cowfii · 29 days
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I'm trying to improve and I feel stuck in the same place
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cowfii · 1 month
I'm fine, just mentally tired...
Well, I plan to make a new universe called ''My Visionaid" or "Calmssence"
I will try to be as original as possible, I want this project to be mine
If I manage to finish the concept art, it will be uploaded to a digital book so you can see it, and if you think it's worth it
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cowfii · 2 months
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⚠️Due to the critical situation in Venezuela🇻🇪 , I DECIDE TO OPEN EMERGENCY COMMISSIONS ⚠️
✅I can draw:
• Furrys
• Ponys
• Mild gore
• Mild NSFW
• Oc's
• Stickman
🚫I can not draw:
• Dinamic poses
• Mecha
• Realism
• Fetishes
• Hate draw
More details in private chat, HELP SHARE!!!!
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/cowfii
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cowfii · 2 months
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Connor ✨✨✨💛
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cowfii · 3 months
I think Billy and Nicole’s interactions are so cute ☺️ (I’ll post the more nsfw start on my Subscribestar later next week 💪)
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cowfii · 3 months
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"Sit down little one, do you want some tea?"
•Welcome to my abode
• Welcome to my humble Tublr!, where I will upload drawings and texts about my characters!
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— Who I am? ᕦ🐄ᕤ
I'm Cowfii!, you can call me Cofi/Connor/Coco, whatever is most comfortable for you! I'm 18 years old and I'm a cartoonist!
I like cows and fantasy!
You can use any pronoun with me, although if you use the pronouns He/Him Would be perfect!
• Games I play: Sky: Children of the light, AFK Journey, Minecraft.
I support and am part of the LGBTIQ+ community, I am Pansexual!
📍 (Any form of hatred towards me, my beliefs and tastes, Bye Bye)
"Oh, If it's me!, a cartoonist who spends his time sleeping to travel to the universe of his dreams..."
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¡Warning! ᕦ🚩ᕤ
This is a space not suitable for minors, if you are, I kindly ask you to leave, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF A MINOR SEE MY CONTENT, maintain discretion.
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ᕦ⁠🌼ᕤ Content i will upload —
Illustrations (+18) (This type of content is censored)
Commission process
Small stories
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Commission Information
ᕦ📍ᕤ I have open commissions! Although at the moment I will be doing said work slowly due to studies.
ᕦ💚ᕤ. Do:
ᕦ🚩ᕤ. Dont:
Dynamic poses
Hate drawings
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Interested in a commission?, write to me!, muak💕—
ᕦ💌ᕤ. Social networks:
X: ᕦPressᕤ
Instagram: ᕦPressᕤ
DeviantArt: ᕦPressᕤ
• Donations
A small donation would help me a lot to improve my work equipment!
~~~> ¡Buy me a Cappuccino at Ko-fi here!
ᕦ🫂ᕤ. Support my friends!
My friends are my brothers, and we support each other, support their work by making a donation on Ko-fi!
💙 • Bluester: Buy a coffee for Blue on Ko-fi!
¡Follow Blue on Tumblr!, Click here!
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ᕦ📌ᕤ • Consider...
• I am not very active due to personal problems, I also suffer from psychological problems, I will try my best to answer questions and upload content!
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cowfii · 3 months
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The Last Supper
Who couldn't say no to Chii's face after she had worked so hard for that delicious soup?
I wanted to feature my nest from Season of Nesting, and had a "brilliant" idea of featuring it as a comic! Which I shouldn't have, and should've just went with a single art TuT I had to sacrifice quality as a result, or else I'd be finish by 2025... I'm very proud of my kitchen and bath area especially~
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cowfii · 3 months
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I have always had the HC that the skykid/moth is NB. so yesss NB cape
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cowfii · 3 months
[OC Stuff] "The Thirteen Isles"
More OC dump stuff because 1. I feel like it and 2. I'm taking a mini break from writing the Harvey smut 😔
Also I actually need to work on building my character's story a bit so there's that too-
Entry #2 :: "RogueMay Del Vachey" [Pt. 1]
To understand why he's the way he is, it's important to focus on his parents first. They're the basis of why he's the man that he is today, as well as explaining a lot of his personality traits.
One, his mother is a Sun Elf. (Meeka Hollowsong) They're considered the most "prestigious" amongst the elven races and she was born into a clan renowned for their singing abilities that have a paralyzing effect on anyone who hears it (Only those with their blood are immune to the effects).
Two, his father (Nasarious Vachey) is a normal human nomad and is part of a trio of brothers who call themselves the "Vachey Nomads". Over time, however, as the brothers got married and whatnot, the clan grew larger as they started having children and picked up stragglers along the way. This lifestyle is how Nasarious eventually meets Meeka—
And one, the middle brother of the Vacheys wandered too far from his clan's temporary resting place, eventually stumbling upon a quaint village deep within the heartlands of the Isle commonly thought to belong solely to the Sun Elves, Sunlight's Landing. And the village, built to surround a large and gorgeous oasis, was like taking a step into the heavens.
The scent of citrus fruits and exotic plants filled his senses along with the bird-like dragons that flew about the place, breathing their harmless fires as they flew roost to roost upon the houses where Sand Moss hung heavy along the red stone walls. Desert flowers bloomed in the front yards and elven folk dressed in uniformly silk clothing walked here and about.
As a human, it was hard not to feel out of place. Especially with so many eyes glancing his direction with either a curious gaze or a distrustful glare. Yet, none paid him too much mind as he wandered around, eventually coming to sit and rest his backside against a tree that decently blocked out the sun before Nasarious eventually found himself slowly dozing off to sleep until...
The scent of pomegranate, mixed with...a floral yet lemony scent?
And when he opened his eyes, the most gorgeous being he had ever rested his eyes upon stood in front of him. A mocha-skinned Sun elf woman dressed in a black silk dress, tied with a white sash. Her turquoise eyes as sharp as the sun's glare would be upon one's naked backside whilst her orange hair gave even more life to her annoyance as she looked down at the foreign human.
"What is a human doing upon my estate?"
Nasarious fell harder for Meeka than Meeka fell for him.
In Nasarious' eyes? Meeka was the only woman he could see himself with from that point on while Meeka only saw a stranger that she would eventually scold her servants for not getting rid of quicker later on.
But, the thing about Sun elves is that they're very arrogant and prideful about their appearances. So much to the point where having a child? It's considered an affront to their beauty, their entire race is willing to go entirely extinct in the pursuit of keeping their looks.
So a relationship with a human? It wasn't on Meeka's mind at first but as Nasarious continued to rave on and on about how beautiful she was? Saying things like—
"You are, by far, the most gorgeous being I will ever set eyes on in all of the thirteen lands. Your eyes and hair are like fire and ice."
"Do you have a spouse? Please tell me you don't! I want to try and court you, will you let me?"
"Ah...please don't let my appearances fool you. I can be a very good provider! I'm good with a weapon and I can cook! Tell me what you want me to be and I'll be it!"
It was a surefire way to eventually catch her interest.
And catch her interest she did because before Meeka even knew it? (Aka she came to a decision about two weeks later after allowing Nasarious to follow her around as a free-labor bodyguard / worker) Meeka decided to pack her things and travel with Nasarious for a little while to see if she really wanted to be with him.
The noblewoman wasn't used to so much...walking.
Typically, she'd have a horse to ride on whilst she'd hold up an umbrella in order to shield her skin from the sun. Servants standing on each side with packs full of things necessary for whatever journey she was on in order to make sure that she'd want for nothing. However...even as the human male carried her things so dutifully in front of her, she found herself quickly getting tired.
But, she wouldn't dare allow herself to be seen in such a state.
"Nasarious," She said with a stern voice, stopping the man in his tracks.
Her eyes narrowed into daggers at how unaffected his was by this heat, in fact? She'd dare say he was doing better than her! His umber skin seemed to glow like bronze surrounded by piles of gold whilst he kept a bright smile on his features. It annoyed her.
"Let us rest here, I am tired." She admitted, standing off to the side as Nasarious set her things down and started to unpack a blanket from his backpack.
And, like a hawk observing the movements of its prey, Meeka watched. Yet, the human male was something that she couldn't entirely figure out, indeed she understood that he liked her, Nasarious constantly let her know of that fact. But...from what she understood? Humans weren't exactly fond of elves, especially the kind that raved on about their appearances.
She also heard of those poor unfortunate forest elves who were frequently taken as slaves. Something that her people wouldn't dare allow themselves to be, when she saw the human, she almost wanted to say he was a scout for such a horrid group of people, enslavers but...then again, a good scout would know quick that her estate was more or less defenseless and was only armed with servants and a few guards.
And as Nasarious helped her sit, Meeka smoothening out her dress underneath her behind. She decided to make her questions known. "Why did you come to my esate?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
"I was wandering, I've told you I'm a nomad?"
She nodded her head. "Yes."
"That is what I do," Nasarious chuckled. "I wander and my feet lead me to your estate."
"And now I have a human puppy constantly raving about how much he likes me." She scoffed.
"Can you blame me? You're beautiful."
"I know I am," She hmphed. "I don't understand why you try though, humans are eager to only use elves as slaves for pleasure. Not that you could try, I'd cut off the thing you use to breed with faster than you'd be able to lay a finger on me." Nasarious cringed back a little at the image that formed in his mind but, eventually he smiled at that comment as well.
"Well...I don't intend to do that. I'd cut off my own hands long before such a thought comes to mind. But, I know what I want and I know that I want you as my wife."
"And if I say no?"
"Then that is your right," He said. "But, so far? You haven't."
Her brow rose, an unfamiliar heat warming her cheeks as she placed a hand against the side of her face.
She wouldn't deny it. The male was charming but, it would take a lot more than common flattery and outcries of devotion to allow herself to even think of marrying a human!
Now, when Meeka and Nasarious eventually caught up with Nasarious' clan. It's safe to say that everyone was shocked that Nasarious was gone for weeks and then came back with a Sun Elf trailing his steps.
Especially his older and younger brother, Lokni and Jeel, who were already married at the time.
While Meeka and Jeel got along fine, Jeel already had an idea that it was best to stay clear of Meeka and respect her nobility. Lokni was not so convinced and thought that it was irresponsible of Nasarious to bring along a noble who wouldn't be able to keep up with the constant traveling that a nomadic clan would do.
But with this argument and trying to nudge Meeka out and back where she came from. It's also where Lokni learned quick that Meeka hates one thing above all.
Being touched by someone she deems inferior. (Which births the scar Lokni comes to receive on his chest)
End of Entry #2
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cowfii · 3 months
Kowen Doodles
Finally worked up the courage to post the doodles I made of my farmer ✨. She's not exactly the friendliest (she reserves most of her care for her husband) but she'll have your back in a scrap if need be.
[I have to remember to make a colored drawing of her and Jio later on- I frickin love elves man.]
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cowfii · 3 months
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This is supposed to be Vent art, well it's not my best drawing, but it helped me let off steam and not feel so bad
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cowfii · 3 months
It’s late at night so ofc it’s the perfect time to drop the bomb that I’m constantly awol from here cause I’m busy drawing up a comic 😔. (Here’s a finished panel cause I’m kinda proud ngl)
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cowfii · 3 months
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In progress 👁️🫦👁️
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cowfii · 5 months
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started playing and I love him so much omgg
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cowfii · 5 months
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I don't know, I wanted to draw her like an AFK Journey character 🛐✌️
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