Burn for You
~Burn for You~ [Todoroki!] Dabi x [Villain!] Reader
Quirk: Fear Scape- user can gain strength from other people’s fears, the strength affects the user’s hearing, sight, smell, physical strength, speed, overall IQ, instincts, and talents(can master things in a matter of seconds), there are no known drawbacks. The user can also tell what the person’s greatest fear is.
Villain Name: Phobia
WARNINGS: cussing, gore, suggestive themes, angst, major character death
You had just gotten back from a week long mission. Shigaraki just couldn’t let a couple of kids get away without a least a bit of trauma and paranoia. So, obviously, he sent you after them. 
Man, those kids can put up a fight!
There were several gashes adorning your body. Not to mention the burn on your side. And even if you didn’t want to admit it, all of them could have been prevented if you didn’t underestimate the students of UA’s class 1-A. 
If only Dabi could have come. He would have been so proud of the damage done to the rising heroes. To see how much pain you had caused for his little bother. (hah get it)
The two of you had been dating for years. All the way back till when he was Touya, not the feared villain Dabi. 
You just wanted to sleep. And a drink. Don’t forget the drink.
 As you trudged into the bar, Toga skipped up to you. 
“Whoa! What happened to you?!” the young girl asked.
“UA happened. Those punks look worse though.” You weren’t lying. You beat them up pretty good. 
Kurogiri handed you a cold beer. You downed it before anyone could say otherwise. As you slammed it back down on the bar, you saw the reason you were so fucked up. The handy man himself.
“So. Report.” 
“ All went as planned. I’m just a little banged up.” You retort.
“Fine. That’s all i need to know. Now go get that ash tray of a boyfriend of your and tell him you two have a mission.” he orders
“Come on! I just got back.”
He holds up his hand toward you face. You don’t even flinch. It’s hard to fear things when you are fear. 
“That does nothing to me, Tomura.” 
He chuckles. “I know, but it will to Toga or Dabi. Or maybe Twice. Don’t want your friends to die, right.”
Your smirk drops. “Fine.”
“Babe, come on. Just sit this one out.” Dabi fawns over your injured body. 
You shoot him a glare. “No.”
“Ugh. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya!” he lets out a laugh. “You’re going to feel it in the morning and I’m the one who has to listen to your bitching.”
“Yeah, cause your my boyfriend and that’s what they do!” you joke, sticking your tongue out.
“Can we please just get going! I want to see Deku!” a certain blond complains.
The three of you were going back up against the famed Class 1-A students. Shigaraki decided that you weren’t enough. They had to feel pain. Not just physical, emotional, raw anguish. Your job was to kill one or two of the students, along with Aizawa himself. You would be facing your former teacher and mentor from before you ran away from a life of hero work along side Dabi. 
I wonder what he is going to say? Will he even recognize me? I’ve changed a lot. Dabi too.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go.”
All of you arrive. The class is in the middle of a training session with their fearless teacher. You look over at Dabi. He nods and ignites the two main exits one fire.
They all look up at us in shock. Three of them were pretty banged up,but not as bad as you thought they would be.
 I guess that Recovery Girl has upped her game. 
And you know exactly why. Todoroki, Deku, and Bakugo were the strongest in the class.. The spiky haired male instantly recognizes me.
Empty words. You had no intentions of dying today. Jumping down to the student’s level, you smirk.
“You will not be scaring anyone to day,(y/n). I know who you are. You think you can fool me.” Aizawa stands protectively in front of his students. 
“That’s where you’re wrong. This time I’ll be leaving, but you won’t be here to stalk me anymore! You really think that this is just a half assed plan to start a fight? No, this is the start of a war. Sorry you won’t be there to see it end though,” you start to laugh as Dabi leaps beside you. 
The distraction is working. They don’t even think we have Toga with us! We could be in and out in less than ten minutes.
“You can’t take both at the same time,hero. So who’s it going to be, you or your precious students.” Dabi was just making the teacher even more angry. He knew what he was doing though, you trust him completely. 
A scream pierces through the air. All of the students turn to see the source of the ear shattering noise. Toga stood behind a now lifeless Ururaka. There was a pool of blood now surrounding the two girls.
“Now I can have Deku all to myself!” she says giddily, wiping the blood off of her knife. 
“NO!” the green haired male rushed at Toga, but Dabi met him halfway.
“So, I guess it’ll be the students then. Babe, if you don’t mind…” he motioned to the blond who was frozen to the spot with what she had deemed a never ending love for the future hero. 
“Right on it,” you ran in front of the starstruck girl. “Come on. You can get him later. We have a job to do!”
You looked over to Aizawa. He stood, staring at the bloodied body of the bubbly girl. He then turned his gaze on Dabi who was in the middle of a chaotic battle. 
“You will NEVER touch one of my students agint, you bastard.” He had stopped Dabi’s quirk for the moment, but that was enough for Deku to charge at him with intent of getting revenge.
Time slowed down. You knew what was going to happen next. There was only one way to stop it. 
You leapt in between the two of them. The freckled boy’s fist met your stomach, ripping through your flesh. There would be no coming back from this one.
“NO!” Dabi sounded terrified. And he was.
You could feel the sheer terror ripping through his heart. He picked you up, yelled at Toga to come, and swiftly left the school grounds. He found a dark alleyway that was deserted. 
“Hold on (y/n)... don’t you dare leave. Not you . Please not you.” 
His staples were bleeding from the strain put on them from all of the yelling and tears were streaming down his face. The look in his eyes was almost too much to handle. 
You reached up and touched his face. Your other hand clutching your spilling entrails.
“It’s going to be okay… As long as you’re safe, I’m happy.” You looked up into the eyes of the one you loved for the last time and said, “You would burn for me, and I would burn for you.”
Those simple words took him back to when you were just kids falling in love. When neither of you knew about the horrors this world had to offer. When you both made that very same promise to each other. Those words would haunt him for the rest of his life. 
As he stared down at your lifeless body, he made you a new promise. 
“As long as I live, I will hunt down those filthy, rotten kids who took you away from me. One by one I’ll kill them all, until only that son of a bitch Deku is left. Then, he will feel the same pain you felt. When I’m done, there won’t be anything left of the bastard. 
What did you think? I have mixed feelings about this one. 
Requests are open!
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What We Do for Love
~What We Do for Love~Shoto Todoroki x [Angry!] [Raging!] Reader
Quirk: Devil’s Inferno- user can create black flames with their hands and can make any object (not person) combust in said black flames when stared at intensly, user’s veins are black, always visible, and glow under a black light, user is completely fireproof, user starts to get snappy and angered due to flashbacks leading to seeing everyone that is opposing the user as someone to be killed or destroyed when they use their quirk to much and the only way to get the user out of this trance is to either beat the user in combat or to get them to remember good or calming memories
Hero Name: Anubis the HellFire Hero
WARNINGS: cursing, sensitive subject matter
He just had to push you to your limit. He knew about the side effects. About what you see when you used your flames to much. Yet he chose to have quirk strengthening exercises today. It was all Aizawa’s fault.
It all started when you were set up against Bakugo. Of course you were going to go all out and then some. You were not going to inflate the ash blonde’s ego any further. You started to feel you mind slipping away about half way through the sparring match. “This can not be happening right now! I have to win this!” 
“You’re going down, FlameBrain!” Bakugo shouted.
You start to see bits and pieces of your past, then felt a burning anger for those who dared go against you. The feeling of superiorness returned once again from your days as a villian working with the rest of your family. When you spent your free time being locke dup in a cell with shackles holding you to the mossy wall. You felt the humiliation of not being able to stop someone who wanted to touch you. To use you.  When your mind cleared, all you wanted to do was eliminate the screaming Bakugo in front of you. You rush at the raging boy, ready to destroy anyone or anything that got in your way.
Todoroki, a trusted “friend” who knows about your past and problems, knew what was happening before even Aizawa realized. By the time the exausted teacher has time to do anything, he’s already knocked him cold. He leaped in between the two of you. He wasn’t going to fight you. Not like this…
“(y/n)! Come on, it's me. Don’t do this!” he cries as he dodges your deadly flames. 
At the moment all you see is a target that needs to be removed. Ignoring his please you start to  make your attacks more forceful and direct. Slowly Todoroki is forced to use his ice to protect himself and Bakugo.
“GET OUT OF THE WAY ICYHOT! I’VE GOT THIS. SHE DOESN’T SCARE ME!” Bakugo protests while trying to shove Todoroki out of the way.
Todoroki holds his own against Bakugo’s attempts to throw him out of the way.”She’s gone too far! Just get out of the way before you end up dead or worse.” He tries to put on a calm face, but the worry in his voice pokes through the facade.
Todoroki is only using his quirk to defend and no to attack, which drives you crazy. “COME ON! HIT ME, I DARE YOU. DONT BE A PUSSY!” shrieking, you strike Todoroki’s left side.
He doubles over in pain and shock. “This isn’t you, (y/n). Your not in control. It’s okay, I forgive you.” he murmers as he falls to his knees, clutching the badly burned area of his torso.
You tower over him with a triumphunt smirk. 
Todoroki decides to try one more thing before you destroy everythng that you’ve worked for and love. He grabs your face and gently pulls you down to his level. “Look at me, you are not the (y/n) I know and love. That (y/n) would never put her friends in danger. She would do everything in her power to keep them from harm.” 
The overall shock of his actions causes you to drop your arms and let him guide you to the scorched ground.
“My (y/n) loves to laugh at stupid jokes. To scream out her favorite songs at the top of her lungs, even if it’s three in the morning. To sit inside and watch movies all day while she eats the entire contents of the fridge. She loves to be around those she loves and to help fix their problems at any cost,” tears started to leak from his eyes, barely noticable, but they were there. “Please… Show me the girl who stayed up with me all night when things with my father were at their worst. Who let me cry on her shoulder without saying a word because she knew all I need was someone to hold me,” he didn’t care who was around the two of you now, no one else mattered to him in that moment. It was only you. “Come back to me..” 
You were finally back in control. You had been there the whole time, watching as you hurt the one who was the most important to you. Fighting to put a stop to the force that made you do terrible things. Sobbing now, you manage to choke out, “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…” 
Looking down, you see the torn uniform and charred flesh on Todoroki’s body. You jerked away form his soft touch.
“Don’t touch me! I’m dangerous. I can’t even control my own quirk, and now you’re hurt because of me!” the guilt starts to rip you apart. “I don’t deserve to even be looked at by you…” 
He slowly inched closer to you, “If anything, I don’t deserve you. You just over did it this time, that’s all! People make mistakes all the time. It’s life.” 
His hands slowly and carefully made their way to yours. You gaze at him with a saddened expression. 
“But I hurt you…” you whisper.
He pulls you into his chest and strokes the back of your head. “Unintentionally. And, besides, you forgive those you love.” 
You snap your head away from the safety of his embrace, “Love?”
Now it’s really over. What did you think? I worked really hard on this one!
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~Sweatpants and Hoodies~
~Sweatpants and Hoodies~ Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
Hero Name: SuperNova
Quirk: Cosmic Strike~ user has the mythical powers of the star signs. The user’s horoscope is the strongest(ex. Taurus-has strength like a bull) User can also predict the most probable future and can read emotions(not minds) eyes look like the night sky and appear to have different weather patterns based off of user’s mood. User has a natural attraction to the night and the stars. As a result they usually have an irregular sleeping pattern. Drawbacks are almost always being tired and when using their quirk to much, they have the irresistible urge to fall alseep. (no matter on who are what)
Warnings: cussing
Sorry Bakugo’s kind ooc in this
You had never been one to dress to impress. The only reason you caught Bakugo’s eye is because when you walked in, you looked almost as if you slept in your uniform. Underneath your skirt were baggy black sweatpants and you were wearing an oversized band sweatshirt. 
“That can’t be in the dress code! Can it?”
“Hey teach! Got any coffee? I’m exhausted,” you ask Aizawa as if he was one of your good friends, not as the feared teacher that had a reputation for expelling students because he was bored. 
The whole class looked at you like you had just told then that the sky was actually green not blue.
 “Who is this bitch?” 
You push your short hair out of your face. Slouching in your seat you frown, but then a bright smile flashes across your face. 
“I forgot I put this in my backpack!” you yell out as you pull a Monster out of the rucksack laying beside you. 
“She’s crazy! I bet her quirk is just as pathetic as she is. HA!” A certain ash blond thinks while he smirks.
“Today, we have a new student. (y/n)(l/n), would you mind telling us your quirk and some random fact. I need something to boost my energy this morning.” Aizawa tells you.
You trudge up to the front of the room.
“This is going to be good!” 
“Uh. Yeah, I’m (y/n). My quirk is Cosmic Strike. I don’t feel like giving details, you have just figure them out on your own. A random fact about me is I, uh, like horror movies.” you say without much interest. 
As you get back to your seat, an explosion goes off next to you. 
“Let’s see how she deals with surprises!” 
With the strength of ten men, you pull an ash blond out of his seat without even batting an eye. 
“Now that wasn’t very nice was it, huh, pretty boy.” 
You slam him back down and saunter back to your desk.
“YOU BITCH. I’LL DESTROY YOU. WANNA GO, EXTRA!” said blond screeches.
“Sure, but prepare to lose, motherfucker,” you reply, seemingly uninterested.
“Alright, that’s enough.” Aizawa cuts in.
With a glare at the raging teen, you just turn your head to the front of the room.
It was now lunch. A pink demon looking girl invited you to sit with her during lunch(you learned her name was Mina during said lunch). So you did just that. It was going great until the boy you were fighting with earlier showed up. 
“Move, you damn bitch,” he was so over you and your attitude, so he tried to sound as intimidating as possible. (you can’t spell attitude without tit! lol)
“No.” You just continue to talk to mina and eat your food, completely ignoring the smoking bastard behind you.
“WELL FUCK YOU TOO!” he yelled as he stormed off to throw a tantrum.
MIna stares at you with wide eyes. She had never seen someone react that way to BAKAgo. Not even Kirishima, he usually at least flinched a little.
 “Dude, do you have a death wish? He’s going to kill you someday!” the pink girl exclaims.
You laugh at that. You could handle him, you’ve handled worse.
“I just don’t really see the point. I’m too tired for that bullshit and, plus, he doesn’t scare me. I could take him down with my eyes closed.” You take a big gulp of you coffee. “Any way, wanna come over to my dorm after school. You can bring some other friends if you want.”
With that, the girls face lit up! 
“Sure! I can’t wait!”
The time came for Mina to come over. She had brought the entire Bakusquad with her(minus Bakugo). Your room looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in a week(it hadn’t) and there you were, sitting in the middle of the floor with only sweatpants and a sports bra on. 
“Yo! Come on in, guys.” you say without a care in the world.
“Uhh. Are you going to put on a shirt on or something?” Kaminari asks.
“Do you want me to?”
He doesn’t answer, so you just pull on a random hoodie from the floor around you.
“SHITTY HAIR I NEED TO TALK TO YO-” Bakugo had walked past your do as you were just getting the hoodie over your head. He stared for a good couple seconds.
“What? Like what you see.”
With a very noticeable blush, he swallowed hard then said in the quietest voice any of the Bakusquad had heard, “Uhh, I came looking for Kirishima…”
“He’s in here. You can join us if you want.”
He reluctantly came in and shut the door. Looking around he saw a purple, blue and pink flag hanging amongst your metal band posters and horror memorabilia. 
“What’s that?” He half yells.
“What’s what, oh, that. That’s my pride flag. I’m bisexual.”
Kaminari asks, “What’s bisexual?”
“Idiot. She likes both girls and boys.” Mina answers for you.
You let out a laugh.
“Why do I like that laugh so damn much. I just met this girl.”
They start to ask you all kinds of questions, by the time they leave it was well past midnight.
Before Bakugo left though, he looks at your tired form and says under his breath, “Why do have to be so damn attractive in just sweatpants and a bra. Fuck.” He says the last bit a little louder than intended.
You were sure you heard him wrong, but went to sleep anyway.
The next day, Bakugo seemed really off. He didn’t look or talk to anyone.
 “Maybe if I don’t talk to her this feeling will go away.”
Today is a lift day. The whole class goes to the UA weight room for three hours, then  gets the rest of the day off. You, of course, could lift the most. Even more than Kirishima who looked like he worked out everyday. Three hours flew by without the yelling and taunting from the ash blond. The silence from him was weird. Everyone was uncomfortable.
 Soon you went back to your dorm and changed into your favorite sweatpants and a hoodie with a flaming skull on it. It hadn’t been more than ten minutes before you heard a knock on the door.
“Coming, what’s u-” it was Bakugo, “what do you want?”
He looked terrified. “Uhh. Do you, um, want to go to the movies with me?” He looked staright at the floor and standing stiff as a board.
“Sure, but I’m not changing. Idiot” you smirk.
“I would have it any fucking way.”
Should I do a part 2?
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I am now opening up this new blog. This is for BNHA/MHA content only. There is another blog for any other fandom listed on my main page. I will take one request a day (more if i have time but usually no less). Remember, I am doing this for free, so dont think I own anyone anything. I’m doing this because i want to and I thinks it fun. Thank you
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Requests are open!
Im posting this on all of my blogs so that people will see it! Dont worry. no one has stolen eanything! If you want go check this out. first 5 requests get a special addon to their request!
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