cerinefalls · 3 years
Dinner Dilemma
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Kenma Kozume x Reader Ficlet
Summary: You decide to cook for your roommate. The two of you have a talk over dinner. I'm planning on making this a two or three-part series.
Part One | Part Two [not yet finished]
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It's late, and you're a bit worried.
Kenma hadn't left his room all day- not even for food!
This of course wasn't the first time this had happened. You knew exactly why.
Kenma was busy, simply put. He got wrapped up in his work today, and now? It was nearly 10.30 pm, and he hadn't left his room in 12 hours.
Would stepping in be wrong? It's possible because you knew Kenma could get very stressed on days like these.
But even so, you knew this was an opportunity to make him feel better, so you hiked up your sleeves and began making dinner.
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The gentle aroma of tonight's warm meal filled the air as you set out a plate for your tired friend. Whether he'd been on a 12-hour stream, or perhaps stuck in a match, you were unaware- but you did know that he was inevitably hungry after all that work.
Now, you had to get it to him. It wouldn't have been a good idea to yell 'dinner's ready' in the event he was in a game or something, so you'd have to be more strategic than that. There was the likely chance he hadn't eaten yet, in which case simply letting him find out on his own was the best option! But you couldn't bring yourself to that. It might get cold by the time he deemed himself hungry enough to take a break and leave his room.
"What to do..." You thought aloud, cleaning the rest of the dishes you'd used. You glanced over at the two plates. The food looked delicious! But, after all that cooking, you weren't even sure if you were hungry. You might just have to fake it, though, because you hadn't eaten in a while either, and watching you eat might inspire your overworked roommate.
After finishing the last of your cleaning, you took a step back and admired your work one last time. It wouldn't hurt to just... take it to him, right? If you were quiet enough and entered cautiously, it would not disturb him or his work. Yes! That was what you'd do.
You loaded his plate into your arms very carefully, being sure not to spill or drop anything from it as you walked towards his door. As you approached, you heard muffled music from behind the door. It sounded like... lobby music? Whether it was from a game or a paused stream, though, you were vastly unsure.
Tapping on his door three times was your usual knock, and you tried, but your hands were too full to get it right. This meant that when you went to open his door and he walked out, the two of you bumped right into each other! It was by something short of a miracle that you didn't drop his food.
"Ah, I'm sorry." Kenma apologized, swiftly aiding you in stabilizing your feet. That was embarrassing, but he didn't seem to care about the encounter much. Kenma went right back to scratching the back of his neck and adjusting his bun when you were still.
"Hello! I was just about to... well, you figured that already." You stepped back slightly, allowing Kenma to step out of his room entirely and shut the door behind him.
"Mm-m," He shook his head. "About to what?"
"Oh, well, I was about to bring you some food. I thought you'd be hungry, and I didn't want to bother you, so..." You figured he understood when he nodded his head and looked down at the plate you were carrying.
"For me?" He looked interested... in his own way. his eyebrows didn't raise far, and his eyes didn't widen much, but his voice carried inflections as he pointed interrogatively.
"Yep! My plate is in the kitchen. I thought you may have wanted to eat in your room." You explained. You walked back toward the kitchen, Kenma following with his hands in his pockets. You put his plate down on the counter in front of him.
"No, thanks." He disagreed, but to what?
"No..?" You questioned, confused.
"I came out because I wanted to eat with you," he settled. "I could hear you making food." Did he really know you that well? This wasn't the first time you'd decided to make food for him, so it wasn't surprising.
"You wanted to eat with me?" You tried not to make it sound as though you were surprised at all, but you couldn't help sounding a little excited.
"Yeah," He nodded. Kenma picked up his plate and walked to the kitchen table. He waited for you to join him before he started eating. "I wanted to say thank you," He stated calmly.
"Thank you?" You asked. Had you done anything to be thanked for? Not that you knew of.
"Yes. I wanted to let you know I appreciate the things you do for me." He spoke just as casually as he had before, not bothering to look up from his plate while he spoke. Kenma took a bite of his food, silently waiting for your reply.
"You're welcome!" You smiled. Kenma couldn't see it, though. He was busy enjoying his food. You could've sworn you saw a contented grin on his face while he ate, but it went away when he looked up.
"I want to do something for you too." Kenma sat up and paused eating for a moment. "You've cooked for me three times this week. You don't have to do that." He spoke matter of factly, yet there was a hint of appreciation behind his words. Did he feel obligated to pay you back in some way? Perhaps. It did not mean he was being insincere, though. Kenma had yet to lie to you.
"That's really not necessary, Kenma. I do this because I want to!" You attempted to assure him there was no reason to feel indebted to you, but he shook his head and prodded at his plate as a simple response.
"Then I want to help you, as well." Kenma concluded. "I'm going back to my room after I finish eating, but I'll be working alone, so you can join me."
"Join you? Why?" You asked, having finished a good portion of your food.
"So we can talk about it. You know a lot about me, but I don't know much about you. It feels unfair." Kenma had reached his resolve already, and it shocked you, to say the least. He hardly ever talked this much! It had to be something he'd brooded over for a while.
"Well... alright. Later, then." You weren't going to argue. This sounded like it could be a fun opportunity, and fun it would be.
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cerinefalls · 3 years
𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝐵𝑒𝒹
An Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Summary: On the way back to UA after a weekend of field training, the bus breaks down. Luckily for classes 1A and 1B, Vlad was able to find you rooms! Unluckily for everyone, it was not a big hotel. Time to share, and your roommate was... you guessed it; Izuku Midoriya! Good thing, too, because you're not feeling too good.
Other Parts: Shoto Todoroki
Content: SFW, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Suggestive Themes
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You wandered down the halls near aimlessly as you searched for your room. It shouldn't have been so hard to find a room in a hotel, but unfortunately for you, this place had no order. Room 412 should've been right between 410 and 414, but in its place was room 416. Was your room even located on the fourth floor? You were unsure at this point.
"Four twelve... four twelve... four twelve... It should be here, but these aren't in numerical order. Maybe if I retrace my steps, I'll see that I missed something! No, these aren't in order either. Are villains trying to disorient us? Maybe I'm thinking too hard... " You overheard a familiar voice muttering down the hall. It was nearing you, but you couldn't point out exactly who it was.
As you continued down the dimly lit hallway, the voice gradually got louder. Soon, it sounded like it was right in front of you. It was right in front of you! You bumped into the source of the sound and nearly fell backward. That was an oddly soft wall you'd run into.
"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you, I swear! Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I-" Now you knew who it was. Who else went on and on that way? It had to be Deku.
"No- I'm fine, Midoriya." You brushed off whatever initial shock you'd felt and stood up straight again. "You said 412?" The room. That was your room, and if he'd seen it, you needed to know where.
"What? Oh, the woman at the desk told me to look for room 412, but I can't find it anywhere." Izuku replied to you without hesitation. His brain was running at full capacity at all times, after all.
"She did? That's my room too. Can we look together?" You'd been grouped with Midoriya? That was unexpected. You'd expected someone like him to end up with Bakugo or Todoroki, but it looked like he was stuck with you. You didn't know him too well, but he probably didn't mind.
"Yeah! This must be a test." He nodded, accepting your offer. Was he always thinking about hero work? That looked like what the hero course did to them all.
The two of you spent minute after minute hauling luggage around the fourth floor. After a while, Izuku offered to take your bags for you. You declined- but were starting to wish you hadn't. Double-checking, triple-checking- nothing provided results, and it was beginning to tire you.
"Maybe it's on another floor?" You pitched your idea to the now pacing and muttering mess of a boy. He'd hardly heard you through his thick thought bubble.
"Of course! If all of these are out of order, there's no telling how disorienting the next floors are. It must be somewhere else!" Had he seriously not considered that before? You hesitated to tell him because you thought he'd already checked the other floors. Then again, this wouldn't be the first time someone had to suggest something obvious to him.
Izuku led you to the elevator and pressed the button to move down a floor. One floor at a time, that's how you'd do it. The wait was long, and Midoriya appeared lost in thought the entire time. Soon, the quiet elevator ride lowered you to the third floor.
"Alright, let's check around here for the-"
"I found it!" Midoriya interrupted you with his outburst from slightly down the hall. Sure enough, on the 3rd floor, 412 was sat between 310 and 314. It made you wonder what happened to room 312.
Never mind any of your questions or concerns, it was time to sit! Finally, after all that time training, you got to sit on a sturdy piece of furniture. The odd circumstances didn't even cross your mind as you rushed past Izuku and onto the red couch that sat against the wall in the front of your hotel room.
"You're smart," Midoriya smiled wide as he shut the door behind you. After the click of the lock settled your arrangement, he too sat on the couch at the separate end. "So it... looks like we're going to be spending the night here. I'm glad Class B's teacher was able to find us rooms." He nodded to himself.
"Me too." You nodded, stretching out. As you finished your relieving movement and turned to Izuku, you were met with an intense stare. He stopped when he noticed you looking, though. "What?" You questioned.
"Oh- nothing! It's just... your side. It's scratched," He mentioned. Right! that cut you'd gotten during practice. You'd forgotten all about it when the bus broke down. It wasn't bleeding anymore, and the pain had gone away. "Is it bad?" Izuku sounded concerned.
"No! Just a silly surface wound. I'm sure it'll be fine once we get to recovery girl." You responded fine, but Izuku did not seem to agree with you. He looked worried, face sporting a frown.
"You should really make sure it gets cleaned and patched up." He stood up and walked towards the bathroom, opening the door and disappearing inside. For a while. you wondered why. What was he doing in there? All that rustling and banging had to mean something.
"They didn't really have bandages, so I-" Eventually, your questions were answered. Izuku exited the bathroom with a first-aid kit and... other things.
"Bandages? I'm not bleeding." You tilted your head a few times, trying to see what he'd come up with. Deku was surely one to know how to wrap wounds, so it couldn't have been anything outrageous.
"You were! It's important to keep it sealed, even if you aren't bleeding anymore." The reason this green-haired boy was panicking was unannounced to you, but in midst of his worry, he made a good point. Who knew what lurked in this hotel? An infection was the last thing you needed.
"Well... alright, Midoriya. How do you plan on helping this, though?" You asked, agreeing to let him help you. Izuku smiled wryly before pulling from behind him a... roll of toilet paper?
"The toiletries here aren't soft and crumbly. They're sort of like... paper. This can make a good temporary bandage when used correctly." His smile was unsure- almost as if he wanted you to fact-check him. You nodded to say you trusted him, but as for the quality of his information? Well, nobody knows.
"Okay... and how do you expect to get that to stick?" You could ask Sero- but, other than that, all options looked to be off the table.
"The first aid kit doesn't have gauze, but it does have some tape left! Skin-safe, of course!" His smile looked more sure now. It faded as he began to put together his makeshift bandaging. He looked focused as he wiped your skin clean with alcohol pads and waved them dry.
He seemed focussed- not on the process- but on keeping you comfortable. Izuku knew he had the ability to hurt you if he wasn't careful, because even though you'd felt fine before, you flinched each time he pressed around the cuts. They were not completely healed, after all.
"Normally, I'd tell you to go take a shower..." He spoke under his breath, tape holder securely between his teeth as he tore pieces to use. "But, because of how these are... I know it'll hurt if you do." Midoriya gently secured a large, doubled-over section of toilet paper to your side. He was right to say the texture was that of paper because you would surely hate to wipe with what he'd placed on you.
"But, shouldn't I shower anyway? We were training, and..." You tried to finish your sentence, but you couldn't quite bring yourself to when you noticed Izuku lost in thought. He was staring at your waist, your top moved with one of his hands as the other carefully ran across the 'bandaging' he'd just applied.
"Might need another layer..." He mumbled, not paying all too much attention to what you said- until you called him, that is.
"Izuku?" You leaned as close to eye level with him as you could and it startled him.
"Oh- sorry!" Whether it was his name or the sharp eye contact that drew his attention was unknown. What you did know was that he'd quickly backed away from you, unhanding your clothes and swiping your side a bit as he stumbled backward on the couch. You tried not to let him know it'd hurt, but you couldn't help the instinctual jolt away from him that followed. "Did I- oh no, I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! I was just scared I was making you uncomfortable and then you looked at me and you said my name and I got scared and..." He... was... mumbling to himself again.
"Midoriya, it's fine. I was just-" You attempted to calm him down, but he was too far gone. It appeared his stunt of focus was interrupted by his feeling of embarrassment. Maybe you should try his first name again? "...Izuku?" It worked! His muttering paused and he looked up at you. His expression was unreadable for a moment.
"You said it again..." He sat up and paused, clearly trying to deduce something. Was that seriously all it took to calm him down?
"Said... what?" You questioned, holding a hand to the throbbing pain on your midsection. He had a harder hit than you thought he would- especially for an accident. He must've really sought to keep a light hand before.
"My... name. I'm sorry if that sounds odd! It's just..." He looked away from you, not without glancing at the hand you held to your side. "Ever since Kacchan and I got to UA... Well, I guess I didn't realize people knew my name." That was true. Bakugo had given Izuku that nickname, and it spread like a rash. Midoriya was strong to have flipped it to be his hero name. Ever since then, no one had called him by anything but Deku or Midoriya.
"I hope I'm not crossing any lines by using it- it just seemed to capture your attention." Your response was direct and apologetic.
"It's not that," Midoriya shook his head. "I have no problem with it! It's just... new." He mustered another smile and met your eyes again. You quickly moved your hand but you knew he'd seen it. Your intention wasn't to make him feel bad! It just hurt, was all.
"Well, Izuku... how about we go to sleep? It's getting late," You tested him. His smile formed more properly this time!
"Yes, but I really should add another layer or two to that. I wouldn't want it to tear in your sleep." He was calm enough to say that without flustering himself. Perhaps the same focus he had earlier had returned? No, that wasn't it.
The look in his eyes as he carefully followed the same process he had before matched the look there was during training today. He wasn't just focused on helping you- he was in a hero's mindset. It would've been endearing had you not known about his crippling hero complex.
Nevermind that.
Once Izuku had finished putting a more cushiony layer over your midriff, he backed away to view what he'd done. He seemed proud of himself. Rightfully so! Because he'd truly done his best in this endeavor.
"This doesn't hurt, does it?" He moved the hand he'd used to hold up your top down to your waist, his second hand doing the same on the opposite side. Midoriya applied a gentle amount of pressure with both hands, and shockingly, it didn't hurt at all!
"Wow... it... doesn't-" You shook your head and looked down at his hands. It was a bit interesting- looking at him. He still resembled an entirely different state of mind as he sat there tending to you. After a couple more squeezes, though, your own mind wandered.
You attempted to fight it by taking a more literal view of things. You looked first at his arms. They were freckled splotchily. It was an interesting pattern in contrast to the multitude of horizontal scars on his hands. His hands... you couldn't quite see them. The fabric of your shirt had completely fallen over top of them as he continued to pressure check. This method of literal examination only worked for as long as you could focus on it, though. Once Izuku began gently dragging his hands up and down your midsection to check for sturdiness, that strategy was less effective.
"It's not slipping... I think you're good for tonight. Let me know... if it... gets..." As Midoriya lifted his head to make proper eye contact while he spoke, he noticed an all-too-familiar expression on your face. Heat had risen to your cheeks, and you were clearly averting your eyes from his own. Had he made you... nervous? He wasn't sure, but it seemed you were timid in comparison to earlier. Izuku slowly removed his hands from under your shirt and placed them on your knees, watching you closely. "Are you alright?" He asked, voice saturated in concern.
"I'm fine! Nothing's wrong." You brushed off his concern, though you were still twiddling around. "You said it seems alright?" You aimed to change the subject. It was time for bed anyway! Midoriya had to be exhausted from today's training, after all.
"Yes... I applied about as much pressure as a mattress would and you didn't flinch. I think you'll be alright to sleep," He nodded. Would you be able to get him back to his usual mindset any time soon? It was beginning to get uncomfortable– usually, Deku was the one getting flustered, but right now he was calm and you were the one stumbling over yourself.
All you could do was nod. Eventually, Midoriya backed away from you to allow you to change. It was just the break you needed. You walked into the bedroom with your bag and pulled out your bedclothes. You were met with a shock when you turned to put them on, though.
"That can't be right..." You said that louder than you'd meant to. Who wouldn't, though? This was a room for two people, wasn't it?
"Is everything okay in here?" Midoriya was approaching, but you didn't hear him entirely. You wished he'd knocked when he entered, though. Izuku walked in on you with your shirt hanging from your neck. You rushed to put it back on, slipping it onto your arms as he stepped forward.
"Only... one?" He questioned. It seemed he hadn't noticed you. It wasn't surprising because the two of you were confused about the same thing. Be it some twist of fate, or some odd plot device– the sight in front of you was absurd. There was only one bed.
"I'm sure this is a mistake. I mean, our room was on the wrong floor," You mentioned.
"You're right... but, I don't think we can do anything about it." Midoriya was shifting from foot to foot behind you. "I should sleep on the couch! You're injured, and I don't want you to get hurt any more than you are." The way he spoke was not that of his usual self. He still sounded like he was thinking tactically as opposed to how he normally would.
"No! I mean- no. Izuku, you can stay in here." You looked at the bed once again. There may have only been one- but it was huge! No reason for him to sleep on the couch at all. "Even so, what if I do get hurt? I'd rather you be here to help me." Were you doubting his toilet paper bandages?
...You were. You were doubting his toilet paper bandages.
"I-" Had you finally choked him up? Gotten at least some Midoriya-like response? You had! For once, you managed to make him think about the situation. You didn't know why, but for some reason, you were pleased by it.
"You..?" You prodded.
"Well! I suppose you may be right..." He was looking away from you now, rocking back and forth. You'd gotten him just as nervous as he'd had you. Midoriya was clearly trying to rationalize what you'd said. You were correct- his creation was his creation. If it tore or fell off, he would have to be the one to replace it. So it was settled. Midoriya would sleep on one end, you on the other.
You attempted to change your clothes once Izuku had left but soon noticed that would be more difficult than planned. When you attempted to lift your arms over your head, you felt a painful sting around you. You could hear his pacing around come to a stop when you audibly expressed distress. You'd just gotten your shirt off fine! Why was the wound hurting now?
Things began to make sense over time, though. You'd encountered a villain with no flashy or visible quirk– but they'd hit you with something unique to them. That kitty had claws, and it was looking like they'd hit you with a concealed weapon.
"Are you okay!?" Izuku rushed in soon after you'd realized what was going on. He sounded remarkably worried. Perhaps your cry of pain was louder than you'd thought...
"I'm fine... I think." You had to sit down. The more time that passed, the more painful things became. "I don't think that villain I fought had a mutant quirk..." You huffed, eyes watery. It was only downhill from here.
"Really? Did I jot it down wrong? What's happening?" He was frantic in his efforts to gather information. Midoriya sat down on the side of you that wasn't injured to avoid hurting you.
"The more... I move..." You were slowly growing out of breath. Were you panicking yourself? It felt as though maybe the venomous scratches raked harder with the rise and fall of your chest. "I don't know... I was fine until I tried to move my arms... maybe I did it too fast?"
"Oh no this is bad... the only time I've seen a quirk like this was..." No need to type out all of his panic-filled sentences. Long story short, he felt a bit responsible for your pain. You hadn't started hurting until he tried to fix it, after all.
"Izuku, I don't care." You began to steady your breathing so that you could talk to him properly, though you still sounded strained. "I just want to go to sleep, and I won't be able to get there on my own." If he really felt he was at fault, he'd likely oblige to helping you. You at least hoped he would, because the pain you felt only got worse when you attempted to care for yourself.
"Are you sure?" He sounded worried again now; not for you, but his skills. It was much like the worry he'd harbored while bandaging you. If he was not careful now, he could really hurt you. His ceaseless trembling made his unease all the more clear, and you all the more impatient.
"Hey- just think of it how you did last time. You know... like you're being a hero?" You mentioned his earlier attitude, and almost like a lightbulb had been lit, he changed his demeanor.
"I was acting like that? I'm sorry- I didn't notice." He stood up and stepped in front of you. "But, if it helped... I guess I could do it again." Izuku was visibly trying to switch attitudes again. It did not take long. Soon, he was mumbling things he noticed about the quirk's effect on you while looking for a place to start. Now, you felt the same hands that'd helped wrap you on your sides once again. This time, though, he was focused on your clothes.
"That's your pajama shirt over there, right?" He asked, voice wary. For a second you were unsure why.
"Yes, that's the one. Could you bring it to me?" You replied simply. If you kept a work-based mindset, it would help him maintain one as well.
"Of course! But, well... I guess what I'm trying to say here is that you shouldn't put it on on your own..." Though he was attempting to remain professional, he couldn't help the tint that covered his cheeks. This was embarrassing. "I'll look away! Only one of us needs to see for me to help you, right?" He was starting to let the fear seep through his voice. You brushed it off to save his pride.
You just nodded, assuming it'd work. It did work! Though you couldn't focus the entire time. Izuku ran his hands down the sides of your top, grabbing the bottom hem gently. He did his best not to bump into you or cause you to move more than you had to, knowing it'd be painful.
It was hard to get your arms up, but you did it for as long as you could while Midoriya slid off your day clothes and neatly fixed your bed shirt atop of you. Once he'd let it down, he helped you bring your arms down and laid you on the bed.
"I promise to stay close so you can call me if you need to. Only if you want to, that is! I don't know how long the effects of that quirk will last, so..." Whatever the effects were. It was a bit hard to tell. As you laid still, the pain from before began to subside. Sure enough, you were just fine to lay on the bed. Neither side of you caused trouble–
That is until you chose to remove the bottoms you'd been wearing. It was a tad warm with another person in bed, and you were under the covers anyhow. It shouldn't have mattered! Sadly for you, though, the last bit of stretch you needed to move them past your hips was too much for your body to handle. Perhaps the bend in your midsection was what caused the quirk to activate? Every time you moved your core, venomous stings prickled throughout your body. Izuku felt the sheets rustling and turned over to check on you.
"Are you alright?" He asked, sitting up on his forearm to look over you. You stopped moving, a wise decision, and cleared your throat to respond to him.
"Well, I was trying to get comfortable, and..." Your sentence trailed as you began to think this was nothing worth troubling him with. "It's nothing, Izuku. Just a little pain."
"Well, how can I help?" He sounded once again concerned, and you could feel him sitting up behind you.
"No ways you'd want to! Don't worry about it, really." You insisted, but he insisted harder. It took quite some time, but eventually, he broke you into telling him the issue. Midoriya was clearly rattled, but he also dispensed a strange look of determination. He did tell you he would be there to help you, and he was determined to live up to his word. A hero may be put in uncomfortable situations after all.
After a long list of questions asking for consent to help you with your... specific problem, he raised enough courage to scoot behind you and begin his assistance. What happened next nearly stunned you. Izuku did his best not to move you as he gently slid his left hand beneath your hips. He felt around for a moment, and you could almost hear him panicking when he couldn't find the top seem of your pants. He decided it'd be best to find the top using his other hand, and so shortly after you found his right hand slinking fingers around your waist and traveling down to your thigh.
Your face burned as he continued to feel around for your clothes. Eventually, he found what he thought to be the hook he was looking for. As he pulled and you shifted backward into  him to stop the fabric from moving, he realized he'd picked the wrong thing.
"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to- oh this is bad. I'm so so sorry, I didn't know that was there and I-" Boy was he good at talking. You shushed him quickly, though, feeling well enough to use your own hand to guid his down to where your bottoms really were. You attempted not to squirm as he carefully pulled them past your thighs and got them off of your feet.
"Thank you." You smiled, sporting a grateful expression. The both of you were thankful it was dark, because each of you had blushed faces due to what'd happened under the covers.
"You're very welcome." Deku sounded distant when he replied. He attempted to act as normal as possible, but the air in the room was thick enough to suffocate you. Today was eventful to say the very least.
"Hey, Izuku?" You called him, hoping you could surface his mind.
"Oh- yes?" He sounded attentive enough.
"Let's.. go to bed, yeah?"
"That... is a great idea."
In the stoic silence of your room you eventually found yourself drifting into sleep. Izuku hadn't moved his hands from around your waist when he brought them up from your legs. You were glad, because had he made any sudden movements in his startled state he would've done more harm than good. It wasn't like the position of his hands was uncomfortable, either. Soon enough, both of you were unconscious. It would be a shame if someone walked in that night... oh well. Not like they could find the room.
。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。:+* ゚ ゜゚
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cerinefalls · 3 years
Bakusquad Shower Headcanons
Characters: Denki Kaminari, Hanta Sero, Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Mina Ashido
I don't see enough SFW MHA headcanons floating around. I have nothing against NSFW posts- but this fandom is out of hand. It's time to bring some fluff and smiles to your feed! Something you can read through in school.
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Denki Kaminari:
the meme master
Denki sings in the shower. He doesn't just sing, though. It is a performance. Singing, dancing, calls to the audience- the works.
A song he'd blast at the top of his lungs.
His shows aren't one for the books– at least, not for any good reasons.
Because of this, he takes forever. His quickest shower was 20 minutes, and he only spent five of them washing.
He smells, not bad, but strongly. Whatever soap and deodorant he used will be known as soon as he walks in.
He has stolen both Kirishima and Bakugo's deodorant before. Regretted each for different reasons.
Believes walking around with your towel on your waist is a sign of cleanliness.
Kirishima called it manly
Has used shower-based pick-up lines.
Hanta Sero:
Sero also sings in the shower, but he doesn't make a show of it.
His songs are more lowkey. Slow jams, R&B, and oldies are more his speed.
He takes a while in the shower, but he spends every minute washing himself- whether it be 15 minutes or 45 minutes. He enjoys taking his time.
He. Smells. Good. Roses, vanilla, chocolate, cinnamon– whatever aromatic washes and scrubs he can get his hands on, he does. I feel like he'd be on a cinnamon and caramel kick at the moment.
Will ask Mina where she buys her products
Cleanliness and organization are more important to him than you'd probably guess. Sero has a steamer and a diffuser in his room. I wouldn't be shocked if he had a skin-care fridge.
Leaves the bathroom steamy
Likes to write on the mirror for whoever's next
Katsuki Bakugo:
Bakugo showers as efficiently as possible.
He hates wasted time. Bakugo will get in the shower while it's cold and let it heat while he's inside if it means saving time.
For this reason, his showers hardly take over 15 minutes.
Bakugo won't sing in the shower unless a song is stuck in his head. I take him for a metalhead, but maybe that's just me.
Katsuki Bakugo probably uses some of the vilest body wash you've ever seen... at first, that is.
Before he came to UA, he thought that 3-in-one body wash was perfectly fine. It is a canonic fact that Katsuki despises filth, and for that, he has always showered daily, but! Bakugo did not quite understand the differences between soaps in his younger years.
He now uses products that agree with him and will "never touch that crap again."
Bakugo uses scentless products for the most part, but it's alright because his natural scent makes up for it.
Bakugo smells fine when he isn't sweaty. No one knows what he smells like otherwise because he hardly lets anyone near him after training.
It is speculated he smells like Caramel.
Eijiro Kirishima:
rock on
Unlike Katsuki, Eijiro sees nothing wrong with 3-in one– even in his big age.
As for his product usage? Axe. He does not smell good, by any means, but he's clean... enough.
Kirishima cleans what he thinks he needs to. He believes his natural musk is... manly.
Maybe his hair is affected by his quirk, maybe it's gelled– the world may never know! What we do know is that it falls in the shower and sticks to his face.
Kiri washes his hair frequently enough. Not daily, maybe not every other day either, but whenever it's itchy or greasy, he washes it out.
With his 3-in-one
Bakugo has gone as far as trying to get Sero to help Eijiro, but it hasn't worked.
At least he takes advice for formal events.
Mina Ashido:
If showering together wasn't odd, Denki and Mina would be an unstoppable pair.
Full choreo. Mina comes up with half of her routines in the shower. It's a miracle she hasn't slipped.
Her quirk is one to be remembered. She Practices arguments in the shower and sometimes lets go of it without thinking. There are melted spots in the showers.
She takes days to pamper herself when she feels she deserves it.
Will ask Sero to use the items she helped him buy when she runs out of her own.
Does facemasks with the girlies from time to time.
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Did you enjoy this post? Yes? Consider checking out my other content! This is my first super-long Tumblr post, but I post other places all the time.
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cerinefalls · 3 years
Hiya, simps! Ol' boy Bakugo here. Bakugo Katsuki xReader content isn't something I do often, so I hope you like it. Drop a like and whatnot if you do!
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cerinefalls · 3 years
Quarentine Cuddles {A Mashirao Ojiro x Reader}
Giggles in Ojiro simp
I love this man. He makes me so happy. Comfort character 100%
Category: Fluff
It was a long day. Sharing a flat with Pro Hero Tailman! Anyone would love that, right? Well... it was amazing, but it felt like restless was Mashirao's middle name.
"Mashi!" You called, large red bowl in hand. For the first time in what felt like forever, you were getting your roommate to settle down from training and spend time with you.
"Yes?" He called back through a chuckle, heading slowly from the kitchen to the couch where you sat. When he sat down, his tail wrapped 'round and rested on his lap.
"It's time to pick a movie." You smiled up to him, passing him the remote. "Since you're taking time out of your day and spending it on me, I think you should pick the movie." You nod.
"You want me to pick a movie?" Mashirao smiled, eyebrows raised in mild shock. He tried to hide the excitement in his voice, but the end of his tail wagged in a way that gave him away anyhow.
"Yes." You nodded, pointing to the options on the screen. There were a couple of them you had your eye on, but none of them were exactly what he'd picked out.
Loveable hero, and proper roommate Mashirao Ojiro, had picked out a romantic comedy. 'What do they say about cheese?' One that'd just hit the air.
"Really?" You giggled. He certainly seemed like the type for cute movies, but a comically cheesy rom-com? That wasn't expected.
"Well, yeah." He scratched at the back of his head embarrassedly. "I hadn't gotten the chance to watch it yet, and I felt like you'd like to enjoy it with me." His defense made it seem like he felt something was wrong with his choice, so you laughed and rubbed his shoulder to reassure him.
"All's fine, Mashi." You snickered. "I just didn't know it was a movie you wanted to see." You tried to make him feel better, and it seemed to work. He propped his posture back into place and cut on the movie.
After he turned on the movie, Ojiro quickly rushed to turn out the lights and grab the drinks he'd made for the two of you. Tea! And your favorite, at that. He was always thoughtful when doing things for you.
"Thank you." You smiled, laughing again as the large man swished and his tail nearly knocked something over in the dark. He sat down, embarrassed yet amused.
Soon enough, you were both settled on the couch, and the movie was starting. Ojiro was excited for the film, watching closely. That is, until your eyes began to close. You yawned sleepily, which made him turn his head and smile. Needless to say, 'What do they say about cheese' was a question you wouldn't find the answer to if things progressed this way.
Mashirao wanted you to finish the movie with him, the same thought he'd expressed earlier, so to keep you awake he devised a plan. Soon enough, a tuft of golden hair was tickling your nose, though it was dark and it'd startled you at first.
You squeaked, concerned as towards what was tickling your nose, and went to swat it away. When you did, you hit his tail quite hard, earning a grunt of discomfort from Ojiro.
It took you a moment to figure out what exactly had happened, but when you did, you thought to apologize. Instead of letting you, though, Ojiro pushed his tail back towards you and smacked your cheek.
The two of you erupted into laughter after a brief moment of silence. Sooner or later, you were pulled over top of his lap and wrapped in his tail. Once your laughter subsided and the situation settled down, the movie fell to the back of your mind; white noise now.
Underneath you in this moment was a man that looked as though he was glowing. The beauty of his golden skin and golden hair, illuminated by the light of the television was far more prominent as you gazed down at him.
His cheeks tinted red. He said nothing, though. Ojiro was looking at you, staring even. He looked to be... admiring you? His usually concerned facial expression had softened into one of pure adoration. It almost gave you butterflies; the way he unwrapped you from the hold of his tail and replaced the grip around your waist with his arms.
Then, it happened. He smiled. Mashirao Ojiro had smiled at you, a genuine, happy smile. His smile felt comforting and warm, just as warm as his chest when he pulled you down to rest.
"Thank you for this." He chuckled, rubbing the back of your head lovingly.
"For what?" You ask, almost a bit confused.
"Getting me to take a break. For spending time with me." Ojiro sounded relieved the further you listened to him. His mind and body relaxed as he held you in his arms.
"Maybe we can spend even more time together, then?" You hinted, looking up from his chest into his dark eyes, finding yourself lost in them.
"I think that would be wonderful." Ojiro caught wind of your gaze and his blush became more visible. You had him sweating now. It was cute.
The movie went on unnoticed, the two of you soon too engaged in each other's eyes. It wasn't long before Ojiro reached over and paused the film, leaving room for the two of you to get to know each other a bit better.
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cerinefalls · 3 years
Hello friends! Were you interested in Shoto Todoroki fanfiction? Did you like the one-bed trope? Like audiobooks, maybe? Well, do I have the video/channel for you!
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cerinefalls · 3 years
Are you looking for new ASMR fanfiction readings? Well, have I got news for you!
Plot: Kirishima is told to make dinner for 1A, and you have to watch him.
You can also find this story here on Tumblr!
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cerinefalls · 3 years
One Bed {A Shoto Todoroki xReader Trope-Fic}
This work is the first of a series.
3290 words
MHA/BNHA trope fic
On this lovely night, an unexpected stop had UA in a tizzy. Of course, something had gone wrong. You were on a trip with the hero course, after all. The bus came to a screeching halt in the darkness, which woke most of the students aboard.
"Is everyone alright?" Aizawa stood groggily from his bus seat and turned to face the body of students behind him. It looked like students weren't the only ones awoken by the unexpected stop.
"We're fine, Mr. Aizawa." Denki shot a thumbs up in the direction of his teacher, letting him know that his group had been fine.
"Yep, looking good on this side of the bus!" Kirishima seconded. The two boys were right. 1A's side of the bus was hardly affected by the whiplash-inducing pause in their trip.
The same could not be said for Class B. Due to the direction of the bus, Class B's student body had ended up halfway on the floor. Aizawa could clearly see this when he turned to ask for a status update, but he accepted the 'I'm fine' from his students and sat down long before anyone addressed it.
"I'm sorry, kids. Somethin's wrong with the engine." The bus driver hopped up out of his seat and bowed at the front of the aisle. It was some form of apology, though no one believed it was needed.
"It's fine," Shouta grumbled from his seat. "Vlad will get us rooms somewhere so we can wait out the night. It's unsafe to stay here with villains roaming around." After a few moments of back and forth between the hero-course teachers, Vlad cracked and began searching for hotels nearby.
Soon enough, classes 1A and 1B had walked to a nearby hotel. You'd arrived safely! What a feat for this school. As soon as you walked in, though, you could tell why arriving safely wasn't the worst of your concerns. Immediately whispers began floating amongst students.
"Enough." Aizawa progressed to the front of the group and shushed them, which with his demeanor worked quickly. Everyone turned their attention to him and listened to what he had to say. "They have been kind enough to let us bring all of you here. Be respectful."
"Yeah, because all their rooms were empty..." One student joked from the back. They instantaneously regretted their decision.
"Go to the front and get your room keys." Vlad pointed in the direction of the check-in desk while Aizawa dealt with the problem-child.
What a time! Staying in a hotel with unknown reviews on a night you were meant to be safe in your dorms. This had to be the safest, most organized thing UA had ever allowed to happen, right? It was no surprise at this point. You let your annoyed thoughts sink to the back of your mind as you walked to the room you were assigned and swiped your key.
Wait- what was that? Something brushed your hand as you reached for the door. You snatched your hand back, fight or flight switched on in your unfamiliar surroundings, but when you turned around, all you saw was a puzzled face on one of your classmates.
"Shoto?" You questioned, startled but settling down. He nodded in response.
"The woman at the desk gave me a key to this room," he explained.
"She gave me a key to this room," you elaborated, matching the confusion he was displaying.
"Maybe we are meant to share it," he suggested. You hadn't thought about that. The hotel was housing forty-one students and two teachers, so it'd make sense if you were supposed to share rooms. You nodded.
"It isn't impossible." You wanted to make sure, though. Reaching your hand over again, you placed the black bar on the back of your card against the lock. With a click, it opened. "Hm, now you try." You stepped back to give him room.
Todoroki took a few moments to realize what you were trying to do, but once he did, he stood to attention. Shoto placed the bar of his own card onto the lock, and just as it had with yours, the lock opened. He stepped forward with a hum, pushing open the door and waiting for you to enter.
"Oh? Thank you." You tried not to sound worried as you carried yourself as well as your bag into the room. It was separated! How lovely. For a ditsy-looking hotel, the room sure seemed nice. You sat your bag next to the couch and put your exhausted body to rest right above it, falling on the furniture with a thud.
Todoroki wasn't far behind you, closing the door when he walked in and placing his bag next to the armchair. He took a seat on the chair and turned in your direction.
"You should shower," He said plainly.
"Are you calling me stinky?" You joked, attempting to make light of the soon-to-be awkward situation. It appeared your humor was completely lost on this one, though, because instead of a laugh, you saw a dull face and slow-shaking head.
"No, not like that." Todoroki denied your claim. "I'm saying we were doing field training, and you should clean up. I'll let you go first." He was keen on giving you the first chance at things. It was sweet of him, no matter how bland he was while doing it. Kindness was kindness, and you weren't about to turn kindness down.
"Right," you agreed, not surprised your joke had flown over this boy's head. For someone half cold-half hot, his personality sure took after one side at a time.
You slowly stood off the couch and grabbed your bag, walking towards the washroom. After addressing him with a final nod of thanks, you disappeared past the doorframe. Once steam began to seep past the crack underneath, Shoto reached for his bag and took out his phone, knowing you were comfortable in the shower.
40 Missed Calls from "Father."
Shoto swiped the notifications away and went to text endeavor with an update. By the time he'd passive-aggressively responded to his father's concerns and beat three levels of his 'brain games,' you'd emerged from the shower and opened the door.
"I only had my casual clothes as spares, so I'll be sleeping in a t-shirt tonight. I hope you brought something." You spoke embarrassedly as Todoroki stared you down. It was odd how long his eyes were fixed on your wet hair, almost as if he was trying to figure something out. Even as you walked back to the couch and sat down- his eyes followed the upper half of your body and studied you.
After this prolonged experience, he went right back to normal without speaking a word. All he did was nod at you as you had him, walking into the washroom and shutting the door. You didn't see any steam after he turned the water on, which you thought was mildly confusing. Had he stepped in already? Apparently so, though you didn't figure this out until fifteen minutes later when he finally emerged.
"Go use the restroom before bed." A half-dressed Shoto Todoroki walked back into the 'living room' with completely dry hair. While you'd covered your upper body, he'd covered his lower. Had that been why he'd stared at you before? He was even making a point to fluff his hair with his hands, taking his seat back on the armchair.
"Good idea." You replied, quickly scurrying to the washroom once again. You hadn't realized it, but you needed to pee. You'd first noticed on the bus, but since the stress of the situation got to you, you'd completely forgotten.
When you approached the toilet, you saw the handle of the shower through your peripheral vision. It was turned completely towards the cold setting. Todoroki washed up in that? No wonder his mood was as cold as his right side.
After washing and drying your hands, you joined Todoroki once again. It was nearing time for the two of you to go to sleep, and neither of you checked the bedroom yet. That gave you an idea.
"Hey, Todoroki, let's look around the room before bed." You suggested.
"But, your hair?" He sounded confused.
"What about my hair?" You questioned him, patting your head in an attempt to find what he was talking about.
"You shouldn't go to bed with wet hair. It can make you sick." Todoroki stated quietly. For someone so brief in speaking, his attention to detail was uncanny. "Aizawa would be annoyed if you got sick." He reminded you, and he was probably right. That, as well as the fact that being sick sounded rather unappealing with recovery girl hours away.
"You're right." You nodded in agreeance with him. "Let me go dry it-"
"Let me." Shoto Todoroki just offered to dry your hair. Something about the idea seemed... unsafe.
"Why you?" You questioned, intrigued.
"You didn't do it the first time and I know where the hairdryer is." He stood up and walked towards the room again, opening the door and waiting for you. "Unless you don't want me to."
"Hairdryer?" You were unsure of that. The last thing you wanted was for your hair to get damaged in some way. You thought about it, though. Todoroki's hair was well-kept and looked healthy. It was unlikely he'd do anything wrong, even if your hair was a bit different. "I... trust you." You nodded, following him and standing in front of the sink.
"Okay, stand still." He reached behind the door and took out a cloth bag. From the bag, he pulled out a white, clunky hairdryer. When Shoto plugged it in, the lights in the washroom flickered, startling you.
"You used that on your head!?" You expressed your concern openly.
"No. I don't use hairdryers. I just know how to because Fuyumi taught me. This one doesn't seem safe, though." Todoroki unplugged the hairdryer and sat it on the ironing board, far away from any water sources. " I could dry your hair how I dry my own if you're okay with that."
"Oh, you towel dry? Or does your hair air-dry fast?" You had to admit, you were slightly interested.
"Neither," he shook his head.
"I use my flames."
"Midoriya suggested I practice using smaller flames for simple tasks. It helps me." Todoroki demonstrated, a small blaze lighting from his palm. It was interesting to watch such a controlled flame come from him when he'd been a walking inferno during training. "I started using it to dry things because it was safer with water around."
"So you haven't been doing this for very long?" You were skeptical of this method, though as you'd noted before, his hair was still healthy. Clearly, he was doing something right.
"No, I have not, but I've accumulated a skill for it. I'm comfortable containing a flame this size for a long time now." Todoroki explained
It took you a few minutes to consider, time he spent sitting on the edge of the tub and playing with his fire. It was refreshing to see him using it so comfortably when it was clearly not his strongest point. Not trusting him with it seemed almost rude now. "I've made my decision," you turned his way, earning a look of interest. "I still trust you. Show me how you dry your hair." Though you were not sure, you could almost swear you saw a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. It was hard to tell, though, because it lasted only a moment before he stood and walked behind you again.
"Stand still." He requested, raising his right hand just next to the edge of your silhouette. He carefully guided a warm flame around your head. It quickly evaporated the water nearest the air around the two of you but did nothing for the soaked roots. After a thoughtful hum, Todoroki made a tactical decision. He started to section your hair, slowly but surely getting to the root without burning you. After he was done, he fluffed your hair like he had fluffed his own and took a step back.
"Thank you." You smiled, looking over your shoulder in the mirror. In the reflection, you saw a well-contented Shoto Todoroki, looking at his righthand proudly. You dare not mention it for fear of embarrassing him, but it made you smile.
"Thank you for the opportunity." He nodded respectfully, opening the door fully and waiting for you to step out. Once you did, he followed.
The two of you stood in the makeshift hallway until someone yawned, making you giggle. It was time to check out the bedroom, a unanimous decision you'd made. With a loud creak, the door opened and the two of you stepped in.
It wasn't what you expected, to say the very least. You walked into what looked like a beautiful bedroom! It was minimalistically styled, a good choice for a hotel. It was even spacious enough for multiple beds! But... there weren't. You walked into a bedroom that only housed four pieces of furniture; a console table, a dresser, a nightstand, and a California king-sized bed.
"Did we miss something?" You asked, walking around and checking each of the walls. Nothing seemed out of place, and you didn't see any buttons.
"No. The woman told me there would be one bed located in the bedroom area." Shoto explained, placing his bag down by the door. He'd brought your bag as well and placed it on the opposite side of the door. "I was planning on sleeping in the opposite room had I gotten a roommate. I want you to take the bed." It would of course make sense to have the stronger student by the front in the event of an attack, but he did not tell you that.
"There are windows in this room. I think it's safer if we stick together." You suggested, trying to think of ways the two of you could share the space comfortably. The bed looked big enough to fit two full-sized Fatgums, so it wasn't impossible.
"Are you comfortable with me staying here? There's plenty of room in the front if you're worried about me falling off." He reassured you of his safety. Todoroki knew it'd be better to cover both potential entrances, but he also considered your mental well-being. If it made you feel safer with another person, he'd stay.
"I..." You thought for a moment, sitting on the edge of the bed. The all too familiar coolness of the hotel bedspread made up your mind for you. "I'd prefer if you stayed with me." You couldn't possibly make him stay on the couch. He was well-mannered and respectful. It wasn't like you'd struck out and gotten stuck with Bakugo. Keeping Shoto away from the comfort of a hotel bed simply wasn't an option- or at least, not one you were considering.
"Thank you." He nodded. "What side of the bed do you want?" Once again, he was giving you the first pick. You couldn't tell if this instance was him being polite or indecisive, nor did you truly care. His offer allowed you to pick the side of the bed you were most comfortable with, and you did.
Todoroki closed the door and climbed into bed next to you, keeping to his edge. You didn't notice until you rolled over. You thought you'd hit his leg and went to apologize, but he wasn't next to you. The poor boy was barely hugging the edge of the bed.
"Todoroki-" You called out quietly, at a loss for what to say, really.
"Yes?" He answered without a hint of tiredness in his voice. How could he be? Hugging the corner had to be taking some serious effort.
"I'm not scared of you or anything. You can lay down on the bed if you want to." You reminded him you were allowing him near you despite his previous offer. It almost felt like he was scared of you.
"Oh." Hesitantly he rolled back onto the mattress.
"Have you never shared a bed with anyone?" You questioned, unaware of the can you just opened.
Todoroki sat up and turned on the lamp, shaking his head 'no.' Then, and you weren't sure for how long, he went on a tangent about his home life. Shoto explained calmly that until recently, he hadn't had a chance to make friends and enjoy people for who they were. It was far from the simple answer you wanted, but it was enlightening, to say the least.
"So, I do not have much experience in this sort of thing. I do most things alone." He concluded, turning to face you in the dimly lit room. He hadn't looked at you the whole time, appearing lost in his own mind for most of the conversation. It was almost as though you were just an outlet for him at the moment.
"I see," you nodded. There wasn't much you could do. From the way he described it, you didn't pity him. On the contrary, you thought he was strong for enduring after having been dealt such a foul hand in life. None of his stories surprised you, either. They all fit together, woven into one silent-loathing UA first-year. "Can I ask you something?"  You asked, hoping he'd allow your next question.
"Yes," he replied with no visual facial cues.
"Could I help you learn to do things... not alone? As a hero, you'll need to be comfortable around your peers." At least, that was the reason you gave him. It was not why you'd asked, though. You did not pity him, but you did feel as though a support system was what he needed. If that had to start with you and  Midoriya, it was fine by you.
"That would be nice." Shoto laid down in the bed, turning the lamp out once more. It was silent for a while- a peaceful silence that you rather enjoyed. It definitely did not remain that way, though. You broke the silence with a shocked gasp when you felt something come behind you and wrap around your waist. You knew what it was even though you could hardly believe it.
"Shoto?" You called him by name. He only hummed in acknowledgment, waiting for you to ask your question. "Why are you..?"
"Am I making you uncomfortable?" His hold loosened and he backed up, fearing he'd done something wrong. "Natsuo told me that if I was ever put in this situation I should make sure they feel warm and protected. Are you too warm? Or do you feel unsafe?" Shoto had clearly taken his brother's joking advice a bit too seriously.
"Oh? No, no." You figured there was no harm in it, it'd just shocked you. "You can practice on me, but next time it's Midoriya's turn."
Todoroki nodded against your neck, scooted in closer than he had been before. Thank the heavens above for the air conditioning unit, because otherwise, you might have actually been 'too hot.' His quirks weren't the only thing half cold-half hot- his whole body was. Maybe it was some offset of his determination, but you surely felt the difference across your skin.
You had no time to critique his temporal settings.  Before you could get out another word, you heard a soft snore from behind you. Shoto Todoroki had fallen asleep already. It was looking like those cuddle-puddles Ochako tried to set up may have actually been a good idea. Even you felt tired now.
The two of you slept under odd circumstances that night, close and comfy. It was a mighty good thing no one checked for a pullout sofa.
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cerinefalls · 3 years
Dinner Date (Kirishima xReader)
Category: Fluff
Word count: 2,733
{Do not repost, please!}
Mina's bottle of fate sat in the center of the 1A circle. Every night this green bottle that she'd grown oh so attached to would pick the chores each dorm-mate would have to complete. Now, it was the third spin. You all knew what that meant;  Dinner! Who was in charge of the food class 1A would consume before their good night's rest?
"And in charge of tonight's dinner is..." Mina paused for dramatic effect, Hagakure patting on the floor to provide a drumroll. At least- you thought it was Hagakure. No one could truly tell the origins of that mysterious noise.
The bottle spun, and spun, and spun, eventually slowing to a stop in front of Kirishima. That was a surprise! Eijiro was the last person you'd expect the 'bottle of fate' to land on for dinner, but here it was! The neck of the bottle pointed straight at him.
"Oh? Haha, guess it's me, then." Kirishima humbly accepted the role, though Mina, your event coordinator, didn't seem to agree.
"Oh no, no, no, no, that won't work." Mina shook her head, yellow eyes landing directly on you before she spoke her next sentence. "Kirishima, you need adult supervision in the kitchen. Since we don't have that..." The rest of class 1A turned to Sato, but Mina stayed focused on you. What was she planning?
"Whaddaya mean, Mina?" Kirishima sounded disappointed- but not shocked.
"You're not to be trusted around a hot stove. Bottle of fate chooses them to monitor you." Mina pointed her finger your way, earning quite a few confused faces from the rest of 1A.
"You didn't even spin! Wouldn't Sato-" Someone from the crowd chimed, but Mina dismissed their concern.
"Sato is a baker, not a babysitter. I trust their supervision more." She backed her opinion, walking by to grab both you and Kirishima by the back of the collar and drag you to the kitchen. It seemed she was dead set in this idea.
"Make sure he doesn't kill us," She requested, closing the door behind her.
The 1A dorm's main kitchen. Not many people went in here normally. Between breakfast and lunch, the school did a good job of making sure everyone was fed. Dinner, on the other hand, was another story.
"Well... what are your plans?" You asked, turning around to spot an impressed Kiri. He was staring at everything with a pleasantly surprised look on his face. Mina was right to send him in here with help. It didn't even look like Kirishima knew what a stove was with how interested he was in its workings.
"This is great!" He beamed. Maybe he did know what to do in here? "I want to make something good for everyone. They all worked hard today. Any ideas?" Had he turned to you for ideas? If anyone would know what this class liked, it was Kiri. You shook your head, not feeling as though you were the best pick for the job.
"Go with your gut choice," You suggested. Kirishima thought for a moment, a confident smile soon tugging at the corners of his lips.
"We need to go to the store." He nodded.
"What?" You were sent with him to stop him from making silly choices. This? This had to be the silliest choice he could've made. "It's after curfew, Kirishima," You reminded him, but it didn't appear he'd heard you.
"We'll be back before dark and feed everyone something they'll enjoy!" He nodded, solidifying his choice. Maybe he thought it wasn't as late as it was? The sun hadn't gone down as early as it usually did, so it wasn't impossible he'd believed that. Oh well, you'd been tasked to watch him, so wherever he went you had to follow and keep him out of trouble. He was smart, so it was unlikely something bad would happen, but it'd be better for two heads rather than one if something went wrong. It wasn't like he gave you much more time to protest, either, because almost as soon as those words left his mouth, the two of you exited the back door.
It was still bright outside- not optimal for sneaking out, but luckily for the two of you, no one noticed as you slipped through the bushes and onto the main road. It was hard to remember how you got past the wall. All you knew was that you'd have to do it again. That could be problematic.
"Almost there," Kiri smiled. He was excited to make everyone happy! You couldn't possibly tell him this might not be a good idea. You didn't have it in you to disappoint him and make him go back. You were nearly there anyway! Surely toughing it out wouldn't be so hard.
The two of you slowly approached what looked to be a strip of shops, each with their lights on. Everywhere was open? Wasn't it late? No time to ask questions, though. Kirishima took your hand into his own as the two of you stepped onto the crosswalk and crossed the road. For someone with a hardening quirk, his hands were shockingly soft. He was noticeably trying his best not to grip too hard, only wanting to guide you to the other side of the street. Once you were safe and across he let you go, which was almost disappointing.
"This is the place!" He smiled, opening the door for you. What you stepped into was nothing you'd expected. It was the most beautiful produce shop you'd ever seen! The walls were lined with a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. From onions and mushrooms to chives and garlic, everything looked fresh and healthy.
"What did you want to get from here?" You asked, following Kirishima down the isle of greens and spices.
"Since everyone's probably tired from training all day, I decided to make them some comfort food. You can't go wrong with ramen!" It was honestly adorable how he'd put so much thought into this, but his answer didn't fully tell you why you were off-campus.
"That's wonderful, Kirishima- but didn't we have everything we needed in the kitchen? I swear I saw a whole pantry of noodles, and there's pork in the fridge." You were trying to understand his thought process. Was there something you didn't have in the dorm kitchen? You could've sworn they stocked each one with everything you'd need.
"Because they thought of everything except for..." Kirishima trailed as he gently took your hand again and lead you past the greens and to the back. Reds. In front of you was a wall of peppers.
"Woah- do you think everyone would be able to handle that?" You asked, concerned.
"Yep! I'm picking something mild enough for even Tokoyami to handle- I think birds get sick if you give them anything too spicy." Kirishima nodded.  He had the right idea... though that line made you laugh harder than you'd like to admit.
Soon enough he'd gotten what he needed and you were heading back to school. The uneasy feeling you'd felt before was returning as you crossed the road. This time around, Kirishima stopped in front of the wooded path and turned to you.
"Your hand is shaking. Are you alright?" He asked, hiking the grocery bag up onto his arm so that he could use his free hand to check your temperature. "You're warm, but no fever." He mumbled to himself.
"Yeah! I'm fine, just..." You started to tell him what was wrong but didn't want to worry him. You trusted him. Kirishima was responsible enough not to get the two of you in trouble, even if it felt like he was about to. Why did you even feel a sense of responsibility for him? It was a random task Mina threw on you, but it felt like you were bound to it.
"Just... what? Do you need to sit down? Were you tired?" It appeared 'trying not to worry him' hadn't gone according to plan. Kirishima led you to the base of the path and sat you down on a bench, hovering over you. He was examining you from head to toe, trying to find what the problem was.
"No, no, really. I'm doing okay, Kirishima." You attempted to reassure him, and he smiled at the effort- but wasn't convinced.
"Are you sure? I can carry you if you aren't okay to walk. Did something scare you? Is it quirk-related?" He went on and on with questions, trying to make sure you were okay. As the sky began to change colors, your unrest only worsened. "Let's get you back as soon as possible. Maybe Momo can make you something." Kirishima resolved, looking up at the amber sky. It was getting late, and he didn't want to cause any problems.
"Yes, let's." You agreed, happy he'd finally started walking again. He was closer to you this time, doing his best to hold you steady as you rushed back to the building. Then, he did something that truly shocked you. He went right up to the gate and walked through! There wasn't a problem at all, and you felt as though something was really wrong.
You stepped back into the dorm's kitchen and sat down on the nearest seat you could find. After letting you catch your breath, Kirishima put down the peppers and walked over to you again, sitting down at your side.
"Okay, you can talk to me. What's up?" He asked.
"Nothing! We're back safe. I'm ok." You replied, doing your best to settle your nerves. You truly hoped there wouldn't be any repercussions for tonight's events.
"I've got it from here. I promise I won't burn down the building. Mina was just overreacting." Kirishima chuckled to himself about that one.  "You go on to bed. I'll bring you dinner when it's done, m'kay?"
"What? No, no, I'm fine! I promise it's-"
"I insist. Go on up to your room! I'll be there to make sure you're better soon." Kirishima aided you in standing and leaving the kitchen. When you stepped out, you were met with copious amounts of stares and whispers. Almost immediately, Mina rushed to your side.
"Where were you! You look like you've seen a ghost! Let me help you to your room." Why was everyone so worried? Did you look that upset? You tried not to let it show,  but it was making sense now that Kirishima hadn't believed you. Maybe you'd let the worry seep into your appearance.
Mina helped you up the stairs and into your room, shutting the door behind her. Oh no, was this a lecture? You sure hoped not. It didn't... look that way, though. Mina just sat on the base of your bed and watched as you got under the covers and relaxed.
"Good. Now you can tell me what happened. We checked the kitchen and neither of you were in there. Was something wrong? Is Kirishima ok? Bakugo was about to -" Her questions would have run on and on had you not stopped her.
"Everything is fine, Mina. He took me to a shop so he could buy something to use for dinner." You explained.
"Then... why did you look so scared when you came back? Jeez, I thought one of the fake scenarios we'd come up with had actually happened." She whined, but she was relieved. Your safety was what class 1A had worried about while you were out, after all.
"I was worried about curfew..." You explained to mina how you'd simply felt anxious about the time. She laughed! Not the reaction you expected, but it was oddly comforting in a way. It almost made you feel like...
"Well, you sure were worried for nothing." Mina giggled. "The time went back last night, silly." Of course! Your clock had stayed the same because it was analog. You'd completely forgotten about the time change with how busy your day had been. Mina couldn't help but continue to giggle at how your face was so quickly relaxed. "I'll tell Kirishima you're alright and take over your shift for you. You rest up."
Time passed slowly as you waited for something to happen. Alone in your room, all you could do was feel a bit dumb at how you'd handled things. The annual time change! How had you forgotten something as crucial as that? No wonder you got past the gates fine- it wasn't nearly past curfew! You felt even worse for doubting your friend. There's no way he'd willingly put you in danger like that. Suddenly, you felt the urge to apologize.
There was a knock at the door. It looked like your chance had come.
"Can I come in?" A familiar voice called, muffled from the shield of your door. It was Kirishima. Just as he'd promised, he came to check on you. Even after Mina told him what had you worried, he still showed up.
"Of course!" You replied, an anxious tightness building in your stomach. You were embarrassed, and you could see by the look on his face when he walked in that Kirishima could tell.
"So, uh... Mina told me why you were so shakey before." He was trying not to laugh as he walked into your room, closing the door with his heel. Kirishima was holding a dinner tray with a bowl of ramen sat atop. Had he really brought you dinner after all this? You were looking at a man of his word.
"Yeah, I'm sorry about all that by the way. I knew you wouldn't do anything to-"
"Get you in trouble?" He interrupted. "I know you trust me, and Mina made it a really big point to tell me in case I didn't, don't worry." Kirishima placed the tray down on your nightstand. You found it a bit odd that he hadn't given it straight to you, but it made sense. You couldn't talk with your mouth full, and it was obvious he had something to say.
"I'm glad I don't have to explain that, then." A nervous laugh escaped the back of your throat as you sat up in bed to talk to him.
"Woah, Woah, Woah, I didn't say that.  I wanna know why you didn't tell me." Kirishima sat crisscross at the foot of your bed directly in line with you, head tilted with curiosity.
"Well, I didn't want you to worry about me or anything. I trusted that you knew what you were doing, so I didn't want to say anything that made it seem like I doubted you." You explained hurriedly. All you wanted to do was let him know you trusted him. "I'm sorry for doubting you- or, for seeming like I did. I was just worried, is all."
"You have nothing to apologize for." Kiri shushed you by waving his hand as if to swat away your statements. He then shot you a smile so friendly only he could have managed to scrounge up. "I wanted to apologize for worrying you. You wouldn't have stressed so  much if I'd just asked you what you said before we left."
"What? Apologize to me? You did an amazing job with dinner and tried to make sure I was okay the whole time you were focused on it. How about I say... thank you?" You suggested, opening your arms and pushing the covers off of you.
It'd taken Kirishima a minute to understand what you were trying to do, but when he did he was more than happy to scoot on over and give you a big hug. A bear hug, if you will. He wrapped his arms around you and you could almost hear his smile through his breath over your shoulder.
"How about I thank you?" He whispered.
"For..?" You questioned.
"Spending all that time with me!" He Smiled, backing away from the hug but not letting you go completely. "Maybe we can go out like that during the day sometime?" Kirishima suggested.
"I think we should." You nodded.
The two of you spent the night chatting and laughing. It was needless to say he'd more than forgiven you. You didn't make him upset at all! Kirishima was just glad you were feeling well. He left you to finish your food in peace, but something told you you'd be seeing him again in the morning.
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cerinefalls · 3 years
𝑯𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝑰𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆
(𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑜 𝑥𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟)
Word count: 1090
It'd been a long day. Not like most of your other long days, though. There was no altercation at the supermarket, no family drama, no babysitting... so why was today so long? Why did your day feel drawn out? The answer could have been simple, but sadly for you, it was far from it.
After high school, you made the wise decision to bunk with Hanta Sero. He was funny, for the most part respectful, and paid rent on time. The perfect roommate! Except... things hadn't been normal between the two of you recently. Sero was avoiding you. He wouldn't come out of his room often, nor would he greet you when he did. It was unlike the usual happy-go-lucky guy you knew. And now? On your way home? A text on your phone had you stressed half to death.
"We need to talk," It read.
Of course, he'd use the most intimidating sentence he could! Whether he knew it or not, that sentence sent you straight home. You cared for Sero, and if there was something he needed to get off of his chest? Well, you would just have to listen.
The moment was finally here. You stepped up to the apartment, bags in hand, and opened the door with your key. When you stepped inside everything looked remotely normal. The living room was just about how you'd left it, the kitchen was still clean, and the lights were on. Wait- the lights were on? You knew you'd turned them off, so this meant Sero had to have left his room while you were gone. Progress!
"I'm home!" You called, to no avail. It was quiet. Too quiet... you were suspicious.
You sat your bags down on the kitchen counter and snooped around. Something of a gut feeling told you to be quiet. What if something bad had happened? Unlikely, but not impossible. You continued to look around the kitchen, then the dining room, and finally you approached the open living space. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Quite the contrast from an urgent 'we need to talk' beckoning call.
"Sero, please. If you'd just come out we can-" Can what? Who knows, really; because your words failed to proceed after a certain someone came falling from the ceiling, wrapped in white tape. Sero! He made a hero-like entrance. Or, at least that's what he thought he did. In reality, he just scared the life out of you for a moment.
"Good evening, Y/N." He smiled as if you hadn't jumped straight out of your shoes when you saw him and shot you a thumbs up... or was it down?
"Sero... why?" You couldn't be mad. It was impossible. Whatever ridiculous sight was in front of you was too comedic to be upset with. Instead, you brushed it off and regained your footing, approaching the upside-down safety hazard of a man.
"Honestly?" Sero's smile grew slightly nervous. "I've been practicing this for a while now." He chuckled awkwardly.
"Practicing what exactly?" You asked, intrigued. Who wouldn't be? This was a scene straight out of a movie- literally.
"I watched something last week and it worked for the main character, so I thought to try it here." He cheesed again. Sero sounded proud of himself, and the last thing you'd want to do is upset the friend you hadn't seen in a week, so you just laughed it off.
"Last week? Is that why you've been avoiding me?" Your concern was showing, which confused Sero.
"Avoiding you? I wasn't- Oh!" His cheeks flushed red, embarrassed. "I just... didn't want to spoil it for you." It was cute. Confusing, but cute.
"So you weren't trying to stay away from me?" You turned to sit on the couch after you'd asked, but were quickly turned back around. It startled you at first but wasn't aggressive. Just a tug in the right direction.
"...Rather the opposite." He replied. Was his head not hurting from being upside down? It'd been at least two minutes.
"Sero, can you come down?" You asked, not quite picking up on the vibe he was trying to set. Sero wasn't oblivious to your ignorance but continued anyway.
"I will, but only if you let me get this scene right."
"What scene? Come on down. You'll hurt yourself." You insisted. 'Scene' you thought for a moment about what scene he could be referring to, then it hit. Sero was a huge Spider-Man fan. It made sense that he'd want to... recreate... the... oh, God.
With a gulp you stepped forward. If it would get him to stop the nonsense, of course you'd help him act out his current fixation! But, did a part of you want to? Was this something you wanted to happen for different reasons? Your cheeks heated, and your face must've shown your thought process, because Sero chuckled again.
"Would you like to help me practice next time?" He teased but his voice was shaken. He was nervous. Was he flirting?
"Well- would you want me to?" Moment of truth. The room fell silent. It was a contemplative silence.
"I think that'd be great, Y/N." He smiled, reaching a hand out to touch your cheek. Maybe he did need practice, because he almost missed. Laughing it off, Sero managed to slide his hand down your face successfully and  lift your chin towards him. Your stomach knotted.
Sero had turned bright red by now. Maybe he was just like Spider-Man! Regardless, he wasted little to no time pulling your face right up to his. Merely an inch sat between you and Sero. Somehow he'd figured out the perfect length to dangle from, because his mouth laid just in line with your own. It was now or never.
He drew you closer slowly, giving you ample time to back away. You didn't. Instead, you crept closer on your own and soon your lips were touching. You did it! You kissed Hanta Sero. And... you were still kissing Hanta Sero... that lasted a while. It stopped abruptly when a cracking noise from the ceiling alerted him that it was time to come down. He pulled away and got down, removing his tape from the structure of your home without causing significant damage.
Now all that sat with the two of you was the elephant in the room. There may have been emotion behind that scene's recreation. Needless to say, his text was right. You did need to talk.
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cerinefalls · 3 years
𝐁𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐭
(𝐴 𝐵𝑎𝑘𝑢𝑔𝑜 𝐾𝑎𝑡𝑠𝑢𝑘𝑖 𝑥𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟)
Category: Slice of life/Comedy
Here today we have UA highschool, a source of trauma for some, and a source of-
"Babies!" Ms. Joke exclaimed with a clap. "Today, hero courses from Shiketsu and UA will team up. You will each be put in pairs and assigned a baby to watch over."
Some students clapped and cheered at the announcement. Others... were not as happy. One of such students was Katsuki Bakugo, a fellow first year at UA.
You looked at him, his grumbles rather hard to ignore. He was exuding a tense feeling. A mix of fear and regret it seemed.
You couldn't stare too long, though. He'd noticed you, and of course this meant he'd have to assert himself.
"Hey, extra! Hell are you staring at?" His face appeared visibly annoyed, yet his hands were in his pockets as if this were second nature to him.
A word he used often. This time felt more personal than all the others, though. He was singling you out from the crowd, and an unfortunate wave of attention was sent your way.
You didn't get much of a chance to reply, either. Bakugo was loud, and it seemed Aizawa wasn't up for the embarrassment from this problem child.
"You're with them, Bakugo." The tired man sighed, waving a dismissive hand at his explosive student.
Katsuki scowled, and in this situation, it's best to ignore him. Ignore him you did! Turning your attention back to Ms. Joke.
"And that's all you need to know, really!" The cheerful woman beamed. "Any questions?"
Thank the heavens Midoriya kept notes, otherwise no one wouldve asked for the recap of instructions you'd missed due to Bakugo's outburst.
"Partners will work together over the weekend and care for a robotic baby. It needs to eat, drink, be changed, paid attention to, and entertained the whole time." She explained simply. "This will take place in the UA dorms, and you'll be temporarily moved in with your partner."
Start digging now, because it seemed Aizawa had doomed you in his attempt to quiet the human grenade. Katsuki Bakugo was unwillingly your babysitting accomplice.
You turned to see how he felt about it. His face was unreadable. He wore a mild frown, evident of neutrality, but his eyebrows were raised in what looked to be either acceptance or... dread. It was genuinely hard to tell.
Fast-forward to a few hours later and dorms have been set up. By some off chance, Bakugo chose to bunk with you. How fun! Except, there was a level of discomfort that came with it.
That became all the more obvious when the two of you sat in silence. Katsuki's mattress laid on the left side of the room, yours on the right. The robotic baby sat in a bassinet between the two of you, silent for the time be.
"Those bastards went all out with the preparations, didn't they." Bakugo sighed. He broke the silence with that sentence, leaving room for you to reply.
"Yeah, guess they did." You laughed awkwardly. The silence returned.
It seemed he noticed, because he sighed and stood up, walking towards you with an apathetic expression.
"Look," He began, keeping his eyes averted from you while he spoke. "I get that if we're going to practice taking care of this thing we need to get along, so..."
"Y/N." You introduced yourself. Bakugo was being nice, what a shock. Well, perhaps nice was a stretch, but he was showing a mature level of neutrality to reach a common goal. It was a pleasant change.
He began tapping his foot, pondering his next words when a loud cry erupted from the center of the room.
He jumped at the sudden noise, cursing under his breath. Bakugo attempted to play it off and turn around to look down at the bionic siren.
"What's wrong with it?" You asked, unable to see past his shoulders into the crib.
"Hell if I know-" He was going to continue that sentence, but soon you were both holding your breath. A putrid smell filled your dorm room.
"Oh no..." You'd slowly realized what'd happened. It had begun.
After a long, painful journey through parenthood, the deed was done. Who knew a fake child could cause such real problems. At least you walked out unscathed. Bakugo on the other hand, was no so lucky.
"The hell did they feed that thing?" He grumbled to himself as the two of you walked to the washrooms. You kept the freshly changed baby in your arms while he went to wash his hands.
"It's not like there's real germs involved, Bakugo. Just a smell." You heard someone attempt to comfort your unhappy partner when he'd turned the corner.
"Shut up, shitty hair." So it was Kiri who'd attempted to calm him. Nice try.
Once Bakugo finished in the restroom and was no longer a danger to himself or others, you left the baby with him. It was your turn to wash up, and hopefully this time there would be no issues while you weren't paying attention.
You washed from your finger tips to your forearms meticulously. Why? Katsuki Bakugo despised filth, and he would surely know if you hadn't done as you were instructed.
It was getting late. Almost eight at night, and you just realized something. Earlier in the day, everyone was told to get ready. The washrooms were packed, and you'd had no time to shower. This would be no issue if you were teamed with anyone else, but because of who it was, you had no other choice.
"Bakugo?" You crept quietly out of the washroom, poking half of your body out just far enough for him to see you.
"What is it, Y/N?" He called back. Did he sound... sleepy? No, there was no way. No high schooler got tired at eight. Especially no UA student. The idea was too far fetched.
"Is it alright if I leave you with them a while longer? I need to shower." That came out quieter than expected. It was uncertain how Katsuki felt about children, let alone babies, so asking this was nerve wracking.
Bakugo paused, his face indifferent. It was clear he thought a while before choosing an answer to your question.
"It's fine. We're partners, so if you've got to shower... make it quick. I'm going to put this load of crap to bed." And with that, he got up and left. Bakugo headed straight for your room and shut the door behind him.
'Make it quick' he said. Sadly for him, unless you consider half an hour quick, those were the directives that you didn't follow.
After drying off your body and patting through your hair, you slipped on some nightclothes and walked out of the room. The dormitory was pitch black when you came out. Everyone had a baby to put to bed, after all.
Slowly approaching and entering your room, you were shocked to see it was dark and quiet. Silent even, all aside from the snore of your partner. You giggled. They weren't joking when they said Bakugo went to bed at eight thirty.
The creak of the door as you pushed it further open seemed to wake him, though. He yawned and sat up, holding a finger to his lips. Why? In his other arm was the baby, it's bionic brain fast asleep. You tip toed closer to inspect the scene.
"The asshole wouldn't fall asleep until I laid it with me." Bakugo groggily complained, sitting up slowly as to not wake the uncomfortably realistic techno brat.
"Ah... should I take it so you can rest, then?" You asked a genuine question, but the face your co-parent made indicated he'd taken it as a challenge.
Of course. Katsuki 'don't underestimate me' Bakugo was angry with you for questioning whether he could do it or not. At least he had the head on his shoulders tight enough to remember he shouldn't scream at you. If he did, it'd be trouble for everyone on your floor.
"Since you don't think I can do it, you come join me. Watch this thing while I sleep." He retorted in a shockingly calm tone.
"What? With you? Why would I do that when they put your bed in here so we could have space?" You replied, a bit taken aback.
"So you can see I can do it with or without you. Can't move the damn thing, anyway." Bakugo groaned. He was clearly tired. Cranky may even be the word to describe him.
You shook your head, heading towards your own side of the room. You didn't get very far, though.
"Hey, that's not fair." The tired blonde hothead was clearly upset now, but for what reason was still a mystery. "If I've got to sleep with this thing and you're still gonna doubt me, you have to stay with me." Of course.
You stayed silent for a few seconds, lost for words. His logic made sense, but you weren't sure on whether it was a good idea. In theory, it was the perfect chance for him to prove himself, and for you two to act as a real couple would when caring for a child. On the other hand, this was meant to reflect hero work. Not a family scenario, but one where a child was being babysat. It was a hard call.
Bakugo could sense you were unsure about it, and questioned why in his head. After he finished thinking it through, it made sense to him why you'd hesitate. He turned over and laid back down. "Forget I said anything."
His words snapped you from thinking, and you felt as though he may have gotten the wrong idea. "Wait. I'll do it to watch them while you rest." It was past his bedtime after all, and if you admitted to doing it for his pride he would've chewed you out.
You dragged a blanket from your bed to his, laying on the other side of the baby. Soon enough, you heard Bakugo snoring again, and you were the only one awake in your dorm. Quiet and peaceful, as it should be.
You watched the baby as you said you would. It was merely eight forty five, and had you gone to sleep, the baby could've easily woken up moments later. You wanted to keep your word to him, so you stayed awake and watched over the baby.
Crickets and wind, a calm mix of sound flood in through the window. A sleepy combination of whistles and cool air. Your comforter sat over you heavily, warm and snug. That means when you felt something reach over and hug you, it startled you a bit due to the unexpectedness.
You remained calm. Waking the baby would be an awful mistake. This was confusing, though. When you checked, Bakugo was still fast asleep. This was an unconscious action.
Consciousness aside, it was cute. Did Katsuki sleep with stuffed animals? It would explain why he'd hugged you in his sleep. Regardless of the reason, this comfortable position lead to you dozing off. Sooner or later, silence was spread across all of the UA dorms. The babies had really tired out these young heroes. Perhaps tomorrow would be more peaceful.
Hiya! Thank you for reading. If you don't mind, could you leave some feedback for me? I'd love to know what you thought.
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