cece33 · 7 months
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cece33 · 10 months
A good boy taking himself for a walk while it’s raining
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cece33 · 11 months
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cece33 · 1 year
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Senpai says you’re welcome
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cece33 · 1 year
A good boy
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cece33 · 1 year
I want black girls and women to be safe.
I want black girls and women to be happy.
I want black girls and women to be protected.
I want black girls and women to be loved.
I want all the best things for black girls and women.
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cece33 · 1 year
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cece33 · 2 years
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In Frozen (2013), Anna sings about how she is so alone, despite having dozens of servants that work in the castle daily. This is because royalty don’t see staff as people, but more like a kind of mobile furniture. She would rather talk to paintings than to speak with Kai, her lifelong valet.
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cece33 · 2 years
Summary: Peter’s Goodbye
Words: 357
Notes: I was listening to the Sogn “Forever” by Labrinth in 8D and this idea came to my head. Short and simple. I take request too, I think its a nice creative challenge. Anyways, enjoy :) x
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“Do you think things will always be like this?” You ask staring off into the distance. The city skyline slowly descending into darkness as the sun begins to rest. The slight summer breeze kissing your skin ever so slightly. You turn to face Peter, finding him already staring at you. His features soft in the city light. His eyes lingering on your lips before connecting with your eyes. “If we make it like this. Then yes, I do believe things will always be like this.” Your eyes soften as Peter grabs your hand and plants a soft kiss upon it. “You know what I mean Peter.” You say as Peter lowers your hand and continues to stare at it. “I don’t know what tomorrow will be like, or the day after that. All I know is this moment and this moment only.” He begins to gently rub circles on the back of your hand. “I only want to remember you like this. I don’t want to think about tomorrow.” He says. This time you bring his hands to your face and kiss his palm gently before burying your face into it. “I love you.” You say softly, a tear falling. Peter wipes it and moves closer, placing your head in both his palms. He leans in and kisses your forehead, then your nose. He places his forehead against yours as you begin to cry softly. “I’ll always be with you, no matter what happens. I want you to remember us like this when you start to miss me.” He then kisses you. A kiss leaving you two longing for more. More time, more moments. Just more. The kiss felt so long yet so short, it was a kiss goodbye. His soft lips leave yours, and his thumb brushes against your cheek one last time wiping the tears you forgot were escaping. Then you felt cold. You open your eyes and find no one but yourself, the touch you were longing for gone, only the memories on your lips, the sun had gone and the sky was painted with stars. The gentle breeze felt not so gentle anymore. 
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cece33 · 2 years
The Beginning (3)
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Pairing: TASM! Peter Parker x Reader (eventually)
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1095
Notes: I kind of have an idea of where I want this story to go now, so thats good :). My MacBook  was broken for a bit so I didn’t have access to my story until today... this chapter is a little weak im sorry I just didn't want to not post for a longer time cause then I probably would have never posted again LOL. Like I always say, I am open to constructive criticism. Thanks for reading! Enjoy :)xx!!
Peters Pov
If that were the case, she’d still be here.
Y/N words replay over and over in Peter’s mind. Maybe she’s right. If Peter were capable of saving her he would have, but he wasn’t. He wasn’t fast enough, He couldn’t think quick enough to realize that he could have just caught her. Why did he rely on his webs…. Would she still be here if he hadn’t used his webs? A part of him didn’t want to accept that, didn’t want to deal with the fact that he couldn’t be the perfect hero for her. He did not want to accept that he wasn’t capable of saving her. The sound of the bell ringing broke Peter from his train of thought. This was his first week back to school and everything seemed different. Quieter to him. As if there were no one else there. His classes went by fairly quickly each blending into the other. His teacher pulling him aside and welcoming him back. Each of them giving him an extension and mentioning that if he needed anyone that they would be there for him. All of them sounded like they were reading from the same script. The day was going by smoothly until the final class arrived. He’s been dreading this class the most, not only because everything reminded him of Gwen, but also because Peter hadn’t seen you since the funeral and he wasn’t sure where his feelings with you stood. He knew he owed you an apology, but he wasn’t sure if he should. Usually blaming someone for the death of a lover isn’t something someone could let go so easily.  The warning bell rings and Peter continues to stroll to class, not sure what he was going to say. When he walks in, his eyes immediately goes to your seat but you are no where to be found. He sighs, not sure if he was relieved or disappointed. Relieved that he wouldn’t have to deal with you today or disappointed that he would have to deal with you another day. He makes his way to his seat and the teacher begins teaching. Class rolls by smoothly, just like his earlier classes, until half way through the door opens and you walk in hastily. The teacher continues to teach as you make your way to your seat beside Peter. It took everything in him not to look in your direction. It was awkward, Peter could sense the tension between you two and he didn’t need his Spidey senses for that. Anyone could feel the tension. As class drones on Peter tires sneaking looks towards you but failing nonetheless as you would notice right away any time he would peak in your direction. He gave up. This new habit of both of you guys ignoring each other was become tiresome to Peter, but he wasn’t sure what he would say after your last conversation did not end well. When the final bell rang, Peter threw all of his belongings into his bag not even bothering to make sure they were neatly placed as in attempt to leave the classroom before you. He had barely stepped his foot out the door when the teacher called both him and you to their desk. Fuck. Peter rolled his eyes, his escape was so close. He contemplated pretending he didn’t hear the teacher and leaving, but his pause at the door was becoming too long he had to turn around. You were already at the front with the teacher looking at the board as the teacher stared at him waiting for him to approach. Slumping his shoulders, Peter made his way to his teacher. “First I wold like to welcome you two back. I know this must be a hard time for you and I want you both to know that I am here if you two need anything.” His teacher said, again with the same scripted response. It was as if they had a binder for responses when it came to interacting with students. “Since you two have missed quite a few assignments, I decided that  I will give you both until the end of the semester to hand those in to me with no penalty seeing as your excuse for missing them valid.” His teacher continued. Both Peter and you nod, but Peter was sensing there was more than just missing assignments. “Another reason I give you until the end, is because I would like for you to focus on a project that is due soon, next month actually and we will be presenting. You two can present last of course. The other students already had a head start. It is a partner project, and you two are the only ones left.” Peter felt as if the universe was laughing at him, first he fails to save his first love and blames his best friend for it and now, his grade is dependent on the person he blames. This is the most cliche of all cliches and Peter hated it. “Can I work alone?” He blurts out. Your teacher is taken back by this but you remain silent. “Oh..uh, when I made groups I assumed you three would be together… you know, before.” Her voice trails off. “Anyway, the work load is too much to do individually, inducing the assignments you two are already missing. Im sorry Peter, but you two will just have to work something out.” She finished. “Thank you Ms.G, where can we find the directions for the project?” Y/N asked. Her voice was soft and she was making an effort to not look towards Peter. “You could find the directions and different topics to pick in the class folder online.” Ms.G said. Y/N nodded, “Thank you.” She said and she walked out the room leaving Peter alone with Ms.G. “Any other questions Peter?” She asked. Peter shook his head and headed out. The hallway was almost empty as most people were outside catching their busses or on their way to their clubs. Today was Wednesday, Peter knew you had Physics club and opted on going to speak to you about the project, but he wasn’t so sure you would want to talk to him seeing as both conversations you two had had has not ended well both times. First time he blames you for the death of his first love and the second time he ignores you and demands the teacher to not work with you. The already rocky relationship was crumbling faster than it could be put together.
[1] [2]
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cece33 · 2 years
The Beginning (2)
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Paring: TASM! Peter Parker x Reader (eventually)
Warning: Mentions of death
Word count: 1404
Notes: Here is part 2. Not sure exactly where I want this story to go, but the more I write the more ideas come. I’ll probably be busy this week working but I’ll be writing here and there. I really hope you guys enjoy this and again I am very open to constructive criticism LOL. I love anyone who takes the time to read this and I love anyone who actually likes this. Thank you and enjoy :) x !!
Few weeks later. 
Today was Gwen’s funeral, and you weren’t sure if your could bring yourself to go. Every night since that night all you thought about was her death. You blamed yourself, If only you held on tighter.  If only you’d gone home. Would she still be here? Does Peter blame me? These thoughts plagued your mind. 
You hadn’t gone to school in weeks and you barely left your room. You didn’t talk to anyone, the only person you did want to talk to didn’t want to talk to you. You haven’t seen or spoken to Peter since Gwen death. 
You’ve tried calling, texting, and dropping by once but no luck. He was the only person who knew what you were going through and you needed him, but he was no where to be found. You closed your eyes, the events of that night flashing behind them. 
You watch Peter jump after her, and hear the familiar sound of his web. Then the memory goes black and when it returns you remember his cries and him holding her lifeless body. You weren’t sure how long he held her for but your arm was sore when he finally lowered you down. When you caught a glimpse of Gwen’s body up close it broke you. 
You did this. It’s your fault she’s gone.
 You held yourself as you cried, Peter only watching in silence probably lost in his own thoughts. A soft knock at your door brings you back to reality. “Honey are you ready?” the sound of your mothers voice fills the room as she walks in. You look at her from your bed. “I don’t think I can.” You whisper. Your mother walks over to you and sits next to you. 
“Honey in life you will experience loss, each time will be different. Some will be hard to deal with; others will be… not easy per se, but better than most. Losing a best friend is one of the harder ones to deal with.” Your mother rubs your arm and you begin to cry. 
“Someone once told me that love transcends death, the memories you’ve made with her will never be forgotten, they reside forever in your heart and only you can keep her alive by keeping those moments with her alive.” Your mother wipes your tears. “I just miss her so much” You sob. 
Your mother holds you. “I know baby, I know. Goodbye’s aren’t always easy and saying goodbye so soon can feel so wrong, but this isn’t goodbye forever” She kisses your forehead and holds you tighter. The sound of your cries fill the room, you remained in your mothers arms for a while before pulling away to sit up. 
“Let me get dressed” You say, she nods giving you one more kiss to the forehead and exits the room. 
You grab your phone and unlock it going to your recent call log and finding Peters name. Your fingers hover over his contact for a while before clicking the call button. Two rings and straight to voicemail. 
The ceremony seems to have gone by quickly. That or you were just going through the motions waiting for it to end so you could go back to your room. As the casket began to lower you notice Peter standing across from you. He was looking down it didn’t seem like he saw you. 
After her casket was lowered everyone said their goodbyes and began leaving. Your mother intertwines her fingers with yours and begins to walk towards the car. “Im going to go say hi to Peter.” You say stopping, your mother kisses you hand and releases it. “Alright, i’ll be in the car. Take all the time you need.” She says. 
After watching your mother walk away, your gaze slowly returns to Peter. He was staring down at Gwen’s grave. Despite not being able to see his face, you knew he was lost in thought. Taking a deep breath, you begin to approach him slowly. You stop a few feet behind him knowing he senses your presence. 
"Hey Peter." You say, you wait a few moments for his response. He ignores you and simply continues staring down at the grave. After staring at the back of his head for a moment, you walk towards him until you’re standing beside him while avoiding looking at the tombstone. A painful reminder of your mistake. 
Your gaze is fixed on Peter. "I haven't seen you in a while... not even Spiderman." You gently placed your hand on Peter's arm, but felt him tense under your touch. Reluctantly, you let your hand fall. “How are you holding up?” You asked. He continued to ignore you.
“Peter please.” You plead, the frigid air blowing through you. You wrap your arms around you body for warmth. “Talk to me, you’re the only person I can talk to about this. Please don’t shut me out.” You say softly. 
“What is there to talk about?” Peter breaks his silence, he is still avoiding your gaze. You shrug your shoulders. “Everything Peter. We never talked about what happened that night.” You said. “Theres nothing to talk about.” He replies. 
You take a breath and roll your eyes. Grief was a bitch. “I lost her too Peter. She was also my best friend.” You said. There was a long pause, the only sound was of the wind blowing around you, when Peter finally spoke. “Why’d you let her fall?” 
You’re speechless as you stand there. “What?” You asked, unsure if you heard him correctly. “Why’d you let her fall?” He repeated. You stare at him, not knowing what to say. Peter finally looked up at you, his complexion was pale, eyes were puffy and red, but his stare was harsh. 
“Peter she slipped” You whisper. Peter scoffs and you notice a few tears fall from his eyes. This was the second time you’ve seen Peter cry, the first being when he was holding Gwen. “I told you to go home; if you went home she’d still be here.” He declares.
 Tears are welling up in your eyes. He had the same thoughts you were having, “You don’t know that Peter.” You say with a small shake of your head. 
“If you had gone home, I would have caught her first.” Peter says. “Instead…” He goes quiet. “Instead you caught me first.“ You finish his sentence. You two are silent for a moment, staring at each other. 
You take a deep breath and glance down before summoning the confidence to ask the question that began to plague your mind. “Do… do you regret saving me?” You inquire softly, looking at the ground. 
More silence follows, you look up and Peter is looking back down at the grave. “Peter?” You didn’t believe your heart could break any further than it had already. “Some best friend you are.” You say as you begin to walk away. 
The tears beginning to flow. “Y/N wait, I didn’t-“ You cut him off before he could finish. “Peter, save it. That’s exactly what you meant to say and you know it.” You continue walking towards your mothers car before coming to a halt and turning around once more. 
“You know I barely sleep anymore,” You began “Because every time I close my eyes I see her.” You look down and start playing with your fingers as the tears blur your vision. “I spend most of my time thinking about her final moments and what I could have done to prevent that.” More tears.
 “But never once did my mind ever go in the direction of blaming you” You look up and Peter is already staring at you, his expression softer than before, “I blame my self more than I blame you. I could’ve saved her.” He said softly.
 “If that were the case, she’d still be here… but she’s not.” You said as your brushed away your tears. Peter was taken aback by this as though you were reiterating what he was thinking. “Take care of yourself Peter.” With that you headed towards your mothers car. 
A part of you wanted to run back to Peter and apologize for hurting him the way he did you, but another part of you didn’t care. Your best friend accused you of being responsible for the death of a third of you. You wouldn’t be able to recover from that. 
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cece33 · 2 years
The Beginning (1)
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Parings: TASM! Peter Parker x Reader (eventually)
Warning: Death? Implied at least
Word count: 1301
Notes: This story starts during the final fight in TASM2... Im in a mood to write sad stuff and I think the events proceeding the final fight would be sad. idk, i hope you guys like it.. its basically just the movie with like two changes LOL. Anyways, i am very open to constructive criticism. This will be my first fanfic omg. exciting. I love anyone who takes the time to read this! enjoy :) x 
“Electro is down!” You shout as you stare at the blue man beneath you, the energy dampening collar is wrapped around him. He lets out a sigh as he realizes he can't do anything more. You walk towards Peter. "Good alright. Get Gwen to the airport before she misses her flight." Peter says. Gwen leaves the building and begins to make her way towards you guys. "Y/N will take you to the airport. I’ll be swinging close behind. I just need to take a moment to sit down" He says crouching over. 
You begin to rub his back just as the sound of laughter is heard above you. “Spiderman!” The figure over your heads yells. He lowers himself blocking Gwen's path. You get a good look at him and gasp as you recognize who it was. Harry Osborn, but not the same Harry you remembered. "Look what we have here" He smiled and looked between you and Spiderman.
 His once fair skin now had a green tint, his face covered with scars, and his teeth were stained black and yellow. He turned and looked at Gwen before returning his attention back to you two. “Peter.” He said smiling. Peter instinctively stood between you and Harry. “What happened to you Harry?” He asked.  
“I told you I was dying Peter. I came to you for help. To spider-man. Only to now find out that when Spiderman said no, it was really YOU saying no.” He said angrily. 
“Harry, it wasn’t— it isn’t  safe, I was trying to protect you! I don't know what reaction you could have to my blood.” Peter says.
You and Gwen share a quick glance, you motion for her to get back in the building. She begins to slowly back away. “I was already dying Peter! I just wanted a chance. You were my last chance and you just left me.” Harry yelled.
“Anyways, I found someone who was willing to help me. Now I feel more alive than ever. You don’t deserve the power you have, you say Spider-man is here to give people hope, but you don’t give hope. You take it away.” Harry glances over his shoulder looking at Gwen before looking back at Peter. “I came here to kill Spider-man, but I think I’ll just kill his hope instead.” Harry turns and glides towards Gwen before grabbing her and flying away. 
“Gwen!” Both you and Peter yell. Peter begins to swing after her. “Y/n leave!” You hesitate for a moment considering your options, you decide to stay. If you were in Gwen's position she would never leave you, so you wouldn't dare abandon her. You get in your car and drive after them. They stopped at the top of the clock tower. 
As you exit the car, you begin to make your way inside. It is dark and quiet within the building. You pull your phone out to shine the flashlight and look for stairs leading to the top. Lucky for you, the stairs were just to your right. You begin to make your way up in hopes that they hadn’t moved. 
Muffled shouts above you alerted you that they were still on top of the building. As you continued running up the stairs, you heard a crash and screams.  You glanced up to see Gwen dangling from a pipe and Peter fighting Harry. “GWEN!” You yell, she looks down at you. “I'm coming, hold on!" You shout. "I don't really have a choice!" She responds. Peter looks downs "Y/N?" You keep running up the stairs as you hear Harry's voice. 
"It seems that you love putting your loved ones in danger Peter." He says. A punch lands. You finally make it to the top and catch your breath. Gwen is still hanging, but she isn't far away. You reach out to her, “grab my arm and I'll pull you in.” You two stare at each other before she looks down. "I'm not sure if I like that idea. Y/N." She says. "Trust me, I've got you." You say. 
You grab the railing with one hand and reach for Gwen with the other. She hesitates for a moment before letting out a breath. She swings towards you. The pipe squeaks with every swing. 
"Come on, I don't think that pipe will last long." You say, keeping your arm extended. Just as she grabbed your arm, your luck ran out, the pipe she was hanging on snapped, and since she was holding you the force of her falling caused the railing you were leaned over to also snap, and you also fell forward.
“No!” You yell. This catches Peter’s attention. You feel a sharp tug. You look up to see your hand webbed and Peter grasping the other end. Just as he begins to reel you two in Harry attacks from behind, causing both of you to jerk and Gwen's arm to slip a little from your grasp. Oh God. 
“Y/N, I am slipping!” Gwen says. “Okay, okay. Uhhhh” you say as you look around for a solution. “Okay, you won't like this, but let's do this.” you say. “Start swinging and try to get to the staircase.” Gwen looks at you. “We already tried that! That’s how we ended up like this in the first place!” She yells. “Gwen! Either this web snaps or you slip. Try again. Please." You stared at each other for a moment before she nodded her head. 
You both started to sway slowly in an attempt to build momentum. Gwen swings her feet closer and closer to the edge, but her grip becomes looser and looser with each swing. "Gwen, please hurry. I don't think I can hold on any longer."
You complain to her as you struggle to dangle more than 200 pounds on one arm,"I'm trying." She replies. You look up in horror as the web Peter was holding inches closer to clock wheels. “I think you should try a little faster.” You say. 
Gwen looks up and sees what you see and continues to swing. “I got it!” she says after a few more attempts. You look down and see Gwen has her toe on the ledge and is inching her feet onto it. 
Looking up and watching as the wheel turned again, it was on the final turn before the web would snap. In order to stop it from turning, Peter placed his foot between the wheels. You look down at Gwen and she’s trying to get her other foot on the ledge. Your arm feels like it's on fire. 
You look back up and for the first time in your life, you weren’t so sure Peter would be able to save you. He was struggling to hold you two, fight Harry, and prevent the clock tower from snapping the web. 
He tries to choke Harry in order to save you both as quickly as possible, but he is at a stalemate. Peter's struggles end when the wheels snap and smash together, causing the web to break. Due to the wheels colliding together, Harry is thrown to the side. It seems as if the next few moments unfold in slow motion. 
As the web snapped, you both fall. You gasp as you start to feel the wind. Peter shoots out a web towards you guys as he leaps from the top. 
Peter reaches out his other arm to catch something that can protect you all from falling as the web catches your arm. 
He manages to catch a pipe, but the force of his stopping causes you to stop abruptly, and your grip on Gwen breaks. You let out a scream. 
You can’t tell what happens next. In your memory, all you saw was Gwen fall, while Peter jumped over you to try to catch her.
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cece33 · 2 years
Sunday Morning
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Summary: A Sunday morning with Peter. That’s all
Words: 161
Notes: This isn’t a story, I guess its a drabble... idk, I just wrote something in my journal and then was inspired to write about Andrew.... since my love for him has resurfaced.... I hope you guys like it even a little bit. Im open to constructive criticism :)
 The warmth of the sun pouring in from the outside wakes you. Opening your eyes you are met with the blinding light of the sun shinning in your face.
Peter wraps his arm around you, pulling you close. He snuggles his face into your neck, inhaling your scent and pressing a kiss onto your neck. “Good morning baby” He would say into your ear, you manage you turn and face him. His brown curls all over the place, “Good morning” you say, he pulls you closer. “Do you know how stunning you look right now?” He asks staring at you. 
“Peter, I look a mess.” You say. He leans forward and places a gentle kiss on your forehead. “A beautiful mess.” He says before kissing your lips softly. “What a backhanded complement.” You say attempting to move away. Peter laughs “I thought that sounded romantic” He sends you a cute smile and you can’t help but laugh “maybe a little romantic.”
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cece33 · 3 years
“If you have been brutally broken, but still have the courage to be gentle to others then you deserve a love deeper than the ocean itself.”
— Nikita Gill
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cece33 · 3 years
“My mom adopted a cat that brings her slippers to her every morning. I didn’t believe her until she got it on camera finally”
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cece33 · 3 years
Little puppy big steps
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cece33 · 3 years
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Barn Owl Extreme Cuteness (x)
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