bisexualsafespace · 5 months
What to boycott NOW to help stop Israel’s unfolding genocide of Palestinians in Gaza
Reminder that boycotting DOES work, there is historic proof! Don't let anyone discourage you otherwise!
The BDS movement uses the historically successful method of targeted boycotts inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement, the US Civil Rights movement, the Indian anti-colonial struggle, among others worldwide.
We must strategically focus on a relatively smaller number of carefully selected companies and products for maximum impact. Companies that play a clear and direct role in Israel’s crimes and where there is real potential for winning, as was the case with, among others, G4S, Veolia, Orange, Ben & Jerry’s and Pillsbury. Compelling such huge, complicit companies, through strategic and context-sensitive boycott and divestment campaigns, to end their complicity in Israeli apartheid and war crimes against Palestinians sends a very powerful message to hundreds of other complicit companies that “your time will come, so get out before it’s too late!”
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bisexualsafespace · 5 months
Biflexible post
biflexible: someone who Is mostly bisexual but sometimes has attractions that can be considered "monosexual" (homo and heterosexual) during my heterosexual phases my romantic attraction is absent, during bi and gay phases I'm homoromantic :)
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bisexualsafespace · 5 months
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Sexism goes both ways
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bisexualsafespace · 5 months
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bisexualsafespace · 5 months
i’m seeing a lot of people reblogging suicide hotlines and this is just a reminder that this is a suicide help line that works like a text-based instant messenger for people who may need to talk to someone but have trouble/are uncomfortable making phone calls
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bisexualsafespace · 5 months
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I’m at 5 what about you?
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bisexualsafespace · 5 months
sexuality is weird and annoying and i hate it. for five years now i’ve been saying i’m a lesbian just because it was easier than trying to explain how i actually feel. it is so much easier than saying:
“i’m attracted to girls and guys, basically any girl that breathes but only a very specific type of guy, you know the ones who look so intimidating, are kind of scrawny, have tattoos and messy hair but are actually just big softies. but the thing is i have no romantic attraction or feelings towards guys, i know for a fact i will never marry a guy or even date a guy, i don’t feel anything of that nature towards them. so i guess that means i’m aromatic…but i’m not. i’m not because my crushes on girls are deeper than just sexual attraction like it is for guys. for girls when i have a crush i know that i want to spend the rest of my life with that girl, that i want to have a family with her, that i want to be there for her when she’s upset and take care of her when she’s sick. so i guess i’m bisexual and aromatic towards guys…i guess even though my sexual attraction towards guys is very rare since my type when it comes to guys is so specific and i rarely see that type of guy walking around where i live.”
it’s a mouthful and confusing so i just say i’m a lesbian. i say i’m a lesbian and since i’m only romantically attracted to women it works out fine. it works out fine until there’s a guy i have sexual feelings for and i can’t tell anyone or act on it because it’ll look like i’ve been lying about being a lesbian…which i mean technically i have but i don’t want to have to explain myself and get confused looks from everyone.
sexuality is weird and annoying and i hate it and why does everyone have to make it this big thing when it really isn’t.
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bisexualsafespace · 5 months
Hello ! I saw a post of yours where you said that "the radical feminist -> TERF -> NAZI pipeline is very well documented" I'm looking for things exactly on that subject, do you have receipts and stuff like that ?
The radical feminist to TERF to NAZI pipeline isn't so much a pipeline as they are both sitting in the same sewer called "bioessentialism", which is in and of itself a fascist belief system.
Summary: belief in gender bioessentialism is an open door to being convinced of the authenticity of other forms of bioessentialism like racism and antisemitism and ableism, and the people promoting those things are NAZIs. Many radfems already believe some of this shit, and you can find it on their blogs.
(I'm going to use man/male and woman/female interchangeably a lot here because to a lot of these people, those words mean the same thing)
Bioessentialism is the belief that there are traits about people that govern your behavior and are baked into your genes, your chromosomes, and your hormones.
According to gender/sex bioessentialism, women/females are inherently weaker than men/males and men are inherently more violent than women. Biologically, men can't help but want to dominate women. In "nature", this creates a "natural" hierarchy with men on the top and women on the bottom.
Gender/sex bioessentialists believe there's absolutely nothing we can do to stop men from doing these things, because these behaviors are not a result of someone's upbringing, they are baked into their very being.
(radfems hate this hierarchy, and patriarchs love it, but they both agree it exists and is immutable)
If you are a radical feminists and you believe this, it's basically impossible to not become transphobic. Men are horrible evil monsters! Being trans isn't real, therefore they must be doing it on purpose to "invade women's spaces" and "fetishize female suffering".
Trans people are so hated by bioessentialists because they are defying the natural order, "playing god", and perverting nature. Some radfems are pro-eugenics - quite a lot of them think that trans people deserve death instead of life-saving care, even when they simultaneously view us as mentally ill.
There are some fringe beliefs that come out of this. A few radfems promote "female separatism", that is, entirely separating society into females and males. Some radfems literally want all males to die out, though admittedly this group are a fringe minority of radfems, so they don't really reflect the wider radfem movement. But it's a natural extension of their beliefs.
Bioessentialism is, of course, crap. It's also racist and ableist, among other things. But it produces a hierarchy, and that's what these people want. And that's where the NAZI shit comes in, because NAZIs are also bioessentialists, and they apply it to race and ability and a bunch of other things on top of gender. You know - smart rich abled white men on top, white women just below them, then disabled people and Jews and people of color on the bottom, etc.
Notably, the only people who get to have "real genders" under white fascist bioessentialism are white people. This is why so many of the "gender markers" you'll see transphobes talk about seem really racist: because they are. They define womanhood based on white Eurocentric beauty ideals, and anything that deviates from that is "masculine". It's why white TERFs so often accuse women of color of being "men" - because they're racist! Also, a lot of white radfems are extremely racist towards men of color.
This shit is easy to observe if you go on their blogs - A lot of them will be openly antisemitic on their blogs, especially right now. They will use marginalized women as a front to be openly racist towards men of color, or to be Islamophobic, or antisemitic, etc. They don't actually give a shit about those women though, and will turn right around and falsely identify a woman of color or a Jewish woman as a "man" whenever they feel like it.
A lot of them are fully willing to align themselves with right-wing/ conservative celebrities and politicians if it means advancing their transphobic rhetoric. In the USA, they'll even go so far as to align themselves with the "alt-right", which is the USA's current fascist party. "Well known" radfems have been seen on talk shows with these jerks.
Also, right-wing men love the gender bioessentialism of radical feminism. Women are weak? Men are strong? Hell yeah! Conservatives/ right-wingers/ fascists eat that shit up. They LOVE it. Bioessentialism is literally the core of the patriarchy because it is how they justify the hierarchy of men on top, women on the bottom.
The only difference between men who love the patriarchy and women who are radfems is what they think the solution is: radfems advocate for female-lead cultures or female separatism or male genocide, while the men who love the patriarchy think women would be happier if they all stopped being feminists and accepted their natural position in the hierarchy: on the bottom.
But they both believe in the hierarchy produced by bioessentialism.
Do I have research papers or screenshots? No. But it's not hard to observe this stuff in radfem and terf circles for yourself.
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bisexualsafespace · 5 months
i looked at it and they seem to exclusively post and fakeclaim lgbtq and afab disabled people, the posters seem to resent/distrust people of marginalized groups, staying clear of that subreddit and people who post there.
can someone explain what the problem is, why are people angry, doesn't autigender just mean "my gender is affected by autism"
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I was looking up autigender and this came up.
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bisexualsafespace · 5 months
So the cat xenoid doesn't have any pro-xenogender flag and the xeniden (term that might be safer since it's pro xenogenders) flag is not quite something I like colorwise, I've made flags
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[Image ID: 2 flags with the same colors but different symbols. Colors, in descending order, are: purple; light pink; pale lavender; blue; indigo. The symbol on the first is a purple version of the xenoidentity symbol, which is a heart with 2 circles outside of it. The heart has been turned into a cat, being given whiskers, a nose, eyes, and having the tops of the heart turned into ears. The symbol on the second is the xenidentity symbol, a white circle with 3 lines in it. This symbol was also turned into a cat, being given ears and whiskers. End ID.]
Meaning: When you feel like your identity, in some way or as a whole, is connected to cats. This could be used in conjunction with catgender, being a therian or otherkin or otherwise alterhuman/nonhuman cat, being otherhearted, being a cat furry, etc.
This flag is inherently pro-xenogender, if you do not support xenogenders do not use.
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bisexualsafespace · 5 months
can someone explain what the problem is, why are people angry, doesn't autigender just mean "my gender is affected by autism"
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I was looking up autigender and this came up.
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bisexualsafespace · 5 months
Every poll on this website is like:
I'm asking a question aimed at a specific group?
Yes 🟦
No 🟦
I'm not part of that group 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦
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bisexualsafespace · 5 months
Con sonido! 🔈🔉🔊
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bisexualsafespace · 5 months
I think retail workers should be able to sit down in chairs and listen to music and goof around and chat with their coworkers and dick around on their phone when they have free time and not have to pay attention to every customer's little whim or be constantly on guard or perform happiness or clean and should be able to make out in the back rooms or go home whenever because theres enough people to cover their shift and just enjoy life and labor a little more. In my opinion
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bisexualsafespace · 5 months
It didn't start on 7th October, 2023 btw, just remember that
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bisexualsafespace · 5 months
I have come to a realization
I identify as bisexual and homoromantic, it was because of the way society pushed "masculinity" down my throat, I wasn't into boys that had no emotion (aka "real men"), but I also wasn't into girls, so I thought I was aro. im actually homoromantic, but I like boys that express their masculinity in gnc ways.
tldr: not aro just fed up and not attracted to toxic masculinity
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bisexual homoromantic flag
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bisexualsafespace · 5 months
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I had an interesting night last night
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