calcifugous ¡ 2 months
The importance of knowing why you do what you do in witchcraft
At first we tend to see a spell like a recipe you have to follow to achieve something, however when we have seen multiple spells for one purpose we can make our own version of them taking into account the common elements that those spells have.
We can even achieve a higher efficacy and creativity knowing what means each aspect of our spells or rituals, creating specific ones that will fit ourselves and our needs better. It is important not to forget that witchcraft isn't a science but an art in which there are multiple ways to get the same result.
From the perspective of my own practice every plant or stone we use is more than a tool, it is in some way a being, a spirit that can assist our craft with its essence. That's in what correspondences are based, in the nature of the spirit that embodies that element.
Correspondences also have the power, even in some way a part of the spirit, of all the ancestors that have been using those elements with the same meaning. We can believe from our modern perspective that those associations were just a coincidence, nevertheless, everything suggests that they really understood the powers behind the items in our craft, for example in the case of the plants where their spiritual meaning correlates in some way with their fisical properties.
To conclude, we shouldn't try to turn into a mere recipe something that works with different powers and spirits, because, if these forces have taught me something over time, it is that witchcraft is, more than anything, learning another way to see.
Disclaimer: this point of view is highly influenced by an animistic perspective, remember that this is far from being the only valid approach to witchcraft. Besides, correspondences aren't universal and this doesn't invalidate the different ones that may exist.
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calcifugous ¡ 2 months
Spring Equinox Masterpost- Spoonie Witch Friendly
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Art Credit: Anastasia Catris
The Spring Equinox, also called the Vernal Equinox or Ostara, is usually celebrated between the 21st of March in the Northern Hemisphere (In the Southern Hemisphere around September 20th or 21st)
In 2024, Ostara and the Spring Equinox land in the Northern Hemisphere on Monday, March 19th.
The Spring Equinox celebrates the arrival of spring. Celebrating balance, growth, and new beginnings as Winter has finally ended.
Spring Equinox Correspondances
Light Green
Sunny Yellow
Light Blue
Pastel Pink
Apple Tree
Cherry Blossom
Birch tree
Ash tree
Salad greens
Spring veggies
Fresh berries
Edible flowers
Baby Chicks
Clear Quartz
Flowering or Tree Buds
Spiritual meanings
Cleansing (removal of stagnant energy)
Good fortune
Floral scents (rose, lilac, jasmine, etc)
Herbal scents (rosemary, basil, mint, etc)
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Eostre –  (Anglo-Saxon)
Aphrodite - (Greek)
Gaia - (Celtic)
Gaea - (Greek)
Venus - (Roman)
Athena - (Greek)
Aurora - (Roman)
Eos - (Greek)
Isis – (Egyptian)
Freya - (Norse) 
Persephone - (greek)
Cybele - (Roman)
The Green Man - (Celtic)
Odin – (Norse) 
Osiris – (Egyptian)
Pan – (Greek)
Thoth – (Egyptian)
Adonis – (Greek)
Apollon –  (Greek)
Apollo - (Roman)
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I've got you covered.
High energy celebrations and ritual
Deep cleaning of the hearth and home
Nature hikes
Visiting farmers markets
Making preserves
Create a fae garden
Create a seasonal altar
Abundance/Prosperity ritual
New beginnings ritual
Low energy celebrations 
Wear pastels
Create flower crowns
Light a candle with scent correspondence
No spoon celebrations 
Opening a window
Journaling Prompts
Keeping hydrated
Drink floral tea
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
Also please note some stuff is UPG. A great book is Year of the Witch by Temperance Alden for honouring the celebrations and if you wanted to work more seasonally. It's not Wiccan-based and has plenty of resources for every witch.
Feel free to post how you celebrate in the comments or reblogs!
Want to see more of my posts? Check out my Wheel of the Year Masterpost or my Main Masterpost.
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calcifugous ¡ 2 months
Things what I have learnt as a baby witch
As a baby witch who has recently became more spiritually connected and grown as a pagan, i want to give out advice what I have learnt over the 2 years of doing witchcraft.
1) Don’t jump straight into the deep end
Never jump into the deep end by doing spell’s straight away, witchcraft isn’t some aesthetic cutesy thing, it can be serious, jumping into spells without having no idea what you are doing can be extremely dangerous.
Ideally, you want to ease yourself into it, by doing research, yes the word research can be daunting but it will help you in the long run. Research on what witchcraft is, get an overall understanding what its about, find out the pagans holidays, pagans new year, and so much more!
If you have no idea where to start I highly recommend buying this book - ‘Wicca For Beginners’ by Frank Bawdoe
The book explains the introduction of the basic Wiccan religion including Wiccan beliefs, a brief history of Wiccan Religion, and their traditions. How to practice Wiccan Religion, the benefits of witchcraft and so much more.
2) Never buy your own tarot deck
this is very important so please take note and to remember! Never! buy your own tarot card decks, in witchcraft, it is extremely bad luck for you to buy your own tarot decks. So always either get a family member or a friend to buy it for you.
3) Connect with your spirit guide and your tarot decks!
Importantly, I personally believe its very useful and helpful to connect with your spirit guide, the more you connect with them, the more you’ll know a lot about them and who they are in general.
You can do this through connecting with your tarot decks first and getting a special bond with them, you do this by
- Keeping the tarot decks on your desk when your studying, or reading a book
- Shuffling through the decks every day, you don’t even need to do a reading or to use them, just shuffle them. This way you’re putting your energy into the cards.
- Place the tarot decks under your bed when sleeping.
- Ask your spirit guide questions, like what are the tarot cards intentions, am i being protected. Things like that.
- Doing Tarot readings
Doing these things will help you bond with your decks and your spirits guides.
4) Never touch someone else’s Tarot decks
I’m highlighting this in red because this is a massive 101 rule in witchcraft is to never touch someone else’s deck unless they have gave you consent and permission. By breaking this rule, you are also disrespecting and breaking the person who owns the deck boundaries. Everyone’s tarot deck is very personal for them, its their personal business and item, they are spiritually connected and bounded with that deck. If you touch it, not only are you putting yourself through harm. But you’re also pissing off the person’s spirit guide and disrespecting them too. So don’t do it.
5) Things don’t have to be expensive!
When people think of witchcraft and hearing about crystals, herbs and books, they think “oh god this is going to be a lot of money” but in reality you don’t have to go out your way to buy really expensive things! I’m from the UK so i buy most of my books from a store called WHSmiths or Work entertainment. Work entertainment is best for spell jars which only cost £1 or a simple crystal shop which sells those £1.50 crystals!
6) Learn how to do protection spells before doing anything!
If you feel like you are ready to do spells but don’t know where to start or what to do, practice doing protection spells, protection spells is pretty self explanatory but it will protect you from any negative energy or spirit
7) What to do if you got a negative spirit/energy
You’ll know when you have a negative energy or spirit around you as your mood and your health will change, if you feel like your mental health has been a bit down for a while and you’re constantly feeling drained and tired. That means something is draining your energy.
So what do you do?
Do an egg cleanse spell! This will help you detect if someone has set a curse, negative spell or if theres negative energy around you.
By doing so, grab a glass cup and fill it up half way with water, adding salt to it is optional but i recommend doing it as salt is really good at protection. Grab an egg, place the egg on your head, with your hand you would want to move the egg counter clock wise around your body, start from the head, and move the egg down to your arms and legs, back round to the other side of your body. Do not let the egg leave the body.
After you’re done crack the egg into the cup and wait 5 minutes, if its all clear then you’re okay! but if the egg whites starts forming like spider cobwebs with bubbles between it, it means someone has set negative energy around you or a curse. If you see a triangle base shape in the cobwebs and a bubble on top. It means you have been hex with the evil eye. If theres also red or brown spots in the yolk it also means a banishing spell or a curse spell.
So you do a return sender, if you got any spices, add a f*ck ton of it in the cup, the more spices the better as that will f*ck whoever sent you the hex up. Grab the cup and pour everything down the toilet, look away while you flush the toilet. Once its flushed look at the bubbles, less the bubbles less of the negative energy. Sometimes you have to do this more than once.
8) Your spirit guides will show you the answers in different ways
One thing I’ve learnt is your spirit guide will show you the answers in different ways, if you want to know if you are protected, there will be signs, for example I personally believe if a a white feather falls in front of you or by you or if you even see a white feather it means you’re being protected by a angel/your spirit guide. So if you see a white feather it means you are protected by them, or if you see your spirit animal or if you know a dead relatives spirit animal and it starts to show up.
Sometimes the signs will be right in front of your face, example for me is: My spirit guide warned me about people being back stabbers and to watch out. After seeing that in a reading, i had my mother who im very spiritually connected with, call me up saying she had a dream about me being stabbed and she feels like it represented me being back stabbed and warned me who i hang out with.
Then my closest friend used my tarot deck which broke my boundaries, pissed off my spirit guide so she started to get headaches, neck pains, back pains and it got to the point she had to leave. When she tried approaching me the day after that, a white feather fell right by me, seconds later, she started to feel unwell and went back inside. I suddenly felt the sense of relief and happiness, and when i said to my self everything is okay, another white feather fell and it landed on my leg. That made me personally feel that it was my spirit guide confirming me and saying yes everything will be okay.
That’s all the advice i can think of at the moment but hopefully this has helps a lot of you small baby witches! just remember, if you ever feel burnt out or you start to do witchcraft but dont have the passion or get into it but still want to, thats okay! it takes time!
9) Know what you are doing when doing spells!! And do it when you are ready!
Another thing, i know i said previously doing research is key! but please know what you are doing when doing spells especially jar spells! Don’t do what I did, I thought I was ready to do spells, I tried doing a protection spell and I ended up summoning a trickster spirit who is still attached to me and can be a little pissbaby sometimes by moving my things around. But overall he also does protect me when need be so he can be good when he wants to be.
Also if you’d like to know what books I have, i have these! (the pictures below) these have helped me over the past 2 years with my journey so I highly recommend checking them out!
Good luck and i wish you all positive energy!
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calcifugous ¡ 4 years
What Makes a Reading Good?
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Alternate title: How Can I Be Confident My Readings Don’t Suck?
This is mostly written with tarot in mind, but I think the sentiment can apply to any type of in-depth divination or metaphysical readings. Here’s some things to look for in readings, and if you are charging a set price for your own readings, things to demand from yourself. 
The information provided in a reading should be…
Relevant to the querents’ needs. If somebody comes to you asking about a specific question or topic, the reading should be designed to reflect that. This may mean using a different spread or focusing on details of meaning more relevant to the question than the traditional baseline meaning. (Example, if a querent is asking about money and I’m picking up signs of a new romantic relationship coming soon, it shouldn’t turn into a love reading. Rather, how might entering a new relationship affect ones’ finances?)
Abundant. Anybody can go online and find a random tarot card picker with a general description or some key words. If you’re providing a compensated service, your interpretation should have more meat than that. Allow yourself to explain your thought process or speculate on a deeper meaning, instead of regurgitating key words. After all, that speculation and personal insight is what they’re paying you for, otherwise they’d just find the bot! (For reference, I’m trying to give each of these points about the same amount of depth I would want to see in a really good tarot reading for each card.)
Nuanced. A lot of us are afraid to get into the details and specifics of an answer because we’re afraid of being wrong, so we just stick to being vague. Throw that out the window. Right now. Being specific HELPS your reading be more accurate, believable, and helpful, because if we’re too conservative with our details it gives the querent nothing to grab onto. Go for the specifics, the details, the things that make the querent say, “okay, I know exactly what that’s talking about.” (Example, what sounds better: “There’s conflict in the future” or “There’s conflict here, my gut says probably butting heads with an authority figure you’ve known for a while. Neither of you is right or wrong, but you’ll just keep wasting your time if you don’t compromise.”)
Understandable. Keep in mind that most of your querents will probably not practice the service you’re providing, or if they do they may just be beginners. Don’t shroud your reading in convoluted, arcane talk. If you can, explain some of how you’re getting the answers you getting. That doesn’t mean divulging secrets to your practice, but something like, “These runes are so close together, which to me means they’re working together, and the synthesis of their meanings could mean X.” Really helps a querent feel involved and more confident in your skills as their interpreter. 
Applicable. Give the querent knowledge they can walk away with. If you’re doing all of the above steps this is probably happening anyway, but it’s important to keep in mind. You should always be able to answer the question: “What is the best next step for the querent to achieve their goals, once they leave this reading?”  What can they do right now to develop themselves, prepare for success, repair that relationship, etc? Do they have a game plan? Basically, they should be able to take the insight you have provided them with and apply it to their life in a productive way.  
I hope this helps some people assess their own readings, and gives new diviners a better idea of what they should be going for! Did I forget anything important? Let me know your thoughts! 
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calcifugous ¡ 4 years
⛈️Witchy guide to weather magic ⛈️
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🌀 Utilizing the different energies around us is a center part of all kinds of witchcraft. Weather witchcraft is what I call a task for an advanced witch. After learning to control energies around you in a small scale, like your own energy field, your home, etc, you can tap into energies that have effect on larger scale, such as the Sun and the seasons, the Moon, it’s phases and the tides, and what we’ll focus on this post: the atmosphere as a whole, and how it’s changes define the weather, the change of energies around us. 
Here i’ll share what I’ve learnt through the years and give you my personal approach based on what I’ve learnt from my family and my own experience🌀
⛈️To understand weather witchcraft, you must first understand the science behind it. As with any path of craft, the first step is research. Weather is defined by the atmosphere, specifically one of it’s layers, the one that’s closest to the ground, called troposphere. This layer contains most of Earth’s water vapor, and it’s where clouds form. It’s also where meteorological change occurs. Before trying to change the weather by ourselves, we must know what makes it change naturally, and after years of practice, there are three things basic things I’ve found have to be taken into consideration when spellcrafting, and these three basics are: the Sun, Air and Water⛈️
☀️The Sun: The Sun, or heat, affects the weather through it’s radiation. Warmer temperatures mean more water evaporation, more likely to form clouds and rain. This also ties to water pressence. But more Sun doesn’t always mean more rain, the amount of water that the Sun can evaporate will define how much precipitation there is in the end, as in polar areas rain is rare too, even if water abounds, as the Sun doesn’t really heat it enough to evaporate enough for rain to be common.
🌊 The Water: Water pressence or lack of it affects the weather greatly. One of the first things my mother taught me was that places with large bodies of water nearby, like lakes or the Ocean, have less broad temperature ranges. This means, temperature changes less drastically: if it’s 20°C at mid-day, it’s not gonna be -5°C at night, it’s probably going to be ~10°C. Water, due to it’s chemical properties, absorves a lot of heat, thus absorves the Sun’s radiation easily and prevents the temperature from rising. In desert areas or places with really low humidity, temperature ranges are much broader, for example, 40°C during the day to -10°C at night, since there’s no water to soften the Sun’s effects.
🌪️ The Air: Differences in pressure and temperature cause masses of air to move, as wind. From places with high pressure and temperature, called anticyclones, to places with low temperature and low pressure, cyclones. Research what winds affect your area, where they form and what characteristics (humidity, temperature, etc) they have. Create correspondences for them based on their unique characteristics!
⛈️ General advice ⛈️
⛈️ Research, seriously read as much as you can about geography, the characteristics of the place you’re living in and how the factors mentioned above affect it’s climate.
⛈️ Make correspondences that work for you and make sense to you, corresponding to your area’s geography, the winds affecting it, your usual weather, keep track of it, also make correspondences for the Sun and Moon and Water or Ocean, deities you work with in your craft, their offerings and altar settings, you can include maps and drawings in your grimoire!
⛈️ For temperatures, you can call into Sun deities in your work, or use fire and Sun symbolism, like candles or burning sigils/offerings.
⛈️ If water is lacking in your area, consider calling onto water or ocean deities in your craft, spirits of any nearby rivers or spirits/deities associated to the nearest water source to you.
⛈️ Different winds with different characteristics will also form different fronts when interacting with eachother, research what these are and how they form, call into winds you need to form these fronts and you can even make sigils for that specific wind combination and the front it causes!
⛈️ Ways of weather working ⛈️
⛈️ Cloud/wind reading: also one of the first things my mother taught me, as different winds have different temperatures and humidity, they form specific types of clouds. Just by looking at the sky, their shapes and how many there are or not, or by feeling the wind, where it comes from, how cold or dry it is, you can tell which winds are affecting you at the moment, if there’s just one or more, and how many possibilities you have of rain or a storm forming. For example, I live in the argentinean northern patagonia, which means I’m affected by 4 different types of main winds. If I see clouds like nimbostratus, I know we’re having a wind called sudestada, and we may have storms and even a spring tide due to it’s effects.
⛈️ Make charms: you can make all sorts of easy charms for weather magic. The classic work is the 9 knot spell, but there’s much easier stuff like windchimes to alert of energy changes.
⛈️ Herbs, roots, spices, grains, sand: all of these have different uses in weather magic! Here’s some of my correspondences for water witchcraft, stay tuned to my blog for a future post on what herbs and spices to use specifically for weather workings!
⛈️ Sound: whistling, by yourself or using whistles, are one way to call on wind. If you have any tie to merfolk or know you have weather singing abilities, you can sing too (be aware, not all merfolk like humans singing, can cause with fae troubles too and you may want to avoid this), another good idea is chants or prayers. Making sounds similar to rain falling with instruments like what’s here called a palo de lluvia or small bells also work very well.
⛈️ Warning: use this knowledge responsibly, don’t further help the weather go wild, don’t put other people in risk, thank you ⛈️
⛈️ With Love, Nao ⛈️
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calcifugous ¡ 4 years
Simple “Around The House” Charms
basil in the home will attract money
thorny branches over the door will help repel evil
eat a pinch of thyme before bed to give you sweet dreams
cut an apple in half. give one half to your partner, and the other half to yourself. eat for a prosperous relationship!
throw rice or burn cotton to induce rain
lilacs to ward/rid unwanted spirits
add lemon juice to your bath water for purification
throw oats in your garden for bountiful harvest
eat a peach to aid decision making
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calcifugous ¡ 4 years
lil tarot tip 🔮
contrary to most beliefs, you can pull for yes or no questions! here’s a short cheat sheet for when you have a question on whether you should do something ✨
yes, but you’ll have to work for it!
yes, it’ll come to you naturally!
this one means it will come with a price...
absolutely not!
major arcana
“good luck” and be careful
side note
get the details on your answer! pull more cards to see where you could go wrong or how you can improve the situation :) follow your intuition! remember, not everything is set in stone ✨
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calcifugous ¡ 4 years
Important Spirit Work Shit
Based on a sorely uneducated conversation about spirits I recently had.
- Not all spirits are human. Most have been spirits from the beginning.
- Be respectful of spirits. They are beings and not tools to accomplish your own petty goals. They can choose not to work with you or even interact with you.
- Whether or not you leave an offering for a spirit is up to you. However, if you promised an offering and did not deliver, or you’re only saying that to get them to work with you, or you try to forcibly bind a spirit to you in any way, get ready to get your shit just fuckin W R E C K E D son. Usually, once you open yourself up to working with spirits, they just come pouring in. Literally, so many spirits. Light ones, dark ones, benevolent, malevolent, truth tellers, liars, and anything in between. If they see you doing this to their fellow spirits, let’s just say, you’re gonna have a bad time.
- Spirits can lie. Just like us. To avoid this as best you can (nothing is 100% foolproof), set up some wards or other protective agents to keep lying tongues away from your communication devices. Be polite and ask if they are willing to give completely honest answers. Hold them to their word. Be honest with them too, and here’s a few tricks I’ve learned to weed out a liar as well:
1. If the answer you are thinking in your head is the answer they give you, they may be lying. Check a few times, same question, thinking different answers. If the spirit continues to give you your answers, cleanse yourself, your space, and your communication devices immediately and try again
2. To test if the spirit is impersonating a spirit you’ve worked with before, ask a question you and your real spirit friend know the answer to. Think of a different answer in your head. (This takes practice) Many spirits can read minds, so if they start to spell out the answer you’re thinking instead of the real answer, they’re an imposter.
3. Okay so this one is definitely helpful but don’t rely on it solely for your answers. Knowing the moon phases are really helpful in spirit work. In my own experience, I’ve noticed that around the time of the New Moon some dark spirits become more active than light spirits. Around the Full Moon, some light spirits become more active than dark spirits. This can help if you find that your answers are becoming more aggressive for a few days out of the month. Check the moon phases. *DISCLAIMER* NOT ALL DARK SPIRITS ARE LIARS AND MALEVOLENT, NOT ALL LIGHT SPIRITS ARE HONEST AND BENEVOLENT. USE YOUR INTUITION. THIS IS JUST A LITTLE SOMETHING EXTRA TO CONSIDER WHEN COMMUNICATING WITH SPIRITS.
4. Going along with the moon phase thing, if you’re a pendulum user, the force of which your pendulum moves can also be a big key. My spirit companion is a darling sweetheart and she is definitely affected by the moon phases. Around the New Moon her answers become weaker and often I have to strain to hear her using my telepathy. Knowing this, if around the New Moon I was talking to her and she swung the pendulum really erratically, I’d have some doubts that it was really her. Look for activity or answers that are out of character!
5. USE YOUR INTUITION. Does it feel like the spirit is just telling you what you want to hear? Does the air around you suddenly feel wrong? Is the spirit being aggressive and making you uncomfortable? Is it threatening you? SAY GOODBYE AND CLEANSE. Take a break, do some cleansing stuff, get some tea and a snack, or whatever you fancy, and try again later. 
Feel free to add to this post! Let’s spread some much needed knowledge around tumblr please
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calcifugous ¡ 4 years
✨Days of the week list of correspondences✨
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Planet: Moon
Colors: Blue, silver, white
Intent: Beauty, dreams, emotions, fertility, insight, astral work, divination, sleep, peace, travel, purity, spiritual cleansing, psychic ability, wisdom
Planet: Mars
Colors: Black, orange, red
Intent: Courage, conviction, defense, ambition, achievement, activate protective talismans,success, stength, protection, physical power, passion, sexuality, reverse hexes, victory
Planet: Mercury
Colors: Orange, purple
Intent: Communication, change, fortune, creativity, knowledge, acceptance, luck, money
Planet: Jupiter
Colors: Blue, green, purple
Intent: Healing, growth, fulfillment, justice, authority, protection, strength, luck, prosperity, long term preservation of wealth
Planet: Venus
Color. Pink
Intent: Birth, fertility, gentleness, freindship, healing, goodness, blocking, romance, pregnancy, passion, love, money, prosperity, self-care
Planet: Saturn
Color: Black, purple
Intent: Banishing, cleansing, binding, ending, protection, spirituality, loss, renewing, transforming, wisdom
Planet: Sun
Color: Gold, yellow
Intent: Fame, health, new begginings, success, prosperity, personal empowerment, wealth
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calcifugous ¡ 4 years
My Death Witch/Spirit Worker Masterpost
Hey everyone! This is my list of resources I have made over the course of the existence of this blog, pertaining specifically to death witchcraft and spirit work. (EDIT: I also added divination because it is such a vital part of my own practice) I hope it helps some of you, and provides a resource for you to use! I’ve also thrown in my death work stuff as well. These posts are all mine, coming from separate blogs at times ( @shipping-the-gods , @the-daily-diviner, and @tarnished-headstone (@witchthatiam/@lonesome-bones are the names of this blog from a while ago)); none of these blogs are active. The only blogs I am active on are @shroud-of-roses and @breathing-in-gilded-dust (dodekatheism blog). 
Please note you can do these three practices individually, I just choose to put them together for my own personal practice! Pick what you like and use it if you desire.  
Resources, Essays, and Tips:
Dead Spiders and Other Tiny Corpses
Connecting With Human Spirits When You Don’t Have Access to a Graveyard
How to Deal With Angry Spirits and Banish Them if You Need To 
Ways to Get to Know Death and Its History
Symbolism for Death Witches and Spirit Workers
What to Do When Your House Rules Have Been Violated
Spirit Worker Tip 
Fun/Unique Spirit Vessel Ideas
Spirit Summoning Bath Spell 
Forgotten Dead Funeral 
Death Witch Decor and Crafts
Selfcare for Death Witches
Tips for Setting Up a Shrine/Altar for Spirit Work 
Vessels for Death Energy
How to Call Non-Human Spirits
Sweet Passing Potion
Sweet Passing Potion (Pet Edition)
How I Bind Spirits to Vessels 
How I Cleanse Spirit Vessels for Their Future Inhabitants 
Building Spirit Vessels 
Death Witchery in the Dead of Winter
Basic Offering Ideas for Spirits 
Fearing Death - A Guide for Aspiring Death Workers and Witches
Death Witch Rituals - My Basic List (AKA What do death witches do?)
Creating and Enchanting Wards
Warding While Watched - A Secret Witch’s Guide 
Funeral Bouquets and Correspondences 
Dying Does Not Always Inhibit Your Power
Ancestral Recipes
The Butterfly’s Place in Death Witchery
General Tips for Beginner Death Witches
My Methods and Tips for Astral Travel 
Advice on Understanding Cultural Appropriation 
Collecting Bones Ethically and Legally
Greeting the (Human) Dead - Bronwyn’s Guide
Spirit Work Terminology
Death Witches Digging in the Dirt: Flowers and Funerals
The Elements of Death Witchery/Work
Ancestral Devotional 
Spells & Rituals:
“Here Lies the Ashes of My Past” Ritual
Essence of Death Potion (to overcome your fear of death)
Passing on Spell for Deceased Spirits 
“Lull Me to Sleep” Ritual for A Passing Person
Divining the Future With the Dead
Herbs for Divination 
My Tips for Learning Card Meanings for Divination 
How to Make a Divination Cloth 
How to Cleanse Your Divination Tools 
Teas to Drink Before Doing Divination 
How to Record Your Divination Sessions 
Mirror Gazing to See Your True Self 
Beginner Tips for the New Scryer
Divination Chants
How to Wax Scry 
How to Do a Nephelomancy Reading (Cloud Scrying)
How to Do a Stichomancy Reading
How to Use a Pendulum 
How to Smoke Scry 
How to Deal With Negative Readings You’ve Done for Someone Else
How to Design and Create Your Own Cartomancy System
Blessing Water for Your Divination Tools 
DIY Scrying Mirror
How to Scry 
Meditation to Reveal Psychic Abilities
Halloween Divination Ritual
DIY Scrying Mirrors - The Frugal/Secret Way
Curio Casting - How I Do It 
My Cartomancy System 
Scrying With Spirits: Bronwyn’s Complete Guide
Free Curio Casting Board Set
Pendulum Map DIY
How to Make a Cartomancy Spread
My Symbols and Artwork for Death Witches/Workers
The Gatekeeper 
Ally of the Dead
Metamorphosis Through Death
Other Recommended Resources:
The Order of the Good Death (not witchcraft, but death work is essential to my own practice)
@death-witch-envy (tumblr death witch blog, who I love dearly. Yunan has a few witchy zines, too!)
@darkfyretheumbrawitchreturns (He is an umbra witch, and, again, a good friend of mine)
@nightmarist (has many wonderful resources on shadow work and the like)
Master-List of Death Witches, Spirit Workers, and Necromancers on Tumblr  
Some fun things:
Death Witch Aks
Your Official Death Witch ™ Name   
Audience of Bones - My 13 Card Oracle Deck
My Small Oracle Deck - The Things I’ve Seen in Holloway
Dark Workings - A Youtube Playlist for Your Rituals 
Encouragement from One Witch to Another
Another Encouragement (about defining your path)
One More Thing:
Suicide, Coping, and Selfharm Masterpost (Because I’ve been there, and spreading this type of thing is very, very important to me)
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calcifugous ¡ 4 years
Advice from an hereditary witch’s grandmother: things a crone has to say
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My witch of a grandmother gave me her beautiful encyclopedia on healing plants to celebrate Ostara!
I told her about my blog and she asked me to share some of her advice “for those lovely internet disciples of yours”.
No, Yeyé, that’s not how this works…
But hey! When the crone talks, you listen!
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“A jar of glass keeps away envious spirits and people who want to hurt you.”
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“Everything dead deserves to be honored.”
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“Strings of seeds bring prosperity.”
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“A stone in the windowsill is a soldier that keeps away thieves, but make sure it’s not a pretty rock cause they might steal it!”
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“When you trim a vine, keep some branches by the door so all the hard work you’ve done doesn’t disappear in a single day!”
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“When you’re old and can’t move so much anymore, keep a jar of seeds by the Gods so they can pick their offerings as they please.”
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“I keep lavender by the computer because it helps me remember how to open Facebook. Lavender is good for memory. Tell your friends of the internet.”
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“I keep the obsidian and the agathe geodes in front of the TV so there will be no bad news.”
So there you have it.
Advice from an authentic crone with over 70 years of Craft , Old YeyĂŠ.
She wishes you all many blessings and love and hopes you are all well guided.
Happy new season from lucky Old YeyĂŠ!
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-Semiramis the Magpie Witchling
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calcifugous ¡ 4 years
The three virtues of the Magician
Ever since I started studying magic, I’ve apprehended everything in a very scattered way. No head and no toes. With time I started understanding in my own way how to sort everything in my head. This is how I arrange everything while I study. 
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The Virtue of Knowing (Gnosis) 
The passive Virtue. It does not talk about knowledge in the superficial sense of the word. Knowing here is related to the acknowledgement, understanding and observing of the realities, not just cognitive learning. I divide this Virtue in two Hylegnosis, Aithergnosis.
Hylegnosis relates to the knowledge of all things material. Here the studies of Astronomy, Herbology, chemistry and others apply.
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Aithergnosis relates to all that can be known and observed within the Astral Light (in Qabalistic terms, from Tipheret to Yesod). This virtue is related with Clairvoyance.
Meditations within this Virtue deal with passive observance.
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The Virtue of Daring (Thaumaturgy)
The active Virtue is related to the performing of magical deeds. From the performing of visualization and manipulation of energy to the most complex ceremonial magic. Invoking, evoking, transfiguration, transmutation, projection and manipulation.
Meditations within this virtue deal with active visualizations, astral projection and creation.
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The Virtue of Being (Theurgy)
Perhaps the most important Virtue, deals with the sublimation of the self and building the Body of Light. This is the true area of the Magician. It appears as the basis for the expansion and growing of Consciousness.
It’s tools include active and passive meditation, ceremonial magic and daily behaviour.
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calcifugous ¡ 4 years
Energy Work Masterpost
Basic Elements of Energy Work
Choosing Your Energies
Energetic Blockages
Energy Clearing and Infusing
Energy Feeds and Magic Fatigue and A Clarification
Energy for Beginners Part I and Energy for Beginners Part II: Gathering, Raising, Storing, and Casting
Energy Work and the Chakras
Energy Work Masterpost
An Energy Work Primer (You Don’t Have to “Feel” Anything)
Protect Your Energy
Sensation & Direction - A Beginner’s Guide to Energy Work
Tired After Energy Work?
Types of Energy: Air / Airy Correspondences | Earth / Earthy Correspondences | Fire / Fiery Correspondences | Water / Watery Correspondences | Practical Elemental Work
Different Kinds of Visualization
Having Trouble Visualizing?
How to Visualize
Magical Visualization - Some Basics
Mistakes I Made with Visualization
Simple Visualization Exercises
Using Your Intent (an ask)
Charging / Enchanting:
Charging 101: The Quick Basics
Charging an Object
Charging and Dedicating Stones and Crystals
Charging Objects
Enchanting Things with Touch
Witch’s Guide to Charging
Witch’s tl;dr Guide to Charging
Witch’s Guide to Programming
Witch’s tl;dr Guide to Programming
Energy Manipulation / Exercises:
Animist Reset Ritual
Banishing the Energies of Others
Beginner Energy Manipulation Resource List
Channeling Energy to Work Magic
Competitive Magic
Dispelling the Notion of “Bad” Energy and Learning a New Way to Recycle
Energy Manipulation: Aura Shaping
Energy Manipulation: God Energies
Energy Manipulation: People and their Elements Part I and Part II
Energy Manipulation: Polarization Habits (Don’t Make You a Bad Person), and How to Break Them
Energy Manipulation Element Series: Air | Air/Fire | Earth | Earth/Fire | Earth/Water | Fire | Water | Element Posts F.A.Q.s
Energy Practice
Energy Work: Expansion vs. Contraction
Energy Work - Distance Charging
Energy Work - Elemental Nails
Energy Work - Energetic Check
Energy Work - Energy Ball
Energy Work - Energy Cannonball
Energy Work - Texting Predictions
Energy Work - Tree in a Jar
Energy Work and Making Contact
The Fluffy Pillar and the Spheres
Harnessing Sex Energy
How to Energetically Cleanse an Item
How to Send Energy to Other People
Let’s Talk Basics: Directing Energy
Method of Remote Viewing
Personal Energy Cleanse
Reflecting Negativity
Scream Jars
Sensing Energy Exercise 
Shielding / Warding:
Altering Shields
Badass Things to Inspire Shields
Checking and Repairing Shields
Energy Warding
Energy Work: Shielding
Forming a Basic Shield - Creation and Sealing
Fun with Auras (aka, Shielding)
How to Undo Shields
Magically Making Friends - Reforging Your Protections
Personal Shielding
Removing and Deactivating Shields
Shielding/Transmuting and the Solar Plexus Chakra
Shielding & Aura Manipulation
Shielding and its Purpose
Shielding for General Protection
Shielding for Specific Protection
Shielding vs Aura Manipulation
Stacking Shields
Stealth Shielding
Transmuting Energy: An Alternative to Shielding
Two-Sided Shielding
Using External Power to Shield
Witch’s tl;dr Guide to Shielding
Airy Grounding Guide
Beach Surf Grounding
Gale Grounding
Grounding (Energy Work Series Part 1)
Grounding and the Root Chakra
Grounding or ‘Earthing’
Grounding Techniques
Grounding Theory and Application
Grounding via Aura
Grounding with Pasta
How Do I “Ground”?
Notes on Being Grounded
Release Grounding
Sea Witchcraft: “Sinking”
Witch’s Guide to Grounding
Witch’s Guide to Grounding - Sturdy as Stone
Witch’s tl;dr Guide to Grounding
Centering and Grounding
Energy Manipulation 101: Grounding and Centering, or That Thing Everyone/Book Says to Do But Never Really Explains Why…
Grounding and Centering
Witch’s Guide to Centering
Witch’s Guide to Centering - Crystal Gem Fusion Dance
Witch’s tl;dr Guide to Centering
A Bit on Entities and Thoughtforms
Creating a Physical Vessel for Your Thoughtform to Live In
Creating a Thoughtform
Creating Positive Thought Forms
Destroying Your Thoughtform
An Exercise to Help with Creating Mental Spaces for Thoughtforms
An Exercise to Help with Creating Thoughtforms
Have Your Thoughtform Go to Work
Keeping Track of Your Thought-Forms
Letting Your Thoughtform Die, Dealing with Thoughtform Injuries
Projecting Your Thoughtform
A Short Guide to Thouhtforms
Technowitchcraft - Thoughtforms
Thoughs on Thoughtforms
Watching Your Thoughtform Grow
What is a Thoughtform?
What is a Thought Form?
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calcifugous ¡ 4 years
this is very useful if you’re a spiritual witch!
🕯️ Reading Candles for Yes-or-No Questions 🕯️
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🔥 High, steady flame - Yes.
🔥 Low, steady flame - No.
🔥 Short, weak flame - No.
🔥 Dancing flame - Needs more focus. Re-ground, concentrate, and ask again. 
🔥 Violently flickering flame - Strong no. Take this as a warning (if you are positive the flickering is not caused by any outside force).
🔥 Sputtering and crackling flame - There is more to your answer than a simple yes or no.
🔥 Dual-Flame - Thinking, wait for your answer. 
🔥 Flame leaning to the left - Yes.
🔥 Flame leaning to the right - No. 
🔥 Candle will not light - Now is not the right time to ask.
🔥 Candle will not go out - You are not done yet. There is more to your answer that you need to hear.
🔥 Candle goes out on its own before giving an answer - Now is not the right time to ask.
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calcifugous ¡ 4 years
🌹🌷🌼 More Fairy Folk And Their Kin 🌹🌷🌼
🌹 The basic elements each have their own fairy folk. The seasons bring about changes in the natural world, and each one also has specific fairy folk. Read on to learn more about seasonal, elemental, and other fairy variations.
🌷 Elemental Fairies 🌷
🌹  The four elements are Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire, and they each have different attributes and personalities. So,too, do the fairies associated with each element differ in vast and small ways.
🌼 Earth Fairies 🌼
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🌿 Remember playing in the mud as kids, maybe making mud pies or getting covered in it, and feeling happy to squish it between your fingers and toes? Fairies of the Earth are at work underfoot; they’re the entities that govern the turn of soil, helping the insects and worms that keep soil aerated and healthy. They encourage seeds, helping them germinate, and then coax the roots, urging them to have bold confidence to claim the soil for themselves. Earth fairies are stocky with dark green,clay red, or brown hues. They have wings that resemble beetles, shiny wings. They’re dense in appearance rather than holographic. They’ll brush against your ankles as you walk, playfully tugging at you through the mud or pricking your bare feet with tiny sticks or thorns, just out of rambunctiousness. They are seen best in the gloaming light at end of day, as  they like to catch a glimpse of the residential Fairy Queen who passes by in twilight.
🌼How Earth Fairies Help Us🌼
🌿 Earth Fairies know that we come from dust and shall return to it, and that all living things on Earth eventually break down into the soil, in one form or another. While we are alive, the Fairies of the Earth long to claim us as the Earth’s gravity and magnetic pull show us that our place is naturally the ground we walk on. They help us understand intrinsically that we thrive from the root  up, and need a foundational base in which to grow truly strong. The electrons and healthy bacteria emitted through the earth have great health benefits to us, shifting our moods and regulating bodily organs. Children instinctively run outside barefoot, and adults should, too! Earth fairies want us to be and feel grounded, to receive the gifts from the core of the Earth into our own core, and their mission is to give us reason to stabilize our lives through real depth; they want us to take root and know we belong.
🌼How To Connect With Earth Fairies🌼
🌿 Go outside as often as you can and walk barefoot. Try to get your feet against the actual ground, and simply feel yourself there, your weight sinking in or being fully supported by it. Earth Fairies will be present as you are infused with pure energy in the form of electrons, receiving and connecting with the biological rhythms of your planet. And don’t be shy about digging, tending to gardens, and reaching with bare hands into the earth. You may not be making mud pies or sand castles anymore, but there are great benefits of getting dirty and standing upon or getting into the rich soil.
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🌿 Source: A Little Bit Of Fairies An Introduction To Fairy Magic By: Elaine Clayton
🌿  #1 Photography By: Alexandra Sophie
🌿  #2 Photography By: Michela Riva
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calcifugous ¡ 4 years
Nourishing hair oil
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I’ve been using this for awhile now and it makes my hair feel rather soft than before. I have also noticed my trimmed sides are growing a lot more which is great!
5 drops Lavender essential oil (Helps to improve scalp health, helps hair growth and also helps to reduce stress!)
5 drops Peppermint essential oil (also helps with hair growth and gives a nice cooling feeling on your scalp.)
10 drops of Rosemary essential oil (Helps the growth and thickness of your hair.)
Carrier oil (I used olive oil infused with rose, but coconut oil would probably be better)
Mix it all together and use daily. You can put it in your hair before or after you get out of the shower as well. You could also say a chant!
Instragram | My shop | 
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calcifugous ¡ 4 years
Sleepy Morning Witchcraft 🕊✨
What’s more lovely than the sight of a new day? If you ever wake up feeling mentally yucky, try these little things to help ease your mind. The plus? You don’t even have to leave your bed!
☁️ When your eyes have fluttered open, begin your day by just paying extra attention to your breathing. Don’t check your phone first thing - Instead, take as many deep breaths as you like while you lay in your comfy bed. Stretch. Your legs, your arms… Your whole body. You know those extra-big yawns than come with a full-body stretch, the ones that just feel heavenly? Do one of those!
☁️ Take notice of how soft the sheets feel on your toes, how warm and encompassing your comforter is. Try to carry this warm and fuzzy feeling with you throughout the day. Becoming more aware of simple little things will help you take notice of them more often.
☁️ Consider making a small, personal scent-bag to place underneath your pillow. This can be filled with any herb that smells wonderful to you - mine contains lavender and a rose quartz stone to promote sweet dreams. Yours can have anything you like! (Rosemary, Chamomile, Mint - even go as far as to spritz it once or twice with a favorite perfume for extra scented loveliness). When you wake in the morning, gently rub your scent bag between your fingers. Try repeating a positive mantra to yourself in your head(or out loud) during this slow, rhythmic, back-and-forth motion.
☁️ Keep a favorite candle near your bed to light first thing in the morning! It could simply be a favorite scent, or be a color that represents what you would like more of in life - green for financial matters, blue for a more relaxed lifestyle, red for passion and romance. Say a small thanks or silently set your intention for the day while lighting it.
I hope you give these little things a try! Once it’s time to roll out of bed, treat yourself to a morning cup of tea, coffee, or hot chocolate, and drink it near the window. Breathe in the soft, chilled air, and remind yourself that the day is just as fresh as this air is. ♡
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