crackicrossiships · 30 days
KinitoPET doodles with some Bill
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More doodles I haven’t posted but am deciding now would be a good time to.
Orca User x Kinito with pen practice alongside some Bill with my oc Annie (the fox gal), a random Bill and Kinito swap au idea,
Also my own interpretation for human Orca User aka my own version of Y/n that is just a random idea I felt like doing. Orca User is always meant to be a Y/n placeholder so really it’s up to you how you wanna view them lol. I still view Orca User as a reader insert type deal
I need to draw Orca User more with the “Y/n” or “You” on their ‘eyes’ (I know they are just patterns for an Orca)
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crackicrossiships · 1 month
KinitoPET: Orca and Axolotl
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Me when im so big brain that I made a character that is basically a player aka y/n aka user equivalent but an orca. My nickname for them is OrcaUser and im so in love with them and love drawing Kinito being very lovey dovey with em.
Also cause Orcas are my favorites and are cool cetaceans that are fit into Kinito’s theme of marine/water creatures and idk I just feel like Orcas fit the Player/ Y/n for some reason
Not a new doodle but one Ive been having in my gallery and have been thinking about since now my fixation on KinitoPet is slightly active.
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crackicrossiships · 1 month
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I wanted to draw a fox 🦊 who desperately wanted to become a person x it’s kinda a otgw oc, thought it’d be fun to make one x she mimics a lot of human things like clothes and walking on two feet
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crackicrossiships · 1 month
Nana, my OC over the garden wall ! She's a maned wolf. She was the best student at the animal school in the forest before she ran away.
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crackicrossiships · 1 month
OTGW: Semi-realistic Owl Witch Illustration
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Trying to draw my owl gal in a style that I feel like would for the kind of character she is. Ngl I am proud of this.
Maybe how she looks like in the Over the Garden Wall show’s style will be similar to this. Albeit a bit simplified. I base her look on how you would see anthropomorphic animals in old fairytale illustrations. As well as how illustrations from like the 1800s or 1900s would look. Hence giving her a realistic barn owl head and hatching shading. I need to use more cross hatching next time
Overall, I am proud of how she looks!! She si so gorgeous to me.
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crackicrossiships · 1 month
Sophisticated Owl Witch
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Felt like doodling a sketch of my Over the Garden Wall OC the Owl Lady/Owl Witch.
I haven’t drawn or paid much attention to her in a hot minute but then I remembered about her and how gorgeous and elegant she really is. Then it got me to rewatch OTGW and love it again.
I may so a slight sorta not really redesign of her where she is meant to look very similar to how Old Fairytale Illustrations portray animals that are humanized (such as the ones in Grimm Fairytales) Giving her a realistic owl head with the body of a sophisticated lady. I’ll do a version where she is more in the show style (which may look similar to this). I will make her look similar to a Barn Owl.
God I wish I was very good at art cause then I would spend my time trying to replicate the style of those old illustrations and have her look similar. I need to find references and get perfect anatomy done right.
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crackicrossiships · 3 months
My artwork from my other account!!
Angry Bird Transfromers: Elita-One Bird aka Ruby
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My favorite Angry Bird as one of my favorite Autobots!!
I felt very nostalgic and began thinking about Angry Birds and then remembering the game Angry Birds Transformers existed so as a now transformers fan I felt motivated to draw something related to that.
Yes this is indeed Ruby the Female Red Bird from Angry Birds Season who onlg ever appeared once but is still loved by the fanbase, especially me. I also used to love seeing Oceane Granada’s artworks of Ruby including the ones of Ruby as Elita-One.
Now I absolutely feel like IF Ruby was ever a relevant character to the Angry Birds franchise instead of just a one-off character meant to be love interest to Red, I absolutely believe she would fit Elita-One sm. I still do think so honestly.
I know Silver technically has a skin of her as Elita-One but I don’t see it tbh plus the game often times just reuse the same bird characters as different transformers soo.
Anyways enjoy my artwork of my favorite girlboss!! I originally did it on paper too
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crackicrossiships · 4 months
palestine masterpost-masterpost
i've been trying my best to collect a bunch of links to other, more structured resources about the genocide in gaza, and what you, reading this, can do about it, that i'm going to compile here.
less and less people are talking about gaza every day, but it is still a very real crisis.
education, donations, speaking out, global links (masterpost)
links to contextual articles
for americans - state/congressional contacts
how you can help palestine - donations, petitions, campaigns, upcoming protests (masterpost)
non-politically motivated charity links
canary mission
petitions and congressional contact (masterpost)
education, current news, taking action, direct action and donations, current protests (masterpost)
small monetary actions
2700 ebooks on israel and palestine, available for free
thorough article by storiesfromgaza, dated 10/30/23
targeted boycott + bds
how to find state/congressional contacts, bds, email template, donation links
sudan and congo
egypt, us/uk/canada/europe congressional contacts
direct links to help palestine
educate yourself (twitter links)
translating gaza (instagram link)
bds/targeted boycott information
compilation of palestine info and how to support it (masterpost), dated 10/28/23
latest info as of 11/3/23 and large amounts of immediate action to take (masterpost)
history of palestine and israel - articles, books, films, social media (masterpost)
socials to follow
journalists in north gaza
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crackicrossiships · 9 months
Ruby the red bird x Underfell Sans
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I need to live up my name so here’s a crack crossover ship that I personally love because it’s my two favorite characters with one of them being the BIGGEST comfort of mine (It’s Ruby btw)
What was the point in making this ship? I just thought they were neat lmao. Sometimes there’s a logic to my choices and other times there isn’t. But even with the origin of how I came up with it, I can still come up with dynamic ideas
In the case of these two it’s the usual sweetheart who has patience x the grumpy and edgy fucker who loves them sm. Also these two are a red themed couple and junk. If anything, Underfell Sans is sorta like Red and Ruby would absolutely have the patience for him when he’s edgy and angry.
Overall I just think they’re cute af and that’s my Angry Birds x Undertale crossover. Funny thing is I do in-fact have a lot of Undertale related crossovers which I may post.
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crackicrossiships · 11 months
The way I’m sort of obsessing over the idea Glamrock Mangle x Sun/Moon like I have made art of it and I wanna see art of it too.
Here have this for your troubles.
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Im a desperate Mangle lover/appreciator.
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crackicrossiships · 11 months
(Pinned Post)
🌼🐊General Stuff🐊🌼
My name is Alligatia (Gatia for short) and this is my shipping/general posts account!! My other account which I will admit is basically my main but also my self shipping account @floragators
I basically just post oc stuff, anthro art, hot people/monsters, and shipping, whichever work’s honestly. Expect to definitely see a lot of crack ships or crossover ships. That is after all how I got my name because I especially love shipping, either romantically, platonically, queerplatonically, of family-like!!
I may or may not make a list here of some of my favorite crack/crossover shippings but who knows really!
My messages/inbox are always open for questioning so don’t be afraid to!
A bit on me:
I’m Aroaceflux Bisexual and Nonbinary going by they/them preferably! At the rare times she/her
I’m currently 18 and my birthday is Feb 3rd !!
I’m hispanic, half Uruguayan and half Cuban. I was born in Florida too.
I’m a furry/anthro artist and my fursona is a flowergator also named Alligatia. Though if you know from my other account, then you would know I have more then one self insert.
I simp over a lot of fictional characters and do self ship myself with them, which is primarily found on my other account. Im also a huge monster/non-human lover and my taste is very strange indeed
I do wanna make it clear that self shipping and selfcest ARE NOT the same thing. Selfcest is iffy to me and I personally don’t like it so you won’t see any of that here. However I suppose I don’t mind if people do?? Take this with a grain of salt though because it’s something that’s just confusing/weird to me and I would rather not go into a whole debate about whether or not it’s right.
I love horror stuff mainly and did in fact grow up with some gorey horror movies and I do appreciate a great psychological horror
I also have an interest in psychology, art (obviously), reading/writing, and science!! I also have an interest in baking and I’m starting to get into that hobby
I’m into so many fandoms to the point where I can’t list them so if your curious on what fandoms I am in, just ask or even look through my accounts to see. I am also in some dead fandoms, even if ofc, the fandom isn’t relevant I still am! Sometimes my fixations never die and just go into hiding you know? That is ofc, unless I do specifically I am not longer in that fandom (such as Danganronpa or BNHA). Would I possibly post some stuff about them? Maybe but don’t get your hopes up because there are reasons I’m no longer in the fanbase.
I love making redesigns and being creative because creativity is my strive!! Though do keep in mind that me making redesigns ≠ to me hating them.
Here’s an example of some of my artworks:
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Now obviously I do have Do Not Interacts, which is the basics: racism, antisemitism, zooph*les, anti-lgbt, proshitters, aro-ace exclusives, etc. etc. I shouldn’t have to say this but I do.
Another dni to note is to not try to defend problematic things in certain media (ex. the racist og designs of Yogurt Cream Cookie/Lilac Cookie and racist stereotype of Purple Yam Cookie) and instead criticize and acknowledge it. It’s also completely understandable to just not be comfortable with it at all, I myself got very uncomfortable with it. However I’ll make sure to be aware when posting content related to Cookie Run.
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crackicrossiships · 11 months
The King of Boos and Blackberry Cookie
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I have made a crossover ship that I am genuinely so in love with. Blackberry Cookie from Cookie Run and King Boo from Luigi’s Mansion
Idk why but just the dynamic idea makes me happy with shipping. Like a king of ghost with a maid who can communicate with ghosts? I feel like they might got something going on im just saying hehe. King Boo woulf try to scare/flirt with her, I mean whatever works ig. An idea I had for their ship name is BlackBooBerries.
Now it’s not the first time I’ve though of a cookie run x nintendo/mario crossover, I actually have more in mind and another duo idea too that I wish to draw fully and also post! For now have my crossover ship. And ofc if you don’t like it then just look away but I wanna express my ship with a drawing.
Here’s also a sorta different version of the artwork above
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crackicrossiships · 1 year
Weeping Protector
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I wish I could’ve come up with a better title for this piece ack
Imma be honest, I made this drawing in the speed of light without any reference last night because I was just motivating to draw something with my Faith oc Gloria and John. I always imagined her just holding protectively onto him. And I honestly didn’t think it would turn out pretty good. I just kind of said screw anatomy.
Could I have done it better? Yea but it still looks good!!
Basically the drawing is what it is, Gloria protecting John as his guardian angel but ofc she is just there spiritually and not physically. John can’t see her but he can sorta feel her presence there. The demons can most likely see her and probably become more pissed off at that.
She’s crying for him out of the fear of his safety and such, meanwhile he is crying blood.
Her true angel self is basically a winged humanoid figure with a bird mask cause it looks cool and symbolizes how she isn’t exactly human. Also random fact, I feel like she is agender but uses she/her pronouns.
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crackicrossiships · 1 year
Faith OC: Gloria
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So recently I started to fixate on Faith the Unholy Trinity cause I decided to finish watching Chapter 3 and I’m so in love all over again. So what do I do when I fixate on something? I make an oc ofc!!
Her name is Gloria and she’s basically just a character who I would makes her first appearance just in the aftermath, like someone who helps out John in his recovery. Where did she came from? Who knows, but to John she just seems like a huge comfort
But why? Well the answer is obvious, cause homegirl is actually an angel in disguise (quite literally.) She is basically is a guardian angel mainly there to protect John as best as she can but not directly intervene, until she does. (This may or may not have gotten her to lose her rank and such as an angel) The rollercoaster of anxiety she has with John because of everything that’s happening to him is something.
In the end of the day, she is always there by his side, willing to project him all she can because extra plot twist she’s in love with him, what a shocker and how original. Anyways, I love Faith and I love John so much.
Also the images aren’t her true angel form, just her main human one, I will show it soon if I can.
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crackicrossiships · 1 year
Sunset and Daytime with Alligatia and Eggi
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I decided to finally finish up this artpiece of my fursona and my main mascot (originally a self insert) of my account. I tweaked with the shading so boom these two versions.
This artwork was mainly made to be a banner/background art of my account and represented by my two mains aka my fursona/self insert and the mascot who literally is named Eggi Crack to go in theme with my username CrackiCrossShips and is quite literally an egg. She was originally a representation of myself but she felt more like an oc then myself.
Alligatia on the other hand is quite literally me but as a furry/my favorite animal. Alligatia is a flowergator and has two forms, their main human and their furry form, this.
Im very proud of this so yea!!
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crackicrossiships · 1 year
Sally Face OC: Lyra Hoffman
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I’ve been recently binge watching Jack play Sally Face and accidentally got fixated as I usually do oops.
Imma be honest, despite the fact I was REALLY into Fran Bow way back in like 2016 and such, I never got into Sally Face sadly. I guess young me wasn’t that interesting, which was another one of my “I should’ve watched it when it was right there when I was younger” kind of deal. Happens a lot more then ya think.
Right now tho, I really love it and now wished I had played the game.
Okay back to the charater!!
Lyra Hoffman is another person living in Nockfell Country but doesn’t live in Addison Apartments. Instead, her family lives in a house nearby where she does go to the high school hearby.
As any original character does, Lyra is friends with the friend group and likes to Addison Apartments to hangout with them when they aren’t at school. Lyra is especially close with Larry as they like to talk about their interests in music and movies a lot.
Lyra is usually always wearing a jacket as she always feels cold and just overall comfy in it. Usually she doesn’t talk too much to strangers and stuffs her face in her hoodie to avoid talking. However once you caught her interest she does enjoy engaging in the convo. She usually has a neutral expression even when she is genuinely excited. So don’t get too mad or offended when she replies pretty bluntly or in bored tone.
She is also mixed with her mom being white and her dad being black. And she is also jewish on her mom’s side.
Also lol I just noticed Lyra’s name is similar to Larry which by all honestly is unintentional. Maybe I should change it but I just like how Lyra sounds
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crackicrossiships · 2 years
Over the Garden Wall OC: The Owl Lady
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It’s only been three days since the first ever time I actually watched Over the Garden Wall and YEARS OF MY CHILDHOOD HAVE BEEN WASTED NOT WATCHING THIS MASTERPIECE. I grew up on Gravity Falls how could I have missed this 😭😭
I legit love it so much I had to make an oc and now I’m really invested into this series.
This is Owl Lady, she is an actual good witch (I say this because there’s Adelaide) of the snowy winter who lives in her tree home making different brews, spells, medicine, and overall studying the Unknown. She is quiet and patient owl who helps out any poor soul wondering too far into the woods, and nurses them back to health until they feel ready to continue their journey.
She is fascinated in learning about the Beast but absolutely despises him and his actions. They both don’t like each-other, the Beast can’t do anything about her and she intervenes with his plans to lure children to their doom by helping them. Whenever they do cross paths, they both try to keep their cool and just make snarky remarks at one another.
Also Owl Lady loves to write poetry and keeps a journal of her analysis. I hope I’m not too late ofc to love this underrated show!! Also I’m finally posting on this alt account yayy
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