Me while watching Versailles:
Soooooo GAYYYYYYYYYY. Monchevyyy for lifeeee. Also when did Mordred become hawtt??? Also am I bi????
Me while watching Versailles: actively seething with rage at almost everything Louis does and silently hoping the French Revolution comes 100 years early.
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Me after the loki s1 ep6 ending:
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What Hamilton and Laurens could have been...
Being a rich gay is living the rest of your life in a country mansion with your soulmate and throwing lavish parties every week until you grow out of it or go broke, you can't change my mind
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Fathers leave.
Love falters,
Truth told beforehand.
Lies,  were future of
Dreams of future were
lies. Beforhand told
Truth falters
Love leaves father.
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THEORY: What if the reason all love stories edn with a happily ever after is because the writdr themselves were in the relationship and the other partner died so they made their story immortal by penning it down.
“If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die.”
— (via gedankenlyrik)
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Obituaries for my Lovers
She came at a time when no flowers bloomed and no songs were sung.
She came at a time when my thorns pricked my petals.
She went at a time the winter sun was just about to go into deep slumber.
She went at a time my roses learnt love their thorns.
He came at a time when I drank sunshine in the morning and moonshine at night.
He came at a time when the clock never struck 9.
He went at a time when flies buzzed over the white shroud.
He went at a time when my drink of choice was death & doubt.
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I have so much of you in my heart:
I have so much of you  in my heart,
it leaks out some times.
From my lips, my wrists, my eyes.
It oozes out like tears, it oozes out like pain.
It hurts sometimes when I think of losing you in vain.
I have so much of you in my heart,
it chokes me up some times.
Like a drink forced down my throat
Like words that I couldn't force out of my throat.
Words that burn inside me now.
Words that I can't throw out.
I have so much of you in my heart,
it feels like a burden some time.
To carry all of you in all of me,
to carry your scars, to carry your bruises,
I lose myself with all of you inside me,
but I suppose that was what you wanted.
I have so much of you in my heart,
That my heart can no longer beat.
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Me and my bestie, sleep deprived after binge watching CMBYN and cryingbour souls out
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