colorspilling-blog · 7 years
The world is factually beautiful. Colors. Rainbows. Lights. You’ll know in a bit. We are so similar to everything around us because we’re around them, but we are so unique and special zoomed in. Yes, we have to try and uniformly be a color in the whole gradient of the world, where Cultures are colors. We’re so similar to those around us, but also too different when you zoom in@@@ It’s a bout relativity when you think about it. Like, Scotland, Ireland, and England are all so different and culturally diverse, as we know in how much pride we get in that, but at the end of the day, they’re pretty fucking similar from someone looking at it from even America, though I suppose other countries must think. Though we were dips hits and because we invaded everywhere and force fed our bullcrap down their throats while not thinking they had their own color. ANYWAYS. IN AN IDEAL WORLD where europeans haven’t been dickwads, we’re the color of skin crayon still on the crayon. That unsettling non-alive-but-dinstinctly-flesh look. But like, to us it looks like skin because we can see the differentiation because we grew up knowing to look for that. We need to think of other places as their own vibrant, interesting, deep colors. Like, let’s help others, but only if they want it. They being the people, the majority. Not the gross crayon color that is projected. You can’t fix a mistake you drew with an orange crayon with a green crayon. If you truly want it fixed, you have to use the orange crayon. And these colors blend into other places nearby. So while we just see the “green” or “blue” area, the particles in that area are aqua and turquoise and teal and navy and Kelly and forest and etc. etc. etc. So how zoomed in do we get? At what point are WE the wrong color? And how much variation is good?
And then it’s a problem because you get into morals. Like, at what point does “They’re cannibals” become okay? If they’re all on board with it, if they only eat someone who volunteers truly and absolutely, is that okay? And what rules have to be enforced then to make sure everyone is absolutely okay with everything happening? And then doesn’t that take away the weird primal urge to do it? When you’re overthinking it, that just goes away because WHY. I guess if that’s who you truly are, and are a good person, good on you?? Like, what if someone donated their muscle mass, what we don’t use for scientific stuff, and gave it to cannibals to eat, like an organ donor? This then gets into the fact that eating human flesh does actually make your brain go wonky and terrible, but there’s no way to draw the line at an exact point. One thing isn’t THAT much worse than the other but eventually you’re justifying something that is fucking absurd and horrendous. And why do I know that? Because most people who do that aren’t getting the consent of everyone involved! Anyways.  Colors. That’s a thing.
So how do these lights and organization play into it? Let me tell you. I was listening to Les Mis and loving on it, and then looking at my rainbow lights. And my bf lovingly put it up in the wrong order thinking he was doing it correct, but it isn’t a gradient now. And like, clearly each ball of color is a different color. One next to the other is totally different. But put it on a gradient and you can see how they start to smooth together. But can he just not see the gradient that I can do it? And how many people can see differentiations way beyond what I can? That’s what people get so touchy with color names! If we have words for them, if we have to distinguish on a smaller scale, we can see the difference. But if you don’t have the words for it? If it doesn’t fit your brain grooves, if it hasn’t made a river in your BRAIN (wow this is getting weird guys, like a personality trait is like a river on your brain and like, evolution man. At some point “walking on land” became a groove river and just now IS like the Grand Canyon, aint no one taking that away from us, that’s a sulci. But some are just like, maybe suggestions that have worn into our brain. (I know this isn’t real, I studied neuropsych I know how brains work this is just metaphorical) Anyways now personality traits are rivers and like, the ones you branch off from are clearly helping you and feeding into how strong you get #layers) colors. Back to colors. If we zoom out like, we’re all just fucking one same thing right? We’re all humans. But like, we’re also all animals, but some of us are different. Like, it’s cool as hell we’re all different. Be fucking different. Appreciate that difference. That’s neat as shit. Now the world is blending into a more personality based culture than a location based culture. It’s so important to remember and preserve the location based ones, cuz those are HISTORY and interesting as hell and can be taken forward (and here’s a branch of people who love history have to develop!!!) and then those factions within those factions of knowledge and just everything is impossible to do! So you gotta chose one and just trust that everyone else is doing their part. Until you have to grow again. It’s just the same thing in different format. We used to grow in oral traditions, and print made that stiffer to translate, so people became stiffer, then out of that we grew this beautiful dada bloom of online bullfuckery to push that HUMANITY back, back like Ancient Greece. But now we’re expanding into this virtual world where everyone can know everyone, but we haven’t set down rules and regulations here, so people are just LETTING GO. Which is NOT good. It’s getting better, but it’s not about just the voice of what you read, we’ve stopped attaching actual PEOPLE to this. Everyone you lash out at has so much difference in their knowledge and color (see where I’m tying this in?) that we’re trying to police this totally different way of life and just fucking letting asshats in our own color (now my white ass culture is red cuz aggression, It’s like a jolly rancher glowing. It’s bullshit because other flavors are good too! Anyways this is getting into flavor. What I’m saying is that we’re too focused on trying to make people like US, we’re letting the people who are like us that are bad go free.
Anyways, this started out positive. Just thinking that positivity is what you see out of the world? In a hurricane, there’s this disaster and people are suffering. a. Can you do something about it? Once you have b. What else can you do? At that point whatever happens only affects YOU now. So take care of that so you have the strength and emotional fortitude to help whoever needs help next. In that rest time, think of the good things that happened in a situation. Hurricanes show bravery, and people being kind. Those reaching out to help. We need to value this MORE. We need to show people that THAT is how you aid someone, less of “xyz did something minutely terrible and has since made up for it” Let’s value KINDNESS. Dramatic and trying things can have a good ending. Let’s mourn the bad ones and then move forward. How do we prevent that from happening again? How do we make sure everyone is taken care of? And at what point does our worrying become more toxic than it is helpful? And this is just my neurosis kicking in and no one actually cares to the point I should just let it the fuck go? And then I debated of the word neurosis. Was that the correct word? Was that going to a. Be made fun of if I ever saw it. And b. Wouldn’t looking up a word’s exact definition be counter productive of the ride of me becoming high and writing things down? Just letting it flow? And what would have happened to me back in the day when we couldn’t look up what it meant? That’s why grammar used to not matter because it wasn’t accessible to everyone. So it developed. That’s why different slangs become different languages. That’s how things develop. That’s how languages and prejudices develop. Who gives a shit about what someone talks like? That’s just a different language in a way. But at the same time, when you see people talking the same way and they’re becoming a group that likes each other, and they start rebelling against the bigger group, THEY get hated one because they’re not conforming. They’re making a new unique color that allows us to see a smaller faction. And then at what point is there just not enough space on this planet to hold enough factions of personalities? Each and every individual has to have some variance, right? So we have to start to try and balance out. We have to rely on others with similarities. We have to conform to others for love and support. But we still want to be unique and interesting.W e have to be red, but we can be ruby or Scarlett or whatever. And maybe if you’re born in the wrong color, fucking move. leave. Find your color. If you’re different you shouldn’t suffer because you’re different, you should go to somewhere that loves you because you’re that way. But then those color congregate together and eventually look the SAME so someone has to “branch out” and rebel and these little things are getting so smaller and smaller and each group is less people until it finally just tears one human apart having so many conflicting distinct bits. So we have to be boring and BE something. One individual thing. But one thing that has to be with other things. And how much of their color do you adapt to be comfortable? And how much of your color do you give to comfortable? And do they want it? is that what a relationship is? Sharing colors. Two people either make a pattern, or a blend. You have a marble of two complimentary colors, and maybe they’re Kelly green and forest green. They’re this beautiful detail work of each individual’s personality but when they’re zoomed out, it’s just green. They look the same. They’re similar. You’re always going to be so different to someone, and if you want to get on with hem, you have to find a pattern. Others you can blend with, one part of you blending into the other. Different kind of relationships define where the boundaries are. Ombre vs. pattern. They’re both beautiful in different ways, and evoke a totally different emotion, but they’re both amazing. I can like one more than the other, but that doesn’t give the other thing a lesser value. Just my preference. Enough people have to agree, and that’s supply and demand. But then someone is going to like the lesser preferred thing and bring it back. It’s just going with the waves. What part of the color pattern are you in in your time? Are you ahead? Are you behind? All of them are fine and help out in a way. And then expanding into the value of preserving and eventually things fail and that’s OKAY. Things go away. You have to move on. But don’t shove those things away, let it go gently.
Ow my brain hurts.
If I can’t find my own color, I will either drown or I will become someone else. I need to know who I am to know how to work with people. How hard do you dive into yourself before you’re selfish? How can I catch up when I’m already so behind? I’m so young when it comes to emotions and figuring out what my own color is. I don’t want to be swallowed up by the vast (pastel pea green btw) nothingness I’m trying to fill. I want to appreciate others but how do I know I’m not giving them more than I should? And then how will I know when to stop? When I’m as mature as I should be and I shouldn’t shut down and try and be older than I am. That’s why the internet sucks. We don’t see people’s developmental age. We are so angry with others because we assume that they see what we see. That they know what we know. They don’t! They’re not your neighbor down the block most of the time. They have a VASTLY different experience and background. And some of it is bad!!!! Just like yours!!! And you grew and let’s STOP holding thirteen year olds on the internet accountable for the emotional maturity of 30 year olds! But HOW do we know what to expect on the internet? I can’t look at someone and be like “Oh, okay, this person is 10 and probably won’t have learned this yet” or “You’re fucking 50 and you still don’t know this about others that’s ridiculous”  but then we have this differential of base knowledge too!! Like someone growing up in Thailand is going to have a very different core base of knowledge than others. So like, legends of this beast, but what if they’re just stories of Pangea? Like, if crocs had this mythology around them but they’re fucking REAL yikes! But they’ve developed in this oral story tradition and now they’re the Loch Ness monster or w/e and people are holding assumptions because of this myth, and it grew because telling stories always changes them!!! That’s super cool and that’s how people become legends, but know that the farther you are from someone in the way you’re talking to them, the less likely it’s going to be accurate. And then things evolve.
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colorspilling-blog · 7 years
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kellymarietran Here’s a discrepancy my mind can’t make sense of. I never thought I’d be in a world where someone would pay for people to dress me, do my hair, do my makeup. We spend our whole lives trying to hold ourselves up to a standard that is truly unattainable. This chick on the left is who I am 1% of the time. That girl on the right is who I am 99% of the time. And you know what? They’re both worthy of love. Whether you’re dressed up or in sweats, make sure you love all sides of yourself, because you deserve that.! Woof. It’s hard though. This is a lesson I’m still trying to learn. We’re all just trying to figure it out, right? 🙈
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colorspilling-blog · 7 years
Fun Fact!
Synesthetes are weird, but in a “carries a backpack full of books to an event or errand even though there’s not going to be a chance to read” kind of weird
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colorspilling-blog · 7 years
pretentious ppl like to imagine synesthesia as ~~the world being a kaleidoscope~~ or whatever but its more like. whenever u experience that specific feeling of swallowing too much food in one go ur brain invariably gives u “1953 AAAAAAND 22 bananas”
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colorspilling-blog · 7 years
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Artist With Synesthesia Puts Songs to Canvas - diymagazine​
Artist Melissa S. McCracken uses her synesthesia to create beautiful works of art based on some of her favorite songs.
“The most wonderful “brain malfunction” of all is seeing the music I hear. It flows in a mixture of hues, textures, and movements, shifting as if it were a vital and intentional element of each song.”
From top to bottom, these three are works inspired by Radiohead’s “Karma Police,” Glass Animals’ “Flip,” and John Lennon’s “Imagine.” 
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colorspilling-blog · 7 years
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“True Trans Soul Rebel” by Against Me! as I see it because of synesthesia, a condition that causes me to see music visually. 
I painted this today for International Women’s Day, as their lead singer, Laura Jane Grace, is one of the biggest inspirations in my life. One of the most kick-ass ladies punk has ever seen, and an activist for the trans community, she is a strong, amazing human being, and I absolutely adore her!
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colorspilling-blog · 7 years
How people without synesthesia think I see music:
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How I actually see music:
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colorspilling-blog · 7 years
Figuring out you have synesthesia like
You: Hey, what color is Thursday for you?
Normal human: ...
Normal human: Wtf?
You: What color is Thursday for you?
Normal human: Dude wtf Thursday doesn't have a color
You: Of course it does! For me, it's red. What is it for you?
Normal human: Okay no Thursday doesn't have a color that is not normal.
You: ...
You: .....
You: ..............
You: wtf
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colorspilling-blog · 7 years
Reblog this if you have Synesthesia
i wanna be mutals with you nerds
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colorspilling-blog · 7 years
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this user has synesthesia
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colorspilling-blog · 7 years
Music and color
eWe are SONGS. Some naturally flow together, re
Naturally beautiful. Just essence of being somewhere, sometimes we jive in a playlist with others, sometimes we sound alike, sometimes contrasting. Sometimes we can go in a mashup, get put together with other songs. Sometimes it's layered, flows effortlessly over one another and syncs up, almost becoming singular song; however close or however different, they just WORK. They're still distinctly different songs, but they compliment each other. They just dance together, and they are beautiful and so different. Others can flow into one another, get tangled up and either come out ogod computer instead of I phone, Funy if future folk see this nd are delighted as we are delighted with monks saying shit. Anyways, we are music.Joyful, sad, haooy, romantic, whatever. That’s who we aren be beautiufl regardless of  gbut some songs CAn’rk together harmounious hey jut. are forced. Better to be pure essence of that partidcular song. re whoale, we re one. e can be bettbut wer if e just fucm and mking jaix things up. Maybe you’re not. a song that works well with others, but just thor and try and so you did bad? You’re untangling the future. . That’s why you can’t love every song. That’s why you can’T someitmes you love totally different genres all toghether, you just WORK. As long as we are truly ourselves, who cares about who we get tangled up with? We’re US. Old souls are just songs that are reviving a tune or melody. This is to the Glee version of Valerie. Not something I’m super proud of, I suppose, but that’s me? Like, I love and truly love the Amy Winehouse versioe. It’s just. Blue. It’s this super essence, live, bright, alive, but BLUE. The Glee version is Yellow green, chartreuse. Bright, and uplifting. Doesn’t have the weight. Anyways I see songs color I'm a visual person even with music.Glee has orange tendrils, Amy has deep forest green tendrils. And sometimes you need to be both!!! Different covers are different moods!!!!! And pure flexibility of MOOD of song is Good. FUCK. Her live version!!! Is fucking PURPLE guys. Deep royal, navy purple. Green and silver tendrils. Sizzles of neon blue. FUCK ME. She’s fuckng real. Jesus. I am sound. fuck. Just waves of sound. Blue and tan on lover right, green, lime green green, gold with silver flecks, and orange in lower right, deep purple as above in upper right, upper left is scarlet, forest green and earth brown. Zoom strips but wavy in circles. A shot of vodka, a glass of wine and weed. Listening to UCB Decadence version, and it’s also just so fUCKING good. Bright yellow rain bounce plinks on bright blue teal background. Base line is the root of purple and green. There’s the lime green in the chorus. I am very gay. Everything is clear (I mean, yeah) This version is what being straight is.e FUCK her version is just SCARLET RED. Depth that not a whole lot of people are. Not that anything else is bad, just this is so rare. Hexagons of color sound waves, color color migrations off of the waves. It’s so BRIGHT and so fucking rich at the same time. This is what I strive to BE. So sad and deep but still upbeat. Lively, experiencing EVERYTHING. Anyways. Overall, people are songs and we’re jiving around other people’s songs, and we mix and sometimes we don’t clash but we’re good, And our lives are our tonal structure, and we just haven’t GOTTEN THERE in our song yet. Maybe the rest of our songs will JIVE, maybe they won’t, but wasn’t it interesting and awesome that we tried? And that part happened and was wonderful? But then realize we’re going in different directions, that we’re not complimentary anymore. We’re still awesome and fucking beautiful how we are, but we just are forced for any longer than we should be. On the flip side, trying to find new ways to jive things that used to jive can be fucking MIND BLOWING and AWESOME and deserve to be looked into! It requires work! And it PAYS OFF. And sometimes it just feels forced and bad. Leave those, choose the ones that just HAPPEn and maybe you’ll make your way back, maybe you WON’T. Is what other people hear of you indicative of what you are or what people think you are? Am I singing the song or am I just, truly JIVING? Like, not who I AM, but just sits right. In that moment. Drank the wine to fast and it’s burning my throat. Interesting aside to the strife for humans to record as much as they possibly can, we’re collecting date for the future to to record who we are while still leaving records. Save the world while still making our mark. And maybe in the future life will become something more essentially pure consciousness, where we exist as a cloud of humnan consciousness, just a negusas mass of music and existence, hovering over r the earth while th e hearth, creating something new, what if we, as a collective cincousness become God to the next evolved species? The vibrations in nature and the existence of being, just existing of the world. Is that true space travel? Traveling where our consciousness can be everywhere and boundlessly jump between? Everyone is awesome and unique as a song and we can be influenced why others to become something more dynamic and new, in any direction, or we can stay on the same calming course. As long as we’re not forcingg our playlist on other’s. Why not all exist? I’m interesting because other genres exist. I’m new and vibrant because I am contrasted against something. Being the default fucking sucks sometimes because we are boring, but the solution is not to shine light on ourselves, because that gets MORE boring, but to appreciate others and love who they are fully and completely, because they are so DIFFERENT.   See color waves rant thing. Back to sound. The girl who plays Santana on Glee HAS that breadth. That’s why it’s good. The overly cheery backgrounds change the color overall, but she HAS something that Amy did, not the SAME, but so, so similar in such a gorgeous way, brighter, and more silk, less velvet, still velvet. How light shines on it. Both soft and lovely to touch. Both gravely sensual, in such different  and complimentary ways. Back to the live version, probably about when it got REeLLY gay there. Amy’s voice is just so, slickly soft and perfect. The luxury cushion of dark velvet. Sometimes you need a bright day, sometimes acool day sometimes that sensual smoothness. Back to a cappella. Less completely turned on. Still Gay as Shit. Time went by, I was thinking. Just went dark. Like, there’s truly HORRIBLE PEOPLE out there. There’s people who want to, or not, who DESTROY other’s leves. And that’s not fucking fair and they need to not do that, even if we decide to shut that down. But you still need to have that depth and brightness, right? That’s who I AM. No matter how much shit I go through? That just means I have to fight harder and get brighter on my ups.
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colorspilling-blog · 7 years
Movement and Color
eWe’re not this individual thing that has to push life on earth forward. We’re all part of this gorgeous s trail coming out from behind. A shooting star. The call of light alone would be as beautiful if it were jus b itself. It would be this floating mass of while, not moving, no momentum. We are the momentum. A rainbow momentum swoosh behind the ballushing life forward, vibrations inside the ball of the winging ball trick that goes on gu”s desks. We’re that magic vibrations behind. That no one sees, bue eakes things MOVE. Just dons of existence and motion, driving a force along a path, we are in==not important at all, but we are essential, those of us working hard to Mae life pretty calms and soothes. And lifts us up. It makes things kind, and great, because why not enjoy life? Why not???? We’ll get there anyways. But in that, we DO have people suffering and people here now, and support those here ecaulse they are so important. Strive to make the world better for EVERYone. It’;; take moe itime, but it will be more beautiful. It will transform the world in new ways, in more gorgeous way. It will bring us into a sea of relaxation, it will le t us sooth and become more vibrant as a while. One color alone is monotonous. Its inconsequential. It’s bland it’s harsh. Variation a better world, gives us a doting, calm, wonderful place to live. But if e get to harsh apart, if those just prey on those who give, the givers should put that responsibility on them, as they are pulling back the shooting arrow through space and time. We all must push FORWARD. And the best way is to spread our wings and catch a draft of air forward. We go nowhere without that breadth of life, the expansion of our wings causes us to move forward. Rare stagnant without variation. Everyone is important equally and we will move forward. But don’t give too rigidly equally, the air will slide off and we will become still and spinning, things will get diss. Move forward to feel better. Everyone is in better place, of these octagons building up life. These bridges between places making up a beautiful whole. We are but tiny pieces of a huge pulse and everyone is so important and essential to this piece, and no watter what they do or who they are and link of this chain Maile, this vibrant rainbow chainmail because why not? Who NOT have things be beautiful it’s better. It feels better. It would be all the same, but that’s boring and we don’t fight for poring shit. We fight for who we love and who we are, it’s just how we’re MADE. And no different part of that is more or less essential.  And maybe there’ s a creator who creates and IS our god? But then soon out and that creator is where we are, being created by another creator. We’re tiny molecules of time, zooming in and out in pattern and vibrations. This natural beauty in a snowflake, That essential support and life essence, we’re just all doing it to make things pretty anyways. L. The moral vibrations produced as I’m experiencing this go and produce their own energy behind a ball swining in these next universe, so in a way, I am a creator. I am unknowingly a creator of al these infinite possibilities and different ways of live, JUST because I exist? For m existence to take shape, molecules need to me moved, atoms need to me shifted and used, and all these different parts of me have tiny pieces just pushing and glowing and MOVING. How do they MOVE> all these tiny vibrations being caused by even smaller fractals of color and moventmt. All within me. Every tiny rivrant of light and LIFE make me who I am@ It’s wonderful and for no other sake than for making my rainbow and my color, I love it. I love the colofr the vibrations have made for me. I love each and every part of me, and I hope everyone does too. Even the ones who are choosing to be bleak and bland, vecause in this array of space, we’re only tiny dots that make up another pattern and rainbow. My colors are so pretty and varied, and that’s gorgeous, but far way I look like one dot of light, one dot of color. I don’t look particularly cold or interesting, but I’, jere bot to balance out the shit, to ve land and be a park part of a bigger mosaic, but ALSO to be colorful and wonderful within myself, and love every color and every bit of me, and that’s MINE and who else chooses to love it and let it influence them, But no one has to love my shine for it to still be valid and wonderful. But no one HAS to acknowledge my shine. I am just as interesting and bright as an other person, though I shine fright in the one direction I’m facing. We’re in 2D now kids, I;;m pulling one way and others are pulling the other way, creating this form factor for a bubleand piece of a grid,  hat is the difference between science and blind faith always? As long as it’s not actively harming anyone, why the fuck now? Be cooky, love something wild. we all deserve equl part in this life, and don’t go and enforce yourself on others. This is my truth and only my truth, I’m  not speaking for anyone else, but me, and thats all I can do. I can hold this shape and old this color, and be who I am but tnothing less and nothing more, nothing marking anyone. It goes out is so many directions, where I believe to put m love and m time and m energy, and that’s fractilizes down into littly colored parts and shapes that make p ME, the atoms and particles make up ME, just like I make up part of this world. 
I really need to pees, Life is just a fluctuation between macro and micro, trying to find that balance and trying to find what we are. And that’s all of us and I can’t force it to be anyone. It’s just a basic truth. You can only exist as you are, each tiny part of us making up us making up a bigger structures. There are tiny particles moving me, Make not typing on the computer, but maybe they are! I don’t know and I will never know, not in my life time! We all mean so much and so little at the same time. And as long as that’s focus on you and you alone, that’s fine. My brain is hurting.
I’m definitely beginning to not be high anymore, and I don’t know what science is and what is just plain existence, and magic and faith, and all we can do is strive for what is science, because isn’t micro and macro all the same anyways?should we push others aside to travel the world and see the beauty and push out and onwards, despite people, to see the colors fractling elsewhere, or should we stay stout and supportive of who we are, and become one shard in the mosaic that is this cosmic universe. Fucking everything is relative and that sucks to accept and that sucks that we have to sometimes be boring and shitty, that we have to make sure things still move and things still PROGRESS, but part of us has to be within us, taking care of our color and our vibrance, to aid the bigger cause? If we don’t care about the smaller structures, and we don’t love and nurture each and every part of us, how can we go on to achieve the goals we dream of? There’s not enough TIME to both be you and not you, and to be pulled in your heart way or your mind way, and we’re all these FRACTLES of gorgeous humanity and existance, and everyone is fucking weird as shit and that makes things BEAUTIFUL. That makes things interesting and just. As existence. I’m this fractal of honestly believing this and wanting others to acknowledge who I am and this my belief and also a fractal of knowing I’m high! I’m mistyping! I’m this REAL human, I keep running to the bathroom to make sure I’m not bleeding on everything beacuase I’m a woman and because I exist and am, that’s COOL? But looking at it on a such clinical level is weird and I have to aside saying that It’s both this solid existence and nonsensical matter that it borders the line of science speak and pure gibberish. I’m SURE someone would read this and thing it’s everywhere and nonsensical and a ramblings of a selfish, shithead, undeserving, lunatic, and some people would look at it as a way to exist. It’s MY way to exist! And I don’t know who else shares what I believe and such until I go out and look at other people, I don’t know what makes me great unless I see what makes other people great. We are all giving and getting from pieces and parts of others, synthesizing each other and becoming who we are, we are bleeding rivers of color into each other’s pond, each tiny gradient important and essential to life, but also in and of itself creating a larger more washed out pixel, which has it’s place in the scene of things. I just became aware of time. It has faded in and out for a while. That’s both important and non important. Time isn’t anything. Why shouldn’t I be me in this moment, and then I lose the moment and lose other things. It all slips away when you focus down to who you are. Things make you bland and stale if you’re predictable and boring, and thus you have to be interesting and essential and different, while not detracting from anyone else seeking to do so.  I do not matter and neither does anyone else, but if we cease to exist whole galaxies and stars cease to exist. Lives cease to exist. We don’t matter. We are essential. We both seek to create the greater good and support that which makes us up be able to exist. Life is INCREDIBLE and vibrationally faceted, and our atoms and electrons are made of galaxies. We keep discovering more and becoming larger and more vibrant, but we block others out of the way. Life is finding the balance between us and US. Brb I gotta go de-period myself. Some people will praise this as their logical thought path, and others Will not. Being high and writing both is a meaningless waste of time, and who I COULD potentially be, exist as, contrubute. Those see part of it wrong, others see it as the way to live. We are essential, and we don’t matter.
Some will want this to go on, and some will want it to stop. Some may thing that my ramblings an essential way of deconstructing man, and some will see this as a throw away and garbage. They both matter, but neither should dominate.
This was sparked by the Office and weed.
Doing something kind and sweet for someone both inconveniences others but makes others better. All we can do is try and lift others up when they need to lift others. Chains. Links. When does morality become bad? Selfish, draining, self care, awareness vibrates out. Everyone has their existence and it tears me apart. It tears me apart and I want to see everything but I can see nothing without providing something for others to see.have power by not having power
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