I'm really hoping that we get some awesome rewards when the grand festival splatfest is over! Oh, and it'd be freaking awesome if Nintendo was brave enough to create a set of Amiibos for Pearl and Marina dressed up in wedding clothes!
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While separating relationships into strictly sexual, platonic, or romantic or some combination of those is fine for understanding the aromantic and asexual spectrum at a basic level, we must eventually understand that some relationships will never fit into these categories and often queer relationships are more complex than that, and our definition of queer relationships must include abstract relationships.
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liking someone platonically is so embarrassing like. yeah i admire you. yeah i think about you all the time. yeah i look forward to every time i see you even if it's only for a minute. yeah it's all platonic and yeah i couldn't explain this because it'd sound romantic. fucking hell
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fly high with me! ☁️☁️☁️
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why he ate that
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Moths are Soulslike butterflies
> darker and edgier looking
> always attracted to the light even in the darkest night
> have insane lore
> fighting against giants past their prime (me) in the forsaken buildings (the bathroom)
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No Surprises.
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I'm kind of hoping Metroid Prime 4 goes for the obvious franchise mythology gag and has Sylux remain fully armoured and speak with a masculine-sounding but obvious synthetic voice throughout the entire game, then in a post-credits scene "he" removes the helmet and promptly brings the series full circle.
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So I got a new shirt today
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I drew this on a university trip and terrified my peers
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"QPRs and other non-romantic committed relationships are not inherently amatonormative because there existence challenges amatonormativity" and "the way that some people frame QPRs as inherently more than friends is recycling amatonormative rhetoric like 'they must be in a romantic relationship or at least a QPR because friends don't do that' and is no more helpful" are statements that can co-exist.
There are phrases like "romantic relationships for aros" that completely miss the point of QPRs and frames it like aros need to make up for not experiencing romantic attraction (at the same level as allos). Ignoring the way that some people treat QPRs and other non-romantic committed relationships as a stand in or a substitute for romantic relationships is ignoring the hurt this causes non-partnering people.
Notice the nuance in what I'm saying. I'm not saying that QPRs are amatonormative. I am saying that the way some people talk about them is. Also notice I'm not talking on an individual level, this isn't about people who feels their qpps are more important than their friends. I firmly believe everyone has the right to choose what relationships are important to them and how important they are. I am talking about people who make generalising statements that do a disservice to the point of QPRs and other non-romantic committed relationships and harms non-partnering people
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For the first time for me, I attended pride with my aroallo flag. And I didn't expect to attend having a day free from doubt, rude assumptions or misguided "oh but-" words. In fact I had genuine curiosity that ended in new knowledge and respect for me.
But most of all, I was recognised by one person for my flag. An aroace youth, literally shaking in excitement at the sight of another aro. We exchanged hugs some many times I lost count and I almost didn't wanna let go, because of how beautiful that aro joy was for us both.And in that moment, I held open this bag of aro joy keyrings I've made to gift to other aros I cross paths with, and that's where I realised that maybe I needed that hug just as much as they did. That bag is now half empty, and my heart half full.
Aroallos belong too at pride, I can attest to this wholeheartedly. And in-person aro community means more than just relatability; It's a lifeline almost. It's hope.
I'm glad that I did take my aroallo flag in the end, even if I were the only with it, because the solo presence is nothing compared to aro joy and radiance. Aro joy really exists.
(I forgot to post this last weekend when this happened over here too but better late than never and it deserves to be here too for the active aroallo peeps here because we so belong. Also, please no ace or aroace tagging)
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From a distant sea town
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scott the woz getting realer by the day
[ID: A yellow notepad on the floor with bulletpoints that read “Would a Super Nintendo kiss me if it were real? Would a Super Nintendo kiss me if I got a job? Why do I wanna fuck my game console?”. Scott Wozniak’s hand holding a pen hovers above the notepad. End ID]
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