curiouskoi · 10 months
i miss the person you were before
loving me with no conditions
as if the sun required me to rise with it
as if the moon spoke soft tales of me
i thought promising my life to you would advance these
instead it has me looking back and wondering
when did the flowers stop blooming because i asked them to
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curiouskoi · 2 years
i wish we could all just love our bodies
completely and deeply without using the word 'despite'
without wishing to be as we were as children
i wish we could all just look at ourselves in a mirror
entirely as we are and say 'hey, thank you for all you have done
i forgive you for changing and accept you as you are
i will stop expecting you to fit into a criteria established by outside opinion
and instead love you for everything you have sacrificed to give me,
for all you are
and all you will become'
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curiouskoi · 2 years
please tell me
this is not all there is to this life
i crave adventure, freedom and a love only knowing of kindness
i resent you for tricking me into a life lacking of such
but most of all
i resent myself for becoming so settled in it
that i forgot how to daydream and chase shooting stars
never again shall i find myself stuck
in a life with no magic
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curiouskoi · 2 years
it is funny
that you held such expectations on me
never batting an eye when i achieved them each and every day
but as i place those expections on you in return
suddenly they are unjust
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curiouskoi · 2 years
you shatter my heart, you shatter my soul
and then without a second thought
hold me and ask me if i still love you
as if you are still deserving of me
fuck you
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curiouskoi · 2 years
how you can sit there and watch me fall apart over something you did
without as much as a flinch
i will never understand it
you are not who you once were
hardly recognisable
i need to stop loving you like i used to love you
and need to love myself enough to let you go
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curiouskoi · 2 years
stranger danger is what they told us
people you do not know will want to inflict harm
but it is not the touch of a stranger that keeps me awake when the sky is black
it is the touch of a childhood friend, pushing me down on her bed and asking me if i could keep a secret
it is the touch of my husband, forcing himself in me on our own bed as i begged him to let me go, cradling our 6-week-old son
i'm not afraid of strangers, i'm afraid of the ones who i am supposed to trust
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curiouskoi · 2 years
when i shoved my highschool bully to the ground and threw my force at him as payback for every degrading slur he ever used
you got down and held him tighter than you'd ever held me as you told me how insane i was
as if the pain i inflicted on him even scraped the surface of mine
as if i had done this on a whim with no reason or right
thats how i knew you would never choose me
and finally, i'll let you go too
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curiouskoi · 2 years
and although i know you were never meant to be my forever
my heart will ache for you until it no longer beats
- you will always remain my 'one that got away'
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curiouskoi · 2 years
what were you thinking?
when you called me that wednesday evening
i had not heard from you in over five years
you had to clear your own concious, did you not?
did it eat at you all the time?
the way you stole my childhood and left me with permanent reminders of what you did
you were sorry?
are you still sorry?
does the thought of me shoving you away and begging you to stop keep you awake now as it obviously did then?
or have you moved on?
lucky girl
i will be healing from you forever
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curiouskoi · 2 years
and when you told me how proud you were of yourself for keeping your children safe from rape, i realised that you were actively choosing what to see
and you never saw me, not once
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curiouskoi · 2 years
you threw me into the ocean without knowing if i could swim and as i sank to the bottom, you demanded to know why i chose to drown and never questioned why you chose to throw me
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curiouskoi · 2 years
find me in every book I have ever read
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