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I checked if astro had any smut written about them, to see if anyone was sick enough to write a smut about minors let alone a group that shouldn’t be “sexy”. Yet I see this blog and they are so fucking disgusting, they made someone legal a minor and made a “fantasy” out if it.
I understand reading smuts about other groups when they are of age and aren’t a “cute” group and have gone for sexy concepts. The groups that are acceptable to write about. But when you write about minors or a group that SHOULD NEVER BE SEXUALIZED is fucking disgusting and you should be ashamed. In the future you will look back and realise how disgusting you were and I hope this put some sense in you.
I swear if I see another sanha or any other members in a smut or even come across one I will fucking report you. I hope to not see even younger people or groups. E.g NCT which is disgusting I will lose hope in humanity.
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Sorry for spamming tags on this post, but  this post NEEDS to get awareness. You may or may not have heard about this, but recently, many people have been noticing videos on YouTube titled “Webcam video from [Time and Date]”. The thumbnails alone are extremely disturbing, showing young children in explicit poses and/or with suggestive facial expressions. These are usually uploaded by pedophiles without the child’s consent to attract other pedophiles. This is soft core child porn on a website that mostly all of us use, and even when contacted, YouTube is not doing ANYTHING about the issue. Since there is no actual nudity, the video is “acceptable”. This type of content is nowhere near acceptable and something HAS to be done to remove this content. These videos are even monetized, meaning that these pedophiles make MONEY off of this! Please share the hashtag #YouTubeStopChildPorn on any social media site that you can, such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Reblogging this post would also be very helpful. Children will no longer be victims of these disgusting crimes.
Also, if you are under the age of 18 and you have a webcam on your laptop, or any camera whatsoever, cover it up. It’s better to be safe than sorry. You could be the next victim.
Here, you can find some helpful links if you want more information.
Twitter account
Pyrocynical’s YT video
If you would like, please reblog with more information! One reblog is a huge help.
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this is disgusting and youtube needs to take them down but youtube won’t because they are tagged as “educational” even though it’s child porn, please spread the hashtag #youtubestopchildporn on any social media you have. 
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jin in the jungle
cast: damn its so dark out here
jin: *whips out ARMY bomb* well wud u look at tHAT?? i got JUSt the thing
cast: what day is it?
jin: *whips out BTS wall calendar* carry one of these babies around and you'll always kno :-)
cast: i think we're lost
jin: *whips out BTS markers* worry not my friend, we can use these to track our steps!!!
cast: wait, where are we?
jin: *whips out BTS notebooks* we can draw out a map if u want
cast: i'm so hungry
jin: *whips out 7 BTS dolls* here, eat these, i'd recommend the jungkook one he's got the most muscle
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just let this boy do a cypher already
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Countdown to Taehyung’s birthday : D-24 ↳ abc’s of Taehyung : C is for Cypher 
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My Life With 7 Boys (BTS)
another cringe worthy short story i wrote on quotev a long time ago that i am spreading to tumblr (this was actually based on an idea a friend gave me).
You are a new trainee at Big Hit Entertainment and was told that because the company doesn't have much money right now, You will temporally be living with 7 other trainees (Let's pretend BTS are still trainees) You packed up your belongings and went to the address you were given. You knocked on the door and you could hear voices...Male voices. When the door opened an attractive young man was standing there. "Hello?" He said. "I-I-I'm sorry, I think I have the wrong address." You said nervously and tried to walk away. "Wait, Are you (Y/N)?" He asked. "Yes." You replied. "Oh, Come in." He said. "Okay..." You said still nervous while stepping inside. "My name is Seokjin, But you can call me Jin." He said while smiling. "I know you probably expected to live with girls, But Big Hit doesn't have any female trainees right now except for you." He finished. "Oh." Was your only response. You weren't upset but you were rather nervous about living with 7 boys. When you entered the living room you saw two more attractive young men. They were playing video games until they noticed you. One smirked while the other looked like a nervous wreck. "Um...Hi, My name's (Y/N) and i'll be living here for a little while until I can get my own place." You said whilst bowing politely. "Nice to meet you, My names Jimin." The smirking boy said. The other boy stayed silent. "And this is Jungkook, Our maknae." He said while pinching his cheeks. "Hyung, Stop it." Jungkook said. You couldn't help but giggle at their adorableness. Jungkook smiled at you. "You have a cute laugh." Jimin said. "Oh, Thank you" You said while blushing. "JIMIN HYUNG, WHERE IS MY UNDERWEAR?" You heard another male voice shout. "I DON'T KNOW"  He shouted back. "NEVERMIND, I'M WEARING THEM." The other voice shouted back. "That's Taehyung, But we call him V" Jimin said. V walked into the living room. "Oh, A girl!" V said with a shocked expression. "This is (Y/N), She will be living with us" Jimin replied. "YAY! A NEW FRIEND!" He said whilst jumping up and down and clapping his hands together. "Will you stop yelling!" Another male voice said. "Sorry Suga hyung." V said. Two more guys walked in and introduced themselves "Hi, I'm Hoseok, But you can call me J-Hope" He said. "Why J-Hope?" You asked. "Because I am your hope" He said as he winked. "And I'm Namjoon, I go by Rap Monster. But you don't have to call me that if you don't want to" Namjoon said. "Oh, No I like it." I said smiling. "Thanks" He said back. "Hey (Y/N), I'm going to make dinner. Want to help?" Jin asked. "Sure". You replied. " Can we help too?" Asked V. "Uh...Yeah, Sure" He replied. Eventually all of the members were helping Jin with the cooking. It was a huge mess. After cooking and eating dinner it was time for bed. "Uhhh....Hyung?, Where is (Y/N) going to sleep?" Jungkook asked Jin. "I don't know, We don't have any extra beds...." He replied. "She can sleep with me!" Jimin said. Namjoon then smacked the side of his head. "Ow!" Jimin whined. "Don't say those kind of things." Namjoon said. "I didn't mean it like that!" He replied. "Yeah, Sure you didn't" He said with sarcasm. "I swear, I didn't hyung!" Jimin said. "I can just sleep on the couch." You said. "No, No, No you should sleep in a bed. it's more comfortable" Jin said. They all kept arguing over who got to sleep with you until you ended up falling asleep on the couch. Living with these boys sure is interesting...That's all.
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edited female ulzzang icons. do not edit the watermark out.
you don’t have to like or reblog if you use/save them because i watermarked them ;p
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cause of death: bambam’s leather pants + bambam’s legs + bambam’s dancing + bambam in general
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rip mark
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I can’t stop laughing
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never mess with a maknae
taehyung accidentally sneezing onto jeongguk and jeongguk retaliating 😂
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7 Minutes in Heaven With BamBam (GOT7)
this is a short story that i wrote a long ass time ago and holy crap is it terrible. i originally published it on quotev and now i am spreading the cringe to tumblr. enjoy???
BamBam invited you to hang out at the GOT7 dorm, you happily accepted. when you get there you are immediately attacked by a hug from BamBam "(Y/N), I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!" he shouted "I've missed you too BamBam, thanks for having me come over." you replied. he smiled and led you to the living room. you noticed the other members sitting on the floor in a circle with a bottle in the middle. "What are you guys doing? playing spin the bottle?" you jokingly asked "No, we are going to play 7 minutes in heaven with you" Junior replied "ME?!?!" You asked surprised by his comment "Well, you are the only girl here, And we're defiantly not kissing each other." Jackson said. Mark pouted at his comment. (MARKSON) "Well, i'm not kissing you either!" you said. "Awww, come on, you know you can't resist these lips" Jackson said teasingly. "I think I can" you replied. "Guys, she doesn't have to play if she doesn't want to" BamBam said. "You're only saying that because you don't want her to be alone with one of us!" Youngjae said. "EXACTLY! you guys might steal her innocence." he said. "We won't go that far." JB said. "Guys, it's fine. i'll play, but you have to promise i'll still be a virgin afterwards." you said. "Promise" they all said. BamBam still looks unamused "That's not funny, (Y/N)" he said. you and BamBam go to sit in the circle with the rest of the members. "Alright (Y/N), spin the bottle and whoever it lands on gets to go into the closet with you." Youngjae said. "Alright." you replied. you spin the bottle and it lands on BamBam. you can't help but blush, you've had a crush on him for a long time but you kept it a secret from him because you didn't want to ruin your friendship. he smiles widely and quickly grabbed your hand and dragged you into the closet. the moment you both entered the closet it became very awkward and silent. after about a minute of awkward silence he finally spoke up "Um...(Y/N), we don't have to do anything if you don't want to" he said rather nervously. "Oh, um...well, it's not that I don't want to, I do. It's just-" your words were cut off with him pecking your lips. you were shocked "(Y/N), I really like you alot...Like more than a friend, And I know you like me too." you were shocked by his words. "H-H-H-How d-did you know?" you asked nervously while stuttering. "Jackson told me." he replied. ".....I'm going to kill him." you said while pouting. "Awww, you're so cute!" he cooed as he pinched your cheeks. you blushed a bright shade of red. he than cupped your cheeks with his hands and started kissing you again. you immediately kissed back. You than swung your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you. his put his hands your waist, and he gently pushed you against the wall. after every kiss It got more passionate and rough, so rough that it's bruising both of your lips. it lasted like that for awhile until he licked your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You decline, in which he tickles your sides. you start to laugh and he takes the chance to put his tongue in your mouth and explore. then suddenly the door swung open and Jackson was standing there. "Hey!, no fair, he's allowed to kiss you but i'm not!" he said pretending to be upset. you two quickly part from each other and blush. BamBam then smiles and takes your hand in his "So...will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. "yes, of course." you replied. he than hugged you tightly "YAY!, (Y/N) IS MY GIRLFRIEND!" he shouted. and you giggled.
i hate myself for making this.
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I think 2016 is going to be a good year.
Arin Hanson, February 2016
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