blissofthesoul · 1 year
I thought I would share my answer to a therapy prompt, I haven't realize how much my mindset has shifted but I figured someone might need to hear something like this as I wish someone told me this growing up.
I did everything I could in this situation and that in time my chance would come. I was asked, how did I know this was what I wanted to do? How did I know I would get to where I was be today? How did I know that I would be successful in the occupation I dreamed of?
I don't know if you are religious but I am, God gives us a mustard seed of belief and that's all we start with; that's all we need to believe in Him, In ourselves, in our situation, in our abilities. It's alot like characteristics or talents or hobbies, at first we don't know what it is that we like, we don't know if we will succeed but If we believe enough in it and we continue to foster it and grow with it, we see ourselves start to flourish more. It's a whole lot like faith, it's believing that our time to succeed will come but for right now it's about learning the things that will makes us grow. God puts us through situation because he knows when we are at our weakest we are actually at our strongest because in the moment we are able to see all that is around us clearer which is when we are able to take in the knowledge we need to grow. Stop letting the world define what success means to means to you. The more we give the power to the world the more we start doing it for them and not for ourselves. Success look different for everyone, it might be similar but it's never the same. When we are able to determine what success look for ourselves, we stop looking towards other for a definition, we stop comparing our abilities and talents, our characteristics, our hobbies. We know at this point the world/occupation is unfair, your level 10 might be someone level 1 or level 50, there is someone who will be at a disadvantage but it about taking that disadvantage and fostering it to the point they can no longer say it is a disadvantage but now a advantage. This world gives us plenty of opportunities to make life fair, it about taking and having courage to succeed.
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blissofthesoul · 2 years
5 anxiety disorders
1. Generalized anxiety: Excessive and chronic worry or tension about a event(s), activities, or objects.
Diagnosis criteria: Overthinking plans, considering situations as danger, not handling uncertainty well, fearfulness about making wrong decisions, uncontrollable lack of focus
Physical Symptoms: Restlessness, fatigued, irritability, muscle tension, difficulty sleeping
2. Social anxiety: Exposure to judgement, scrutiny, or rejection in a social or performance situation.
Diagnosis criteria: Fearfulness of being judged, feeling of humiliation, Anxiety about interacting with strangers, avoiding being center of attention or gathering, overanalyzing your performance
Physical Symptoms: Blushing, racing heart rate, trembling, sweating, upset stomach, dizziness
3. Specific Anxiety: Fear in presence of or in anticipation of a specific object or situation
Diagnosis criteria: immediate fear, avoiding objects or situation, fear out of proportion of actual danger posed, significant distress or impairment
Physical Symptoms: Difficulty functioning normally, sweating, racing heart rate, shortness of breath, nausea
4. Agoraphobia: Fear of being in a place that seems like it is hard to escape or where help might not be available
Diagnosis criteria: fear or avoidance of using public transportation, being in open spaces, being in closed spaces, standing in-line or being in a crowd, being outside of the home alone
Physical Symptoms: Rapid heart rate, difficulty breathing, chest pains or pressure, shaky, numbness, tingling, excessive sweating, sudden flushing or chills
5. Panic Disorder: An abrupt surge of intense fear or discomfort that is unexpected and recurrent.
Diagnosis Criteria: Recurrent unexpected panic attacks, persistent worry about additional panic attacks, avoiding activities that have caused panic attacks
Physical Symptoms: Trembling or shaking, shortness of breath, feeling of choking, chills or heat sensations, feelings of unreality, fear of dying
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blissofthesoul · 2 years
Being able to pinpoint little mental shift in your mind during rough time is a technique that helps when you feel like you're not doing anything
MENTAL HEALTH TIP: Validate the simple things that you are able to accomplish when you are going through a rough time.
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