calmkoolaid · 16 days
the world's greatest actor animatic for stanley pines :]
(song by Milk In The Microwave)
finally done with this!!! im not 100% happy with the final result but overall i like how it turned out :D this took about two weeks (?) of work with some breaks
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calmkoolaid · 19 days
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Hey, sorry I am not as active here as I would like to. I might spam some artworks I did in the time I was absent Here are the Hazbin/Helluva fanarts I did
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calmkoolaid · 1 month
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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calmkoolaid · 1 month
10 minutes is not enough time for break!!!
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calmkoolaid · 1 month
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Stan & Randy
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calmkoolaid · 1 month
Guys, I don't think I can live, laugh, love in these conditions.
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calmkoolaid · 1 month
Same dude
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kenny canon event
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calmkoolaid · 1 month
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kenny canon event
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calmkoolaid · 2 months
You ever start dating your best friend and then occasionally forget your in a relationship. Like the only thing that changed was that we say "love you" instead of "love ya" and use pet names like Hun. Also like when you see people posting their partners and your like "oh yeah i have one of those!" After being single for a straight 9 months.
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calmkoolaid · 2 months
So in englisg class my teacher had us take out three personal items, I took out my sketchbook, phone and ear buds. Everyone else just grabbed the closes things like pencils, pens, and their journals. She then asked if we were stuck in the forest with a bear, what and how would we defend ourselves. Most say stabbing it with their pencils, and honestly we all know that's not gonna work. So with my crazy little mind I said "Shove my sketchbook halfway down it's throat, most likely since my sketchbook is wide it could break its jaw or just to be to busy coughing it up, giving me a chànce to escape." Lets just say I got a one way ticket to the council office on the first day of school AND a weird kid label.
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calmkoolaid · 2 months
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calmkoolaid · 2 months
Homophobic experience (4)
Little bit of a vent
So this ones about my aunt that I'm staying at right
now, me her and my cousin were talking about project 2025 and honestly talking Abt it just makes me want to cry so I was on the verge of tears hearing about most of my rights like same sex marriage/mixed marriage and most as a young woman (I'm 14) was going to be stripped away possibly. But then my aunt added on and said "I don't think the gays or transgenders should be allowed to fight for our country"......BITCH WHAT? Why the fuck does it matter if a soldier has a dick or not? Why tf does it matter what the people who literally sacrifice their lives for us love interests are? This was genuinely the dumbest thing I ever heard so I just walked out bc I didn't want to cry in front of her and have to come out of the closet then.
Also I have made the decision that when I graduate and project 2025 is in effect still I will be moving to Iceland.
Remember laugh at stupidity don't cry Abt it. 🩷💛🩵
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calmkoolaid · 2 months
Homophobic experience (3)
Hi I F(14 almost 15) wanted to share some homophobic experiences on here and maybe laugh at some stupidity with y'all.
This took place when I moved to Alaska for a solid 4 or 5 years so I can help my sick grandmother (which sadly passed in 2023) I believe I was around 12, I know it was in 7th and I'm going into 10th no so you do the math on that.
There was this girl and her little group, her new gender identity name was Haven. (I apologize in advance if I call something wrong, I just didn't think Nickname was a good way to call it. Im still learning the gender aspect of the community :))
I'm gonna be frank right here but Haven was a bitch. She was mean to me for no reason, yes I was a little weird but that was because I couldn't pick up on social ques or understand some new internet slang since my aunt and uncle (I was staying with) took away all screens from me and threw away my phone. (That's a story for a another time😒)
So needless to say I was the wierd one in shcool but that still didn't give them any right to treat me the way she did. I was straight around the time, I was still figuring myself out as one does in middle shcool, until I got my first girl crush. Now I had no clue about sexuality. I only knew about being gay or straight. Only access I had to the internet was the shcool Chromebook, so through a whole advisory class period worth of research I decided I was Bi.
The next day I decided to be subtle in hopes the girl would notice and colored a heart with the bi flag colors in it on my cheap sketchbook the art teacher gave me. When Haven saw this and pointed at it and said "uh you do know that's the bisexual flag, right?" And I awkwardly said "uh yeah, I know." We both stared at each other until their friends came in.
Now i dont know fully about what was going through their head but their tone. Their whole attitude made it seem like their and their group were the only one that could be gay. Looking back on it it seemed like they was gate keeping it in a way. Their friend group was mainly the only gays at that small school and even had their own table. I might be wrong and they were just genuinely curious but I have looked over bullying in the past and the way they treated me just didn't rub me the right way.
Anyways I'm gonna try and post these once a day to try and get my karma up but to also tell my stories.
Remember, laugh at the stupidity, don't cry about it.
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calmkoolaid · 2 months
Homophobic experiences (2)
Hi I (F14 almost 15) wanted to start posting my experiences with my homophobic family or homophops in general, in hopes to make some of you laugh at there stupidity and to maybe help you in some way? Idk. (Srry if it turns into a vent in some of these)
So in freshman year around the end my English teacher had us play a debate type game. Like wether a hotdog was a sandwich or a taco and I say a taco, me and other ppl who thought the same would go to the side of the room that she pointed too for taco.
Well I was on the side of the room with most of the boys and the boys are......Christians. over baring christians. No hate I mean I love Jesus and Christ as much as the next person but most of the boys were the homophobic types. Like the type that don't believe gay marriage and fight against bc it's sinfull.
I don't even remember how it got brought up but they asked about my religion. See I'm a ominst which means I believe all and honor all gods and goddesses, I also reside in Texas which is known for its conservative and Christianity standards and known for homophops so I avoided the question not wanting to start a religion argument (the worst types) by saying "I am actually oddly religious" (I don't look it at all). The the blonde one the main homophop one asked "then how are you gay?" Then the dude next to him said "yeah how do you honor knowing your going to hell?"
I kept my cool. A lil background info is this dudes (the one sitting next to the other) girlfriend is bi and none binary so I responded back by saying "dude your girlfriend is gayer then me?" In a genuinely confused tone. (I'm pan and cis) Luckily Mrs Allen my teacher broke it up simply by saying "It's okay to be gay now more discion making, less arguing." She said this knowing full well the Christianity guys were gonna keep stirring the pot and eventually try to make me lose my cool. (Which is extremely hard and Mrs Allen knew that)
P.S a few months later I heard the dude with the gf tried to convert her to Christianity then cheated on her. They broke up and I yelled at him.
Love who you want 🩷💛🩵
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calmkoolaid · 2 months
Homophobic experiences (1)
Homophobic experiences (1)
Hi I (F14) decided to start posting my story's on here since most are funny and stupid, I enjoy laughing at stupidity, and some are some kind of vents.
So it was around the beginning of the shcool year, my first year of highschool, and there was this sped kid (I'm sped too, just with ADHD and I'm on the lowest side of the spectrum of autism) let's just call him lil G for now, my geography teacher was playing some music as we worked on the worksheets he gave us and he was taking song suggestions. Of course with it being Texas it was mainly country or rap being suggested and I just happened to mention I wasn't a big fan of country. Lil G then blurted out "If you don't like country music your gay!" And I said "uh I am." He let out the loudest gasp. The sped teacher he was with had to calm him down as I laughed my ass of at the reaction 🤣.
Remember this took place in Texas and Texas is a very conservative state. Especially the town I was in. So most likely lil G was raised the same way I was and was told if your gay you will go to hell. Atleast that's the reason I gave myself for such a shocked reaction he gave.
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calmkoolaid · 2 months
Just something I sketched in class that I remembered and then made it digitally. (Any suggestions on how to improve the art is welcome and I just drew this to practice drawing hands )
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calmkoolaid · 3 months
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Just a lil somethin I made while staying in a hotel
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