beatglow · 5 months
✨January 16th ✨
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Today was a good day, I did a lot of things even if I had a headache and felt like doing nothing but rest.
Anyway, here's the list of my accomplishments for today:
🌙 Woke up early
🌙 Skincare + Make up
🌙 A little restriction on food
🌙 Morning class at University
🌙 Work in the afternoon
🌙 Finished the pattern of the shirt for my pattern making exams (I just have to collect every part and make the presentation)
🌙 Finished drawing the fashion illustration for the group project (I have just to colour them and make the flats)
🌙 walked more than 10k steps
🌙Played Genshin impact and Covet Fashion
🌙 Daily lessons of Korean and Japanese
Things I could have done or done better:
❌ More food restriction
❌ Workout
❌ Wake up 10 minutes earlier so I could have styled my hair or choose better accessories
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beatglow · 5 months
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✨January 15✨
After months I'm finally back, I feel like I want to start this year in the best way possible and writing and sharing about it is the best way to keep going on and hold on to it.
So I'm back ✨
Here's what I did today:
🌙 House chores
🌙 Shower
🌙 Work
🌙 3582 Steps
🌙 Korean and Japanese studies
🌙 Visited my friend who's back from her 3 years of living in Greece
🌙 Genshin impact and Covet Fashion
🌙 Went on with drawing for Fashion Uni
What I didn't do:
❌ Lot of Junk food
❌ No workout
❌ Better skin care
❌ Haven't finish folding and putting away clothes and tiding my room
❌ Could have been more concentrated while drawing
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beatglow · 8 months
🍂 October 4th🍂
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Everything is going well ✨
I menage to stay on track with my plan and even if just 4 days passed, I still can consider it a success yup yup ✨✨
Today I
🔸Did chores
🔸 Worked out
🔸Studied Korean a lot
🔸Went on reading
🔸Did skincare and kept my hygiene clean
🔸 Eaten healthy
🔸Went on writing my book
Even with just more or less 4 hours of sleep (insomnia came and couldn't fall asleep until 5 am) I was feeling very active an great and I'm actually proud of what I was able to achieve today✨✨
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beatglow · 8 months
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in an era 💭📓
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beatglow · 8 months
🍂October 1 🍂
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🍂10 days and I'll be back in Fashion school 🍂
And this year it's gonna be a new start for me :
🔸Focus a lot on keeping my grades high and works well done
🔸Keep myself on top of the class
🔸Focus on my well-being (eating less and healthy, workout and skin/body care)
🔸Have fun in making outfit everyday
🔸Keep yourself motivated
🔸Put yourself first (I know it's hard but please, do it)
🔸Every little step you make is taking you closer to your goals
🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸Tw goals 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸
🔸Drop at least 3/4 kg by the end of the year (that's not much but it's very hard for my body to drop weight so it would be a win)
🔸Lose cm on my thighs, arms and calves
🔸Keep my stomach as flat as possible
🔸Be very careful with food
🔸 Alcohol and junk food ≠ your goals
I hope that everything will be alright and that I will manage to get all of it done 🤞🏻
🔸🔸In the meantime 🔸🔸
... You have 10 days to become the best version of yourself to start this new academic year
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beatglow · 9 months
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how i will be going this school year
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beatglow · 9 months
✨ September 6✨
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After a week or more since I posted I'm finally back to share my day
Everything is going on well even if with my new work I don't have much time for myself but the little girl I'm babysitting is going to start school next week so I can do my stuff until early afternoon
Btw....today had a free afternoon so I managed to do more stuff than usual
✨Skincare + Hygiene
✨Eaten healthy (minus two chocolate biscuits lol)
✨ 20 minutes walk outside (the girl lives just 10 minutes away from my home)
✨Shower and Hair
✨Drunk more water than usual
✨At work in the morning
✨Daily Korean lesson/exercises
✨A little workout
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beatglow · 9 months
✳️ August 28✳️
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Pretty successful day where lots of unexpectedly stuff happened
🍀 Kept a good hygiene and skincare
🍀Did little chores
🍀 Shaved my legs
🍀Got a call for a job as a Babysitter and already started in the afternoon
🍀 One of my works from University got featured on the University Magazine and I was so happy about it
🍀Took my daily Korean studies
🍀I haven't workout today but I played Just Dance with the little girl I babysit so it kinda counts a little lol
Highlights of the day? Definitely when the little girl told me I'm so pretty that I could be a model...it sounds silly and so but for someone who struggle with her body image and physical appearance that actually made me feel good ����
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beatglow · 10 months
✳️August 26 2023✳️
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Come back home after two weeks away
Missed my cat so much 🐈
Btw even today was pretty good and menage to do lots of stuff
✳️Skincare and shower
✳️ Shaped my eyebrows in a better way finally
✳️ Daily Korean (more than usual since I was getting bored in the 3h on the way back home)
✳️ Just a little daily workout
✳️Some chores
✳️Drew a little
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beatglow · 10 months
✳️ 25th August 2023✳️
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Last day of vacation out of home:
🍀 Finished reading Hermann Hesse "Narcissus and Goldmund"
🍀 Started watching "Alice in Borderlands"
🍀 Worked out
🍀Taken my daily Korean lessons and exercise
🍀Did Skincare and kept my hygiene good
Tomorrow I'll be back home....hope everything will be alright....
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beatglow · 10 months
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beatglow · 10 months
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beatglow · 10 months
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beatglow · 10 months
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beatglow · 10 months
✳️24th August 2023 ✳️
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✨Chill day at my aunt's house in the countryside
✨My motivation to be the better version of myself started today
Eat healthy except for some cookies and tiramisu lol
Washed my teeth and did skincare
Did my Korean daily studies
Read 30+ pages
Did workout
Finished season 1 of "Blue Period"
It was a chill cozy days but I'm still in vacation so it's okay
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beatglow · 10 months
Hello Everyone
I'm Beat, a 23 years old italian girl who is really unsatisfied with her life.
I deal with often burnouts and I'm a champion in procrastinating my will to finally do something to make myself feel better...
Well....the day has come so let's go...
Put myself first and build a little ego
Don't always be a people pleaser
Grow confidence
Stay competitive in school and work (but not in a mean way)
Take a deep breath
Focus on your long lasting goals
2023 Goals:
Lose weight and get more toned and flexible
Get better skin
Fix and keep my hygine good
Stay on top of university class this years too
Get a part time job
Keep practising on drawing (the more the better)
Stay inspired
Make/Fix more clothes to be yourself
Keep on learing Korean
Don't waste money in things I dont need
Disclaimer I'm not here to romanticize my life but to actually takes little step to make my life "better", for example just brushing my teeth and my face before going to bed 'cause my bad mental healt doesn't make me (I know it sounds gross but that's why I want to try to get better). I'm not here to teach other how to live their life (I'm totally in no position to do that since I'm not even sure what I'm doing wth my own life) but I'd love to share tips and idea about everything. This is a safe place for everyone and everybody is welcome to follow my own journey and I'm ready also to get inspired by others.
- I hope that I would make other feel good and a little closer to happiness as I am indeed trying to do that to myself -
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beatglow · 10 months
how do you expect to improve if you're not putting any effort in it?
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