months
Why do some people get so offended when trans women say “hey can you please not call me dude/bro/man?”
Don’t try to justify/defend yourself by going “ohh I use them gender neutrally!” and then just ignoring that it doesn’t matter if you think it’s gender neutral - if someone doesn’t want to be called certain terms you should respect that!
You just gotta go “I’m sorry for calling you that, I’ll stop using those terms to refer to you.”
It’s really simple. Most trans girls I know aren’t gonna be mad if you call them those stuff once and then after being corrected apologize and stop calling them those terms.
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balthazar1011 · 5 months
petition to change LGBT to DFTQ (Dykes Faggots Trannies and Queers, naturally)
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balthazar1011 · 5 months
Dude when my social battery runs out there’s like no warning. I don’t get the 20% warnings it’s just I’ll be enjoying my time and then all of a sudden if one more word is spoken I’m going to kill myself and everyone around me.
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balthazar1011 · 5 months
i long for the day
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balthazar1011 · 5 months
I have 2 moods when it comes to writing:
ughhh i dont wanna
actually, i only have 1 mood when it comes to writing
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balthazar1011 · 5 months
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balthazar1011 · 5 months
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balthazar1011 · 5 months
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balthazar1011 · 5 months
Let's talk about character development.
Creating multidimensional characters make them more relatable to your readers. They add richness and complexity to the narrative, enhancing its overall depth and resonance.
So. How?
Complex Motivations: Characters should have motivations that go beyond simple desires or goals. Delve deep into their past experiences, fears, and desires to understand what truly drives them. Keep them consistent yet nuanced for realistic character growth and change throughout the story.
Flaws and Vulnerabilities: Avoid creating characters who are too perfect or flawless. Imperfections make characters relatable and interesting. Give them vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and struggles to overcome. This adds depth to their personalities and creates opportunities for character development.
Internal Conflict: Explore the internal conflicts within your characters. This could be moral dilemmas, inner turmoil, or conflicting emotions. Internal struggles can be just as compelling, if not more so, than external conflicts, and they add layers to your characters' development. (See my previous post about this!)
Consistent Behavior: Make sure to keep your characters' actions, reactions, and decisions consistent with their established personalities, backgrounds, and motivations. Inconsistencies can break the reader's immersion and credibility in the story. And the fandom will hunt you down mercilessly.
Unique Voice: Each character should have a distinct voice and mannerisms that reflect their personality, background, and worldview. Pay attention to the way they speak, their vocabulary, and their gestures. This will really help to bring your characters to life.
Dynamic Relationships: Develop dynamic relationships between your characters. Interactions with other characters should reveal new facets of their personalities and contribute to their growth or downfalls. Explore different types of relationships (friendships, romances, rivalries, family dynamics, etc.) to add depth to your characters' experiences.
Arc of Change: Consider how your characters evolve over the course of the story. What lessons do they learn? How do their experiences shape them? Every significant event should impact your characters in some way, leading to growth, transformation, or regression.
Happy writing ❤
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balthazar1011 · 5 months
Let's talk about pacing.
Pacing is crucial to consider in plot development. It refers to the speed at which events unfold in your story.
It's important to vary the pacing to keep readers engaged. By effectively managing it throughout, you can maintain reader interest, build tension, and create an overall compelling narrative.
Fast-paced scenes: Use quick, action-packed scenes during moments of high tension, such as intense action sequences or pivotal plot points. Short sentences and rapid-fire dialogue can help create a sense of urgency and keep readers on the edge of their seats.
Slow-paced scenes: Slow down the pacing during moments of introspection, character development, or when you want to build atmosphere. Take the time to delve into emotions, descriptions, and inner thoughts to deepen the reader's connection to the characters and world.
Transitions: Smoothly transition between fast-paced and slow-paced scenes to maintain momentum while allowing readers time to catch their breath and process information. (See here for more on how to effectively implement transitions!)
Avoid prolonged lulls: While it's essential to have slower moments for character development and world-building, be cautious of prolonged lulls in the story where nothing significant happens. Keep the plot moving forward, even during quieter scenes, by introducing new information, conflicts, or character dynamics.
Balance: have a balance between fast-paced and slow-paced scenes throughout your narrative to create a dynamic reading experience. Too much action without sufficient downtime can exhaust readers, while an excessive number of slow scenes may lead to boredom.
More writing help on my blog! ❤
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balthazar1011 · 5 months
im laughing so hard because no matter what song you listen to 
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spiderman dances to the beat
no matter what song ive been testing it and lauing my ass off for an hour
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balthazar1011 · 5 months
tiktok teen lgbts would not survive in the 80s and 90s when lesbians called gay guys fags lovingly and gay guys would call us dykes lovingly
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