Book Cover(?)
This is the best I could come up with. Not the greatest, but here it is!:
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┆ ° ♡ • ➵ Prologue✩ ◛ °
In the vast expanse of the multiverse, where galaxies danced to the rhythm of cosmic energies, there existed a point of convergence. It was a place where the fabric of reality shimmered and wavered, a nexus of infinite possibilities and boundless potential.
From the depths of this cosmic crucible emerged a being unlike any other, born from the very essence of creation itself. They were (Y/n), a celestial entity woven from the threads of existence, their form a tapestry of light and energy that pulsed with the heartbeat of the universe.
As consciousness stirred within them, (Y/n) found themselves awakening in a celestial realm that defied description. It was a realm of swirling nebulae and shimmering starlight, where time flowed like an endless river and space stretched to infinity. Here, amidst the cosmic symphony, (Y/n) took their first breath and opened their eyes to behold the wonders of creation.
"Where... am I?" They spoke into the unknown, having been brought to an unfamiliar place with no memories of being there. 
But as if the universe was aware of their creation, it spoke, "You... are the embodiment of the multiverse." 
The voice resonated through the fabric of existence, reverberating within (Y/n)'s essence. It was not a voice in the conventional sense but rather a chorus of celestial harmonies, each note vibrating with cosmic significance.
"(Y/n), you are the convergence point of all things, the culmination of endless possibilities," the voice intoned, its cadence both soothing and profound. "You are the essence of creation itself, the spark that ignites the fires of life across the cosmos."
As (Y/n) absorbed the weight of these words, a sense of purpose began to stir within them. They gazed out into the expanse of the celestial realm, feeling the ebb and flow of cosmic energies coursing through their being.
"But why me?" (Y/n) questioned, their voice conveying uncertainty amidst the cosmos' vastness.
"Because, (Y/n), you possess the power to shape reality itself," the voice responded, imbuing each word with a sense of cosmic significance. "You are the guardian of balance, the steward of creation, the safeguard of order and chaos. It is your destiny to watch over the tapestry of existence and ensure that harmony prevails."
With each passing moment, (Y/n) felt the weight of their newfound role settle upon their shoulders. "What can I do for now?" They softly chirped to the unknown beauty of space.
As (Y/n) pondered their purpose amidst the celestial expanse, the voice of the universe resonated once more, guiding them with ethereal wisdom.
"You must learn," it whispered, the cosmic harmonies weaving through the fabric of reality. "Learn the intricacies of existence, the dance of creation and destruction, the delicate balance between light and darkness."
With a gentle gesture of their hand, (Y/n) conjured a shimmering orb of cosmic energy, its iridescent hues swirling with the universe's secrets. They reached out, feeling the raw power coursing through their fingertips, and embraced the orb with a sense of reverence.
"Seek knowledge, (Y/n)," the voice urged, its echoes permeating the celestial realm. "Explore the wonders of the world you choose to watch over. Embrace the diversity of life and the infinite possibilities that lie within."
A soft-spoken gasp left them as they held a soft but kind smile, excited and understanding the responsibility of their task. "I will..." 
Eons passed in the blink of an eye as (Y/n) wandered through the celestial expanse, their essence intermingling with the nature of the cosmos. They witnessed the birth and death of stars, the collision of galaxies, and the dance of celestial bodies across the vast canvas of space. They held tightly onto their book that knew of how every world, universe, and planet works.
As the ages passed and civilizations rose and fell, (Y/n) remained alone, isolated, and steadfast, a silent guardian watching over the world from the far reaches of the universe. Amidst the infinite expanse of the cosmos, a particular universe had caught their eye for quite some time. The world was called the Magic Realm.
Magic Realm was a fantasy-like world with kingdoms, dragons, princesses, witches, wizards, and mages. However, most of the population was filled with magical beings, witches, wizards, and mages. Listening and observing closely, they heard magic was commonplace. The majority of the population holds magic, while some others do not... referred to as muggles. 
Where arcane energies flowed like rivers and wonders abounded at every turn, (Y/n) found themselves drawn to the vibrant tapestry of mortal life. The most exciting part was finding out how the magic ranking system works. There were these 'magic marks,' which determined how much a person could use. 
Magic Marks are a unique system that governs individuals' magical abilities. In the world (Y/n) watches over, magic is an integral part of society, and those who possess mystical abilities are known as Witches and Wizards. Everyone believes that magic is a gift given by God itself.
Magic Marks measure a person's magical potential and proficiency. Each individual has a Magic Mark, essentially a numerical value representing their magical prowess. The higher the Magic Mark, the more powerful the individual's magic. Magic Marks are typically measured on a scale from 0 to 9999, with higher numbers indicating stronger magical abilities.
* Single-liners are individuals with the lowest level of magical ability. They possess only one Magic Mark on their body, usually somewhere visible, like their hand or face. Despite their limited magical power, Single-Liners can still perform basic spells and incantations.
* Double-Liners are individuals with a moderate level of magical ability. They have two Magic Marks on their body, indicating a higher proficiency in magic than Single-Liners. Double-liners are capable of casting more complex spells and techniques.
* Triple-Liners are individuals with the highest level of magical ability. They possess three Magic Marks on their body, signifying mastery of magic. Triple-Liners are extremely powerful and are capable of performing advanced spells and feats of magic that surpass those of Single-Liners and Double-Liners.
Everything seems peaceful and in smooth harmony. (Y/n) could move beyond to explore other words. Yet, amidst the majesty of the cosmos, they also felt a longing stirring within them.
A yearning to experience existence in a different form, to walk among mortals and feel the warmth of mortal life. 
(Y/n) remained apart, a silent observer lurking on the fringes of existence, knowing better than to trifle with mortal affairs. Even with a heavy heart of desiring an experience they never felt, they turned and began walking away from the platform they used to spectate the world.
Yet their heart refused to listen to their mind, pondering the mysteries of mortal life and wondering what it would be like to walk among them. Despite (Y/n)'s role as the guardian of balance and the steward of creation, some of them yearned to walk among the mortals and experience life in a tangible form.
They stopped in their tracks, their heart filled with uncertainty and hesitation as they kept stealing glances at the Magic Realm below. (Y/n) wanted to leave the Celestial World to live with mortals, but they didn't want to leave their comfort zone, uncertain of what dire consequences would come. Would the voice of the cosmos get mad at them? Would it punish them? Who knows?
As they pondered their next move, the voice echoed through the vastness of space, stirring the very essence of their soul.
"(Y/n), child of the multiverse, your desire is not without purpose," the voice intoned, its words carrying the weight of eons. "To experience life as a mortal is to understand the beauty of impermanence, the fleeting moments that define existence."
"W-What?" They softly gasped. 
"If you wanted to leave your home," it softly whispered. "You could've done so without my permission."
As the voice's words washed over them, (Y/n) felt a sense of relief flood their being. They had hesitated to act on their desires, fearing repercussions from the cosmic forces governing their existence. But now, with the voice's reassurance, they felt a newfound sense of freedom.
With a determined glint in their eyes, (Y/n) made a decision. They would venture forth into the mortal realm, embracing the uncertainty of the unknown and experiencing life in a way they had never before imagined.
With a graceful gesture, they conjured a shimmering portal that stretched out before them, leading to the world of Magic Realm. As they embarked on this grand adventure, the voice of the cosmos echoed softly in their minds, a comforting presence guiding them on their path.
"Go forth, (Y/n), my child," it whispered. "Embrace the beauty of mortal life, and may your journey be filled with wonder and discovery."
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Touché my friend. 😌
Best driving skills in Robot and Hallucinations? (For fun lmfao)
I'm gonna make a random vote in this. And no the bots are not involved. Only main 4
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She’ll be the one to drive normally, but it’s just so paranoid at all times.
She’ll MAYBE be the one to obey traffic rules regardless of danger (Ex. A Decepticon is chasing them on an empty street at night, and there’s a red light, Bubbles will just stop because she fears of getting in trouble and breaking the law)
Best driving skills in Robot and Hallucinations? (For fun lmfao)
I'm gonna make a random vote in this. And no the bots are not involved. Only main 4
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The expression on Adam’s face tells me he is done with Jonah messing around-
just Jonah and Adam moments as usual.
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Very relatable. I sometimes get writer’s block, procrastination, or no motivation…
(I really want to post my Mandela Catalogue fanfic on Wattpad, but I’m too lazy and haven’t gotten the chance.)
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Clean Bubbles: Why are still here, just to suffer…
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Robots and Hallucinations main cast fr.. look at them goddamn go.....
(Not my ocs, each belongs to their owner well expect for robot arm lol)
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Friendship Rivalry Unveiled
“Heh… glad to let myself loose today.” 
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Ever since Clean Bubbles crossed paths with Mark Heathcliff a few days ago, her heart has been in a constant state of flutter. The kindness and care he showed her, something she hadn't experienced in over 15 years, was a revelation. Knowing she wasn’t the only one navigating the harsh world of deceptions was a relief. 
But despite her best efforts to distance herself from Mark, to push him away and protect him from the dangers that lurked in the shadows, she couldn't deny the pull she felt towards him. He had wormed his way into her heart with his kindness and understanding, and try as she might, she couldn't shake the feeling that she needed him, that he was the only one who truly understood her.
However, this newfound connection was not without its challenges. It was a double-edged sword, bringing a whole new set of worries. She constantly fretted about her friend, juggling between maintaining her reputation, preserving these friendships, and living a split life.
The blue and black-haired girl sighed, her feet gently swaying on the bench in the serene local park. The small ducks, a stark contrast to her inner turmoil, swam peacefully in the pond as she fed them peas and grapes under the cloudy sky. Their quacks of gratitude filled the air, momentarily soothing her troubled mind. 
Her secrets bore down on her shoulders, threatening to crush her beneath their burden. She knew she couldn't afford to let her guard down, not when her very existence in Mandela County depended on maintaining her facade of normalcy.
As she sat lost in her thoughts, a familiar voice called out, snapping her out of her reverie. "Hey there, Clean Bubbles!" Mark's voice rang out, his warm smile lighting up his face as he approached.
Clean Bubbles forced a smile, her heart fluttering nervously in her chest as she greeted him. "H-Hey, Mark," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I-I didn't expect to see you here."
Mark chuckled, a twinkle of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Well, I thought I'd surprise you," he said, his grin widening. "But hey, speaking of surprises, I've got someone I want you to meet."
Clean Bubbles' heart skipped a beat at his words, her mind racing with a million possibilities. Who could Mark possibly want her to meet? And what would they think of her, with her strange name and even stranger circumstances?
Before she could voice her concerns, Mark gestured towards the figure standing beside him, a broad smile on his face. "This is Cesar Torres," he said, his voice filled with pride. "He's my best friend."
She forced herself to remain calm and hide the turmoil as she greeted Cesar with a polite smile. It was his friend who was (possibly) killed by his Alternate and took his place, following Mark home and torturing him. 
But that was WAY in the future, thankfully. 
"H-Hi, Cesar," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's nice to meet you."
Cesar returned her greeting with a warm smile, his brown eyes twinkling with curiosity as he studied her. "Hey there, Clean Bubbles," he replied, his voice friendly. "Mark's told me a lot about you. It's finally great to meet you in person."
Clean Bubbles felt panic rising within her at Cesar's words. What had Mark told him about her? And more importantly, what would he think when he discovered the truth about her, her alter ego, and the secrets she harbored?
But as she glanced between Mark and Cesar, she realized she couldn't afford to let her fears control her. She had to keep her calm, maintain her facade of normalcy, and keep her secrets hidden at all costs.
With a forced smile, she turned to Mark and Cesar, her heart pounding as she forced herself to act naturally. "S-So, what do you guys want to do?" she asked, her voice tinged with strained cheerfulness. "I-I'm up for anything."
Mark and Cesar exchanged glances, silent communication passing between them before Mark turned back to Clean Bubbles with a grin. "Well, we were thinking of grabbing some ice cream," he suggested, his eyes lighting up with excitement. “There's this new place that sells cheap ice cream, but there are many flavors we can try out. Do you want some?"
The girl hesitated momentarily, her mind racing as she weighed the risks of spending more time with Mark and Cesar against the potential rewards of forging more robust connections. But in the end, her longing for companionship overcame her fear, and she forced a smile.
"S-Sure, that sounds... nice," she replied, her voice wavering slightly. "I-I love ice cream."
Mark's grin widened at her response, his enthusiasm infectious. "Great!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Let's go, then. It's not too far from here."
Together, the three set off toward downtown, the faint cracks of the sun between the clouds casting long rays of light across the streets. Clean Bubbles felt excitement and trepidation swirling within her as they walked, her heart pounding.
When they reached the ice cream parlor, a small bell tinkled overhead. The sweet scent of sugar and waffle cones filled the air. Clean Bubbles couldn't help but smile at the colorful array of flavors displayed behind the glass counter, her worries momentarily forgotten in the face of such simple pleasures.
“Cesar, what do you want to get?”
“I’ll go for my usual blueberry pie.”
“Seriously? You don’t want strawberry? It’s great and sweet and fruity!”
“Hey! Mine is fruity, too!” 
“Well, mine is better!”
Mark and Cesar eagerly debated which flavors to try, their laughter filling the air as they discussed the merits of strawberry versus blueberry. Clean Bubbles watched them with amusement and longing, her heart aching at their easy camaraderie.
But even as she allowed herself to enjoy the moment, a nagging voice reminded her of the dangers that lurked in the shadows. She couldn't afford to let her guard down, not when her very existence in Mandela County depended on maintaining her facade of normalcy.
As she reached for her wallet to pay for her ice cream, her hand brushed against something cold and metallic in her pocket. With a sinking feeling in her stomach, she realized with horror that she had forgotten to leave her weapons behind, the tools of her trade that marked her as something other than human. “OH CRAP! Where the hell did I put my wallet!?” She thought.
Panic surged through her veins as she fumbled for an excuse, her mind racing as she tried to devise a plausible explanation. But before she could say anything, Mark and Cesar turned to her with expectant smiles, their ice cream cones in hand.
"Hey, Clean Bubbles, are you alright?" Mark asked, his brow furrowing with concern. "You seem... tense."
Clean Bubbles forced a smile, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to mask her inner turmoil. "Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine," she replied, her voice sounding hollow even to her ears. "Just... just–I forgot about my wallet!” Her tone came out as a slight shrill squeak. “S-Sorry, here we go.” She pulled out a ten-dollar bill from her pocket. She secretly had to create a random wallet filled with cash to make it convincing that she had it. “I’d like to pay for a single vanilla ice cream scoop in a cup, please.” She paid it to the cashier. 
The cashier nodded, taking the money with a smile as she handed Clean Bubbles her ice cream. “Here you go, one vanilla scoop in a cup,” she said cheerfully, her voice warm and friendly.
Clean Bubbles accepted the ice cream with a grateful smile, her heart racing from the close call. She couldn't afford to slip up like that again, not when the stakes were so high.
"Thanks," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I-I appreciate it."
“Oh, here’s your $8.85 back.” the cashier handed her the extra change.
“N-No, you can keep it.” She breathed softly. “I-I think you need it more than me, especially in this world of these Alternates that are roaming around the corners… although they don’t seem so strangely appear anymore…” Bubbles spoke the last part quietly, knowing that she was the one who had been killing them off but never revealed it.
The cashier's eyes widened in surprise at Clean Bubbles' words, a mixture of confusion and gratitude flickering across her features. "Oh, uh, thank you," she stammered, her voice tinged with disbelief. "T-That's really kind of you. I-I'll put it in the tip jar."
Clean Bubbles nodded with a small smile, her heart aching at the hardships that the people of Mandela County face daily. She couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for hiding her true identity from them, for pretending to be something she wasn't.
As she turned to join Mark and Cesar, she caught sight of a shadow lurking in the corner of her vision, a dark figure watching her from across the street. Panic surged through her veins as she realized with horror that one of the Alternates had followed her, its eyes filled with malice and hunger.
But before she could react, the figure melted back into the shadows, disappearing as quickly as it had appeared. Clean Bubbles' heart pounded in her chest as she tried to catch her breath, her hands trembling as she clutched her ice cream cup tightly. “Everything is alright, Bubbles…” She thought. “Don’t go out to kill it… just pretend you’re unaware of your capabilities, and everything will be fine. The Alternate doesn’t know that you’re the Celestial Artisan.” A shaky breath left her as she felt goosebumps run down her spine.
"Hey, are you alright?" Mark's voice cut through the haze of fear clouding her mind, and his expression was filled with concern.
Clean Bubbles forced a smile, her heart pounding as she tried to push down the rising panic. "Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine," she replied, her voice sounding hollow even to her ears. "Just… just… saw a bug, that’s all.”
Cesar didn't seem convinced by her feeble attempt at reassurance, but he didn't press further. Instead, he reached out and gently squeezed her shoulder, offering her a supportive smile. "Well, whatever it was, it's gone now," he said softly. "You're safe with us, Clean Bubbles. We won't let anything happen to you."
Clean Bubbles felt a surge of gratitude welling within her at his words, his kindness offering her a glimmer of hope in the darkness threatening to consume her whole. With a slight nod, she forced herself to take a deep breath, pushing down the fear that threatened to overwhelm her.
"Thanks, Cesar," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I-I appreciate it."
Together, the three of them continued their walk, the taste of ice cream sweet on Clean Bubbles' tongue as she tried to push aside the memories of the shadowy figure that had haunted her. She knew she couldn't afford to let her guard down, not when her very existence in Mandela County depended on maintaining her facade of normalcy.
In the meantime, Mark and Cesar exchanged glances, rivaling each other about what they wanted to do for the group, which Bubbles was oblivious to the exchange. 
“No, we should hang out in the arcade!” Mark sighed with frustration.
“Mi amigo, I suggest we watch a movie at my house. I think it’ll be better for Clean Bubbles. Besides, it’s safe. Plus, my mom hasn’t seen her.” Cesar huffed.
“Cesar, the arcade is practical entertainment. There’s that adrenaline in gaming competition! I doubt that movies will shake off Bubbles’s worries.”
As their voices got slightly louder, Bubbles paused and glanced back. “...What are you two talking about?” She asked with a raised eyebrow, narrowing her eyes with slight amusement at the two boys. “This reminds me of my two cousins, Blue Wing and Tyler, who do funny petty arguments.” She thought.
Caught off guard by Clean Bubbles' interruption, Mark and Cesar exchanged sheepish glances, their rivalry momentarily forgotten in her amused scrutiny.
"Oh, uh, we were just discussing what to do next," Mark replied, his voice tinged with embarrassment. “It's nothing serious."
Cesar nodded in agreement, though a mischievous twinkle danced in his eyes. "Yeah, just... just a friendly debate," he added, his tone playful. "But hey, we should let Clean Bubbles decide. What do you want to do, Clean Bubbles?"
The girl couldn't help but chuckle at Mark and Cesar's playful bickering. Despite their underlying tension, she couldn't deny the warmth and camaraderie that radiated from their friendship.
A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she considered their options. She appreciated their efforts to include her in their plans despite her challenges in maintaining her normalcy facade.
"Well," she began, her voice thoughtful as she glanced between Mark and Cesar, "the arcade sounds like a lot of fun. But I think I'd prefer to watch a movie at your house, Cesar." She offered him a warm smile. "It sounds... cozy."
Cesar's face lit up with a bright grin at her choice, his eyes sparkling excitedly. "Great choice, Clean Bubbles!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "I-I mean, if that's okay with you, Mark?"
Mark hesitated for a moment, furrowing his brow in thought. But then, with a resigned smile, he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that sounds good," he replied, his tone tinged with disappointment. “I-I mean, it's up to Clean Bubbles, right?"
Clean Bubbles felt a pang of guilt at Mark's disappointment, knowing that she had inadvertently caused it by choosing Cesar's suggestion over his. But she pushed down her guilt, reminding herself that she couldn't afford to let her feelings cloud her judgment, not when her very existence in Mandela County depended on maintaining her facade of normalcy.
"Thank you, Mark," she said softly, her voice tinged with regret. "I-I appreciate your understanding. And... and hey, we can always go to the arcade next time, right?"
Mark's smile widened at her words, the disappointment fading from his eyes. "Yeah, of course," he replied, his tone cheerful. "Next time, for sure. But for now, let's go and enjoy the movie."
With that, the three of them set off toward Cesar's house, their laughter filling the air as they walked. Clean Bubbles couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging in their company despite the secrets she harbored and the dangers that lurked in the shadows.
The door opened softly as they reached Cesar's house, and the three stepped into Cesar’s humble adobe. 
His house was warm and inviting, a comforting refuge from the chill of the afternoon air. Clean Bubbles took in her surroundings with curiosity and awe, her eyes wandering over the cozy living room adorned with colorful throw pillows and soft blankets.
“Mi hijo, you’re back already?” 
A soft voice spoke up. It was a Hispanic woman in a light blue buttoned-up shirt. She wore a long dark blue dress with black leathery flats adorning her feet. She had short, messy black and dark brown hair, just like Cesar’s. She had pearly earrings and a white pearly-beaded necklace around her neck. 
“Oh my!” Her tired, dark brown eyes lit up as she saw the two friends with Cesar. “Mark! You came!” She walked over and gave him a handshake and a hug.
“H-Hi, Mrs. Torres.” Clean Bubbles grinned shyly, waving softly. 
“Oh! You’re that girl that Cesar has been talking about!” She smiled, giving her a handshake and a hug. “You look so nice for my boy.” She gently cupped her cheeks as Bubbles squeaked when they were pinched gently. “Mi hijo,” She turned to his son before jokingly exclaiming, “Why did it take you so long to find a nice girl like her!?” 
Cesar's cheeks flushed bright red at his mother's teasing, and he stammered out a response. "M-Mom, she's just a friend," he protested, his embarrassment evident in his voice.
Mrs. Torres laughed warmly, her eyes crinkling with amusement. "Oh, come on, Cesar," she chided playfully. "Don't be shy. It's good to have friends, especially ones as kind and polite as Clean Bubbles and Mark."
Mark chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "T-Thank you, Mrs. Torres," he said, his cheeks tinted pink with embarrassment. "I-It's nice to see you again."
Clean Bubbles offered Mrs. Torres a warm smile, her heart swelling with gratitude at the woman's kindness and acceptance. Despite her fears and doubts, she couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging in Cesar's home, surrounded by his warm and welcoming family.
"Thank you for having us, Mrs. Torres," she said softly, her voice tinged with sincerity. "I-It means a lot."
Mrs. Torres smiled warmly at Clean Bubbles, her eyes shining with motherly affection. "You're always welcome here, mi amiga," she said gently. "Now, why don't you three get comfortable in the living room? I'll make snacks for you to enjoy while watching your movie."
With that, Mrs. Torres bustled off to the kitchen, leaving Clean Bubbles, Mark, and Cesar alone in the cozy living room. Clean Bubbles couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment wash over her as she sank into the soft couch, her heart lighter than it had been in a long time.
For the first time in what felt like forever, she allowed herself to relax, to enjoy the simple pleasure of spending time with friends. Clean Bubbles couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over her at their efforts to make her feel welcome.
"So, what kind of movie are you in the mood for, Clean Bubbles?" Cesar asked, turning to her with a smile. "We've got action, comedy, horror–you name it."
Clean Bubbles glanced at the movie selection on the screen, her mind racing as she tried to make a suitable choice. She knew she had to pick something that wouldn't raise suspicion but would blend in with the facade of normalcy she had carefully constructed.
"Hm… how about Indiana Jones?" she asked hesitantly. "I-I could use a good pump of excitement. Besides, I haven’t really watched it, not to mention that I don’t really watch a lot of movies."
Cesar's face lit up with a bright grin at Clean Bubbles' choice, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Indiana Jones, huh?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "That's a classic! I love that movie!"
Mark nodded eagerly in agreement. "Yeah, me too!" he chimed in, his grin mirroring Cesar's. "It's got action, adventure, and a bit of humor. Plus, Harrison Ford is awesome!"
Clean Bubbles couldn't help but smile at their infectious enthusiasm, her heart warming at their shared excitement. "G-Great," she replied, her voice tinged with relief. "I-I'm glad you guys like it. Let's watch it then."
With that, the three of them settled in on the couch, Mrs. Torres returning with a tray of snacks and drinks just in time. As the opening credits rolled on the screen, Clean Bubbles felt a sense of peace wash over her, the worries and stresses of her double life fading into the background.
For the following minutes, they lost themselves in Indiana Jones's thrilling adventures, laughing at the humorous moments and gasping at the heart-pounding action scenes. Clean Bubbles couldn't remember the last time she had enjoyed herself so much, the simple joy of spending time with friends filling her heart with warmth.
They were patiently waiting for Indiana Jones to have a sword fight with one of the antagonists in Cairo. “Come on! Kick hit butt with that sword!” Mark exclaimed excitedly. 
“Yeah! Chuck it in his face!” Cesar added. 
Bubbles didn’t say anything as she was excitedly tapping her feet. 
Indiana Jones simply just looked bored and annoyed as he whipped out his pistol, shooting the man. 
Instantly, the man fell, dead from the bullet. 
“HAHAHA!” The girl laughed and wheezed, not expecting the scene to be so anti-climactic. She was clutching her stomach as she struggled to catch her breath.
Clean Bubbles' laughter filled the room, prompting Mark and Cesar to join. The tension from earlier seemed to melt away as they laughed together, bonding over the scene's absurdity.
Mark wiped tears of laughter from his eyes, his grin wide with amusement. "Wow, that was unexpected," he chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "I-I guess Indiana Jones doesn't mess around."
Cesar nodded in agreement, his laughter echoing through the room. "Yeah, no kidding," he replied, his voice tinged with amusement. "I-I guess sometimes the simplest solution is the best one."
Clean Bubbles wiped away tears of mirth from her eyes, her cheeks flushed with laughter. "Y-Yeah, who knew a bullet could solve everything? That’s why you don’t bring a sword into a gunfight unless the person already has the gun." she quipped, her voice filled with amusement.
Together, the three of them continued to laugh and joke as they watched the rest of the movie, their worries momentarily forgotten in the face of such simple pleasures. Clean Bubbles couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over her at their efforts to include her and make her feel welcome and accepted.
As the credits rolled on the screen, signaling the movie's end, Clean Bubbles felt a sense of contentment wash over her. For the first time in what felt like forever, she allowed herself to relax, to enjoy the simple pleasure of spending time with friends.
Yet, she also felt disappointed at the thought of their evening ending. She had enjoyed their time together, the simple pleasure of watching a movie with friends, something she had missed dearly.
But as she glanced at Mark and Cesar, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the TV screen, she realized with a start that she had found something even more precious than friendship in their company. She had found a sense of belonging, a fleeting moment of respite amid chaos and uncertainty.
"Thanks for inviting me over, Cesar," she said softly, her voice tinged with sincerity. "I-I had a really great time."
Cesar smiled warmly at her, his eyes shining with affection. "Anytime, Clean Bubbles," he replied, his voice filled with warmth. "You're always welcome here, mi amiga."
Mark nodded eagerly in agreement. "Yeah, what he said," he chimed in, his grin wide with enthusiasm. "I-I'm glad you had fun. We should do this again sometime."
Clean Bubbles felt a surge of gratitude welling within her at their words, their kindness offering her a glimmer of hope in the darkness threatening to consume her whole. With a small smile, she nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, I-I'd like that," she replied softly, her heart lighter than it had been in a long time. "Let's do it again soon."
Mark and Cesar exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting the warmth and camaraderie they had shared throughout the evening. With a smile, Mark squeezed Clean Bubbles' hand, his expression filled with understanding.
"Thank you, Clean Bubbles," he replied, his voice gentle. "For being here with us. For... for being you."
Clean Bubbles felt a surge of emotion welling within her at his words, her heart swelling with gratitude. She knew she couldn't afford to let her guard down, not when her very existence in Mandela County depended on maintaining her facade of normalcy.
But in that fleeting moment of connection, surrounded by friends who accepted her for who she was, she allowed herself to hope. To hope for a future where she could be herself and didn't have to hide behind a mask of lies and deception.
As she bid Mark and Cesar goodnight and stepped out into the cool night air, she felt a sense of peace settle over her. She knew the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and dangers, but with friends by her side, she knew she could face whatever the future held.
And as she disappeared into the darkness, the echoes of laughter and friendship lingering in the air, she allowed herself to believe that maybe, just maybe, she could find her way back home.
When she arrived at her house and stepped inside, she took a moment to think about today when she was spending time with her friends before she chuckled,
“Heh… glad to let myself loose today.” 
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Since I joined the FPE fandom, here's my OC in it:
(who is technically FPE AU!Clean Bubbles)
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Name: Gradience
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Quiet, humble, stealthy, kind, chill,
Occupation: Student
Likes: Snacks, sleeping, food, working, music,
Dislikes: Bullies, time limits, cannibalism, the sound of balloons popping, people taking off her blindfold
Strength in School Subject: AP CSP
Weakness in School Subjects: Chemistry
While she was dimension-traveling through multiple fandoms, she happened to stumble upon the world of Fundamental Paper Education. Just like every story, she lost an attenna or another important compartment of her headphones and got teleported somewhere.
But since the world was practically made out of paper, Bubbles's power went out of control between seeing paper and seeing colors, which she started to painfully spasm and glitch.
To control herself, she puts on a blindfold disguised as a magical seal to prevent self-destruction and discord with her surrounding areas. Upon hearing about "Paper School," she immediately attends it secretly. She studies a lot, but she also sneaks in answers and tips to work out solutions that are impossible for those who don't understand them.
She'll be usually calm and quiet. Most of the time, she'll be docile.
If bothered, she'll usually leave the area quietly. UNLESS trouble wants to find her, she'll secretly knock the person out. Other times, she decides to drag that person into their secret dorm to study with them and make them chill.
Similar to ∆lice, she is NOT HUMAN, but also has a personal dorm room within the school (no one knows of the location)
Will leave helpful tips and notes when studying in classes or elsewhere
She isn't seen around a lot by people unless approached. She tends to be skittish and disappears instantly.
Her lamp allows her to study in dark places hidden from the public without getting caught.
She can see with the blindfold on, but since the blindfold isn't as powerful as her headphones, her magic can leak out a little bit.
As a side effect, she grew vibrant blue highlights on her front and side hair.
She has a laser cutter hidden on her right wrist, which she doesn't wish to use because it's dangerous for paper material and it can burn
Since she is full-blue and has a gradient color, she goes under the guise of "Gradience" (but also because there's a student named Bubbles, so she didn't want to get that mixed up)
When stressed, she'll leak out a black substance under the guise as ink, but this will cause the seal to be ruined and soaked, which is why she leaves immediately to a private place to fix her seal or create a new one.
She is also known as "The Fade," just "Fade," or "The Faded" due to her gradient colors and since they are practically blended and faded colors. It's also because she can appear or disappear at any time.
(Legends say that she's a ghost who SOMETIMES helps students with their work)
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…I think when it comes for me handling kids, my method is isn’t as brutal, but it’s straight up
(My OC will probably not be a teacher though- I’ll think about it)
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50 posts!
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…Now you’re making me want to make an OC…
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Should I do a crossover?
OKAY! So, for a while, I found this game called "That's Not My Neighbor," in which you're a door-person who has to let people in the building.
You need to watch out for doppelgangers! You can identify them by looking at their idea or appearance. Here's the description below to know more about the game:
Anyway, since I figured it's a bit similar to the Mandela Catalogue, and I have an MC fanfic writing on Tumblr, I have a question for you guys...
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Me: *listens to Mashle: Magic and Muscles*
My head:
Bling-Bang-Bang, Bling-Bang-Bang, Bling-Bang-Bang-Born... Bling-Bang-Bang, Bling-Bang-Bang, Bling-Bang-Bang-Born... Bling-Bang-Bang, Bling-Bang-Bang, Bling-Bang-Bang-Born...
source: https://www.animesonglyrics.com/mashle/bling-bang-bang-born
Me: *deeply inhales*
Also Me:
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