cleverpanhandle · 3 years
Man, it's gotta feel like crap to do so much work while you're alive just to only be recognized long after you've died.
This has happened to so many famous creators. I mean look at Van Gogh... He's one of the most influential painters in history now, but while he was alive he only sold like O N E painting.
He didn't get to see people enjoy and learn from his work. That just sucks.
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cleverpanhandle · 4 years
Screw Commercials
Was I the only one that absolutely hated commercial like the “if you've been diagnosed with mesothelioma” commercial as a child? Like those commercials gave me my first run-in with anxiety.
All I wanted was to stay up and watch Toonami at 5 o’clock in the morning, not sit wondering what mesothelioma is and if it would kill me or how long it will be before I have to call some random debt service about some outrageous debt I may accrue!
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cleverpanhandle · 4 years
Me: *scrolling through different internet tags out of boredom* Selfcest: Why hello there Me:
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cleverpanhandle · 4 years
The difference between my cooking and my mother’s cooking
My mom’s cooking:
Dog: *consumes the food like a vacuum*
Cat: *sniffs food* *eats the food*
 My cooking:
Dog: *watches me and my cat eating, assuring it is safe for consumption*
Cat: *sniff* Oh, this sh*t again *eats food*
Dog: *sniffs food reluctantly* Smells okay I guess *reluctantly puts food in her mouth and eats it*
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cleverpanhandle · 4 years
Stupid Tik Tok Idea... For People That Actually Use It
Someone saying “That song slaps” but the song actually slaps them.
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cleverpanhandle · 4 years
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So, I’ve seen a lot of videos/pictures where males transform into women or vice versa and sometimes even have their minds changed. I know sex change surgery is a thing, but is there actually anything that exists that could change the shape of your body or change the state of your mind in a similar manner as these videos/pictures show?
I have a couple of images as examples of what I’m talking about. Of course what’s really happening in these pictures may not be possible, I just want to know if there’s something in our world that would have similar side effects.
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cleverpanhandle · 4 years
Cat: *sits on keyboard waiting for snack in my hand, causing the screen to scroll down*
Me: Wait... *moves snack, causing the cat to get up and stop the scrolling* Oh my GOD. I control you now-
Cat: *sits on keyboard* kjkdlsjflskflksdlkfnenfoenfioern
Me: SOB!
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cleverpanhandle · 4 years
I want to meet someone like this. Please.
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cleverpanhandle · 4 years
I'mma say it Tumblr!
While Cloud and Andrea dancing is my favorite moment ever I am thoroughly disappointed we only saw a tiny glimpse of Cloud wiggling his butt like Andrea.
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cleverpanhandle · 4 years
Aww Yeah! You heard him!
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cleverpanhandle · 4 years
Hamilton Lyrics That Make Me Smile Everytime
Aaron Burr, Sir:
“While we’re talking, let me offer you some free advice. Talk less.” “What?”
“I came from afar just to say bonsoir, tell the king the casse-toi, who’s the best, c’est moi.” “BRAH! BRAH!”
My Shot: “How you say? Oh! Anarchy!”
The Schuyler Sisters: “I’m a trust fund, baby. You can trust me.”
Farmer Refuted: “My dog speaks more eloquently.” *whimpering dog sounds*
You’ll Be Back: “And NO, DON’T CHANGE THE SUBJECT! ‘Cause you’re my favorite subject.”
Winter’s Ball: 
“What do we have in common? We’re reliable with the LADIES.”
“Is it a question of if Burr, or which one?” “Hey.” “Hey.” “Hey.” “Hey, Hey, Hey.”
“I’m just sayin’ if you really loved me you would share him.” “HAH!”
“and long as I’m alive, Eliza, swear to God you’ll never feel so-“
The Story of Tonight Reprise: 
“To the newly not POOR of us.”
“Spit a verse, Burr.” 
“Oh shit.”
Stay Alive: “I’m a general, WHEE!”
Ten Duel Commandments: “It’s the ten duel commandments.”
Guns and Ships: “I mean you gotta put some thought into the letter but the sooner the better to get your right hand man back!”
The entirety of “History Has It’s Eyes on You” and “Dear Theodosia”
What Comes Next?: “Awesome! Wow!”
Non-Stop: “Hamilton wrote THE OTHER 51!”
Cabinet Battle #1: “Hey, turn around, bend over. I’ll show you where my shoe fits!”
Say No To This: “Fuuu-“
Schuyler Defeated: “I’ve gotta stop a homicide.”
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story: “I couldn’t undo it if I tried… and I tried.” (Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story)
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cleverpanhandle · 4 years
I don’t know what’s weirder, the fact that I keep hearing someone outside my house going “Hey, hey, heey” over and over again, or the fact that the only thing that comes to my mind is when Hamilton, Burr, and Laurens say “Hey, hey, hey” before Eliza sings “Hopeless.”
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cleverpanhandle · 4 years
Spoilers for Hamilton: The American Musical... I guess.
I was today years old when I noticed that the first person to speak after Aaron Burr says, “Fools who run their mouth off wind up dead” dies not long after in Hamilton.
R.I.P. John Laurens - You beautiful fool. Without you, Hamilton became one as well and died. You were always my favorite, I don’t care what Lafayette says.
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cleverpanhandle · 4 years
Did you choose to be a beanbag so you could suck us in rather than us sucking you?
gaud i am eternally grateful for your daily posts but i gotta question why u post so much??? not judging or anything. just curious
it's the quarantine I'm going apeshit
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cleverpanhandle · 4 years
There's an outside?!
gaud i am eternally grateful for your daily posts but i gotta question why u post so much??? not judging or anything. just curious
it's the quarantine I'm going apeshit
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cleverpanhandle · 4 years
So I can choose Goku hair?
Heya gaud im thinking of cutting my hair for the first time in a long time whatre your thoughts? I want ur onion on how i should cut it (am a wahmen and have very long hair, if that matters)
I'm not good at choosing specific hairstyles, but cutting off long hair was for me a very positive experience! it was freeing both physically and mentally. too often we're taught to think of changes as a 'loss', when they really aren't. they're just changes.
think of it this way: you are a shiny new bald video game avatar. there are multiple hairsyle options. which do you choose?
because that's the one I would go with.
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cleverpanhandle · 4 years
Did you eat silly string while you were asleep?
You know when you're home alone and you hear an ominous sound with no known source? I just had this but instead of a noise it was the smell of silly string
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