claudiarph · 11 years
Woo! Adelaide's page is done and she's been added to my muses page! Now on to working on NeverWonder and helpful things like Part III of my newbie guide.
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claudiarph · 11 years
Para Sample | Used for Adelaide Ward @Spellcraft
Word Count: ~1088
Every year on the anniversary of the deaths of the Wards some anti-witch establishment burned; some years it was just a building blazing in the night sky. Other years someone would die. Sometimes the fires looked like simple accident; some years it was clearly intentional. But every year the silhouette of a woman could be seen walking silently away from the flames. No one ever saw her face, and sometimes people swore it was a ghost, seeking vengeance for her death at the hands of ignorance and hate. Fire had always come easily for little Adelaide Ward, even as an accident, and after her parents were killed the flames seemed even easier to unleash and control. The first time had been an almost terrifying accident, but now as she stood in the darkness watching the flames creep up the sides of the empty school house she felt only emptiness. She ignored the tears that began to sting her eyes, shrugging it off as the smoke. She refused to admit the desperate need for her mother and father, for someone to actually understand her loss. Charlotte didn’t get it; Charlotte seemed to think the answer was moving forward and forgetting, but how could she move on when she was so alone? She ignored voice in her soul that told her that this was not the way a good Wiccan should handle things; it certainly wasn’t the way her parents would. Something inside her wondered if she caused all this damage just to hear their voices in her mind; their voices rising in disapproval, reminding her that this was not the girl they raised was better than the emptiness without them.
These people were getting precisely what they deserved. The flyer was courting disaster, and she had just brought it to fruition. You couldn’t talk about how they had it right in Salem burning witches at the stake and not expect fire to follow. The man with the flyer should’ve known better when he called her ‘sister’ and offered her place to escape the wives of Satan. He’d regret it now when he couldn’t get it up for the mistress he was hiding from his wife or his business started to crumble; that is if he was smart enough to realize that his run of bad luck had something to do with him being a despicable excuse for a human being. But she doubted that he’d be able to make the connection, his type never did. She returned to the shop smelling of smoke and herbs, the scent lingering in her hair and clothes, and it only took thirty minutes before someone came darting in, panting and out of breath, looking for Charlotte to report the fire. Adelaide barely glanced up from her book.
“Addie!” Something between a hiss and a growl came from behind the book. “You’ll never believe this, Adelaide. The old school house burned to the ground! It’s definitely arson, everyone says so; burned less than an hour already there ain’t much left but the cinderblocks.”
“Sounds an awful lot like those anti-witch bastards will need a new place to meet.” The reply was flat, and she looked up from her book, one eyebrow lifted.
“Oh, Adelaide, you didn’t!”
“Don’t talk to me like that, Charity, you aren’t my mother. The idiot invited a witch to an anti-witch meeting; he was asking for trouble, and I just gave him what he was asking for. The place was empty anyway. Nobody got hurt this time” The woman in front of her narrowed her eyes at the disappointment in Adelaide’s voice. “No one’s going to know it was me.”
“What if there’d been people in there? What then?” Adelaide rolled her eyes, one hand shoving her hair back from her face. “Don’t you care? This has got to stop. Someday, you’re going to go too far. And those crazy people are going to try burning you at the stake or something for this.”
“I’d like to see them try.” With a dry laugh, Adelaide shoved her stool backwards, standing behind the counter. “Like I said no one’s going to know, no one that matters anyway. So why don’t you take the amber I know you need and go. If I want a lecture I’ll just tell Charlotte what I’ve been doing.”
“Closing the shop so that you can go set fires? Someone should tell her; you’re out of control. You need to fix whatever’s broken here and start becoming the witch your mother wanted you to be.” Before she could fire back, Charity had stormed away, leaving her amber on the counter and letting the door slam behind her.
“Mind your own business, Charity George!” The shout filled the otherwise empty shop.
Left alone with the shop and her thoughts, she swore under her breath, shoving the stool hard enough that it fell to the ground with a crash. People like Charity who’d known her since before her parents were killed were always like this. They all wanted the girl with the bright eyes and wild spirit, the girl who wanted to learn everything and explore the world. They kept looking for the girl full of hope and wonder. They all wanted the girl without the nightmares, and that girl was dead. Charlotte would tell her that she was wrong; she’d say that Mom and Dad would want her to keep up with her studies and smile again. She’d tell her that it was time for her to stop mourning and start living again. But Charlotte didn’t have nightmares about being the one who killed them; she didn’t see the blood on the floor in her dreams and suddenly feel like she was soaked in it. No matter how much she wanted to go back, Adelaide knew it wasn’t possible. There was no healing ritual for removing grief and guilt; there was no magic in the world that could bring back the girl with the warm smile and adventurous spirit. Staring down at her at her hands, her eyes fell on the large silver and onyx ring she wore on her right ring finger; how many times had she begged her mother to let her wear it? It always pissed her off that Charlotte was allowed to when she wasn’t. Charlotte was the responsible one, her mother reminded her, and she wasn’t ready yet. Suddenly her mother’s laugh filled her ears, her face swimming before her eyes, and the tears began to fall for the first time in months.
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claudiarph · 11 years
Question as I'm prepping my characters for NeverWonder
Do you think Zoe Kravitz and Jessica Parker Kennedy could pass for half sisters?
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claudiarph · 11 years
ten isn't really a ton of POC face claims...
I apologize because I should have been more specific, but I didn't mean those were the only POC faces I plan to use or that it was a ton. I’m doing my character batches in fifteen to twenty character releases because otherwise I’ll never get them all done on my own. That list is my plan for the first batch of characters, so I would say ten is pretty good number relative to the number of characters in each batch.
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claudiarph · 11 years
I have so many POC face claim plans for NeverWonder!
In the first batch of fifteen to twenty:
Gina Torres
Dule Hill is going to be a bad guy
Shemar Moore
Godfrey Gao
Meghan Markle
Jessica Parker Kennedy
Jamie Chung
Idris Elba
Nathan Stewart-Jarrett
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claudiarph · 11 years
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ve·ri·tas - n. Latin word for truth
When one of the most prestigious colleges in the country is repurposed for the supernatural population of the United States, many concerns lay with the rest of the country. Would the historic school’s values and morals be tossed away? Or is it possible that these supernatural creatures are just as normal as any other human? One question remains most important above all though. Can this many supernaturals survive in a confined city? Or will they crack under the pressure of being near so many that are just as different as they are.
Main ♦ Plot ♦ Rules ♦ Characters ♦ Apply
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claudiarph · 11 years
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"This just in the St. Paul Christian church of Southport, Louisiana was involved in a mass killing. My sources tell me that all those who attended the Sunday Service were killed by… no, that can’t be right… they were killed by witches."
This slaughter of St. Paul’s was five years ago, and that is when witches were revealed to the public. It wasn’t a decision made by all witches to come out, but once they were out there was no more hiding. In 2013, New Orleans, Louisiana is the witch capitol of the world. Some fight against the witches, denying them the rights they so desire. Others fight with them. The three most prominent witch factions (wicca, voodoo, and ceremonial) fight among each other as well. New Orleans had always been a place filled with culture, but since the witches took over, it’s a new place entirely. 
There’s one thing for certain; you can’t understand New Orleans until you’ve come to New Orleans.
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claudiarph · 11 years
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Instagram PSD Download Like if download 
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claudiarph · 11 years
the worst thing about writing is that you aren’t just a writer. you have to be a thousand things. a poet, a flirt, a weapons expert, a bleeding heart, a scholar, a legendary cook, a theorist, an engineer, a reckless teenage girl, a dying god. you have to be able to write monologues and speeches and heartfelt confessions, and you have to make them believable. writing is putting yourself into someone else’s shoes.
writing is really hard (◕︿◕✿)
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claudiarph · 11 years
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"This just in the St. Paul Christian church of Southport, Louisiana was involved in a mass killing. My sources tell me that all those who attended the Sunday Service were killed by… no, that can’t be right… they were killed by witches."
This slaughter of St. Paul’s was five years ago, and that is when witches were revealed to the public. It wasn’t a decision made by all witches to come out, but once they were out there was no more hiding. In 2013, New Orleans, Louisiana is the witch capitol of the world. Some fight against the witches, denying them the rights they so desire. Others fight with them. The three most prominent witch factions (wicca, voodoo, and ceremonial) fight among each other as well. New Orleans had always been a place filled with culture, but since the witches took over, it’s a new place entirely. 
There’s one thing for certain; you can’t understand New Orleans until you’ve come to New Orleans.
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claudiarph · 11 years
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In the year 2150 the Digital War had left the world’s major super powers in shambles; in the year 2151 the Syndicate began to pick up the pieces in what was once the United States of America. They promised to rebuild. They promised peace. They promised hope. They promised Utopia. They lied.
I think I like this coloring and image much better
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claudiarph · 11 years
Ok so I've been talking about NeverWonder a lot recently, and the down and dirty of creation is about to begin. I'm stealing Janelle's pre-opening build up and hype idea she used for Spellcraft by posting teasers as things come together. So if you are interested in NeverWonder, you can track the tag: NeverWonder Teaser, or you know, blacklist that tag if you aren't interested in NeverWonder clogging up your dash.
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claudiarph · 11 years
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"We told you the north is our territory," she snarled, her hands flat against his naked torso. The sheet had slid down her back, showing its curve and baring her chest; her hair was a mess of uncombed curls and her lips carried a smirk.
"You also told me we wouldn’t come back to this hotel, yet here we are." He felt rather victorious at that, even if it had made the smirk turn into an expression of distaste.
"This is personal, I’m talking about business. Control your little rascal or we might have to teach him a lesson or two."
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claudiarph · 11 years
MindLink is based on Google Glasses and it's this incredibly dangerous entertainment device created by the government to pacify the people. Jeez, NeverWonder is going to be awesome if I can get it off the ground.
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claudiarph · 11 years
Hopefully the xkit guy will rescue us from Tumblr's stupidity, but this is super helpful.
Here’s a tip: To get away from that bizarre mass post editor looking search page, follow these steps:
Go to your URL bar
Highlight “search” in the page URL
Change “search” to “tagged”
Go to the new URL
You should have the old way it looked now
It worked for me anyway. Yes, it adds a mildly tedious step, but that is one heck of a lot better than trying to figure out what you’re looking at with that nasty search page.
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claudiarph · 11 years
Why can't I search just tags, Tumblr? WHY???
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claudiarph · 11 years
Does anyone want to see the NeverWonder plot?
I'm just super excited about this, but terrified that it's actually really terrible.
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