cameforcontent · 14 hours
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Spider-Boy #8 - "Fun & Games" (2024)
written by Dan Slott art by Jason Loo & Erick Arciniega
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cameforcontent · 4 days
u guys don’t understand how much how small jason was as robin means to me,,, he was tiny,,, his ass was NOT physically fit i tell u,,,
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little guy really was little
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cameforcontent · 5 days
I think Bruce and Dick could work out all their issues if Dick started poisoning Bruce’s food in small doses and then nursed him back to health every once in a while :)
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cameforcontent · 15 days
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cameforcontent · 16 days
Two Houses, Alike in Dignity
“I don't know why your parents thought sending you here would break our connection.” Phantom remarked bitterly.
“Because they think you're haunting the portal and can't leave it. I wasn't about to tell them anything close to the truth. They already want to peel you apart for knocking me up.” Danny rolled his eyes as he unpacked his suitcase and shoved his clothes into his new dresser.
“You weren’t even pregnant! Besides, that whole fiasco was Vlad's fault! If he weren’t completely crazy the twins would have been vaporized instead of just deaged.” Phantom protested.
“I know Starlight,” Danny kissed Phantom's cheek. “Thank you for saving them from that, losing them would have broken my heart. It's still complicated and you know how my parents are. In one ear and out the other, if it even enters their ears at all. We can be thankful at least that they accepted the twins and didn’t try to rip the ectoplasm out of them.”
“You’d think as scientists they would want to learn about the things they’re studying.” Phantom complained.
“You know how stubborn my parents are. Just be glad I could talk them into Gotham and not Vlad’s place.” Danny sighed.
“Gotham gives me hives. At least I could fist fight Vlad for you.” Phantom complained, though he didn’t really mean it. Lady Gotham had been very kind and accommodating to them, allowing their small family into her lair without much complaint and just a few simple and easy rules.
“Don’t be rude, Lady Gotham has been good to us.” Danny scolded him lightly. Their conversation was disrupted however by a small childish voice.
“Mother! I hunger!” Dusk demanded a little scowl on his pale face. He had his little hands on his hips, his bright red eyes glaring at Danny, Danny arched an eyebrow at him.
“What do we say?” Danny prompted.
Getting deaged and most of their memories warped a bit thanks to Baby Brain caused Dan to revert to a far more childish state matching his three year old form. His hair was a colorless stark white held in a ponytail as he had thrown a fit about cutting it, his wide eyes were a bright vibrant red, and his skin far paler than most causing him to give the impression that he suffered from albinism rather than being half ghost.
Due to the lack of memories and his genuine youth Phantom and Danny had decided to rename both Dan and Danielle to something more unique to each of them. Dan had gotten the name Dusk and Danielle had gotten the name Dawn from them. Where Dusk was however Dawn was not far behind, her tiny form toddling into the room on chubby legs.
“Appy slices!” Dawn cried striking a triumphant pose beside her brother, her blue eyes sparkling. She looked like an adorable almost identical tiny version of Danny with pigtails.
“Appy slices please.” Dusk requested a little more politely.
“Dawn?” Danny prodded gently.
“Oh, appy slices please!” Dawn requested equally polite.
“That’s my good angels.” Danny praised happily. He reached into his chest, phasing out two little baggies of apple slices; he often kept a few in his chest simply because apples seemed to be the twins’ favorite for the moment.
“How come they’re never angels for me?” Phantom complained. The twins just stuck their tongues out at him before scampering away on their chubby little legs back to their own room. Phantom gave an exaggeratedly offended expression to Danny which made him laugh.
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cameforcontent · 20 days
So like I understand the whole Derek freaks out when he realizes that he’s in love with stiles thing. Cause, sure, valid after everything he been through.
But like I also feel that he would be so relieved. That it’s stiles. Stiles is someone who is safe to fall in love with. Not in the sense of “oh he loves me back so I won’t get my heart broken” (he does) but like in the sense of it won’t be used against him.
Stiles has saved his life over and over again, has kept his secrets and defend him. And Derek cannot help but feel relief of the fact that it’s stiles who has his heart . Because it’s entirely safe with him. Stiles would not abuse him like any of his past relationships. It’s not something the Derek has to worry about. And that just makes it easier to fall deeper in love with him.
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cameforcontent · 20 days
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cameforcontent · 22 days
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one day i’m gonna make a fandom poll for a fic that will make everybody choose whether jason todd dies . jsut to see if history will repeat itself. and also to piss off my redhood stan sister
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cameforcontent · 22 days
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dc fans how we feeling
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cameforcontent · 26 days
one day i’m gonna make a fandom poll for a fic that will make everybody choose whether jason todd dies . jsut to see if history will repeat itself. and also to piss off my redhood stan sister
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cameforcontent · 1 month
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there is nothing more attractive than a man who reads.
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cameforcontent · 1 month
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cameforcontent · 1 month
Hyena!Danny AU Masterpost
Pairing: Jason/Danny
Warning: Descriptions of violence
Description: During a Pit flare up one of Jason's longest 'goons' reveals healing abilities he kept secret and offers Jason the chance to take out his anger on him. As this strange relationship unfolds Jason learns more about the man he previously knew as 'Fox'.
You can find the series on AO3 if you'd rather follow it there: https://archiveofourown.org/series/4130452
Part 1: I Don't Trust the World with You
part 2: Caring Enough to Kill
Part 2.5: Flowers From One Bitch to Another
Part 3: Not Without Me
NSFW aside: Love me, Control me (18+)
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cameforcontent · 2 months
DP corpse AU where (as is common with this trope) after the portal accident, Danny is literally half human and half ghost by composition, but the ghost half is new matter that’s been added to him, so an equal amount of human matter had to go… somewhere? So when he stumbled out the portal, half of a dead teenager kind of just fell to the floor beneath him. But I like to imagine that place of death has some significance to ghosts and that Danny couldn’t bring himself to move it out of the house to bury it but also can’t just leave a corpse on the floor to rot. It’s tricky for that first little bit of time when he isn’t aware of his powers or how to use them and he has to keep moving around a drawstring bag full of his own pieces so his family doesn’t find it, but eventually he gets the idea to phase his corpse into the frame of the portal that killed him.
Blah blah blah JL or smth has to move the portal due to it being a radioactive hazard in the basement of a residential block lol. I imagine that Superman X-ray visions it and then fucking throws up bcz holy shit that’s a corpse burned to hell and the pieces are child sized wtf??? JLD had told them something twisted had to have happened for the portal to currently be operable, some sort of sacrifice, but the scientists that designed it were really compliant- all midwestern polite and endearingly zealous abt their craft. The Drs Fenton swore that this portal was built strictly on scientific processes, NO dark dealings involved, genuinely, and Martian Manhunter signaled they were telling the truth, so where why are these pubescent sized metacarpals shoved between gaps in the wires?
As many problems as Danny has with his parents, he still loves them. Do you think Danny would risk outing himself as a monster his parents want to study, that the GIW hunts mercilessly, that the Justice League themselves came to this little town to contain? Do you think he’d accept the fate that confession would buy him just to save his parents from the law?
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cameforcontent · 2 months
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cameforcontent · 3 months
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I think Dick is 13-ish when he meets Bruce in this AU.
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cameforcontent · 3 months
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but if I'M a traumatized kid and YOU'RE a traumatized kid... who's playing the game!?
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