daekiyu 3 days
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if you love your cfo you also have to love his family
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daekiyu 9 days
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thoughts filled with pickles
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daekiyu 19 days
Yeah titties are great and all but...
What about booties??
your wish has been granted anon
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daekiyu 19 days
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shore leave. u can see his whole ass on my twitter
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daekiyu 21 days
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daekiyu 29 days
May i ask more about your courier backstory (sorry if you already answered this and it was somehow lost). But he just seems so interesting. Where did he get that scar on his eye? Or does it come prepackaged with Benny's free lobotomy?
not at all thanks for asking! i'm always down to talk about him lol i'm glad you think he's interesting馃ズ
but yeah, benny the generous lobotomy giver topped it off with blasting cesars eyeball out. thank you benny for your piss poor aim
to be honest i dont have much of a backstory set in stone yet but so far, courier work has been a regular job for him to take up, and he expected that fateful job to go like any other one, as one would. ideally he would be from arizona, perhaps he used to work on some sort of ranch or farm bc he's quite skilled with rifles and guns. got pushed out from the state thanks to the legion. something like that idk i dont have the lore and history memorized so if stuff doesnt line up pls fix it in ur mind for me and then pretend it does lmfao
unfortunately after losing an eye it sorta threw him off his game for a while so he had to get used to being handicapped in that way. he likes to make sure his guns have some sort of distance markers down the sights bc of his fucked depth perception
he doesn't remember much about his time before getting lobotomied but it's a convenient excuse bc i simply do not have that part of his backstory very developed and all in all idk it's not very remarkable (to me) since i like to focus more on character interactions. and also i like to change things around, so nothings set in stone! maybe i'll throw out an update if i do some solidifying
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daekiyu 1 month
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assorted mtl doodles :)
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daekiyu 1 month
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klokateer no.469
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daekiyu 1 month
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spiderdads and michael gta keychains on sale!
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daekiyu 1 month
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spiderdads and michael gta keychains on sale!
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daekiyu 2 months
Your courier being named cesar is so inchresting to me. And I cannot help but be curious (apologies if this has been asked before, I cannot find ur faq). Has anyone ever heard someone talking to/abt ur courier and mistakenly assumed they were talking about the Legion? Also ur art style is so art shaped.
haha thank you!!
i didn't exactly know the full scope of new vegas and the existence of the legion when i first named him that, so it was a very fun coincidence! it probably has happened before, much to cesars chagrin (even if it is pronounced just a bit differently) and funny enough he wishes people would stick to one pronunciation over the other (the latin-accurate kai-sar of course since the legions wanna be giant homo larpers). i also like to imagine that arcade starts using the latin pronunciation and the rest of the companions pick it up too which cesar appreciates
anyways i can sorta see it happening like this
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but generally cesars reaction is just
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daekiyu 2 months
I just wanted to thank you for drawing booba Boone and caked up Boone. Godbless 馃檹馃檹馃檹
just doing my duty sir馃
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daekiyu 2 months
hello do you fuck with dean domino. i love the way you draw boobe btw
thank youuuu
domino... he's pretty cool. i ended up having to kill him bc i passed one intelligence check and he hated me forever, which is really fucking funny to me
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daekiyu 2 months
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dead money trauma yay... the courier came back wrong :/
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daekiyu 2 months
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hello hashtag boobe nation
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daekiyu 2 months
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boone and arcade and booncade
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daekiyu 2 months
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my courier cesar
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