beginagaingossip · 3 years
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Heard any good rumors? Leave that to us to decide. Send us the secrets, send us the shame, and send us all the sensational stories you know!
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
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Heard any good rumors? Leave that to us to decide. Send us the secrets, send us the shame, and send us all the sensational stories you know!
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
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Heard any good rumors? Leave that to us to decide. Send us the secrets, send us the shame, and send us all the sensational stories you know!
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
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Heard any good rumors? Leave that to us to decide. Send us the secrets, send us the shame, and send us all the sensational stories you know!
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
who do you think is getting married next and who is having kids next?
Rumor has it Zatanna has already popped the question to Tony... but who's to say if that will stick? Kids could be in the cards for them as well. But that's the safe answer. Personally, I'd love to see a wildcard wedding - maybe Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance? Billionaire weddings really do have the best décor. I'd love to see something more on the unplanned side as far as children go, if only for the drama of it all. Maybe one last tryst for the broken-hearted for Conner and Cassie... now that would be an interesting genetic matchup.
— To live, and die and live again, Ophelia ‘Aida’ Sarkissian, Madame Hydra
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@mistressofmagic @avengerofiron @theacearcher @heartheblackdamncanary @kxnel @demiwonder
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
rank the Superfam from most to least dateable
Oh, the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of the superhero world. They're all a little dull if you ask me... but some are certainly better than others.
Supergirl. She was fun for a while during the Siege, wasn't she? You've never looked better than you did taking out those bridges, Ms. Danvers. If you ever decide to have fun again, be sure to give me a call.
The first Superboy, the one in that wonderful leather jacket. He has all the makings of a good time, even if he seems intent on avoiding them. You take too much after your caped side, Conner. Try the Luthor name on for size. I promise it'll be more rewarding.
The second Superboy is far less entertaining than the first, but I suppose he isn't the worst member of this insufferable family. He certainly seems capable of rage... if only he'd let himself go long enough to let it all out. Maybe with a little help from Magneto? It certainly helped Kara loosen up.
Alex Danvers certainly has the right vibes, but I'm so over shady government organizations. You can thank SHIELD for the burnout, dear. Better luck next time!
Lar Gand. I don't care for corn, and I hear that's something of a dealbreaker.
And last and certainly least, Superman himself. The ultimate Boy Scout. He's got looks, but I'm sure I'd be given a lecture of some sort. Maybe if he couldn't speak, his ranking would go up.
— To live, and die and live again, Ophelia ‘Aida’ Sarkissian, Madame Hydra
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@maidenxfmight @kxnel @supersxn @directordxnvers @cfvalors @trunksandcapes
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
What's the tea on Gambit and Rogue? Do you see them lasting?
Given the track record of mutantkind? I give it a week before one of them dramatically dies in the other's arms. Or maybe we'll get lucky and one of them will turn over to the dark side. I'd love to see what Ms. Anna Marie could do with her powers without that pesky moral compass in her way. And Gambit's stint as Death was a fun one, wasn't it?
I'd say their best bet is stirring up a little trouble together. Bonnie and Clyde may not have gotten their happy ending... but they certainly had fun along the way, didn't they?
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— To live, and die and live again, Ophelia ‘Aida’ Sarkissian, Madame Hydra
@roi-des-voleurs @annaroguemarie
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
Who is most likely to have their heartbroken? Who is most likely to comfort someone? And who is most likely to do the heartbreaking?
Oh goodie. This is the kind of question I love contemplating when it comes to the righteous and divine.
Anna Marie really does give off that charming Southern mother energy, doesn’t she? If you got your heart all trampled over, she’d be there with some form of pie piecing it back together again – but the opposite might be true when it comes to Mr. LeBeau. Every time he looks at her it seems like his chest is cracking right in two. Talk about complications. Barry Allen and Steve Rogers seem to have developed quite the friendship, and they’re both nice guys. If I’m predicting, and I am, I’d say Barry will end up with a very wet shoulder when Agent 13 gets her way. Poor Cap doesn’t know what’s about to hit him.
I’d say Sandsmark and Kent are due for a cliff dive any time soon, but they’ve already hit the rocks all on their lonesome. Hope that misplaced anger won’t get anyone hurt, though I do have popcorn on hand just in case. Speaking of misplaced anger … let’s hope Alex Summers doesn’t get Magneto’s little girl all riled up. We know what happens when metallokinetics get testy in love – and damn, if Oliver Queen plays his usual part, I’ll be getting screamed out of every weapons deal for the next six months before I even get my hand on a gun. Black Canary is one woman even I would avoid pissing off.
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— I Always Hit The Mark, Benjamin ‘Dex’ Poindexter, Bullseye
@annaroguemarie @roi-des-voleurs @barryallins @libertycaps @sharcarters @demiwonder @kxnel @wreckhavoks @mistressxfmagnetism @theacearcher @heartheblackdamncanary
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
now that limbo's back where it belongs, do you think there's a chance for donna and illyana to kiss and make up?
What the fuck is a Limbo?
Okay, I Googled. You really can find anything on the dark web these days, can’t you? Illyana Rasputin and Donna Troy, truly a love story for the ages. A demon falling in love with a god. Someone should write poetry, but I ain’t that someone.
In my opinion, they’re thinking too small. Why concentrate on petty things like kissing, making up or going out on dates to pick flowers as you hold hands and talk about your feelings? These are two of the most powerful people in the city, and their time is spent second-doubting emotions (ugh). Now that Limbo’s ‘back where it belongs,’ as you say, I think the next best move for them is to use the power it provides to take over the world as benevolent (or not) overlords.
A little overboard? Maybe. But nothing makes a relationship hotter than shared goals, trust me.
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— I Always Hit The Mark, Benjamin ‘Dex’ Poindexter, Bullseye
@ofcosmicwonder @ruleroflimbo
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
Someone gave me a page of a book... and now I'm seeing things :( please help
Are you on acid? No? Okay, time for me to crack my knuckles and get back to my true passion – solving mysteries. (I’m bullshitting. It’s killing people. Nothing more satisfying, trust me.)
New York is a really special place. You can get a Frankfurter on the street for two dollars, or have one slapped on a plate in a restaurant with some soy sauce for the price of your rent. Sometimes, people stand in the middle of the street and try to tell you about Doomsday. They sell you haunted shit, and they give you white people levels of fearlessness when it comes to ouija boards. Is this sounding familiar, anonymous enquirer?
My advice if you’re seeing things … go with it. You never know where a little loopiness can take you. If this book is telling you to experiment with dark magic, sure, who can it hurt? Certainly not you! Try taking on the Sorcerer Supreme, while you’re at it. Let me know when you do and I’ll place a bet, my pockets have been pretty empty lately.
Never say I give bad advice!
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— I Always Hit The Mark, Benjamin ‘Dex’ Poindexter, Bullseye
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
how much can we really trust the green lanterns now that we know what they're capable of? it seems like just a matter of time before oblivion 2.0!
Public opinion really is a fickle thing. You know what I think? (I know you want to, which is why you’re sliding into my DMs, you naughty little gray faced civilian.) I think the Green Lanterns finally have the right idea. Enforcing interplanetary laws, ‘keeping the peace’, fighting space monsters – who wants a life like that when you can have power, am I right? Of course I’m right, I’m me. They see what they’re capable of and one of them finally had the balls to deviate from the straight and narrow. I, for one, think he’s finally interesting. The Daily Bugle agrees – just look at how much they’re in the headlines now! Try getting that notoriety from helping old ladies cross the street.
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— I Always Hit The Mark, Benjamin ‘Dex’ Poindexter, Bullseye
@brxghtestday @hxghbxll @anxietylanterncruz @impulselantern
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
rank the batfam from most to least dateable
First things first, let’s get something straight: I hate every single one of them and everything they stand for, with a singular exception. We’ll start there.
Red Hood. Call me, we can blow off more than just steam and heads. Good time guaranteed.
Huntress. Big fan of the way she, you know, shoots people. If we could just get her a little more unhinged, she’d be the perfect woman – and if rumors are to be believed, she has her finger in more than a few pies in the criminal underworld. Now that’s the kind of lady you want.
Nightwing. Ass, that’s it.
Red Robin. We all love a bad boy. He’s not it. Nerds can be sexy, though, so he gets an honorary mention.
Batgirl. Why would you waste a family legacy like that by joining up with the merry band of Boy Scouts? Crazy, but not in the fun way. Pass.
Batman. Asshole blocks my shots. No one blocks my shots. Must be a robot, and robots aren’t hot.
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— I Always Hit The Mark, Benjamin ‘Dex’ Poindexter, Bullseye
@rxdshood @thelastbertinelli @catalystsofchange @cleverbxrd @itsbxtgirl @voidsubsumed-bat
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
i heard a rumor that lar is all kinds of jealous about supergirl's fanclub. do you think he has a chance?
I’m so glad you asked about this, concerned member of the public. Lar Gand really has found himself in a particularly sticky situation, and I sympathize with the guy. Nothing quite stings like love, you know? One day you’re at dinner laughing over a glass of wine, the next she’s frozen solid and shoved in a freezer on the Kingpin’s command. You can never quite predict where the path will take you, but I do have some advice for our long-suffering friend:
Good girls so rarely go wild. If she’s more concerned with the whole saving the world shtick, she’s not the one for you. Trust me, the best kind of love is the kind that makes them go a little crazy. You’ll thank me in the future.
I’m up for a game of pool, if you don’t mind a little healthy competition. When I shoot, I never miss. See you soon, big guy.
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— I Always Hit The Mark, Benjamin ‘Dex’ Poindexter, Bullseye
@cfvalors @maidenxfmight
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
How many times has Simon ended up naked and stranded in space?
You’re asking me to speculate on super-heroic nudity? I would say, if pushed, it has to be at least in the double figures. Chances are it might even be triple. But instead of focusing on whether everywhere is tinged with a little green, I pose another question: why does Simon Baz get away with public indecency? I stab one slimy politician at a party when everyone else wanted to, I’m a public menace. He’s out here flinging his [REDACTED] around in front of multiple alien species, and he gets lauded as a reincarnated Han Solo. Make it make sense.
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— I Always Hit The Mark, Benjamin ‘Dex’ Poindexter, Bullseye
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
Heard the JL might be reforming since some of the big ones seem to be crawling out of hiding? Whats the tea with that?
I'm sure they'll make another go at it soon. These heroes always seem to think they're necessary to the way our world functions... but if you ask me? Teams like the Justice League only ever make matters worse. You get that many heroes in one spot and it doesn't deter villains so much as challenge them. I mean, who wouldn't want to add 'defeating the Justice League' to their resume? I know I wouldn't mind the bragging rights.
— To live, and die and live again, Ophelia ‘Aida’ Sarkissian, Madame Hydra
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
a wedding? love is in the air! do you think it'll last? might some others be moved by the special day?
A wedding. I have to say, this one's been a long time coming. Colleen Wing and Danny Rand have been disgustingly in love for ages now. I'm sure it'll last until one of them meets their untimely demise... which, with their habits, will probably be a year at most. Maybe they can reuse the same outfits for the funeral!
Of course, weddings are such a good place to feed a spark. We all know Stark and Zatara are hot and again, but if you want my guess for a more shocking wedding contender... I'm placing my bets on the Lance-Queen tent. I'd bet on the pair eloping, honeymooning, and falling out all in the same hotel room. Those two know how to keep it interesting.
— To live, and die and live again, Ophelia ‘Aida’ Sarkissian, Madame Hydra
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@immortalweapon @dragonsdefender @mistressofmagic @avengerofiron @theacearcher @heartheblackdamncanary
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
Kiss, kiss, fall in love — who's next?!
“Let’s take bets, shall we?
Kara Danvers and Lar Gand are well on their way to coupledom... so long as they can avoid any more roadblocks. Those two certainly haven’t had an easy go of it, but... No one can deny that the feelings are there. It’s nauseating. 
Speaking of roadblocks... Donna Troy and Illyana Rasputin’s relationship has been in limbo for some time now, hasn’t it? It’s only a matter of time before the misunderstandings come to an end, I suppose. It was certainly fun watching the heartache while it lasted. 
As for the couples a bit further back in their stories... has anyone else noticed the painfully obvious ‘mutual crush’ aspect of Jon Kent and Damian Wayne’s dynamic? There’s something to be said for puppy love, I suppose.”
— To live, and die and live again, Ophelia ‘Aida’ Sarkissian, Madame Hydra
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@maidenxfmight @cfvalors @ofcosmicwonder @ruleroflimbo @sonxfbatman @supersxn​
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