cynicalatlife-blog · 7 years
Beauty and the beast made $300 million at the box office,
yet we can’t seem to fix world hunger.
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cynicalatlife-blog · 8 years
It's a shame how
China didn't interfere with the elections to cause Trump to lose
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cynicalatlife-blog · 8 years
I got a free coupon for eggs,
So I bought like $6 worth of organic eggs and I expected them to be better than regular eggs, but they weren't...they tasted like regular $2 eggs
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cynicalatlife-blog · 8 years
I'd rather have a Mormon as president,
than an annoying orange
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cynicalatlife-blog · 8 years
Trying to see the good in greedy businesses and businessmen
Is like going to Disneyland but dying on one of the rides
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cynicalatlife-blog · 8 years
Mission trips can be beneficial however,
often they cause more harm than good and most people just see it as a means to travel abroad.
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cynicalatlife-blog · 8 years
Moana was a AMAZING movie however,
I don't think it was $14.50 amazing
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cynicalatlife-blog · 8 years
I am waiting for
Trump to destroy America so all the people who voted for him will feel like shit
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cynicalatlife-blog · 8 years
Despite Ted Cruz being the zodiac killer,
I have mad respect for him since he denounced trump.
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cynicalatlife-blog · 8 years
What is with all these Celebrity Books/Memoirs?
It’s extremely hard to believe that celebrities have the time to sit down for hours and weeks on end to write a book. To be honest, personally, I don’t want to read how Tina Fey or Mindy Kaling overcame whatever shit. I wouldn’t doubt that they were only it in for the money. I also finding it disgusting how they end up on the bestseller list. They most likely had a ghostwriter or co-writer who probably did most of the work. 
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cynicalatlife-blog · 8 years
Gilmore Girls is a sad excuse for a TV show. If I wanted to watch bad acting and unrealistically smart phrases/ comebacks I would read the clapbacks about Donald trump.
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cynicalatlife-blog · 8 years
Goodbye earth, you were beautiful, a good friend, and an great resource.
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