Is xiaojun for fucking real … the face the nose the eyebrows the. stupid insane eyelashes. Hes physically incapable of not serving
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prettiest man on earth [REAL]!
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reporting live ⚠️ a wild hoshi and joshua let loose on the streets!
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Hotel California - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Based off of This ask and Hotel California by Eagles
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Slight Humor
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Yes, all 8 of them)
Words: 13,192
Warnings: I have not edited this yet, I will do so when I wake up. One stabbing mention. Seonghwa gets a little handsy at one point. The boys are very horny for the OC. I make too many direct references to the song and its lyrics, don’t at me please. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: You know, I never expect a simple Drabble to turn into this beast right here, but I’m happy with the way it turned out. Not gonna lie, this fic is a bit self-indulgent at certain parts, but what fic isn’t? Lmaoo anyways, I do not believe Ateez would ever act like this. This is just my interpretation of this particular Drabble request and the yandere archetype. I really hope you all like this one; feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~ (Seriously though guys, please don’t let this flop haha)
Extra: The whole time I was writing this, I had a chubby!reader in mind, but I don’t explicitly describe anything that would indicate that so I don’t feel right tagging it as such. Just know it’s heavily implied, but anyone can read this!!
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Could you do a yandere guard minghao falls for princess oc? Thank you
The light from the lantern dances across the stone walls as you descend the spiral stairs into the dungeon. Shadows flicker beside you, causing you to continuously glance over your shoulder, certain you hear footsteps following you down. Once you're sure that the coast is clear, you begin your descent once more.
Ever since you overheard some of the other guards talking the other night, worry has been gnawing at your mind. People have been going missing lately - townsfolk, staff, even your best friend seems to have disappeared right from underneath your nose. You just don't want to believe who could be behind it.
It can't be true. It just can't be.
Minghao would never do something like this to someone, he's much too kind for his own good. Besides, you're sure you would have noticed if he's been acting strange lately. After all, he's been your personal guard since you were sixteen.
You'd like to say you grew up together, what with him only being two years older than you are. Unfortunately, before he became your guard, you had no idea who he even was. Of course, he knew all about you, spouting off little facts that even you hadn't noticed about yourself from the moment the two of you had met. It freaked you out at first, but he constantly reassured you that it was all apart of his training.
You should have listened to your gut when something told you that that couldn't have been right.
Reaching the bottom of the stairs, you nod to the two guards standing just beside the entrance to the dungeons.
"Princess," one greets with a nod of his head, "what brings you down to the cold cells this late at night?"
"I was just curious about something, is all." Comes your vague reply. You know quite a few of the guards are close with Minghao, so you don't want to alert their suspicion. Being down here by yourself is already suspicious enough.
Taking step so as to walk through the entranceway, the other guard halts you in your place. Your head cocks to the side, silently questioning his intentions.
"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but we cannot let you in there." He says.
"And why not?" Your tone is pointed, eyes narrowing at the two men before you.
"Captain Minghao's orders." The one that first greeted you replies.
"Tell me," you voice drops as you lower your gaze, and the shadows that fall over your eyes from the lantern you hold in your hand has the two men visibly stiffen, "when did the Captain outrank the Princess?"
They both visibly pale, straightening their posture in the next moment before one of them opens the door for you. "Our apologies, Your Highness."
You humph, tilting your chin upwards so as to give an air of superiority. "Next time you attempt to control where I can or cannot go, there will be consequences."
Without another word, you step into the darkness, the only source of light being that of your lantern still gripped firmly in your hand. The door falls shut behind you.
Continuing on your way, you ignore the vulgar insults thrown at you from some of the criminals. Their vile and pointed words have your pursing your lips, a sudden tenseness to your steps as you hear all of the things they would do to you if they could.
Finally, you make it to the end of the hall. Behind this specific door is the cain ward. The ward in which the castle keeps its most hated and feared criminals. The worst of the worst, if you will.
Taking a deep breath, you push open the door.
When you were younger, your parents told you stories of past criminals that have been kept here. There were never many, maybe a few every couple of years or so. Which is why when you step through the threshold, the sight that greets you has you dropping your lantern in shock.
Horror paints your features as you see blood smeared all over the walls. Fresh blood. Some of which is still in the process of drying. The smell of rot and decay reaches your sense and you choke on your breath, the pungent fumes nearly suffocating you.
Shakily, you take a step forward, eye wandering the few cells that surround you and seeing the faces of ordinary people staring back.
A gasp escapes your lips.
There's the baker that went missing last week after he gave you an extra loaf of bread for being such a valued customer. And over there! The newly hired staff hand who had complimented you non-stop for the first few days of her job.
Many faces you recognize, but many you do not. Most seem too scared to say anything, opting simply to stare in fear at your form as you sway slightly on your feet. You can hardly wrap your head around this. You thought this ward was reserved for the worst of the worst. Not everyday people.
Reaching the final cell after circling around what looks like a torture table in the middle of the room, a scream nearly tears itself from your throat. Behind the metal bars, beaten and bruises, sits Junhui. Your best friend who has been missing for the past two weeks.
"Jun?" Your voice escapes you in a frantic call of his name.
The man groans, lifting his head slightly as his eyes attempt to lock onto the figure that called his name through the darkness. "Princess? Is that you?"
"I'll get you out of here," you promise, eyes flitting around the ward in hopes to find a key of some sorts, even in this darkness. "I'll get you all out."
A torch suddenly entering your line of vision has you freezing in your tracks as someone enters the room. The sudden brightness of the flames licking at the walls has you squinting your eyes. Blinking a few times to adjust to the light, your vision clears to see Minghao standing there with a scowl on his features.
"You will do no such thing."
A tense silence settles around the room, many of the villagers cowering away from the Captain of the Guards in fear, pressing themselves as far away from him within their cells. It doesn't take you long to piece things together and figure out why.
"Release them." You command him. "Immediately."
Minghao blinks, "I will not."
"It's no use," you hear Junhui say from behind you, coughs wracking his body in the next second as one of his wounds becomes irritated. "He's insane. You need to run, Princess."
"Shut the hell up." Minghao growls. "You have no right to address them at all."
"Minghao, I am not going to tell you again." Your voice is low, threatening. "Release them all this instant."
"I cannot do that."
A whisper of 'run, Princess' reaches your ears.
"You can, and you will." Despite how badly your whole body wants to begin to shake, your voice holds firm.
"You do not have the authority to deny me." You retort. "Especially not after what I've just discovered here tonight."
"When you're safety is threatened, I have every right to act as I see fit." He replies, voice low and ominous.
"My safety?" You ask, incredulously. "How on earth are any of these people threatening my safety?"
"They're all too close to you." His eyes flash as he meets your gaze. "They were going to take you away from me, and I couldn't have that. This is where they all belong."
"If anyone belongs here, it's you." You spit, anger rising within you. "Release these people at once, they're all innocent."
"If anyone's the innocent one here, it's you." His words take you aback, and at your confused look, he lets out a chuckle. Not a comforting chuckle, no, but a dark sound that you've never heard from him before. "You have no idea what they could be capable of, of what they could do to you. You trust them so easily. A trust which could be manipulated and taken advantage of. I could never let that happen. Can't you see that I'm looking out for you?"
"They have done nothing but show me kindness." You seethe. "I'm sure my parents would agree."
Minghao only chuckles once more, shaking his head slightly as he looks to the ground. "You don't get it, do you?"
"Get what?" You frown, back away as soon as you see him starting to approach you. Only, you don't get very far until your back is up against the metal bars of the cell behind you.
"Princess," Junhui's worried voice reaches your ears, concern clear on his features as he see Minghao shoot him a deadly look.
In a flash, Minghao's gaze is locked on your once more, the heat from the torch practically burning against your skin. Shadows dance across his face, only serving to make the maniacal grin that stretches across his features all the more sinister.
"Who do you think let me put them here?"
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just watched the new elvis movie and can 100% say austin butler could do anything he wanted to me
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I genuinely mean this, I hope all 6 of those Supreme Court member who voted Yes have to live their lives getting harassed and are extremely bothered till their last dying breath.
Bother them, make their lives miserable, make them not want to leave their homes.
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🔥 ‘HOT’ MV - Minghao 🔥
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NCT 127 as musical theater characters I think they would do well as
*Quick note before I start: I'm listing characters I think they would do well PORTRAYING on stage, not who I think they are similar to personality wise. For each member, I'll say one role I think they could play with little to no effort (marked as NATURAL), as well as one role I think they could nail if they tried hard and put in the work for (marked as CHALLENGE). For each role, I'll try to put a small explanation for the choice but some I just feel are right lol. Not every role mentioned is the main character of its musical. This post is the result of my mind being fixated my entire day on the subject lmao. Feel free to give your opinion on my picks and add your own <3. Click the keep reading if you're interested
(NATURAL) Raoul from Phantom of the Opera
In my opinion, this is a pretty simple role in both vocals and acting. Vocally, Taeil would nail this with no problem. Acting wise, the main emotions this character shows are being in love and being worried, not too difficult tbh. I don't know if he has shown any interest in being in musical theater but this would be a good debut to the stage. Iconic musical but simple af role
(CHALLENGE) Quasimodo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Okay. Hear me out. It was between this and the Phantom from Phantom of the Opera but imo no one under 40 can give the Phantom everything it deserves so I pick this role instead. Vocally, I think Taeil can hit all the notes for this role buuutttt the challenge would come in the acting. The emotions needed for this role are more complicated and would take a lot of feeling lmao.
(NATURAL) Aaron from Mean Girls
Johnny is one of the members I found very difficult to pick for because I don't see him wanting to pursue stage musicals at all but I can see SM convincing him to try just for some solo activities. This role is for anyone to play tbh *cough* Cameron Dallas *cough*. Not much is demanded vocally or in acting, honestly it might be too easy for Johnny but it'd be a nice role for someone not too invested in musical theater.
(CHALLENGE) Monty from A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder
Okay. Hear me out... again. This is a role I think only Johnny of the members could play. This is probably one of the most difficult roles on this list and I'll tell you why. It doesn't have a bunch of high notes, and the ones that there are, I think Johnny could hit or easily opt down. The role however, says A LOT in a small time and has many tongue twisters (See the song Poison In My Pocket (almost like a rapper,,,, you see?)). Not only that, this role moves around a lot so energy is nonnegotiable (See the performance for I've Decided to Marry You). The character has to be charming, lovable, energetic, comedic, awkward, and cartoon-like all at once, which I think Johnny could nail with practice. Check out the musical and imagine Johnny in it, tell me I'm wrong.
(NATURAL) Zach from A Chorus Line
Who is Zach, you're probably thinking. Well, it is the director in the show who is not seen in most stage productions. Taeyong was the absolute hardest to choose for because, like Johnny, I don't see him being even mildly interested in musical theater, but unlike Johnny, I don't see Taeyong ever being convinced to try but I still wanted to include every member. The character of Zach is often never seen, just heard. Not even singing, just talking. On days Taeyong wants to do something else, he can just prerecord all his lines and just show up at the venue by curtain call, the crowd wouldn't even know *wink wink*.
(CHALLENGE) King George from Hamilton
This probably seems like an odd choice but boom. Like I said, Taeyong doesn't give musical theater vibes so a guest role with minimal stage time would suit him best. The songs this character has are all comedic so vocally, it doesn't matter much. Tae is a good singer but a better rapper, so if he hits the notes, he gets praised for vocals, if he doesn't, he get praised for his comedy as long as he plays it off as such. Plus, it would be a nice nod for him to be in a musical with rapping, even if his role is singing.
(NATURAL) Light from Death Note the Musical
We know Yuta can do this role. Not much to debate. Vocally, he can hit the notes, no biggy. Acting wise, he has it in the bag. boom
(CHALLENGE) Bobby from Company
This is nothing like the natural role I picked for him, thus it'd be a nice challenge for him. Vocally, I think he could do it with some parts adjusted or opted down. This is another one where the challenge is mostly in the acting. On the surface, Bobby is a guy that everyone likes and counts on which Yuta can relate to, but there is something a bit more under that Yuta would have to act out well.
(NATURAL) Prince Charming from Rodgers + Hammerstein's Cinderella
He has played a prince before so this wouldn't be much of a stretch. His voice would be beautiful in the role (imagine him singing this song,,, ughhhhhh just one chance Doyoung, one chance). This character is just being in love emotion wise, so pretty simple.
(CHALLENGE) Fiyero from Wicked
This role would fit Doyoung so well! The main challenge would again be the acting. He would have to flirty to the point of being slightly douchy and very full of himself lol just for the first act though. The second act, he has to be a bit more complicated.
(NATURAL) Link from Hairspray
Pretty easy role: be hot, be in love, be a good dancer. Jaehyun could nail it and make it iconic.
(CHALLENGE) Jack from Newsies
Another acting challenge. Not only acting, the DANCING bro. I think he can hit the notes but he'll have to put sooo much emotion in it (See the song Santa Fe).
(NATURAL) Olaf from Frozen
Sigh Do I even have to explain this one? The role of course has this childish innocence that Jungwoo would portray well. Vocally, he has it down since it's not hard. Most difficult part would probably be controlling the puppet tbh.
(CHALLENGE) Orpheus from Hadestown
Take that same innocence from Olaf but take away the childish part. Jungwoo would nail it. We know he can sing better than he lets on, I want him to show off a bit. This would be the most we've seen of him acting wise, but I think he'd do well with practice.
(NATURAL) Sonny from In the Heights
Rap heavy role. Acting wise it shouldn't be too hard, a mostly mischievous and joke-y role with some serious parts.
(CHALLENGE) Laurens/Phillip from Hamilton
This role is also rap heavy but with some moments of vocals, which I think would suit Mark well! He'd need to work with the acting part, especially for the dying scene. Bonus will be him acting as a child in Take a Break lol.
(NATURAL) Alfred from Alice by Heart
If you know this musical, we are now married, I don't make the rules. Haechan can be pretty dramatic yet comical which would be nice for this role. Acting wise, this could be a hard-ish role but if I was casting for a production in Korea rn, I would trust him for it. This would be on the lower end of his vocal range but he'd kill it.
(CHALLENGE) Moritz from Spring Awakening
Acting challenge part 298. This is a mostly serious role, same with the entire musical which deals with some messed up topics. It'd be hard for both nctzens and Haechan himself to stay in such a mindset when we have seen how excitable he can be, but that would make the character's eventual death that much more powerful. He would nail Don't Do Sadness, even if he took it up some to fit his naturally lighter voice. We know that Haechan could kill a rock song if he wanted to, so a whole musical that has a big rock influence? He'd freaking clean house
Thank you, that is all.
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i suddenly realize my archnemesis is hot (during a battle to the death).
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pairing: son of ares!jeno x daughter of nike!reader
genre: fluff, slight angst, there is no logic in this ok i am so tired
word count: 22.5k
author’s note: after more than a year, demigods is finally complete!! this series has received so much love, and i can’t even put into words how grateful i am for all the support! thank you all so much for sticking with me for so long and i hope that this fic is a satisfying ending to this series 💖 read the completed 00 line x camp half-blood here!
warning(s): there is significantly more violence in this than the other fics in this series so please read at your own discretion!
tag list: @junglewoos @forever-skz @treblesomeharmonies @inscentedreamer @notaroyal @jaehyunsjasmine @jishyucks @chuus-slug @kravitee @peachyyjaes @lenaluvs @struggle-kmpr @haikchoo-main @euphorin @ukiyoneo @strwbrryhoney @jeo-n @jinnieyeolele @keemburley @sunshine-skz @mcu-incorrect @thejeongjaehyun​ @jenosuh​
additional: once again, special thanks to cat and moon for not only letting me put them in this fic but also giving me ideas for some wild shenanigans 😌 and another shoutout to cat for coming up with that zinger of a final line <3
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“Give it up. You know I’ve won.”
The sun blazes against your back as you grip the hilt of your sword tightly, lowering your stance so you can prepare to charge forward. A bead of sweat falls from your forehead and into your eye, stinging, but it’s a feeling that you’re quite accustomed to. You see the out-of-bounds line in your peripheral, and you know this is your last shot.
Lee Jeno, son of Ares and your eternal archnemesis, is standing in front of you. His black hair is mussed and sweaty, bangs slightly stuck to his forehead. He’s wearing leather armor over his orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt that is covered with dirt smudges. His jeans are in an even sorrier state, spattered with grass stains and even more dirt. He has one hand on his hip and the other is loosely holding his sword. His demeanor is much more relaxed, clearly indicating that he thinks he’s beaten you.
Even though his dirty clothes prove just how hard he had to struggle to get to this point.
The two of you are participating in your weekly spar in the Sword Fighting Arena, which is basically a large mound of dirt and grass with white lines painted over it. As children of Nike and Ares respectively, you and Jeno spend almost all of your time here. If the two of you had it your way, you would be fighting each other every day. Unfortunately, Mr. D and Chiron, the heads of the camp, banned you two from sparring more than once a week out of fear that you might really kill each other. Whenever it’s time for Capture the Flag every Friday, though Mr. D and Chiron have suspended all games indefinitely due to a Minotaur attack that happened a couple weeks ago, you normally aren’t allowed within ten feet of each other because you two take it way too seriously.
While it is a bit extreme, even you have to admit that it is for the better.
You and Jeno have butted heads ever since you met at Camp Half-Blood at the age of twelve, and that rivalry has continued into your twenties. You both naturally have competitive streaks due to your parentage, which means you are constantly fighting for the number one spot at…well, everything. It’s extremely frustrating because you two are always tied at everything as well. He wins some, you win some, but neither of you can ever seem to pull ahead for long.
And that’s why you absolutely cannot lose this spar. Because it means that you’ll be tied again.
“Come on, Y/N. I know you’re gonna try to tackle me as a last ditch effort. It’s written all over your face,” Jeno sighs, placing the flat part of his sword on his shoulder, as if it were a backscratcher.
Oh yeah, and this whole rivalry is exacerbated by the fact that Jeno is an arrogant and insufferable asshole that thinks he’s way cooler than he is.
“Just because you know what’s going to happen doesn’t mean you’ll be able to stop it,” you reply breezily, tossing your sword aside and lunging towards him. Children of Nike are exceptionally fast, so Jeno doesn’t even have a chance to dodge.
You wrap your arms around his legs, and though he manages to keep his balance briefly, you put pressure on the back of his knees, and he eventually buckles. The two of you hit the ground hard, causing a big plume of dirt to rise.
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renjun x haechan nomment ♡ 7llin’ in our Youth | EP. 4
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Turning Red (2022), dir. Domee Shi
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4🌟town !
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it’s almost like what, mark
bonus: say it, mark lee
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