chupachup16 · 6 months
How I crave romantic affection
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chupachup16 · 6 months
My only physical need rn is to be put in one of those metal compressors.
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chupachup16 · 9 months
Does anyone have a good friendly clan with clan games that is still active? And also has some amount of girls in it
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chupachup16 · 9 months
Queer joy is so incredibly beautiful
It is so easy to indulge in that part of your brain that has become homophobic after hearing your surroundings for so many years. The amount of people using gay as an insult and always using queer people as the butt of the joke is exhausting.
I so deeply hate all the people who say “I don’t mind queer people as long as they don’t push it into my face”. Putting aside that those people just have insane double standards, I wish I was comfortable enough to be so outwardly proud. I look up to those people who love to mention it from time to time. I look up to those people who have pride flags up on their walls or pins on their bags.
Also bonus: song of the day
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chupachup16 · 9 months
Omg guys I’m getting famous!! (five bots and one real person followed me)
Song of the day:
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chupachup16 · 10 months
Given that Hunger Games is trending I want to remind everyone that Peeta is canonly a disabled amputee who lost his leg in the first games and he wears a prosthetic. The movies were so wrong to remove that
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chupachup16 · 10 months
The sheer amount of differences between the hunger games book and the hunger games movie is insane. Like I’m sitting here getting mad at all of it. If any of you guys have considered reading the book, I would recommend it. If you have liked the movie and not read the book, I would recommend it. It’s just good. It’s just better.
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chupachup16 · 10 months
A bunch of bots are following me so I feel motivated to treat them as my ever-devoted fans. So here, my sweethearts, is my song of the week:
Though I have about 30 songs of the week but that’s fine I guess.
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chupachup16 · 11 months
The entire idea of not liking the more popular songs of an artist because they’re “basic” or “poser-music” is kind of weird. Yes there could be good songs that aren’t as popular, but very often songs are popular for a reason yk. And everyone is different so some may actually enjoy those popular songs more than ones which aren’t super well known.
Plus like it’s ok to be basic with your music??
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chupachup16 · 11 months
Ok I missed some daily songs but that’s alright because I don’t think people follow my tumblr like that, or at all. Anyway song of the day is: ‘Light my love’ by Greta Van Fleet. I was listening to some Greta van fleet on this long ass road trip and it was very enjoyable.
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chupachup16 · 11 months
Song of the day is: Smalltown boy by Bronski beat 😎
W fam
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chupachup16 · 11 months
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chupachup16 · 11 months
I was sooo considering putting a glee cover as todays song, instead you get: ‘ain’t nobody’ by Chaka Khan
We’ll see about the glee cover tomorrow 😼
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chupachup16 · 11 months
Todays song of the day issss: ‘Limp’ by Fiona Apple 😋
I’ve been listening to her albums all day while reading the second hunger games book. Actually fit insanely well.
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chupachup16 · 11 months
I have the biggest urge to start creating street art in random places in my little town
Like I went on some little street art tour and I actually feel so motivated even tho I’ve had an art block for like two years
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Like these little drawings are just so nice and I feel like if I did it in my town in a good amount of places that people regularly see, it could become something people are like aware of.
I just think it’d be so cool to have people be aware of little drawings that I make. Like if people would stop to take a photo of it in the way that I do with street art that I see.
I’m gonna do a bit of research and we’ll see how it goes 😼
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chupachup16 · 11 months
I’ve literally ignored my little daily songs for some days but anywayyy todays song is: ‘I slept with someone in fall out boy and all I got was this stupid song written about me’ by fall out boy :)
Honestly this was half because of this edit on tiktok i saw about some movie I didn’t even know. It used the song so well though. Oh and plus because I fucking love fall out boy.
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chupachup16 · 11 months
Todays song of the day was an easy choice since I’ve been listening to the song and album non stop: ‘PURE/HONEY’ by Beyoncé.
This album is actually flawless and I so deeply disagree with my friend who said that Beyoncé had fallen off with it.
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