blueberry69x · 9 hours
Leon Scott Kennedy x fem! Reader smut for you to enjoy, all credit goes to me as I've written it! Have funnnn ;).
Six years ago:
As I place my hand on his thigh he looks up at me, I don't exactly know what to tell him anymore so I decided that my actions indeed speak louder than my words.
He looks.. Broken almost, I know this has been a lot on him but god.. I just, I want to help him, I want to.. I wanna kiss him, so badly. So as he goes to say something, I lean in, cup his cheek and press my lips to his, he stills for a moment, but only for a moment before he relaxes and returns the kiss. I pull back and he looks at me, a slight blush on his cheeks as he looks a bit stunned. "We will be okay, Leon." I promise. Giving his thigh a squeeze before removing my hands off of him completely.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○
I bite my lip as I look down at the pavement. I know he made it out alive- Well.. My instinct is telling me he did and it's killing me not knowing where he is, who he is with, what he's doing.. What if he did get hurt?
As I look up and see the fire exploding from out the burning building I can't help but wonder.
I'm hiding in an alleyway, I had gotten out just a few moments before the big explosion happened.
Then.. Suddenly.. I see him, emerge from beneath the heavy layer of smoke that hangs over and before the building. Together with his companion. Claire. Though he looks around panicked. I see him say something to Claire and she looks around as well.
Maybe I should make myself known. Or maybe I shouldn't.. Maybe I should keep myself hidden, push back what I really wanna do.. Run over and kiss him again, tell him we'll be okay. I bite my lip hard again, something I tend to do a lot when in doubt of what to do.
Though as I stand here deciding what I should be doing next, Leon seems to only get more nervous. Walking further away from the building with his friend. "Claire, I swear to god if we can't get a lead on her I'm going back in there." I hear him faintly say.
"No you're not." Claire says. "I get it, you're worried, but you've seen her, she can handle herself just fine. I'm sure she got out and is around here somewhere, or maybe she already went home."
"Maybe.." He says and sighs.
Fuck it. I can't do it. I can't stay away when he's so worried for me.
"Leon?" I walk out of the alleyway and let out a pant of my own, his eyes instantly find mine and he smiles, relief written all over his face. "Y/n.. Thank god." I smile back just slightly as I make my way over to them. "Y/n. Expected nothing less." Claire shoots me a cheeky smile and I give her a nod.
"No one got hurt?" I ask and Claire shakes her head. "Luckily not.. Besides a few scratches." I give another nod and look back at Leon. "Ready to get out of here and go home..?" Claire then speaks up again quickly.
"You live close to here?" Leon asks me and I shake my head. "About an hour walk.." I shrug to which he looks back at Claire. "Well.. How about you come back to my place? Get all cleaned up and I can drive you both home after." He suggests.
I smile, cause.. A shower sounds so wonderful right now. Claire gives us a small smile. "I live closeby too. I can make it home easily. Just a few miles from here. Thanks for the offer, though."
"Ok." Leon says with a sheepish smile.
"I'm sure I'll see you around.. We should go out together sometime Y/n.. For drinks?" I cock my head to the right. "Sounds good, I'll hold you to that.''
"Leon." She looks up at him. "Claire." He says looking down at her. "See you around too."
○ ○ ○ ○ ○
I step out of his shower with a sigh. That was amazing... Truly and after I get into a t-shirt of Leon's he kindly let me borrow I walk back out into his bedroom, calm and collected. "You okay?'' He asks me and I smile. "Never been better partner." I tease to which he rolls his eyes.
"You wanna crash here?" He asks me and I nod. "Yeah if you don't mind, I am totally fine sleeping on the couch by the way." I quickly say before Leon even has the chance to offer me his bed. If... He was planning on doing so in the first place-..
Fuck. When did he get so close to me? My mind turns into a puddle as soon as I stare up into his bright blue eyes. "Leon?" I ask and raise an eyebrow. "You're not sleeping on the couch." He says, his voice low and husky. Shit. Wait when did he get this close to me?
"I... Uh.. Oh?" Oh? That's all my brain can come up with? Seriously..?
"I wouldn't wanna steal your bed away.. I mean.. I wouldn't steal it but I would be-.."
"Shut up."
And I do, because he kisses me, his lips are so soft and so are his hands which are placed on my cheeks. One of them slowly sliding down to the back of my neck. And I take it, everything he is willing to give me.
Wrapping my arms around his neck as I kiss him back I jump against him, my legs around his waist.. Wordlessly he grabs my hips in his rough hands and I press myself against him.
He brings us to his bed and lays me down under him. Still kissing me. I run my hands through his blonde locks and arch my back up against his hard chest.
"Leon~.." I moan softly as he burries his face in the crook of my neck, sucking, nipping.. His hand finds its way up and under my shirt. He twists my nipple between his fingers and I'm a goner. A total goner.
"God you're so fucking hot Y/n." He groans against my skin, his words sending shivers down my spine.
I tug at his shirt. I want it off. Everything, I want everything off, our clothes are in the way. "Please. Fuck me." I mutter the words before they have even fully processed in my mind.
Leon lifts his head, pulls his shirt off over his head and grins down at me. "Your wish is my command."
I eye him up and smile as I run my hands down his hard chest and abs. I should've expected this.. He's a trained cop, of course he's built but still.. He's.. He's perfect.
Once I have his pants off as well and his fingers are pumping in and out of me I grip his shoulders and sink my nails into them. His fingers are long and wet.. From me. God I need him closer.
I tug him closer to me and kiss along his beautiful square jawline. I grind myself down on his fingers and am about to come.. Just as I am about to though, Leon pulls his fingers out of me and I whimper at the loss of him.
I claw at his boxers he's still wearing for.. God knows what reason.. I pull them down and my mouth falls open at the sight of his cock. He's big. He's.. Perfect.. I arch up against him and rub myself on his hard dick.
"Leon.. I want you now." I breathe out and I look up at him through hooded eyes, his chest heaving. "I'm on the pill." I say as I push him on his back and straddle his hips. Quickly holding him under me I lower myself on him and let out soft pants while working him inside me and once he is.... I feel so full, like he could split me in fucking half.
"Fuck.. Fuck Y/n." Leon groans lowly and closes his eyes for a few seconds. Desperately grabbing at my hips, so hard. There will definetly be bruises there tomorrow morning and I love it.
I rock myself against him. Stretching myself out even more as I look down at him, hands planted on his chest while his stay on my hips. The friction of his pelvis against my clit is so fucking good I might come soon, I feel close already.
Slowly I lift up and I lower myself back down on his big cock. He lets out grunts and groans and it just spurs me on, I moan as I quicken the pace, riding him hard.
His cock twitches deep inside my pussy and I know he's close, so am I, grinding against him, bouncing on his dick.. Chasing my orgasm while also getting him there. "Keep going baby, fuck.. Y/n." Leon grunts and squeezes my tits in his big hands as I whimper and tip over the edge.
I come, my walls squeezing his dick tightly, making me moan out his name. "Leon-..." I pant and he comes inside me. Filling me up so beautifully.. I keep moving until I'm sure we've both landed back on planet earth and I look down at him. Brushing his crazy hair out of his face with a smile.
Quickly he has me in his arms and I listen to his soothing heartbeat until we both fall asleep..
○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Oh fuck, oh shit. Oh hell. Fucking shit... I need to be quiet. But I can't help it. He looks so beautiful, all sleepy and messy and naked. God he's naked and- Pure perfection.. Sleeping so calmly, even a small smile is playing at his lips.
I hate what I'm about to do. I fucking hate myself for it. I know the type of guy Leon is. I assume he'd wake up later and if I were still there he'd make me breakfast, maybe take me out later on. And that hurts. I feel like he's the type of guy that doesn't do casual sex, if he sleeps with someone it means something..
Neither do I, no casual hook ups and only when it means something will I ever be intimate with someone.. But I can not risk it, not with my job not with his.
So as much as I want to stay I need to go. Feeling the delicious sting between my legs distracts me temporarily as I glance over at Leon just one last time. I can not help myself as I place a kiss on his lips, just one last time.. Before I take off my necklace. It's silver and has a cat charm on it.
I lay it on his bedside table. He'll throw it away as soon as he realizes I'm gone but at least I left him something, something to remember me by.
As I look over my shoulder, I take in the apartment building Leon lives in and I take a deep breath as I walk off.
I know, I'm selfish.
Present time:
He's here. I know he is. They got her, the one he is searching for, maybe I'm even more selfish than I was all those years ago but I just had a feeling they'd send him out here and I had to go see for myself. I was told he changed, do I believe that? Not a chance.
I look around. Everyone seems to have left here, a few corpses lay on the ground and I see a few bullets here and there. He was here.
And from the sounds of it, he's in a bit of trouble right now. I could hear the commotion from a mile away.
I rush over there and decide I shall save him, just this once. I glance inside a window and see him. The enemy big and strong looking. I take out my gun and shoot right past Leon's frame. Having no doubt that's him anymore, because it fucking is. And if anything, he just looks... More trained, more mature.
The bigger, almost alien looking man gets startled and I see Leon's head turn, but before he can get a glimpse of me I'm gone.
He can handle himself, I know that.. So I leave him be for some time. Knowing I will soon enough be face to face with him again.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Maybe he thinks he can rest here. Maybe he just needs a little break, I'd understand that honestly. Or maybe he knows something... Maybe he's waiting until I make myself known, I know he is smarter than I think he is, I won't underestimate him. Which is why I walk up behind him with my gun pointed right at him. "I'd drop my gun right now if I were you Leon." I say, trying my best to remain calm.
And so he does just that. He drops his handgun and holds up his hands where I can see them. I walk closer to him. To the side of him and he lets out a sigh that almost sounds unimpressed. "Well after six years, that is one hell of a greeting." He says and I clench my jaw, he remembers me, I don't know why that surprises me, but it does.
"Y/n." He says as he turns his head over his shoulder to look at me.
I smile. Or try to and cock my head. "So we meet again." I still have my gun pointed right at him and fuck he looks so damn good. My heart races in my chest and I can assume I definetly look tougher than I feel.
He stands still for a little longer before suddenly in just the fraction of a second he pulls out his knife and aims for me. I dodge and we go back and forth for a bit before his knife is right against the skin of my throat. I let out a soft 'hm' and he stares at me. "Try using knives next time, better for close encounters."
"Impressive." I say and I see now is his turn to cock his head. "So.. Why are you here? Who are you working for this time?" So he's heard I've been working for a few different people. Interesting.
I smirk. "Oh Leon, you know I don't kiss and tell." I say. "Leave the girl.. She's a lost cause no matter what."
"You think I'm going to just give up? That easily? You don't know me at all, do you?" I look at him and shrug at his words before walking away.
"Right." I say, looking at him over my shoulder.
"Why did you leave, then?" Okay, no beating around the bush.. I sigh. "I'll see you again soon, Leon, we'll continue this discussion." I try to leave after that, going out the window.. I hear Leon make a sound. It sounds like a scoff... Then he grabs my wrist.
I look at where he touches me and I look up into his eyes. He's wearing the cat charm.
"Y/n. Talk, now." He insists as he pins me a look with those piercing blue eyes. I look at him and sigh. "Fine Leon, you wanna know why I left fine. I will tell you-." I nod.
"I... Uh.. So I knew like I felt like it was.. I- Fuck me." I sigh. Get your head back in the game Y/n.. That damned charm had distracted me....
Leon lets go of my wrist gently and I think about escaping but feel it wouldn't matter if I say it now or later. "Sorry.. It would be selfish of me to-.. I knew that it would be selfish of me to start something with you, because of my work, because of the jobs I do because at some point I would've had to stab you in the back and I wouldn't ever be able to forgive myself for it if that happened."
Leon looks at me in question, like he wants to as so much more but he stays quiet for a beat. "I never sleep around, I'm not like that I'm sorry.. I dragged you into my mess for a bit. I know I'm selfish for what I did..... For leaving without anything. I owed you an explanation, I fucking know that- I hate that I hurt you-.."
"You didn't." He quickly says. "You didn't hurt me Y/n, you crushed me." He corrects me and I'm pretty sure I feel my heart shatter just a little more. "I thought I did something wrong, I tried to find you for days after, I didn't know where you lived. I didn't know where to find you, I asked around if- if anyone knew someone with your name but nothing fucking came out of it."
"Was I just a quick fuck huh? Just so you could forget your problems for a little while, just so you could use me for a bit only to just throw me aside after like I meant nothing to you? Is that it Y/n? Well- I'm a one lady type of guy, believe it or not.. I don't just jump into bed with the first girl who throws herself at me."
"Leon I-." "I don't even know what to say to you anymore. I held hope too. I was hoping maybe you'd come back to me. You knew where I lived, surely you could've." He cuts me off with a shrug.
"But, I understand, I was naïve and young and I really liked a girl I thought really liked me too. I gave you my all, I showed you myself in the most.. Vunerable way possible, I was as close to you as people can get and I opened myself up to you in a way I don't do often, only to be shut down right afterwards, you humiliated me."
I try and fail to keep up my tough demeanor as I blink rapidly as tears fill my eyes without me wanting them to, I nod and cross my arms over my chest as I stare at him.
"I- I don't.. God.. I- I'm so sorry Leon.." I mumble and wipe at my cheeks where tears began rolling down some time ago. "I wasn't.. I haven't stopped thinking about you- Fucking hell I know it means nothing but I haven't stopped thinking about you, about us.. Ever since. I wanted to come back so many times, I didn't think you ever wanted to see me again.. Which you had every right to- Even right now, you have every right to feel this way and to hate me. I do want you to know. I don't regret a single thing of what happened between us. I wish.. I could change what I did but I can't.. I really liked you too.. Leon.. I really like you, still and it's killing me hearing about how much I hurt you."
"I won't ask for your forgiveness.. I do ask you to let me help. Let me help with the girl, that is the least I can do." I say and Leon's gaze remains on me, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, eyes full with emotion. All he does is nod. "Ok." He says and turns around, picking back up his fireaerm before walking away like he expects me to follow, which I do. Letting out a shaky breath.
Some part of me relieved.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○
"Leon!" Ashley and I both shriek and I rush towards him. Lord Saddler just exploded all over this place and we need to get out of here though.. Leon was hit at the last second by spiky tentacle.
I helped him some here and there but mostly stayed behind with Ashley to protect her, few words were said between Leon and I but I didn't mind, I understood.
"Leon... No-.. No.. This-.." I stutter as I place his head in my lap as Ashley kneels down beside me and puts a hand on his abdomen. "Hey- Hey stay with me, we can't lose you, not now. We need to get off this island." I say to him. "That's all we have to do before we're safe... You did it. It was you, you beat him."
Ashley groans as she applies as much pressure as she can to his wound. Blood gushing out. All I see is red.. My chest heaves with the beginning phase of a panic attack and I brush his hair aside as I cup his cheeks. "Goddamnit Leon wake up." I grunt and Ashley takes her big scarf. "We need to get him up, I can wrap this around the wound." She says and I nod in agreement as I pull him up together with Ashley.
We barely manage it since he's very.. Muscular and we're just two girls trying our best. I hold him up as Ashley wraps the scarf around him tightly before tying a knot. "Let's get to the lift." She suggests and we carry Leon's unconscious body there. One of his arms over my shoulder and the other over Ashley's.
We luckily manage to carry him to the water. "Get him on this boat." I say and Ashley nods. We grunt and groan as we get him on there. I sit in front of Leon and let him lean against me while Ashley makes sure he stays in and doesn't move too much while being sandwiched between us.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○
As the place explodes Ashley and I watch.. "We did it.. He.. Did it." I say as I look at Ashley. "Hey.." She places a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, I know you care, so do I.. Without him I wouldn't be here right now." She says and I nod as I chuckle through my tears.
"I-.. I.. He can't just die on me Ashley, not after everything. He can't.. He's too buff to die." I mumble and Ashley rubs her eyes as well as she smiles. "He will be fine. Let's go home.... It will be okay-.."
"Since when have you been so emotional?" I hear a deep voice ask and I look behind me. Leon is sitting up, clutching his abdomen as he sends me a weak smirk I've grown to adore so much. "Leon!" Ashley immediately hugs him. "I thought you were gonna die!" She mumbles and he pats her back with his free hand. "Ok." He mumbles back and smiles sheepishly.
"Y/n." He says and I smile happily. "Leon." I say back and he looks at me. "We have a lot to talk about, but I'm sure we'll figure it all out. We will be okay." He says and I look at him in surprise. "You mean-?"
He nods. "I mean." He replies with and sends me a grin.
They lived happily ever after (and had four babies).
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blueberry69x · 1 month
Kai Parker x Fem! Reader. Smut.
Hope you enjoy!! :)
DO NOT copy my work please!
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My friends would never approve. And neither did I anymore. One time. That had been it. Enough of him I'd had.. That was a big lie. But I kept telling myself it, cause maybe if I said it often enough it'd turn out to be true.
I hadn't seen him the last two weeks. Good. Because I can't face him right now.. Hell I can't face him ever again.
Caroline chewed on her bottom lip nervously. "Have you seen Stefan yet? I invited him over today. Though I'm afraid... He may not take me up on my offer."
"Relax. He'll be here soon." I sent my friend a reasurring smile as she let out a breath. Slowly I looked around. So many people. I should've never agreed to come to a party like this one. He was bound to walk in at any second. I knew him a bit. Party crasher. Sex on legs.
No one knew. I kept it that way. He had luckily for me- Agreed to keep it quiet too. Despite him not wanting to... I wasn't one to randomly hook-up. Not my cup of tea. But I couldn't resist him...
I just could not. His adorable smile. Those white teeth. Blue eyes. His hair- Rings! Damnit. I need to get over it..
Another drink. And another. I wouldn't allow myself to get drunk. Absolutely not.
Taking a deep breath, in through my nose and out through my mouth and... Repeat.
See I'm fine! Totally fi-.
"Mr. Sociopath at ten o'clock." Care whispered to me as I gave a curd nod, my head slowly turning, I took my time, pretending to scan the crowd first before I'd look at who had come inside..
My jaw clenched, whole body tensing.
Shit. Keep it cool.
Holy shit, he had about a three day stubble. Black boots, dark blue jeans, cuffed.. Jeans... A belt, rings, two bracelets. Both black. One looked like a string. The other like black beads. He wore a simple grey t-shirt. Simple but effective none the less. Then.. A leather fucking jacket- Where had he gotten that from-.
"Bastard." I mutter through clenched teeth. His eyes search the crowd too. Until finding mine where they stay and a shit eating grin lights up his face. In no time he's taking big strides over to where Caroline and I are and-.
"Hi." God this guy is quick. I look up at him. "What do you wa-."
He puts on this adorable smile. "You're ignoring my texts. Calls. I showed up at your house... About eight- if not more- Times. Why did you leave?"
Caroline her lips part in a knowing way. I shake my head. No. No. I can't have anyone know of this. Not even her.
"Malachai-." I grit out. He gives a nod. "Hm?" His eyes not once leaving mine.
"Answer me darlin'. Why did you leave my place?" He asked. "I made-." He looks down with a frown. First time I've ever seen him look... Uncertain?
I sigh. Take his hand and pull him away into an empty storage room, Liv is my friend.... She's the owner of this place she lets me..
"Oh~ Freaky.."
"Ow! What was that for-."
"I only have a few minutes before Care will suspect something..." I turn on the lights.
He stares at me with this.. This look I can't quite put my finger on.
"Why did you leave.. My place.. Y/n?" He asks me calmly to which I start to chew on my lower lip.
A few seconds of silence pass.
"Want me to do all the talking? Fine. I will." He nods.
"I woke up.. Right- Wait.. picture this.. I.. Woke up.. No.. Picture this. I'm naked and-."
I groan. "Kai.." His lips press together for a second.
"Sorry. I woke up-," He continues. "feeling.. Happy, very happy, giddy, I guess, so I take a look around. You've gone.. I don't hear the shower running. I listen, nothing. So... I frown to myself. Did I do something?"
He runs a hand down the back of his neck. "Then. I find your note. And I get the biggest stupidest smile back on my face-.."
Hey, so.. I'll be back in a bit..
I promise!! Uhm. So I am kinda
running some errands.. You know.
I will be back, haven't even had breakfast yet! ~Y/n <3.
"I go downstairs after my shower. And after I changed my sheets. And make you pancakes. With little smiley faces in syrup. I prayed you'd be back soon so the faces don't get ruined. And I sat on my couch. Waiting. An hour passes. Okay.. Maybe you just left.. Right?"
The tip of his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek.
"Two, three, four, five... Hours-."
'Hey. You done yet?'
'Y/n.. It's been two hours.'
'Why aren't you answering my texts?'
'What's wrong?'
'Did I.. Do something?'
'Y/n I'm sorry.'
"You ignored me. All I want to know is why? I even put a blueberry or two.. Or three or four or ten on your pancakes. What did I do? You promised me you'd come back."
My throat closes up further. I feel like I can't breathe. "I haven't even fucking changed my pillow cover! Every night I lay awake and when I'm lucky I pick up on the scent of you. Still left on my pillow case. It's almost faded completely. But I refuse to change it."
My mind flashes back to that night.. His subble against the inside of my thighs while he worked his tongue on me. The faces he made. The lewd and fucking hot faces he made. The way his mouth fit perfectly on mine, on my pussy, around my nipples. On my whole body... The dirty things he whispered. The way he gazed his sharp fangs across the vein in my neck but didn't feed on me.
How his hands felt. Grasping me everywhere. How he sounded. How he looked above me. How he looked under me. How his huge cock felt in my mouth. How it felt inside me. How he had been the best sex of my entire life. How deeply in love I am with hi-.
I had been too lost in my mind.. To realize he.. The door closed. He left. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. How I must've looked like a fool not saying anything and how fucking embarrassed he must be for admitting all this. Without getting an answer.
I rush out the storage room. "Kai!" I call out. "Kai!!" As my eyes hurriedly try to look for him. Nowhere.. He-. I lost him. I fucking lost him... I didn't even explain myself.. Goddamnit...
For the first time in two whole weeks I text him. Call him. 'Please Kai let me explain.' 'I didn't mean to.' I wince.
I'm such a bitch.
● ● ● ● ●
The next few days are spent sulking by me. I text and call. But he ignores me. I even go by his home. But he ignores me.. So this is how he felt these last few weeks?
I take in a breath of fresh air when something dawns on me. I need to go there.. Now.. He can't hide from me forever.
I'm such an idiot. I should've gone back here the first day after he left.
I open the door and walk inside the Mystic Grill. There he is, drinking his feelings away, if only I had thought of this immediately. Of course he'd go back here.
He looks at me, he looks sad, so fucking sad..
I walk over to him and slip into the bar stool located closest next to his. I watch as Kai downs a shot.
"Kai please.. I am so sorry please let me explain-."
"This one is on the house." The bartender winks at him. "Just like the rest."
He smiles. "Thanks." Before getting up to his feet and walking off, I don't hesitate and immediately follow after him.
"Frankly- I am not in the mood to talk or see you right now." Kai sticks his hands into his pockets and quickens the pace of his steps.
"I know, like you did last time I will now speak. You don't have to. I just want you to listen to me." He doesn't reply.
"I woke up.. Looking around. My body felt these weird tingles. I was so sore, but in the best way possible. Then I saw you, you were still sleeping with your head in the crook of my neck. I ran my fingers through your hair and you let out a sigh against my neck, I could feel your lips curling up into a smile. Even if you were sleeping.."
I ran my hand down my jacket. Smoothing out whatever I can.
"And what I felt in that moment scared the living shit out of me. My stomach did weird flips. I got hot all.. Over. However I took a deep breath and managed to move out from under you, even from off the bed without waking you up."
I bite my lower lip nervously.
"You turned to lay on your back. The sheets all messed up. You had kicked them off your torso, I watched for a fee seconds.. Probably even minutes as your chest rose and fell with the way you were breathing. You looked so at ease. So peaceful, so gorgeous.. I wished I could join you again.. Cause waking up in your arms was the best thing ever."
He didn't show any emotion besides the way his jaw ticked slightly there was nothing unusual about him.
"I got dressed. My panties were ripped so I sneakily stole your boxers." I smile vaguely At the memory. "What I felt.. Feel for you scared me. I wrote the note. Pressed a kiss to your lips. Ran my hands through your hair just one more time and then fleed. Was I planning on coming back after writing the note? Part of me wanted to.. But I didn't. I didn't because I knew. That if I did. I would never want to leave. I would want to spend the rest of my life with you. And that's not something you would have wanted. At least that's what I told myself. So I tried to let you go.. Ever since."
I didnt realize we stopped walking and his hands were cupping my cheeks. "Y/n. Listen to me. I may.. Look it-." He smirked. "But. I am not one to just sleep with anyone I meet. I am not one to jump into bed with the first girl that offers. I hadn't slept with anyone since I'd gotten out of the prison world besides you."
"Because I was secretly waiting on you. I wouldn't have cared if we ended up not having sex that night. I would've been over the moon with just the talking and out dancing together."
"It's not about the sex for me it's about you. Why can't you see that. Why did you run away from me.. I know you felt it too. Our connection that night-.. Went beyond anything.." He tries to search my eyes, desperately.
"I'm so sorry. I got so scared. It came to me so quickly... And I felt so much, so fast. That it scared me away. I am so in love with you it scares me shitless.''
Kai's lips part slightly as he sucks in a breath. I just realize what I confessed on accident.
"Fuck." He breathes out shaking his head as he wraps his arms around me. A gesture that comes as totally unexpected. But I happily accept it. Hugging him back.
"I'm not good with feelings at all. But what I do know is that I feel.. A lot.. For you and that scares me too. But it doesn't make me want to run.. I.. I don't want to run away from you. All I know is I wanna be as close to you as possible."
I can't help the smile forming on my lips as we both slowly let go of our embrace.
"Come back home with me.. I really want you to taste my pancakes... We can pretend these past few weeks didn't happen? You just came back... From your errands.." He gives me a hopeful look and I nod.
"Let's go big boy."
● ● ● ● ●
His pancakes are the best I've ever had.... His movie choices are amazing... His cuddles are the best. He's so... Warm.. And hard.. Soft too. All in the right places.
After the movies.. He decides to take a shower while I wait for him on his bed. We planned on falling asleep together too. Taking things slow.. Wanting to discover what our feelings really mean.
"Y/n! I'm done! You can come in immediately after me so I can leave the shower running!" He calls out to me as I obey and walk into the bathroom. His mirror is all fogged up so I draw a smiley face on it and a heart.
I hear the rain of water get louder. Meaning it's all hitting the floor. Meaning he just got out of the shower. "Awh.. A heart." I hear from behind me as I take a shaky breath when he moves closer to me.
Wiping away most the condence on the mirror. I dare to look up. He's looking right at me from the mirror. "Undress then darlin'." He smirks.
Smooth fucker-.
I give a nod and take a deep breath before I undress with his eyes on me. However Kai is getting dry himself too.
The sound of the water hitting the shower floor gets fainter and fainter. My heartbeat gets louder and louder and faster.. And faster, I can hear it loud and clear. Drumming in my ears.
Once I'm fully undressed I turn around. Facing him, he's blinking quickly a few times. My eyes go up and down again and again.
He's completely naked. His towel hung up on a small rack.
I watch him standing there. Damp messed up hair, beautiful face.. His adam's apple and collarbone visible. His pecs sculpted, nipples seem slightly hard. His chest heaving with the way he's breathing. Seems to be quite quick.
Like my own.
He has abs. Slight abs. Not too much. Just perfect. His waist is slightly curvy, curved inwards towards his hips, in the most masculine way possible. His v-line. Happy trail leads down to an area with dark curls.. Not too much hair overall though- Which leads to-.
His cock is perfect. Long, thick and so hard. He's.. Hard. My mouth nearly waters at the sight.
His thighs are thick and strong. Just like his calves and even his feet are perfect. Don't get me started on his big arms- And those big, skilled hands with long fingers-.
"Kai." I mumble to which he shakes his head. "Slow." He just says. I nod in agreement even though I don't agree. The dampness between my legs says enough. Just like the way my legs wobble as I make my way over and into his shower.
I don't even think I'm in complete control of myself when the shower turns off and I walk back out without getting myself too wet.
I step back on the towel he has on his bathroom floor. I'm met with a Kai who looks at me confused. He opens his mouth to speak but before he gets the chance to. I push him back against the counter, lean up to him and kiss him.
Passion, lust, desperate, wanting.. Love.
Are the words I'd use to describe this kiss. My hands are placed on his chest. His hands are.. Everywhere. From the crook of my neck to my ass. Squeezing.
Kai pulls back panting. "You.. Said.. Take it.. Slow." He manages, to which I shrug. "Changed my mind." I smirk and grab his hair pulling it back slightly to which he moans in response.
God how much I missed that sound.
I kiss his neck. Sucking on a few spots I know he enjoys...
He then suddenly puts me down on the counter and stands in between my spread open legs.
In no time he has two of those deliciously long fingers pumping in and out of me. "Holy fuck you're so wet." He groans out and moves them even faster. His other hand toys with my breasts.. Twisting my nipples, squeezing my boobs.
My hand is around his throbbing cock in no time. I stoke him teasingly slow. Taking my time.. Until..
A low growl comes from his throat as he pulls me back up to my feet. Turns me around so that I'm facing the mirror, spreads my legs apart and.. He's inside of me.
The stretch is as painfully beautiful as I remember. It makes me let out a silent scream against my hand.
My hair is fisted in his hand. With each hard thrust it's yanked back. Though his other hand grasps at my chin and makes me look at myself in the mirror. The combination of both these things.. Feels amazing.. Like my hair is getting ripped out my scalp. Yet it isn't.
"Look at you. Getting fucked. Aren't you pretty Princess?" He asks me. I try to answer. But I can't hypnotized by the way he looks and sounds.
Groans, grunts, growls, moans and evem the tiniest of whimpers leave his lips when he pounds into me from behind. His eyes hooded. Though keeping eyecontact with me. His lips beautifuly parted. His sex face is something else.
It makes my pussy clench.. Literally. I clench hard around his dick to which he whines. "Shit. You're gonna make me come." He warns.
I nod. My hands behind my back and on his thighs. Nails digging into them when feeling his cock twitch in release. My walls are coated with his hot cum as he squeezes my throat and gives a few hard and very controlled thrusts. Shooting me over the edge. My insides pulsate and spasm as I have one of the best orgasms of my entire life.
In Kai's arms. Cause he's calmed down and has his arms wrapped around me gently now, I shake and slowly land back on planet earth.
Not even knowing what planet I was on a few seconds ago when having my mind shattering orgasm.
Before I can get comfortable cockwarming him he's pulled out of me and I grip the edge of the counter, afraid I may fall. "Shh baby, I'm right here." I smile lazily and nod. Two strong arms pick me up and put me down somewhere nice and warm. Somewhere I wanna be for the rest of my life.
Kai keeps holding me. I realize I'm laying on top of him and under the warm sheets.
I listen to the calm rhythm of his heart.. And fall asleep to it. Not before whispering an 'I love you.' To him and Kai being Kai.. Whispers an 'I love you... Even more." Right back...
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