blackrosey25 · 1 month
20 cutee summer prompts for couples:
(feel free to use! req by @stasyalovem tag me when u all writeee<33) (listen to espresso by sabrina while reading this kekeke)
beach dates!!
^ tackling and splashing water at one another at the beachhh
going on picnic dates (me when kekeke)
wearing sun-dresses and your partner absolutely can't get enough of it. ♡
cycling at sunset togetherrrr
dancing around a bonfire <3
laying on their chest while watching the sunriseee (honestly, manifesting this for me n mr. japan in the future)
laying in bed all dayyy together with fans on
going out to get ice-cream at 2 am (this has got to be a love language)
barbecuing / grilling meat togetherrr
when one loves to cuddle and the other hates feeling sticky
unwinding by swimming together at night (tsitp vibes ikik)
"i know the weather is hot, but you're so much hotter, babe" ".... why did you have to be so cringe--"
when they wear tank-tops while doing manly labor and you're just there admiring the sight :)) omw to ask mr. japan to do this and seduce me haha..
accidentally going to a horrendous summer party and finding each other and going, "we gotta get outta this!"
^ "should i fake collapse? u do cpr then lift me, then we'll make it to our car!"
"why won't you hug meee?" "sweetheart, i love you, but you're sweaty and disgusting!!" "ok then join the club, let's be sweaty and disgusting togeth-" *gets smacked on the face by a thrown pillow*
watching movies all night longgg
sprawling on the floor like a starfish in the middle of the living room with all fans at high speed
summer person x winter person- "ahhh i love the sun, my god, look at the sky, it's beautiful-" "*mimics* my god, look at the sky, it's-- my ass. i hate this. ahhh, i hate this."
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blackrosey25 · 3 months
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blackrosey25 · 3 months
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{Alice Oseman, Radio Silence/ Emily Palermo, from Untitled/ Franz Kafka, from Diaries/ Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar/ Marya Hornbacher, Waiting/ Nikos Kazantzakis, from a letter to Galatea Kazantzaki wr. c. May 1922/ Mahmoud Darwish/ Anna Akhmatova, from The Complete Poems of Anna Akhmatova; "The Old Portrait"/ Lyric Hunter, from "A Garden," Swallower/ Albert Camus/ Varsha/ Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Meek One}
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blackrosey25 · 1 year
falling in love prompts
➼ "Please don’t touch me. I can’t fall any deeper."
➼ "This is all your fault. If only you weren’t so fucking beautiful and smart and funny and perfect, I might not have fallen for you.
➼ "I might be going a little crazy thinking about B." *C raises an eyebrow*. "Fine. Maybe a lot more than a little"
➼ "Whether I’m in love with you or not, I know one thing for sure. You will be the reason I cease to exist."
➼ "I want you to be my first and my last."
➼ "Are you in love with them?" "If I’m not already, I’m damn close to being."
➼ "Is this love or torture?"
➼ "We’re friends, right?" "I didn’t know friends kissed each other."
➼ "But…how could you love me?" "How could I not?"
➼ "You love them, don’t you?" "How did you know? I told [friend] not to say anything." "They didn’t have to say anything."
➼ "I love you as much as I hate you." "Well then, I absolutely despise you."
➼ "I think I hate you a little for making me adore you so much."
➼ "Well you know what they say. Love is equal to madness." "…no one says that." "Your eyes do."
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blackrosey25 · 1 year
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🌌 Twisted Wonderland server JPN 3rd anniversary event 2023
Story 01
•Early in the morning in Ramshackle dorm, Grim waking up MC, telling that it's special day. MC did surprise see Grim wearing Ceremonial Robe uniform. Grim take MC out to see the 3rd anniversary decorations in their dorm, funny is MC forgot today is anniversary.
•Suddenly, Lilia and Malleus came to visit their dorm. MC still call Malleus "Tsunotarou". Trey, Cater, Vil, Leona, Idia, Rook, and Ortho join too. Everyone is helping Grim since yesterday on decorating 3rd anniversary. So now Grim become their "leader" on Event.
•Cater did comment to MC that MC still cute even MC is half sleepy. Trey explains that Grim ask everyone help to celebrate surprise for MC's sake. Like birthday party.
•Rook praise of Grim's spirit on wanted to surprise MC so nice since both of them are Ramshackle dorm students. Vil ask MC to hurry up wear ceremony robe, and tell MC that Leona did this too for MC.
•Leona just huffed and make excuses that MC and Grim is now part 3rd year students team for ceremonial mirror along celebrate 3rd anniversary. He also don't wanna hear Dire Crowley whining.
•Ortho can't wait to join Ceremonial along MC, Grim, and Others. Idia was supposed use his flew iPad/tab android, but this is Ortho request, he will join them.
•Malleus told them he can't join the ceremony mirror. He said he can't leave Ramshackle dorm yet since it hasn't perfectly done decorating. So he tell MC let's decorating MC's dorm and he can go together with MC.
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blackrosey25 · 1 year
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I'm reading through Book 7 for my jp acc. And saw this meme. I can't help but think about Lilia and Silver.
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blackrosey25 · 1 year
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Playlist screens are back and are here to celebrate over 800+ followers in the past year! Go to my page to see the specials. The Follower Event will be from March 1-25, 2023. Come celebrate with me!
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Meaning behind each song:
Heartslabyul "Then she aimed at my chest with love in her eye."- This song overall is catchy, a jumpy song that I'd think would fit Heartslabyul as a whole. Having that whole talk about madness but at the same time just playing it off and like its normal for them. This song sounds mischievous to me, something I see all peeps from this dorm are capable of.
Savanaclaw "We like it dangerous, we like to see you sweat, turn up another notch, you ain't see nothing yet."- This dorm is known for living life on the more rugged and rough side of things, hard work and often times by physical means to get what they want. And just like their dorm leader, they have a few tricks prepared when you least expect it.
Octavinelle "I don't belong among the angels, and baby that's just fine with me."- I like to think Octavinelle students are opportunistic as a whole, see something they like? they'll take advantage of it before anyone does. They can be as nice and as giving as the generous Sea Witch just remember not to go too far into the deep end cuz they sure know how to.
Scarabia "Can we go back, this is the moment. Tonight is the night, we'll fight til it's over."- Honestly one of the best songs at a party sure to get everyone dancing which is why I wanted this song for Scarabia. I see this dorm as both fun and seriousness. Planning and carefully plotting so that they can give it their all and they would still have enough energy in the end. You can't contain them!
Pomefiore "Pop culture was in art now art's in pop culture in me."- I like to think each Pomefiore student has some form of creativity in them and they all would pursue it through hard work to have it in the image that they see fit. A song that I see fit this dorm (one of the reasons being because its freaking Lady Gaga) because everyone here wants to get recognition by showing their own kind of beauty.
Ignihyde "Looking to the ways of the ones before me, looking for the path of the young and lonely."- A dorm that revolves around updating and improving on pre-existing things so that it becomes more stronger and something to better even more so for the next gen of starry-eyed students. Though with their diligent work, it's not shock that this dorm is the most introverted out of all. Mostly focusing and tending to themselves with one another. (Another reason why I chose this song is because its from Wreck it Ralph with the tech and all)
Diasomnia "Tell you you're the greatest but once you turn, they hate us."- I could list a lot of why I chose this song for Diasomnia but generally, it's about the main theme which is...well, enemies. It even says on the wiki, that they have a track record of having students with a lot of magical capabilities. So in a school that trains wizards with said magic, it comes as no surprise that with their greatness comes with people trying to see them as competition *coughs* Savanaclaw *coughs*. But besides that, Diasomnia is a force to be reckoned with and I could see it with this song
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blackrosey25 · 1 year
【 it's been a long, long time 】
author's note: the ask that started it all. i'm not even gonna deny it anymore, i lost, i love jamil viper sm, i brainrot about him daily, i wrote a fic for him, even- for the full experience, put on this song when you get to That Part of the fic (you'll know when you get there hehe) enjoyyy <33
characters: gn! prefect, jamil viper, the viper family
word count: 2.8k
tags: family dinner with the vipers!, childhood memories :'))), jamil introspection bc i angst for this man, yearning, who doesn't love yearning ?, literal slow dancing in the dark, kissing. i- yes.
[ read it on ao3 for the kicks ! ]
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Under the guiding light of the moon, they stared at their boyfriend— Jamil Viper’s back; who was very adamantly leading them away from the ruckus his family was making. They just had a lovely dinner with the Vipers, at Jamil's bashful request. They knew his family was busy. But  Jamil had come home for the first time in a while, and he brought his partner? They wouldn't have missed it for the world, they claimed!
Throughout the dinner they tried to ignore as Najma kept sending Jamil subtle looks, clearly teasing her older brother. It was kind of funny seeing Jamil frown so outwardly for once, and even funnier watching him nudge Najma in the ribs whenever her comments got a little too loud for his liking.
His parents, meanwhile, had resorted to telling them all about how Jamil was as a child. "He was such a sweet child! He and Lord Kalim used to..." or "Remember that time when he tried to ride a bicycle because Lord Kalim wanted to learn..." or "Ah, that time he entered a competition and won second place next to Lord Kalim..."
Jamil had completely pulled the hood over his head when that had started, no doubt hiding the furious blush raging across his face. They were half-tempted to reach over and pull the hood back, just to see the startled expression on their boyfriend's face. (But they knew he would’ve glared at them if they did, so they refrained.)
But the one thing they noticed was that...his parents couldn't help but mention Kalim all the time. As they were talking about Jamil, praises for the Al-Asim family and the "master" that Jamil served fell from their lips naturally. So naturally, in fact, they couldn't help the stab of disappointment they felt as they kept listening.
Now it was clear to them that no matter how much they loved him, Jamil's wants and needs were always going to be second to their collective duty as the Al-Asim's retainers. They loved him, yet somehow they valued their honor more. Still, they couldn't deny that they were lovely people despite their faults.
As soon as the intention to help clean up after dinner left their lips, Jamil was pulling them away from the table. Jamil's dad chuckled, a deep baritone, picking up all the plates before they could make a grab for them.
"There's no way we would let a guest help out with the chores, little one," Jamil's mom had scolded lightly, giving them a pat on the shoulder.
"I'm sure that Jamil is dying to have you to himself," Najma said, a sweet smile behind her teasing words. "So you guys should go!"
They didn't even get a chance to reply before Jamil was dragging them away. Which brought them back to the present. The hallways were quiet, save for the rustling of their movements. Jamil's hand is warm against theirs as they pass by identical hallways that he must know by heart, the silence a comforting weight against their shoulders.
After a lengthy walk, Jamil finally stopped in front of a door, turning towards them, "Would you like to open it?" They nodded, unsure of what was happening before opening the door.
It opened with a loud creak, startling a squeak out of the Prefect before they stepped inside. There was a bed in the corner, propped underneath a large window overlooking the courtyard below. Slivers of moonlight illuminate the rest of the room: the small, cramped desk, the bookshelf and dresser in one corner, and the framed photos scattered across the wall.
Oh, they realize belatedly. This was Jamil's room. The very one that he must've had since he was a little boy.
They don't dare to take another step, watching as Jamil's hands nursed a lantern to life; its intricate patterns sprawling like spiderwebs across the walls of the darkened room. He sat down on the floor, beckoning them to join him.
"Everything's still the same," His voice was wistful— a mere whisper carried by the cool night breeze; a relieving contrast to the scalding daytime heat.
They sat next to him, watching as he searched for something under his bed. His expression shifted to one seemingly of delight as he found something. Of all the things that he could've been searching for, they didn't expect him to pull out a gramophone. He fixed the horn onto the machine, while they picked up a pair of dated headphones from the box.
"This was where all my amusement would come from when I was younger," Jamil flicked through the many records lined up in the box– truly a treasure trove hidden under his bed. "I remember haggling for these in the markets as I ran my errands. They were stubborn old men, but they never led me astray with music. If they said something was good, it was."
The Prefect couldn't help but chuckle, "Still the same as ever, I see." Their voice was softer than they would've liked, the words lined with the fondness they had in their heart for the one in front of them.
Yet they couldn't help but remember the stereo that Jamil kept in his room back at the Scarabia dorms, a pair of newer headphones attached to it; always. And they had seen the countless DVDs that Jamil had painstakingly collected, all pawned from different shops in the little town at Sage Island.
"Old habits die hard," Jamil's movements were like clockwork as he flipped a record in his hand, sweeping off the dust as he slid it into place.
The gramophone came to life as he moved the needle into place. A simple adjustment to the volume, and there was the sound of a lilting trumpet, accompanied by violins and instruments that they couldn't name filling the room.
Jamil stood as the trumpets kept on, "Come on, Prefect. Dance with me?" With his outstretched hand and such an unguarded expression, they knew there was little Jamil Viper couldn't squander away from them at that moment.
They stood, stumbling over their feet already as Jamil pulled them into a slow swing, "I-I'm not very good at this..."
A huff that sounded like laughter brushed against their cheek as Jamil pulled them close, "It doesn't matter. Let loose. Feel the music." They grasped Jamil's arm and shoulder as Jamil led them around the room.
It startled them when a lady's voice started to croon over the instruments, meeting Jamil's eyes. There was an unabashedly star-struck look on his face, one that could reduce them to a puddle of embarrassment if they let it. Instead, they leveled his stare, even as the voice sang sweet nothings into the air between them.
Jamil spun them gently, prying a laugh from their lips as he drew them back into his embrace. He hummed along as she sang, and they vaguely wondered what Jamil sounded like when he sang. (But that was a thought for another time.)
"Distracted?" He asked as the voice pandered out and the trumpets picked up once again.
"By you, yeah," The Prefect replied, smiling at the way Jamil's shoulders jumped slightly. They were endlessly amused by how simple words could startle such an unshakable person.
He retaliated by suddenly shifting his weight, causing them to fall— right into a dip, "What a tease you are." Their heart had leaped into their throat, grip tightening on his sleeves. He seemed amused by that, his eyes creasing at the corners.
They huffed as Jamil tugged them up, causing them to fall into him more, "You're the one that asked."
As the orchestra joined in, their steps slowed, until they were shuffling; mere centimeters separating them. They couldn't take their eyes off him. That look was still on his face, even as his gaze flicked down to their lips. Then back up to their face and back down once again. They stayed locked in an embrace, even as the song faded out into a crackle. It was like he was waiting— for some instruction or permission that he was allowed to do something—
They finally found their voice, lips parting, "You should take the song's advice." Their mouth felt dry as Jamil's expression shifted.
A raised eyebrow, clearly a challenge, "And what advice is that, exactly?"
They had a lump in their throat as they recalled the melody; shaky voice fumbling over the words, "Kiss me once, and kiss me twice, then kiss me once again..."
They were immediately met with lips capturing their own; in a kiss so raw and tumultuous. Their knees quivered yet Jamil held them firm, kissing them with so much fervor it almost left them scalded. Jamil, Jamil, Jamil, their mind repeated, abandoning all thoughts that weren't of him, because he was— beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. They pushed back with the same intensity, not wanting to lose when they knew they felt that same feeling of desperation rushing through their veins at that very moment
He pulled away for a short moment before pressing a second kiss against their lips; though this time unhurried and gentle. They place a caress on his hair, the ornaments clinking as they smoothed a hand over his braids. How they wished they could have him like this forever.
A sigh against their lips made their skin tingle as he pulled away a second time. He leaned in one last time, this time pressing a lingering peck against their lips.
"...It's been a long, long time," His voice was hoarse as he sang his reply, yet it was the most lovely thing they had ever heard. They were sure there was a dopey smile on their face as they admired him, their beautiful lover, under the sparse lantern light.
But something distracted him too quickly, and he opened his mouth, "I should take you back to your room. It's already this late, and I'm sure you'd like to sleep." Ah. He had been relaxed all this time, and now he finally remembered his "position." They almost frowned at the thought of this mood being ruined by something that didn’t ever matter to them.
There was no going around the question, so they asked one of their own, "You want me to leave?"
They knew it was a loaded question. One that Jamil wouldn't be able to answer. But they could wait— for an answer that wasn't something so textbook, as expected of him since he was younger. They could wait however long it took for an answer that was simply his.
"I'd like it if you stayed," Jamil's words rushed out hurriedly. "I mean...would you stay with me?" The grip on their waist tightened in anticipation of their answer. His eyelashes fluttered as he looked away from them.
"It's funny that you think I'd rather be elsewhere right now," They said, trying to catch his gaze. "Hey. C'mon, silly, look at me."
It took a little while before dark grey eyes met theirs once more, "There we go."
"Stop this already," He mumbled, but he leaned closer still.
"There's no place I'd rather be than by your side," They state proudly, giving him a smile. "I'm staying. Today, tomorrow, and the next day, and...this is getting cheesy..." They cough; embarrassed, "You get it, right?"
"You're going to be the death of me," Jamil murmured, thumb brushing against their cheek ever so lightly. "Hayaati wa qalbi." The words send a shiver down their spine though they don't understand them.
"What's that supposed to mean?" They asked as Jamil finally brought them over to his bed. He turned off the gramophone and their hands find his braids, untangling them. (It would've been faster with magic, but they knew Jamil liked it when they did it instead.)
"It wouldn't be any fun if you knew what it meant," Jamil was smiling at them with the same gentleness the moon used to tide over oceans. They felt themself being inexorably pulled towards him, giving in to the gentle push and pull of his orbit.
"That's so not fair," They tug on one of his braids, earning them a swat to the thigh. "C'mon, you can't be keeping secrets to yourself."
"It's a pet name," Jamil said nonchalantly, turning towards them as they finished with undoing his hair. "Kind of like baby or honey."
"Jamil Viper," They try to look stern, but they were sure it didn't work. "I'm not falling for your tricks. I asked what the words meant, not what they were." He smiled, raising his hands as if he was caught.
In the end, Jamil clammed up about the words, even though their badgering was relentless. He only smiled at them, shaking his head and they wondered if it was important at all. They knew they meant something to him, or else he wouldn't have said it at all. And they could feel what he meant through the way he said it.
Hayaati wa qalbi. To them, it was just his way of saying "I love you." And they fell asleep, to the soothing hum of Jamil's voice and the warm hand brushing against their hair. He was humming that song again, the lyrics still stuck in their mind:
You'll never know how many dreams I dreamed about you,
Or how empty they all seem without you,
So kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again...
It's been a long, long time.
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[ omake : حياتي وقلبي ]
Jamil opened his eyes when he finally heard their breathing even out. "Hey," He tried, only to be met with silence, their face curled against his shoulder.
Good. They were asleep.
"Hayaati wa qalbi," He breathed the words with reverence against their temple, chest filling with feelings too large to quantify with mere words. "It means 'my life and my heart.' I thought it was fitting for you, because..."
Because..? Why exactly did he choose those words?
His life. They were one of the only people, scratch that— the only person who he knew loved him unconditionally. He knew that they would love him, whether he chose to stay at the Al-Asim household, or if he ran away to chase his dreams when the crossroads finally caught up to him. He could see himself with them, years and years in the future; something that the past-him would've never thought to have ever experienced in his lifetime.
And his heart. They reminded him how good it fucking felt to live. Really live, as someone who wasn't just a dutiful servant. The few months that he had been dating them and the long months he spent yearning for them— they had been the most alive he felt in years . They taught him from scratch how to embrace his hobbies; accompanying him to musty antique stores, getting tickets to dance competitions, hell, even going as far as to make him completely abandon his animosity towards performing for once in his life.
There was so much more he could thank them for— so much that it made him choke on those three little words anytime he tried to utter them. But they never frowned upon that. With every failed attempt of professing his love, they were always there to pick him up— stitching him together with hands so gentle he could almost believe in their sincerity. And yet he was still afraid.
‘Old habits die hard’, yes, that was true. He couldn't help but let those thoughts eat at him; a slow, all-consuming autophagy because surely the only person he was hurting was himself. And he saw the flicker of sadness in their eyes whenever he would slip up, showing them the doubts needling around cautious words and actions like a pest. He knew he was getting better at it, but wanted to try harder; for their sake. For the sake of that smile on their face— the very one he wanted to protect.
So this was the best he could give them for now: hayaati wa qalbi. Words that he could say and mean. Words that they couldn't possibly understand. Words that he could only whisper the meanings of as they slumber, for fear of ripping out his own heart and baring it to them to do as they pleased.
Jamil wet his lips, trying again, "I thought it was fitting because that's exactly what you mean to me. You're my life and heart. So please...stay with me forever, as you promised." He couldn't help but struggle around the last few words, illogical tears welling up in his eyes as he pulled them closer.
Yes, for now, this would be enough. For his life and his heart, he swore, belonged to them and them only. Today, tomorrow, the next day, and the next. Forever, forever, and always.
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thank you for reading this impromtu little thing i wrote for mr. viper ! if you'd like to check out more of my work: my ao3 + twst masterlist
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blackrosey25 · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes
Random student: "What do they look like?"
Kalim, crying: "BEAUTIFUL."
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blackrosey25 · 1 year
Kiss-o-meter (Kalim Al Asim x Female Reader x Jamil Viper)
Genre: Romance
There were several types of kissing. However, when both of them use the kiss-o-meter, it would just lead them to get 0 and yet when it involved you, what level of their kisses could be?
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First of all, I apologise for taking a long time in finishing this one-shot. I'm trying to make it as good as possible. Dedicated all of my sincere thanks to @thebisexualonesworld for requesting this story. Hope you and everyone will love it!
The machine blared out a loud up beat rhythm as Kalim stared at it with a melancholy look while Jamil just wanted this torture in his life to end. For how long had he tried to console his dorm leader to forget about the game, he had lost count as he very much felt enormous regret in telling Kalim about the machine he found in his treasure vault.
"It cannot be broken," Kalim whine again and again while Jamil just stared at him with a grunted expression. His eyes twitched for thousand times this night due to the unmeasurable stress. He had so many things to do that he could not understand the need for his presence by Kalim's side right now. It was just a game to measure kisses and nothing more after all! Should he mention they were in boy school and that there was no concrete reason for the son of Asim to measure his kiss at this moment?
"I know! Let's have magic carpet fetch Y/N! She always knows to solve complicated problems" Jamil's eyes opened wide due to Kalim's sudden exclamation. Before, Kalim could excitedly continue his attempt in searching for the magic carpet, the back of Kalim's cloth was swiftly grabbed by Jamil before he could escape beyond his range. The hold was pretty tight as Kalim's body was pulled back with a sudden force.
"There's no need to call Y/N! It's not like she will play it with you!" More than speculate of your rejection of Kalim's invitation, Jamil was the one who hoped for you to not play it with Kalim. Although Jamil had clearly emphasized words and yet he did forget how dense Kalim could be most of the time. He was someone who always got what he wanted after all that he was indeed ignorant of another opinion.
"That's brilliant, Jamil! Why I don't think to let Y/N play too." Let's just say that was left speechless once again as he felt like he was giving the wrong ideas to Kalim. No, Jamil very much disliked the idea of you playing with Kalim. He had already backed off a lot of times so he could never outshine Kalim but he would never prefer to sacrifice you too. He would be a fool if he said he would not notice the way Kalim looked at you as if he was smitten by your charms too, just like him. Therefore, he had planned to lessen the interaction between the two of you.
"What are you guys doing?" As it fated was even not on Jamil's side, you were the one who came into the room by yourself and apparently, you came by because Grim dragged you into Scarabia in hope of eating some spice food.
"Y/n!" Kalim excitedly greeted you while Jamil only sigh from the despair in his life.
"This can't be happening..."
"We just tried playing with this machine that Jamil found. It's a gift from my father a long time ago."
"That seems interesting. So, what this machine is about, Kalim?"
"It is a machine which evaluates how good your kissing is but you see here-" Kalim held the handle and the meter did not even move again as he expected. "- I think it broken."
"Or, perhaps you play it wrong? Do you play it as per in the instruction?" As the realisation hit him, he shake his head and just beamed as he usually would. As you checked on the machine for the instruction, you found it just placed beside the handler and read it, you immediately could guess which part Kalim did the mistake but of course, you did not expect Jamil to do so. He was claimed to be the most intelligent student in school by Azul. Despite that, instead of prying further, you decided to put it aside first and proceeded to help Kalim first.
"That's it! You should kiss the person you like while holding the handler. Do you get it, Kalim?"
"I see, kiss the person I like..."
Kalim closed his eyes and tilted his head a bit to ponder over your statement. Before you could comprehend whether Kalim fully understand the rule or not, you suddenly felt he cupped your face and his lips already brushed gently against yours. Eyes widened in pure shock while both of your hands were left hanging midway by Kalim's side, literally you were too speechless to do anything. Whether to move or speak.
Kalim's kiss lasted longer on your lips than you expected it could. He was known for being an innocent boy after all. Now, where that boy had gone? His kiss was gentle and loving. It was just a brush against the surface of lips without the involvement of the tongue, making you more focused on the warmth and softness of his lip which engulfs you to wonder about his perception of the taste of your lip too.
Was it rough? Was it too dry? Did he even regret it? He did not even pull you closer towards him and deepened the kiss and yet a rush of relief washed over you. His kiss was awkward just like yours which mean he was inexperienced in this field. What kind of feeling were you having right now?
When you both parted away, with Kalim ended the kiss first, he noticed how flustered you were as your eyes were averting on everywhere but him as you fiddled with your fingertips nervously. His appearance must not be that much different from yours as he could feel the flush on his face too.
He would never forget how giggly you made him feel. He would prefer to look at you more with the loving gaze he could casually throw on your way if it not for a sudden sound that came from the machine. Certainly, both of you forget about Jamil whose jaws already dropped to the floor. The scene he witnessed was just too much for him to handle😐.
Just then, Kalim noticed the meter suddenly raised up not until 100 but it exceeding to 120. It should be expected as he kissed the person he loved after all. Not anyone else but you, his first love. That was when he felt this sudden urge to share his feelings with you. Somehow, the machine made him more certain of his love towards you.
"Y/n, I love you so much" The usual high enthusiastic voice of his was replaced with a soft tone as if he whispered the word to you rather than it was being a talk.
"Ka-Kalim, I-I"
"The person reflected in your eyes should be your master. You shall answer when you are asked, and you shall obey when you are ordered. Snake Whisper" The need for you to reply to Kalim's confession was immediately gone when Jamil immediately placed himself between the two of you and used his unique magic on his dorm leader. Under hypnotise, Kalim was ordered to go back to his chamber to sleep.
You could just watch the entire scene that felt somehow odd with how fast Jamil action in stopping the intimate moment of Kalim and you. As you tried to find the answer, you could figure out only one. Without any hesitation, you clear the doubt you had from a while ago about Jamil by pouring your true thoughts in front of him.
"Jamil, you are in love with Kalim right?" You voiced out as if you discover the greatest secret in the world. Now you finally remembered, whenever you were with Kalim, you would always notice how displeased Jamil would be with the situation and his action during Kalim's confession tell it all.
"You are indeed jealous of me! Why I don't notice this before"
"Is it wrong for you to fall for Kalim because he is your master? That's why you kept this a secret. I see... so it's a forbidden love. Don't worry Jamil, if something troubles you I'm here. I'll be the number one fan for the couple!" Jamil's shoulders were being patted by you as a sign of your support for him and he could be only disappointed with the lack of recognition of his feelings for you. In the worst case, you even thought of him for having a thing for KALIM. Out of everyone, KALIM!
"Really...Y/N, I expect more from you. Heh, better to just show you" Your hands on his shoulders were being pulled closer to his body so he could sneakily wrap his arms around your body. You jerk back to broaden the proximity between you and him but his hold was just too strong to release yourself.
Jamil's finger was already lightly holding your chin so your head tilted up, focusing your eyes only on him before his lips smashed against yours, gradually stealing all your breath away. You could feel the tip of his hot tongue poking on the surface of your lips before it was forced into yours. The heat rose in both of your cheeks as Jamil lead the kiss. The intense and passionate spark remained in both of his eyes during the kiss.
After a while of a breathless kiss, both of you finally parted away. You blinked once and twice to comprehend the situation. You thought Jamil loved Kalim but he kissed you. What was this?
"Hmmm if you kiss someone you love, it will reach 120. Not bad" Without you noticing it, during the kiss, Jamil had tested the machine too. Jamil tucked your hair behind your ear while sheepishly smiling at you.
The walk to the guest room was just accompanied by the silence surrounding as both of you did not talk much after the kiss. You were too indulged in the flashback of the kisses until you did not even notice the side glance Jamil threw at your way multiple times with only one question in his mind. Did you feel bothered by the kiss?
If you felt guilty, he was much worst than that as first, he kissed the person his master loved so much and second he did not express his true feeling to you properly. Even worst, he did not confess like Kalim at all. Where was the courage he got when he kissed you? Was holding back and letting Kalim take everything from him had remained as one of his habits? Even his feelings towards you?
Could you tell him that you enjoyed the kiss as much as how he did instead of having that troubled expression on your face? Indeed, Jamil interpreted you wrong because he never ask. Loving someone so much was a scary thing as it could make you feel suddenly insecure with everything related to that person.
"I'm sorry about the kiss, Y/N. That's why I'll-"
"No, Jamil it's not like-"
“The one reflected in your eyes is your master. If I ask, you shall answer me; if I command it, you shall bow to me. Snake Whisper. Do you will obey anything I said"
Even though it was painful for Jamil to ask you to forget about him, about the part of the memory you had with him that night, he still needed to do it. Your happiness was much more important to him than his throbbing heart and the pain was visible to your eyes. However, nothing could you do. He already enchanted his magic on you. A tear slipped down your face as you reluctantly letting yourself being controlled by Jamil.
"Yes, master. I will do anything for you."
"Please forget about the kiss and... sleep well, Y/N" whisper the last word
He was a coward, he could not do it. He was still the pathetic servant that he hated so much. When he had grown to a much better person, he would pursue you once more and properly convey his feelings. How he wished he still had his chance until the time came.
He realizes his doing so he hypnotises you to forget about the kiss. After he had sent you to your dorm did he realise his mistake. He ask you to forget about the kiss but never specified his or Kalim's. So, which kiss would you forget?
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blackrosey25 · 1 year
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blackrosey25 · 1 year
Making TWST Boys a Pink sweater
Characters- Cater Diamond, Jamil Viper, Jack Howl, Malleus Draconia
Gn! Reader
TWs: None :)
Written by: Bearam <3
Edited by: Evershade :)
Hello everyone! So sorry it took so long for us to post again. We had finals and other school things that took priority but I am pleased to say that we will (hopefully) be able to post more :) Hope you enjoy this one <3
Cater was extremely happy that you made him a sweater and decided to wear it around campus the very next day. Trey teased him endlessly over the choice of color, the sweater being a cute pastel pink. However, your boyfriend was quick to come up with a rebuttal, insisting that, “You’re just jealous I have a lover and you don’t.” Plus, he looked great. Just then, Cater saw you in the halls. “I’ll be right back” he whispered to Trey, sneakily pointing toward you. Leaving Trey, Cater snuck up from behind, and pounced onto you. “Hey beautiful! Whatcha doing~?” You quickly spun around to see him when you noticed the sweater. “Hey! It fits!” You announced, admittedly surprised. “Mhm! Like a glove” he answered, patting your head.
You examined your work. “Oh, look. I messed up here…” You pointed to a portion of the sweater on the sleeve. You offered to fix it, but Cater refused instantly. Holding your face close to his, to the point where your noses were touching, he looked straight into your eyes. “It’s perfect just the way it is,” he grinned, and kissed your nose, forehead and cheeks persistently. You laughed, struggling to get away from the attacks of affection. Fortunately, you were saved when Trey came up behind Cater, clearing his throat and pointing toward their class at the end of the hall, signaling that it was probably best for them to get going. Cater frowned, but let you go. “I’ll see you later!” he called out. You watched as both Trey and Cater waved goodbye as they headed to class.
Jamil knew that you were plotting something beforehand, but was still surprised when you had handed him the sweater sheepishly. He hadn’t planned on wearing it around, but found himself doing so the very next day. Although Pink wasn’t exactly your boyfriend’s first choice, it was admittedly comfortable. Kalim swore that he looked cute, but Jamil couldn’t tell if he was teasing him or not. That’s when he saw you in the halls. Telling Kalim to go without him, he snuck up on you from behind, eventually teasing you with a soft “boo” right by your ear. Of course, you were startled, but you chuckled when you saw the fuzzy pink sleeves hugging your waist. Chuckling, you turned to see his face.“Glad to see you like it” you simply stated. He stared blankly into your eyes, as if he was at a loss for words, until finally explaining, “Well of course I like it, it's quite comfortable.” He smiled slightly.
But eventually, Jamil worked to cover his face in the rook of your neck. Confused by this reaction, you questioned, “If you don’t like the color, I can make you a Red one if that would make you more comfortable.” He shook his head in disagreement. “It’s not that, It’s what I’m about to do” he mumbled. He kissed your neck then your hands; afterwards, he refused to look at your face. Although in a private space he could do such things with confidence, he was rather hesitant when it came to PDA. so this event had you thoroughly startled from the very beginning. “Thank you for making it. It really does mean a lot,” he murmured softly.
Suddenly, the bell rang and Jamil saw Kalim at the very end of the hall, concerned Jamil wouldn’t make it to class on time. Jamil sighed and before striding over to class, he whispered into your ear once more, “I’ll see you later darling.” You stood in wonder for several seconds until you finally snapped out of it, joyfully skipping away to class.
Pink was, needless to say, the last color you would expect to find Jack in. Both Leona and Ruggie were confused when they saw him wearing it, but decided it was better to leave it be. But, they did have to agree that the new look suited him.
The sweater you made fit him perfectly. You made it as a joke, but you had no heart to say you had a separate sweater in a mustard color when he showed off the sweater to you in the halls the next day, wagging his tail. “I am so lucky to have such a handsome boyfriend,” you said softly. This only got him going more. “You really think so?” He stated joyfully. “Of course sweetheart!” you laughed. “I’m glad you like it!”
Delighted by your flattery, Jack scooped you up into his arms, allowing you to gain access to his ears. You rubbed them with your fingers, not because he liked it, but more so because you did. “You know, I have a lot of this mustardy yarn so I’ll make another sweater for you when I have the time.” He kissed your chin. “That sounds perfect! Except,” he paused, “You should make one for yourself too so that we can match!” This brought a slight smile to your face. “I can definitely make that happen.”
In the following weeks, you knit yourself a sweater in the nice yellow color, smiling at the thought of the two of you in matching yellow sweaters.
A giant boyfriend calls for a giant sweater, and well, the most yarn you had of a single color was pink so, that is what he got. Malleus smiled from ear to ear when you handed him the sweater. You had expected to see him wear it around when the two of you were alone, so you were understandably surprised to see him wearing it the very next day. Although everyone thought it was strange, no one dared to confront him about it.
“There’s the love of my life” Malleus teased as he scooped you up into his arms, spinning. You giggled, seeing your intimidating boyfriend in such a cute color. You lifted your arms to play with his horns and remarked, “You look cute today”. He looked at you like a puppy that had just been given a treat. “Why thank you,” he smiled.
From the higher position that was Malleus’s arms, you noticed the giant tear on the shoulder portion of the sweater. “Tight fit?” You questioned, pointing to the tear. “Ah well,” Malleus paused, “It fits fine, it's just my horns got caught.” You examined the tear carefully. “I should be able to fix it just fine.” Malleus smiled warmly and again spun around with you in his arm, and nuzzled your nose with his. “Thank goodness,let’s go do that now!” Startled, you try desperately to get away. “Malleus, I have to go to class!” He laughed, “Don’t worry, I’ll explain to the headmaster personally.” You sighed. There was no getting away from this one.
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blackrosey25 · 1 year
aphro 🫣 im back in ur askbox again to req jamil bbg for the Christmas event but this oneeeee i'd like to request the special scenario ^_^ thank u bbyyyy
˗ˏˋ ꒰The cooker’s little helper¡¡¡ ꒱ ˎˊ
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˗ˏˋ Characters¡ - Jamil Viper & Gn! reader
˗ˏˋ Taglist¡ - @hebimoonlightwrites • @eatcandlewax • @applchui • @onehellofashadynerd • @wingscyanne • @chenyann • @grandpapicaca • @sakuram1nt • @cielaret • @moxxbox • @chamomirl
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⤷ Special - A random fluff scenario made by me
“Jamil what are you doing?” You asked as you stepped into the kitchen. Jamil has been there for HOURS, you started to crave for his attention.
Plates were everywhere with different prepared dishes and he even made different flavored drinks. Was Kalim holding a part? — Oh! Now you remember, tonight is Christmas eve!
You heard a sigh coming from him “Preparing everything for tonight… Honestly, why did Kalim throw such a huge party? Now I have to prepare enough food for everyone”
“Well maybe Kalim wants to celebrate with all the students? I mean, celebrating Christmas eve with everyone is basically the spirit” you said and walked closer to him “Although I understand your point babe… Do you want me to help you?”
Jamil hummed “Well, can you taste test this for me?” He asked pointing at one of the dishes he made “It tasted fine to me but I want to make sure it’s got the right amount of spices”
You smiled and nodded. You have always liked your boyfriend’s cooking, it was the best no wonder why Kalim would ramble a lot about it.
You grabbed a fork and tried it. It was… Amazing! The flavors, the texture, it had the perfect amount of spice and sweetness.
“It’s amazing!” You exclaimed. Your eyes shinned in amazement, you looked like a child all happy, how cute.
He chuckled a bit “Well that is good. I still have to prepare more so yes; I’d appreciate some help” he said and kissed your forehead. He handed you a recipe that he wrote himself “Follow these instructions, make sure to not mess up please” he sigh.
You blushed “Don’t worry! I promise I’ll try my very best! This meal Christmas will be the best I can asure you!” You exclaimed.
his lips curled into a small smile. At least he has someone to help him. And who knows, maybe this Christmas will be all worth the hard work.
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blackrosey25 · 1 year
Meeting the parents with Jamil?
If I did something wrong, I apologize in advance.
Nope you did everything perfect! I should be apologizing for answering so late...
I haven't properly written for twst for a while, but hopefully this is alright!
🌺Meeting The Parents🌺
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Jamil was nervous. You could tell. You kmew him well. You had his tell-tales memorised.
His usual flat expression remained on his face as always, but the way he fidgeted with his tie and tapped his foot impatiently as you rang the doorbell to your parent's home gave away his true feelings.
He was not confident about this meeting.
He was just a servant. The servant to a rich heir that would be much more appealing to any parent wanting what we best for their child.
...Would he be good enough?
You turned your head to send a reassuring smile his way, and he wearily smiled back. He was not sure of your parents would accept him as your partner, but the unspoken words in smile was a comfort.
The door slowly opened to reveal your mother, who smiled warmly down at both of you.
"Oh you're finally here! Come in, come in! Have a seat! I'll make some tea!"
Jamil followed you in, sitting down next to you on a couch covered in floral patterns, looking around and taking in the scent of tea, lavender, and cats.
"Huh? Are they here? Oh there you are!"
Your father poked his head into the living room and grinned at you and Jamil before practically bounding over.
"Good afternoon, dear! Good afternoon, Jamil! I's a pleasure to finally meet you, my boy! I'm (name)'s father!" He spoke excitedly and at an impossibly fast pace, reminding Jamil of Kalim in a way.
Jamil smiled wearily.
"Good afternoon, sir." He said, trying to keep his voice even. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well. I hope you're doing well."
Your father laughed.
"No need to be so formal!" He said. "But I am doing just fine, thank you! Ah, here's the tea!"
True to his word, your mother entered the room with four steaming cups of tea, handing them out before sitting with her husband across from the two of you.
"So Jamil." She said, smiling. "Tell us about yourself."
Jamil tugged at his tie before folding his hands on his lap, shifting closer to you and clearing his throat.
"I, ahem, I attend Night Raven College, I play basketball, I enjoy dancing, I serve the Asim family in the land of Hot Sands..."
Jamil listed off what he could, avoiding your parent's eyes and steadily answering any questions. It seemed fine. They seemed... happy. Impressed even.
"Well now, aren't you just a lovely boy!" Your mother chirped, smiling wider.
"Indeed. You've chosen well, (name)." Said your father, ruffling Jamil's hair. "We would love to get to know him better.
Jamil stared at them. Then smiled. He nodded slowly and wrapped his arm around you.
A feeling of warmth spread through his chest. He felt appreciated. Accepted. It felt... It felt goood.
"...That sounds wonderful."
A/N: This is only the second time I've ever written Jamil, so I apologise if it's ooc. Hope you have a good day!
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blackrosey25 · 1 year
JAMIL VIPER?????????????!!!!
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blackrosey25 · 1 year
how i think scarabia dorm members would kiss you
word count; 2k (ik its long, can you tell what my favorite dorm is? /s)
warnings; slightly suggestive in jamils bit, your in his lap. in both; jamil and kalim are just exhausted
characters: Kalim and Jamil
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Kalim Al-Asim 💧
-his lips are nice but they're a little crackly, due to the fact that everywhere he is (the scalding sands and scarbia dorm) is really hot and dry
-if you did point it out he would ask Jamil for tips
-or if you put lip oils on him, he'd gladly let you
-he does that thing where if you had lip oils on, he would ask what it was and then just kiss you and comment on the scent/flavor
-he's so patient yet energetic about kissing you
-showers your face with kisses/would gives you a quick kiss between classes or when he sees you and then just continues on like nothing with a big smile on his face
-does not care if you're in public, in moderation
-but he does treasure the time your both alone, and he can be as affection as he wants
-loves to kiss your jaw, lips, and cheeks
-holds you from behind or has you at his side almost all the time, and you/him will be having a conversation with someone and hell randomly kiss your cheek (if you are beside him), or your jaw (if he's holding you from behind)
-if you help him take off his jewelry and hair accessories, giving his head scratches (you know that feeling taking things out of your hair and then rubbing your scalp, yea that), he will get so soft and calm on you
-Your also best friend with Jamil (he will deny it, but he does enjoy your presence), you help with Jamil's duties to look after Kalim
-more like you help with damage control cause jamil trusts you (even enough to cook kalims food without him checking it)
-Because you help your at orientation standing up front with Kalim and Jamil, and he makes it very obvious by holding your hip and kissing your cheek while Jamil is talking to the freshman
-not possessive, even if it may seem like it. he just likes showing how much he loves you
Orientation had gone well, even if Kalim had wandered off to try to change the robe colors and ended up running into one of the most powerful faes in the land.... besides that! Only a few students got sorted into Scarabia with you, Kalim, and Jamil. Even though Kamil seemed energetic and peppy in front of everyone, you could see the exhaustion start to seep in from the long day.
As you three stood in front of the freshman, still in your ceremonial robes. You took turns speaking, explaining the sorcerer of the sand's morals, expectations of the dorm, food and sleeping situations, and just a general explanation of Scarabia dorm. Jamil ended it by telling the second years to help the freshman to their rooms, and that if they had any other questions they could ask any of the three of you. Most of them followed the second years but few had questions about dorm and classes. Once all questions had been answered and everyone else was in their rooms, including Jamil, only you and Kalim were left in Scarabias lounge.
You let out a deep sigh, "well, that didn't go horrible?" glancing over you saw Kalim already looking at you. He smiled softly at you, "aha ha, well it's been worse befo- '' before he could finish he got cut off by himself yawning. You immediately opened your arms to him, he basically jumped at you clinging to your waist and burying his face into the space between your shoulder and neck. your arms found purchase around his shoulders, one of your hands coming up the back of his neck to twirl a bit of the loose fluff at the nape of his neck. You whispered into his ear, "do you want to get your adornments off love?" he glanced up at you nodding silently.
You took his hand and led him back to his dorm room, you left him to change out of his robes on his own, going to the bathroom attached to his dorm room to change out of yours as well. After you were done you went and sat on the edge of his bed, watching as he stood next to his desk, now in just black shorts and a scarabia dorm hoodie, yet all of his adornments were still clinging to him. Shuffling on his bed to now be on the end, you patted at the small bench that hugged the end of his bed signaling for him to sit.
He sat criss crossed on the bench facing you. You reached out and cupped his cheeks, leaning down and connecting your lips, he reached out and held both of your wrists pulling you more towards him. After a while, you needed a break for breath, dropping your hands from his cheeks as you parted. He caught your lips in a quick peck. Pulling away he flashed his signature smile, "thank you, my desert rose.". A light blush adorned your cheeks at the all-too-familiar pet name, you simply hummed as you reached out to his head scarf. untying the bow on the side and slipping it off, folding it on the bed next to you. Next were his earrings and bracelets, both now resting on the folded scarf.
Your hand lifted to cup his jaw as you moved your face to be right in front of his, whispering softly above his lips, "I love you, Kalim.".He closed the small gap, giving you small lazy pecks to your lips and cheeks, "you'll never know how much I love you, my beautiful desert rose."
Jamil Viper 🐍
-his lips are so nice, and you can't convince me otherwise
-he "isn't the best" at anything, but he truly does keep up his appearances
-loves to tease you, but only when you guys are alone
-in public, the most he will do is hold your hand, not because he's embarrassed of you, but because he flustered very easily
-he hasn't been with anyone else, so he's not used to physical affection from anyone
-jamil is so grateful that you do help him become more comfortable with giving and receiving affection
-in turn, he would take care of you, but not like he does with kalim where he's slightly forced to, he really wants to
-you also do the same for him, seeing as he's always stressed with being damage control and needed to run most things in scarabia dorm
-if you help him with any of it, he will give you all of his affection and attention when he can
-most affection while in the scarabia dorm lounge at night when everyone else is asleep and your bith playing old board games from the scalding sands (even if you've never won a single game seeing him happy and telling stories of his home is worth it)
-only really gives you kisses when you're in his dorm room, it's the only place he knows people cant barge in
-most scarabia students don't even know you guys are together, they assume you are in the same position as Jamil. Working under the Al asim family
-nope, you just want to lessen jamils workload
-mostly light kisses placed on your jaw, neck, and lips
-similarly to kalim he will melt if you help him take out his hair, undo his braids, and take out the gold accessories, hell melt, suddenly he's all mushy
-accompanying him to cook for the dorm is a mist, even if you can't cook you are the only person he allows to linger in the kitchen with him
-tells you stories of different recipes from his home, the spices, etc
-would let you taste test them, and even make you sweets of your own as random surprises
-if he's especially tired by the day he will collapse on his bed with you and just talk to him about the day while you undo his hair and you both swap random kisses and acts of affection
-helping him with his eye makeup (we've all seen his eyeliner/shadow, it's gorgeous), and him giving you random kisses wherever he can when you do
(connected to kalims story kind of, but it's with jamil, same orientation premise.)
You sat at jamils desk in his dorm room reading a novel about different spells from history. It was meant to be for a project in Treins class, but you kept going due to the fascination that had sparked the more you read. You were waiting for Jamil to come back from orientation, after all, you weren't an official student, so you simply waited for him in his room. You hadn't realized how long it had been until you finished the chapter you were on and glanced up to see the night sky sprinkled with stars.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the quick opening and shutting of the door, jumping slightly you looked over to see a worn Jamil. You watch quietly as he trudges to the edge of his bed falling face-first into his sheets. Marking your place in the book, you set it down and make your way to him. Sitting next to him you caress his back slowly, "How was orientation my viper?". All he does in response is groan into his sheets. Sighing softly you tell him to get out of his robes and you go into his bathroom to get makeup wipes. Walking back you see that he's now laying on his back, clad in black shorts and a scarabia shirt, arm thrown over his head, and robes were thrown to the floor.
Settling to sit next to him on the bed, wipes in hand, "C'mon, makeup off.". He flops his arm off his face and into the bed, turning his head towards you, "then come here beloved." he spoke softly as he held out his hands at either side of his hips. Immediately understanding what he wanted, you climbed into his lap, resting your knees on the sides of his hips. His hands rested on your hips slightly under your sweater, you turned a little to reach for the makeup wipes. You took one out of the package and leaned down to wipe his eye makeup off, all while he rubbed small circles on your hips and planted random kisses on your face. In between you would take breaks and close the space, giving him a quick peck on the lips or telling him about your day/asking him to speak about his.
Once you were finished with his makeup you leaned back up and set the package and dirty wipes on his bedside desk. When you leaned back to him you realized his braids were still in, motioning for him to sit up. He gave an exasperated sigh but sat up with you still in his lap, moving his arms to wrap around your waist. You started at the bottom taking out the bottom of the braids, slowly working on them one by one taking out any accessories on your way, including his iconic red feather. During this process, Jamil moved back and forth from your chest to your neck, jaw, and shoulder littering your skin with kisses and small thank yous while you worked. You took the jewelry you did take out into your hands, once again leaving it on his bedside, "there! all done." When you looked back at him he had a small smile on his face and practically hearts in his eyes, you waved your hand in front of his face. "...Jamil, a-are you ok?". He looked dazed as he replied whispering softly, "you truly have charmed me, my beloved."
(get it, snake whisper, it's a charming spell, it's funny)
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blackrosey25 · 1 year
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I-it's not cute, it's cool...
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