crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
Mixed Race Research Project
Hey community. I'm a student in Saint Paul, MN, and this is an anonymous survey for a research project I am working on for my undergraduate thesis involving mixed race/multiracial people. I'm mixed race myself, and on a personal level I’m working on this particular project to better understand my identity and multiracial identities and communities as a whole.
The survey is intended to be taken by multiracial/mixed race people only, and has questions about how one identifies their race and about ones racial attitudes and experiences with race growing up. This is in order to understand how and why multiracial folk come to identify the way they do.
If you could take or share the survey, it would be of tremendous help. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have.
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crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
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crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
bless fat girls
bless confident fat girls and bless fat girls who aren’t so confident
bless fat trans girls
and fat girls of color
and fat girls with eating disorders
disabled fat girls 
poor fat girls who can’t afford to do OOTD posts
fat girls who don’t wear makeup and aren’t hyper feminine
and bless fat girls who are
all fat girls
bless em all
*~*~throws confetti~*~*
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crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
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How to tie shoes for running
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crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
So I started a side project tumblr
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it’s called movespo and it is my attempt at creating a safe place for people sensitive to a lot of the triggering content that most exercise and workout information resources are literally crawling with, who have a genuine interest in learning to exercise but like…don’t want it to suck complete balls there is an about and a disclaimer that i highly recommend reading before following.  i’m going to work on this everyday (hopefully) as much as I can, drawing mainly from my own experiences, but fingers crossed this blog can evolve and expand to include all kinds of information on different exercise obstacles (both mental and physical) and possible solutions and aids for them. i think this is going to rely heavily on followers contributing or asking me to dig up certain information for them, but….yeah i guess we will see if this turns out to be something people are actually into??? I just had a lightbulb a few nights ago about creating it and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since so HERE IT IS, a small baby blog with a big hope to help
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crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
S/o to mangos n mango juice
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crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
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Bree Newsome takes down the Confederate Battle Flag at the South Carolina State Capitol [x] 
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crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
conservatives: the government should not interfere and should not be involved in anyone's personal lives or decisions
conservatives: except gay people's
conservatives: and black people's
conservatives: and women's
conservatives: basically I meant I want a gun and no taxes
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crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
Masterlist of literature about/including LGBTQ+ Muslims
(To be updated continuously. Please let me know if there’s anything I should add/remove!)
Note: While many of these are centered around Arab, desi (South Asian), or other “Islamic” cultures, it’s important to remember that not all people of these ethnicities are Muslim, and not all Muslims are POC.
A Map of Home by Randa Jarrar (a book about growing up Egyptian-Palestinian in 1970s, protagonist is bisexual)
Bilal’s Bread: A Novel by Sulayman X (about a Kurdish-American refugee family and the secrets that one boy keeps) and Adventures of a Bird-Shit Foreigner (about a mixed-race Thai teenager who is kicked out of his family)
Loving You Wasn’t Enough by Fatima Warsame (romance with two college-aged Somali Muslim girls)
Sex and Desperate Hearts by S. Akshash (a collection of two short stories about gay Muslim men)
The Taqwacores by Micheal Muhammad Knight (novel about an “Islamic punk” subculture, featuring queer characters)
The City of Devi by Manil Suri (Indian novel with a gay Muslim man as one of the main characters in a love triangle)
Two Gay Muslim Couples by Ali (about two pairs of gay men living in the Muslim world)
Assorted memoirs by Abdellah Taia (the first openly gay Moroccan intellectual, covers issues of culture, identity, and East/West relations. Most are in the original French) 
Bareed Mista3jil (stories of LGBTQ+ Lebanese women)
Before Homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic World, 1500-1800 by Khaled El-Rouayheb (scholarly work on the concept of homosexuality in pre-colonial times)
Female Homosexuality in the Middle East: Histories and Representations by Samar Habib (traces the history of female homosexuality from the 9th century to today)
Gay Travels in the Muslim World by Michael Luongo (tells the stories of both Muslim and non-Muslim gay men in the Muslim world)
Homosexuality and Islam: Critical Reflection on Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims  by Scott Siraj Al-Haqq Kugle (scholarly work that challenges hetero/cissexist interpretations of scripture)
Hussein & the Nomad and Khalil & Majnun by Rahal Eks (memoirs from a gay Sufi man living in Morocco, exploring spirituality and love)
Illegal Citizens: Queer Lives in the Muslim World by Afdhere Jama (stories about queer people in countries where same-sex activity is forbidden)
Living Out Islam: Voices of Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims by Scott Siraj Al-Haqq Kugle (personal stories of LGBTQ+ Muslims)
Love, Inshallah and Salaam, Love by Nura Masnavi and Ayesha Mattu (queer-inclusive anthologies about the love lives of American Muslim women and men, respectively) 
Progressive Muslims: On Justice, Gender, and Pluralism, compiled by Omid Safi (anthology of writings by various authors on progressive Islam)
Queer Beirut by Sofian Merabet (ethnographic study of queer lives in the Middle East)
Queer Jihad: LGBT Muslims on Coming Out, Activism, and the Faith by Afdhere Jama (a look at the lives of queer Muslims, mostly activists working towards ending homophobia) 
Sex, Longing, and Not Belonging: A Gay Muslim’s  Quest for Love and Meaning by Balruddin Khan (memoir from a Pakistani gay man)
Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times by Jaspir Puar (scholarly work examining the role of the white gay movement in reinforcing racist and Islamophobic attitudes)
Wanting in Arabic: Poems by Trish Salah (poetry about trans and racial identity by an Arab author)
Shorter pieces:
Assorted publications by Andrew Yip (scholarly studies about queer people of faith, many of which from 2004 to 2010 focus on Muslims)
“ Azima ila Hayati–An invitation in to my life: Narrative Conversations about Sexual Identity,” by Sekneh Hammoud-Becket (article about the concept of “the closet”, analysis here),
“Brown and Queer in America” by Mona M. (about the intersection of brown culture and sexual identity)
Collection of articles on LGBTQ+ in the Middle East and North Africa (compiled by Muftah, which strives to provide a diverse voice in a Western-dominated media)
“Coming Out in the Muslim Community” by Ramy Eletreby (the author’s personal coming out story and how it affected his relationships with people)
How to De-queer Your Apartment, A Very Queer Ramadan, and Not Your Tragic Queer Muslim Story by Lamya H. (”creative nonfiction”-type essays that delve into the author’s identity as a queer Muslim) 
Islamic Texts: A Source for Acceptance of Queer Individuals into Mainstream Muslim Society (PDF) by Imam Muhsin Hendriks (gives an overview
“Seeking home: The lives of gay and transgender asylum seekers of the Middle East” by Nicole Crowder (article about Arabs cast out for their sexual/gender identities)
“Sodomized by Religion”: Fictional Representations of Queer Muslims in the West (PDF) by Ibrahim Abraham (analyzes the “hybrid identity” of queer Muslims as depicted in two films and two novels) 
Kaos GL (run by Turkish LGBT organization since 1994)
My.Kali (Jordan, online and in print bi-monthly) 
Q-Magazine (Kosovo, bilingual: English and Albanian, sadly seems to be inactive but there are old issues available)
Roopban (Bengali, new magazine, contact on Facebook if you want a copy)
Totally Radical Muslims zine (pieces by queer and other marginalized Muslims)
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crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
The death toll for Karachi, Pakistan is over 1700 because of this horrible heat wave. Electricity, water, and ice prices are rising bc of the horrible heat wave so those who are poor can’t afford it. Please pray for Pakistan.
You can also donate to the United Muslim Relief to help get water to those who can’t afford it in Pakistan.
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crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
your friendly reminder that Malala Yousafzai actually had a polite sit down with Obama to talk about how his drone strike policy was perpetuating the conditions for the Taliban to thrive in Pakistan and it literally changed nothing about the U.S’s droke strike policy.  
your friendly reminder that last year Muslims went to iftar at the white house only to be told that the U.S will continue giving financial aid to Israel as Gaza effectively burned in the background
so tell me again why what Jennicet Guitierrez did was “disrespectful” and not a necessary act of civil disobedience when clearly polite political sitdowns with the marginalized are not affecting Obama’s policies 
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crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
Marvel made good on one of the most exciting rumors surrounding their upcoming Phase Three slate. Ava DuVernay of Selma fame will direct Chadwick Boseman in Black Panther, Marvel’s first minority-led superhero movie.
The DuVernay choice is great news for the future of the Marvel franchise not only because of the more diverse perspective she can bring to the table (she’d be the first non-white, non-male director to see a Marvel film to its completion), but also because in hiring someone with such strong vision, Marvel can combat accusations that its lucrative franchise is a creatively stifling place for directors. In the past, Marvel has employed a wide-range of creative directorial talents from Kenneth Branagh and Shane Black toJon Favreau and Joss Whedon. But it’s only been a yearsince Edgar Wright left the studio’s Ant-Man, a project he had been developing for the better part of a decade, over creative differences and just a few months since Whedon sounded off with remarkable candor about the “really unpleasant” storytelling battles he lost in making Avengers: Age of Ultron.
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crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
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crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
Officer Timothy Loehmann who shot and killed 12 year old Tamir Rice back in November is finally being charged with murder, aggravated murder, involuntary manslaughter, reckless homicide, negligent homicide and dereliction of duty charges
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crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
the distinction between “crafts” and “fine art” is probably driven by misogyny and the devaluation of women’s labor
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crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
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crisscrosscoalesce · 9 years
ferguson happened, baltimore happened, mckinney happened, the dominican republic happened, charleston happened, all within the last year and people are still denying the existence of antiblack racism
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