#char: remy lebeau
southernsilvers · 2 months
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they're literally perfect for each other and i just HAD to do this trend
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Don't be fooled by that vacant stare, he has braincells, and he will make it your problem
Oh my-!
Look at him! The poor guy needs a bath! (Lots of bubbles, and soap, and detergent to get rid of the rotting smell-). He needs hugs.
The charred look?! The hair?! The little smile?! AAAAAHHHHH! The exposed wires/metal frame? The torn coat? AAAAAHHHHH! THIS IS SO GOOD!!! CUBE ANON, YOU ROCK!!!!
(His name is Gambit, a.k.a. Remy LeBeau, he misses his friends, and he wants hugs) (he also stalks the teens because they need protection from scary things in the dark, and he can maybe blow up the scary thing in the dark)
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beginagaininspo · 3 years
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Made for @roi-des-voleurs for the Begin Again Holiday Exchange!
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marveltrumpshate · 3 years
June 2021 MTH fills part 1/2
Happy summer! If you live somewhere hot, keep cool by staying indoors and enjoying these works.
The best way to see all the fills that have been shared with us is our monthly roundups tag or our #MTH-fills channel on our Discord, but you can also view them through the following methods:
Our Tumblr tags: 2018, 2019, 2020
Our AO3 collections: 2018, 2019, 2020 (only has works posted to AO3)
Completed works tag list: 2018, 2019, 2020
To find specific content, use our completed works tag lists above which includes instructions on how to search for a particular character, gen or romantic relationship, universe, and fanwork type.  
@artgroves - “Your Plans and those Slow Hands” (616 ‘60s-era Steve/Tony relaxing together in an armchair in the Avengers mansion library) for @nostalgicatsea, @betheflame, @sineala, @magicasen, @kiyaar, InfiniteGem, @tonbotomoe, @hundredthousands-art, @ishipallthings, and wynnesome (also on Tumblr and Twitter) 
@avidreader6 - “Invisible Strings” (Sleeping Beauty soulmate harem Steve/Tony AU fic) for @amiyusesha
Embroidery by Rebecca/@embroid-away - Cross-stitch embroidery piece of Rogue and Remy hugging, based on the cover of X-Men #24 (1993)
Eriot/@latelierderiot - Rotoscope of Bucky and Tony kissing for @kimmycup, @missmoodybear, @saganarojanaolt, @rise-up-ting-ting-like-glitter,  @wonderland-girl, and @bill-longbow (also on Twitter)
@kowaiyoukai - “The Face of America” (Steve/Tony soulmate fic where both of them get their soulmarks on live news) for @mizzy2k (MTH 2019)
Neutralchaos/@chaosdraws - Art of Brock looking at angry mer!Jack Rollins in a tank for @kalika999
@neverweremine - “The Best of Intentions” (Harry Osborn/Peter Parker Hanahaki AU fic set in the 2018 Marvel's Spider-Man video game) for imbaby_ca
@newtypeshadow - “you deserve good things (please say I’m a good thing)” (Bucky/Tony no powers matchmaking fic) for @betheflame
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avengerofiron · 3 years
[ text ] I know it is late, but are you up? || @roi-des-voleurs
(✉ → red eye): if it's anything about a threat or associated dangers, my help can wait until 9 tomorrow morning (✉ → red eye): i literally haven't slept for four days and you are spritely enough to handle it, i'm sure [...] (✉ → red eye): no, i can't stand by that (✉ → red eye): what do you need?
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libertycaps · 3 years
There were some people who were naturally good at these kinds of things. Sharon would argue the fact that you could be good at a party – would say that it came without much thinking, that there was no way to fail at having a nice time – but Steve would disagree automatically and emphatically. He was very bad at parties, in his experience. He’d managed to pass himself with the Avengers, but that was only because he faded into the background easily compared to people like Stark and Thor. Even Clint had a flashy edge to him, honed through years of performance. All Steve had to do was smile politely and nod while people drunkenly rambled on, and he was considered a perfectly adequate guest.
Tonight, though, people were actually having fun. They were loosening up, they were dancing, they were singing karaoke and eating more food than they had in months before. There was one man in particular who was tearing the place up, and when he dropped, exhausted, into the seat beside Steve, he couldn’t help but lean over, offering him a napkin and a drink of orange juice. “Good for electrolytes,” he provided. (Great conversation starter there, Rogers, his mind provided.) “You, uh … you come to these things often?”
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
Who is most likely to have their heartbroken? Who is most likely to comfort someone? And who is most likely to do the heartbreaking?
Oh goodie. This is the kind of question I love contemplating when it comes to the righteous and divine.
Anna Marie really does give off that charming Southern mother energy, doesn’t she? If you got your heart all trampled over, she’d be there with some form of pie piecing it back together again – but the opposite might be true when it comes to Mr. LeBeau. Every time he looks at her it seems like his chest is cracking right in two. Talk about complications. Barry Allen and Steve Rogers seem to have developed quite the friendship, and they’re both nice guys. If I’m predicting, and I am, I’d say Barry will end up with a very wet shoulder when Agent 13 gets her way. Poor Cap doesn’t know what’s about to hit him.
I’d say Sandsmark and Kent are due for a cliff dive any time soon, but they’ve already hit the rocks all on their lonesome. Hope that misplaced anger won’t get anyone hurt, though I do have popcorn on hand just in case. Speaking of misplaced anger … let’s hope Alex Summers doesn’t get Magneto’s little girl all riled up. We know what happens when metallokinetics get testy in love – and damn, if Oliver Queen plays his usual part, I’ll be getting screamed out of every weapons deal for the next six months before I even get my hand on a gun. Black Canary is one woman even I would avoid pissing off.
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— I Always Hit The Mark, Benjamin ‘Dex’ Poindexter, Bullseye
@annaroguemarie @roi-des-voleurs @barryallins @libertycaps @sharcarters @demiwonder @kxnel @wreckhavoks @mistressxfmagnetism @theacearcher @heartheblackdamncanary
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jeaniegreysummers · 3 years
[ head first ] for the SENDER’S MUSE to run into danger. || @roi-des-voleurs​
They didn’t go into danger alone. Unlike the Avengers (and yes, Jean did share her husband’s rather petty outlook on that particular team), they had been doing this for decades. They knew how to organise and mobilise quickly, knew how to get to where they were needed within the shortest time possible. Today, Jean was taking a leave of absence from Sara Memorial, leaving it in Alex’s capable hands, so she could flex her other skillset – and she was teaming up with Gambit to do it.
Unfortunately, she could hardly claim to be organised when she was standing next to Remy. It was very much a case of leaning into her telepathy to know what the hell he was planning on next, because otherwise he was unpredictable – one of his strengths and his drawbacks. Jean looked over at him as soon as they landed, constructs rapidly appearing on the streets before them, and shot him a warning glance. “You better not–”
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Remy did. Within an instant, he was running forward, cards flying – and Jean sighed but didn’t hesitate before pushing herself up off the ground, flying forward to hurl a few telekinetic blasts at constructs, dispersing them only for them to rebuild. “Hitting things isn’t always the best option, LeBeau!”
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ironiccrus · 5 years
[text] why did you send me gps coordinates to death valley? (Remy, obviously wrong number!)
TEXT MEME || for @roi-des-voleurs
(✉ → natalie rushman Unknown): well, the person i /intended/ this for wouldn’t need to ask that question, so ...(✉ → Unknown): nothing to see here, i guess?(✉ → Unknown): i can pay you to keep quiet, if you want
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lifeinccrnate · 5 years
An excited text || for @roi-des-voleurs
(✉ → beignet boy 🃏): Remy, I think I might’ve /finally/ cracked your secret recipe.(✉ → beignet boy 🃏): The kids didn’t even spit out the beignets when they tried them this morning, so that’s definitely an improvement, right?
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klauswalz · 4 years
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Favourite Comic Book Characters: Remy LeBeau
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Mutant Muses Wanted
Ok, so this is a little sneaky of me. I'm using my Bruce account, though the muses I'm seeking mutants to rp with is not primarily Bruce.
Anyway, this are the muses I would like mutant muses for:
Johnny Do (minor Marvel character, pyrokinetic mutant) (blog)
Nathanael Hunt (OC, mutant with the ability to manipulate life force) (I've rped him for about 17 years or so)
Mariette Mastiff (OC, daughter of Remy LeBeau (unknown to both of them) and Marie "Minnie" Mastiff (actual char from the comics)) (blog)
Both OCs and canon muses are welcome (though both need to have bios), I yay want some other mutants to rp with.
It's ok to reblog this if you want to help me find rp partners.
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iwritethingstoo · 4 years
On The Run
Character: Dark!Gambit/Remy LeBeau x OFC (Kimi), Dark!Marvel
A/N: This is written for @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​‘s  #sweatersanyficchallenge . Written with insporation from the Taylor Kitsch version of Gambit
This is a follow-up to In The Cards, but it’s not necessary to read that one before reading this. It is appreciated though.
Prompt: If I die, I’m haunting you first
Warnings: Dark!Gambit, mentions of loss of virginity, abuse and Non-Con, violence, swearing
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: After a tough first night, these 2 unlikely companions will have to work together to survive.
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Kimi sat at the small table shuffling her tarot cards absent-mindedly while looking around the motel room she and her companion had chosen for the night.
She looked to the man whom she had been traveling with. In the time they had been together, she had come to know him as two people: Remy and Gambit.
Remy was strong and smart, but seemed a touch sad and lonely. He was also a flirt; often calling her Cher and kissing her hand. Kimi couldn’t tell if he liked her if that was just his personality shining through.
Gambit, on the other hand, was mysterious and a bit scary. He had forcefully taken her virginity on the first night they were together. At first, she was intrigued by him, but now she wanted nothing to do with him.
They were currently on the run from the X-Men. Their leader, Charles Xavier, wanted her to join them, but didn’t tell her that she wouldn’t be able to leave. She only learned that when Remy grabbed her from Xavier’s car and carried her away. That was 1 week ago. Since then, they had been staying in a new place every night.
Kimi shook her head and brought herself back to the little room. She looked down and saw that one of her tarot cards was lying face up on the table: The Tower. ‘What kind of sudden change?’ she thought as she drew another card. She stared at the 5 of Cups and she began to worry. Kimi had the ability to read tarot with unerring accuracy. This was why the X-Men wanted her. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her mind. The 5 of Cups signified loss, bereavement and all the emotions that came with it. She didn’t have any family or close friends and that really only left herself. ‘It doesn’t necessarily mean….’ Her thought broke off as Remy stood from the bed.
“Are you sure you want to go back there, Cher? You and I both know, they’ll be waiting for us.” he looked sincerely concerned.
“We have to.” She nodded. “There’s something I need to get.” Today, they would be within walking distance of her old shop with her upstairs apartment. She hadn’t seen it since the day her life changed courses. She gathered her cards and slipped them into her pocket as she stood up. They left the motel room and headed towards the shopping district.
Kimi was about to turn the corner to her old block, but Remy stopped her and looked first. When he turned around, he took her hands in his and looked into her eyes.
“Last chance to back out.”
She shook her head and he handed her his bo staff. They turned the corner together and, even though they didn’t see anyone, walked cautiously to the shop. Just as Kimi reached the door, she noticed that it was open. She nudged it open with the staff and what she saw, brought her to tears. The place had been ransacked. All the drawers were open and their contents thrown across the room. The table and chairs where she used to read the cards for customers had been upturned and lay broken amongst the mess.
“Cher, we have to hurry. I hear someone coming. Go. I’ll stay here and keep whoever it is, busy.” Kimi wiped her eyes and nodded. She ran up the stairs and knelt on the floor where her bed should have been. One good thing about this mess was that she didn’t have to move it to get to the loose floorboard that was normally hidden. It looked as though no one had discovered her secret. She pried the wood up and looked into the small hole. There was a small box, no bigger than her tarot deck. She lifted it and examined it.
To any other person it was just a small block of wood with no opening, but she knew how to open it. Her grandmother had given it to her with her tarot deck and told her that the two were connected. She could still hear her grandmother’s words, ‘The right card will be the key to both this box and your life. When the time comes, it will open.’ Somehow Kimi knew now was the right time. She reached into her pocket and drew a card from the deck. As she held it against the box, she looked at the artwork. It depicted an angel with one foot in a river and the other on land. The angel was pouring liquid from one jar to another. Temperance showed a need for balance; a coming together of two things or people.
Kimi heard a small click and returned the card to her pocket. The box was open and inside was a silver oval-shaped locket. She took it carefully in her hand and set the box on the floor. Holding the locket to her chest, Kimi remembered her mother wearing it daily and only removing it to sleep.
“I didn’t think you would actually come back.” Kimi hadn’t heard anyone enter the room. She turned around to see Cyclops standing there with a stern look on his face.
“I have got to ask you. What’s up with the visor?” She clasped the locket around her neck as he began to speak.
“It helps me to control my powers.”
“Oooo. What kind of powers do you have?” Kimi smiled giddily.
“Energy beams that can destroy mountains.”
“From your eyes? Like laser beams? Can you only destroy mountains?”
“Do you always ask this many questions?” It was obvious that he was quickly becoming exasperated with her.
“You don’t have to be such a grump about it.”
“How about this? Come with us and I will answer all of your questions.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you or your paraplegic leader.” Kimi took a fighting stance with the bo staff held in front of her. She was nowhere near proficient with it, but Remy had shown her a few moves. She didn’t want to be a burden to him in a fighting situation so she begged him after their last confrontation with the X-Men until he gave in.
“I don’t want to hurt you. Please, just come have a civil conversation with us. Let Xavier tell you about all the good we do.”
“Why are you defending him? He’s an ass that will use whatever he can to get his way and I won’t stand for it.”
“You don’t understand. He wants to help you. He can train you, help you learn and strengthen your abilities.”
“Help me? That must be a joke.” She scoffed. “After what I’ve been through? And have you seen the state of my shop? That man is insane and so are you if you think this is helping anyone.” She spat at him.
“If that’s the way you want it, we’ll do this your way.” He reached up and pressed a button on the side of his visor. A red energy beam shot out of his eyes and made contact with the floor at Kimi’s feet causing her to fall through to the shop below.
‘I guess that answers one of my questions.’ She waved the dust from the air and saw Remy fighting a woman with white hair and skin the color of chocolate. At the moment, she had lightning crackling around her hands and up her arms.
“Storm? What are you doing here?” Cyclops jumped down the hole and spoke to the woman.
“The Professor sent me to help you.” Storm relaxed and the lightning subsided.
“Leave it to Xavier to send one of the most powerful X-Men to help retrieve a simple woman.” As they spoke to each other, Remy extended his hand to Kimi and helped her to her feet.
“Is she really that strong?” Kimi whispered to Remy who nodded.
“We need to get out of here. This is too dangerous now.” he whispered back.
“Remy, I want you to know that if I die, I’m haunting you first.”
“Is that a promise, Cher?” He gave her a smirk and turned back to Storm and Cyclops who had already returned their attention to the runaways.
Storm’s blue eyes glowed white and the air began to stir. She sent a forceful gust of wind at Remy that sent him flying backwards into the wall. He stood and shook the rubble from the crumbling wall off his shoulders. Kimi saw that his eyes had darkened. She gulped; the situation just went from bad to worse. She hadn’t seen Gambit in a week. Her heartbeat picked up as she relived the trauma.
‘No, not now.’ She fought against the thoughts freezing her in place and took a deep breath. She tightened her grip on the bo staff and faced Cyclops. She swung the staff and aimed for his legs to knock him down, but he jumped, avoiding her attack. This left her wide open and he took the opportunity to punch for her jaw. Kimi’s wide swing caused her to stumble back and she watched as his fist passed inches from her face.
She regained her composure and tried again; this time aiming for his head. Kimi felt the vibration up her arm when Cyclops grabbed the staff before it could hit. He pressed his visor to send an energy beam that would hit her directly, but a tornado from across the room picked her up and the beam missed her. Kimi was thrown against the wall and landed next to Gambit. He let out a growl, grabbed Kimi and ran out of the building, stopping only to throw several of his playing cards which exploded when they reached the two X-Men.
When they were far enough away to be safe, he set Kimi down and she saw that his eyes had returned to their normal color. ‘Thank goodness.’ She couldn’t deal with Gambit on top of everything else right now. They continued walking and after a few minutes Remy spoke.
“What did we go there for anyways?”
“This.” She grabbed the locket. “It was my mother’s.” She looked down and saw that it was now charred and mangled, no longer resembling the oval it once had. Tears formed in her eyes and spilled over onto her cheeks. ‘Maybe the inside is still salvageable.’ She tried to pry it open, but that only resulted in the whole piece crumbling to dust. Kimi dropped to her knees and put her head in her hands as she let it all out. She had lost her only home and the last possession of her mother’s in one day. What did she have left? She only had the clothes on her back and the cards in her pocket.
As though on cue, she felt the pull of the deck. She tried to ignore it, but the tarot had a mind of their own. She took hold of a card and raised it to eye level. It was the 10 of Swords; rock bottom. How could things get any worse? She returned the card to the deck, but did not move from her spot on the ground.
“We can’t stay here, Cher. We have to find somewhere to shelter for the night.” Remy took her gently in his arms bridal style and started for the nearest motel.
The next morning, Kimi woke up with a determination she had never known. The X-Men, and especially Xavier, needed to pay for taking everything from her. She and Remy decided to train more with the bo staff today. After an hour of practice, Remy suggested that they take a break for the day and find something to eat and drink. He left to grab food and while he was gone, Kimi took a shower.
They sat on the motel floor and ate in silence until Kimi had finished half of her sandwich. She washed it down with a sip of water before clearing her throat.
“Tell me about the X-Men. I need to know more about our enemies.”
“You can’t go looking for trouble. I’m teaching you to protect yourself against one or two, but there are more of them than a small army.”
“I need to know what we’re up against. Obviously, they aren’t going to stop.” Remy paused and let out a sigh before starting.
“Most of them are mutants; a type of human with superhuman abilities. Some are normal humans. The most important thing to know is that they are all trained and dangerous if you oppose them.”
“We’re already opposing them and we can’t run forever. We have to take a stand at some point.” Kimi argued.
“I’m sure we will, but I want you to be more prepared before that. No sense walking in there with nothing, Cher. You have to be patient.” He looked into her eyes hoping that she could see how serious this was. “For now, we have to move. Can’t stay in one place for too long.”
They had been walking in silence for a couple hours when Remy grew tense. He grabbed several cards from his trenchcoat’s inner pocket and threw them. They exploded just moments after Kimi saw a blur move from that spot and towards them. Where the blur landed, a man stood with broad shoulders and what looked like metal blades coming out of his knuckles.
“We need to talk.” He had a deep gruff voice.
“Logan.” Remy said curtly. “Not you too.” He didn’t wait for a response before running in and throwing a punch. Logan countered by running his blades through Remy’s abdomen. Remy fell to the ground, bleeding. Kimi felt tears welling in her eyes. She did the only thing she knew to do and took an unsure stance. She couldn’t possibly win, but she wouldn’t go down without a fight. She waited to see what the man would do and was surprised when he retracted the blades into his knuckles.
“Don’t just stand there. We need to get him inside and treat his wounds.” He picked up the unconscious Remy and waited for Kimi to follow him.
“I don’t understand. Why are you helping? You just stabbed him.”
“Remy is too hasty for his own good, but your mother asked me to help you.”
“My mother died when I was 6.”
“No,” He shook his head. “She’s alive and in the Xavier Institute in New York.”
“Why would she be there?”
“Your mother is a mutant.”
Also tagging:
@nellblazer​, @official-and-unstable-satan​
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beginagaininspo · 3 years
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feat: @thenewmjw @roi-des-voleurs @thehoneyxbadger @beastbxygar @rictorscales @kxtepryde @rxdshood @vengeancedemons @ruleroflimbo
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lornapclaris · 5 years
AFTERMATH ASK MEME || “Bold of you to assume I have shame.” for @roi-des-voleurs​
He wasn’t stealing from her. Good for him, otherwise Lorna would’ve made a point to tighten that expensive looking watch around his wrist so much that his hand would’ve fallen off. He was stealing from someone else, and that wouldn’t normally bother Lorna, but it was like a trainwreck – you couldn’t quite look away even if you wanted to. Apparently, judgement was something the pickpocket was used to, because when he crossed the crowd, it was the first thing he alluded to. Lorna raised an eyebrow, then looked down at his hands. “I wasn’t assuming anything,” she replied, moving her gaze back to the man’s eyes. Unusual – a mutant too, perhaps. “But I was thinking that I wouldn’t mind seeing that again. Want to pass on some of your tricks?”
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avengerofiron · 3 years
(TRICK OR TREAT): for OUR MUSES to run into a group of skeletons that have a hoard of, presumably stolen, candy. || @roi-des-voleurs
Remy and Tony’s dynamic had started in a boardroom, discussing mutually beneficial plans for the future between Stark Industries and Genosha … or at least attempting to. Their personalities meshed was never going to lead to the most productive business meeting, though there was inspiration sparked in the aftermath that meant some pretty interesting cogs were sent into motion. When Remy sent note that he wouldn’t be attending their lunch today courtesy of a skeleton situation, Tony wasn’t just going to miss out on the fun.
He landed beside Remy in the middle of Genosha’s park, straight into the centre of a skeleton filled circle. “Looks like you’ve got yourself into a pickle,” Tony commented, pulling back the helmet for a moment, sending him a smirk. “What did you do?” A quick glance over the crowd, and he spotted the skeletons wearing satchels, paper bags, purses, whatever they could to carry large quantities of candy … and then he saw the backpack on Remy’s back containing the same. “Aw, LeBeau,” he said. “Didn’t anyone teach you not to steal candy from bones?”
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