#char: alex danvers
europeanmusicals · 1 year
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Based on Daphne Du Maurier’s 1938 novel, by Michael Kunze and Sylvester Levay, two of the most successful German-language musical theatre creators, ‘Rebecca’ has already captivated more than two million people worldwide in hugely successful productions in 12 countries and 10 languages. ‘Rebecca’ had its world premiere at VBW’s Raimund Theater in Vienna, Austria, in September 2006, where it went on to play to sold-out houses in three seasons, and where it is currently enjoying a hugely successful revival. Richard Carson (Maxim de Winter) has appeared in several major West End musicals including‘Les Miserable’s, ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’, ‘Mamma Mia!’ and ‘Miss Saigon’. Lauren Jones (Second Mrs de Winter) recently appeared in the West End production of ‘Bonnie & Clyde’ as Trish and alternate Bonnie. Kara Lane (Mrs Danvers) was Alice in ‘The Addams Family - the Musical Comedy’, Winifred Banks in ‘Mary Poppins’, Reno Sweeney in ’Anything Goes’ at Kilworth House, ‘Mary Magdalene’ in Jesus Christ Superstar’ and Magenta in ‘The Rocky Horror Show’. The rest of the cast are: Alex James-Ward, Piers Bate, Sarah Harlington, David Breeds, Amanda Minihan, Neil Moors, Nicholas Lumley, Nigel-Joseph Francis, Elliot Swann, Scott McClure, Emily Apps, Melanie Bright, Gail MacKinnon, Tarisha Rommick, James Mateo-Salt, Rosie Glossop. Rebecca will play a strictly limited engagement from 4 September – 18 November 2023. 
[Source: Charring Cross Theatre Newsletter]
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thewidowsghost · 2 years
Agent Danvers - Chapter 10
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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“I sure picked the wrong time to get rid of all my Kryptonite,” J'onn comments with a frown.
“You all right?” (Y/n) asks Kara, who had been incapaciated by the rogue Kryptonian.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” Kara replies, “just a little shaken. Where is he?”
“He disappeared into the city,” Alex tells Kara.
“Which is just what I don’t need,” J'onn answers, crossing his arms. J'onn starts down the hall, the three Danvers sisters following close behind. “A rogue Kryptonian on the loose just as the President is due for a visit.”
“Wait, the President is coming here?” Kara asks J'onn, the four walking down the stairs.
“Yeah, she wants to tour the DEO while she’s in National City to sign the Alien Amnesty Act,” Alex replies.
“It’s amazing,” Kara says, excitedly, “an executive order allowing aliens on Earth to come out of the shadows and live as full citizens. She’s making history.”
“Not in my book, I think she’s making a big mistake,” J'onn disagrees.
“Now, how can you of all people say that?” Kara asks, crossing her arms.
“Because it’s been my hard experience that humans and aliens don’t mix,” J'onn replies.
“What about you and me?” Kara asks.
“What about us?” J'onn echoes. “We can look like them, we blend in, a lot of aliens can’t. And people in this world don’t have much tolerance for others who are different.”
(Y/n) grunts in reply. “I could’ve told you that.”
. . .
(Y/n) stands next to Alex, Kara up front dressed as Supergirl to meet the President.
The crowd cheers as the President emerges from her plane, standing on the landing.
The President walks down the stairs with two of her guards.
All of a sudden, a beam of fire hits the stairs, blasting one of the guards and he falls forward down the stairs.
Screams of terror sound from the people as Kara, (Y/n), and Alex advance towards the President.
Kara, of course, gets to the President first, shielding the woman with her bright red cape.
The beam of fire stops, and Kara looks around at the wreckage, burnt tires, charred carpet, and her younger sister, clutching a burnt left arm.
(Y/n) feels Kara’s gaze on her, looking up from her arm to gesture at the President, waving her sister’s concern away with her right hand. It’s not like her arm wasn’t burning with pain, but that was something that could be fixed, she hoped, but the DEO’s relationship with the President was what was important right now.
. . .
“Where’s the President now?” Alex asks Kara and (Y/n), her arm now in a sling, burn cream spread all over her arm.
“They’re taking her back to the DEO,” Kara replies. “She was . . . she was so nice. And grateful, and she called me Supergirl.”
(Y/n)’s lips twitch amusedly. “Well, that is your name.”
“Yeah, I know that but . . .” Kara gazes dreamily into the horizon, “when she says it, it just sounds better. “‘Supergirl!” she straightens confidently.
Alex chuckles.
“How did anyone even vote for that other guy?” Kara asks.
“Well, when you’re done fawning over your new best friend . . .” (Y/n) teases. “The burn pattern is consistent with a heat-vision signature.”
“Our escaped Kryptonian’s been awake six hours and is already trying to kill the President,” Kara replies.
“Winn’s working on tracking him,” Alex tells Kara.
“You don’t know that it’s him,” (Y/n) replies, looking down over the red carpet.
“Well, in the meantime, we should gather whatever evidence we can find,” Alex replies. She looks over after a moment, catching sight of a woman she didn’t know, and she taps (Y/n)’s shoulder.
(Y/n) glances over and follows Alex over to the woman.
“Hey!” Alex says, and the woman, a Latina with long wavy brown hair, looks up. “What the hell do you think you’re doing in my crime scene?”
“Anyone ever tell you, all you Feds sound the same?” the woman asks.
“I swear,” (Y/n) jokes, “we must all watch the same shitty movies.”
The woman looks over Alex’s shoulder, her lips quirking into a slight smile before she turns back to Alex.
“Who are you?” Alex questions.
“Detective Maggie Sawyer, NCPD Science Division,” the woman, Maggie, replies. “We handle all cases involving aliens and things that go bump in the night.” Maggie pulls her badge out of her back pocket. “Showed you mine. Show me yours?”
Both (Y/n) and Alex reach into their back pockets, waiting for the badge to change to:
“Alex and (Y/n) Danvers, Secret Service.”
Both women show Maggie their badges before sliding them back into their pockets.
“I’m sure you mean well, detective, but this is a federal crime scene,” Alex replies, looking down at Maggie. “You’re contaminating my evidence.”
“I’m contanimating it?” Maggie echoes. “Your lackey over there is bagging charred carpet and crispy limo into the same Ziploc. I thought the Secret Service would pay closer attention to detail.”
Alex takes a step forward. “We have technology that makes your City PD lab look like an Easy-Bake Oven.”
“And us dumb local cops would never deduce that the Presdient’s assailant was either Kryptonian or Infernian,” Maggie replies coolly. “Both species have heat vision.”
“Thank you,” Alex replies.
“We’ll take it from here, Detective Sawyer,” (Y/n) says, trying to steer the conversation out of dangerous waters.
“The airport is within my jurisdiction,” Maggie replies.
“Your jurisdiction ends where I say it does,” Alex replies firmly.
Maggie is silent for a moment, watching Alex closely before she steps over, shaking (Y/n)’s good hand. “See you ‘round, Danvers,” Maggie tells Alex before walking away.
. . .
“Welcome to the DEO, Madam President,” J'onn greets the President, he, Alex, and Kara showing her around. (Y/n) is sitting in the Med-Bay, a machine healing the burnt and damaged tissue.
“I’m surprised, now that your true identity is known to the world, that you don’t live openly as your Martian self,” the President replies.
“I find that looking human makes people feel more comfortable,” J'onn reasons.
“Hopefully, my Alien Amnesty Act will change that,” the President says. “For you and everyone else from beyond the stars that have made Earth their home. I know the DEO’s mission is to hunt renegade aliens, but that mission is going to have to adapt.” She glances over at J’onn. “You disagree, Director?”
“I do, Madam President,” J’onn replies. “There are aliens out there, killers who wouldn’t understand the concept of the very rights you’re offering them. Evil creatures who could take advantage of your good will.”
“I imagine the very same thing was once said about you, J’onn J’onzz,” the President counters, smiling slightly, “but someone gave you the benefit of the doubt. Isn’t it time we paid that forward?” J’onn nods reluctantly. “I can think of no better time than the present to extend our hand in friendship.”
“Even if that hand gets bitten off?” J’onn questions.
“One has to have hope,” the President says.
“What if it’s false hope?” J’onn counters.
“It’s hope, J’onn. How can it be false?” The President smiles mischievously, walking towards the exit.
“Did you hear that?” Kara asks, still dressed as Supergirl. “They’re gonna quote her.”
“Well, she is the president,” (Y/n) replies, scratching the small of her back with her uninjured arm.
Kara glances, amused, at her younger sister before she says, “Okay, well I have to go. I’m conducting my first interview as a reporter.” Kara turns to (Y/n), “You wanna come.”
(Y/n) glances at J’oon for permission, and he nods.
. . .
“Ms. Luthor,” Kara and (Y/n) walk into Lena Luthor’s office.
“Nice to see you again, Ms. Luthor,” Yes, Lena had told (Y/n) to call her Lena, but this was her office.
“Please, Lena,” Lena replies, standing up to shake (Y/n) and Kara’s hands. “It’s good to see you again, (Y/n), Ms. Danvers.”
“Well, if I’m calling you Lena . . .” Kara smiles.
“Kara it is,” Lena says. Lena sits back down behind her desk. “If you have a parking ticket, I can have it validated for you.”
“No, it’s okay, we flew here,” Kara replies without thinking. “On a bus!” she adds hastily.
(Y/n) lets out a snort of laughter.
“Well, I’m glad to see you decided to give reporting a shot,” Lena says, offering (Y/n) and Kara the seats across from her. “Although if you’re here on the same day the President is in town -”
“I must be here to ask the sister of the most notorious alien-hater her take on the President’s executive order.”
“I want to show you something,” Lena slides her chair out, and moves over to a shelf with a few gadgets on it.”
“What is it?” Kara asks.
(Y/n) studies the object closely. “It’s an alien detection device,” (Y/n) guesses, standing up with Kara to look at the device.
Lena’s expression changes, and she looks at (Y/n) appreciatively. “It allows humans to find out who among them is not truly one of them,” Lena adds. “It’s not market-ready yet,” Lena goes on, turning and moving back towards her desk. “I mean, we’re still developing the prototype. But we aim to have this device in every store, in every town all across America.”
Kara jots a few things down on her notepad. “How does it work?”
“It’s just a simple skin test,” Lena replies, setting the device down on her desk. “Let me show you what a negative response looks like.” Lena places a thumb on the scanner, and it blinks green after a moment. Then, she holds it out to Kara. “Okay, now you try.”
But won’t a device like this . . .” Kara pauses. “Doesn’t it go against everything America is supposed to stand for? This country has always been a safe place for immigrants.”
“It’s also always been a country full of humans,” Lena replies.
Kara laughs nervously, “Just . . . Don’t you think this device will force aliens back into the very shadows the President is trying to shine a light on?”
Lena pauses before she continues, “If aliens want to be citizens, that’s now their right. But if humans wanna know which of their fellow citizens aren’t actually one of them, that’s their right too. I’m a business woman. L-Corp is in the business of making money, and this device is going to make us a fortune. Unlike my brother, I’m going to do it for the good of the world.” Lena moves around her desk, and while her back is turned, Kara uses her heat vision to try to change the composition of the device. “So,” Lena sits down at her desk, turning to study Kara; she offers her the device.
“Right,” Kara says, stepping forwarding and allowing herself to perform the skin test, and, like Lena, the light blinks green.
“See,” Lena says. “It works perfectly.”
“Yeah,” Kara replies, hiding her nervousness behind her smile.
(Y/n)’s phone rings, and she glances apologetically at Lena before she turns, answering Winn’s call, “Winn. Okay. I’ll meet her there. The arm’s fine. Okay. I’ll see you later.” (Y/n) turns around, to face the desk and the two women sitting on opposite sides, both look at her with concern. “Alex needs my help with something. Sorry, Kar,” (Y/n) hugs her sister. “Sorry about this, Lena.”
“It’s alright, go,” Lena replies, furrowing her eyebrows slightly. Who is she?
. . .
(Y/n) and Alex bust through the doors of the facility.
The other agents behind them search the facility, (Y/n) and Alex inching forward with huge guns leveled on their shoulders - (Y/n) had removed her sling.
“Hands where I can see them!” Alex orders, pointing her gun at the dark silhouette of a person.
“Al,” (Y/n) says, lowering her weapon.
Maggie Sawyer stands, turning to look at the two Danvers sisters.
Alex sighs, looking annoyed.
“Fancy fire powers for Feds,” Maggie remarks, lowering her hands.
(Y/n) turns to the agents behind her. “Clear the warehouse.”
“Don’t bother, your boy’s gone,” Maggie replies.
“How’d you find this place?” Alex asks as the other agents - minus (Y/n) - begin to search the warehouse.
“I’m a detective, Agent Danvers,” Maggie replies. “I detect. I’ve heard stories of black ops anti-alien strike team.”
“Not anti-alien,” (Y/n) mutters.
“Sounded like the boogeyman, but here y’all stand,” Maggie continues. (Y/n) crouches down, picking up the DEO-issued medical bracelet. “You’re DEO, aren’t you?”
Something crawls up from the bracelet onto (Y/n)’s hand, and (Y/n) looks down at the spider before smacking it - and killing it. (Y/n) takes note of the colors of the spider - red and blue. Strange.
“Winn, we missed him, he could be anywhere,” Alex turns to talk into her COMMs.
Word Count: 2136 words
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beginagaininspo · 3 years
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@deoalexdanvers @annaroguemarie @fxstestkid @ghxstwinter @cxinwayne @demiwonder @trunksandcapes​
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jeaniegreysummers · 3 years
[ assist ] for OUR MUSES to attempt to provide medical assistance to civilians. || @directordxnvers​
They’d bonded before on professional grounds – looked across a room and saw only another doctor looking back, rather than a friend or family member. Several examples came to mind. The first, of course, had been when Alex was in hospital herself, when Jean first discovered Kara’s dual identity. The second was when Alex woke up, when she refused adamantly to follow the exact same orders she would’ve given in the doctor’s shoes, because she had battles to fight and places to be. Now, as Jean crossed the courtyard of Sara Memorial, she didn’t see the director of the DEO. She saw Dr. Danvers, and she was instantly relieved at the sight.
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“You shouldn’t be here,” she said, although she knew the smile on her face betrayed her entirely, gave away exactly how she felt about Alex’s presence. “You only just gave birth. You should be at home, with Dylan. We can handle it here.” It was abundantly clear, however, that they were overstretched – that the medical staff Jean had been training, and training well up until this point, were desperately out of their depth. “I won’t kick you out, though,” she continued. “I may be a little stressed. Just slightly.”
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incorrectbeginagain · 4 years
Kara Danvers: I don’t understand why people are so obsessed with being a top or a bottom. Am I the only person who doesn’t have a bunk bed?
Donna Troy:
Alex Danvers:
Donna Troy: I’m going to tell her.
Alex Danvers: Don’t you dare.
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lgbtincomics · 7 years
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↳ lgbtincomics’ New Year Celebration
Movie and TV characters in 2017
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avengerofiron · 3 years
Who better to ask for advice than someone who had been there before, who’d already lived the experience you were about to go through? It wasn’t exactly ground they’d trod before, if he stopped to think about it. Danvers’ involvement with him had always been strictly professional, and when it came to talking about children, that was as personal as it got. Still, Tony couldn’t quite help himself from clearing his throat as the last of the meeting attendees streamed out of the room in DEO headquarters. “Good day’s work,” he commented, wringing his hands under the table (Tony had thought of better small talk under worse circumstances). “You know when you had your kid, did you … is it normal to be scared shitless?” Tony asked. “Like, genuinely terrified? The kind of terrified that would make you actively prefer to face off against the Hulk, that kind of terrified?” A beat, and then, “Because I'm having a kid, and I have no idea what I've got myself into."
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libertycaps · 3 years
[ green glow ] for OUR MUSES to see come into contact with a strange construct. || @directordxnvers​
Steve recognised her the moment he saw her in the crowd. It was hard not to – Alex Danvers was the name on everyone’s lips as the DEO rose up through the ranks, and again when whispers became words saying that she was going public with the agency. Fury always had a field day trying to get her on board, and with everything that had gone down with SHIELD, Steve had more of a soft spot than he probably should have for people who made Fury’s life hell. When he spotted her, he immediately ran over, introduced himself, and they got to work evacuating civilians, moving them into candlelit warehouses and trying their best to keep them safe.
(It was harder than ever before, considering what they were fighting back against was their own minds.)
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Steve stopped, the last tendrils of the crowd disappearing into the warehouse, his gaze fixed on what was coming over the horizon. “You see that too, right?” he asked, turning around to Danvers. It looked, appeared, like a version of the Supers – cape flowing, eyes glowing – but it was entirely bathed in green. “Did you invite them?”
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mcnwithnofear · 5 years
AFTERMATH ASK MEME || “That’s very onions of you.” for @ofdirectordanvers​
Matt didn’t plan to show up at the precinct. He didn’t plan to get involved in the case that was dropped on Jen’s desk. He knew he needed to keep a low profile, and he was entirely planning to follow that plan – but then he actually cast his hands over the pages, picked up on the details as they went through his audio reader, and he realised he couldn’t ignore this case. It was like it was cherry picked right for him, a teenage kid dragged into something and the blame placed squarely on his shoulders because it was convenient. There was a break in the interrogation, so Matt went out into the hall to grab a cup of water. That’s when he heard a voice, and he realised he’d pressed the hot water button instead of the cool water, judging by the warmth of the cup in his hand. “Color coding doesn’t exactly work for me,” he replied, gesturing to his shades with a self deprecating smirk. “You mind pointing me in the right direction?”
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spyderwomcn · 5 years
BEEP (Alex)
A taunting text || for @ofdirectordanvers
(✉ → deo): So, if I had a little bit of information that I thought you might be interested in, what would you theoretically be willing to offer /me/ to spill the beans?
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super-aye · 5 years
mood board for when alex’s hair is lookin like chinese bbq pork
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beginagaininspo · 3 years
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Forgiveness isn’t something that you give to somebody who’s hurt you. Forgiveness is something you give to yourself.
— @deoalexdanvers
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beginagaingossip · 3 years
rank the Superfam from most to least dateable
Oh, the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of the superhero world. They're all a little dull if you ask me... but some are certainly better than others.
Supergirl. She was fun for a while during the Siege, wasn't she? You've never looked better than you did taking out those bridges, Ms. Danvers. If you ever decide to have fun again, be sure to give me a call.
The first Superboy, the one in that wonderful leather jacket. He has all the makings of a good time, even if he seems intent on avoiding them. You take too much after your caped side, Conner. Try the Luthor name on for size. I promise it'll be more rewarding.
The second Superboy is far less entertaining than the first, but I suppose he isn't the worst member of this insufferable family. He certainly seems capable of rage... if only he'd let himself go long enough to let it all out. Maybe with a little help from Magneto? It certainly helped Kara loosen up.
Alex Danvers certainly has the right vibes, but I'm so over shady government organizations. You can thank SHIELD for the burnout, dear. Better luck next time!
Lar Gand. I don't care for corn, and I hear that's something of a dealbreaker.
And last and certainly least, Superman himself. The ultimate Boy Scout. He's got looks, but I'm sure I'd be given a lecture of some sort. Maybe if he couldn't speak, his ranking would go up.
— To live, and die and live again, Ophelia ‘Aida’ Sarkissian, Madame Hydra
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@maidenxfmight @kxnel @supersxn @directordxnvers @cfvalors @trunksandcapes
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goshdarnitjay · 7 years
deck the halls (3/24)
ok i’m 3 days in and already at 13,3k total i think this is going p well. also i’m REALLY proud of today’s work, soooo
For @murderiread, @sandpix, and @joyfultemplar
Fandom: Supergirl (2015)
Rating for chapter 3: M (because violence)
Relationship: Alex Danvers/Kara Danvers; Lucy Lane/Agent Vasquez
Chapter 3: Al-e-x
Length: 8k
Summary: Attack on Titan AU (hence violence) [Alex x Kara; Lucy x Vasquez; Hurt/Comfort]: “The Trost district is under attack. Alex, Kara, and the rest are trying to survive (Takes place somewhere between episode 5 and 13 of AoT S1).”
Read on AO3
Patreon Link, if you want to support me as I turn Coffee On Wednesdays into my own original work through a complete rewrite.
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lgbtincomics · 7 years
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✨  Badass DC lesbians  ✨
- Lesbian Visibility Day (April 26th) -
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
If it's possible then 20 and 35 with Maggie sawyer (sg)
If not then you can choose one or the other :) have a nice day,!
20: Bandaging / Stitching up an Injury
35: Kissing their bruises and scars
Dude, this was supposed to be like a 500 word blurb, but this turned out to be 3 times as long . . .
Bandages and Kisses (Maggie Sawyer x BabyDanvers!Reader)
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(Y/n)'s gaze falls on her sister and coworker - Alex - as she walks down the tarmac.
(Y/n) then sees an NCPD car pull up and her gaze falls on the woman bending down, looking at the charred red carpet.
"Hey! What are you doing on my crime scene?" (Y/n) asks, approaching the woman.
"Anyone ever tell you, all you Feds sound the same?" the woman asks, rising her feet. "It's like you all watch the same bad movies together at Quantico." The woman places her hands on her hips, but softens when (Y/n)'s eyes alight with amusement. "Detective Maggie Sawyer, NCPD Science Division," Maggie says, showing (Y/n) her badge. "We handle all cases involving aliens and things that go bump in the night. Showed you mine," Maggie says, referencing her badge. "Show me yours?"
(Y/n) pulls her badge out of her back pocket, waiting a moment for it to change to a Secret Service badge.
"Agent (Y/n) Danvers of the Secret Service at your service," (Y/n) says and Maggie's brown eyes twinkle in the light of the rising sun.
(Y/n) can't deny that the woman is attractive, especially the sun bouncing off her cheeks and brightening her chocolate brown hair.
. . .
The DEO agents bust into the warehouse, doors banging.
(Y/n) and her sister Alex lead the other agents down the stairs.
"Hands where I can see 'em!" Alex shouts and a figure rises from the ground raising her hands, turning around.
"Stand down," (Y/n) says, placing her handgun back into it's thigh holster.
"Fancy fire power for a Fed," Maggie says, her gaze falling on (Y/n).
"Clear the warehouse," Alex orders.
"Don't bother, your boy's gone," Maggie says.
"How'd you find this place?" (Y/n) asks curiously.
"I'm a detective, Agent Danvers," Maggie replies, placing her hands on her hips. "I detect. I've heard stories of black ops anti-alien strike teams," Maggie continues. "Sounded like the boogeyman, but here you stand," she says and (Y/n) shrugs apologetically.
Alex leans down, picking up a bracelet off the ground, looking annoyed. "Who's this?" the eldest Danvers asks.
"This is Maggie Sawyer, NCPD officer," (Y/n) says. "Maggie, this is my older sister, Alex."
"You're DEO, aren't you?" Maggie asks, turning her attention back to (Y/n).
"Winn, we missed him, he could be anywhere," Alex says, (Y/n) nodding to Maggie's question.
. . .
The next time (Y/n) bumps into Maggie, both women are walking down the street in opposite directions - (Y/n) actually bumping into the woman.
"Sorry - " (Y/n) pauses, meeting the woman's gaze. "Oh, hey, Maggie!"
"Danvers!" Maggie says with smile. "I'm just on my way to grab some coffee. You wanna come?" she asks.
(Y/n) perks up and nods, turning to walk in the same direction as Maggie.
(Y/n) flushes as the back of her hand brushes Maggie's but Maggie just looks over, smiling softly.
(Y/n) looks over at the same time, meeting Maggie's bright gaze.
Tentatively, Maggie takes (Y/n)'s hand, intertwining their fingers.
(Y/n) glances shyly away before she looks back over at Maggie.
"You're cute when you're shy, Danvers," Maggie comments with a smile.
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(Y/n) flushes even more at the comment and Maggie laughs, her gaze soft.
The two walk down to the nearest coffee shop, their joined hands swinging slightly between them.
. . .
Three later has (Y/n) and Maggie cuddled together on the couch in (Y/n)'s apartment, watching a movie. Well, Maggie was watching the movie, but (Y/n) watching Maggie watching the movie.
(Y/n) studies her girlfriend's facial features, her gaze soft.
Maggie is slightly startled when (Y/n) stretches up, pressing a soft kiss to Maggie's chin where a scar lies.
"Hi there," Maggie says, whispering as (Y/n)'s face is so close to hers.
"Hi," (Y/n) says just as quietly, pressing another soft kiss to Maggie's right cheek where yet another scar lay.
Maggie's brown gaze softens, wrapping her arms tighter around (Y/n)'s waist.
"When are we supposed to meet your friends?" Maggie asks softly.
"I don't wanna go," (Y/n) mumbles into Maggie's shirt.
"We have to, (Y/n)," Maggie replies, nudging (Y/n)'s ribs with a hand.
Giggles erupt from (Y/n)'s mouth as Maggie digs her fingers lightly into (Y/n)'s ribs.
"Now come on," Maggie says, bumping (Y/n)'s temple with her nose, Maggie's nose brushing against a dark bruise there. "We've got to go."
. . .
"Another round's on its way," Kara tells her friends and older adoptive sister. "You okay, J'oon?" Kara asks, sitting down beside Alex at the table.
"Yeah, yeah," J'oon says, taking a sip of his drink. "It's just the first time I've been in this bar since, uh . . . M'gann left."
"Hey, I'm . . . I am very excited to meet (Y/n)'s new mystery man," Winn says.
"Hey, do we know what, um, what he does for a living?" James asks. "(Y/n)'s guy?"
"Cop," Alex says.
"Oh!" James says.
"Yeah, no way (Y/n) Danvers dates someone who doesn't own a firearm," Winn says.
. . .
(Y/n) takes Maggie's hand, the dark haired cop squeezing her hand comfortingly.
"Come on," (Y/n) says and Maggie kisses (Y/n) on the cheek.
(Y/n) leads Maggie over the table her friends are sitting at. "Hey, guys. You remember Maggie, right?"
James starts slightly. "Hey, yeah," Maggie waves. "Good to see you again."
"(Y/n)," Winn chuckles, both (Y/n) and Maggie turning to look at the shorter man, their eyes twinkling. "I didn't know. Did you know?" Winn asks the group.
"Yes, I knew, I'm psychic," J'oon says and (Y/n) grins.
"How come you never said anything before?" (Y/n) asks curiously.
"It's not for me to say," J'oon smiles. "Good for you, Little Danvers."
(Y/n) turns, meeting her eldest sister's gaze. Alex glances at Maggie then nods her approval, and Kara just beams.
"Told you," Maggie says, nudging (Y/n) fondly.
"Drinks up," Mon-El says, walking up, handing out the new round of drinks.
"Hey! Hi!" (Y/n) gets Mon-El's attention.
"What's up?"
"Um, well, I just wanted to let you know," (Y/n) pauses, wondering what the Daxomite is going to think, "Maggie and I are dating."
"Oh, that was the thing. Okay," Mon-El says nonchalantly. "Okay, that's . . . Is that like a problem here on Earth or . . ."
"Oh, well here, some people don't support that, you know," (Y/n) says.
"Oh, on Daxam it's the more the merrier," Mon-El says. "So, drinks for you guys?" Mon-El asks.
"Yeah," (Y/n) says.
"Hey, do you play pool?" Maggie asks Winn and (Y/n) bites back a laugh.
"Yeah," Winn says, looking up from his drink.
"No you don't," (Y/n) says, her eyes sparkling.
"It is geometry with sticks, folks," Winn says and (Y/n) lets out a breath of laughter. "Pool is easy."
(Y/n), looking relieved, places a hand to her forehead.
"(Y/n)," James says.
"Yeah?" (Y/n) asks.
"Oh, thank you," (Y/n) says, returning James's hug.
"Yeah," James replies.
"(Y/n), my bets on your girl," J'oon says, getting up from the table.
"Yeah, thanks, me too," (Y/n) says, smiling at the man.
(Y/n) sits down at the table, watching Maggie and Winn playing pool. Alex takes a seat beside her youngest sister.
"My baby sister's growing up," Alex says, and (Y/n) turns, smiling at her sister. "I'm so proud of you. Dad would be too."
"I wish I'd known him," (Y/n) says sadly. (Y/n) had never known their father, their mother Eliza being pregnant with (Y/n) when Jeremiah had disappeared.
Mon-El walks over and hands (Y/n) her drink.
"Thanks, Mon-El," (Y/n) says, taking a sip of her drink.
(Y/n) lowers her glass, but then she lets out a yelp as a ball flies towards her, shattering the glass in her hand.
Maggie immediately moves over, taking (Y/n)'s hand gently in hers.
. . .
(Y/n) closes her eyes tightly as Maggie pulls the glass out of her hand.
The two had returned to (Y/n)'s apartment and Maggie is helping pull all of the glass out of (Y/n)'s hand.
"Sorry," Maggie murmurs every time (Y/n) lets out a pained whimper. "Last one," Maggie says softly, her gaze softening as she meets (Y/n)'s teary gaze. Maggie pulls the last piece of glass out of (Y/n)'s hand.
Maggie takes (Y/n)'s uninjured hand and pulls the woman to her feet and leads (Y/n) to the sink.
"This'll sting," Maggie murmurs, grabbing the hydrogen peroxide.
(Y/n) lets out a hiss as the antibiotic stings her hand.
"I'm almost done," Maggie says grabbing some gauze and wrapping (Y/n)'s hand.
"Thanks, Maggs," (Y/n) says softly, leaning over, pressing a kiss to Maggie's lips.
"It's no big deal," Maggie flushes.
"But it means a lot to me," (Y/n) says, her voice soft with affection.
"Well, I suppose I should go," Maggie's statement is more of a question.
"Stay," (Y/n) murmurs.
"You sure?" Maggie asks.
"Never more sure of anything," (Y/n) says, tucking a stray hair behind Maggie's ear.
"I don't have anything to change into," Maggie says.
"Come on," (Y/n) holds out a hand, and Maggie takes it.
(Y/n) leads Maggie into her room, pulling a pair of athletic shorts and an oversized t-shirt form her dresser drawer, passing them to Maggie.
A minute or so later, both (Y/n) and Maggie had changed into pajamas and cuddled together in (Y/n)'s bed.
(Y/n) rests her head on Maggie's chest, Maggie wrapping her arms around (Y/n)'s waist.
"Love you," (Y/n) says sleepily, her eyes fluttering closed.
"I-I love you, too," Maggie says softly, pressing a kiss to (Y/n)'s bandaged hand.
Word Count: 1586 words
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