coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
brain: u gotta be… The Best™
me: ok so we’ll work hard then?
brain: no work… only Best.
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coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
You Found Me Chapter 4
Tag List: @ultrarebelheart @softtinkywinky @cynbx @clifaye
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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You used to think you knew what it was to be living.
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coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
You Found Me Chapter 3
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tags: @ultrarebelheart @softtinkywinky
It happened one day after lunch three weeks after meeting Spencer Reid.
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coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
You Found Me Chapter 2
There are Trigger Warnings in this story! Mentions of attempted suicide, Murder and Sexual Assault, so please don’t read this if any of these things trigger you. I love all my readers dearly and would hate for something I’ve written to upset you.
Tags: @ultrarebelheart
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Guilt was such a horribly complex emotion.
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coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
You Found Me- Chapter 1
Author’s note; And here’s my newest Spencer Reid x Reader story.
There are Trigger Warnings in this story! Mentions of attempted suicide, Murder andSexual Assault, so please don’t read this if any of these things trigger you. I love all my readers dearly and would hate for something I’ve written to upset you.
Summary: You meet Spencer Reid while living in the sanatorium  and befriending his mother.
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The day you met Doctor Spencer Reid was the day you probably should have realized that something in the universe had shifted in your favor.
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coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
Virginia Kisses- Part 9. I’m Not Dead.
Author’s Note; So I’ve decided to do something super trashy, I’m going to end Virginia Kisses here. HOWEVER! I have decided that I’m going to do ‘middle scenes’, where I just write cute fluffy stories that go in between the ones I’ve written. Because I love Spencer so much. I’ll happily take requests if anyone wants to send me some after today, but I’m thinking that perhaps my next story would involve Aaron Hotchner ;) I’m hoping to maybe have the first chapter of that story up by tonight (It’s my oldest daughters birthday *She’s six*  today and it’s gonna be a loooooonnnnggggg day so no promises) I hope you all enjoy! Thank you to all my loves for commenting, loving, inboxing me etc. I love you all so much.
TAGS @softtinkywinky @spoonsandthings14 @ultrarebelheart @allmyawesomeness 
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
Part Seven Part Eight:
*Takes place at the end of 300*
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You waited anxiously in front of the elevator. The team had to stop at the hospital to get Spencer checked out, but JJ soon messaged you saying that besides exhaustion and dehydration, he was otherwise in perfect so they were on their way back to the BAU.
Penelope had stayed by your side the whole time, gripping your hand tightly with both of hers. She had been an absolute godsend if you were honest, she had been there the whole time making you cups of tea, reassuring you that they hadn’t really lost him yet despite all of his stupid self-sacrificing, so you guys weren’t going to lose him now. You were forever in her debt.
She kept telling you the whole time you were both waiting that you needed to just walk up and kiss him; but doubt flooded your mind, what if what he said was just him trying to get you out. Trying to reassure you? What if he was meaning it in a best friend way? You shook your head.
Not after what JJ said, not after those words came out of his mouth. He loved you just as much as you loved him you hoped.
The elevator pinged and you saw the team stepping out, they all gave you knowing smiles as Spencer stepped out behind them. His lip was still split, and a few buttons were missing from his black dress shirt, but he looked the same. Before you had a chance to go up to him, Penelope had let go of your hand and wrapped him up in her arms, She kept smoothing down the back of his head as if she was comforting him.
She let go and stepped back, nodding at him once, happy when he returned the nod. She turned to you and reminded you of what she said; “Do it”.
You both stood there looking at each other momentarily while your tears welled up in your eyes and fell down your cheeks. You quickly moved forward as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into your shoulder. His face rested in the crook of your neck, holding on equally hard.
“I thought I lost you”
You couldn’t stop crying. He was here, and he was fine. He moved away and pressed his forehead against yours, his hands on either side of your cheeks, thumbs wiping away the tears that were still falling from your cheeks.
“I love you so much,” He whispered to you, “That whole time you were there, all I could think about was how to get you out, how to keep you safe. When-” He swallowed deeply and licked his lips, “When they let you go, all I thought about was that I could die in peace knowing you were going to be fine,”
More tears fell down your cheeks as you leaned up and pressed your lips to his. He didn’t seem shocked, in fact, he pressed himself closer to you and kissed you deeper; it wasn’t like any of your previous kisses, the ones that were unsure where you both stood in each other’s lives. This time it was raw, all his emotions were being laid bare to you, and now you knew.
You knew he loved you the way you loved him.  
For the first time in 36 hours, you felt at peace with the universe. He was the first one to break away, his hand had moved down to lace with your own, he looked down at your hands joined and gave a small smile.
“I love you too,” You smiled, watching as he let out the small breath he seemed to be holding.
A loud shout from inside the BAU made you both turn to look at the team staring with smiles on their faces through the glass doors. Penelope looked like she was about to cry with happiness, while JJ and Emily stood together with their heads pressed together staring at the pair of you.
Rossi, Simmons, and Alvez on the other hand, they were the ones making the most noise.
You could feel your face heat up as you went to remove your hand from Spencer’s, instead, he just held it tighter.
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“How long?”
It was quiet. The television wasn’t even on.
You had both gone back to Spencer’s apartment after leaving the BAU, he needed a shower and you wanted a decent cup of coffee. While you were boiling the kettle he had moved all the blankets from his bed to his couch the way you both normally did.
You wondered if your declarations of love would change anything between the pair of you, so far, the only thing it had changed was the way your teammates reacted around the pair of you. Instead of eye rolls and comments about how oblivious the pair of you were; it had changed to how much of a good looking couple the pair of you were.
Now though, you had both wrapped yourselves up under the large duvets on the couch, your feet resting on Spencers while he rubbed your bare legs.
“I don’t really remember a time when I didn’t love you. I kept thinking about it when I was back there, but I don’t think there’s really a specific moment where it just hit me. I think it was gradual, maybe the fourth time you tipped your drink on me at work,”  Spencer chuckled as he continued rubbing your legs, putting a little more pressure on them. He turned to you and asked you when you realized how you felt about him.
You shrugged your shoulders, “Remember….I know this is me being a really shitty friend for saying this, but do you remember when you told me about Maeve?” you waited for your friend to nod before continuing, “I think it started then. I thought I was jealous about you replacing me, it wasn’t until JJ pointed it out did I realize that maybe I was jealous because you were in love with her and not me,”
He nodded in understanding, “You’re not a bad friend for saying that. Remember when you were dating that counterterrorism guy? Kinda wanted to punch him in the face every time I saw him. I mean yeah he was nice and all, still hated him”
You let out a snort before you started laughing, “I thought you liked him? He was lovely, he dumped me because he said I loved you more than him,”
“Yeah. But I get it now. For the longest time, I was annoyed because guys kept dumping me because I was friends with you. And at first, I thought it was because they were intimidated by you, but I guess now I realize I just did a super crappy job of hiding my feelings from you. Which, by the way, I have to say, you look incredibly attractive with that split lip,”
“Chicks dig scars right?” He asked as he moved his legs off you and started to slowly crawl over, stopping when his face was mere inches from your own.
You moved your hand to the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up a bit, “Do…do you have any more? I didn’t exactly get to check last time”
A mischevious look came over Spencer’s face as he bent down and pressed his lips down on to yours, deepening it quickly. He moved your hands from his shirt and placed them above your head, using his free hand to gently stroke your face.
You grinned as you responded to his kiss just as eagerly.
“We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.” ― Robert Fulghum, True Love
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coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
Virginia Kisses- Part 8. -Fearless-
Authors Note: Two more chapters left. Gonna be sad when I’ve finished writing this, but quite excited to keep writing Spencer, so let’s just see how we go.
Tag List @softtinkywinky @spoonsandthings14 @ultrarebelheart @allmyawesomeness
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
Part Seven
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You don’t even know how long you had been there before Emily Prentiss was wheeled in by your nurse. What you did know was that you weren’t in a hospital and that you had died twice. You think that was what scared you the most, how easy it was for him to kill you. All he did was ask you a question and every time you answered wrong he turned up the gas. You don’t remember the last time you had eaten or had anything to drink. You would beg for him to give you something, but then he would point to the IV in your arm and tell you that it had everything that you needed.
You weren’t sexually abused by him, for that you were grateful. But that was never his MO. Physically harming someone wasn’t who he was. He would prefer to torture you mentally until you harmed yourself. You wondered if you were ever going to see daylight again, or were you doomed to spend the last of your days tied to a bed and hallucinating of your work colleagues, the people you loved the most. They kept telling you that it was okay to let go. If you had enough you had enough, no one expected you to survive for as long as you did.
You had Spencer next to you telling you that it was okay if you wanted to die. If it all became too much. He was proud that you had fought as long as you had.
And you wanted too, oh god did you want too. You were exhausted, physically and emotionally. Each and every time either one of them walked into the room your heart sped up so much it physically hurt your chest. You couldn’t be sure if you would ever recover from this if you were found.
So when your Unit Chief was wheeled in and placed on the bed beside you unconscious, you wondered if it was real or if it was another hallucination. But then she woke up and started panicking, you knew this wasn’t a hallucination, the Emily from your mind was calm, she held your hand and smiled at you.
“We-we were coming to get you” She breathed as she finally looked over at you. Her shoulders slumped as if she was relieved that you were still alive, “Every-everyone has been looking for you. Spence, he’s so worried. He’s been working this case since the day he got out of jail. They-they’ll find us. They know where we are now,”
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You don’t remember what had happened, but you saw Spencer beside you, his hands shaking as he tried to free the straps on your wrists. Emily was leaning against the wall as the local PD had tried to remove her from the large warehouse. Slowly, your best friend had pulled you into a sitting position before wrapping his arms around you.
“It’s nice seeing you without prison uniform”
Slowly he leads you outside where the red and blues of the flashing police cars made your eyes hurt and your head starts to pound, you tripped over your feet a few times while Spencer kept you held up with an arm around your waist. He led you over to where an ambulance was sitting waiting for him. You returned the smile Emily gave you as she continued to argue with the paramedic that she was fine.
You saw Luke walk over to you with a shake of his head, your stomach froze, your eyes refused to leave his as he turned to Spencer. “He’s dead,”.
You don’t know if the sob came out before the smile did, but all you knew was that you felt free. Actually free. The paramedic told the three of you that you needed to be taken to hospital for observation, so if anyone was riding they should get in now.
Luke patted Spencer on the back and told him to give him an update on Rossi and the others. You gave Spencer a curious glance as he told you to lay down on the stretcher and let the paramedics buckle you in. You asked what happened to Rossi and the others; with a deep frown he began to tell you how they had found where you were after three weeks, about how they got into a car accident and that Rossi told him and Luke how to find you with Penelope and Matt Simmons, he told you  how Stephen Walker died at the scene of the accident.
                                                            * * * * * * * *
The hospital always had that same smell to it, always too clean and always too sterile. You winced slightly as the nurse put your IV drip in and handed you a sandwich. You pulled a face as you poked around the ham and cheese. You were actually pretty sure the brown bread was stale.
Spencer had left ten minutes earlier to make sure that Rossi had come out of surgery okay and to get you some proper food. No matter how much the nurse protested that you shouldn’t eat heavy foods after not eating for an extended period, you kept nodding for him to bring you back a cup of tea at the very least.
When Luke and JJ came to your room you were greeted with flowers and a cupcake. They tell you how worried they were when you didn’t come back from your walk, the fear embedded in them when they realized that you had been taken. They then speak of the anger Spencer had when he found out that Cat Adams may or may not have had something to do with Peter Lewis knowing where you were. Nothing was ever confirmed though. You ask them if he’s been okay since he’d gotten out. They explain that he’s been focused on you and getting you back, but there had been times when they had picked up on him having small ticks that went hand in hand with having Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome.
It was to be expected, to be honest, something like jail was bound to do that to someone, especially someone like Spencer. You all looked up as Spencer returned with a cup of coffee from down the block; “You hate hospital coffee”. They chose to leave the two of you alone, an uncomfortable silence covering the two of you.
His hair was much longer, he had grown facial hair; he looked so much more mature then what you remembered. You voiced your opinion on how attractive he looked with facial hair and laughed when he turned red. “I’ll keep it for you then”
He tells you that you might be able to leave in a week if you do well, but you may as well use this time to sleep and rest. You ask him if he was going to stay, he replies that he hasn’t been officially reinstated so he has all the time in the world. You rest your head back on your pillows, his hand gripping yours. You tell him you’re scared to fall asleep in case you wake up and you’re back there.
“I’m not going anywhere, I promise you. I’ll be here when you wake up,”
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“Scratch got deeper into our heads more than I care to admit, and the only way I was able to stay sane was by repeating a mantra, two words. You know what those two words were? "Wheels up.” It saved my life when I wasn’t sure I was gonna make it because it reminded me that you were out there fighting, so take your rest - you’ve earned it - but when we get back, wheels up, Matt"
You stood around the conference room table with the rest of your team. It had been a long few weeks, Spencer had been amazing, he had taken you back to his apartment and looked after you until he got reinstated, even then he had always made sure to call you and make sure you were enjoying your last few days of leave. You had to take mandatory psychiatric assessments, and re-take your fitness and shooting exam, but you were excited. The nightmares were the worst, that fear of falling asleep, but he was always right there; either holding you as you slept or running his hands through your hair. You wondered if it helped him sleep as well.
“Wheels up, Emily” The newest member of your team smiled.
Your Unit Chief turned to the psychologist of the team, her eyes twinkling at the other woman “Wheels up, Tara” “Wheels up”
One by one the team went around repeating the same mantra, but then it came to you. After the teams, mandatory six weeks up were you going to be able to come back, come back knowing it was this job that killed Stephen, knowing it was this job that got you kidnapped by Scratch; the silence in the room was overwhelming, each of them waiting for you to speak. This was your family, the people who knew everything about you, the few people in the world that had your back.
You felt a hand lace through your own and turned to see Spencer smiling at you, reassuring you that you were always going to have someone, no matter what.
“Wheels up”
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coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
Yes! Those are some amazing prompts! Anyone want me to write some of these?
Make-Me-Write ask game
“Can I come closer?”
An old photograph
“Please let me keep my promise.”
“Why are you shutting me out?”
The smell of burning wood
“Close your eyes.”
“Please don’t leave me.”
“Give it back.”
“It’s always been you.”
“Give me a chance.”
“I dreamed of you last night.”
Pressing flowers
“You must find it.”
“I came here to apologise.”
Fairy tale
“I will never do it again.”
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coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
Virginia Kisses Part 7 Incomplete Lullaby
Author’s Note: Oh gosh I swapped and changed this chapter so many times while writing it. I’ve got the most horrendous writer’s block. I have every chapter up until the end figured out (Which is like Three) and the last chapter is written out. But the last two before then is so hard to write. Coffee has suddenly become my new favorite substance. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this next chapter :)
Tag List: @softtinkywinky @spoonsandthings14 @ultrarebelheart Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
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Sometimes you dreamt of Spencer.
Not that you were ever going to tell him that.
Dream where nothing was even happening, but you were both sitting on the large balcony near a river somewhere far away. In the dreams you could feel the wind on your face, the cool wind of a fading summers day. You could almost smell the rain from the darkening clouds. No words were ever spoken between the two of you; but his face had a lazy smile on it, you felt content every time he reached over and grabbed your hand, entwining your fingers. And that would be how you stayed until you woke up. Sometimes it would rain, sometimes it would just hold off. Either way, he was always by your side.
Sometimes you dream of the night you asked him to dance at JJ’s wedding. You had barely known each other for more then three months at that point, but you had found yourself instantly connecting with him. He was easy to know, he was easy to talk too. You found that he always called you when you got home from a case to make sure you were okay; because you were the youngest, the one freshest out of the academy. And even though you had dealt with murder and serial killers both on the field and in academic; being a part of it so deeply had been difficult at first. But he made it easy to wake up every day and go to work.
When you woke up, the familiar surroundings of David Rossi’s spare bedroom, you found yourself pressing the heels of your hand to your eyes, you wanted to cry. You missed him so badly. Writing letters sometimes helped, sometimes you wrote a weeks worth and sent them off with the rest of the teams. You wondered if they made him smile when he got them.
You found yourself at Rossi’s house by sheer chance if you were being honest, he offered you his spare room until Spencer got home; mostly because he knew you hated your protective officer, and because you knew that you needed something familiar.  You needed an anchor to make sure you didn’t bury yourself in his case, make sure you didn’t obsess about getting your best friend free.
Visiting Spencer in prison was hard, because you could see it had changed him. Before he went in, he had that innocence about him, the one where he would smile at you and he still had that spark in his eyes. Now however, when he looked at you there was a storm behind his eyes. When you wanted to reach out to touch his slightly bruised face, he moved away from you. The embraces didn’t come as tight, whereas before they were so tight you wondered how your breathing. You could see him struggling, almost crying when he told you that he did something bad, but he refused to say what it was, just a lot of people had gotten hurt. You reminded him that he was nothing like these people in here, these are bad people.
He just shook his head at you, “But what if I am?”
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Cat Adams, for a better use of the word, was a bitch.
You had met her over a year previous when you were investigating a group of hit-men, she had met Spencer when he was undercover, instead she knew what was happening and she had you and JJ leave the restaurant, leaving Spencer completely vulnerable to her. She made your teeth grit more then you’d have liked, especially when they started playing a game and  you heard her bring up your name to him. Spencer tried to stay calm, but his voice slightly faltered and just like that Cat knew his weakness was her. The questions she had asked him were beyond personal, and he refused to answer them. Saying that you were nothing but his friend and work colleague.
“Oh but she’s so much more then that isn’t she Spence? How many times do you think about her?”
In the end, when she had pointed the gun at Spencer and tried to lead him out of the restaurant, you were right there pointing your gun at her head, looking over at your best friend as he tried to give you subtle hints to shoot her, he would be fine. Just shoot her.
She was arrested when she was tricked into leaving the restaurant thinking her father was out there.
“I won. Ill be out in Twenty years, and I’ll remember your name. Whereas you won’t remember mine,”
So to have her name come across your screen gave you an extremely unpleasant feeling in your chest. You waited at the BAU while the team went and raided her house and a woman called Lindsay Vaughn, you knew you had the proof to get Spencer freed, which while it made your heart leap in joy, you knew that this entire saga was far from over.
And boy was this saga far from over.
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The team had all agreed not to tell Spencer about you going missing until his situation with his mother and Cat Adams had been resolved. The last thing he needed was to realize that both his mother and his best friend had been taken. The only difference is when you were kidnapped, everyone knew who it was, Peter Lewis had text a thank you note to the BAU agents.
JJ and Luke had said she would stay with Spencer to find his mother while the rest of the team rushed to find out where you could be. The problem with keeping a secret with Spencer was that he was smart. He had always found out secrets whether intentionally or not. He noticed JJ always looking at her phone and Luke always leaving the room while he answered his phone. He noticed the small shakes of his colleagues heads when he walked back into the room. Spencer didn’t even have to face his colleagues, he just had to watch Cat Adams in front of him, tormenting him; flirting with him. She kept bringing you up, asking where you were, if he had come to tell you that you’re the love of his life, because she knew the feelings he had for you, she had guessed it the first time they had met. How overprotective of you he was.
When she mentions that she was pregnant with his baby, he lost his temper. He went to go hurt her, instead JJ puts her hand on his shoulder and he leaves the room for a moment. He stands in front of his two work colleagues and notices you’re not there. He thought that you, of all people, would be there with him while he was looking for his mother. He knew you were still on leave, so there was no way you were in the field; and when he voiced these opinions, he didn’t miss the look JJ and Luke gave each other.
It was Luke who told him first, he explains that you had gone to the front gates of the BAU, you all figured since she was still technically on government property and there were guards every where, you would have been safe. You just wanted some fresh air and to stretch your legs. Then suddenly you weren’t there anymore and no one could find you. They had found your phone at the guards station. A man matching Peter Lewis’ description had handed it to the officer on duty. JJ reassured him that the guard was severely reprimanded.
Spencer couldn’t breathe, if Peter Lewis had you then there was no way that you were coming out alive, especially when JJ told him that this happened over a week ago and that the team thinks that Cat Adams might have teamed up with him.
He turned back and stormed into the room where Cat sat with a large grin on her face, Spencer threw the table separating them across the other side of the room and pushed her back up against the far wall, gripping her neck.
“Bad news?” She smiled at him, Spencer just gripped her neck that little bit harder.
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coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
How does one write? What is this word-stuff doing?
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coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
I really enjoyed getting this piece out of my head but now I don't know what to do??? Is this normal?? Anyone else experiencing this? Am I coming down from a ... literary high? i. am. confused.
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coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
3 things that every episode of Criminal Minds needs:
1. Spencer Reid
2. Spencer Reid in a suit.
3. Spencer Reid in reasonably tight pants.
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coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
A/N: Before reading I would like you to keep a few things in mind: 1. This is my first attempt of writing a fic. Like ever. 2. The idea jumped on me at 1 a. m. I’m currently running on like 3 hours of sleep and caffeine. 3. English is not my mother tongue. 
I'd like to thank @twentysomethingloser92 for inspiring me to write this. Please check her stuff out she's a treasure. (Does this count as tagging you? I hope it does)
Characters: Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
You jerked awake, a cry forcing its way out of your mouth. You managed to quickly muffle it with your hand. Your heart was pounding so hard you were sure that it could be heard through the wall to your neighbour’s apartment. The figure under the sheets next to you moved slightly. „Shhhh" a sleepy voice cooed. You rubbed your face. Night terrors.
They didn’t jump at you every night. But it was often enough that your neighbours started to complain. Not a surprise considering… you thought to yourself. There was no trauma you had to process. There was no one on the mission to get you. But still…
You started as an intern at the famous BAU. It was part of your training. You got along with the people, you were fascinated by their work. You didn't flinch once while you were writing up reports, looked at pictures of decomposed bodies, sometime tapes capturing the torture victims had to go through. Those people were dead. There was no point in burdening yourself with their fate. Longingly you thought about those times. Your internship ended. You finished your training. Worked your way up. Considering that you already knew the team and understood how things were done in this unit combined with your psych degree it had been just a matter of time until you were back. And when you got the chance, you grabbed it. Then came the bodies and with them the nightmares. You stood over the body of a child. Partly decomposed, brutally disfigured. It was different, you realised. No tapes, no pictures, no reports could capture this bestiality. Often enough you managed to push those pictures away. But sometimes you just couldn’t. 
„C'me here" the figure mumbled. He lifted his sheet slightly, ready to embrace you. You laid down on your right side, his lanky arms wrapping themselves around you. You took a deep breath and tried to steady your heart rate. From behind you, calming notices could be heard. Soft fingertips started to treat your scalp. You calmed down. Your eyes closed. All was well.
You got woken by the light. The sun dripped through the windows of your bedroom, giving anything a slightly yellow appearance. Your eyes started to wander to your bedside table where your alarm clock slumbered. But instead of the time your eyes caught something much more interesting: a hand. Not just any hand (and thank God it was still attached to an arm) – long slender fingers, slightly curled in relaxation. The belonging arm, you quickly realised, rested between your neck and the futon. You frowned. That was new. Suddenly you were very aware of the body behind you, radiating sleepy heat to your back. Usually when he comforted you at night and when you finally found some rest, your body would detach you from his, wandering over the mattress to the edge of your side.
You wouldn't complain though. It was nice being the little spoon and you felt very much at home. You blinked sleepily. You didn't want to get up. You didn't want to wake him. So you stayed, enjoying the rare feeling of security and warmth. You knew it wouldn’t last long, though. His body started to betray him. You felt him shift behind you, heard him mumble incoherently. The hardness you felt on your thigh indicating that he would awake soon. It didn’t bother you. It was an utmost natural reaction of his body and he wasn’t the first guy you shared your bed with. You had never been a blushing virgin.
Suddenly his left hand came to rest on your hip bone. You raised an eyebrow, quietly studying it. Fascinated you watched as his fingers curled, gripped you tighter. A little moan fell from his lips. It sounded a little sleepy but definitely turned on. It was quietly but loud enough to make him awake himself up. Panting he nearly jumped from the futon. The sudden movement of his arm beneath you caused you to roll over on your stomach.
„(Y/N) ..I-I'm so..I'm so sorry“ he nearly screamed from the side of your bed. You had a split second to decide what to do. You knew he was uncomfortable. Shocked, even. You predicted that he would be embarrassed for the next six months. At least. And the tiny selfish voice in your head told you, that he would never return, because he was scared, leaving you alone with your thoughts and dreams at night. So you did the first thing that came to your mind: you pretended that you hadn’t heard or felt anything and that he just woke you up. You pressed your face to the mattress. „Hmm? Why'd ya be sorry?“ you murmured, making sure to slur your words a little. You heard him let out a little sigh. „N-nothing. I'll just go and hop under your shower" he stated seemingly a lot more at ease. „Mhh.“ you grumbled into your mattress. You heard his footsteps leave your bedroom, the door of your bathroom closing and slowly you lifted your head. He was nowhere to be seen. Good. You got out if bed and made your way to the kitchen, grabbing a newspaper from a desk next to your couch.
The coffee maker gurgled and scents of coffee filled the room. Your personal mobile phone in hand you leaned on the kitchen counter, checking your social media and waiting for the coffee to fill up your cup. It was your guilty pleasure. And a bit foolish, considering your job. But you were cautious. You never posted your location. There were no pictures of your face. Just plants and books (most of them lend to you by your best friend because he knew you enjoyed a good read) and mugs of coffee from shops and police stations all over the country.
You always managed to steal some moments. Posting updates, scrolling through your feed. It made you feel at ease. You heard Spencer turn off the shower while you placed both of your cups on the counter next to the newspaper and to the sugar cup you had just because of him. You didn’t use sugar. Not in your tea, not in your coffee. But he did. So you always kept some around. The lightning in your kitchen was soft, filtered through the long white curtains in your living room. You were a bit ashamed to admit, but this was one of the reasons of you picked this place. Choosing your apartment based on the lighting in pictures. What times… You snipped a picture of both cups just as Spencer emerged from your bathroom. He was now dressed in jeans and a cardigan, his messy hair still damp. The tense state of his shoulders told you that he was still uncomfortable. He made his way to the counter where you handed him the news paper. It was days old but you always kept some at hand so he could do the crossword puzzle in the morning. That would keep his mind occupied and would spare you from making conversation before you had your coffee. „Thanks" he whispered. You didn’t hand him a pen or pencil. He never needed one. He opened the paper and started to absently pour an incredibly unhealthy amount of sugar in his coffee. The lighting was right, his hands so delicate handling the sugar spoon. You snipped another picture without him noticing it.
Both of you took sips from your mugs. You lightly edited the photo of both your mugs and hit the upload button.
“You’re pretty awake for your terms...” he quietly stated. You looked up from your phone. Spencer was almost sunken on his bar stool. He didn’t make eye contact. “Yeah well.. I already had a cup of espresso. Probably just the caffeine hitting in..” you trailed off. You never drank espresso. The little machine on your counter wasn’t able to brew espresso. And he knew that. You closed your eyes in defeat, waiting for the awkward response he probably had in mind. Instead you were met by silence. Cautiously you opened one eye. He still looked at his newspaper. The only indicator that he heard you was a slight frown on his face.
Your phone vibrated. 2 Minutes, Penelope, you thought.  Not bad. Penelope was one of your most devoted followers. Of course she had tracked your account down within five minutes of you entering the BAUs doors. You unlocked your screen.
Who needs the second mug? ||
          || Maybe I just need two today?
You snickered.
          || I can’t. & besides: there are no details to talk about!
So he’s still at yours? ||
          || Yeah..
Lunch Date! You, me, JJ. No room for negotiations. ALL THE DETAILS! ||
You sighed. You loved Penelope to bits. You knew that she was just concerned. But sometimes you wished, you had a little more privacy.
          || Alright. Name place and time, I’ll be there.
Is he nice???? ||
          || What? Of course he is!
Bring him! ||
          || No!!!!!
Pretty please? ||
          || NO!
Pic?? ||
You chewed on your lower lip and considered your options. If you didn’t respond, she would try to track down whose phone was in your apartment or something similarly stupid and probably illegal. But in no way could you send a picture of your guest. She would tell Morgan. Morgan would tell everyone. And they would never let it die down.
You sighed again. Cautiously you edited the picture of Spencer’s hands on the mug. You tried to edit out the cuffs of his cardigan, but without professional software there was only so little you could do. You hit SEND, your heart pounding. Praying to every entity you could think of that Penelope wouldn’t recognise those hands. Your hopes were not high. You would recognise those hands of his everywhere.
Uhhh! He’s got nice hands! ||
Yeah, you thought to yourself. Very nice hands indeed. Your heart felt lighter. Penelope had no clue. That was good. You placed your phone on the counter and started to watch Spencer reading. “Anything interesting?” you tried to start a conversation. He raised an eyebrow but didn’t look up. “Well, news from three days ago” – “But you already know about those” – “Yeah but I finished the crossword and I forgot to bring my book, so I have to do something!” he explained. “Oh. Well... you could talk to me?” you suggested. He finally raised his stare from the paper, his eyes wide. “You? Want to talk? Now?” he asked with surprise. “Yeah well ... better than boring you with weeks old –“ – “days old..” – “news.” you finished your sentence. He squint his eyes.
“Alright, what is wrong?” he finally asked while putting away the paper. You could slap yourself. Of course he noticed. He was a goddamn profiler and you were no actress. “I don’t know what you mean by that...” you hurried to murmur, turning your back at him, absently unlocking your phone. You had received a text from Morgan. Of course you had.
Hey, (Y/N)! So Baby Girl told me, you got a visitor over? ;) ||
          || Nothing can be secret with the two of you can it?
No chance. Penelope told me, he got “nice hands” whatever that means. ||
Of course she did. You groaned internally and already regretted having sent that picture to her. 
“(Y/N)?” Spencer brought you back from your thoughts. “Hm?” – “I asked you, what was wrong...” – “Yeah and I told you that I don’t know what you mean by that.” – “Okay. So you drank an espresso. You want to talk before finishing your first –“ “second!” – “yeah... cup of coffee. Something’s clearly not well.”
You managed to look him straight in the eye. His cheeks were burning red. He knew. And he knew that you knew. And he knew that you knew that he knew. Your own face started to burn. You swallowed. Once. Twice. Then you spoke.
“Spence, there is nothing wrong. Everything is alright.” You pronounced every word very carefully, hoping that he would get the hint. Of course he did. He was the genius after all. Then he nodded. The movement of his head was so little that it was almost not noticeable. You both let out a surge of held breath. All was well.
You returned to Morgan’s text. If Penelope hadn’t noticed, you told yourself, Morgan won’t. You sent him the same picture you previously sent to Garcia. It took him 20 seconds to respond.
I know those hands. What’s pretty boy doing with your sugar cup? ||
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coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
Jump Scares
Author’s note: So this is for the beautiful @softtinkywinky who requested; “Hey, you! I love your work! Could you maybe do a piece with overjoyed Spencer because of Halloween and an incredibly bored reader? Maybe in which the reader states that she is not scared by anything but is kind of on age the whole time because of a case and kind of lashes out at him for constantly trying to scare her?” Well sweets, I hope you enjoy!
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“Everyone’s scared of something,” The new Agent said, leaning on the edge of your desk, “I mean, not even clowns jumping out from under your bed? Someone hiding behind the door? Nothing?” She said, watching as you shook your head.
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“It’s Halloween,” Your best friend fell onto the old couch with a heavy fall and looked over at you. You found yourself immersed in a magazine with your feet curled under you and a cup of tea sitting on the glass coffee table. You looked lazily at Spencer Reid, you were both in Western Texas on a case, a man was kidnapping women from their homes and they were being found missing many different organs.
Halloween was definitely, beyond a doubt, yours and his most favorite holiday. It was something that you had both bonded on when you had first met.
You rose an eyebrow before looking back at your magazine.
“Wow, what gave that away?” You dryly replied, flipping to another page.
You could feel him still looking at you, so you closed your magazine and placed it on the cushion next to you. “There’s a spook house just around the block, I thought we could go,” He offered, handing you a piece of candy he had gotten from the vending machine just outside the motel room.
Shaking your head, you pushed the candy wrapper between the couch cushions and popped the chocolate in your mouth, “No thank you,”
“No thank you?” He seemed confused by your answer, “Why no thank you? You love Halloween,”
You nodded in response, “Yes I do love Halloween. Spook houses are boring. They don’t scare me,”
“Nothing scares you,” Spencer replied, sounding like he had heard the conversation a thousand times already, “I bet I could scare you,”
“You almost getting yourself killed scares me, but it’s a different type of scare. Horror doesn’t scare me. I grew up on a diet of Michael Myers and Freddy Krueger,” You explained as you then asked him if he had any more of that vending machine candy.
It was true though, very rarely did you watch a movie that actually scared you. Very rarely did you find yourself face-to-face with an UNSUB and a fear of him. You were always cautious, always aware of your surroundings. A know-you-enemy type thing. And Spencer had always told you it was the knowledge that helped your fear, as long as you knew the perpetrator, you didn’t hold a fear of them.
And just like that, your one conversation sparked a night that would live to be told for years to come by many different members of the BAU.
The first time Spencer scared you, he was hiding behind your curtain as you walked back into the room from the vending machine.
You spent way too much money on cheap motel treats, but at least now you had enough to get you through the long night ahead of you filled with movies and your best friend’s company. The second you walked through your door, Spencer had jumped out with a ‘Boo’, making you promptly drop your treats and handle your gun.
As soon as you saw it was Spencer you re-holstered your gun and looked at your now dropped candy.
“I told you I could scare you,” He said proudly.
You pursed your lips and crossed your arms over your chest, “You didn’t scare me, Spencer, you mildly inconvenienced me by making me drop my candy. So now I’m more pissed than scared,” Spencer promptly helped you pick up each and every last candy bar.
The second time that night he did it, you were in the shower.
When Morgan tells this story when you get back to the BAU, he swears he could hear you swearing at your best friend from three rooms away.
You were reaching to your toiletries on the toiletries and no, you weren’t actually looking at what you were grabbing, so when you grabbed your shampoo, your face wash, and a hand; yes, you slightly freaked out. Not in the way Spencer had anticipated though.
You picked up your shampoo bottle and threw it so had he very nearly got a bottle to his head. It did, however, shatter your bathroom mirror. Hotch made sure to constantly remind you that the bill would come half out of yours and half out of Spencer’s paycheck.
“Spencer!” That night Spencer learned many new swear words and insults.
The third and final time he did it, he promised you after the shower that it was game over. He wasn’t going to do it anymore. And of course, you stupidly believed him. You swear this was payback for the prank war you started on him six months earlier.
So you walked out to the SVU the team had been given to use because you had left your book in the back seat. The only light was the soft glow from the balcony lights which only just illuminated the car park. You were on edge, just like every other woman in this town was. It was a dark and abandoned car park, and even though you knew that as soon as you screamed, that every single FBI agent in the building would come out; it still didn’t ease your nerves.
You knew someone was behind you, you could feel it on the back of your neck. So even before your best friend could have made a move on you, you made a move on him first. Again, not in the way he expected you too.
You lashed out by elbowing him in the chest and kicking him down to the ground.
You very quickly saw Spencer laying on the ground trying to catch his breath.
Shaking your head you took a deep breath in, trying to stop your heart from beating out of your chest, “Jesus Spencer! What the hell did I just tell you?! No. More. But of course, you couldn’t get that through your stupid head, could you? There’s a serial killer out there and all you think is 'yep. I bet I could make her scared if I walk up to her in a dark carpark at ten thirty at night’” You helped your friend up off the ground and shook your head at him.
“You’re an idiot,” You told him as you put your arms around his waist, “I’m sorry for hitting you,” Spencer just shook his head and reminded you that you did tell him to stop and he didn’t, so anything that happened after that was purely his own fault.
And there the pair of you stood, in the middle of a darkened carpark, you in nothing but a singlet and a pair of shorts with your best friend’s arms wrapped around you.
“No,” Spencer replied to Kate Callahan, he looked over at you with a smile on his face, “I learned the hard way, she really isn’t scared of anything,” Kate gave him a confused look. He just placed his hands across his stomach and replied simply with, “She beat me up”
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coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
Virginia Kisses Part 6 -The Last Time-
Author’s Note; And so here it is, the first in what’s going to be a long path of angst. Enjoy.
Tag List: @softtinkywinky @spoonsandthings14 @ultrarebelheart
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
Part Five
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You held up the playing cards in your hand as  you looked over at your police guard. He was a slightly overweight balding man, not someone who you would have thought would be a police escort, but he was nice enough. Spencer had left three days beforehand, telling you that he had organized someone to cover him because he had to go to Houston to do something for his Mom. Did you want him to go? Absolutely not. Especially so when the officer who was there to take over showed up. Spencer gave you a sorry, gave you a tight hug and told you he’d be back in less than a week.
And then that was pretty much the last you had heard from him. So now you were playing go fish with Special Agent Daniel Cryer because he was the only one who was available at the time. He wasn’t really terrible company, he just continuously pointed out how you looked too young to be an FBI agent. You had to keep biting your tongue because there was so much more you could have replied with. So much more. Then your phone rang, you made a joke to the officer about saved by the ring. Because frankly, you were kicking his ass. The older man just rolled his eyes and placed his cards down as you answered his phone.
“It’s me. Reid’s been arrested in Mexico on drug possession charges,”
You almost choked on your gum. You demanded to know what the hell she was talking about. Because Spencer Reid didn’t even like you smoking cigarettes when you first started and he spent most of your first six months helping you quit. You told your Unit Chief that you would meet them at the jet, and when she tried to argue about your safety you told her don’t even bother pulling that argument. You told your protective officer to get you down to the hanger as soon as possible, with the look on your face, he did what he was told straight away. Because your best friend was in trouble and he needed you more than ever.
When you finally reached the prison where he was being held, you had ended up removing your jumper due to the humidity of the area, it left you in a singlet, unlaced boots and jeans.
A stocky man walked up to Emily and Rossi as you and Luke found the holding cell Spencer was being held in. Emily told you on the plane that Spencer was high. Something you couldn’t believe for a second and argued that they must have gotten it wrong. But as soon as you saw Spencer, you knew that they definitely weren’t mistaken.
He sat on the long wooden bench, his arms wrapped around his stomach. He was slightly rocking himself back and forth. You and Luke looked at each other, both with worried glances. You called out his name once, twice; but he didn’t respond, just kept his eyes vacantly staring off into the distance. When Luke tried Spencer finally looked up at him as if there was no recollection as to who he was. He sat there for a moment, his hand wrapped in a large white bandage.
Luke reminded him of yours and his names; a small worried smile crossing your face as he sat up a bit straighter. Recognition finally crossing his face. Spencer stood up and started to walk over to the pair of you, thanking you both for coming.
You shook your head and looked down, he looked terrible. His blue flannel shirt covered in dirt, the purple rings under his eyes showed that he hadn’t been sleeping. His pupils were more dilated then you had ever seen them. It was the drugs.
He looked over at you as you gripped on to the bars, slowly reaching out and touching your fingers. “I leave your side for five minutes and this is what happens,” You scolded. Because that was how you showed how worried you were, you told people off. You looked over as Rossi and Emily came to your side, reassuring him that they were going to bring him back to America.
Luke asked him about his contact in Mexico, the person he came to see. He lifted up his sleeve and showed his messy writing on the inside of his arm.  Luke asked about how he met her as he took a photo to send to Garcia. You stood back a bit and bit your thumb, your eyes traveling over his body to make sure he wasn’t being mistreated. Your stomach was in knots with anxiety. This just added to your already high blood pressure from the stress of the past few months. You decided at that moment you should probably reevaluate your life insurance to see if stress-induced death was included.
You heard Rossi ask if he wanted company here while they went off to investigate the motel Reid had met this woman at, and before you stepped forward to offer to stay, Spencer had already shaken his head. Rossi turned to look at you as if he was waiting for you to argue with him, but then you looked over at Spencer and your heart broke for him. Instead, you walked up to him and placed your hand through the bars to grab on to his hand; something which he squeezed tightly.
“You left me with the worst protection. We’ve been playing Go Fish since you left,”
Spencer gave his first smile since he had been incarcerated.
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The jet home with Spencer, after him having a murder charge slapped on top of his drug charges and the absolute nightmare to get him extradited to America, was a lot more peaceful then you thought it would have been. He sat next to you on the couch while you told him all about the things you’ve been doing since he had left two days earlier. Which was pretty much nothing since your protection ‘advised’ you that leaving the house wasn’t in your best interests.
You dealt with serial killers on a daily basis, yet this guy, you struggled with, you joked. You put your arm around your best friend as he rested his head on your shoulder. He smelt a mixture of sweat, dirt, and two-day-old deodorant; but you didn’t care. Especially when his shoulders started to slightly shake and silent tears came out of his cheeks.
The rest of the team pretended they didn’t notice the events unfolding on the couch, because you knew that Emily saw the way his shoulders shook when she looked over at you and your eyes locked. A small understanding passing between you that until he sat back up, no one was to go down this part of the plane. He needed you at that moment, and right by his side was where you were going to be.
You made soft promises to him that you were going to get him off these stupid charges, and that when he came home you were going to the Smithsonian like he had kept asking you about, and then they were going to catch Peter Lewis so you could be officially off protection and then everything was going to go back to normal.
But how wrong you were.
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Three hours had ticked over with no word from your colleagues. You began pacing Garcia’s office, your hands wringing together, your mind stumbling over all the ‘what if’s’. What if he was dead? How would you be able to cope? Would you be able to move on from him like you knew he would have wanted? Or would you forever be frozen in time, yearning for a love that never returned? You could feel Garcia’s worried face watching you, but you couldn’t sit still. You couldn’t wait for that call that might say they were too late. And then it happened, the phone call you had been dreading this entire time. Penelope looked at you as you walked over to the chair next to her and sat down. She waited until you gave the nod before answering. “Yeah?” There was none of her usual greeting, because she was just as anxious as you were to hear the news. It was JJ’s voice that echoed through the line this time. She sounded calm, relieved. “We found him”.
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coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
Virginia Kisses Part 5 -Wherever You Will Go-
Author’s Note; A little bit of fluff before I get into the super angsty part of Season 12 and Spencer’s incarceration.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Tags: @softtinkywinky @ultrarebelheart @spoonsandthings14
“I’m with you. No matter what else you have in your head I’m with you and I love you.”
— Ernest Hemingway // The Garden of Eden
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Music had littered around your living area that late Sunday afternoon.
Spencer had sat with your feet on his lap, one hand rubbing your leg while the other was holding up a thick book he was currently halfway through reading. The past few weeks had been filled with nothing but the two of you hanging around at your apartment, or on the off chance you could convince your best friend, he took you for a walk to the local playground where you would spend your time on the swingset feeling the warm breeze on your face.
And then suddenly you were in front of him, a hand held out. He kept giving you a confused look, telling you that you’ve been for a walk around the block earlier and it was starting to get dark now, he wasn’t going to let you go out at dark while there was still a chance you could get hurt.
You let out a large sigh and picked up his book, closing it and putting it down on the wooden side table.
“Dance with me”
You weren’t even asking, it was a statement. You were telling him that he was going to dance with you, whether he liked it or not.
Spencer didn’t like dancing, you knew that. He had told you as much every time you had gone out with the team. So usually you would sit with him on the sidelines getting drunk and pointing to people, trying to come up with a life story for them.
It was a silly little game you both played, but it was one you had both started on the long journeys between cases.
Sometimes, if you were both really lucky, your unit chief would even join in.
Slowly he stood up, holding on to your hand. He told you that he was only doing it because it was you and no one else was around.
He gripped it a little bit tighter as he came to a standstill in front of you. You could see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed deeply,  placing one hand on your waist as you placed your hand on his shoulder.
He pulled you in a little closer as you both began to sway to the music. His head rested on top of yours while you placed your head to his chest.
It was one moment of bliss among the chaos of your life.
You could feel his thumb rubbing against the bare skin of your hip. You let out a sigh of content, telling him this was the least anxious you had been in the weeks since the escape of Peter Lewis.
He told you in return that he would do anything for you.
Maybe it was then that you fell in love with him. When he became one of the small moments of bliss in a life that’s full of deadlines and anxiety; when he became beautiful in a world where there were so little things that you found beautiful.
Maybe you fell in love with him when you realized that this man was the one person in your life who constantly reminded you that life wasn’t full of death and horror and hate; that maybe sometimes life is full of hope and happiness, that life can sometimes be slow dances and odd socks.
You moved your head away and smiled up at him, thanking him for being your amazing best friend. He reached down and pressed his lips to your own, thanking you for treating him like a normal person.
You released his hand and wrapped your arms around his waist, breathing in a scent that was uniquely Spencer Reid.
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You sat with Penelope Garcia in her tech cave.
Because you couldn’t be alone while the rest of the team were out saving your best friend’s life. They had told you that you needed to stay there; they said it was because you had already been through too much, but you saw Luke Alvez’s face, and you knew it was because no one knew how you would react if your best friend had been murdered.
So you anxiously sipped on the tea that Penelope had made you, and watched their GPS locations move closer and closer to where you had all thought he was being held.
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coffeeandbookchick · 6 years
Virginia Kisses- Part 4 -Shallow-
Description:- The first time you slept with your best friend.
Author’s note: I love you guys so much. You have no idea how grateful I am for all your inboxes and your loves and comments. I hope you all enjoy this next chapter :)
Part 1 
Part 2
Part 3
Tags @softtinkywinky @ultrarebelheart @spoonsandthings14
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You spun around in front of your best friend as he sat on the arm of your couch with his arm crossed. Your arms were stretched out beside you as you showed Spencer the outfit you were wearing. You were unsure at first, especially since this was so far away from what you were used too wearing, but it was the first time in almost a year that you had a dinner date, and you never in a hundred years would have thought that one of the guys from the counterterrorism unit would have been the one to ask you.
Spencer nodded and told you how beautiful you looked, the way he did every time you got ready for your date. With admiration in his eyes and a soft smile on his face.  
FBI Special Agent Jacob Mackay was a good man.
You had worked with him once or twice before and you had both gotten on well and that spark was there with him. The one where you couldn’t get enough of him. He was definitely someone you could see yourself settling down with.
Spencer, however, kept trying to be supportive of your relationship. He was always happy when Jacob tried to include him in things that the three of you could do.
He always made the effort to be friends with your best friend.
You told him from the start about Spencer, how he was your best friend and no one was going to get between that. And he was fine with that. So after ten months together, when Jacob asked if you wanted to move in together, how could you have said no? You exchanged ‘I love you’s’ within the next month, and you were so blissfully happy you thought it would never end.
Unfortunately, eight months later it happened. The same old “It’s not you, it’s me,”. He told you that your relationship with your best friend was what made him unsure of your love for him because he saw the way you looked at the genius and he swore it wasn’t the same way you looked at him.
In the same week, you and Jacob decided to call it quits was the same week that the mass prison breakout happened. The same week Hotch was arrested by a SWAT team.
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You found yourself with Doctor Tara Lewis in the unit they kept serial killers,
Of course.
You had your guns pointed at the men behind the glass doors. You could feel your hands shake slightly, you put some of these men away. They knew who you were, they know you were at their mercy. As soon as those doors swung open, you almost wanted to vomit as they advanced on you. One shot was fired and you hit the man straight in the thigh. Whether he bled out on the concrete floor wasn’t your biggest concern at that point.
You fired another shot just as someone grabbed you from behind, you began wrestling with the assailant as he began to grip your neck in a headlock. You could hear Tara on her radio calling for backup, her voice shaking ever so slightly, because she knew just as much as you did that these men were going to kill you, and soon if no one came in time. A single gunfire and the grip loosened, you saw Tara running towards the door as you followed suit, seeing the SWAT team gather around you, and Spencer and JJ waiting on the other side.
You held a hand to your slightly sore neck as Tara asked if you were okay. You remarked how this was definitely one of your worst weeks.
The same week you found yourself in the arms of your best friend, both of your emotions after the day had been high. You were both still running off adrenaline and Rossi’s expensive wine when you had reached your apartment. You wondered if he had regretted it because neither of you ever brought it up again. Maybe you both had the same understanding, that human comfort understanding. The night had been exhausting, fear had been coursing through both your veins since you were both technically fighting for your lives in that prison.
Maybe it was because your worst nightmare had been realized when you were told that Peter Lewis had been apart of the prison break and he had left a note for you in his cell. The team, especially Hotch, wanted you in witness protection. For your own safety, this was a direct threat to you, and everyone knew that Peter Lewis didn’t stop until he got what he wanted. When Spencer had offered to stay with you as a second set of eyes and ears you were grateful for your best friend. The local PD happily kept a patrol car out the front of your apartment block for the time being. It still didn’t make you feel safe though.
He helped you move your living room around that night, the night you had slept together. He thought it was ridiculous, but if it made you feel better then he would do it because he would do anything to make sure you were safe.
It started off in the lounge with a small kiss, one to show him that you were grateful for him, you were thankful that he was here, and in your life and that you were happy he was your best friend. But then the knot in your stomach happened, the thumping of your heart, the flush of your cheeks, and the kiss was deepened. Who by, you think it was mutual but you couldn’t be sure. And soon enough clothes were coming off and he had lead you to your bedroom, making sure not to trip over your dirty laundry and pushing off your comforter from your unmade bed.
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When it had finished, you both didn’t know what to do or say to the other. Instead, Spencer got himself dressed and smiled at you, placing your comforter over your naked body. He told you he’d be back soon and pressed a kiss on your forehead. When he came back, he had come back from the corner store with a bag full of groceries. Things like chocolate milk, biscuits and those sour rainbow straps you kept in your desk drawer. No mention at all about what had occurred not two hours earlier, but things seemed to fall back into a regular pattern. Him spouting off facts about what was actually in those rainbow straps and you rebuking him by telling him that they wouldn’t taste nice if they were made out of healthy things.
You started to wonder if perhaps the confusion in your feelings for him was just as confusing for your best friend.
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He had the reservation and everything, paid a large down deposit because he wanted to make it special for you. He wanted to take you to dinner tomorrow and tell you how he felt. He had planned it for months but he was always so unsure of himself so he kept putting it off. He was going to tell you before he went to Mexico, but then that absolute hell storm happened and you were caught between trying to get your best friend out of prison and spending all your time making phone calls to your father’s friends at the DOJ to try and find a way to put him into solitary; you had to try and keep him safe, keep him alive. You felt like you failed him in some way.
JJ tells you with a watery smile that it was ultimately Will who pushed him to call the restaurant a few weeks ago to make the reservation to make sure that he couldn’t back out of it. He was so nervous she says, he kept doubting himself, kept doubting if you would return his feelings. You shook your head because there was he was so wrong. You loved him so much. You’ve always had feelings for him, but it wasn’t until Mexico did you realize how deep your feelings for him actually ran.
She then tells you about her first date with Spencer and how she accidentally invited Garcia and it wasn’t until later that she realized that it was a date. She says she was glad when you came along because while she’s watched girls flirt with Spencer, she’s never seen him as attentive to them as he has been with you.
“You’re soulmates,”
And that makes you cry even harder.
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