cortez1998 · 3 years
Check out my portfolio on Shutterstock! https://www.shutterstock.com/g/Ana+Cortez?rid=225694107&utm_medium=nativeapp&utm_source=ctrbreferral-link
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cortez1998 · 3 years
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The beauty of smallpond that hold many life yet you never know what it holds
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cortez1998 · 3 years
Small World
Vanished with the winds carefree
Restlessness mind jolt of riddles
How do I walk went guilt of wonder of the world
Dream a world bright as this
Tears to one's eye to think this is the end
Small world that stops for a second
Eyes open wide as space to see....
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cortez1998 · 3 years
Sky Lights
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Hello light in the sky silences drown to you
No words could say what you show
My mind runs with you to free the words of thoughts
Why don't you see the light of words?
Sky of light bright my mind to words dream to see
Wishing the power run with the clouds
Pull me up the sky be free in line of air
Sun don't run away, please
Stay for me help to reach the sky be free.
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cortez1998 · 4 years
Unknown POV
The nations occurred suspicious activities the past years when projected DNA modification was proselytized, nonetheless why has no public media explanation of missing people? They're several reasons why I have been looking into the disappearance of people who started to join the elite detachment, yet there are more questions than answers. The first candidates involved in the DNA modification never were disclosed to the public, but why had they been terminated? The news of 10 people being the elite military force was realized to the public.
Two elite detachment that experimented with DNA modification. Since no one knows that countless civilians were forced into an agreement with the international military be tested subjects, that when under the radar. The 10 soldiers we're chosen were unknown recruits, the only way you knew that they were elite was by their tattoo on their necks or patches on the clothes that had the number that identifies them. However, we only know five of their real names.
#1(Mason) The leader of the first group of 5(Knights) he was calm and intelligent, never wanted the government to fall he expects to establish a strong team that holds its pride. He had many doubts about his team nonetheless he was proving wrong.
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#2(Nova) She was second in command yet was a cheerful personality that many people have a hard time understanding how she was part of the elites groups. She had a hard time adjusting to the new life she had chosen. She left many loved ones that question her decision to be a part group of murderers, it doesn't stop her from joining the testing.
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#3(Karson) He was a skilled hacker than had several government officials watching him. He was to lay back personality those results in many flaws being in the field so the team holds him in response to being the eyes and hears for the team. He honestly doesn't come off as an honest person when he says that they gave him a choice being a test subject or go to prison.
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#4(Ana) She was more insane than others but still listen to a command from #1. She never had a normal life at age 5 her life was full of hand on hand combat. She was a mystery to the team but was never trusted less. The troubling truth she was the first experiment of DNA modification.
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#5(Hector)He has a serious personality but that's a character that he wants others to think, in other words, his the jester within the team. He yearns for the team to be more relaxed with each other even was the worst moment to joke around still happy that the team get his personality and jokes.
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They were hand-pick for their skills that made them a good candidate for the program and had the opportunity to change the world (that was thought that was the job each this subject was told to do) to be believer warriors to their leaders. The country's leaders want these warriors to stand for them and cleaned up the malfeasance and show authorities to the civilians.
The world was debating if we need these teams (murders) to stand in the front line of our battles, even more, half of them reminded them about how they made the project for less power to the public and government to not get their hand dirty.
Until scientists told the leaders is risky how they are pushing them to the point they will lose control of them.
That was history how everything happens at once the world was in an uproar of the elite soldiers going haywire. There were two teams, Knights that wants to help the civilians and hold down the line of duty of a warrior, yet team Raven went haywire they case the outbreak of the virus that had many dead and mutant creatures that went rampage around the world. The world lost that day.
Since the outbreak, no one has seen or had any glimpsed of the teams yet some say, Knight has a camp for refugees to feel safe and training people in combat.
I don't trust these rumors because even they do have a safe place how long would it be when they turn on us and kill everyone in their camp. It has been a long journey for me because everyone I knew is died or is missing.
The credit goes to all the artists that I had used, the amazing drawings and digital art.
This is my first writing a book and I suck at spelling and grammar so invents I'm sorry, but you can leave a comment to tell me if anything is wrong or advise what I can improve.
Thank you for reading
Check out the art on https://www.artstation.com
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cortez1998 · 4 years
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A trip to remember
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cortez1998 · 4 years
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cortez1998 · 4 years
Artist statement
The idea of being a photographer was not the first thing in my mind to want to please my family of being a doctor and follow my sister, yet the world changes even the ideas of one’s thought of being who they want when they start. I don’t think photography was my idea for a job for my future. I as a kid don’t see the world, how now I use poetry and stories to tell the image story that makes one's mind open to the world and another view of the objects that lies to the eye. Although my thoughts stop doesn’t mean that my words of poems stop to make the images a real story and why I make the image on its own that I want others to be more alone to speak the really one's thoughts that make the world a small object to me. Music helps me to work on my images and the change of using the subject that can follow the music of the emotional statement of the photo and the freedom of doing the I don't enjoy in the world is taking photos of people and subjects. There was time that I looked around and thought about my ending of my book of fighting and silence of my insane mind that holds more than I thought about how to escape the chains that hold me down that most follow my family line of job that they want even though I don’t like the job. When you start something it never ends in your mind that everything could be better if you put more time into the work you're doing or moving on to the next thing you see and push everything to the side. Artist Bio
Small world that holds my mind went through stories and poems that free me of the chains that last the end of time. I lose my mind went the silence of the world I want the fine resounds why I do photography for the joy to see the world different view of other thoughts and stories that tells my view point to the really of everything that changes and the eyes of a bird that is free to see the big world it was my idea of my images to be like.
Artist expressing
Ansel Adams and William Henry Jackson both artists have part in my work over years that help me point my view of the photos I take and build a background about the world of the eyes of a small world.
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cortez1998 · 4 years
A shadow pass by of all days
Storms that cries for the soul that whimpers in the back.
Tiers of a storm fall for this shadow
Why scream alone in the rain my dear shadow
Passing by like a ghost no one see my tiers
See the lost of my eyes that ask the truth of one's shadows
I see a storms in those eyes
Silence room you must be in no one will stop if you own wall of shadows that surround you.
Don’t let it over power you, speak up don’t drown in pool of despair.
Fine a voice in the end of the road or swim to the sun that give your light to the darkness.
I don’t get that many people push those that don’t speak out for help, yet some stand there is like their waiting to see the pain or see them helpless why?
Storms roars went pain, that fear the truth of many of being locked up in their own mind that close you up and hear whispering in the deeps of your mind that stand over you.
Do you hear that the loud……..?
Going down the road you see no one yet there you are pleas don’t run from it.
Fine a voice at the end of the road or swim to the sun that gives your hope to the darkness.
Sun of silence, alone again, yet there souls that are passing by.
Not a single soul will stop and see the truth of one's lost eyes.
Open those eyes and see that your wrong.
Sunlight that opens its doors, yet no one stops questing the sudden change.
Own voice hesitates.
Why my shadow you cries for those that walk in the sunlight with joy yet here we are.
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cortez1998 · 5 years
My mind
Wise Wind
The guilt over years of seeing the change wanting to be someone that works as a doctor, to a chef, and then a photographer. The world’s doors open to see the new illusions of dreams, yet when you know what you’re going to do, the dreams stop at the end of the line. I want to be someone who helps, open eye to the toxics world of lies, the justice of one’s own thoughts of not seeing the reality of life being taken away, nor you see a view of wonder of fear and horror that makes questions raise, yet I see the light to my world overshadowing the lies of one’s own power to not say the resound to the stories that are tell over time a lost the truth of the world that everything had, their poems in heart the adventures that lurks around the world that I want to find and see the reason to be here in this world and have bright ideas the endless madness to my thoughts.
Unity what I see the world balance on the calm thoughts of a river that falls to no end, yet the dreams of ones hands lost to war that conflict other’s thoughts. You learn the history about the world even though you don’t want to know yet it never stop the idea that you have while questioning the minds’ own thoughts. Since I don’t have much in life like others in my short time I feel lost to the photos that make me be alone to silence the true nature of my world. The wings one has the tied to a post holding my fear of thinking I’m not true to myself, yet I want to be that photographer that shows the real fear of every country and the pain that stain the roads you walk.
The time I got older is when I saw the difference between my younger self having the time of my life and realize that I’m not that joyful kid that everyone thought I was, between everything that had happened went my family losing its thrust. I postponed the idea of being carefree about anything else in the world is when I gave up on my self that thought gave me the choice of letting my dream drive by. The accomplishment I had in high school was small went my photography but it was everything to me with The Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) Eye on Houston.
Photography is an eye-opener seeing the reality of people who took themselves and have sacrificed for the image to display why we most look at different views of the world. The thoughts of others who are displayed in the photos have a silence message to everyone past by. My work as a photographer was short is not the same when I was 16 years old, know that I’m 20 years old I see the difference between my idea of life and planning I had to do many decisions to slow down and if was a good idea to be a photographer, yet my mind is set to move on and work what my parents want me to study business major to be something other waiting on a dream that could not have to me.
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cortez1998 · 6 years
My thoughts
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The dream only lasted to dawn
My nightmare has come even if I run to the end
Why can you see that my mind is not for anyone that passed.
Found myself to want the freedom like others
Could dream about the lost time of being a kid that passed my last breath
Most of what I think about the past hold many secrets.
Why can I stop running for the fear of losing my breath to the light many say its wonders for the mind.
It’s just a DREAM!!
NO! I can’t see the reality of my horror of being alone in faded light.
No, Wait I can run but it holds me back to the dark mist of lies.
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cortez1998 · 6 years
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Alone tree that whittle away.
Why can you see me with what little light that shines on me?
My last breath to be here and have many stop and ask me, “Is this your last time?”
I have little time in this world that has come to the end and I know is not for me to see how I can stand with them.
Thought of being here would last, but it was a lie to myself to be gleeful of everything that passed with a new day to come.
I find my way slowly to my future, to stand once again here and end tell of the once me that stood with my fellow friends.
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