caitielou-askew · 2 years
i don’t know if i can post your submission but i’d like to say that i love frumpkin very much :)
Thank you! I love her too :3 She's grown into a lovely kitty.
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caitielou-askew · 2 years
Yo! Um, I dunno if it's just me, but on Google Chrome (desktop), being on your main tumblr page, after I scroll down, the page just ends as if you only made a few posts ever. I don't see any navigation links or buttons to go to the Next page, nor does it Endless Scroll either. o.o Did your chosen theme become faulty? Or could it just be my computer being weird? Is this happening to anyone else? Or you if you check? Thanks.
Hmm thanks for letting me know. I'll look into that. Does anyone else have this problem?
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caitielou-askew · 2 years
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Boy has it been a while lol. Good news: I’M ALIVE! Doing fine. Been navigating this crazy world as best I can. I hope you all have been too.
And better news: I’ve set a challenge for myself to get at least 1 voice-acting related thing done every day. I’ve done pretty good on that so far getting some behind the scenes things done.
I’ve been sent a couple of fic recommendations, and I’ve decided the way to work out of this slump of mine is to read some snippets of smaller fics. And I wanted to see what YOU all want to hear!
It can be Undertale, non-Undertale, whatever you want. But please make it SHORT, like around 1000-3000 words. It could also be a partial fic or even just a scene you want read.
I make no promises on release date, but I’ll try to get to as many as I can. Haven’t decided if I’ll release as a big chunk or smaller ones. Probably smaller, just to get something out there.
So BRING ‘EM ON! You can reply or send as an ask or message :3
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caitielou-askew · 3 years
Happy day late Halloween! Halloween 2 one might say
Happy late Halloween! Now we move into the holiday Danger Zone™. Where some people want to kick off Christmas, some people want to stubbornly stick it out until Thanksgiving, but the stores started stocking Christmas stuff 2 months ago so it doesn't matter either way!
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caitielou-askew · 3 years
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Oho, what dis  👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀
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caitielou-askew · 4 years
Happy Belated Thanksgiving !!
Aaaah thank you kind anon! ;w; And same to you!
I’m still working on getting my shit together over here. It sure has been A Year™ huh. But after literal months of searching and delays I’m finally moving out this weekend, so that will at least be one layer of craziness off my shoulders.
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caitielou-askew · 4 years
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It ends at midnight GMT. I hope you’ll find something you like! <3
Thank you for reblogging! :’D
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caitielou-askew · 4 years
If you’re still thinking of voting third party or protest voting because you don’t like the choices of “not an ideal candidate” and “the guy who is asking neo-nazis to get ready to mobilize” I’m going to have to ask you to absolutely and completely go fuck yourself.
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caitielou-askew · 4 years
I kind of interpret the dialog as we are Frisk, and the characters are talking at us as Frisk. Divorced from any specific time in the game/post-game as you said, but still to us.
But yeah, it definitely speaks to how well characterized everyone is that they can have so much great dialog without that very key aspect of the context being clear, lol.
Something I noticed with the alarm clock dialogue is that no one seems to acknowledge Frisk in anyway? Maybe they are all talking to Frisk but I'm not so sure. If Frisk was there (and why wouldn't they have been, it's a "main cast/ found family party") at the party they wouldn't have needed to tell them about it. *If Frisk is still around it might be a post "I have places to go." What do you think?
i think the nice thing is that it can be interpreted in a couple different ways. there’s this problem that video game devs run into when they make a game with multiple endings--as soon as there’s a sequel, or post-canon content, they have to essentially acknowledge that one of those endings was the “real” one. toby has so far pretty successfully managed to avoid that. the alarm clock dialogue could be interpreted as, like, frisk is away somewhere maybe doing ambassador stuff, or maybe in an “i have places to go” ending, and so the characters are telling them all the highlights. or maybe frisk was there at the party, and the characters are just telling them stuff they weren’t specifically there for (considering all the drinking and tomfoolery lmfao). or maybe the characters are talking to us, the players. or maybe frisk indeed just...doesn’t exist anymore, although i don’t really want to believe that personally. it really highlights how good toby is at ambiguity that you can interpret the dialogue however you want!
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caitielou-askew · 4 years
Caitie I'm worried. Now all these comic artists are going to be asking to compensation for using their comic in comic dubbing. Do you thing this will be the end of comic/animation dubbing ?
Short answer: No.
Long answer: No, but I think this will change the conversation about dubs/crediting. I think there are plenty of artists out there who want to see/encourage voice acting being added to their art. And I believe plenty of them understand the literal nickels and dimes that ad revenue generates for pretty much everyone but the biggest channels pulling hundreds of thousands of views per video.
If this does lead to more clarity on how artists are credited for dubs, I think that’s great. The main things I’m worried about are:
1. Mobs descending on dubbers making unfair accusations and demands.
2. Artists cannibalizing each other over whether or not they’ve allowed something to be dubbed, and under what circumstances.
I think any artist should definitely be approached and asked how they feel about monetization, and have their wishes respected by the dubber. But I also think artists need to understand that dubbers are still members of the fandom, and not sleezy content farms out to make millions off of someone else’s work.
There will always be a bit of moral ambiguity when it comes to making money off of something someone else created. But assuming bad intentions right out the gate is not a productive way to discuss this.
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caitielou-askew · 4 years
Oh boy, here I am woken from the dead to throw my hat into this ring.
I think if any comic artist sees their work in a comic dub and they weren’t asked for permission, then sure call that person out. If an artist wants compensation for the use of their work, they should definitely ask for that.
My feelings on the subject are...mixed. Making money off someone else’s work is and has always been a tricky place, both morally and legally. Everyone from comic dubbers, to people who sell IP based merch on Etsy, to people who have patreons where they create work based on pre-existing IPs exist in a huge gray area. Just as dubbers can make money from their monetized videos, artists can make money from making Undertale merch.
If Toby Fox treated his IP like Disney, there wouldn’t be UT or even UT-derivative merch on Etsy or at conventions. Those artists would be slapped with cease and desist orders and shut down. But he doesn’t do that, so artists are free to make and sell money to fit the fandom’s demands, even though lots of quality official UT merch already exists.
I’m not about to say Toby Fox and an artist trying to make it on Etsy are the same thing. The impact unofficial merch has on Toby Fox’s revenue and ability to keep doing what he does is not on the same scale as the impact stolen work can have on an individual artist.
I think it’s up to every artist to weigh the pros and cons of collaborations, and what limits/terms they want to set, if any. Do you want an amount upfront, or are you fine with them linking your Etsy store? That’s up to you. Most dubbers I know are not money-grubbing content farms. They’re amateur voice actors expressing themselves and honing their skills, and genuinely want to make sure the original artists are visible and recognized in what they do. I know there’s at least one artist I found through watching comic dubs, who I’ve gone on to buy merch and commission works from.
As far as monetization, yes Youtube does make it easier (in a sense) to “make money” off of works than having physical works printed/manufactured and sold to customers online. But the amount is not great, and the way the money is disseminated isn’t really conducive to a “percentage cut” sort of setup. Youtube Adsense will basically gather the money on your account over time, and once it hits a certain amount it will dump the total into your bank account. The minimum is $100, and until you reach that threshold you will get no money.
I have been very inactive recently, so I haven’t gotten anything from Adsense in well over a year. I recently renewed my Soundcloud Pro Unlimited account completely out of pocket just to make sure all of my audiobook chapters stayed up for people to listen to. And even at my most active, I got maybe 2 or 3 ad revenue dumps over the course of a year.
Now, is that more money than the artists and writers got? Yes. And while I have only lost money on my Youtube venture, between Soundcloud, what I pay for my editing software, and what I’ve paid for equipment like mics and sound baffles, I’m not about to say that’s an excuse for getting free money off of someone else. But I explained my channel, that it’s monetized, and how I would be crediting them, and they agreed to it.
What I don’t want to see come from this is the Tumblr Mob Brigade going on youtube to harass people en masse. Don’t assume you speak for every artist, and don’t assume you know anything about the arrangement between the artist and dubber unless you were directly involved or know them personally. And don’t browbeat other artists for not agreeing with you on this subject in either direction.
If someone is being skeezy, call them out. If you want monetary compensation, then ask for it. But don’t go painting either artists or dubbers with a wide brush. We are members of the same fandom and community, all working from the shoulders of works and characters we didn’t originally create.
I agree this is a conversation that should be had, but the way dubbers are being painted as shitty content farms making money hand over is irksome and incorrect. Hell some dubbers aren’t even out of high school. If someone asks for permission incorrectly or insufficiently, don’t automatically assume they’re trying to screw you. Ask the questions you need, and if they don’t answer or you can’t come to an agreement just don’t give permission. And if someone uses your work without permission, report them. It’s that simple.
Hey UT Comic Artists
I want to open a dialog. Lot’s of our art is getting dubs on youtube, but I’ve noticed channels growing and getting quite a lot of views recently, which easily translates into monetization, specifically as the video’s are often watched by young children.
How does this make you feel? Do you think a shout out or credit (Exposure) is an appropriate trade for your work? I’m wondering how the community feels as I’ve never heard of an artist getting payed, but I’m sure the channel is. Do you think it’s okay for dubbers to profit off comic artists while they get only exposure in return?
Ps: when asking to dub, many comic dubbers leave out that they are making money from the channel. How does that make you feel as a part of this community?
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caitielou-askew · 4 years
Okay, let’s try this again, lol. So apparently tumblr mobile is still trash and didn’t let me see your entire ask.
For my videos where another voice actor has participated, I have not put forward a commission for the project, no. Most recently I have asked for volunteers from castingcall.club.
Hey Catielou, how are you ? Listen I have two questions for you. First when you do you audio readings and you have other voice actors read with you , do you ask them and they join in or do you offer a commission ? I ask you the second question after you answer this one .
Hi! I'm good, working on some personal personal recently :-) What are your questions? I'm doing to know, haha.
Edit: Personal PROJECTS. Thank you autocorrect :'D
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caitielou-askew · 4 years
Hey Catielou, how are you ? Listen I have two questions for you. First when you do you audio readings and you have other voice actors read with you , do you ask them and they join in or do you offer a commission ? I ask you the second question after you answer this one .
Hi! I'm good, working on some personal personal recently :-) What are your questions? I'm doing to know, haha.
Edit: Personal PROJECTS. Thank you autocorrect :'D
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caitielou-askew · 4 years
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I’m raising money for NHS Charity Together to help with COVID-19 relief. In exchange for a £10 minimum donation, I will sketch something for you!I’ll be live today from 5pm-10pm UK time. Hope to see you there!
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caitielou-askew · 4 years
Hey Caitie just seeing how you are doing ? I hope you are well and are keeping safe in these trying times.
Hello! Doing fine, thank you! A lot has changed quickly, I'm not working from home and trying to keep my parents home as much as possible lol. And trying to keep my mental health up of course, reached out to some friends on Discord to stay social lol. I hope you are doing well also ❤️ I'm about to watch a movie with my parents, but if you want to chat or vent or anything my box is open ❤️❤️❤️
Oh and I've been playing animal crossing of course lol. Made a shirt to celebrate!
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caitielou-askew · 4 years
Quarantined Art Stream this week! I will be joined by a handful of my close friends from around the world (Europe and North America) and we will co-host shenanigans together! We may not all be available for the full sessions, but will pop in and out as time permits. 
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The intention of the streams this week is for fun. Things right now are quite crazy and many of us have been instructed to stay in our homes. Myself in fact, just on Monday (the 16th). We’re going to chat (and be loud!!), art, give away art and have daily mindfulness sessions. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health. **
Tuesday’s stream 12pm - 3pm EST
Wednesday Stream 11am - 3pm EST
Thursday Stream 11am - 3pm EST
Friday Stream 11am - 3pm EST
Times are permitted to change at any point, but I will do my best to give as much notice as possible. If there is an emergency, the stream may end abruptly. 
Read below about raffle prizes and further details regarding times and such:
Keep reading
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caitielou-askew · 4 years
it says it's true though
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