#char: conner kent
dorrifuto · 2 months
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Yeehaw (Kryptonian)
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tigertoramaru · 6 months
conner kent (Superboy) || uptown funk [50K]
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ehliena · 2 months
Darker skinned Kon in MAWS makes me think they can still go with Luthor DNA bc remember when Jimmy bought the Planet bc he was secretly rich bc he was related to the Luthors? Yeah that.
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That was pretty quick lol I got some more if that’s ok?
1: if there was a starburst comic/cartoon/manga, how would you write it? Do two volumes for both kids separately showing their origins & before they meet and then bring them together in like the third volume/chapter?
2: since you mention they like to wrestle, what’s their favorite wrestling move; also to perform on goons?
3: what’s the power level gap between mar’i & Jake? Since both are probably already in the puberty stage, I can see Jake being a little bit more powerful due to the fact boys are stronger than girls with our bone density & stuff. (Unless tamaranians are build different lol)
4: even though they don’t kill due to being heroes, if they were in mortal kombat, what fatalities would you give to the boys? I can see Chris summoning the Nightwing entity and have the dragon eat the upper half of the opponent similar to liu kangs dragon fatality.
5: silly question :p you mention earlier that Chris gets powerful when the moon is out, does he get powerful when he looks at someone’s bare butt? Get it full moon XD I can see Jake or Conner making that type of joke & making Chris laugh.
Bring it all on my friend @gothicghost2000 XD. I got plenty of imagination to o come around
1. I think that’s an ideal approach enough though if we take into account that first issues/volumes of any comic are meant to entice the reader into the actual team themselves, I’d do their respective origins on one or two pages each of that volume, with narration from Chris and Jake themselves to help give the reader their points of view before then cutting to the present day for their first adventure shown in the pages.
2. Chris Kent by his the nature of powers is an absolute powerhouse and despite having some acrobatic moments, has a fighting style that reflects that. Hence his wrestling finisher of choice and one of his go to finishers against crooks and goons would be the Jackhammer Slam, a suplex which he carries his opponent on one arm up high before then slamming them on the ground back first. Best demonstrated by real life pro wrestler, Bill Goldberg
Now as for Jake, being more nimble and flexible, his preferred wrestling finisher of choice would be the Diamond Cutter aka the RKO. Here, he’d have a well placed headlock with his hands on the back of his opponent’s head, then slide forward onto his back, slamming the opponent face first onto the ground. Part of its charm for Jake is that he can strike with that move out of nowhere and anywhere, his stealthiness being utilized to great potential. Pioneered by wrestler Diamond Dallas Page and refined by Randy Keith Orton
When the play wrestle and spar in some of their free time, the Duo would also perform these moves albeit dialing back the intensity to sure they don’t hurt each other for real
3.I’d say Mar’i by a very thin margin has a little bit more power than her baby brother only though since she’s about to enter puberty (or as the Tamaraneans dub it ‘Gradual Transition into the Transformation’) while Jake has about two to three years to go before he can do so as well. That being said, other than that small margin, the Grayson siblings are somewhat even in terms of combat prowess and ability
4. Oh yes, Chris would do that for a MK fatality while for Jake, his would be charging up an esrcima with a starbolt, ramming the taster tip of it onto his opponent’s chest, unleashing it’s full blast, frying the guy but truly finishing them off with another supercharged escrima starbolt on the back to compliment the front one, finally causing the unfortunate opponent to explode in a blue blast of electricity and fire, leaving behind only a lower body with its top charred to a crisp
5. As hilarious it sounds, naturally Chris won’t be gaining a charge up of his powers via someone’s rear end anytime soon lol. And yes, his brothers and best friend would tease him about it but he’d take it in good fun. He’d probably quip that if those ‘full moons’ did count, they’re be a lot more werewolves during the nighttime hours of the city since that’s what Mom Lois told him about when he’s curious about what are ‘Adult Clubs’ all about.
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
Who is most likely to have their heartbroken? Who is most likely to comfort someone? And who is most likely to do the heartbreaking?
Oh goodie. This is the kind of question I love contemplating when it comes to the righteous and divine.
Anna Marie really does give off that charming Southern mother energy, doesn’t she? If you got your heart all trampled over, she’d be there with some form of pie piecing it back together again – but the opposite might be true when it comes to Mr. LeBeau. Every time he looks at her it seems like his chest is cracking right in two. Talk about complications. Barry Allen and Steve Rogers seem to have developed quite the friendship, and they’re both nice guys. If I’m predicting, and I am, I’d say Barry will end up with a very wet shoulder when Agent 13 gets her way. Poor Cap doesn’t know what’s about to hit him.
I’d say Sandsmark and Kent are due for a cliff dive any time soon, but they’ve already hit the rocks all on their lonesome. Hope that misplaced anger won’t get anyone hurt, though I do have popcorn on hand just in case. Speaking of misplaced anger … let’s hope Alex Summers doesn’t get Magneto’s little girl all riled up. We know what happens when metallokinetics get testy in love – and damn, if Oliver Queen plays his usual part, I’ll be getting screamed out of every weapons deal for the next six months before I even get my hand on a gun. Black Canary is one woman even I would avoid pissing off.
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— I Always Hit The Mark, Benjamin ‘Dex’ Poindexter, Bullseye
@annaroguemarie @roi-des-voleurs @barryallins @libertycaps @sharcarters @demiwonder @kxnel @wreckhavoks @mistressxfmagnetism @theacearcher @heartheblackdamncanary
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beginagaininspo · 3 years
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BEGINAGAIN + “babe i’m in the hospital”
@demiwxnder @kxnel
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incorrectbeginagain · 4 years
Jon Kent: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I too strong or too weak?
Kara Danvers: Strong.
Conner Kent: Weak.
Julio Richter: A coward. Use a knife.
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cuddlybitch · 5 years
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Krypto? Okay, Krypto, then I guess I’m... Conner.
aka when a superdog offers you his paw you better shake it
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ao3feed-timkon · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/pqsFma5
by bluberi
“Please don’t tell me you’re just throwing around the names of famous band members.”
Or, moments exploring the budding friendship of Robin and Superboy.
Words: 1592, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: DCU (Comics), Young Justice (Comics), Robin (Comics), Red Robin (Comics), Superboy (Comics), Teen Titans (Comics), Detective Comics (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent
Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent
Additional Tags: Pre-New 52, loosely connected oneshots set in pre new 52, Fluff, angst probably later, no beta we die like jason todd, other chars might show up
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/pqsFma5
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britesparc · 3 years
Weekend Top Ten #474
Top Ten Characters Who Came Back from the Dead
I am stunned – stunned! – that I’ve not done this one before. I mean, come on! It’s right there.
So there’s obviously a thematic resonance going on here. This weekend – the weekend you’re meant to be reading this – is famous where I come from because of a story where someone came back from the dead. Unlike other holidays – Christmas, Halloween, the release of a Star War – I’ve actually been a little slow off the mark in making lists that celebrate Easter. I’ve done eggs and bunnies, but incredibly I’ve never done resurrections, which really is the day’s whole deal. I mean, if you get down to brass tacks, it’s kinda the big selling point of the entire religion really. I hesitate to say “USP” because, well, it’s been done elsewhere, but it’s still supposed to be one of the big Christian takeaways (there’s definitely a chain of Christian takeaways in the States, isn’t there?).
Anyway, resurrection. It’s actually more common than you might think. Certainly in terms of comics there are probably more characters who’ve “died and come back” than have never “died” at all. But! And this is where I get pernickety. Most characters who “die” don’t actually die. Take Batman for instance: he’s shot in the face by Darkseid, and then Superman ups and finds his charred corpse, but – shocker! – he’s not actually dead, he was just sent back in time, where he Quantum Leaps his way back to the present day, accumulating enough Omega Energy with each leap that by the time he reaches the present day he’s blow a hole in reality. Or something, I’ve not read that story for quite a few years. Anyway: he wasn’t dead. Neither was Sherlock Holmes, or for that matter Dirty Den. Generally speaking, if someone dies in a story and then reappears, they’re not dead. Not really.
So this list here is supposed to be people who actually died. Now, even here, it’s debatable; I mean, is E.T. dead, or does his body just go into some kind of hibernation? If Optimus Prime’s brainwaves survive, does he ever really die? Is a clone someone coming back to life or not? It’s all a bit wishy-washy really, which kind of makes sense when you’re talking about resurrection. And let’s not get onto the chief resurrector, the Doctor; do they die every time they regenerate? Or is the regeneration itself a way of staving off death? When David Tennant turned into Matt Smith, did the Tennant-Doctor die? “I don’t want to go,” and all that; there’s always a subtle (or not-so-subtle) change in personality. Does that count? Well, for the purposes of this list, I’ve kinda decided it doesn’t. But it’s an interesting discussion to have, if you’re a big old nerd like me.
So yeah: people who have died – properly, I suppose – and then come back to life. That’s the list. No fakery, to mistaken identity, no alternate universe shenanigans; they were dead but they got better (no Chev Chelios either; sorry, Stath stans). No zombies either! Or vampires! They’re not undead; they were dead, and now they’re alive again. That’s the rule. Also I’ve seriously tried to limit comic book characters. And I’m sure there are some big omissions (like, I know there’s one from Game of Thrones that’s not on here, but that’s because I’ve not seen that far into the show yet; I know, I know). But I reckon these are the best at being back.
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Optimus Prime (Transformers franchise, from about 1987): OP is the OG when it comes to coming back to life. Dying and then stopping being dead is pretty much his thing. Technically the first time he came back from the dead was in the original animation; famously being offed by Megatron in The Transformers: The Movie (1986), he came back to life a year later. Subsequent media have frequently killed him and brought him back, even in the live-action movies, but I want to talk about the comics. Because the original Marvel run killed off Optimus at a similar time as the cartoon; he’s blown up in slightly contrived circumstances, but his brain is saved on a floppy disk. Two years later he has his body rebuilt and his brain restored and he’s off to the races once more. Then in 1991, when facing down planet-eating mega-bastard Unicron, he sacrifices himself again, but this time his personality has begun to merge with that of his ostensibly-human companion Hi-Q. Hi-Q/Prime is converted/rebuilt into a new body, and he wins the war. So there you go: even in this one sliver of continued continuity – not including off-shoots or spin-offs, let alone other iterations of the overall franchise – Optimus Prime died and came back to life twice. Beat that, Easter.
E.T. (E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, 1982): not much to say here that we don’t already know from the Book of Spielberg. E.T., doddery little alien magic-man, grows sicker and sicker as he’s stuck on Earth, until in a thrillingly-edited set-piece he seems to expire, human doctors unable to help him. “I know you’re gone,” says best bud Elliot, “because I don’t know what to feel.” But then! His heart glows! His colour returns! And he positively yells, “E.T. phone hooooooome!” – and Elliot’s euphoric laugh is just devastating. The whole sequence – what is it, ten minutes? Fifteen? – is masterful in every way, from the technical to the performative to the emotional. Bloody magic is what it is.
Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, 1954): Gandalf the Grey famously leads the Fellowship of the Ring across the Bridge of Khazad-dûm, where he faces off against a Balrog. After a bit of “you shall not pass” and all that, they both fall from the bridge, battling each other on the way down, before both perishing at the bottom. Gandalf, though, is not really Gandalf, but Olórin, one of the Maiar – basically a kind of angel, I guess. He is returned to Earth by the powers-that-be to complete his mission, and is promoted to Gandalf the White, supplanting the corrupt wizard Saruman. This new iteration of Gandalf is a bit more serious and steadfast, although he does retain his fascination with hobbits. Regardless, he gets a terrific death scene and a triumphant resurrection, and how it ties into Tolkien’s wider mythology is interesting.
Superman (DC Comics, 1993): comic book characters die and come back all the time; it’s pretty much a staple of the medium. I guess Jean Grey/Phoenix is probably the most famous, but they’ve all done at some point (even if, like in my Batman example earlier, sometimes they don’t actually die). Anyway, Superman died, very famously, after getting into a tremendous barney with genetically-engineered super-git Doomsday (as famously, and atrociously, depicted in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice). The whole “Death of Superman” arc is interesting and entertaining as an example of mid-nineties big-panel EXTREME storytelling: as the issues tick down to the fateful scrap in Metropolis, the number of panels-per-page is reduced until the final issue is basically just full of splash pages. It’s a terrific, exhilarating rumble, really selling the heft of the confrontation. Interestingly, the comic spends a lot of time afterwards dealing with life without Superman, as a raft of imitators/wannabe successors emerge from the woodwork; these include the best-ever Superboy, Conner Kent, and Steel, who’s basically Superman meets Iron Man. Eventually, of course, Superman comes back, his body essentially having been sent to a Kryptonian day spa to recuperate; he emerges clad in black and with a mullet, so death obviously has some lasting repercussions. Overall, it’s a whopping arc with long-term consequences, and whilst it’s easy to make Christ parallels when discussing Superman, this story doesn’t really hew that way (unlike the Snyder-verse which really goes all-in on that plot point, much to the films’ detriment). One of the better aspects is how, even in death, Superman is an inspiration, which in itself has a long trail; leading, eventually, to Batman’s famous withering diss, “the last time you inspired someone was when you where dead.” Anyway, I’ve gone on about this far too long.
Spock (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, 1984): let’s start by acknowledging just how great Spock’s death is in Wrath of Khan. As a plot point within the film, as a piece of staging and performance, and as a landmark moment in this franchise, it was seminal; a death for the ages (as an aside, it’s crazy to think Star Trek as a whole was only sixteen years old when Spock died; the MCU was eleven when Tony Stark clicked the bucket). Anyway, they built an entire film around how to bring him back, and Spock as we know him is absent for much of it; a presence looming over everything as he rapidly ages, going through his Vulcan super-puberty and everything. It’s actually a rather sombre film as Kirk’s son is killed and the Enterprise blows up; bringing back Spock comes with a very real cost. Trek III is not one of the top-tier films – in the loose trilogy that comprises Khan, Spock, and The Voyage Home it’s certainly the weakest – but it’s still pretty good, often underrated. And, of course, it brings back Spock, which is nice.
Agent Coulson (Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., 2013): Coulson’s death in Avengers comes as a huge shock, one of the fan-favourite characters being brutally offed in surprising fashion. In a film chock full of super-people, it’s the ordinary guy who buys it tragically. However, did any of us really think he was dead-dead? And so barely a year later he pops back up in the TV series Agents of SHIELD. However, his reincarnation became a recurring plot point; his references to spending time in Tahiti (“It’s a magical place”) becoming increasingly sinister as we come to understand even he doesn’t know how he’s back up and running. The eventual truth – Nick Fury using painful and transformative alien tech to basically bring Coulson back to life – may be a bit underwhelming, but it gave Clark Gregg a lot of meat to chew on dramatically speaking, and it underscored a lot of his character development going forward (especially when he, yes, died again, and then sort-of came back, twice).
Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 2001): full disclosure: I never watched Buffy religiously. I think I just missed it at the start and it was only when all my friends were talking about how great it was that I started tuning in more regularly. Weirdly, I think the most I watched it was around the time Buffy died and came back. It’s fascinating, really, and full credit to the show for the way they explored it; in a series full of magic, the afterlife, and the undead, bringing a character back to life isn’t too shocking. Willow, Buffy’s witchy mate, resurrects her with magic; but in an excellent twist, it turns out that she was in Heaven, and is super pissed off to be pulled out of paradise and stuck back on Earth, leading to her feeling depressed and alienated all season. That’s a great hook for bringing a character back, and leads to some meaty stuff for Sarah Michelle Geller to do.
Agent Smith (The Matrix Reloaded, 2003): do you ever feel that The Matrix has slipped from popular culture a little bit? Twenty years ago it was ascendent, rivalling Lord of the Rings for the title of “the new Star Wars”. Everyone was copying it. but now hardly anyone talks about it. probably because it hasn’t had a multimedia shelf-life comprising dozens of games and spin-off shows. Maybe the new film will change that. But I digress; Hugo Weaving is tremendous as Agent Smith in the first film, and is exploded at the end (spoilers) by Keanu Reeves’ Neo. Unsurprisingly – especially as he’s, well, just bits of code – he’s back in the sequel. However, he’s now been corrupted; he becomes, basically, a virus, self-replicating and threatening not just our heroes but the Matrix itself. This builds across two films, as Neo has to fight dozens of Smiths in the famous “Burly Brawl”, before the final conflict in The Matrix Revolutions when it seems everyone in the program has been Smithed. It offers Weaving a lot of scenery to chew on and makes for some great set-piece battles, even if the films themselves are a little disappointing.
Olaf (Frozen II, 2019): let’s not beat around the bush here – Olaf carks it in Frozen II. Okay, maybe Elsa dies; maybe Anna dies in the first film. They’re frozen, right, but I feel like it’s “magic ice” and there’s something going on there. Do they come back to life or were they ever really dead? Anyway, Elsa is effectively “gone” but we get a protracted death scene for the comic relief talking snowman. He literally fades away, slowly dying in Anna’s arms, and melts into a flurry of snow that blows away. People talk about Bambi’s mum all the time, but mark my words; “Olaf’s death” is going to be cited as a major traumatic incident for twenty-year-olds in 2030. His resurrection, truth be told, is slightly less great, Elsa just straight-up bringing him back to life, reminding us that “water has memory” to let us know that it’s the same Olaf and he remembers everything (including, presumably, dying? That’s creepy). And that, to be honest, is where I draw the line; sentient wind and rock monsters I can handle, but we all know homeopathy is bollocks.
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, 2019): look, I hate this. But let’s deal with it anyway, because I have a funny feeling it’s going to lead to some quite interesting stories being told in spin-off Star Wars fiction. I personally feel quite strongly that Palpatine should have stayed dead. And maybe he did? We are led to believe that the Palpatine we see in Rise is a clone; there are jars of stilted Snokes floating in the background. He’s all knackered and broken, eyes blackened and fingers dropping off; clearly he’s not well. So is he really the same character at all? Is his Sith essence somehow fed into this new body, the way Prime’s mind is downloaded from a floppy disk (“run prime.exe”)? Let’s say it counts, let’s say he’s the same slimy Palps we know and love. He is, at least, a sinister presence, and like I say, the whys and wherefores of how he came to be back is quite interesting. There’s a fascinating story to be told about the rise of Snoke and the seduction of Ben Solo – a more interesting story than anything told in The Rise of Skywalker, for starters. Moff Gideon in The Mandalorian seems to be researching cloning and seeks to extract midichlorians from a Force-sensitive being; are we to conclude that this in service of making a new body for the Emperor? All this – stuff hinted at but not explored in the film itself – is, like I say, interesting if not outright fascinating. And I agree, there is a certain degree of circularity in bringing back the series’ Big Bad for the final instalment. But I still feel, hand on heart, that it undoes a lot of the victory of Return of the Jedi (as did The Force Awakens, if I’m honest), as well as throwing away all the development of Rey and Kylo in The Last Jedi. So: Palpatine is cool, his presence and backstory in Rise of Skywalker is suitably creepy and interesting, but on the whole it’s crap and they shouldn’t have brought him back. The end.
Ten people who definitely died and definitely un-died! What could be more Easter-y? Honourable mention goes to the episode of Red Dwarf where Rimmer changes history and ends up not being a hologram, only to accidentally blow himself up in the final seconds.
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ao3feed-tmnt2k12 · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LbprwG
by JMP00
It has been a decade since the greatest conflict in Human history happened
The Great Battle between the Heroes and Villains
And the Villains won, massacring the heroes. A civil war occured that wiped out the greater Villains. Now slowly dying, Earth has become a land of mercenaries, marauders, and creatures of horror or rage. In this land, former US Soldier Randall Malloy is brought into a greater world as his life is targeted by enemies beyond his scope. Relying on his protector, the Symbiote Lesion, they must survive in a world where chaos reigns and the world is far more grey than it is black and white.
Except for certain OCs, all characters, concepts and franchises here don't belong to me.
Words: 3069, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Superman - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, DC Animated Universe (Timmverse), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Avengers (Comics), X-Men - All Media Types, Witchblade - All Media Types, Spawn (Comics), Spawn: The Animated Series (Cartoon 1997), Godzilla - All Media Types, Godzilla (2014), Godzilla: King of The Monsters (2019), Kong: Skull Island (2017), Metal Gear, Gundam Wing, 機動戦士ガンダム 鉄血のオルフェンズ | Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans, Universal Century Gundam, Rockman | Mega Man - All Media Types, Rockman X | Mega Man X, Rockman Zero | Mega Man Zero, Transformers - All Media Types, Bionicle - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2th Century, Hellsing, Fate/Grand Order, Fate/stay night & Related Fandoms, Metroid Series, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Big Hero 6 (2014), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball, Bleach, Skullgirls (Video Game), King Kong (2005), Fantastic Four (Comicverse), Marvel, 艦隊これくしょん | Kantai Collection, 碧蓝航线 | Azur Lane (Video Game), 少女前线 | Girls' Frontline (Video Game), Outlast (Video Games), Friday the 13th Series (Movies), A Nightmare on Elm Street - All Media Types, Ringu | The Ring - All Media Types, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Halo (Video Games) & Related Fandoms, Invader Zim, Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall, Nicktoons (Video Games), Disney - All Media Types, Lobotomy Corporation (Video Game), Jurassic Park - All Media Types, Jurassic World Trilogy (Movies), Venom (Comics), Kill la Kill (Anime & Manga), Ben 10 Series, Generator Rex, ワンパンマン | One-Punch Man, Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Mortal Kombat (Video Games), Mortal Kombat - All Media Types, Left 4 Dead (Video Games), Call of Duty (Video Games), LEGO Exo-Force, Terminator - All Media Types, RoboCop - All Media Types, Killing Bites (Anime), Under the Red Hood, Batman: Arkham (Video Games), 明日方舟 | Arknights (Video Game), Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Anime & Manga), Minecraft (Video Game), G.I. Joe - All Media Types, G.I. Joe: Renegades, Elfen Lied, Digimon - All Media Types, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2003), Samurai Jack (Cartoon), Samurai Spirits | Samurai Shodown (Video Games), Aliens vs Predators Series - Various Authors, Alien Series, Predator Original Series (1987-1990), Alien vs Predator (2004), Danny Phantom, Borderlands (Video Games), Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse), BioShock 1 & 2 (Video Games), BioShock Infinite, Fallout (Video Games), Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Team Fortress 2, Portal (Video Game), Half-Life, Child's Play/Chucky (Movies), Evil Dead (Movies), Overlord - Maruyama Kugane & Related Fandoms, ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Star Wars Legends - All Media Types, The Secret Saturdays, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series), Fate/EXTRA, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Persona Series, One Piece, Doom (Video Games), Kingdom Hearts, Deadpool - All Media Types, Gorillaz, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga), Berserk (Anime & Manga), Black Rock Shooter - All Media Types, Undertale (Video Game), Star Trek, Starbound (Video Game), Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Xenogears, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game), Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Sodagirls, Haydee (Video Game), Marvel vs. Capcom (Video Games), Dark Souls (Video Games), Darkstalkers (Video Games), Adventure Time, Young Justice - All Media Types, Teen Titans - All Media Types, Devil May Cry, Akame ga Kill! (Anime & Manga), Gakuen Mokushiroku | Highschool of the Dead, Dead Rising, Power Rangers, Powerpuff Girls, Incredibles (Pixar Movies), The Incredible Hulk (Comics), Wolverine (Comics), The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Video Games), Assassin's Creed - All Media Types, Warcraft - All Media Types, Destiny Child - Fandom, Dungeons & Dragons - All Media Types, Streets of Rage (Video Games), Bendy and the Ink Machine, InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale, Ao no Exorcist | Blue Exorcist, Re:CREATORS (Anime), Injustice: Gods Among Us, Justice League: Gods and Monsters (2015), W.I.T.C.H., Black Lagoon (Anime & Manga), Jormungand (Manga), Men in Black (Movies), Men in Black: The Series, Soul Calibur, Duke Nukem (Video Game), RWBY, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, Rayman (Video Games), Spyro the Dragon (Video Games), Crash Bandicoot (Video Games)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Original Character, Original Characters, Sirnight | Gardevoir, RC-1207 | Delta-07 | Sev | Sev Vau, Yang (Bleach), Ying (Bleach), Clementine (Overlord - Maruyama Kugane), Tsuzuki Shiori, Jason Todd, Robo-Fortune (Skullgirls), Scythana, Cassandra Cain, Marie (Skullgirls), Mandy (Billy & Mandy), Slade Wilson, Lex Luthor, Galatea (DCU), Frost (Mortal Kombat), Android 21 (Dragon Ball), Brolly (Dragon Ball), Char Aznable, Future Trunks Briefs, Future Bulma Briefs, Future Mai (Dragon Ball), Future Android 18 (Dragon Ball), Goku Black, Mileena (Mortal Kombat), Tanya (Mortal Kombat), Skarlet (Mortal Kombat), Kano (Mortal Kombat), Zero (Rockman), Haven Trooper, Beauty and the Beast Unit (Metal Gear), Laughing Octopus (Metal Gear), Crying Wolf (Metal Gear), Raging Raven (Metal Gear), Indominus Rex (Jurassic Park), Kon-El | Conner Kent, Rogues Gallery (Batman), Arkham Knight (Batman: Arkham), Durge (Star Wars), Slipstream (Transformers), T-Dolls, T-X (Terminator), T-1000 (Terminator), Future Son Gohan, Future Cell (Dragon Ball), Heero Yuy, Karen Starr, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Dr. Wily (Rockman), Damian Wayne, Arno Stark, Victor von Doom, Nemesis Prime, Rachel Summers, Rachel Foley, Gina Foley, Seras Victoria, Integra Hellsing, Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist), Brainiac (DCU), Luorno Durgo, Gojira | Godzilla, Zilla Jr. | Godzilla Junior, Thel 'Vadam | The Arbiter, Metal Sonic, Neo Metal Sonic, Mechagodzilla (Godzilla), Mecha Sonic, Samus Aran, Dark Samus (Metroid), SA-X (Metroid), Bambietta Basterbine, Candice Catnipp, Liltotto Lamperd, Meninas McAllon, Giselle Gewelle, Tia Harribel, Emilou Apacci, Franceska Mila Rose, Cyan Sung-Sun, Big Sister (BioShock), Elizabeth (BioShock), Tenryuu (Kantai Collection), Musashi (Kantai Collection), Nitocris | Caster, Jeanne d'Arc Alter | Avenger, Minamoto no Raikou | Berserker, Passionlip | Alter Ego, Artoria Pendragon Alter | Lancer, Yautja (Predator), Female Yautja (Predator), Xenomorph (Alien Movies), Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Yamamura Sadako, Michael Myers, Chucky | Charles Lee Ray, Doomsday (Superman), Doom Marine | Doom Slayer | Doomguy, James "Bucky" Barnes, Hassan-i-Sabbah | Assassin, LadyDevimon (Digimon), Gaz (Invader Zim), Jenny Wakeman, The Combine (Half-Life), Juri Han, Seth (Street Fighter), Veranke (Skrull Queen), Asagi (Witchblade), Witch (Left 4 Dead), Finn the Human, Huntress Wizard, Susan Strong, Cyberdemon (Doom), Spider Mastermind (Doom), Pillar Men (JoJo), Asui Tsuyu, Tatsumaki (One-Punch Man), Nymphs (Rayman), Princesses (Rayman), Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One, League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Toga Himiko
Relationships: Original Character/Canon Character, Future Trunks Briefs/Future Mai
Additional Tags: Post-Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Dystopia, Hope, Grimdark, Crossover, Multiverse
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LbprwG
24 notes · View notes
ao3feed-genrex · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LbprwG
by JMP00
It has been a decade since the greatest conflict in Human history happened
The Great Battle between the Heroes and Villains
And the Villains won, massacring the heroes. A civil war occured that wiped out the greater Villains. Now slowly dying, Earth has become a land of mercenaries, marauders, and creatures of horror or rage. In this land, former US Soldier Randall Malloy is brought into a greater world as his life is targeted by enemies beyond his scope. Relying on his protector, the Symbiote Lesion, they must survive in a world where chaos reigns and the world is far more grey than it is black and white.
Except for certain OCs, all characters, concepts and franchises here don't belong to me.
Words: 3069, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Superman - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, DC Animated Universe (Timmverse), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Avengers (Comics), X-Men - All Media Types, Witchblade - All Media Types, Spawn (Comics), Spawn: The Animated Series (Cartoon 1997), Godzilla - All Media Types, Godzilla (2014), Godzilla: King of The Monsters (2019), Kong: Skull Island (2017), Metal Gear, Gundam Wing, 機動戦士ガンダム 鉄血のオルフェンズ | Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans, Universal Century Gundam, Rockman | Mega Man - All Media Types, Rockman X | Mega Man X, Rockman Zero | Mega Man Zero, Transformers - All Media Types, Bionicle - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2th Century, Hellsing, Fate/Grand Order, Fate/stay night & Related Fandoms, Metroid Series, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Big Hero 6 (2014), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball, Bleach, Skullgirls (Video Game), King Kong (2005), Fantastic Four (Comicverse), Marvel, 艦隊これくしょん | Kantai Collection, 碧蓝航线 | Azur Lane (Video Game), 少女前线 | Girls' Frontline (Video Game), Outlast (Video Games), Friday the 13th Series (Movies), A Nightmare on Elm Street - All Media Types, Ringu | The Ring - All Media Types, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Halo (Video Games) & Related Fandoms, Invader Zim, Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall, Nicktoons (Video Games), Disney - All Media Types, Lobotomy Corporation (Video Game), Jurassic Park - All Media Types, Jurassic World Trilogy (Movies), Venom (Comics), Kill la Kill (Anime & Manga), Ben 10 Series, Generator Rex, ワンパンマン | One-Punch Man, Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Mortal Kombat (Video Games), Mortal Kombat - All Media Types, Left 4 Dead (Video Games), Call of Duty (Video Games), LEGO Exo-Force, Terminator - All Media Types, RoboCop - All Media Types, Killing Bites (Anime), Under the Red Hood, Batman: Arkham (Video Games), 明日方舟 | Arknights (Video Game), Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Anime & Manga), Minecraft (Video Game), G.I. Joe - All Media Types, G.I. Joe: Renegades, Elfen Lied, Digimon - All Media Types, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2003), Samurai Jack (Cartoon), Samurai Spirits | Samurai Shodown (Video Games), Aliens vs Predators Series - Various Authors, Alien Series, Predator Original Series (1987-1990), Alien vs Predator (2004), Danny Phantom, Borderlands (Video Games), Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse), BioShock 1 & 2 (Video Games), BioShock Infinite, Fallout (Video Games), Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Team Fortress 2, Portal (Video Game), Half-Life, Child's Play/Chucky (Movies), Evil Dead (Movies), Overlord - Maruyama Kugane & Related Fandoms, ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Star Wars Legends - All Media Types, The Secret Saturdays, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series), Fate/EXTRA, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Persona Series, One Piece, Doom (Video Games), Kingdom Hearts, Deadpool - All Media Types, Gorillaz, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga), Berserk (Anime & Manga), Black Rock Shooter - All Media Types, Undertale (Video Game), Star Trek, Starbound (Video Game), Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Xenogears, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game), Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Sodagirls, Haydee (Video Game), Marvel vs. Capcom (Video Games), Dark Souls (Video Games), Darkstalkers (Video Games), Adventure Time, Young Justice - All Media Types, Teen Titans - All Media Types, Devil May Cry, Akame ga Kill! (Anime & Manga), Gakuen Mokushiroku | Highschool of the Dead, Dead Rising, Power Rangers, Powerpuff Girls, Incredibles (Pixar Movies), The Incredible Hulk (Comics), Wolverine (Comics), The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Video Games), Assassin's Creed - All Media Types, Warcraft - All Media Types, Destiny Child - Fandom, Dungeons & Dragons - All Media Types, Streets of Rage (Video Games), Bendy and the Ink Machine, InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale, Ao no Exorcist | Blue Exorcist, Re:CREATORS (Anime), Injustice: Gods Among Us, Justice League: Gods and Monsters (2015), W.I.T.C.H., Black Lagoon (Anime & Manga), Jormungand (Manga), Men in Black (Movies), Men in Black: The Series, Soul Calibur, Duke Nukem (Video Game), RWBY, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, Rayman (Video Games), Spyro the Dragon (Video Games), Crash Bandicoot (Video Games)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Original Character, Original Characters, Sirnight | Gardevoir, RC-1207 | Delta-07 | Sev | Sev Vau, Yang (Bleach), Ying (Bleach), Clementine (Overlord - Maruyama Kugane), Tsuzuki Shiori, Jason Todd, Robo-Fortune (Skullgirls), Scythana, Cassandra Cain, Marie (Skullgirls), Mandy (Billy & Mandy), Slade Wilson, Lex Luthor, Galatea (DCU), Frost (Mortal Kombat), Android 21 (Dragon Ball), Brolly (Dragon Ball), Char Aznable, Future Trunks Briefs, Future Bulma Briefs, Future Mai (Dragon Ball), Future Android 18 (Dragon Ball), Goku Black, Mileena (Mortal Kombat), Tanya (Mortal Kombat), Skarlet (Mortal Kombat), Kano (Mortal Kombat), Zero (Rockman), Haven Trooper, Beauty and the Beast Unit (Metal Gear), Laughing Octopus (Metal Gear), Crying Wolf (Metal Gear), Raging Raven (Metal Gear), Indominus Rex (Jurassic Park), Kon-El | Conner Kent, Rogues Gallery (Batman), Arkham Knight (Batman: Arkham), Durge (Star Wars), Slipstream (Transformers), T-Dolls, T-X (Terminator), T-1000 (Terminator), Future Son Gohan, Future Cell (Dragon Ball), Heero Yuy, Karen Starr, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Dr. Wily (Rockman), Damian Wayne, Arno Stark, Victor von Doom, Nemesis Prime, Rachel Summers, Rachel Foley, Gina Foley, Seras Victoria, Integra Hellsing, Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist), Brainiac (DCU), Luorno Durgo, Gojira | Godzilla, Zilla Jr. | Godzilla Junior, Thel 'Vadam | The Arbiter, Metal Sonic, Neo Metal Sonic, Mechagodzilla (Godzilla), Mecha Sonic, Samus Aran, Dark Samus (Metroid), SA-X (Metroid), Bambietta Basterbine, Candice Catnipp, Liltotto Lamperd, Meninas McAllon, Giselle Gewelle, Tia Harribel, Emilou Apacci, Franceska Mila Rose, Cyan Sung-Sun, Big Sister (BioShock), Elizabeth (BioShock), Tenryuu (Kantai Collection), Musashi (Kantai Collection), Nitocris | Caster, Jeanne d'Arc Alter | Avenger, Minamoto no Raikou | Berserker, Passionlip | Alter Ego, Artoria Pendragon Alter | Lancer, Yautja (Predator), Female Yautja (Predator), Xenomorph (Alien Movies), Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Yamamura Sadako, Michael Myers, Chucky | Charles Lee Ray, Doomsday (Superman), Doom Marine | Doom Slayer | Doomguy, James "Bucky" Barnes, Hassan-i-Sabbah | Assassin, LadyDevimon (Digimon), Gaz (Invader Zim), Jenny Wakeman, The Combine (Half-Life), Juri Han, Seth (Street Fighter), Veranke (Skrull Queen), Asagi (Witchblade), Witch (Left 4 Dead), Finn the Human, Huntress Wizard, Susan Strong, Cyberdemon (Doom), Spider Mastermind (Doom), Pillar Men (JoJo), Asui Tsuyu, Tatsumaki (One-Punch Man), Nymphs (Rayman), Princesses (Rayman), Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One, League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Toga Himiko
Relationships: Original Character/Canon Character, Future Trunks Briefs/Future Mai
Additional Tags: Post-Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Dystopia, Hope, Grimdark, Crossover, Multiverse
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LbprwG
8 notes · View notes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LbprwG
by JMP00
It has been a decade since the greatest conflict in Human history happened
The Great Battle between the Heroes and Villains
And the Villains won, massacring the heroes. A civil war occured that wiped out the greater Villains. Now slowly dying, Earth has become a land of mercenaries, marauders, and creatures of horror or rage. In this land, former US Soldier Randall Malloy is brought into a greater world as his life is targeted by enemies beyond his scope. Relying on his protector, the Symbiote Lesion, they must survive in a world where chaos reigns and the world is far more grey than it is black and white.
Except for certain OCs, all characters, concepts and franchises here don't belong to me.
Words: 3069, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Superman - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, DC Animated Universe (Timmverse), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Avengers (Comics), X-Men - All Media Types, Witchblade - All Media Types, Spawn (Comics), Spawn: The Animated Series (Cartoon 1997), Godzilla - All Media Types, Godzilla (2014), Godzilla: King of The Monsters (2019), Kong: Skull Island (2017), Metal Gear, Gundam Wing, 機動戦士ガンダム 鉄血のオルフェンズ | Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans, Universal Century Gundam, Rockman | Mega Man - All Media Types, Rockman X | Mega Man X, Rockman Zero | Mega Man Zero, Transformers - All Media Types, Bionicle - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2th Century, Hellsing, Fate/Grand Order, Fate/stay night & Related Fandoms, Metroid Series, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Big Hero 6 (2014), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball, Bleach, Skullgirls (Video Game), King Kong (2005), Fantastic Four (Comicverse), Marvel, 艦隊これくしょん | Kantai Collection, 碧蓝航线 | Azur Lane (Video Game), 少女前线 | Girls' Frontline (Video Game), Outlast (Video Games), Friday the 13th Series (Movies), A Nightmare on Elm Street - All Media Types, Ringu | The Ring - All Media Types, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Halo (Video Games) & Related Fandoms, Invader Zim, Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall, Nicktoons (Video Games), Disney - All Media Types, Lobotomy Corporation (Video Game), Jurassic Park - All Media Types, Jurassic World Trilogy (Movies), Venom (Comics), Kill la Kill (Anime & Manga), Ben 10 Series, Generator Rex, ワンパンマン | One-Punch Man, Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Mortal Kombat (Video Games), Mortal Kombat - All Media Types, Left 4 Dead (Video Games), Call of Duty (Video Games), LEGO Exo-Force, Terminator - All Media Types, RoboCop - All Media Types, Killing Bites (Anime), Under the Red Hood, Batman: Arkham (Video Games), 明日方舟 | Arknights (Video Game), Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Anime & Manga), Minecraft (Video Game), G.I. Joe - All Media Types, G.I. Joe: Renegades, Elfen Lied, Digimon - All Media Types, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2003), Samurai Jack (Cartoon), Samurai Spirits | Samurai Shodown (Video Games), Aliens vs Predators Series - Various Authors, Alien Series, Predator Original Series (1987-1990), Alien vs Predator (2004), Danny Phantom, Borderlands (Video Games), Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse), BioShock 1 & 2 (Video Games), BioShock Infinite, Fallout (Video Games), Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Team Fortress 2, Portal (Video Game), Half-Life, Child's Play/Chucky (Movies), Evil Dead (Movies), Overlord - Maruyama Kugane & Related Fandoms, ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Star Wars Legends - All Media Types, The Secret Saturdays, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series), Fate/EXTRA, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Persona Series, One Piece, Doom (Video Games), Kingdom Hearts, Deadpool - All Media Types, Gorillaz, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga), Berserk (Anime & Manga), Black Rock Shooter - All Media Types, Undertale (Video Game), Star Trek, Starbound (Video Game), Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Xenogears, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game), Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Sodagirls, Haydee (Video Game), Marvel vs. Capcom (Video Games), Dark Souls (Video Games), Darkstalkers (Video Games), Adventure Time, Young Justice - All Media Types, Teen Titans - All Media Types, Devil May Cry, Akame ga Kill! (Anime & Manga), Gakuen Mokushiroku | Highschool of the Dead, Dead Rising, Power Rangers, Powerpuff Girls, Incredibles (Pixar Movies), The Incredible Hulk (Comics), Wolverine (Comics), The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Video Games), Assassin's Creed - All Media Types, Warcraft - All Media Types, Destiny Child - Fandom, Dungeons & Dragons - All Media Types, Streets of Rage (Video Games), Bendy and the Ink Machine, InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale, Ao no Exorcist | Blue Exorcist, Re:CREATORS (Anime), Injustice: Gods Among Us, Justice League: Gods and Monsters (2015), W.I.T.C.H., Black Lagoon (Anime & Manga), Jormungand (Manga), Men in Black (Movies), Men in Black: The Series, Soul Calibur, Duke Nukem (Video Game), RWBY, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, Rayman (Video Games), Spyro the Dragon (Video Games), Crash Bandicoot (Video Games)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Original Character, Original Characters, Sirnight | Gardevoir, RC-1207 | Delta-07 | Sev | Sev Vau, Yang (Bleach), Ying (Bleach), Clementine (Overlord - Maruyama Kugane), Tsuzuki Shiori, Jason Todd, Robo-Fortune (Skullgirls), Scythana, Cassandra Cain, Marie (Skullgirls), Mandy (Billy & Mandy), Slade Wilson, Lex Luthor, Galatea (DCU), Frost (Mortal Kombat), Android 21 (Dragon Ball), Brolly (Dragon Ball), Char Aznable, Future Trunks Briefs, Future Bulma Briefs, Future Mai (Dragon Ball), Future Android 18 (Dragon Ball), Goku Black, Mileena (Mortal Kombat), Tanya (Mortal Kombat), Skarlet (Mortal Kombat), Kano (Mortal Kombat), Zero (Rockman), Haven Trooper, Beauty and the Beast Unit (Metal Gear), Laughing Octopus (Metal Gear), Crying Wolf (Metal Gear), Raging Raven (Metal Gear), Indominus Rex (Jurassic Park), Kon-El | Conner Kent, Rogues Gallery (Batman), Arkham Knight (Batman: Arkham), Durge (Star Wars), Slipstream (Transformers), T-Dolls, T-X (Terminator), T-1000 (Terminator), Future Son Gohan, Future Cell (Dragon Ball), Heero Yuy, Karen Starr, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Dr. Wily (Rockman), Damian Wayne, Arno Stark, Victor von Doom, Nemesis Prime, Rachel Summers, Rachel Foley, Gina Foley, Seras Victoria, Integra Hellsing, Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist), Brainiac (DCU), Luorno Durgo, Gojira | Godzilla, Zilla Jr. | Godzilla Junior, Thel 'Vadam | The Arbiter, Metal Sonic, Neo Metal Sonic, Mechagodzilla (Godzilla), Mecha Sonic, Samus Aran, Dark Samus (Metroid), SA-X (Metroid), Bambietta Basterbine, Candice Catnipp, Liltotto Lamperd, Meninas McAllon, Giselle Gewelle, Tia Harribel, Emilou Apacci, Franceska Mila Rose, Cyan Sung-Sun, Big Sister (BioShock), Elizabeth (BioShock), Tenryuu (Kantai Collection), Musashi (Kantai Collection), Nitocris | Caster, Jeanne d'Arc Alter | Avenger, Minamoto no Raikou | Berserker, Passionlip | Alter Ego, Artoria Pendragon Alter | Lancer, Yautja (Predator), Female Yautja (Predator), Xenomorph (Alien Movies), Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Yamamura Sadako, Michael Myers, Chucky | Charles Lee Ray, Doomsday (Superman), Doom Marine | Doom Slayer | Doomguy, James "Bucky" Barnes, Hassan-i-Sabbah | Assassin, LadyDevimon (Digimon), Gaz (Invader Zim), Jenny Wakeman, The Combine (Half-Life), Juri Han, Seth (Street Fighter), Veranke (Skrull Queen), Asagi (Witchblade), Witch (Left 4 Dead), Finn the Human, Huntress Wizard, Susan Strong, Cyberdemon (Doom), Spider Mastermind (Doom), Pillar Men (JoJo), Asui Tsuyu, Tatsumaki (One-Punch Man), Nymphs (Rayman), Princesses (Rayman), Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One, League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Toga Himiko
Relationships: Original Character/Canon Character, Future Trunks Briefs/Future Mai
Additional Tags: Post-Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Dystopia, Hope, Grimdark, Crossover, Multiverse
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LbprwG
9 notes · View notes
ao3feed-fma · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LbprwG
by JMP00
It has been a decade since the greatest conflict in Human history happened
The Great Battle between the Heroes and Villains
And the Villains won, massacring the heroes. A civil war occured that wiped out the greater Villains. Now slowly dying, Earth has become a land of mercenaries, marauders, and creatures of horror or rage. In this land, former US Soldier Randall Malloy is brought into a greater world as his life is targeted by enemies beyond his scope. Relying on his protector, the Symbiote Lesion, they must survive in a world where chaos reigns and the world is far more grey than it is black and white.
Except for certain OCs, all characters, concepts and franchises here don't belong to me.
Words: 1282, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Superman - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, DC Animated Universe (Timmverse), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Avengers (Comics), X-Men - All Media Types, Witchblade - All Media Types, Spawn (Comics), Spawn: The Animated Series (Cartoon 1997), Godzilla - All Media Types, Godzilla (2014), Godzilla: King of The Monsters (2019), Kong: Skull Island (2017), Metal Gear, Gundam Wing, 機動戦士ガンダム 鉄血のオルフェンズ | Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans, Universal Century Gundam, Rockman | Mega Man - All Media Types, Rockman X | Mega Man X, Rockman Zero | Mega Man Zero, Transformers - All Media Types, Bionicle - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2th Century, Hellsing, Fate/Grand Order, Fate/stay night & Related Fandoms, Metroid Series, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Big Hero 6 (2014), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball, Bleach, Skullgirls (Video Game), King Kong (2005), Fantastic Four (Comicverse), Marvel, 艦隊これくしょん | Kantai Collection, 碧蓝航线 | Azur Lane (Video Game), 少女前线 | Girls' Frontline (Video Game), Outlast (Video Games), Friday the 13th Series (Movies), A Nightmare on Elm Street - All Media Types, Ringu | The Ring - All Media Types, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Halo (Video Games) & Related Fandoms, Invader Zim, Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall, Nicktoons (Video Games), Disney - All Media Types, Lobotomy Corporation (Video Game), Jurassic Park - All Media Types, Jurassic World Trilogy (Movies), Venom (Comics), Kill la Kill (Anime & Manga), Ben 10 Series, Generator Rex, ワンパンマン | One-Punch Man, Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Mortal Kombat (Video Games), Mortal Kombat - All Media Types, Left 4 Dead (Video Games), Call of Duty (Video Games), LEGO Exo-Force, Terminator - All Media Types, RoboCop - All Media Types, Killing Bites (Anime), Under the Red Hood, Batman: Arkham (Video Games), 明日方舟 | Arknights (Video Game), Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Anime & Manga), Minecraft (Video Game), G.I. Joe - All Media Types, G.I. Joe: Renegades, Elfen Lied, Digimon - All Media Types, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2003), Samurai Jack (Cartoon), Samurai Spirits | Samurai Shodown (Video Games), Aliens vs Predators Series - Various Authors, Alien Series, Predator Original Series (1987-1990), Alien vs Predator (2004), Danny Phantom, Borderlands (Video Games), Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse), BioShock 1 & 2 (Video Games), BioShock Infinite, Fallout (Video Games), Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Team Fortress 2, Portal (Video Game), Half-Life, Child's Play/Chucky (Movies), Evil Dead (Movies), Overlord - Maruyama Kugane & Related Fandoms, ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Star Wars Legends - All Media Types, The Secret Saturdays, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series), Fate/EXTRA, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Persona Series, One Piece, Doom (Video Games), Kingdom Hearts, Deadpool - All Media Types, Gorillaz, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga), Berserk (Anime & Manga), Black Rock Shooter - All Media Types, Undertale (Video Game), Star Trek, Starbound (Video Game), Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Xenogears, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game), Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Sodagirls, Haydee (Video Game), Marvel vs. Capcom (Video Games), Dark Souls (Video Games), Darkstalkers (Video Games), Adventure Time, Young Justice - All Media Types, Teen Titans - All Media Types, Devil May Cry, Akame ga Kill! (Anime & Manga), Gakuen Mokushiroku | Highschool of the Dead, Dead Rising, Power Rangers, Powerpuff Girls, Incredibles (Pixar Movies), The Incredible Hulk (Comics), Wolverine (Comics), The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Video Games), Assassin's Creed - All Media Types, Warcraft - All Media Types, Destiny Child - Fandom, Dungeons & Dragons - All Media Types, Streets of Rage (Video Games), Bendy and the Ink Machine, InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale, Ao no Exorcist | Blue Exorcist, Re:CREATORS (Anime), Injustice: Gods Among Us, Justice League: Gods and Monsters (2015), W.I.T.C.H., Black Lagoon (Anime & Manga), Jormungand (Manga), Men in Black (Movies), Men in Black: The Series, Soul Calibur, Duke Nukem (Video Game), RWBY, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, Rayman (Video Games), Spyro the Dragon (Video Games), Crash Bandicoot (Video Games)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Original Character, Original Characters, Sirnight | Gardevoir, RC-1207 | Delta-07 | Sev | Sev Vau, Yang (Bleach), Ying (Bleach), Clementine (Overlord - Maruyama Kugane), Tsuzuki Shiori, Jason Todd, Robo-Fortune (Skullgirls), Scythana, Cassandra Cain, Marie (Skullgirls), Mandy (Billy & Mandy), Slade Wilson, Lex Luthor, Galatea (DCU), Frost (Mortal Kombat), Android 21 (Dragon Ball), Brolly (Dragon Ball), Char Aznable, Future Trunks Briefs, Future Bulma Briefs, Future Mai (Dragon Ball), Future Android 18 (Dragon Ball), Goku Black, Mileena (Mortal Kombat), Tanya (Mortal Kombat), Skarlet (Mortal Kombat), Kano (Mortal Kombat), Zero (Rockman), Haven Trooper, Beauty and the Beast Unit (Metal Gear), Laughing Octopus (Metal Gear), Crying Wolf (Metal Gear), Raging Raven (Metal Gear), Indominus Rex (Jurassic Park), Kon-El | Conner Kent, Rogues Gallery (Batman), Arkham Knight (Batman: Arkham), Durge (Star Wars), Slipstream (Transformers), T-Dolls, T-X (Terminator), T-1000 (Terminator), Future Son Gohan, Future Cell (Dragon Ball), Heero Yuy, Karen Starr, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Dr. Wily (Rockman), Damian Wayne, Arno Stark, Victor von Doom, Nemesis Prime, Rachel Summers, Rachel Foley, Gina Foley, Seras Victoria, Integra Hellsing, Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist), Brainiac (DCU), Luorno Durgo, Gojira | Godzilla, Zilla Jr. | Godzilla Junior, Thel 'Vadam | The Arbiter, Metal Sonic, Neo Metal Sonic, Mechagodzilla (Godzilla), Mecha Sonic, Samus Aran, Dark Samus (Metroid), SA-X (Metroid), Bambietta Basterbine, Candice Catnipp, Liltotto Lamperd, Meninas McAllon, Giselle Gewelle, Tia Harribel, Emilou Apacci, Franceska Mila Rose, Cyan Sung-Sun, Big Sister (BioShock), Elizabeth (BioShock), Tenryuu (Kantai Collection), Musashi (Kantai Collection), Nitocris | Caster, Jeanne d'Arc Alter | Avenger, Minamoto no Raikou | Berserker, Passionlip | Alter Ego, Artoria Pendragon Alter | Lancer, Yautja (Predator), Female Yautja (Predator), Xenomorph (Alien Movies), Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Yamamura Sadako, Michael Myers, Chucky | Charles Lee Ray, Doomsday (Superman), Doom Marine | Doom Slayer | Doomguy, James "Bucky" Barnes, Hassan-i-Sabbah | Assassin, LadyDevimon (Digimon), Gaz (Invader Zim), Jenny Wakeman, The Combine (Half-Life), Juri Han, Seth (Street Fighter), Veranke (Skrull Queen), Asagi (Witchblade), Witch (Left 4 Dead), Finn the Human, Huntress Wizard, Susan Strong, Cyberdemon (Doom), Spider Mastermind (Doom), Pillar Men (JoJo), Asui Tsuyu, Tatsumaki (One-Punch Man), Nymphs (Rayman), Princesses (Rayman), Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One, League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Toga Himiko
Relationships: Original Character/Canon Character, Future Trunks Briefs/Future Mai
Additional Tags: Post-Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Dystopia, Hope, Grimdark, Crossover, Multiverse
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LbprwG
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beginagaininspo · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
@maidenxfmight @kxnel @supersxn
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incorrectbeginagain · 4 years
Tim Drake, talking about Stephanie Brown to Conner Kent: It’s not just that we have to arrange forty stuffed animals every time we make the bed. It’s that they have to be in a very specific order, and Blinky and Lou-Lou can’t sit next to each other because ‘they have history.’ And you want to know what the sick part is, Conner? I want to know what that is.
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