cookingrat · 5 days
I made Hungarian mushroom soup and it's a little too delicious to be real
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cookingrat · 1 month
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The obsession for Epic continues with Odysseus and Athena
Their relationship is... Complex
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cookingrat · 3 months
hi i just created an excel sheet where i can pick a meal and have it autopopulate the ingredients i'll need as a shopping list
i have never felt so smart
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cookingrat · 5 months
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kinda in love with the author of this chicken recipe and her love of garlic. karina if you’re single call me
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cookingrat · 7 months
is there anyone out there with a nyt cooking subscription
will they send me the chamomile tea cake with strawberry icing recipe
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cookingrat · 7 months
i mean this in the gentlest way possible: you need to eat vegetables. you need to become comfortable with doing so. i do not care if you are a picky eater because of autism (hi, i used to be this person!), you need to find at least some vegetables you can eat. find a different way to prepare them. chances are you would like a vegetable you hate if you prepared it in a stew or roasted it with seasoning or included it as an ingredient in a recipe. just. please start eating better. potatoes and corn are not sufficient vegetables for a healthy diet.
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cookingrat · 7 months
Can all the tumblr homosexuals agree to stop buying chick fil a. It's so depressing that across the board lgbt people and supporters are indifferent to chick fil a and feel fine buying it. Can we at least stigmatize it here
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cookingrat · 8 months
So it’s Flu Season again, and this recipe for Tea To Fix What Ails You was given to me by a Christian friend, and I’ve taken to calling it JESUS TEA due to it’s miraculous properties.  Even though it, technically, contains no tea.  This tea is as caffinie-free as anything processed in a US plant can get, but be sure to check the provenance and all ingredients in case of allergies.
You will Need:
A Bigass Pot, becuase this is something you make in large quantities
working stovetop
those lil cloth sachets you use for wassail/empty teabags/those lil reuseable loose-leaf tea steepers.
about a quart of water
1 cup apple cider
about half a lemon’s worth of juice
a shitwhack of honey- try to get as local as possible and generally the less-processed the better if you want to build a resistance to local allergens. If you have allergy concerns or don’t like the taste of honey, go ahead and use more processed stuff/another sweetener instead.
three tablespoons/three bags chamomile tea
three tablespoons/three bags rooibos tea
teaspoon crushed cloves
1 cinnamon stick (more if you like it spicier)
¼ tsp nutmeg
1/8 tsp cayenne or white pepper
Bring water to a simmer in the pot.  Add the chamomile, rooibos and spices to steep about 4-5 minutes or longer if you like tea-flavored tar which given you have the flu you probably do.  Add Cider, Lemon Juice and Honey until dissolved.  Drink all of this in the course of an hour to stay hydrated, make more pots as needed or until you pass out. 
FOR MAXIMUM EFFECTIVENESS: gargle warm salt water first for as long as you can, it’ll break up the mucus in your throat and soothe the soreness.
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cookingrat · 8 months
hey, don’t cry. one half flour one half yogurt knead into dough and fry for easy flatbread and dip in balsamic vinegar, okay?
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cookingrat · 8 months
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cookingrat · 10 months
Fried Rice
Make and chill the rice the day before.
Dice an onion and some garlic. Man, I need to buy powdered garlic, this fresh shit's too much trouble.
Saute the onion, garlic, and some peas and carrots with butter.
Put the rice in, along with soy sauce, oyster sauce, and sesame oil.
Scramble an egg in there.
You are done.
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cookingrat · 10 months
Beef Stew (or Curry)
Dice four potatoes and a whole onion.
Put potatoes and onion in pressure cooker with frozen peas and carrots.
Add beef. If you can help it, don't cut it before cooking. This helps it retain moisture and keeps it from coming out gummy. Maybe slap some cornstarch on it, but it doesn't really matter.
Salt, pepper, and oil all ingredients. For beef curry, add curry blocks. For stew, don't.
Add 1/4 cup of water. I promise this is enough water.
Other recipes will tell you to cook for 30 minutes. This is a damnable lie. Cook on high for 10.
You are done.
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cookingrat · 10 months
every time i see those posts like ‘what food from a show did YOU always wanna try’ i go lol none? but i just remembered im a liar
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i always wanted the fucking soup brock made in the pokemon anime
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cookingrat · 10 months
Shrimp Fettuccine Alfredo
Boil fettuccine for however long it says to boil it on the box.
Saute the shrimp until pink and then take it out.
Heat up the sauce. Do not just dump it on top of the shrimp or the shrimp will be overcooked.
Now put the shrimp and the pasta in. Add salt, pepper, and paprika.
You are done.
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cookingrat · 10 months
Char Siu Mini Ribs
Marinate mini pork ribs in char siu sauce, salt, pepper, and oil.
Air fry for fuck knows how long.
You are done.
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cookingrat · 10 months
Fish Congee
Put 3/4 cup of rice and 7 cups of water in a pressure cooker. Add ginger and fish.
Cook at high pressure for 30 minutes.
Open, stir until thick. Add salt and pepper.
You are done.
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cookingrat · 10 months
Potato Salad
Boil four peeled and diced potatoes and two eggs in pressure cooker at high pressure for ten minutes.
While this happens, chop pickles and celery.
Drain potatoes and eggs and add to a large bowl. Add pickles and celery to large bowl.
Mix in vegetable oil, salt, pepper, mustard, and mayonnaise.
You are done.
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