chlos-dead ¡ 1 year
You Are so Beautiful,
carl grimes (Part Two)
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Carl Grimes x Fem!Reader (she/her)
A/N: Part two to You Are so Beautiful. I hoped you enjoyed the first part and if you’re just now seeing this, you should go read part one. (Again, credits to @cosmic-flwers !!)
warnings: “borderline” smut (no actual sex just getting there ig), a few season 7 spoilers!!
Season 7 Carl Grimes so he’s around 17-18, Y/N is the same age as Carl and is Negan’s daughter. Told from first person P.O.V. (Y/N’s P.O.V.)
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Summary for part one: While on a walk Y/N heard a scream coming from Carl and Judith crying. She went to their house and saw Carl covering his wound with his hand. (context — Carl was trying to get Judith to go take a nap, she refused and scratched his wound causing him to scream.) Y/N bribed Judith with candy, she soon fell asleep, and Y/N offered to clean up Carl’s wound and give him a new bandage.
Y/N: purple
Carl: blue
Rick: green
Negan: orange
“Is your dad here or is it just you and Judy?” I asked Carl.
“My dad has been out for a bit but he never told me when he’d be back.” He replied.
“Then we better make this quick.” I said, Carl not hesitating to toss his flannel and shirt to the ground. Once that was out of the way he helped me take my top off, biting his lip as the fabric lifted. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer, allowing me to straddle him. He placed soft kisses on my neck and collarbone, leaving a few, bright, plum marks on my skin. (those were going to be hard to hide) The feeling of his soft hands against every inch of my waist felt amazing. He placed a firm hand on my jaw to kiss me. His lips were so fucking soft, along with his tongue that managed to sneak into my mouth; though, I can’t complain.
It hadn’t been long before us giving each other, “soft kisses” became a full blown “make out session.”
Carl’s belligerent kisses caused a piercing moan to slip away from my lips.
“Be quiet.” He ordered, “Judith is still asleep, remember?”
“I can’t help it!” I said panting, practically gasping for air. My body shuddered with pleasure when I felt him growing beneath me. He gave me one last, gentle, kiss and looked up at me, tucking my hair behind my ear.
“You sure you wanna do this?” My pussy began to throb after hearing his words. Asking for a girl’s consent is such a simple yet hot think for a guy to do, especially during the apocalypse since the law “doesn’t matter anymore.”
“Yeah-Yes. I’m sure.” I said, eager for him to fuck me. I slid my shoes and socks off as he unbuttoned my pants. I stood up so they could simply fal to the ground, doing the same for my bra. I snapped my fingers in Carl’s face after noticing he was getting a bit distracted. I began to unbutton his jeans but before he could take them off we heard a door open from far away, jumping at the sound of Rick’s voice.
“Carl?” Rick yelled from the living room.
“Shit.” I gave Carl a “we’re fucked” kind of look.
“One second, Dad!” He buttoned his jeans and put his shirt on. I put my top on and tried to pull my pants up as quick as I could after hearing foot steps coming closer to the bathroom door.
“Carl-Carl?! Y/N?!” I looked like a deer in headlights when I saw Rick’s eyes watching his son’s hands as he buttoned my pants.
“I-I should probably get-going…” I stuttered, trying to get passed Rick.
“Hey, you’re forgetting your uhm…” Rick pointed at my bra that was on the floor. I turned around and let out a loud, annoyed, groan.
“You stupid slut.” I mumbled to myself.
“How about you two get… Decent and then come downstairs. We’re having a talk.” Rick slammed the bathroom door shut.
“I’m so fucking screwed.” Carl told me the minute his dad was gone.
“Me too.” I laughed.
“Not as much as me, you won’t get in trouble by your dad.” He assumed.
“And how do you know that?”
“Well, first off, your dad actually likes me and second, he’s an asshole but seems to be a lot cooler than my dad is.”
“Wait, your dad doesn’t like me?”
“It’s not that he doesn’t like you…He doesn’t-Trust you.”
“That doesn’t make it any better!” I pouted. We walked outside of the bathroom and downstairs into the living room, when me and Carl sat one the couch at trembled at the sight of Rick’s “death stare.”
“You two have got to understand why having sex isn’t the best idea with how everything is right now.” I sighed in relief, maybe we weren’t as fucked as we thought we were.
“Dad, I know but… We’ll be fine.” I nodded in response to Carl’s comment.
It didn’t make much sense to me since, from my knowledge, there isn’t any access to condoms nor birth control with how the world is right now.
“With what condoms?” It was as if Rick was reading my mind.
“Well, I found some in-In your room plus, Glenn was stocked up so… Yeah.” Carl gave a light chuckle regretting bringing up the dead member.
“Not trying to be selfish or anything like that but… You won’t tell my dad, will you? He doesn’t even know I’m here right now.” I blurted out.
“You know… Now that you’re bringing it up, I will. I’m sure he’d love to hear that you’re causing trouble.” I was quite annoyed by the cocky smile on Rick’s face, I did nothing to him to deserve his wishes upon my downfall. “Where is he right now?”
“Grab Judith, she’s asleep in her room, I’ll show you.” I said, looking at Carl with an ashamed look on my face. Rick grabbed Judith and the three of them followed me back to my dad who was still outside “working.”
“Finally, you’re back! Wait-What are they doing with you?” My dad asked me.
“Y/N and C-”
“Oh! I asked her. Not you.”
“Actually-Rick was needing to talk to you about… Something.”
“Well then, go ahead.”
“Your daughter and my son were, about to, have sex before I stopped em’. I just thought you should know that since I know how protective you are of her.” My body was full of annoyance, Rick was making such a big deal out of nothing and for no reason!
“Okay.” My dad shrugged.
“Okay?” Rick laughed in shock.
“Do you think I actually would have given a single fuck about Y/N•N having sex? And anyway, if she’s going to have sex with anyone I’m perfectly fine with it being your son.” It’s not that my dad doesn’t care about my own health or safety, he just knows that it’s stupid to get all worked up over something like this.
“Are you being serious?” Me and Carl began to laugh at Rick’s dramatic reaction.
“They’re horny teenagers, they probably barely ever seen anyone that’s they’re age. So yes, I am being serious because, once again, our kids having sex is the least of anyone’s problems right now.”
“Told you that your dad was cool.” Carl looked at me with an annoyingly cute smirk.
“Shut up.”
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chlos-dead ¡ 1 year
You Are so Beautiful,
carl grimes (Part One)
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Carl Grimes x Fem!Reader (she/her)
A/N: This one is a bit longer than my first. 💙 I am so proud of myself for writing again, it’s honestly a relief. — Credits to @cosmic-flwers for the idea!!
warnings: a few season 7 spoilers!!
Season 7 Carl Grimes so he’s around 17-18, Y/N is the same age as Carl and is Negan’s daughter. Enid and Carl are not together and this is told from first person P.O.V. (Y/N’s P.O.V.)
!! proof read !!
Description: Negan told Y/N that she could either help him with whatever he was up to or she could go on a walk, obviously, she chose to go on a walk. As she walked around she hummed the song I Shall Be Released (by Joe Cocker) to herself until she was interrupted by the sound of a teenage boy’s scream and a little girl crying. She ran toward the noise only to walk in on Carl’s hand covering his wound and Judith laughing at seeing her brother in pain, still crying from whatever had happened.
Y/N: purple
Negan: orange
Carl: blue
Judith: pink
I snarled at the feeling of sunshine on my skin. I was so sick of sweat dripped down my face, armpits, back, and legs.
I feel so disgusting.
“Y/N•N, c’mere!” My dad yelled from a far.
Only God knows what he could want…
“Yes?” I slouched.
“You wanna help me with this?” He asked, trying to hand me a screwdriver.
“Not really..?” My teeth began to grind together.
“You gotta do something.”
“I know, I know, but it’s so hot out!” He mocked me, “I don’t care, you’ve got to do something.”
“Dad, I already feel like shit just from being out here waiting for you to finish…Whatever..This is and I sure as hell don’t feel like being out here for even longer help you finish it.” I know how much my bitching kills him but can anyone really blame me? I already have to deal with my own shit and now I not only do I have to deal with my dad’s but also I can’t help but to feel guilty for what my dad did to that group. And trust me, I know how it feels to lose someone you love. I think about my mom…Every. Single. Day. I lost her at age eleven and I’m still grieving so I can imagine how they must be feeling.
“Fine, I’ll give two options then…Either help me with this or go for a nice, long walk.” The options sucked but I think me and him both know which one I’m choosing.
“I’ll see you later.” I waved and walked down a path that led to Alexandria. It actually had me thinking about that group…I didn’t know many of the members other than Daryl, Carl, and Enid. Well, I only know of Enid since Carl had mentioned her when we went to that woman’s house so that my dad could make some shitty spaghetti. I also know that Rick is Carl’s dad, I found that out from overhearing *eavesdropping* my dad and Carl’s conversation they had.
>>> When I first met Carl, I won’t lie, I had already found him very cute. His ocean blue eye was probably my favorite thing about him, other than his gorgeous hair. How the fuck can someone’s hair look so soft, shiny, and clean during the apocalypse. The one thing I did not like about him was the gross wound he had, I really don’t want to come off as “mean” though, so I’ve been trying to not think too much of it. When me and him actually got some time alone I tried my best to get to know him, he was way less shy after we grew a bit closer and I also ended realizing that he definitely knew what to do when it came to surviving this trash whole that we call a world. We, surprisingly, shared some interests in music and movies; though, he wasn’t really into the fact that I was in love with both the movie and book Twilight. <<<
While walking deeper down the path I began to hum one of my favorite songs, I Shall Be Released (by Joe Crocker).
Growing up I was some what forced to listen to his music but he began to grow on me after my mom died. I now regret all the times I ever through a tantrum over not being able to listen to my songs in the car on the way to school.
My head vibrated from me humming the song, I was almost to the chorus when I was interrupted by the sound of who I guess was Carl screaming and his little sister, Judith, crying.
Worried, I ran through the gates of Alexandria into the house they were in. Carl had his right hand over his, now, revealed wound, Judith laughed at him wiping leftover tears.
“Oh, hey, Y/N•N!” Carl attempted to act like he was fine but I could see his eye began to flood.
“What the f-” I looked down at a Judith who was giving me a death stare. “…Heck happened here?”
“I was trying to get Judith to take a nap but then she mad, started crying and scratched my eye causing the bandage to come off.” Carl’s words blended together.
“Judy.” I bent down to the little girls level, she crossed her arms around her chest turned the other way. “You want candy?” She turned her around, her face was now lit up with excitement.
“Mhm!” She nodded.
“Well, I have so much candy in my bag,” She reached over to grab the tote bag that was laying on my shoulder, I gently pushed her hand down. “But-You can’t get it unless you take a nap.”
“Mkay.” She was trying to act sad but I could tell she was faking, I lifted her up and brought her to her bed.
“Okay, Judy, you take a sweet nap and I’ll give you that candy the second you wake up! Promise.” I gently laid her down on her mattress and gave her a peck on the cheek. See? Not so hard. I mouthed to Carl, giving a cocky smile.
“Whatever.” He whispered, closing the bedroom door behind us.
“Now, let’s get…That..Fixed up.” I spoke aloud.
“No-It-It really doesn’t hurt.” His lie was extremely obvious due to the fact that a bit of blood from his wound was dripping down his cheek.
“You’re a terrible liar.” I laughed. “Now, where’s the bathroom?” He led me to the bathroom and I motioned to him to sit down on the toilet.
“I’m being serious-” My index finger covering his lips cut him off.
“Shut up.” I began to focus on his wound to see what needed to be fixed, “Looks like all I really gotta do is clean that up and get you a new bandage.” I, jokingly, “booped” his nose and went to look under the sink. When looking around I hummed the song, You Are So Beautiful (once again, by Joe Cocker.) A smile grew on my face when I found the supplies I needed to clean up his eye wound.
“What’s that?” He asked me. His question confused me since I was sure he knew what I was doing.
“Saline, rag, and a bandage to fix up your eye… Well, what was an eye.” We both began laughing at my stupid comment.
“Not that, the song.”
“Oh! Uhm…It was a song my mom and dad used to love. They practically owned it with out much they listened to it.”
“How does it go?” He looked up at me, the look he was giving made me feel like butterflies were flying around in my stomach, I couldn’t help but to blush.
“You’re gonna make me sing?” I moved closer and bending down a bit.
“I won’t make you, only if you-Ah~” He jumped when I wiped the rag on his wound, “That’s a little cold.” He laughed. I tried my best to have him relax and began cleaning the wound.
“I’ll sing but, don’t be mean. It was always my mom and dad singing the song to me not me singing it to them.” I cleared my throat and began to sing, “You..Are so beautiful.” I sighed, “To me… CAN’T YOU SEEeeeEE!” He laughed at my voice crack, I gave a friendly smack on his chest.
“I said to not be mean!”
“I wasn’t! The voice crack was just funny.”
“Well, at least we’re even.” I smirked.
“Even?” A confused look grew on his face, “How? I never sang in front of you before.”
“Not me, but, my dad.” His cheeks turned red from the feeling of embarrassment, he knew exactly what I was talking about. “I heard you sing to him. I was trying so hard not to die laughing.”
“Hey! Not fair, I didn’t die laughing! All I did was give a light laugh.” I put his hands down and started to wrap the bandage around his head to cover the wound, I jumped when I felt his cold hands against the skin peeking out at the bottom of my stomach. (my shirt wasn’t that long.)
“All done!” I tried to escape Carl’s touch to put the items back where they belong but it felt as if his hands were glued to my hips. “Let me put this shit down, please.” I begged. He removed his hands allowing me to put the supplies back into their previous spots but I stopped for a moment from feeling his eyes on me, “You need to push the fuck back, nut job.” I turned to him
“Sorry, you’re just…Really pretty.” I cringed at his complement. It was sweet but so cheesy.
“Thank you, you’re not so bad yourself.” I closed the cabinet and stood up.
“Is your dad here? Or is it just you and Judy?”
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chlos-dead ¡ 1 year
Just a Litte Longer,
carl grimes
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Carl Grimes x fem!Reader (she/her)
A/N: First time posting an imagine! I’ve always loved writing but I normally end up just getting as far as a poem or an idea for a story. I have also been having A LOT of writers block recently so I hope this is good enough! ♡
warnings: making out (if that even counts as a warning.)
This is set in Alexandria but not in any specific season. (whatever season you’d like)
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Description: Rick has had enough of Y/N and Carl’s bickering. They have hated each other since the first day they’ve met and he has never understood why? The two are fairly similar and would make a great pair. He came to the realization that the only way to get the two of them to bond is by, forcefully, having them scavenge together.
Y/N: pink
Carl: blue
Rick: green
“Carl! Y/N! Get down here!” Rick yelled from the kitchen, hearing annoyed groans coming from the two as they nearly trampled down the stairs. “We’re running pretty low on food for Judith.”
“I don’t understand? What does that have to do with us?” Y/N asked, Carl nodding in agreement.
“I need the both of you to go out to get some for her.”
“Are you actually complaining? She’s just a kid.”
“Now, come on, don’t make me feel bad. I’m tired. Cut me slack, okay?” Y/N crossed her hands over her chest.
“You’ve done nothing to be tired today,” Carl argued. “I have a reason to be tired, I’ve actually done shit.”
“And by ‘shit’ you mean playing video games? I’ve done shit today, I went outside, played hide and seek with the younger kids, helped Olivia make lunch.”
“I did not just play video games. I read a bit too…”
Y/N laughed, “You did not fucking read. You looked at drawings with speech bubbles around them. You can barely call that read-”
“Can you two quit? And also, watch your mouth.” Rick cut her off, Carl shooting Y/N a cocky smirk. “I don’t care about how either of you feel, you’re going. Now, get ready.”
The pair went back upstairs into their rooms to get themselves ready to go. Carl threw on a random pair of jeans, a white shirt, and a blue flannel to go over it. Y/N wore her only pair of low-waisted blue jeans and her brown, scoop necked, long sleeve shirt (the lace trim from her white, cami tank top popping out from the top and bottom of the shirt.) They both put their shoes on, grabbed a bag and their choice of weapon and once again, they almost trampled down the stairs.
“Here are the keys.” Rick tossed the keys to the car to Y/N, he shot her an impressed look at the fact that she caught them. “Now, You two stay safe.” They said goodbye to Rick and walked out the front door.
Not even being outside for one second Carl snatched the keys from Y/N’s hands. “Thank you.” He let out a pop noise.
“Hey! Give em’ back!” Y/N demanded.
“No.” He scoffed, unlocking the car.
“The fuck?” Y/N sped to the other side of the car and shoved Carl out the way. She was so close to sitting down in the drivers seat until she felt him tug on her wrist. Her eyes widened at the feeling of his fingertips on her skin, she kind of liked it. He moved her out to the way. “My fucking God…” She rolled her eyes.
“I’m not kidding. I don’t feel like dying today.” He gave a light chuckle and sat down to start the car. Y/N accepted the fact that she wasn’t getting those keys and went back around to sit into the passengers seat.
After a terrible twenty minuets of sitting in a silent car full of tension, they finally spotted what looked like a convenient store. They held the weapons close as they watched each others backs. Their hatred for each other wasn’t so bad, it’s not like they wanted one another to die. Surprisingly, there wasn’t all that many walkers guarding the place nor inside.
I still don’t understand why your dad couldn’t have just chosen someone else to this.” Y/N said as soon as they began looking around for the supplies that was needed.
“Neither do I but, at least my sister will be alive.” He turned to her, putting his gun down.
“Please, She’s the only reason why I’m doing this.” Y/N loved Judith. She is actually one of the few people Judith will let hold her without crying within ten minuets of being in their arms.
“Feelings are mutual.” They had been looking around for a good amount of time but still, no luck whatsoever. All they ended up finding was a small case of water and fruit flavored gummies.
“I knew we wouldn’t find jack shit.” Y/N mumbled, flipped through a magazine.
“What?” Carl turned around from looking at the row of chips.
“I knew we wouldn’t find jack shit.” Y/N repeated, laying the magazine onto the counter behind her.
“What’s with your attitude today?” She laughed in response to his question.
“God, you’re acting like your dad.”
“I’m being serious.”
“I don’t have an attitude.”
“Yeah, you do.” He assured, “normally you’re a brat but today you’re just being a dick.”
“You’re the one that’s being a dick!” Y/N argued, moving closer to him.
“Really?” Carl laughed at her assumption.
“Yes, really.” She looked him up and down shooting what felt like a death stare until she noticed the grin growing on his face. Also, not to mention the tension from not too long ago, in the car, had came back except this time it felt… Different? It felt more, romantic.
He placed his hands on her hips, “What are you doing?” Y/N pushed him away. He moved back closer to her, this time lust forming in his eyes.
“Just shh…” He whispered into her ear.
She stayed quiet and watched as he put his hands in the same spot before, sending a slight shiver down her body, he moved her even closer, each other’s hips were practically merging together. Carl lifted her chin with his right hand and gently pressed his lips against hers. His lips were quite soft. He smiled at the feeling of Y/N biting his lip without realizing. They pulled away from each other, “See? That wasn’t so bad, was it?” It took her a second to comprehend what had just happened. She wasn’t expecting her first kiss to be the guy she ‘hated.’ Or at least who she thought she hated. “Y/N•N?” Carl waved his hand in her face, attempting to get her attention.
“Oh-Shit-Sorry. I guess I just didn’t think my first kiss would be…You” She paused for a moment and looked up at him. “Also, I’m sorry.”
“I’m pretty sure I bit your lip.”
“No, don’t be sorry. I found it kinda cute.” She let out a giggle, covering her face with her hand. He wrapped his fingers around her wrist, similar to how he did earlier, and moved her hand down and gave her another kiss, this one being a bit more rough than the first.
Y/N managed to get the words, “Carl wait-” to escape from her lips. He hummed in response. “You sure we shouldn’t be getting back soon?” She placed her hands on his chest, fixing the collar of his flannel.
“You sure you don’t want to do this for a little longer?” He looked down and then back up at her. He had noticed her cheeks turning a brighter pink when he picked her up and placed her onto counter, her legs around his hips.
This time she leaned in for a kiss,
“Just a little longer…”
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chlos-dead ¡ 1 year
if you need any clothes idea for stories, desired realities, ect. just go on my pinterest (@/chlosdead) and click the board titled, “dr outfits.” there are multiple sections and one is labeled, “to make outfits.” that section has multiple layouts of shirts, pants, underwear, ect. ✨
here is the link since this is definitely easier: https://pin.it/32ePaag
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chlos-dead ¡ 1 year
name ideas!
includes: names ideas (masc&fem, twin names, biblical, ect.) you can use for your writing.
*all made by me*
pinterest: @/chlosdead
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100 notes ¡ View notes
chlos-dead ¡ 1 year
said is dead!
includes: other words to use instead of “said” for your writing. (from A - N)
*all made by me*
pinterest: @/chlosdead
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76 notes ¡ View notes
chlos-dead ¡ 1 year
said is dead!
includes: other words to use instead of “said” for your writing. (from O - Y)
*all made by me*
pinterest: @/chlosdead
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