btsbrainfood · 7 years
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Originally posted by missbaptan
tagged by: @guksthighs (thx for the tag bb lmao.)
NAME: Morgan <3
HEIGHT: 5’8”/172 cm (i think?? i haven’t measured myself recently tbh)
MIDDLE NAME: Elizabeth (my super super good friends call me ellie but like i don’t have many of those ;;;haha)
Put your iTunes on shuffle, what are the first six songs that popped up?
Hall of Horrors - Teen Ravine
Comforting Sounds - Birdy
Shrink the World - Yellowcard
Empty Gold - Halsey
Break the Distance - Ashton Edminster
Inside Out- The Chainsmokers, Charlee
Grab the nearest book, turn to page 23, what’s line 17?
OCD Love Story - Corey Ann Haydu
“I left him alone for five minutes once and he managed to find my Reggie notebook.”
Ever had a poem/song written about you?
No but damn that would b cool. I have been a character in someone’s story tho
When was the last time you played air guitar?
Who is your celebrity crush?
All my bois in bts obv but like ???have u seen ansel elgort?? ALSO LUCY HALE *chokes*
What’s a sound you love? Hate?
- I love the sound of birds in the morning even though they annoy me af sometimes
- I hate thunder with my entire being. 
Do you believe in ghosts/aliens?
UM YES. ancient aliens is like my fav show ever atm. Also i swear on my bts albums there was a ghost in my room for like 6 months last year it’s a crazy story
Can you drive? If so have you ever wrecked?
Yeah lol i have my permit right now but i’m actually terrified of driving so i haven’t logged any hours so far,,  i’m never getting my license haha
What was the last book you read?
Zodiac by Romina Russell… damn it was a crazy ride
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
*chokes* man i feel like im suffocating every time i’m around that
What was the last movie you saw?
probably The Babysitter, in terms of going out to theaters the last thing I saw was most likely some obscure marvel movie (don’t attack me)
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
FUNNY STORY i actually went to kick my brother hard in the leg but instead of hitting him my foot smacked into the wooden framing of a chair in my house and i broke one of my toes and badly bruised two others (never went to the hospital tho, no one believed me but it hurt like h e l l and i couldn’t walk normally for a long time) lesson learned ig make sure you’re aware of your surroundings before kicking someone
Do you have any obsessions right now?
Actually Romina Russell got me hooked on astrology so now i spend like hours on pinterest,, also ncis bc it’s a good ass show fight me i watch like 4 episodes a day
Do you tend to hold grudges on those who have wronged you?
Nah, honestly i probably should stand up for myself more often but i don’t like negativity so i just flock away from all confrontation lol;
Are you in a relationship?
Nah and i’m probably too immature for one anyway man ngl
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
hi!! im the anon that requested the yoongi fic and honestly I LOVE MUSE SM IVE READ IT AT LEAST 3 TIMES ALREADY I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT PART. I absolutely love ur writing and this one is def not a disappointment, and I love how u portrayed y/n and yoongi! I'm really sorry for being this late, i wasn't able to log in to my account for a while~
IM SMILING SO HARD AT THIS SJXKKCjust to know that you read it 3 times like omg,, bless also dont worry about being late as you can tell i absolutely SUCK at posting things when i imply they will be so i really have to work on that,,,but holy jungthigh this made my day so much happier so thank u sm for telling me your thoughts and i'm so glad you liked it anonnie !!
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
Reblog if you are a fic writer who welcomes moodboards, playlists, remixes, art and any other type of gift based on your stories.
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
Y/n is one lucky bitch.
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
Birthday Present
Characters: Jungkook x Reader (very very brief tae and hobi lol)
Genre: Suuuuper fluffy like wow
Word Count: 1515
(A/N: @guksthighs this one is for you :’))) ackk i hope you haven’t already gone to sleep bb and i hope this makes your day even better!!! Happy birthday and take this as a token of my LOVE~~~ lmao why am i so extra)
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oops i hope that gif isn’t too big
     The bell rang loudly through the school corridors, signalling that class was over and everyone could head home for the day. You exhaled, smiling brightly as you watched a few of your friends bound over to you, trying to avoid the other students rapidly filling up the hallway. Since both you and your friends didn’t live too far away from your school, it became a habit for all of you to walk home together. The two of them, Hobi and Taehyung, were chattering away with each other as you burst through the exit, feeling the chilly breeze of autumn sweep over you. October had always been your favorite season. It held so many joys every year, and you never understood why some people felt differently.
     The three of you were casually strolling down the sidewalk when you realized one of them was carrying a small package with a pink ribbon tied in a bow around the top. The fallen leaves under your shoes crunched as you halted, throwing a curious glance at the both of them. They stopped as well, knowing smirks on their faces as they exchanged looks. “Happy Birthday!” Taehyung yelled and ran up to you, small box in hand. You laughed shakily, taking it in your grasp and quickly undoing the ribbon. The top of the box lifted open, revealing a small cupcake with orange frosting and a tiny candy pumpkin. “Aw, guys.” You muttered, thinking how it was probably the best thing you had gotten all day.
      “Hey, I mean, if you don’t like it I would be more than willing to eat it for you.” Hobi commented, throwing a wink toward you. Taehyung just rolled his eyes, all the while smiling, and quickly added, “We totally didn’t just steal it from the cafeteria.”
     “She doesn’t need to know that!” Hobi shrieked, looking back at him with an appalled expression on his face.
      You closed the box and continued strolling ahead of them, listening to their playful banter with a smile on your face. Eventually, the three of you split ways, each of you shouting a brief goodbye before turning down the route to your houses. You were happy, a sense of comfort overwhelming you the second your house came into view.
      You wondered if he would be there waiting for you. Jungkook had a habit of inviting himself into your house sometimes, climbing through the small window of your bedroom-which was, thankfully, on the ground floor. It wasn’t as creepy as it sounded, usually he shot you a text or two asking if he could come. Other days he would be sitting on your bed waiting for you when you came home from school. He liked to drive himself home, speeding down the road with the windows down and the wind rushing through his hair. He always got home before anyone else. Your hand grasped the cold doorknob, turning it and pushing the door open to step in.
      Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. On the floor a small trail of crumpled up papers led you deeper into the house. You bent down to pick one up, smoothing it out in your hands and staring at its contents. Words were scratched into the piece of lined paper.
So Y/N, did you get the homework done haha
Barely. Someone wouldn’t stop bothering me all last night
There’s a simple solution to that you know
Oh? Brilliant one, enlighten me
We could just get together and do work …like a study date … not a date, but like, you know? A homework party or something
That would be cool
      Laughter bubbled out of your chest, holding out your hand to steady yourself against a wall. You couldn’t believe these were still in existence. They were the old notes that you and Jungkook would always pass to each other during classes. Being so long ago, you had nearly forgotten about them. In fact, you figured they had just been lost or thrown away at some point. But in reality, it was Jungkook who must have kept them all. Your heart warmed, keeping the paper in your hand as you continued the way to your bedroom.
      The door sat ajar on its hinges, a stream of light projecting through the sliver of space onto the floor. You placed your hand on it, gently pushing it open. Bright balloons of every color covered every inch of the ceiling, the helium inside of them keeping them up with no assistance. At the bottom of each one was tied a glimmering ribbon, all of them dangling downwards. The sight was amazing.
      A bright smile was stuck on your face. You knew he must have done this sometime earlier today. He told you he wouldn’t make it to school today because he was sick, but something told you he must have had other plans. A cheap and flimsy banner that someone could find at the nearest dollar store was hung over the top of your window, reading “Happy Birthday Y/N” in bright bold letters. It was so dorky, but so perfect. So Jungkook.
      Suddenly, your thoughts were interrupted by a thud against the glass pane of your window. You heard someone mutter out a few curses before the face of your boyfriend appeared into view. His hand reached up and started to slide the window open, oblivious to you standing in the room watching him. He bit his lip in concentration, fingers flexing around the edge of the window. Jungkook lifted his leg over your windowsill, foot landing successfully on the carpet. He was in a predicament for a second, finding himself temporarily unable to lift his other leg over the sill.
      You laughed loudly at him, which made him halt his movement and freeze midair under your gaze. The only part of him that moved was his face, shooting up to look at you. One leg over the window and hand still on the edge by his face, his mouth blossomed with a wide grin, “Uh…” He laughed. “Could you give me a hand?” He asked shyly. You nodded, still chuckling as you leant him your shoulder for support.
      Once both of his feet landed in your room, he quickly brushed himself off and looked at your face. But then his eyebrows drew together and he took a step closer in concern, his hand reaching up to gently tilt your face towards his. “Why are you crying?” His eyes were widened slightly, and you felt your heart flutter at his concern for you. A small smile crept on your face as you felt the small tears that had budded in your eyes.You hadn’t even noticed them before he pointed it out. It must have been the result of the trip down memory lane, the notes on the floor that made you think of how far the two of you had come.
      But you weren’t sad. In fact, you were overbearingly happy. You shook your head slightly, stepping backwards a bit before smiling up at him. “Just emotional.” Your eyes drifted to the cheap banner above your window. “It’s perfect, Kook.” His expression softened, eyes crinkling with affection. For a moment, there was silence. Your gaze lowered to the frail piece of paper still in your hand. Raising it slightly, you faced him. “You kept all of these?” You asked quietly.
      Jungkook slowly repressed back into the shy boy you used to know him as. He shifted from his left foot to his right, eyes lowering to the ground. All the while a sheepish smile remained laced on his face. “Yeah,” he stated. “I did.” He exhaled, looking back up into your eyes. “How could I have thrown them away?” He added briefly.
      Stepping forward, his arms went around you. You hugged him back, enjoying the nice scent of the shampoo and fabric softener that always seemed to linger on him. Jungkook pulled away for a moment, quickly leaning forward to place a soft kiss on your forehead. “Happy birthday, Y/N.” He whispered. There weren’t many times when Jungkook got this soft around you. On holidays, Valentine’s day, Christmas, your birthday. It was a fairly rare occurrence, which made you love and appreciate it even more. It was his way of showing how much he really cared for you. You giggled again, looking deep into his eyes before realizing you missed the feeling of his arms around you.
      You reached around his chest, fingers linking behind his back. “Thank you.” Your voice was quiet and content. You rested your cheek against the strong pulse of Jungkook’s heartbeat. His arms felt unbelievably strong around you, muscles flexing as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. Both of his hands rested on the small of your back, his soft breaths hitting your shoulder. “I love you.” He whispered. If you hadn’t been so close together, maybe you wouldn’t have heard him say it. But you did, and the words spread through you like honey, arms gripping tighter around him.
      “I love you too.”
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
I really love Muse, its really cute and chill almost. Will it be continued? Sorry if I'm being pushy xx
not pushy at all bab, the answer is YESi will be continuing muse but i’m currently trying to get some requests done that will hopefully be posted this week 😘 ALSO IM GLAD U LIKED IT BLESS
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
Omg I just found ur blog today and I've already read each and everyone one of ur fics!! when I saw ur request box open I've never clicked so fast~ I was wondering if I can request a yoongi highschool au where he's a badboy and he's only soft to y/n who's a shy artist that loves to sit down anywhere and watch people and draw them, pls make it very fluffy if u do end up writing this! I love your writings sm btw~
IM BOUTTA CRI 1 BECAUSE TUMBLR KEEPS DELETING MY THINGS 2 BECAUSE THIS ASK IS SWEET ,,, :’’’’) bless your heart nonnie you made me smile so hard,,,, I’m so glad you like my writing because nearly every time I post something I’m anxious about what people will think. I know it’s a bad habit but it’s something that I need to work on hahaha,, here is your request lovely, I hope it’s what you were looking for!! don’t be scared to hit up my inbox with anything at all lmao;; im lonely
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
Characters: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Fluff <3
Word Count: 1588
Anon Requested: "Omg I just found ur blog today and I've already read each and everyone one of ur fics!! when I saw ur request box open I've never clicked so fast~ I was wondering if I can request a yoongi highschool au where he's a badboy and he's only soft to y/n who's a shy artist that loves to sit down anywhere and watch people and draw them, pls make it very fluffy if u do end up writing this! I love your writings sm btw~"
(A/N: to all that is holy I have retyped my author's note like 3 times bc tumblr has decided to curse me and everything I try to post keeps getting deleted from my blog :') But if you are reading this now then I have managed to succeed,, Anyway thank you so much for the request lovely~ I hope it is what you were expecting and please don't hesitate to tell me your thoughts!! I will most likely be writing a part two to this because it feels somewhat inconclusive,, Happy reading <3)
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    “Alright class, let’s get started!” Your math teacher clapped her hands to get the class’ attention. You glanced up from your desk in the back row of the classroom for a few seconds before your eyes found their way back to the small black sketchbook lying open in front of you. All of the pages before this one were a bit tattered, the black cover beaten up and peeling. Anyone who looked at it could tell it was put to good use. The pages were filled with sketches and drawings of people, often times your classmates in their natural environment. Right now you were subtly gazing at a girl with short brown hair, raising her hand to answer the teacher’s question. You concentrated as you attempted to replicate the way her hair slightly brushed against the tops of her shoulders, the tip of your pencil articulately marking up the page.
    Your teacher was deep in the middle of a lecture, explaining a key concept in math that most of the students were having a hard time grasping. But you had always had trouble paying attention to the things taught directly to you in school, often opting to study the material the day before a test and end up passing anyway. She held up a 3D model of a cube, gesturing to the sides while trying to explain a foreign concept. Glancing back up to your current drawing model, you saw she was hurriedly taking notes in a small notebook.
    The seat you occupied in your class couldn’t be more perfect. You were the only student who sat in the back row of desks, all the others to the sides of you empty. And you weren’t completely in the corner, either. Rather, you were one over from the far right. It gave you the best view to see practically anything in the room. You relied on your journal and pencil to keep relaxed, and because of this you were fine without many friends.
    Abruptly, the door to the classroom swung open, footsteps sounding on the hard surface of the floor as the room suddenly filled with silence. Pencil lifting from your paper, you lifted your head slowly to see what had caused the disturbance. Your gaze was met with dark beaten up sneakers lazily strolling across the floor. Eyes travelling upwards, you watched rips in jeans loosely chafe against milky pale skin, thumbs hooked into his belt loops without a care in the world. A dark jacket hung loose on his shoulders, and he glanced at the other students’ gawking faces in disinterest. For a brief second his eyes landed on yours, but it was over as fast as it happened.
    “Min Yoongi,” The teacher said in distaste. She was still comically holding up the 3D model, as if she had just been caught stealing. Yoongi blinked in her direction, waiting for her to continue. She sighed, and muttered, “You’re late. Again. Please have a seat.”
    As soon as Yoongi turned, she began her lecture again. Some of the students in front turned their attention back to her, while most kept a trained eye on where Yoongi was walking. Your hand remained still against the paper, watching in interest as you predicted his path. Satisfaction coursed through you when he carelessly plopped down his schoolbag and slouched onto the seat right beside the window.
    The students sitting in the surrounding desk bristled slightly, doing their best to train their attention back to the front. You bit your lip slightly, the artist inside you marvelling at the scene unfolding in front of you. The sunlight streaming through the window cast perfect shadows across the side of Yoongi’s face, his bright aqua colored hair shining vividly in the streaming light. Your careful gaze locked on his hand as he picked up his pen and started twirling it around his fingers mindlessly.
    He was gazing out the window, eyes blank. Every once in awhile he would blink lazily, and it was obvious that his calm demeanor somehow intimidated those around him. Upon being greeted with the sight, you instinctively flipped the page of your sketchbook, the girl you had been drawing earlier forgotten. You studied the size of Yoongi’s face as your hand swiftly made magic on the thick paper. He continued watching the things outside, oblivious to you in the back of the class.
    Before you realized it, the bell blared through the room, signalling class was over. The students around you hustled to stuff their school materials into their bags, and your teacher tried desperately to remind them of their homework over all of the noise. You quickly snapped your sketchbook closed and held it tight to your chest, rising from your seat. You knew it probably wouldn’t be long until you needed them again, so you carelessly slipped your drawing pencils into the top of your bag and threw its long strap over your shoulder.
    Once the first few students started leaving the classroom, the teacher quickly turned a sharp stare at Yoongi, who remained unmoving in his window seat. “Yoongi, come talk to me before you leave.” She said sternly. Knowing she would no doubt tell him off, you looked down at your feet  and fidgeted with your fingers, waiting for the doorway to clear up. You eventually stepped out of the classroom, but now you were faced with a massive sea of students flooding the hallway. You let out a sigh, knowing you had to try to fight the crowd to find your next class.
    With a quick inhale, you turned and started walking against the side of the hallway. Your peers had always been so loud. Girls laughed and playfully shoved each other, others goofing around down the hallway. You were nearing a few benches, thankful for opportunity to sit and rest. Almost reaching the bench, someone suddenly shoved your shoulder. Your feet stumbled to the side and pain shot through you as your shoulder blade made rough contact with the wall. You heard your sketchbook fall open in the ground with a light thump, along with quite a few of the pencils that were sitting in the top of your bag. Now they were splayed across the floor underneath the thundering footsteps of other students.
    Looking up, you saw a few guys walking together snickering at you, one of them muttering “Loser,” under his breath, a smirk on his lips. They proceeded down the hallway laughing with each other, already having forgotten about you. Quicky, you crouched down to the ground and rushed to grab what was left of your pencils before they were whisked away by everyone’s feet. From the corner of your eye you realized that your sketchbook had fallen open right on the most recent drawing of Yoongi, his gaze resting solemnly on something on the other side of the classroom window.
    You paused for a moment, before you noticed someone standing still behind you. A tremor went through you as you turned your head and locked eyes with the very person you had spent the last hour gazing at. Yoongi appeared as if he was towering over you, time held at bay for a moment. As quickly as his eyes met yours, they looked over to your sketchbook still lying open on the floor.
    You jolted forward and snatched it from where it was lying, pure embarrassment rising to your face. It felt like your face was bursting into flames as you shakily stood up and held the drawing tightly to your chest. Not meeting his eyes, you opened your mouth to say something, anything. Instead you ended up stuttering your way into further embarrassment, feeling his eyes bore holes into your face.
    Yoongi continued staring at you, as if he was enjoying your discomfort. It probably wasn’t every day that he found out someone enjoyed spending their time drawing him. You cringed. Stiffly, your legs moved to walk away in shame, your head pointed down at the ground.
    But as you took your first step away from him, a grip that was almost gentle caught your arm. Your foot quickly stumbled back in place and his fingers felt like they were molding into your arm. He didn’t say a word, leaning in as he slowly pulled your drawing back from your chest. Your hands started to tremble slightly, feeling his soft breath on your shoulder and below your ear. A small crease between your eyebrows, you lifted your head to look at his face curiously.
    He studied your drawing for a few long seconds, the time stretching out with how close he was to you. A faint smile made its way on his lips, the first smile of his that you had ever seen. Pulling away, Yoongi took a step back and looked toward you. He paused for a moment, quickly muttering, “You’re a good artist.”
    Your eyes grew fractionally as you watched him turn, your eyes following his back as he walked straight into the rushing sea of students. They parted mildly, no one daring to be in his path. A few sent glances at you, wondering what he was doing talking to you. You blinked, looked down at your drawing one last time before jamming it into your bag. Yoongi was lost in the crowd by now. Checking a clock on the wall, you figured you should head to class before you were late. Turning on your heel, you watched the ground and briskly walked down the hallway.
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
Characters: Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Fluff ~~~
Word Count: 2237
Summary: With the help of a sarcastic remark by Yoongi, you manage to come up with the perfect present for Namjoon on his birthday.
(A/N: aaaa okay so I power produced this fic in a short amount of time so if there's any mistakes I apologize! The time where I am right now is just before midnight on September 12, so I had to make sure I posted before Joonie's 'technical' bday was over lmao.,,,but it's rlly sweet I promise, so I hope you enjoy <3 btw the song that this fic references is Maybe by Birdy, so give it a listen if you would like to! shoutout to the Birdy song on Jungkook's Spotify playlist)
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     You could feel his eyes on you from across the living room. Uncomfortably, you curled yourself deeper into the blankets you had snatched from the corner of the room. Burying yourself into the edge of the couch, you tried desperately to calm your sudden stuttering heartbeat and the pink blush that was growing on your face embarrassingly fast. You lifted your eyes to turn your attention to the two idiots goofing off with each other on the opposite couch, clutching game controllers in their hands and yelling excitedly when they beat the other.
     You didn’t know if he was still looking at you, but considering the intense feeling of someone’s eyes on you that just wouldn’t go away, you assumed that he was. Boldly, you snapped your gaze up to his face and saw a glimpse of his eyes quickly flickering away from yours. You had to applaud his effort, he had almost gotten away without being caught by you. Almost. You felt a tiny bubble of confidence start to surface within you with the knowledge that he didn’t want to be caught staring at you. But that feeling was quickly covered up with utter bashfulness, your shyness when it came to any feeling of these sort getting the best of you.
     It wasn’t your original plan to be here, when the reality was you should be using this time to study. In the middle of cramming for your exams coming up, books lying open on your desk in front of you, your phone had started abruptly going off next to you. You had picked up the phone only to be met with the playfully screaming voices of your friends Hobi and Taehyung, who started shouting over each other into the speaker. You had smiled against the receiver before finally being able to decipher what they were trying to tell you.
     “Y/N! Come over here and hang with us, we’re bored.” You recognized Taehyung’s playful voice from the other end of the line as he dramatically stretched out the word bored. There was a rustling noise, and then you heard Hobi’s voice sound from the speaker. “You can’t spend every waking second studying, Y/N. Come and hang out for a bit with us. You need a break.” You could hear the smile in his voice as you realized he was probably right. You needed to loosen up, and there was no way you would be able to focus on your exams if your brain was fried from studying so much. So you agreed, but now you were starting to question your decision.
     “So, Y/N.” You lifted your head up, snapping out of your daze. The game was paused on the television screen and you glanced over to see Taehyung looking at you smiling slyly. Turning and leaning backwards slightly he laid his head on the arm rest, moving his legs on top of Hobi’s lap. Hobi batted at them with a displeased expression before giving up and resorted to crossing his arms over the younger’s feet. Tae turned his head sideways eyeing you, before saying, “You know it’s Namjoon’s birthday in a few days, don’t you?”
     A light chuckle met your ears from across the living room and you felt tiny butterflies flutter in your stomach at the sound. But you remained your composure, looking up to meet Namjoon’s eyes with a small smile growing on your face. “Of course, how could I forget?” You played along while sitting up to slightly unwrap yourself from your blanket cocoon. A ghost of a smile laced itself on Namjoon’s face, and you didn’t move your gaze as he blinked and looked down at his feet.
     “Oh? You already have a present picked out?” Hobi said with a snicker as he toyed with Taehyung’s toes before resorting to ferociously tickling them. Taehyung yelped before kicking his feet violently, eventually causing him to roll off of the couch and onto the floor. You laughed at him for a few seconds before letting his question sink in. Of course you knew that Namjoon’s birthday was shockingly soon, the problem was that you had been trying to think up the perfect present for him for what felt like weeks. None of your ideas seemed to match right.
     “You should give him a song or something for his birthday. I mean, he always freaks out whenever he hears you sing, you know.” A calm and familiar voice sounded from just outside the living room, and everyone in the room looked up to see Yoongi casually stroll around the corner, looking at the phone in his hand.
     “Hyung, how long were you standing over there and not bothering to walk in and say something?” Hobi asked sarcastically, not truly surprised. Yoongi shrugged in response, still gazing at his phone screen with a slight crease between his eyebrows. “Just trying to help.” He muttered under his breath as he walked over and sat down next to you. Yoongi had said it as if he didn’t think you would really take it seriously, but the idea hit something within you. Call it inspiration, or a sense of realization. Now that you looked back on it, every time you would subtly hum along to the radio while he was present the room would suddenly get quiet. Did he really like your singing that much? You were too preoccupied contemplating this new idea to notice the daggers that Namjoon started sending Yoongi, or how his ears started to flush a slight shade of pink.
     You finally came to a decision on what you were going to do. Standing up more abruptly than you intended, the boys in the room looked up at you in question. Fumbling for an excuse, you casually said something about having to get back to your studying. They all shouted a few quick goodbyes as you gathered your things and headed out, back to your place.
     The next day, you were walking down the street with your bag over your shoulder, a small, nervous smile seemingly transfixed on your face. Earlier you had sent a few texts to Yoongi, arranging to meet up with him at the place you were heading to now. Anxiously, your steps slowed as you were met by your destination. Pushing the door open, you made your way inside.
     The near moment you stepped inside the building you saw Yoongi standing in the entrance hallway, leaning against the wall. He met your eyes, before giving you a small smile. You raised your hand halfheartedly and gave him a wave. “Hey.” He murmured as he stood up to start leading you further into the building. Soon enough you found yourself inside of his studio, glancing around to take in everything that made up his workspace. You stood there lost in thought for a moment, before you felt a light nudge on your shoulder and turned to see Yoongi watching you, something that resembled amusement dancing in his eyes. “So, are you ready for this?” He asked playfully, but there was a sort of serious undertone to his voice.
     “Yeah,” You responded. It didn’t sound like enough, so you added confidently, “Let’s give Namjoon one of the best birthday presents he’ll ever receive.” The smile that grew on your face was as genuine as the air you breathed in through your lungs, exhaling any negative feelings you might have had earlier. Yoongi nodded at you, and the two of you got to work.
     Namjoon slipped on his light jacket, heading out to gather the mail for the day. Yawning, he closed the door behind him and started walking down to the small cluster of mailboxes, one of which contained the things he was looking for. It was a bit earlier in the morning than he was used to, but he had gotten up at this time on purpose. The cool, morning September air clinged onto him through his jacket, but somehow it made everything perfect. Like just another piece of a big jigsaw puzzle, fitting in right where it was supposed to be. It was the day of his birthday, and he always enjoyed waking up as early as he could muster on his birthdays, wanting to be awake for it as much as he could. That night he would probably go to sleep later than usual as well, just to experience as much as he could fit into one day. He only had a birthday once a year, after all. So why not enjoy as much of it as he could?
     Finally, he reached the mailbox he was looking for. He reached in, feeling a handful of letters of different sizes. Pulling them out, he was greeted with wild varieties of colors and some misshapen envelopes. The purest of smiles grew on his face, already knowing that they were all from the other members, who always gave him an array of cards on his birthday. There were a few from some of his more distant friends as well, the addresses scribbled on the envelopes blinking in familiarity. But on the bottom of the stack was a gray envelope, with no return address.
     Not wanting to wait until he was back inside, his curiosity got the better of him as he ripped open the gray envelope. On the inside of the flap, there were a few small words scribbled in familiar handwriting. They read, For Joonie, I hope you like it as much as I hope you will.~
     He knew the handwriting, the way all of the ys looped over their own tails. But for some reason he couldn’t put his finger on it. Sliding his finger into the envelope and widening the opening, he peered in only to be met with nothing except for a small flash drive. He shook it out of the envelope and into his hand, holding it up to examine it curiously. Shrugging, he slipped it into his pocket and turned, cards in hand. Eventually he made it back inside, closing the door behind him and making his way in, excited for the rest of the day to unfold.
     Later, Namjoon stood in front of the computer in his studio. A crease between his eyebrows, he pulled the flash drive out from his pocket, staring at it for a few seconds before shutting off his thoughts and plugging it into his computer. A notice popped up on the screen, showing the contents of the flash drive. The only thing that showed up under contents was a lone audio file. Namjoon quirked an eyebrow, snatching up his headphones and putting them on before double clicking the file. The screen was consumed in darkness, and he heard the quiet sound of static-like silence that signified the beginning of a recording.
I know it’s just maybe
And we’re only dreaming
For how this will go
     Your smooth voice flowed into Namjoon’s ears, and he lifted his head in shock, reaching up to place his hands over the muffs his headphones. He took a seat, listening to your crooning voice continue the sweet and cheery melody.
 But maybe
One day this daydream
Will turn into real things
For all that we know~
      Namjoon smiled the hardest he had the whole day, sitting still and listening to the rest of the song play. He knew it would be in his head for hours, if not days to come. Finally, the last note of the song was hit, and the audio track ended with a click. Namjoon slipped off his headphones, letting them fall around his neck. Still smiling, he pulled out his phone and sent a text to you.
I got the song… |6:24 pm
      He watched the screen as you opened his text, the little R showing that you had read it. A typing bubble showed up after a few seconds, and eventually your response was sent.
 Oh? What did you think? |6:26 pm
      Namjoon contemplated his response for a minute or so, before typing out his answer.
 I liked it. A lot, actually. |6:28 pm
      The response from you came sooner than he expected, and as he quickly skimmed your text he knew that you hadn’t caught on to what he truly meant.
 I’m glad. Happy birthday, Joonie |6:28 pm
      Beginning to type again, he felt a bubble of confidence rise in him. Pressing send, he patiently waited for your answer.
Still, not as much as I like you, Y/N. |6:29 pm
     He watched in amusement as the bubble signifying you typing appeared, then disappeared just as quickly. This repeated quite a few times before he let out a chuckle and refused to save you, turning off his phone and leaving you to yourself. He stood up, spontaneously deciding to visit your place so that you could continue the conversation there. Stopping abruptly while he was halfway out the doorway, he pivoted on one foot and turned back to his computer, reaching forward and making sure to click ‘save file to computer’. Another smile played on his lips as he imagined your astonished expression when he turned up at your door, and he revelled in the idea as he walked out of the room, closing the door to his studio behind him. The day had definitely lived up to his expectations, being the best birthday he had experienced in a while.
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
Characters: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Angst gahh so much yoongi angst
Word Count: 1536
Anon requested: "Can i request a yoongi angst??? You guys are very close but when he had a gf its like you didn't even exist?"
(A/N: Feel free to tell me your thoughts!! Also my requests are open so send me any requests yall have and jungthigh forgive me for taking so long with this omg)
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     The ringing of the phone on the other line continued to sound in your ear. Never ending. At this point you knew he wouldn’t pick up. You didn’t really know why you thought he would in the first place. He used to say he would always be there for you. Times change, you guess. With a weak arm, you lowered the speaker from your ear and pressed the hang up button. You were standing on the side of a back road. It was April, which meant rain poured down too often for anything to really dry. One of your tires had managed to go flat on none other than a dirt road, which meant mud. It was caked on your car tires and now the bottoms of both your shoes. You shivered in your thin jacket, the chilly air blowing through the thin material
     You had been on your way home from your part-time job at a run down corner store, where you were trying to earn enough money to survive in your shabby apartment. Truthfully, after you moved out of your home, you didn’t take very many friends with you. It was a completely fresh start. Until you found out that Min Yoongi was attending the same school as you.
     The two of you had been friends since the 4th grade, sharing homework answers in middle school and trying to manipulate your schedules to be in the same classes during high school. And somehow, ironically, neither of you found out which school either of you were attending after graduation until you bumped into each other. Quite literally, colliding into each other at the entrance of your Literature 101 class.
     Immediately you were back in each other’s lives again, the same as ever. Sometimes he would come over to hang out at your apartment, but mainly because of the old and dusty piano that sat in a back room resembling an office. He liked to sit and play away on it, and you liked to stand and watch his expert fingertips glide across the ivory keys. Every time you would ask what he was playing, he would never give you an answer.
     But that was a year ago, and as you climbed back into your mud splattered car, you realized that all of those memories had started to lose their original glimmer in your mind. Yoongi didn’t come to your apartment anymore. The beautiful melodies created by his swift hands didn’t echo across your walls anymore. In the classes you did have together, the most he would do is give you a brief smile or nod in your direction before heading to his respective seat.
     True, you had made a few other friends besides Yoongi, but none close enough to have them drive out to some road in the middle of nowhere to rescue you. None like he used to be.
     You reached over into the glove compartment and pulled out a yellow tattered phone book. Flipping to the back, you picked up your phone and dialled the number for a taxi. You would deal with your car later. All you wanted right now was to be back at the apartment you called home.
     Eventually, the taxi pulled up to the side of the road behind your car, and you sighed as you popped open your door and walked over to get in. Sitting in the unfamiliar backseat, you quickly explained what happened to the taxi driver, who nodded in response. Giving him the address to your apartment, he stepped on the gas and steered around your abandoned car. You gazed out the window as drab and desolate land sped past your view, observing a few lonely trees in the distance.
     You kept telling yourself that the distance that had grown in the friendship between you and Yoongi was only natural. People grew apart from one another and went their separate ways, that’s life. But deep down you knew the real reason. You remembered the day clearly, when Yoongi came into class in a seemingly permanent good mood. He sat down next to you, and knowing something was up, you playfully asked, “What’s with you this morning?” He simply turned to you with a ghost of a smile on his face before shrugging halfheartedly and mumbling, “I may have met someone.” And before you could properly respond, the voices of other students bouncing around the room silenced as the professor walked in and began to start class.
     You were happy for him, there was no doubt about that. Yoongi and you had never been into each other in that way. Even so, you thought the both of you had always relied heavily on each other. However, slowly but surely, the “someone” that Yoongi had met started to edge her way into his life more and more. You felt the real impact of it on the day that you walked into class only to see him sitting far away from his usual seat next to you, chatting with a few students that you didn’t know. He glanced up and caught your eye, and you raised your hand to wave. But he had already looked away from you, an uncomfortable expression on his face.
     Suddenly the car came to a stop, and you looked up to see the front of your apartment building. Quickly gathering your things, you handed the driver some cash and thanked him before climbing out of the taxi. The chilly spring air hit your skin once again, and you looked up at the sky only to feel the first light droplets of water begin to fall.
     The taxi pulled away from the curb and went on its way, leaving you standing alone on the sidewalk. You fumbled with your purse to pull out a portable umbrella, opening it and raising it above your head. Glancing around, your eyes landed on a small cafe across the street. The space behind the glass was dimly lit with soft orange lights, giving the inside a cozy glow. Sparing a fleeting look towards the door to your apartment building, you turned and walked in the direction of the cafe.
     The young woman at the register smiled at you when you walked in, the subtle ringing of a bell sounding from above the door. You quickly ordered a cappuccino before taking a seat by the window, watching as people strolled down the sidewalks. They all held identical black umbrellas over their heads to shield the rain. You sat there for a few quiet minutes watching the street, the muted coffeehouse music playing from speakers on the ceiling. That’s when he caught your eye.
     He had the same stride, the same skinny legs and tousled hair tucked into a beanie. Your fingers gripped the warm mug in your hands as you peered and watched from over the top. There was a figure walking beside him, arm linked with his. You followed the movement of the figure’s brown locks flipping over her shoulder as they walked together down the wet gleaming sidewalk. Yoongi walked somewhat stiffly beside her, his face blank of emotion. You frowned, remembering his attitude the day he came into the classroom practically radiating positivity.
     Suddenly his steps started to slow, and his head turned to his left. His gaze looked as if it was locked on one point as he continued slowing down. Your eyes flickered to where he was looking and realized in shock that it was the door to your apartment building. As he finally reached it, his pace was nearing a stop when there was a harsh tug on his arm. He looked over and there stood his girlfriend with a displeased look on her face. She started talking animatedly, gesturing down to her shoes that were no doubt starting to get wet. Dragging him to walk faster by his arm, she spun the handle of her umbrella in her hand. Yoongi quickly shook his head and looked up one last time at the door to your building, before speeding up his steps to hers and following along.
     Soon enough they had walked out of your sight. Sitting up straighter, you took a deep breath and stared into the bottom of your mug. It was natural, it just happened. People grow apart from each other, and that’s life. You take your memories with you wherever you go, and they end up outweighing the relationship itself anyway. Even though you knew you would always miss the sound of him playing the piano in your apartment, creating a sort of light in a dark tunnel. Even though you missed sitting next to him in your classes together. If Yoongi didn’t want that anymore, then you knew the best thing you could do was move on. And maybe one day when he sees how unhappy he has become, he will look back and wish things would have gone differently. But in the end, both of you knew your low-paying job would never be enough for you to get a nicer place. Your run-down apartment, along with the hidden dusty piano, would always be there the next time he walks alone down your sidewalk on a rainy day.
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
I'll be updating this list whenever I post something new!
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 <3 = fluff
* = angst
;) = smut lol but i doubt that will happen much and if it does then it will be half assed
>>  None yet :')
>> I'm Sorry *
>> Movie Night <3
>> Rain *
>> Muse <3
 J-Hope (Hobi)
>> Distractions <3
>> Morning <3
 Rap Monster (Namjoon)
>> Maybe <3
>> Cheater * <3 (fluffy ending)
V (Taehyung)
>>  Masquerade Ball <3?? just tae being a tease tbh
>> For You <3
>> Birthday Present <3
>> I Want You ;) don't expect real smut bc you will be disappointed
 Hey yall so if you haven't blasted tf out of my blog yet since I haven't posted in s o  l o n g, I'm planning on putting writing on ao3! I'm not sure if I'll be putting these^ works on or not, but I'm going to try my hand at writing longer fics. ha? I just think it will be easier to post longer works on there than Tumblr.
My user on ao3 is ur_local_taehoe if you want to check some of those works out!
also fair warning don't look at my bookmarks unless you want to be shocked by the content bc i am one kinky bitch. fight me
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
Masquerade Ball
Characters: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Fluff I guess lol?? It's got a lil suggestive Tae but nothing serious he's just a little tease
Word Count: 1593
You came to the Masquerade Ball in an attempt to have a thrilling night filled with hidden identities and mystery. What you got in return was no short of that, in fact it was much more than you expected. So what happens when a devilishly handsome young man sweeps you off your feet out of nowhere?
this gif is huge but im not sorry
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    The air felt significantly hazy, your mind beginning to fog up because of the atmosphere around you as you meandered your way through the mass of bodies swaying on the dance floor. Black, lacy material rested on your face, the intricate mask you adorned seeming to blend in with those surrounding you and keeping you somewhat hidden. The point of the masquerade ball you were attending was to remain anonymous, after all. Tonight was a night of discovering who you were, with the thrill of meeting someone once, only to part ways without so much as an indication of identity. It was the perfect concept, really. A night full of mystery that nobody could possibly reject.
    Yearning for some fresh air, you searched for a way out of the dense crowd. Your eyes landed on an open space and you broke through the people into a hallway, the elegant light fixtures on the walls glowing dimly as they casted silhouettes and shadows across the polished floor. Taking a deep, cleansing breath, you closed your eyes and revelled in the small bit of relief that the moment of peace gave you.
    Suddenly, there was a gentle yank on your wrist, forcing you to jerk around, shrieking slightly in surprise as your face was met unusually close by a dashing young man. His eyes were wide and welcoming as they peered into yours. “What are you doing out here?” he murmured lowly, his face leaning ever so slightly inward as the words left his lips. Normally you would have felt a twinge of annoyance at having been pulled around, but the sight of the man’s face so close to yours slowly washed any of those feelings away. Shocked into silence, your eyes wandered his face.
    Around his eyes laid black upon black, the sharp edges of his mask carved around his eyes. A strip of dark lace lined the outer rim of the mask, with a small silver flare on the end of one side. In your peripheral vision, you noticed a subtle smirk curl on his lips as you continued to stare at his face, eyes trailing down as you studied his features.
    His eyes were kind, a deep brown which resembled rich chocolate. But they were also lined with a hint of mischievousness, glimmering slightly, and you could see how easily he was excited. His skin was smooth and slightly tan, you noticed as you took in the small freckle on the tip of his nose. Resting your eyes on his lips, you swallowed. The curve of his mouth was still pulled slightly into a smirk. He remained still, pleased that you were taking your precious time looking at every aspect of his face. Eyes watching every small movement his lips made, you couldn’t help but think about all of the things those lips could do. What his mouth was capable of. The smirk on his face faded slightly and he raised an eyebrow. “Done yet?” he teased, the deepness of his voice once again striking you, sending a jolt of something unfamiliar through you.
    You blinked up at him, eyes growing wide as you met his gaze. Glints of amusement danced in his dark eyes. They were crinkled softly at the edges, a small smile forming as he watched your cheeks flush with color. Stuttering, you took a quick step back. Your shoes sounded against the floor behind you as you took a few steps backwards, trying to move away from the man before you as fast as possible. “I-I…sorry.” you said, the blush still prominent on your face as your gaze flickered to the floor in front of your feet. A few footsteps toward you sounding on the hard floor caused you to snap your head up, only to see the devilishly handsome young man extend his hand in an unexpectedly gentleman-like manner. Bowing his head formally, the question left his perfect lips, “Would you care for a dance?”
    Slowly, you extended your hand and delicately placed it in his, taking note of the fact of how soft they were, and how his fingers curled perfectly, encompassing yours. He lifted his head up, brown locks softly falling against the dark material of his mask, a twinkle in his eye. His face broke into a smile, letting out a small laugh that you could only count as a giggle. The sound of it made you crack a grin, your hand in his as he gently led you down the hallway, back through the way you had come.
    The people around you seemed less difficult to pass through since you were with him, his aura acting like a sort of protective shield to those around him as the two of you made your way through the main ballroom and outside. A narrow brick-laid path lined its way to a small painted white gazebo, flowers curling up the sides and fairy lights adorning the structure. You made no effort to resist as the strong grip on your hand led you down the path, steps confident as he walked up to the gazebo, turning you around and bringing his arms gently around your waist. You exhaled, looking into his eyes before realizing something. Your voice left in a whisper as you breathed out, “There’s no music out her-” A soft finger pressed against your lips, stopping your words. The masked man in front of you lifted his gaze from your mouth to meet yours, his eyes smoldering. Softly, he whispered, “Who said we needed music?” His hand snaked its way back around your waist as you lifted your arms around his neck, the both of you watching each other as you began to sway to a rhythm of your own making.
    Eventually, he took your hand in his, holding it out to the side as the two of you waltzed across the wooden boards in silence. The low murmur and echo of the party in the distance was forgotten. He held up your hand slightly, indicating he was going to give you a twirl, and you realized there was something you wanted to do. He raised your hand above the both of your heads, and you turned beautifully, the skirt of your dress flowing in the air slightly before you turned back towards him. Without allowing yourself the time to rethink your decision, you took an extra step forward, landing your lips softly on his. The swaying and dancing halted, his arm falling gently back against his side. His eyes grew wide for a split second before easing closed, his lips molding against yours. Warmth blossomed through you as he returned your kiss, softly trailing a hand up your side. The slight pressure of his soft lips felt like heaven against yours, just like you knew they would.
    Eventually, you pulled away from each other, your heavy breaths intertwining in the air as you met each other’s heated gazes. The two of you stood in comfortable silence, studying the features of each other’s hidden faces under the black material. You followed the intricate woven pattern across the edge of his mask, eyeing the pleasant contrast of the black against his honey skintone. Carefully, his eyes casted downwards, you felt soft fingers intertwine with yours as he gently guided you out of the abandoned gazebo. The two of you lazily strided back down the narrow brick path, as if you were trying to savor the moment.
    Stepping back through the door to the party, the sounds inside were amplified. Some were peacefully swaying to the rhythm of the fading music, others shouting and yelling at each other in excitement, clearly having the time of their life. It was the perfect party atmosphere. And while you were taking it all back in, you almost didn’t notice the feeling of his hand leaving yours, his tall figure smoothly starting to make his way back into the crowd of people. Blinking out of your trance, you located the soft brown color of his hair and quickly moved forward, a hand wrapping around his forearm and pulling him around. He met your gaze with wide, surprised eyes. After a moment, the irony of the repeated situation sunk into you and a small smile grew on your face. You laughed breathily before letting go of his firm arm and looking up at him. Trying to be heard over the noise of the people, you projected, “You never told me your name.”
    The devilish boy’s face only grew into a grin, the mischievous glint reappearing in his eyes as he leaned over, his body balancing on only one foot. Inclining his head, he replied significantly lower, “That would ruin the element of mystery, now wouldn’t it?” His dancing eyes peered into yours for a moment longer before he resteadied himself. His face spread into another blinding grin, showcasing his teeth as you watched, blinking at him in stunned silence. Beneath the dark black and lacy material of the masquerade mask framed around his eyes, he shot you a wink, turning on his heel and waltzing straight through the moving crowd of people like he owned the place. Within seconds, you had lost track of him. He had disappeared, almost as if he had never been real in the first place. It was expected, however. The thrill of a hidden identity, the ability to meet someone and decide to remain anonymous to one another forever. That was the whole point. After all, it was a Masquerade Ball. One that you could never forget.
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
For You
Characters: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst?? Mostly fluff
Word Count: 942
You're terrified of thunderstorms, but you've never told anyone about it because you don't want to be a burden to anyone, usually riding it out on your own. Of course Jungkook figured this out long ago and ditches work to walk through the rain and find you the moment he hears thunder, not wanting you to be alone again.
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    You curled in on yourself on the bed. Despite what you had previously believed, the massive load of blankets on top of you wasn’t doing enough to protect you. You saw the warning flash of lightning light up the room. Already anticipating the blow, a large crack of thunder boomed through the room, sending a shock up your spine. You cried out softly, hugging the blankets closer to yourself. It was always like this. Thunderstorms freaked you out, there was nothing you could do about that. Silently, you cried to yourself.
    You didn’t hear it when the door softly creaked open, quiet footsteps coming to the edge of the bed. Another moment of silence lingered in the room, save for the soft rain pelting against the window. Suddenly, there was a heavy dip in the bed next to you.
    Shrieking, you shot up from your spot and turned to see your boyfriend laying down on the bed. “Jungkook,” you said in a huff, relaxing as you realized you weren’t being attacked. His face was slightly laced with distress, his hair glistening with water droplets as he stared at you somewhat expectantly.
    You tried to catch your breath, it getting stuck in your throat a few times. “Y-you’re supposed to be at wor-”
   “I left.”
    You looked up into his eyes, searching them. Looking into his eyes, you forgot about the storm for a second. In turn, you forgot how badly you were still shaking. His gaze flickering down at your shaking hands, he gently took them in his grip and said, “I heard the storm. I didn’t want you to be alone, so I walked.” Your gaze fell down to stare at his soft knuckles. You had never told him how you got during thunderstorms. “But how…” you trailed off. Jungkook lightly squeezed your hands, “Y/N, I’m not that bad of a boyfriend.” Your eyes met once again and a faint glint of what looked like hurt flashed in his eyes.
    Thunder struck through the room again, making you flinch and close your eyes, a small whimper leaving your lips. A pair of arms slipped around you, embracing you in warmth. You stayed frozen for a moment, eyes shut in panic as he held you, his breath hitting your neck. His thumb rubbed soothing circles in the back of your shoulder and you immediately felt yourself calming. Relaxing your tense body, you let your head fall against his shoulder, softly nuzzling into your boyfriend’s neck. He smelled like home. And that’s exactly how you felt in his arms.
    “Come here,” he murmured quietly against your skin, pulling back slightly so the both of you could sit further back on the bed. He scooched backwards, leaning his back on the headboard. Spreading his arms wide, he motioned for you to climb into his arms, a small smirk playing on his lips. Of all the times for him to be smug, you thought to yourself. The corners of your mouth lifted at his ridiculousness. It was a successful mission in his mind, making you smile. A triumphant smile bloomed on his face as you climbed into his arms, resting your head on his chest. You looked up to see his face still pulled into a dumb grin, showing his bunny teeth that you loved. Gently, he wrapped his arms around your lying figure. There were a few low rumbles of thunder, and you felt his arms tighten protectively around you, ready for you to react. But you were lost in the sound of his heartbeat against your ear, and the warmness that he surrounded you with. Maybe in the back of your head you heard the thunder, but it meant less now. The two of you sat there, you listening to the steady beat of his heart in his chest. Jungkook looked out the window, watching the rain patter and stream down the glass.
    You closed your eyes, the feeling of exhaustion slowly coming over you. It was tiring, being scared for so long. However, your mind was still too alert to fall asleep, and you knew this.
    “I’m tired.” you said softly against Jungkook’s chest, while it rose and fell with his breaths. His hand came up to stroke your back, absentmindedly drawing patterns with his fingers. He hummed before replying in a soft voice, “What can I do, babe?”
    You smiled contentedly in your fatigue. “Sing to me,” you murmured. You didn’t think he heard you at first, after all you had said the words in a barely audible voice. But then his hand stopped on your back. You were about to let out a complaint when you felt his fingers softly stroke your hair, the soft notes of his voice floating through the air.
Everything is for you
Everything is alright
Even if there is no answer
Everything is inside your smile
Even if we are apart
Our hearts are connected to each other
Forever with you
    A sigh left your lips as your subconscious started to melt against the soft crooning coming from above you. The thunder had subsided now, as if it knew exactly what was happening, knowing exactly when to stop. Jungkook’s fingers gently ran through your hair as you loosened against him. He kept singing, every note resonating in you like a lullaby while you were lulled into sleep. You could still hear the very faint echo of rain in the background, but that didn’t matter anymore. On the very edge of conscious, you heard the singing subside for a moment, followed by a very soft voice whispering, “I love you, Y/N.”
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
I Want You
Characters: Taehyung x Jungkook
Genre: ;) you know what it is
Word Count: 532 it's just a snippet lol
the really short suggestive taekook snippet that nobody asked for
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    Jungkook had the sudden carnal urge to feel him, touch him. Everywhere. His breaths mixed with the older’s as they were only inches away from each other. The space between them felt both suffocating with need and thick with tension. Taehyung’s long fingers reached under the thin material of Jungkook’s white tee-shirt and wandered across the smooth milky skin of his back, leaving shivers of goosebumps in their wake. A sigh left Jungkook’s lips and the older’s eyes lifted to look deep into his. Slowly, Taehyung leaned forward until his mouth was on the shell of the younger’s ear, lips lightly brushing the delicate skin as he whispered, “What do you want, baby?” Jungkook closed his eyes, his lips parting once again when Taehyung probed him with a delicate tug on the younger’s many earrings. A cold thumb hooked under Jungkook’s chin and tilted his face up to be met with Taehyung’s smoldering gaze. Still remaining silent, Jungkook audibly swallowed. He lifted his hand to absentmindedly brush against Taehyung’s shirt, trying to signify exactly what he wanted. But Taehyung simply took hold of the boy’s wrist, pinning it down on the bed before leaning close, a smug smirk playing on his lips. “Use words.” Taehyung chastised, clicking his tongue.
    In a bold move, Jungkook sat up, his face meeting Taehyung’s. The younger boy leaned inward daringly to give a tug on the older’s bottom lip. Now it was Jungkook’s turn to smirk at his boyfriend, who stayed completely still, no doubt surprised at the sudden change of attitude. Jungkook quickly wrestled his wrist free from the momentarily weakened grip of Taehyung’s hand, running it up the tanned skin of the boy’s side. Jungkook rose above the older boy until their positions had completely switched. He loomed dominantly over Taehyung, his teeth digging into his bottom lip as he tried to suppress his sly smirk. Taehyung lay on the bed, his eyes widened and staring innocently up at Jungkook. It was an unexpected turn of the tables. Jungkook took both of the older’s wrists in his strong grip and held them against the bed on either side of the beautiful boy’s head. As his eyes roamed down the older boy’s body, he briefly wondered what he did to deserve the man in front of him. He contemplated this, leaning down to touch their noses. Their lips were centimeters away from each other now. Jungkook watched as Taehyung fluttered his eyes shut, body loosening in submission. But Jungkook had no intention of giving the boy what he expected. Instead, he pulled back slightly, away from Taehyung’s lips and to his neck. Galaxies of purple bruised onto the tanned skin of Taehyung’s neck. Taehyung whimpered quietly, trying desperately to hold back his reactions to Jungkook’s skilled mouth. He left persistent open-mouthed kisses against Taehyung’s sweet tasting skin, smiling against his neck when Taehyung started to slowly writhe underneath him. “What do I want?” Jungkook breathed the words out, lips still curved up in a smile. Their gazes met each other, a flash crossing Taehyung’s eyes at the repeating of his earlier words. Jungkook’s mouth came to Taehyung’s ear as he whispered quietly, “I want you.”
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
I'm Sorry
Characters: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Angst jungus forgive me i swear im not usually like this
Word Count: 1,472
Yoongi and you were next door neighbors in your run-down apartment building, and the wall between your bedrooms was a lot thinner than expected. Thin enough for him to hear you crying in your bed one day. But would his stubborn, shy and antisocial personality stop him from doing something about it?
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    Stupid people and their stupid expectations. You slammed the door to your small, rundown apartment, making sure to turn and lock the door with angered force. Your eyes welled up with the beginning of a flood of tears. You had worked your ass off to get into the school you were at, spent hours studying every night and yet your grades were below average. What’s worse is that there was absolutely no one you could confide in, seeing as you had moved miles away from your hometown to be here. The other students at school already had you labelled as a loser, and they never failed to show it either. You heaved a breath, at least somewhat relieved that the day had finished and you could go to your bed now. Sluggishly, you made your way through the small place to your bedroom, flopping face-first onto your bed. The room was too cold, like always. You thought you would be used to this by now, would be able to handle the solitude that came with moving to another town to attend the school. But the loneliness that came hand in hand with solitude ended up being much harder to deal with than you could have imagined.
    Rolling onto your back, you stretched your arms out beside you. The ceiling fan spun, a subtle breeze drifting through the room and you watched the blades of the fan turn around. Thinking back, you guessed you weren’t completely alone. Somehow you had managed to have a few conversations with your next door neighbor in the recent past. You were pretty sure that he went to the same school as you, although you had never seen him on campus before. The two of you had exchanged a few hellos once in awhile, and you could tell he wasn’t much of a people person. He was timid, usually listening to music so he could avoid unwanted interactions. But you knew that he was actually a nice guy. On the first day you met, he had shyly smiled at you and said his name was Min Yoongi. Ever since then, you had to admit you had a thing for him, always waiting outside the apartment building to watch him come out of the building and head to the bus stop each morning. Maybe it was creepy, but you were desperate for someone, anyone. You welcomed his presence with open arms. In the chance moments when you’d be caught with him alone in the elevator, you always had a reassuring feeling. Unfortunately, you were always too shy to say anything to him except for the occasional hello, and a few small conversations. The conversations gradually grew longer as time passed and you two even had a few inside jokes with each other now. Your fondness for him grew fast before you even realized it.
    But besides Yoongi, who you only saw very briefly every day, you were completely alone. The extent of your loneliness hit you at that moment, making you curl up on the bed, a heavy weight starting to grow in your chest. Loneliness- it was the worst feeling in the world. It gnawed at you until you felt empty, and all you wanted to do was disappear. The students at school were no help, their faces flashing in your mind. A girl with braids whispering to her friend while eyeing you from the corner of her eye. Seconds later, they both erupted in giggles as you walked away from them. Tears started to run down your cheeks as you brought your hands up to cover your face. It’s unfair, you thought. You pressed your face into the pillow on your bed, trying to muffle the sobs that started escaping from your chest. What do they all have that I don’t? You screamed inside your head. All you wished for was someone to be there with you in that moment. Someone to hold you and tell you it was okay. But there was no one. No one was there for you.
    Yoongi strode into his apartment, the low bass of his music booming into his ears from his headphones. Closing the door behind him, he laid his head back against the hard door and closed his eyes. He had missed you again. Knowing full well what kind of image it would give him if anyone found out, he usually waited for you to get home each day just so he could watch you walk into the apartment building. Sometimes he would follow you through the door a few steps behind, making it seem like a coincidence when he snuck through the elevator doors so he could ride up with you. Although most of the time he ended up regretting it, standing there awkwardly in the tense atmosphere that lined the air; the two of you in a confined space together for the short time it took to climb the levels of the building. He wasn’t a creep, he was just bad at coming out of his shell around people he didn’t know that well. Your shy demeanor endeared him, and even though he didn’t talk to you all that much, you were one of the few people that he didn’t mind being around.
    He opened his eyes, gazing at the floor as he made his way to his room. It had been a long day. Sighing, he grabbed the handle to his door and swiftly swung it open. His thoughts wandered to you. What were you doing at this exact moment? Not thinking about him, that was for sure. He knew it was silly, thinking that you would even have a fleeting thought about the boy next door. He shook his head, shaking away his thoughts. Maybe it was simply better to maintain his distance. Sighing, he walked over to the edge of his bed and sat down, moving to take off his headphones. Lowering his hands, they suddenly froze in midair. Muffled cries reverberated from the wall that his bed stood against. Lifting his head in the direction of the sound, his eyebrows knitted together as he listened. He knew the walls between your apartment and his own were thin, so was it you that he heard crying?
    The headphones dropped from his hands as he slowly rose from his position on the bed. As quietly as he could, he crept over to the wall, leaning his head against it as he heard your sobs continue. Each fleeting sound struck a chord in his chest, and he audibly swallowed, lifting his eyes to stare dumbly at the wall. What could he do? Go over there? He clenched his fists. Stupid. There was no way he was going over to knock on your door only to be yelled at to go away. Or worse yet, completely ignored. Lifting a hand, he gently placed it against the wall in the area he assumed you were closest to. His hand flattened against the cool plaster, clenching slightly every time another sob echoed through the wall. Soon most of his body had leaned up against the surface, yearning to help you. But he knew he couldn’t. You were so close, yet untouchable.
    Yoongi, is all you could think. You had heard his door open, you knew he was home now. Still, your crying continued, unable to be stopped. All of the feelings that had built themselves up within you in the past few weeks were finally all spilling out at once, and it was unbearable. You hugged your pillow, your crying still sounding through your cold, empty room. Maybe another reason why your crying was so prolonged was because a part of you, a very small, ridiculous part of you hoped that Yoongi would hear you. Hoped that he would come and pound on your door, begging you to open up so he could figure out what’s wrong. And the idea of how ridiculous that sounded and how unrealistic it was only weighed into you more. It only caused the sobs to leave your body harder, making you crush the pillow against your face.
    Yoongi’s heart felt like it was going to burst into flames. The crying from your room just wouldn’t stop. Three times he was about to say fuck it, and get up to knock on your door. But the thought scared him. He was scared of what you would do, certain that you would resent him for getting involved, for caring. His hand balled into a fist against the wall, scrunching his eyes shut so hard that they hurt. Jesus, what was he supposed to do? A silent, stray tear made its way down his cheek as he took a deep breath and leaned his forehead against the wall. He exhaled with a single breath as he whispered, “I’m sorry.”
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
Characters: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluffy ending
When you catch your boyfriend Minsoo cheating on you one night, you find yourself in front of Jimin's apartment door. But what you don't know is Jimin has long awaited the day you and your boyfriend went your separate ways.
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    Tears blurred your vision as the image of your now ex-boyfriend and some tramp together at a bar haunted your mind. He had said he was out with his friends. You had gone for a quick trip to the store after he left, seeing as you were out of milk. Since your apartment was right in downtown, the store was within walking distance, so you headed out into the dark city streets. On your way back home, a bar on the side of the street had music echoing through from the glossy windows, the yells of intoxicated men and women flying through the air. You made your way past it hurriedly, but not before sparing a glance through the window to the inside.
    The carton of milk fell to the sidewalk at the sight before your eyes. There stood your boyfriend, standing by the edge of the crappy, worn down pool table, with a leggy, model-tan girl who couldn’t have been much older than you wrapped around his figure. She had an arm around his side, her gaze pointed straight at his face. You watched the scene unfold before you, frozen, hoping he would push her away, or at least show some sort of resistance. But that was not the case. A conniving smirk played on her lips as she seductively scooted herself onto the edge of the pool table, the other players letting out a complaint. But your boyfriend didn’t say anything, nor do anything in protest. He simply smirked back at her, his gaze wandering a little too far south than her face. Your feet stood still where they were on the sidewalk. It felt like all the blood in your body had drained out, your limbs no longer able to move. Not two hours ago the very same man had given you a kiss on the cheek, looking at you lovingly before leaving. You wanted to puke. The milk you had dropped on the sidewalk started to leak onto the cement, a puncture in its side. You stared at it for a moment before tears started rapidly building in your eyes. You turned away from the wretched window and away from that man you used to call your boyfriend and sprinted as hard as your legs were willing to.
    Now here you were, standing against the side of a brick building in an alleyway, tall buildings reaching up to the sky on either side of you. Your hands came up to cover your face as you finally let your feelings consume you, sobbing as you started to slide to the filthy ground. You couldn’t go back to your apartment. You didn’t know when your boyfriend would come back, and even if it wasn’t for a while, you weren’t ready to face him. So you let yourself cry in peace and privacy, thankful that you were in an area where not many people travelled through at this time of night. Eventually, the distant sounds of city life started to soothe your broken emotions. Car horns, the fading noises of dogs barking and the echoes of passing cars blasting music. You let yourself sit there for a few minutes, everything starting to numb over. You knew you couldn’t stay there all night. You had to find somewhere to go other than your apartment where you would be destined to see your boyfriends face again come a few hours. And all the money you had on you when you left, you had used to spend on your abandoned milk. Staying at a hotel was out the window.
    The only other option was to stay at someone else’s place for the time being. Someone you could trust. As quickly as you thought the words, an idea came to you. Standing up shakily from the dirty alleyway, you started walking down the sidewalk.
    The glowing light from the various bright lights on the side of the apartment building shined in your eyes, causing you to squint as you made your way to the entrance. The street you were on was silent, the gentle scuffs of your sneakers on the pavement the most prominent sound. Walking slowly underneath the light, you glanced to the wall on the left, various names with room numbers next to them lining a part on the wall. You already knew where you were going. Your hand twisted the cold metal doorknob to the building, allowing you to enter. Hastily, you made your way through the lobby and up the old, scuffed wooden staircase. Floor 3, room 13. You repeated the words in your head like a mantra as you continued travelling the familiar path.
    A large set of brown numbers reading 13 stood before your face now. Hand outstretched, you moved to knock on the door. But your hand froze just inches away from the wood. You were a mess, and looked it too. Baggy sweatpants hung around your waist, an old sweatshirt thrown on your shoulders. Your hair was unkempt and wild, and you realized your face was probably red, splotchy and tear-stained from the crying you had done earlier. What in the hell will he make of this? You thought to yourself.
    Suddenly, the entirety of the night crashed through you. The feeling of complete betrayal and despair ripping through your heart. Tears started building in your eyes once again as your breath shook, your hand flattening against the door in attempt for stability as you tried desperately to contain your sobs. What had I done to deserve this? You thought in the midst of your misery. Tears ran down your face and dripped down to the floor.
    Abruptly, the door shot open in front of you, causing you to jump back in order to avoid falling on your face from leaning on it. Through your blurry vision, you looked up to see the shocked expression of the only face you were willing to see at all right now.
“Y/N?” he exclaimed in shock as he pulled the door open further, clearly not expecting to see someone outside it. You lowered your head and stared at the ground. The palm of your hand shot up to wipe away your tears defensively. “Jimin…” was all you could croak out as your foot took a step back, reevaluating the situation. Maybe this was a mistake, you thought in your sudden panic at someone seeing this much vulnerability in you.
    “I-I’m sorry, I…” your broken voice mumbled hesitantly, taking another step back. But as you took a step back, he took a step forward. You looked up to see a concerned expression etched into his face. “Y/N, what’s going on? Are you okay?” he said softly. A part of you wanted to laugh, but instead you just sighed, your breath still shaky. “I should just go.” you said finally, turning back towards the stairs. But before you took a step, you felt a hand place gently on your shoulder. “Y/N,” he said, firmer than before. “Come inside. Please.”
    An ounce of the comfort you were longing for spread welcomingly through you. You turned your head to look into Jimin’s eyes, which looked straight back into yours. His eyebrows were pulled together slightly, his eyes the warm comforting chocolate brown that you had always been familiar with. Moving your gaze back at the ground, you nodded meekly. After all, there really was nowhere else you could go. You saw him visibly relax a little before stepping aside from the doorway so you could walk in.
    Jimin’s apartment was the definition of homelike. Not in a grandmother kind of way, but everywhere that you went inside let off a vibe that shouted, safe. It was the feeling one got when they arrived back home after taking a long vacation or something of the sort. You slowly made your way in, looking around everywhere your eyes could reach to take it all in. You gladly welcomed the feelings that accompanied Jimin’s apartment. He entered behind you and carefully sat down on one side of his couch in the middle of the living room, his body turned to face the other end. You shakily lowered yourself on the other end of the couch too, facing him, just like the two of you had done countless times before. Only it was different this time. You curled your legs up underneath you. Maybe if you could make yourself small enough you could disappear altogether. Jimin’s eyes were trained on you, and you could tell he was trying to figure out what to do. You sniffled, staring at your hands. Finally, Jimin spoke up.
“Do you want some water, or anything?” he said softly. You just shook your head, knowing he wasn’t going to squeeze information out of you without you talking to him first. In a weak voice, you simply stated, “Minsoo cheated on me.”
    There was a pause of deafening silence. You looked up to see Jimin tensed, staring at a fixed point on his carpeting. Like a recurring wave, your misery came impeding on you again, having said the words aloud. The tears pooled in your eyes again, already spilling onto your sleeves and the couch below. A sob lingered dangerously in your chest, held at bay by the fact that you didn’t want to lose this much control in front of Jimin, but your resistance was futile. You started crying, your body lurching forward, wrapping your arms tightly around your knees. Through the corner of your eye, you saw Jimin snap his head up from the ground, hurt flooding into his eyes as you cried.
    “Am I not good enough?” you said in a strained voice. You felt a sudden dip in the couch as Jimin crawled over to you, his arms gently wrapping around your curled up figure as you completely winded out of control, crying into his chest. His arms held you tighter each time a sob wracked through your body. This lasted for what seemed like forever, and you felt the deep ache of emotional pain starting to slowly chip away as you cried yourself out. Even after you started to calm down Jimin’s arms stayed wrapped firmly around you.
    In a tired voice, you croaked out, “I’m sorry I’m such a mes-”
“You’re not.” Jimin shot out before you could finish, his voice low and comforting. “Don’t apologize.” he added softly.
    The two of you sat together in comfortable silence like that for a while, your body calming down after the violent episode. “...You’re perfect,” Jimin whispered so quietly that it was almost inaudible to you. You turned your head slightly to look at him. As your gaze met his, he looked down, and if it weren’t for the apparent darkness of the room you could have sworn he was blushing. Shifting out of his current position, he carefully unwrapped his arms from around you and sat next to you on the couch. You stretched out your legs, grateful for the relief. Though he wasn’t as close to you as before, he was still within an inches reach. You both turned toward each other.
    “I’m sorry…” he said quietly, though you weren’t sure what he was sorry for. Then, he quickly added, “I’m sorry that bastard…cheated on you.” He tensed on the word cheated. You continued looking at him, not sure what to say next.
    “But,” he began again. “I hope…”
You looked at him in question, waiting for him to continue. Then Jimin lifted his gaze straight into your eyes. In a quietly firm voice, he said, “I hope you can get over him.”
    You blinked at him, feeling hot blush start to creep into your face, and suddenly you were extremely grateful for the lack of light in the room. Why am I blushing? You screamed at yourself. You looked to the ground from his face, and back again, hoping Jimin couldn’t sense your sudden skittish behavior. But what you began to realize was his gaze had slowly travelled downwards from your eyes, resting on your mouth. You sat frozen as he slowly looked back up at you with a new look in his eyes. Instead of the warm comforting brown they used to be, they were now shadowed and burning, as if they were piercing into yours. All you could do was sit looking at him like a statue as he shifted, now fully facing you. Slowly but confidently, he started leaning in to your face, his eyes boring into yours, waiting for you to protest. But you did nothing besides stare back at him, your body unwilling to move. He kept leaning in, as if in slow motion until his lips were close enough to yours that any slight move on your part would cause impact. Your eyes were still locked on his face. He paused for a moment, hesitating before connecting his lips with yours, his eyes closing. Your eyes widened a bit as you realized what was happening at this exact moment. The kiss was urgent, as if he expected you to fade away in any moment. Within seconds, you felt yourself melt into the kiss, your eyes easing closed as you realized how much you’ve wanted this. You’ve wanted it ever since the first time you two met. All of the times you two would hang out together, go out to eat with each other, did you both really think you would always be just friends? Why else would you come to him in your time of need? It all fit together now, as if the last piece in a giant jigsaw puzzle had just been placed.
    As he felt you begin to kiss him back, his confidence grew. His hand came up to gently caress your face as his lips moved languidly against yours. Your arms slowly reached up around his neck, deepening the kiss. This lasted for minutes, hours for all you cared. But it all felt so right. And you couldn’t help but think why you didn’t see that before.
    Eventually, Jimin pulled away from you, his gaze smoldering as he looked at you. You returned his gaze before leaning in and placing your forehead against his. A smile slowly spread its way onto your face. Jimin’s mouth grew into an affectionate smile, his eyes squinting together as both of your feelings for each other began to grow. All of the pain from earlier that day had melted away. Everything that had happened earlier meant close to nothing to you now. All you knew in that moment was that he was yours, and you were his.
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btsbrainfood · 7 years
Member: J-Hope (Hobi)
Genre: Fluff
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You opened your sensitive eyes to light streaming through the windows. Still in bed, you were vaguely aware of your surroundings. Under the covers was bordering on unbearably hot warmth, and you suddenly became aware of the body next to you, limbs intertwined with yours. Still half asleep, you grumbled quietly, upset for being woken up. Heat radiated from him, his arms wrapped around you from behind and his breaths hitting the back of your neck. But you were still too tired to give in to the morning, so you let yourself slowly drift back to sleep.
“Wake up, Y/N.” You blinked your eyes open to see a face inches away from yours. Slowly, a dazed look still in his eyes, he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on the tip of your nose. “It’s morning, beautiful,” he whispered, a small smile growing on his face.
“Hobi…” was all you could murmur in your current state. “Were you watching me?” you asked softly. His soft smile grows wider, looking into your eyes.
“Yes.” he says almost inaudibly, the confidence evident in his voice. You shakily laughed, becoming more aware of your surroundings. After a pause, he added with a giggle, “I couldn’t help it. You’re so pretty when you’re sleeping.” A giggle escaped from you as well as you looked up, seeing his hair was a disheveled mess from sleeping, his expression still sleepy. You took a moment to ask yourself how a person could be so simply beautiful. Under your gaze, Hobi lifted up his hand from the bed and gently caressed the side of your face. The both of you lay there for a few minutes, soaking in each other’s company and revelling in the blissful atmosphere. Soon enough, you figured it was time to get up from the bed. Pulling away, you sat up and started to stretch a bit, aware of Hobi’s eyes watching you the whole time from a few feet away. Then something snapped in your head. Frantically, you looked at the clock on the bedside table. 9:30. Shrieking, you hopped off the bed, suddenly more awake than before. You were about to be late for work if you didn’t hurry. You went off to get dressed, walking around the bed. But before you could get far a hand shot out and grabbed your wrist, stopping you.
You turned around to see Hobi looking up at you from the bed, a sort of wideness in his eyes, although they remained as bright as the sun itself. Then a smile broke out on his face, his eyes squinting together. He knew you loved it when he smiled. A small grin spread onto your own face too, each of you standing there looking at each other. After a beat, Hobi broke the silence, his voice travelling lightly through the air.
“I love you,” he said, maintaining eye contact. You took a breath in as the familiar butterflies exploded in your chest. Your smile growing wider, your hand slid under his arm to capture his hand, which you squeezed tight.
“I love you too,” you replied softly. Letting his hand go, you waited a beat before backing up a step and turning around to head to your closet to get dressed. Behind you, Hobi sat on the edge of the bed, his gaze following you hopelessly, wondering what he ever did to deserve someone like you as you made your way around the corner.
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