coven-of-genesis · 8 days
Money affirmations tailored to each Human Design type:
Manifestors: "I trust my innate ability to initiate and manifest abundance effortlessly."
Generators: "I am aligned with my true desires, and abundance flows easily into my life as I follow my sacral response."
Manifesting Generators: "I honor my multi-passionate nature, and as I take inspired action, I attract abundant opportunities effortlessly."
Projectors: "I recognize my unique gifts and talents, and I attract abundance by waiting for the right invitations and aligning with the right people."
Reflectors: "I embrace my ability to reflect the energy of abundance in my environment, attracting prosperity and opportunities for transformation."
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coven-of-genesis · 2 months
Film recommendations for each zodiac sign
♈︎ ♉︎ ♊︎ ♋︎ ♌︎ ♍︎ ♎︎ ♏︎ ♐︎ ♑︎ ♒︎ ♓︎
♈︎ Aries: “127 Hours” - A gripping survival story that showcases the resilience and determination of the human spirit, resonating with Aries’ fearless and adventurous nature.
♉︎ Taurus: “Chocolat” - A charming film set in a quaint French village, centered around the joys of food, love, and indulgence, perfect for Taurus’ appreciation of sensual pleasures and culinary delights.
♊︎ Gemini: “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” - A mind-bending romantic drama that explores the complexities of memory, love, and identity, catering to Gemini’s curiosity and love for intellectual stimulation.
♋︎ Cancer: “Moonlight” - A poignant coming-of-age drama that delves into themes of identity, family, and emotional intimacy, resonating with Cancer’s sensitivity, empathy, and deep emotional connections.
♌︎ Leo: “The King’s Speech” - A compelling historical drama that portrays the journey of King George VI as he overcomes his speech impediment to lead his country, appealing to Leo’s love for grandeur, leadership, and triumph over adversity.
♍︎ Virgo: “Julie & Julia” - A delightful film that intertwines the stories of chef Julia Child and blogger Julie Powell, celebrating the joys of cooking, creativity, and the pursuit of perfection, aligning with Virgo’s attention to detail and passion for craftsmanship.
♎︎ Libra: “Amélie” - A whimsical romantic comedy set in Paris, following the charmingly quirky Amélie as she spreads joy and love to those around her, catering to Libra’s appreciation for beauty, romance, and heartfelt connections.
♏︎ Scorpio: “Oldboy” - A gritty and intense thriller that explores themes of revenge, betrayal, and redemption, perfect for Scorpios who are drawn to dark and psychologically complex narratives.
♐︎ Sagittarius: “Wild” - Based on the memoir by Cheryl Strayed, this film follows her journey of self-discovery and healing as she hikes the Pacific Crest Trail alone, reflecting Sagittarius’ love for adventure, freedom, and exploration of the unknown.
♑︎ Capricorn: “Moneyball” - A compelling sports drama that chronicles the true story of Billy Beane’s unconventional approach to building a winning baseball team, appealing to Capricorn’s strategic thinking, ambition, and determination to succeed.
♒︎ Aquarius: “Waking Life” - An experimental animated film that explores philosophical themes through a series of interconnected dream sequences, perfect for Aquarians who are drawn to unconventional ideas, intellectual exploration, and deep philosophical pondering.
♓︎ Pisces: “Pan’s Labyrinth” - A dark fantasy film set against the backdrop of post-Civil War Spain, blending reality with elements of fairy tale and magic realism, appealing to Pisces’ imaginative and mystical sensibilities.
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coven-of-genesis · 2 months
Sun + Rising sign combination
Here's an explanation of each Sun sign combined with Aries Rising:
1. Aries Sun with Aries Rising:
- This combination intensifies Aries traits, making the individual bold, assertive, and full of energy. They project confidence and enthusiasm, often being seen as natural leaders who fearlessly pursue their goals.
2. Taurus Sun with Aries Rising:
- Taurus' grounded and stable nature mixes with the Aries' fiery energy, creating a person who is determined and practical but also ambitious and action-oriented. They have a strong drive to succeed and may appear more assertive than typical Taurus individuals.
3. Gemini Sun with Aries Rising:
- This pairing blends intellectual curiosity and quick wit (Gemini) with a bold and impulsive approach (Aries). These individuals are communicative, adventurous, and enjoy taking on new challenges with enthusiasm.
4. Cancer Sun with Aries Rising:
- Emotional depth and sensitivity (Cancer) merge with Aries' assertiveness, resulting in individuals who are fiercely protective of their loved ones and have a strong drive to create a secure and nurturing environment. They may display a mix of assertiveness and nurturing qualities.
5. Leo Sun with Aries Rising:
- This combination amplifies the fiery and confident nature of both signs. Individuals with this placement are dynamic, charismatic, and natural-born leaders who enjoy taking risks and being in the spotlight. They exude enthusiasm and courage.
6. Virgo Sun with Aries Rising:
- Virgo's analytical and detail-oriented approach blends with Aries' assertiveness, creating individuals who are efficient, organized, and goal-oriented. They have a strong drive for perfectionism and may appear more assertive than typical Virgo individuals.
7. Libra Sun with Aries Rising:
- This pairing combines Libra's diplomatic and harmonious nature with Aries' assertiveness, resulting in individuals who are sociable, charming, and assertive in pursuing their desires. They have a strong sense of justice and fairness.
8. Scorpio Sun with Aries Rising:
- Intensity and passion (Scorpio) merge with Aries' boldness, creating individuals who are fiercely determined, resourceful, and assertive. They possess strong instincts and are not afraid to dive deep into any situation to uncover the truth.
9. Sagittarius Sun with Aries Rising:
- This combination amplifies the adventurous and optimistic nature of both signs. Individuals with this placement are independent, freedom-loving, and adventurous, with a strong desire to explore new horizons and pursue their passions with enthusiasm.
10. Capricorn Sun with Aries Rising:
- Capricorn's ambition and practicality blend with Aries' assertiveness, resulting in individuals who are hardworking, disciplined, and goal-oriented. They have a strong drive to succeed and are not afraid to take on leadership roles.
11. Aquarius Sun with Aries Rising:
- This pairing combines Aquarius' originality and independence with Aries' assertiveness, creating individuals who are innovative, visionary, and unafraid to challenge the status quo. They are natural leaders who value freedom and individuality.
12. Pisces Sun with Aries Rising:
- Pisces' sensitivity and empathy merge with Aries' assertiveness, resulting in individuals who are compassionate, intuitive, and assertive in pursuing their dreams. They may possess a strong imagination and creative spirit, coupled with a drive to take action.
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coven-of-genesis · 2 months
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coven-of-genesis · 3 months
I can't believe it! After countless months of pouring my heart and soul into my debut book, it's finally complete. This journey has been an emotional rollercoaster, but I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to bring my ideas to life.
I can't wait to share this piece of my soul with all of you soon. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your unwavering support! 💓
My book is about colour magic & how to use it to improve your life / manifest
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coven-of-genesis · 3 months
Aromatherapy for beauty 
Smell is the most primitive of all our senses. Our smell receptors send messages directly to the limbic system - the deep part of the brain that controls emotions.
Essential oils distilled from natural botanicals can exert a powerful influence on our mood and spiritual balance.
They can even improve sleep and manage pain. And they can be a potent ingredient of your beauty routine that visibly lifts both your internal and external well-being.
Diffuse aromatherapy oils using a diffuser or spray bottle to evoke a particular mood and move you closer to your desired intention. Oils can be applied directly to your skin diluted in a neutral carrier oil - argan oil and rosehip oil are both excellent carrier oils.
Why not try mixing your own essential oil blend to create a bespoke beauty treatment that works its magic just for you.
Aromatherapy oils are a beauty essential. Research what works for your mood as well as your skin, or get started with these classic beauty boosters.
Lavender -
The queen of beauty oils, lavender is calming, gentle and nourishing and can reduce the appearance of blemishes.
It promotes good sleep and helps with relaxation and de-stressing - and when you're peaceful and well rested, beautiful is easy.
Lemon -
This oil's high concentration of D-limonene, a compound that helps promote circulation, gives it magical skin-repairing and toning properties.
Frankincense -
Prized since ancient Egyptian times for its ability to keep skin youthful, this heady oil can reduce the appearance of fine lines and give your skin a radiant glow.
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coven-of-genesis · 3 months
Crystals for beauty
They're not just pretty rocks. Crystals are conduits for the Earth's healing and life-giving elements.
These ancient stones pick up on your unique vibrational energy, focus your intentions and send them out into the universe. Crystal energy can be calming or uplifting.
It can release negative emotions or stimulate creativity.
Choose a stone associated with your intention and use it to amplify the energy you most want to embody.
Carry your crystal in a pocket or wear it as jewellery.
Hold it during meditation, keep it under your pillow or create an altar in your home. Invite crystal energy into your beauty ritual by infusing a stone in water to wash your face, or use a crystal skincare roller. As you work with your crystal it will become attuned to your unique vibrations.
Certain crystals seem to just make you glow, whether it's your skin or your inner light. Check out these three magical beauty stones.
This gorgeous purple stone raises your vibration, banishes negative emotions and helps control stress. It may even help you get that all-important beauty sleep.
Clear quartz
The stone of spirituality and clarity, clear quartz vibrates with the crown chakra - the source of your radiant inner beauty.
Treasured for centuries for its anti-aging properties, jade is said to reduce inflammation, increase circulation and smooth out tension.
Note: Don't be scared to do your own research to find a crystal that works for you. That's part of the fun.
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coven-of-genesis · 3 months
Colour visualisation exercise
Visualising a specific colour will bring the energy of that colour into your body, helping you direct your energy flow to better achieve your intention. When you connect with a colour of beauty it infuses your consciousness with transformational energy.
Repeat the exercise as described opposite three times each day for a week. When you feel ready, increase your concentration time to two minutes. Your ultimate goal is to reach five minutes of meditation on your chosen colour.
1. Close your eyes and take a few deep, nourishing breaths.
2. Choose one of the colours for beauty and imagine your field of vision being suffused with this colour.
3. Concentrate on the colour for one minute.
4. Take a one-minute break.
5. Repeat the process twice more.
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coven-of-genesis · 3 months
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Spent today book hunting 📚🧋
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coven-of-genesis · 3 months
Colours for beauty
Every cell in our body needs energy from light, and colour is light made visible.
Different colours are simply energy vibrating at different speeds. At lower vibrations we get warmer colours, such as red and orange, while higher vibrations produce cooler colours like blue.
When you focus on a specific colour it can influence your own energy vibrations. That's why colour has such a powerful effect on your spiritual and emotional state. It can have a powerful healing influence, too.
Explore the colours associated with beauty and bring them into your life in whatever way feels right to you - wear them, surround yourself with them, or do a colour visualisation exercise.
Use the power of colour psychology for a confidence boost and a flash of that inner glow of beauty.
Golden yellow
This warm, happy colour lifts your feelings of optimism and self-esteem to give you an aura that is assured and outgoing - the most attractive of qualities.
Red gives us a burst of positive energy, which may be the reason wearing red makes us feel more physically attractive - it's been proven by scientific research.
This vibrant purple stimulates the crown chakra, the home of your inner radiance. It has the highest vibration of any visible colour and symbolises spirituality and purification.
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coven-of-genesis · 3 months
Numerology in magic
Numerology in magic is the practice of assigning mystical significance to numbers. It involves interpreting the inherent vibrations and energies associated with numbers to gain insights into one's life, destiny, and spiritual path. Practitioners may use a person's birthdate, name, or other significant numbers to uncover hidden meanings and connections. Numerology is often integrated into various magical and occult traditions as a tool for divination and personal growth. Keep in mind that beliefs in numerology can vary widely, and it's considered a form of esoteric knowledge rather than a scientifically proven practice.
In numerology, each number is believed to have its own unique vibration and symbolism.
Here's a brief overview of the meanings associated with the single-digit numbers in numerology:
1: Independence, leadership, new beginnings.
2: Cooperation, balance, harmony.
3: Creativity, communication, expression.
4: Stability, structure, practicality.
5: Change, versatility, freedom.
6: Harmony, nurturing, responsibility.
7: Introspection, spirituality, inner wisdom.
8: Ambition, power, material success.
9: Completion, compassion, humanitarianism.
Numerologists also consider master numbers (11, 22, 33) as powerful and spiritually significant. These numbers are not reduced to a single digit and are believed to carry enhanced spiritual vibrations.
Practitioners may analyze and interpret these numbers in various combinations, such as through the analysis of birth charts or names, to gain insights into personal traits, life events, and spiritual paths. Numerology is a tool used in divination, personal development, and magical practices to explore the mystical connections between numbers and the universe.
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coven-of-genesis · 3 months
Grimoires & magical texts explained
Grimoires are books containing magical instructions, spells, and rituals. They have a long history, with some dating back to medieval times. These texts are often associated with occult practices, ceremonial magic, and the pursuit of esoteric knowledge. Grimoires typically include information on summoning spirits, creating protective amulets, and performing divination.
Some well-known grimoires include "The Key of Solomon," "The Lesser Key of Solomon" (Lemegeton), "The Book of Abramelin," and "The Picatrix." Grimoires are diverse, reflecting different cultural and mystical traditions. Practitioners may use them as guides for spiritual development, spellcasting, or ceremonial magic.
Grimoires often include symbols, sigils, and incantations, with practitioners using them as guides for magical workings. It's important to note that these texts are part of diverse mystical traditions, and interpretations may vary.
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coven-of-genesis · 3 months
What do u suggest to make a friendship work? Like make the person your best friend ( not love) but like best pal
Building a strong friendship involves open communication, shared interests, and mutual support. Invest time in getting to know each other, be a good listener, and create shared memories through shared activities. Building a solid foundation takes time, so be patient and authentic in your interactions.
In a magical context, envision a deep connection with the person, focus on positive energy, and imagine a bond strengthened by shared laughter, trust, and understanding. Visualization and intention can have a powerful impact on the energy of a friendship.
Consider creating a symbolic ritual, like exchanging small tokens that represent your bond. Visualize a magical thread connecting your hearts, strengthening with every shared moment. Share dreams and aspirations, aligning your magical energies to support each other's growth and happiness.
Enchant a special item together, imbuing it with the essence of your friendship. Picture a magical sanctuary where you both retreat to strengthen your bond, a place filled with warmth and laughter. Trust in the magic of positivity and kindness to enhance the connection, creating a friendship that endures challenges and flourishes over time.
Hope this has given you some good ideas and guidance if there is anything else i can assist with please let me know! 💞
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coven-of-genesis · 3 months
Do you know the symbolism of statues of woman are? I had a dream where there were a few fountains of the same woman who was pouring water into the lake around me.
Long story short. Elementary school taking place underneath a lake but the entrance to the school took place at the shore. Fountains of the same woman everywhere. In the lake.
It was weird.
In your dream, the statues of a woman pouring water into the lake could symbolize the nurturing or emotional aspects of femininity. Water often represents emotions, so the fountains may suggest a flow of feelings. The elementary school beneath the lake could relate to foundational aspects of your early education or childhood memories. The dream setting at the shore implies a connection between the conscious (shore) and subconscious (lake). Overall, your dream seems to blend elements of emotion, education, and subconscious experiences, creating a unique and symbolic narrative.
I suggest keeping a dream journal so you can look back & keep track of different significant events or objects in your dreams. I hope this has answered your question, always here if you need more advice guidance. Best of luck to you 💕
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coven-of-genesis · 3 months
Types of meditation
1. Mindfulness meditation: Focus on your breath or a specific sensation, bringing your attention to the present moment.
2. Loving-kindness meditation: Cultivate feelings of love and compassion towards yourself and others.
3. Transcendental Meditation: Repeat a mantra to achieve a state of relaxed awareness.
4. Body scan meditation: Direct attention to different parts of your body, releasing tension and promoting relaxation.
5. Zen meditation (Zazen): Sit in a specific posture, focus on your breath, and observe thoughts without attachment.
6. Guided meditation: Follow a recorded or live guide's instructions for visualization and relaxation.
7. Vipassana meditation: Develop insight by observing bodily sensations and thoughts with non-reactive awareness.
8. Yoga nidra: A state of conscious relaxation achieved through guided meditation while lying down.
9. Chakra meditation: Focus on energy centers in the body, visualizing and balancing them.
10. Mantra meditation: Repeat a word, phrase, or sound to quiet the mind and enhance concentration.
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coven-of-genesis · 3 months
Time magic - Chronomancy
Time magic, also known as chronomancy, is a concept within the realm of magical practices that involves the manipulation, perception, or influence of time. Practitioners of time magic may explore various aspects of time, including past, present, and future, seeking to understand or alter events within the temporal continuum.
Chronomancy often involves rituals, spells, or meditative practices designed to tap into the fabric of time. Some practitioners may focus on divination methods specifically related to predicting or gaining insights into future events. Others might attempt to alter their perception of time, achieving a state of timelessness or experiencing time differently through meditation or altered states of consciousness.
In the realm of time magic and chronomancy, practitioners might explore additional concepts and techniques:
1. Temporal Loops: Creating or entering cyclical patterns in time, where events repeat.
2. Time Travel: Attempting to move backward or forward in time, either in consciousness or physically.
3. Time Dilation: Manipulating the perceived speed of time, making it feel faster or slower.
4. Causality Manipulation: Influencing the cause-and-effect relationships of events through magical means.
5. Temporal Sight: Gaining the ability to see glimpses of the past or future.
6. Time Shields: Creating magical barriers or shields that affect the passage of time within a specific area.
7. Age Manipulation: Influencing the aging or de-aging of living beings.
8. Temporal Anchors: Establishing fixed points in time that resist manipulation or alteration.
(It's important to approach these concepts with a recognition of their speculative nature, often rooted in mythology, fiction, and magical traditions rather than scientific principles. Time magic is a captivating element in various cultures, stories, and esoteric practices. Time magic is often speculative and imaginative, as time manipulation goes beyond our current scientific understanding.)
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coven-of-genesis · 3 months
Crystals to help positivity improve your mental health
While crystals are not a substitute for professional mental health care, some people find them supportive. Amethyst is often associated with calming energy and stress relief. Clear quartz is believed to amplify positive thoughts. Rose quartz may promote feelings of love and self-compassion. Citrine is associated with boosting mood and energy. However, it's essential to approach crystal use with an open mind, recognizing that their effects are subjective and may vary among individuals. Lepidolite is thought to have calming properties and may aid in reducing anxiety and promoting emotional balance. Black tourmaline is believed to help with grounding and protection from negative energies. Selenite is associated with clarity and is often used for cleansing energy. Blue lace agate is said to support communication and ease emotional tension. Remember that the use of crystals is based on belief systems, and scientific evidence may not fully support their claimed benefits. It's essential to incorporate them into a broader approach to mental health that includes professional guidance and evidence-based practices.
Aventurine is believed to bring luck and prosperity while fostering a positive outlook. Labradorite is associated with enhancing intuition and reducing feelings of insecurity. Hematite is thought to provide a sense of grounding and stability. Smoky quartz is often used for stress relief and grounding negative energies. Keep in mind that individual experiences with crystals can vary, and the effectiveness may depend on personal beliefs and practices. Always approach crystal use as a complementary aspect to a holistic mental health approach that includes professional help when needed.
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