consolingmemes · 4 years
These made me feel a little better in my dark times. I personally love animation and some of these may have spoilers, but they’re good quotes and they’re worth watching if you’re feeling down.
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consolingmemes · 4 years
Hey guys! Sorry, I have been gone. I had my own demons to deal with and I just want you to know I am sorry for not being there for you for motivation, but to also check on yourself once in a while! Take time off. Now, I know finals are getting crazy, I’m thankfully almost done with mine, BUT just think about all the relaxing you can do when its all over. No stress. Take a day the meditate if you want! just remember, I care about you!
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consolingmemes · 4 years
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[ I really don’t know why I made this, but I did. I’m bored in quarantine.] (2020). Retrieved from https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1789846-wholesome-memes
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consolingmemes · 4 years
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It’s all going to work out guys. Experts say we’re at the worst of it now, so it should go downhill after this difficult time. 
[Hello guys. I'm posting this one again( removed cause of rule 9). I hope that this is fine now] (2020). Retrieved from https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1787831-wholesome-memes
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consolingmemes · 4 years
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[Smashing Your Quarantine Boredom Away] (2020). Retrieved from https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1802833-wholesome-memes
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consolingmemes · 4 years
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[40 Random Memes to Kill Time in Quarantine] (2020). Retrieved from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/110760472074037067/
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consolingmemes · 4 years
Gotta get that beach body ready for when this is all over!!! I believe in you! Just because you’re stuck at home doesn’t mean you gotta do nothing all day. In fact, exercise may help with your feelings of being stir crazy! We can get through this! 
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consolingmemes · 4 years
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I thought this was cute. Wilson is still there to keep Tom Hanks company. Stay nice during this time like these healthcare workers.
[Keeping Spirits Up] (2020). Retrieved from https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1783330-wholesome-memes
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consolingmemes · 4 years
Hey guys!! I found this guide to help you all during this time of switching to online classes. I already took online classes so I at least knew what to expect, but not everyone is used to it. In fact, with all my classes going online, I got a little overwhelmed yesterday. But, I got my work done even with helping my mom with yard work. I just had to try and focus (I have ADD so it’s difficult), BUT I believe in you. We can all keep our GPAs up and we can do anything if we set our minds to it. I’ll be adding more wellness stuff than memes during this time, but I will still post memes and quotes to make us all feel a little better. During this time though, I think we need some tips and tricks to working from home and such, so I feel this is the best way to do my blog for now. 
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consolingmemes · 4 years
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I’m sure you’re wondering when your life will begin again. I’m here to say it will be alright. I know some of us are probably a little stir crazy right now, but what about watching a nice Disney movie! I can give recommendations, believe me, I’ve watched almost every Disney movie to date (I’m a nerd). Anyway, if you need to get out, walk around your yard for a short while, if you don’t have a yard, open a window and walk around it, anything to get rid of those jitters! Also if any college student is looking at this, you can get through these online classes! 
Bourn Bethany (n.d). [Disnerd Obsessions] Retrieved from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/85216617921511647/?autologin=true.
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consolingmemes · 4 years
I love Spongebob personally, especially the older episodes (I’m an early 2000s kid). This song always makes me laugh and it brightens my day. I just wanted to share a laugh with everyone. If you need some time away from the outside world, watch some cartoons! Or other shows too, I just think cartoons always make me happier. Binge watch for a while if it makes you feel better, but be sure to get up and walk around every once in a while. Gotta keep feeling in those legs! 
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consolingmemes · 4 years
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[Stahp it already] (2020). Retrieved from https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1786331-wholesome-memes.
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consolingmemes · 4 years
I don’t know who needs to see this, but DO YOUR ONLINE CLASSES! Don’t procrastinate and keep in contact with your professors. It’ll help you in the long run! It’s another thing to keep you busy and directly affects your grades. You can do this! Don’t understand something? Ask your professors! I hate asking for help, but you need to when you don’t understand a concept. I’ve learned that the hard way before. We can get through this. Don’t drop that GPA! I believe in you.
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consolingmemes · 4 years
Ideas to keep oneself busy. I personally, have been reading A LOT lately and playing video games to keep me preoccupied. Don’t just take naps constantly. I love naps, don’t get me wrong I have one every other day, but sleeping too much is bad for your health! Interest yourself with things. We can get through this together, I promise.
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consolingmemes · 4 years
This specific page has coping mechanisms for this very difficult time. There are disaster distress lines listed to call and talk to someone. Remember, you’re not alone and your mental health is so important, but during this time don’t forget about your overall wellness as well. We can get through this together!
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consolingmemes · 5 years
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[Re: Mental Health Memes] (2019). Retrieved from https://forums.au.reachout.com/t5/Hanging-out/Mental-Health-Memes/td-p/366910/page/10
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consolingmemes · 5 years
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[Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it isn’t so.] (2018). Retrieved from https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/stop-stigma-12-inspiring-quotes-about-mental-health-0512187
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