criesindrarry · 4 years
part two:
"actually, i know exactly how that feels. i'm just better at hiding it." he couldn't believe the words that were flowing out of his mouth but once he started he couldn't stop. "it feels so fucking frightening, more frightening than facing voldemort first hand with no wand. it haunts you every day because just by loving someone you're putting them at risk, so you hide it, to protect yourself and him. you hide it because once the truth comes out your own safe bubble is gone and you're both vulnerable, so sirius do not tell me i don't know how it feels." sirius sat there, mouth agape despite remus' attempts to close it. "you- you- you what?" was all he could get out while james realized he'd be alot louder than he'd meant to be and his cheeks were now a bright red color as his eyes met regulus'. his eyes were wide with confusion, then with a sigh he broke the eye contact. "can i?" james mouthed quickly despite his friends still being extremely confused. the pieces started to connect in remus' mind as he followed james' gaze to a now nodding regulus. "i- i'm kinda gay? i guess? and imayormynotbedatingreggie." the gay part was nothing special considering that was three out of the four people in their friend group, but the reggie part threw sirius for a loop. "who the fuck is that?" sirius knew who it was but he wasn't going to believe it unless it came out of james' mouth. "regulus." james replied as he rolled his eyes and rested his chin on his hand while taking in his friends reactions. remus didn't look shocked just sort of like he'd been suspecting this and peter's jaw was still dropped in absolute shock because 'amitheonlystraightguyhere?'. "you're dating my idiot death eater brother?" sirius asked for clarification as he turned away to look at regulus who was fumbling with his tie to avoid his brother's eye. "he isn't a death eater, pads." the older black brother just looked at a loss for words. "have you both gone bloody insane! my brother? out of all the slytherin gits you could choose from you choose the one that's supposed to be off limits?" james now scoffed at that and took a deep shaking breath in. "he's his own person, sirius. if i'd told you 'no more remus, he's off limits' how would you feel? you'd go bloody insane, you need him to live! thats how i feel about reggie, he's like the air i breathe, like something i need to hold onto to keep a grip on reality. now, are you my best friend or not?" after a moment of thinking sirius nodded and turned back to meet the eye of regulus who was looking at him gratefully because he knew how much sirius' opinion mattered to james. "but if i catch your two shagging in the dorm i'm getting you both expelled for emotional distress towards other students."
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criesindrarry · 4 years
part one:
james potter, above all else, was tired. tired of hiding his relationship, tired of hiding his sexuality, tired of sirius' "james, that's homophobic" jokes, only because he couldn't make them back. he wasn't ashamed of who he was and he wasn't ashamed of who he was dating because he loved regulus and thats all that mattered. one day a variation of sirius' "james, that's homophobic" jokes pushed him over the edge.
they were sitting in the great hall during dinner and like usual sirius was trying to eat with his left hand while holding his boyfriends hand in his right. "pads, you're gonna make a mess you can go three seconds without holding my hand." the black haired boy's face was slightly dirty and he left remus clean it with a simple spell before responding. "but i like being close, makes me feel more grounded." james, who was sitting across from them deliberately trying to catch the younger black brothers eye, rolled his eyes at his sappy best friend as he returned to his food. "now, jamie lets not be homophobic..." sirius started and james stopped him right there because only regulus was allowed to call him that and he frankly didn't fancy the tone sirius used with the name. "its james, and all i'm saying is if you're so in love you can't eat you may want to rethink some things." remus settled in for another one of his friends petty filled arguments that eventually ended with sirius jokingly calling james homophobic. sirius used humor to cope with being openly gay so james tolerated it, and honestly he wouldn't have an issue with it if he was out himself. "well you've never been in love like this. you, mr. heterosexual, have never known what its felt like to know you could have the one person you feel something for ripped away at any moment for both of you simply being boys." james gritted his teeth because he knew this feeling more than most people and he couldn't say anything. he couldn't openly relate and that hurt. then, james did something stupid.
this is so short i'm sorry wlfjdj part two will be up soon though!
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criesindrarry · 4 years
we all loved cedric diggory at some point
cedric was the type of guy you'd bring home to your parents. he got good grades, was excellent at quidditch, and came from a respectable family. all of those qualities are what made half of hogwarts have some form of attraction towards him because thats just how he was. cedric never let it go to his head, and he was nice to everyone regardless of, well, everything.
draco malfoy: it was third year. the crush didn't last obviously because it only led to him recognizing his fatuation for potter, but the crush was there nonetheless. it started out watching him at quidditch practice somewhat discreetly and after being caught (under the assumption he was spying for the slytherin team) the two really interacted for the first time. draco just found him bloody attractive in "the way i should be attracted to girls" and cedric saw no problem with that despite not sharing his feelings.
harry potter: this one was obvious. it was fourth year and directly after meeting cedric he fell. cedric just had this feeling that emitted from him, making not falling for him impossible. the hufflepuff interacted with harry as if they were the same age despite him being fourteen and the literal chosen one, this only furthering his feelings which he justified by saying he was attracted to cho (who wasn't bad to look at either). after cedrics death harry took some time and eventually came to terms with his feelings before finding that same sort of feeling with a certain blond haired git.
ron weasley: ron had a crush on cedric around the same time harry did, further driving a temporary wedge between their friendship. the weasley would often find himself watching cedric from the stands and whenever the hufflepuff saw him in the stands he'd smile his beautiful cedric diggory smile. it was gone as quickly as it came because his feelings for hermione started overlapping, but before it was over cedric happened to be the one who convinced ron that harry didn't put his name in the goblet, eventually driving the two back together and further solidifying the gryffindors friendship.
hermione granger: it was first year, an adolescent crush if you will. cedric was older and the idea of liking boys was still new in her mind considering her being eleven at the time. it started while harry and ron started hanging out more together than with her and she ran into cedric one day in the library. cedric didn't indulge her crush obviously but he sympathized and let her down easily enough so that they remained friends for the years leading up to his death.
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criesindrarry · 4 years
professor drarry headcannons
harry is one of the longest standing defense against the dark arts teachers in years
draco took the potions job as a way to feel closer to severus despite his boyfriends bitterness towards the man
the first few months into their dating they tried to keep it professional and were staying so far away from each other the students began to pick sides
while nearing the end of the school year they, the students, started figuring out that they were involved romantically and the upper years asked questions that turned the potions professor pink
"weasley, i will write your father if you ask me who's top and who's bottom again, we're your professors for merlins sake"
harry spends half of his lessons to the upper years going on and on about draco because he's given up on getting his students to listen if he doesn't say something
a question from a certain teddy lupin is what sparked harry's idea to propose "professor potter, are you ever gonna marry professor malfoy? will we have to call both of you professor malfoy? that'd be confusing."
harry proposed in the great hall during dinner (which brought tears to mcgonagall's eyes until she had to get the students back under control)
they would hold hands in the hallways and whenever they got homophobic howlers from parents they just stared at them with a blank empty expression
the students started sending them howlers, some of them being very inappropriate
"10/10 would shag if you weren't married"
that resulted in the howlers getting banned for good
professor drarry just being happy boyfriends/husbands that the entire school ships😌
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criesindrarry · 4 years
light blue braces
sirius was sweaty. well, his palms were sweaty and he kept having to rub them on his pants to calm himself down. 'i really didnt think this through' it was the last day of the summer before sixth year and he'd arrived at kings cross station with the potters. whilest at the potters they'd gotten him something so positively muggle his parents would've had a heart attack if they saw them. "sirius, its moony. your boyfriend. he loves you no matter what, stop worrying." he'd been ignoring remus ever since he got this extremely muggle thing in fear of him hating it so, boyfriend or not, he was worried to say the least. sirius couldn't tell if his nervousness skyrocketed or died down at the sight of remus but either way he'd basically tackled the other boy to the ground in a hug. "sirius?" lupin asked in a confusion laced, shaky, voice. "mhm, missed you moons." the shorter of the two mumbled against remus' chest despite the potters, lupins, and his own family watching the exchange, all with different expressions on their faces. "i missed you too pads. you know you could've called, flooed in, or something, i was starting to think you were tired of me." as they stood back up remus' parents along with james' were leaving and sirius was trying to wipe the smile off of his face to hide his braces. "i could never get tired of you, i was just a bit worried." sirius said all of this with his face towards the ground to avoid the other boy seeing him. "siri..." lupin mumbled softly but was stopped by james who'd been glaring at anyone staring at his friends for too long. "we should get onto the train and then talk. i think peter's on already." sirius nodded and practically dragged his boyfriend onto the train and into the compartment peter had saved. "pads are you alright?" he asked once they'd sat down next to each other opposite from the rest of their friends. "'m nervous." remus could tell that much and he only understood after he lifted the other boys chin so he was looking remus in the eye. "re..." then, remus saw them. light blue braces across sirius' teeth. sirius had only shown them by accident but by the look of remus' face he prepared for the worse. "you look beautiful." the shorter of the two's eyes widened in surprise at the response to his braces. "did you not see?" he asked, just to make sure they were seeing the same thing. "i saw, i love them." by then remus had brought a hand up to the other boys cheek and cupped it gently. "will it get in the way?" to call the pale boy confused would be a complete understatement because by then he was beyond confused. "of what?" his boyfriend then leaned down, gentle as ever, and pressed a kiss to sirius' lips. braces collided with teeth and at first it was messy and weird but they adapted and only pulled apart when when james made a disgusted noise. "disgusting. new rule, no snogging in the compartment."
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criesindrarry · 4 years
james potter is literally in the closet
part two:
"sirius you're being ridiculous, james potter is not shagging your brother." remus muttered as they followed james outside of the class room and down the hall, hand in hand. "i swear he is, re! i mean he's always rushing out of places and coming back disheveled and all in love, you're smarter than this." the taller of the two had to admit his boyfriend sounded extremely right on this matter so he just nodded along and ducked into alcoves to avoid being caught. as they waited for james to do something remus leaned against the cold stone wall and sighed softly. "why do you think its your brother? it could be lily for all we know." sirius scoffed as he mimicked remus' motion by leaning against the wall. "he's always heading in the direction of regulus' classes and even severus has said regulus has been happier and less put together at times. its the only thing that makes any sense." it was clear his boyfriend had made his mind up on this so remus tried to be supportive and followed james, who was pulling regulus down the hallway and talking to him at the same time. "see! they're going into a closet together, cmon lets go." sirius tried to go towards the closet but remus stopped him and gently brushed his boyfriends black hair behind his ear. "we shouldn't meddle, maybe james is just talking to him." even remus knew his explaination was bullshit and he also knew nothing was keeping sirius out of that closet. "my aggressively gryffindor best friend just went into a closet with my slytherin baby brother, re." with a sigh remus moved out of the way and watched as sirius walked over to the closet and opened the door to find his brother running his fingers through james' hair and james beginning to work the other boys shirt off of him. as soon as the door opened both stopped their movements and looked over to see who'd caught them, knocking all of the air out of james who was surprised to say the least. "what the hell james? thats my baby brother." sirius said as his boyfriend laid a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down. the older black boy had been expecting this but seeing it with his own two eyes just made it feel so weird. "sirius i'm not a baby and i like james, why is it such a bad thing?" momentarily sirius put his head in his hands as he thought and let james put his shirt back on. "its just- why? out of all the morons in the world, why james potter? does it have to be him?." james rolled his eyes as he pressed against regulus' back and pressed a kiss to his temple, much to sirius' dismay. "did it have to be remus?" after a sigh of defeat sirius nodded and leaned into his boyfriends touch momentarily. "yes, it had to be remus. fine. just, be careful, yeah?" both boys opposite to sirius nodded and watched as remus led the older black boy away from the closet. "are you really okay with it?" he asked once they were a considerable distance away from the closet. "i am, wouldn't matter if i wasn't of course, but maybe james will be some good to him. maybe he'll stop my brother from becoming a death eater, merlin imagine their wedding." sirius said as remus wrapped an arm around his waist. "i feel bad for james though, you obviously got the best brother."
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criesindrarry · 4 years
james potter is literally in the closet
part one:
it started off as a few quick kisses in empty classrooms after meals and escalated to full on snogging sessions anywhere they weren't likely to be caught. they honestly wouldn't have been caught if james wasn't so clingy and obvious. it was thirty minutes into the last class of the day when james found himself wanting to go find his boyfriend. he felt his fingers itching to run through jet black hair as his potions professor droned on and on about something most students had lost interest in by then. sirius was sitting with remus in hopes if getting a decent grade (and because they could discretely hold hands if they sat together) so james was left with peter who was rubbish at potions and was using this boring lesson as an excuse to eat. the last time he'd pulled regulus out of class for a snog he'd been warned by his boyfriend to not do it again so he waited impatiently for the rest of class and practically ran out of the room when it was over, only stopping to tell sirius and remus he'd be a bit late for dinner. as he hurried down the halls and got closer to regulus' transfiguration class he slowed down and leaned against the wall to wait. a few minutes later people from that class, fifth year slytherins and ravenclaws to be exact, filed out in the direction of the great hall and james continued to scan for the boy until he laid eyes on him and gently pulled him away from the crowd, much to regulus' surprise. "love, could this not wait till after dinner? severus is sticking his long nose into our business and getting suspicious." james only scoffed momentarily as he led his boyfriend down the corridors trying to find a secluded spot. "snivellus can stop sticking his nose in our business, its pathetic really." regulus rolled his eyes as both him and james walked into an empty closet and shut the door after turning the light on. "i swear he talks about you more than my brother talks about remus, he's obsessed with you." james smiled as he leaned against the wall and listened to his boyfriend talk. this is what he loved most about them. he loved being able to talk and listening to problems other than the ones involving sirius' gay crisis. he loves sirius, but regulus is the only one he can sit still with and continue to understand whats going on. "honestly, reggie, who wouldn't be? i'm james bloody potter." regulus smiled as james wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled the younger of the two closer. "you can be a prat sometimes you know? i dont know how remus puts up with you." james scoffed despite the fact that him and his boyfriend were getting closer in proximity. "if anything i have to put up with him, sirius this, sirius that. i still think i got the better black brother though." regulus' cheeks were a light red color at his boyfriends words and at the fact that james was leaning down and connecting their lips.
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criesindrarry · 4 years
remus at james or sirius probably: don't talk out loud you lower the iq of the whole dorm
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criesindrarry · 4 years
sirus: as a mental exercise i often plan out the murder of my friends and colleagues.
remus: *shocked face because thats lowkey attracive but also icannotbelievehejustsaidthat*
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criesindrarry · 4 years
blue hair is the way to percy weasley's heart
percy hates his red hair. he hates what it represents, he hates how vibrant it is, he hates how it makes him stand out in a crowd. percy weasley does not hate his family, only the fact that his family is poor and red hair had become a "weasley trait". oliver wood had perfectly normal brunette hair. he didnt stand out in a bad way like percy did, so percy took to finding a charm to change his hair color to something more normal. one freezing cold november afternoon he checked out way too many books on transfiguration and took them up to his room to read. oliver was going over a quidditch play book when percy entered the room with more books than he looked capable of carrying, and set them all on his desk. "little light reading, weasley?" the redhead rolled his eyes as he sat and opened the first book. "do you even know how to read, wood?" the brunette chuckled softly as he set the play book aside and walked over to percy to look over his shoulder at the books. "we don't have that much transfiguration homework, holy shit what are you trying to do?" oliver's face was right next to percy's and it caused the weasley to momentarily lose his train of thought. wood smelled like a quidditch pitch, parchment, and chocolate and it took everything in percy to think straight. "i- um- need a color changing charm for my hair." percy's mind was screaming 'anything but the truth! lie to him!" but oliver just felt practically intoxicating and he couldn't think of a lie fast enough. "why? i like your hair." confusion was evident in the other boys voice as he gently ran his fingers through percy's red hair. he told himself it meant nothing, percy told himself to not overreact or do something stupid, but he gently leaned into the other boys touch without meaning to. "its ugly and too weasley, i want to make it brown like yours." he felt no need to lie at this point and honestly he probably would've felt bad if he did lie to the one person he actually enjoyed talking to. "mine is boring and ordinary but if you really wanna change it i know a charm." percy stood up so fast oliver took a few steps back out of pure surprise. "can you do it? can you make it like yours?" he didn't mean to sound so desperate but he really was and even oliver, who was as dense as they come, could tell. "but i like it like this, makes you stand out you know?" the redheads face settled into a frown as he sat back down in his chair. "fine. i'll figure it out myself" oliver sighed as he grabbed his wand from his bed and pointed it at the weasley's hair before muttering "colovaria" and watching the weasley's hair turn dark blue as he stood back up. "there." he said with a smile before he turned his hair the same color. "i said brown, are you color blind?" percy said with annoyance thickly laced in his voice so he could avoid telling oliver he looked beautiful. "its close to brown! brown is boring, we can stand out together." that took a moment to register but once it did percy was a dark red color. "you want to stand out together?" he asked softly and replaced the annoyance in his voice with confusion. "of course! plus blue hair makes you look even more beautiful." percy couldn't believe what he was hearing. "you think i'm beautiful?" he choked out quietly as he felt his hand being taken by the other boy. "you dont think you're beautiful?" the weasley shook his head gently as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "i can't believe oliver wood looks like that and has the audacity to call me beautiful." the taller of the blue haired boys frowned as he entwined their fingers and pulled percy closer to him. "oh shut up, you're more beautiful than i could ever dream of being." percy couldn't believe what he was hearing and his silence seemed to be the right answer because moments later oliver took his other hand and pressed a gentle kiss to his pink lips.
i'm such a whore for perciver leave me alone pls i find them adorable
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criesindrarry · 4 years
summer drarry headcannons
draco hated the summer before he was dating harry
the only reason draco liked summer now was because harry was shirtless all of the time
draco malfoy DOES NOT SUNBURN, but he also doesn't tan
harry on the other hand tans even when wearing sunscreen and sunburns on his shoulders no matter what
they take cold showers together when its an especially hot day
when they do drive draco is a horrible driver and harry is clingy resulting in near accidents whenever harry gets distracted by his boyfriend
contrary to popular belief draco enjoys playing mermaids with harry as much as ron does
harry gets the biggest birthday parties thrown for him because he didn't get them when he was young
draco hates big birthday parties because they remind him of the parties his parents would throw him
muggle men (and oblivious women) flirt with draco at the beach
wizards and witches flirt with harry at the beach
they have tea with molly once a week during the summer or she'll think they've killed each other
they play quidditch with the weasleys on harry's birthday (because fred weasley is alive and well bitches)
they both sleep practically naked because their flat gets so suffocatingly hot
sometimes drunk students will floo to their home and will be taken care of
harry constantly forgets that cooling charms exist because using magic after the war feels strange
draco teases harry for his tan lines
"harry, how the fuck do you assign summer homework and they still like you better?"
just drarry being happy (occasionally jealous) boyfriends after the war
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criesindrarry · 4 years
sirius: i can't tell if you're a genius or just incredibly arrogant
remus: well, on a good day, i'm both
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criesindrarry · 4 years
remus during monopoly: the game is over
sirius: the game is never over
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criesindrarry · 4 years
percy weasley's magic feels like fire
after quidditch practice oliver fell onto the couch a certain redhead was sitting on, and laid his sweaty mess of hair in the other boys lap. neither of the boys really hung out (besides when they were in their dorm room where they spent hours in each others company) but practice that day had been extremely tiresome and oliver couldn't bring himself to care. the fact that he found percy as beautiful as he was annoying was just a consolation prize. "merlin, wood get your sweaty hair off of me!" the redhead said after shutting his book and tossing it gently to the floor beside of the couch. "no, 'm sleepy." percy's legs were crossed, making him relatively comfortable, so he let the brunette stay. although he probably couldn't get him to leave even if he wanted. "fine, atleast let me dry your hair." oliver's eyes were closed so he just nodded in response as percy took his wand and cast a hot-air charm. the brunette nearly fell off of the couch as percy's magic was getting closer to his skin. "percy! are you trying to kill the best quidditch player who ever lived? your magic feels like you're burning me from the inside out." the weasley turned as red as his hair before helping oliver, who sat on the other side of the couch this time, back up. "yeah, i've heard it hurts a bit. i'm not trying to hurt you, and if anyone at hogwarts is the best quidditch player alive its potter." the brunette resumed his previous position cautiously and let the other boy finish drying his hair. "there. now, will you stop being a prat and go change into regular clothes? those quidditch robes are horrendous." olivers eyes were closed once again as he laughed at the statement. "i look amazing and we both know you'd bang if you weren't straight." that pulled a chuckle out of percy that oliver didn't register for a full minute, when it did register his eyes flew open once more which made the redhead raise an eyebrow. "did percy weasley just chuckle? more importantly did percy weasley just chuckle because i called him straight?" oliver was staring intently at the other boy but percy didn't respond to his question and instead shrugged before gently carding his fingers through the quidditch players, now dry, hair. "you're gay? join the club dude! you should come to my quidditch matches, i look even better there." the older boy opened it mouth to talk, closed it, and then opened it again. "could you be any more arrogant? and i do go to some of your matches, you probably just don't notice because my hair fits in with that horrible gryffindor red." oliver fake gasped at that as he brought his hand up to the other boys hair and gently ran his fingers through it. "your hair isn't anywhere near gryffindor red, and i notice you, percy. i just wanted an excuse to ask you to go." when those words left the brunettes mouth any lingering confidence percy had vanished and he was beet red and flustered for the second time in ten minutes. oliver on the other hand was tired and desperatly in love so he didn't quite know what he was saying, only that he knew he meant it. "y-you want me to go to your matches?" he asked softly and turned his gaze anywhere but the boy in his lap as oliver sat up slightly. oliver on the other hand was tired and desperatly in love so he didn't quite know what he was saying, only that he knew he meant it. "mhm." was the only somewhat verbal response percy got before the brunette took his chin gently and made the redhead look him in the eyes. "percy weasley, your magic feels like fire, like it's suffocating me." the weasley nodded along, half listening, half staring at the other boys lips. "it burns so badly, yet all i want is to get lost in it. if you'll let me of course." percy only had a little bit of confidence left, and that confidence was used to curl his fingers around that vibrant red gryffindor tie to connect their lips.
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criesindrarry · 4 years
peter pettigrew headcannons because everyone forgets he was a marauder!!
only opens up to remus because he looks up to james
extremely fast but only uses it for food
squeaks when he had nightmares
used to steal remus' jumpers but stole james' instead after guessing sirius had a crush on remus
is usually the one who steals from slughorns potion cabinet
explored most of the castle in his rat form for the marauders map (alot of these are rat traits i'm sorry)
brings sirius muggle things every year
mcgonagall lets him and only him pet her while she's in her cat form
went through a short period of time (three weeks) without eating because a seventh year called him chubby
short!! like, shorter than SIRIUS short
had a baby face every year at hogwarts
briefly thought he liked james before chalking it up to admiration of his confidence
send james test answers via paper bird if he looks like he's struggling
always catches remus (who is vv clumsy)
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criesindrarry · 4 years
my james potter headcannons!!
became a vegetarian in fifth year
everyone is always cleaning or fixing his glasses
refers to mcgonagall as minnie because "the detentions are worth it"
has really bad adhd but uses it as an excuse to annoy his friends
only cries when sirius or lily do
was the first person sirius came out to
cried liked a baby afterwards
asked sirius if he was a top or bottom
doesnt laugh or chuckle, he GIGGLES
takes in lost first years and teaches them how to make messes regardless of their house
got in trouble for yelling "yeah, be gay and do crime!" after remus came out to him
asked sirius and remus if they were dating now solely because they were the only gay people he knew
got smacked by lily for asking that even though they were dating
once told sirius he might've had the slightest "boy crush" on his brother in second year, resulting in him questioning his sexuality
this questioning led to him asking lily for help and then gradually growing closer until they were just hanging out because they enjoyed each others company
james potter just being a precious non prat-like human being thats there for more than therapy and pushing wolfstar together
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