cephies-oc-rp-hub · 4 years
Tartar with human eyes and a human leg
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cephies-oc-rp-hub · 4 years
dear god its been forever
any of y’all still exist? hmu
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cephies-oc-rp-hub · 5 years
My sanitized, by sentience
-Amilea, @theultimateturncoat . Has not changed one bit since life, even in memory, besides a newly acquired sort of sorrow and longing.
-Onyx, @theultimateturncoat . Oriented, ambitious and heavy on the morals. She's got a good grasp of what's going on and why, despite still lacking a solid sense of self or in depth understanding of the choices she made in life. Only confused and agitated when she has to figure out how to reconcile 'then' and 'now', given her turbulent history.
-Nori, @world-of-nori-yune . She's capable and she's intelligent...bordering on genius, even...but her overly logical mind and computerish mathematical precision is offset by severe anxiety and an unshakeable tendency to space out and fail to understand her surroundings or circumstances. Tries her best, learning to communicate more effectively.
-Tack, also @world-of-nori-yune . Independent, chaotic and upbeat, but directionless and lacking in foresight or any ability to conceptualize their life in the long term. Driven by a combination of boredom, constant dissatisfaction, and instinct. Doesn't know themself well enough to find peace, and is off-putting enough to others that they have trouble making connections to grow.
-Melody, @subway-lemure . Follows orders excellently, and adheres to strict standards of loyalty and skill. She's aware enough that there's a personal component to her diligence, and she has a modest list of hobbies she would enjoy if she had free time, but lacks much capacity to question authority or coherently dictate her own needs and wants.
-Marina, @mi10009 . Nearly blank. Remembers little, and still struggles to feel anything for her career or for her own girlfriend. Trying to emulate her living self in performance, but her upbeat songs are less than genuine.
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cephies-oc-rp-hub · 6 years
"capitalism" and "Placenta" in the same match
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cephies-oc-rp-hub · 6 years
I don’t want to see posts about m4rie. I don’t want to be sent content made by people who draw m4rie. I don’t want this ship on my dash, in my DMs, on discord or anywhere near me. I do not like it, sam I am.
But seriously. Please PLEASE at least tag/spoiler it or I’ll block you. And if you reblog art from a Certain Artist please don’t put it anywhere near me or attempt to discuss certain AUs with me.
This is about a personal trigger, if you discourse on this post I’m blocking you.
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cephies-oc-rp-hub · 6 years
I’ve been thinking a lot about sanitized octarians and the way they act/think/feel, both under Tartar’s control and otherwise. I love other people’s headcanons and various portrayals, and I’ve been trying to scrape something together of my own. Headcanons abound below!
I think the largest feature of my headcanons is that presentation of cognitive limitations, symptoms of PTSD and degree of independence can and do vary widely, and often randomly.
There are some things that they all have in common (or most, at least):
Sanitization almost always causes amnesia. Sanitized cephalopods will lack all or most of their memories of life before, and these are often impossible to recover. Among those who retain some (or, very rarely, almost all) of their memories, recollection may be hazy or profoundly uncomfortable.
Sanitized cephalopods are prone to dissociation and may spent all or most of their time disoriented or ‘zoning out’ if not given orders. This can gradually improve over time in a free and supportive environment, but due to severe psychological trauma they may default to a blank state under stress.
The behavior of sanitized specimens may resemble that of ex cult members in that they find it extremely difficult to make decisions on their own, and exhibit learned subservience and a tendency to view those outside of their fellow undead as dangerous or untrustworthy. They can be fanatically devoted.
Sanitized beings experience a limited capacity for emotion and may feel emotionally numb. They may also speak flatly and struggle to empathize with others, and it isn’t uncommon to observe cephalopods further along in recovery to seek out stimuli (such as music or intense media) in an attempt to “feel something”.
Physical sensation and many senses are dulled, which may be the only thing preventing perception of severe pain and illness in sanitized beings due to the condition they are in. They have a dulled sense of taste and smell, and may frequently feel numbness all over their bodies. 
The legal capacity to consent to medical intervention, as well as decisions made about their financial, legal or residential status, is a topic for debate regarding recovering sanitized and varies greatly by individual. Most are at least somewhat impaired in decision making and ability to understand their circumstances and would benefit from having someone trustworthy to speak on their behalf, but it can be difficult to trace and contact people from the cephalopod’s life before sanitization.
Most can at least partially recover and gain some independence, though they will never be physically restored to life. Disorientation and uncertainty tend to improve with time, and many can learn new skills and live fruitful unlives. They may not ever appear or feel ‘normal’, but the goal will always be increased independence and fulfilment.
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cephies-oc-rp-hub · 6 years
Reblog if you are okay with RPing with Multimuse blogs!
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cephies-oc-rp-hub · 6 years
Hey guys look!
IC twitter, because Nori absolutely needs somewhere to put her stupid questions and ideas
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cephies-oc-rp-hub · 6 years
Due to some bad experiences and a low motivation to write, I think I'm going to shift my blogs from completely nonselective to semi-selective. Not out of personal dislike or spite for anyone, only that I've realized my struggle to set boundaries is rooted in abuse, and I would feel a lot safer knowing I don't have an obligation to interact with everyone
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cephies-oc-rp-hub · 6 years
“I-…I’m team wizard! And Alex is…Alex is team knight…And instead of fighting, I’m…I’m gonna wear a pretty dress and we’re gonna. Go on a date and then she says she wants to pick me up like a princess.”
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cephies-oc-rp-hub · 6 years
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n-pacer x headphones x bobble
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cephies-oc-rp-hub · 6 years
no cops at pride just pearl and her sword
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cephies-oc-rp-hub · 6 years
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my knight 💕🗡
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cephies-oc-rp-hub · 6 years
Bobble hat from the Splatoon Manga is an Eldritch God
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Requested by @cephies-oc-rp-hub
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cephies-oc-rp-hub · 6 years
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cephies-oc-rp-hub · 6 years
Reblog if GEN III is your favourite Pokémon generation!
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cephies-oc-rp-hub · 6 years
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