bsquared-writings · 6 months
grass rustling
beneath my feet
flowers blooming
around me
and I wonder
where are we?
could our love be
renewed as Spring?
could be born again
and emerge from the mist?
say yes to me
and come back to the field
where was born our bliss
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bsquared-writings · 6 months
ten years ago seem like yesterday
the day I lost you 'cause I ran away
I wish I could bend time
and go back to the day I made you cry
I'm so sorry, I was so wrong
all that happened 'cause I wasn't strong
now I think that I'm doomed
and won't find paradise any time soon
- b²
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bsquared-writings · 6 months
If you leave this place
without me by your side
I hope Death says
"No, not alone"
and sends you back to my arms
for one last adventure
so our hands would be tied
when we walk together
to the other side
'cause without you
even in heaven
there's no paradise
- b²
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bsquared-writings · 7 months
I smell rain
A gentle one, I say
A scent of life
Rising from the earth
And falling from the sky
- b² writings
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bsquared-writings · 7 months
"I am irritated by my own writing. I am like a violinist whose ear is true, but whose fingers refuse to reproduce precisely the sound he hears within."
- Gustave Flaubert
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bsquared-writings · 7 months
Part I:
Part II:
I sat on the bed. My head felt funny. What the heck is happening to me?
He called my name again. Then I heard his steps.
He opened the door and gave me a sweet smile that was also touching his eyes. He looked older than I remembered. Softer and wiser.
- Finally, I thought that you were under a spell or something; you've being sleeping for hours. Are you alright?
My heart skipped a beat.
Was I missing him that much?
- How... how did I get here?
I asked him, and he looked confused.
- Walking?... what are you talking about?
I took a deep breath. He wouldn't kidnap me, right? He is my friend. Was. Is. I don't know. But he would never hurt me, so I just need to calm down and be honest with him, I guess...
- Well, I... I was just walking down the street, going home, and I think that I saw a light inside the last one, that old abandoned house, and I just woke up here.
- Abandoned house? In your dream... right? I'm not following.
- No! I'm serious!
- Darling... that's no abandoned house in our way home. And the last house of the street is our own.
People have voted. Cozy romance it is. Stay here with me for the next episodes ✨️ Don't forget to bring a friend. 😉
Hi! Welcome to B Square, the home of the writer only known as b², her real name remains a mystery. All we know is that she's a Brazilian millennial woman who's learning how to build worlds in English. Stay here, grab a hot cocoa or a cup of tea, 'cause she has some good stories to tell thee ✨️📚
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bsquared-writings · 7 months
At the top of my building, so high
I took a deep breath and gazed at the sky
Laided on the ground, watched a cloud drift by
Slowly waiting to see it transform and fly
It looked like a cotton ball
But couldn't be sweet, not at all
Then it began its transition, oh so grand
Turned into turtle, star, and a plane off the land
With time, everything did change
The moon finally woke, the sky rearranged
I got into the elevator, pondering the perfection
Every aspect, every tone, the divine reflection
Grateful to live in this wondrous place
Where peace can be found, even in the craze
- b²
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bsquared-writings · 7 months
In the abandoned house at the end of the street, a light flickered to life...
It was cold, and I was alone.
I kept walking, step by step, feeling like my eyes couldn't do anything else but stare that light dancing with the shadows inside those worn wooden windows.
Slowly, - hard to tell when it started - I felt like floating. I couldn't feel the pavement under my feet, but I was calm, serene, hypnotized.
And then, everything outside that window was just a blur.
With the flickering light being the only thing that mattered, thoughts about a beloved childhood friend came to my mind.
Several years had passed since I saw his smiling face. Long time since our last joke. What a warming memory that day when we saw the sunrise at the beach, surrounded by friends and cozy songs.
A whirlwind passed through me, I felt the shivers and the light was gone. Suddenly, I was opening my eyes. Had I closed them?
What is this ceiling above me? Am I home?
Why can't I remember how I got here?
Then I heard my name. It was his voice.
I counted the stains on the ceiling. 32.
It wasn't mine. Where am I?
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bsquared-writings · 7 months
Long are the nights
Short are the days
When all seems ready
Something goes astray
You feel sleepy and tired
And the sink’s brimming with dishes
But if you could make three wishes
Everything would remain the same
'Cause their smiles are all you need
To face another day
-- The mom, b²
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bsquared-writings · 7 months
I read the dictionary.
I thought it was a poem
about everything.
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bsquared-writings · 1 year
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Tried my hand at wallpaper making! 
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