chaoticcandle · 28 days
the look of love (for writers)
"it's all in the eyes i was once told"
catching the stare of someone across a crowded room
subtle furrowing of eyebrows beyond a blank facade
coldness easing into warmth
a fond mothering gaze
corner of the lip nudged upward
forced glower/glare as they break underneath
batting their lashes, playful
a boisterous laugh
intrigue piercing the stoic
proud smugness at the other's success
lingering glances
a childish joy bursting through
pupils dilate
eyelids shut in a look of peace, calm and trust
look of longing/betrayal
"there was once a time when they were mine"
features fold into a scowl
an urgent flinching back
coldness returns (as though the warmth had never come)
lips part then purse
invasion of shock
slow stare at the floor
the ripple effect of a swallow
frustrated breath/sigh
bitter laugh in reminiscence
dread tearing through the seams of their composure
look of hatred
mean smirk- teeth bared grimace- scowl
dismissive gaze
gaze of contempt/impatience
threat lowering the voice
sardonic goading grins verging on manic
rolling one's eyes
flicker of irritation in the eyes
stares stubbornly ahead despite distraction
gritted teeth, clenched jaw
fierce biting remarks
even measured complexions betraying no thought
strangling oneself back from violence
utter apathy
murderous silence hanging in the stare
snobbish laughter
smiling at another's downfall
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chaoticcandle · 1 month
Writerblr I need your help 😭
I've just been put in charge of this writing club, we need 4 members to have a club. We have 4. My friends who write but don't want join the club says it's too boring. The set up used last year was:
Writing prompt
Share what we wrote for the writing prompt
Lecture type thing on an aspect of writing
Talk about our WIPs
The ideas I have so far are optional contests (they will have gift cards as prizes) and putting up posters to get the word out about it.
If you have any ideas that could help me, please please please share them.
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chaoticcandle · 2 months
How can someone behind a screen
Mean more than all the rest
Every time I talk out there
It feels just like a test
But talking online to the ones who care
Is so much easier than with them
I think without the ones here
My world would descend into mayhem
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chaoticcandle · 2 months
The pain,
Oh god, the pain
It ricochetted though me like a rubber band,
and hit like a brick.
My head throbbed,
And so did my soul
My vision was tinted red,
Not from anger,
From blood.
The room felt suffocating,
And so did my mind.
I couldn't breath,
The hands around my throat made it impossible,
They squeezed so hard,
The ocean itself leaked from my eyes.
The ocean didn't stop,
And started to fill the white expanse of tile.
It reached my knees and caused me to stumble,
Then my waist, which made it impossible to walk.
Up to my neck,
And the pressure made my body weak
My vision started to fade as it closed over my mouth,
The salt water stung arms and legs,
When it reaches my eyes,
With a final thought.
I realized,
No one cared enough to save me.
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chaoticcandle · 2 months
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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chaoticcandle · 3 months
Ty for tagging me pookie
(drum roll)
tag game ⭐️
thank you @hellojuiceboxbaby for the tag!!
rules: list your top 5 albums from your top 5 artists and let people vote which one matches your vibe
np tags: @m0ngrxl @fandom-trash-goblin @faggylittleleatherboy @saturnsconstellation @sapphos-queer-kid + anyone else who’d like to!!
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chaoticcandle · 3 months
Dont youuuu forget about meee
(I just rewatched the breakfast club for the thousandth time)
reblog w the song lyrics in your head NOW. either stuck in yr head or what yr listening to
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chaoticcandle · 3 months
Chapter 1
I'm sitting in the cold stone steps out front. My brother in his room on his tablet, and our dad is half asleep in the living room watching some shitty action movie. I had just gotten screamed at, I don't remember why. The sky is dense with clouds, just like my mind.
I see an ant
Its crawls from a lower step up to mine
I wonder how it can move so confidently towards me, unsure if I may kill it with a twitch of my foot.
It doesn't heasite in it's journey,
It steps on my right shoe
Loops around my laces,
Dances up my leg,
And pauses at my scarred knee, almost as if it's judging me.
Its so small compared to me,
But so am I in perspective.
A human is so much like an ant
It crawls more forward towards me as if it can hear my thoughts
As if it can understand me
That'd be a first
I think about the earth whirling at top speed,
It holds the ant down too,
Same thing to my house,
Same thing to the boulders on the ground,
and to the skyscrapers in the big city.
Same thing to the great pyramids in egypt,
Same thing to the rushing falls in canada
and the same to the moon.
The sun does the same thing to the earth
holding it down and spinning it around with it's irresistible pull.
Compared to the sun,
A human like me is insignificant,
Just like the ant here on earth.
Its starts to rain,
I don't notice at first
Too lost in thoughts
I don't notice,
until a drop hits the same leg the ant is on.
The ant struggles against it,
The rain starts to get more and more violent,
It pellets down my face
Water gets into my eyes
My hair gets waterlogged and soggy
It makes my socks wet and coarse
and my shirt to to my spine.
A loud bang of thunder echoes through the air and makes the ground quake.
Lighting strikes across the sky,
the darkness of the rain recedes for brief moments.
I don't dare move my hand from where it was held carefully over the ant,
Even when the cold rain beats so hard against my skin it burns.
I hope thesnt can fight hard enough against the droplet, so that it may live.
I wait for it to stop, for some relief.
It seems like it take hours for the summer rain to stop
but really it's only minutes.
I move my hand up from my knee still blocking the rain
My eyes focus in on the ant
It's wasn't moving
I realize what happened
I gently roll the ant onto a leaf
I stand and my feet grind against the cracked stone
and walk towards the rotting deck
I creep the old creaky wooden steps to the back yard
The leaf shakes when I walk,
but not from my steps,
the wind,
or cause' I'm cold.
I place the leaf next to the wildflowers that grow up the wall
There the prettiest ones
I hope the ant would like it.
Hi! I wrote this fairly recently, it is another expert from my book. I hope you enjoy! Have a good day/night!
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chaoticcandle · 3 months
I can't Breathe.
My hands are shaking,
Tears are crashing down my face
My eyes are red.
Inside my mind is chaos.
Racing. Running. Screaming
With things and thoughts,
That I told myself I’d ignore, forget, move on from.
The yelling,
The sound of her voice,
The look on their faces,
‘What are 5 things you can see’
The dirty floor.
The sink through the crack in the door.
The writing on the stall.
My hair in front of my eyes.
The shoes of the person in the next stall over.
‘Four things that you can feel’
My jacket in my hands.
The wall against my back.
The wetness of my face.
The tight laces of my shoes.
‘Three things you can hear’
The running of one of the sinks.
The chatter or voices.
The sound of the bell.
‘Two things you can smell’
A strong perfume.
Pollen from the open window.
‘One thing you can taste’
The blood from the cut in my mouth.
I can start to breathe.
The air is heaven on my lungs.
My eyes are still red.
Tears have crashed down my face.
My hands are still shaking
But at least I can Breathe.
Hi! I wrote this poem a long time ago but I decided to post it. It is an expert from my actual book! This is experience inspired. I hope you have a good day!
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chaoticcandle · 3 months
Purple Eyeshadow
Shimmering shades on bruised lids,
Bright colors on cut lips,
Liquid skin covers the touch of death under my eyes,
Dabs of pink cover the hollows on my cheeks,
The stars themselves to hide my crooked nose,
and led to hide my busted brow,
All to look perfect,
For him.
(shimmering shades=purple eyeshadow)
(bright colors=lipstick)
(liquid skin=foundation)
(dabs of pink=blush)
(the stars themselves=highlighter)
(led=eye brow pencil)
Hi! I wrote this poem in like 4 minutes so forgive me if there are any spelling errors. This just kinda flew outta me so I wanted to post it. Criticism wanted and welcome. Have a good day/night!
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chaoticcandle · 4 months
Trying to prove a point to my transphobic parents
And finally, because it's a part of my argument for this point, and also because they are,
Reblog if nonbinary and genderqueer people in general, are REAL, VALID, AND GORGEOUS PEOPLE, NO MATTER HOW THEY PASS
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chaoticcandle · 4 months
answer me fiend 🫵
I answered you.
Yes I know you sent this two days ago.
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chaoticcandle · 4 months
I'd care if the person I reblogged this from committed suicide.
Reblog this from anybody. literally. ANYBODY. even if you dont like them or even know them that well. YOU COULD SAVE THEIR LIFE.
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chaoticcandle · 4 months
traumatized gay teenager experiences life
Writers, tell me about your story in the dumbest way possible
I’ll go first:
Superhero princesses save the world with the help of that one straight white guy who’s just happy to be here, couldn’t have done it without the fortune of a white woman defying all the odds by deciding against a gender reveal party
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chaoticcandle · 4 months
reblog this to remind the person you reblogged it from that theyre loved
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chaoticcandle · 4 months
reblog if you're completely okay with me asking stuff about your wip in your inbox! <3
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chaoticcandle · 4 months
1. My Mc hates being outside
2. My Mc Is 18
3. My book is poetry style
Two truths and a lie but its for your WIP (doesn't have to be a character)
Okay so I saw a bunch of people do this and I was inspired (jazz hands). Tag people you want to guess yours 💗
For my MC Sophia
She carries band aids everywhere
She doesn't use contractions when speaking
She has spent a night in an abandoned building
@seekmemystar; @chaoticcandle; my greatest foe @prettiest-boy-around
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